HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-29, Page 771;112ffegli aria *be MI lloort la kohl lordly *Who menses • hese*k is sae of the ?lest egaiptewit to heart timesidie rebut the kart heessies eillismie the ;mem week la renagoikr, loo Nowt , ears whoa the hart bosom makeeet kind the mime testervag nes that sfilte lean is regabibei stimileted aali tie aeries etringtemaill met rested ea, yang mune* nfout ma Nerve Pine. Mrs. Sandi MM Rket Barber, I reele, written -in lam Use troubled, for ems* .,yesee, vitt my boort sal 1 issewia Ike kart mei be get se bee, I at them, 1 amid laurity beside, end was so dhow everetlitag would ter* Meek before am,y lase. 4011.11041.1111.1.11 lompi ft. 1i1 I Sunday c fternoon Try Man 11.41=71" Goirokit. Oat. imomosimisiltestaillitielleIRMASHOWINIewillae 4 ow der dialeriar me lei •tabe ierbich X did, and 'atter :tile* epee lboitee I felt into st•different perm& Z esuinot recommend Ithe ra too highly to loll those who•ero suffering frorn beset for uerre emulate." Priee 110c. •a box at all dealers': or Imaged direct 021. receipt of price by r, The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, !Ont. . T. SAN ART'S' gilt0 and flume Liver!) flack Stables, Els.. Montreal Street less off the Square 1111 gib SEVERAL.tIRST.CLASS AUTOS READY FOR SERVICE -GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT•TO, CET THERE atom* Meet an trains aria Pamenge r Seats Passengereicalled for in any pert oI the town for all • train* in r. it; or c, P. It liepote Primp* Service and Careful At tentiance. +we.% our Litiery and tieeit sorties will he found up-to-date, °•lit teen. reepect. •• eie et ea • • • hour Patronage Solielted T. SW ARTS Phone 107 Moctreal Street. m t • 1 elm 1 11 11.1- o Elm um mow 1.1•111111 111.11•111•111111 I I I I rum OP 111 1•11.1 • I Disk Nos en EN Ma Moir be Stip . tom LIDG0b11.11 Mall two* N 11 LAIC COUli PitTtne. Stoma* Diooriors what esialVales U� ems gsbnige Cit lieke wed SOW, *ad east. Poietres Aimee DUgetiltses Back of the loaf is tharatuiwy /tow. teens Wittit eV*. aired this "bread Thourneda of witiertithate lis.pit Alit Adesategoll- And beck of tke Boer the mill, frees Weems?' hied ...mkt es Iiia safer almost daily from drsitePida, tc.,..tpdhut., yv 06"..A. Tmuuk iouarit or And back of the mill is the wheat, part hut the peepte lute certain eking* indialifitiost, feriatietation• goer' add ' ----iiiiiiiittile.--Teires-Se.--- i and the sle-wer, t, do and to observe, wItereley God stoeitteit. Iletanauttes tease or ItigtrOla pmet, hi. liv, ampir firrialli, di,. And the On, and the Father's will. would peeve them. They wee Ire re- after estate. If taer would onlY - ------ - - ------ -- Dr. Maltbie D. Babsoek. ceive a religious tree's:dug directly un. fen* the Ili/resettle Wilk if skwl' 17.,1141:etitnec",titheoil erfinnrskal twi PRAWIR , der the cyte at God end the int lee- dfalking allber earl. Meal a Elessful t, be a vary noel eb"repultuthparalavre son to be targht wag a constant de. of hot water toritalaiesr a titiuipoon- rowdies as a source of kae llalte pray, 'Give us this day our daily pendent* on God for • •thair daily tol or two Watt* of Bieuested ANC- end grain feed. . I Our Heavenly Father, teach us to brad,' _ bread. *Tee Teeple seen ite out and sesta they would mon Had their The Wet Yalu* of the my bean to Ontario will boas a hay crop. with a sincere sand fervent leather a certain rate every ems i• stomach se strengthened end iniprov. ?t.4 - spirt. Forgive 'us for having at WRY Thea they were to observe the sit;y ed that they meld eat tee richest lug trials nitre demonstrated that well made soy bean hay btu a feed- i time doubted The loving care of us of rest by 'Wheel* and prePartig and moot satistyieg meals without YAWS that is slightly lees titan and keep rs from failing to see in twice as much as en the sixth ila the least sYniPtosi tilt indigestion. I" mxti alfalfa. la mesons of probable Jesus, the, Bread of Life. idle ri for on any previous day. To the der " Nearly all so celled digestive trou- shortage the my bean can be nourishment of our mule. In His ions Moses dd Y. Se reCt" "di ethyl y. ehen bits are calmed by an excess of skid used *a an emergener hay crap to the i facie 'blood pi in greater adverataets than any other name we pray. Amen. know that the Lord bath. brought yea mid en neu nt eltP Y S S LESSON FOR iii.13G tith 1026 .out from the land of Egypt" the stomach, causing the firlod to fer- Plaid used tor the purpoet, Dairy oath tie 4 beef cattle do well 0 • Lemon Title -The Givin f g 0 e The ;children of Israel were assent- ment and sour before Won can tti P ott‘i ne nay, eating it up clean with Manna. 'bled to hoer what their leaders had take °Lc.' A glass of hot water t will draw the blood tit the atilinech ° exception of the coarse Parts °t the stalk. /moon Pinenodee 16:146. to say to them and as they stood looking towards the wilderness they and the Bisurated Magnesia will nem- .Soy bean meat as a stock food tag Golden 'Teit--Joins 6:45. • saw the pillar of *lud hovering over tralise ,the stomach acids and make a value comparable to linseed meat • •a the food contents bland and sweet or cotton seed meal. It to fully as The children of Israel. having got- them and in the light that shone ten reefer across the'Red Sea, batted from it they witnessed "the *glory of Easy, natural digestion without dig. rich %in digestible. erude protein u tinsedrdt. meal and even higher in this to celebrate their deliVerance out of the Lord," and the voice that spoke tress of any kind is the result. ;As- ureted Magnesia is not a laxative, is pdrlye tyaws that:toe; ttanlliMmtlerl. irio): the hand of Pletraoh. Then Moses to Moses rebuked their, murmurings harmless,' pleasant and easy to take da fry instead ot either limited otItisot- twain the lourney out into the wild- against the Lord for in reproaching and can be ton seed melds. where the tenon- erneise takinL,thern ever farther and their •leaderii, they really murmured obtained from any retie. ble local druggist. Do riot confuse trete is not required in excen of two fartlier eivay from an their former against God. In the ,evening God Bisurated Magnesia with other ' pounds per day. aceiletomed life. Far three day* that showed His faithfulness' by sending great procession of men, women, chit- fonts of magnesbe-Lmilks citratesSoy bean meal makes e, good pro- dren and animals travelled south- ward along the eastern shore of the all white with the promise flea . • Red Sea, covering a dittance of thir- and every man gathered accordingsto 'prepared for this nurpose. ...._ea.--.....„---, - _.,.. . ..... _ .e., Soy been meal can be used In grow- five association. It sometimes °mum ' " I y miles. The first discomforts of the requirements a his .family. ----- ' lug young pigs, but it ebould riot be that of the price mid by tre cons t nothing himself a, large round hardtack, and fed in excess, It fee in corilunction , sumer ter a bushel or potatoes about S 5 eommanded that should be stored for another day but with this he tried to ward off the with tankage or skim milk to pig* that have. free access to a mineral two-thirds are required to defray the emairr may it resultvenest results. Soft tot ot transportation and of Metre there were some .disobedient ones pangs of starvation. But he had among them who couldn't bear the his teeth were poor. He flung the small success with the endeavor; for bean Ohne. button, and one-third is lett tor the SinfrgAnTergorti grower. Title is not as it eltould be. thought of so much good food geinir be freshly ground. Old mete be- Uudoubtedly one of the boot sone - it thing of adamnaut aside, finally, end di o dition is co.e era - 1111 11..1 11 ..II I P&SIB ISM Marketing the Pleat° Crop. This potato grower should eater to Ike wialtes of the mot particular and exacting customers. He should furia* lab. a choice product in a most ate tractive term and should carefully study the demands ot the market he wisheii to serve. For the best prices the potatoes- should be uniform, Sound. smooth and of good table qual- Ur, whether seleeted by the pound, the ba*ket, the bushel, the bag; the tweet or the ear load, The coin- merciel potato grower should not be contined to the local market. but should be in it smitten to put shie fl great flocks of grail into the camp etc., but get it in the pure Bisurated tein rich addition in fattening beef _ Potatoes ou the ..Pat market avail - and in the =ming the ground was form (powder or tablet) eopecially cattle and sheep, baying for this puts. elite, either through his own efforts 1 equal 11 d meal,or through the mediem ot a en -opera - their pilgrimage began to .be felt when the supply of water fidled. They still had provisions 'left from weat they took with them out cf Egypt. God agein gave them to know of His goodness _to them le changing the bitter waters of the dis- trkt into sweet, and, refreshed, they went on their way reachingein a short time Elim, a real. omits, for there they found twelve wells of water and seventy pelm trees making a fine camping grornd.. It is estimated to, be a mile in breadth, but stretching 'nit far to the north-east. Here:they 'halted for several days arid then, tieing well refreshed by .the shade of the trees and the abundance of sweet water, they set .out for the wilder- ness of Sin -a desert tract extending nearly across the peninsula. As they trot farther on into this, barren dis- trict and as they saw their food sun- -sly lessening. fear of starvation took hold on thein and dey began to stumble. They forgot the cruel taskmaster and thought only of the • flesh pots.of other days. From inure shuring to each other about then. pro- epeets they began to upbraid their leaders sayingedeath by plague such as'had cut off -the first borii of Egypt 'would be preferable to a slow death by starvation..-• Ga. showed lifeheitehow His hand was -still to be seen working on the behalf of His • chosen people in 'spite of Mir forgetfulnehs of past inter-' vention. It was a proeess of educate nee this wilderness Tourney. , Their were being trained in physical endue. anee and in daily trustfor their.:daily wants. God epoke to Moses saying that bread would be rained from hea- ven thus marking at the outeet• the Otrictly surernatural character. of the amply. Withort such copious sup- plies the vast host of the Israelites could not have subsisted for any length of time in any part of the peninsula. We ate' told that »mien • travellers through the desert of Sinai take supplies sufficient for man and - beast for forty days. Specific direc- • • Mintird's is the enemy of all rheumatic troubles. Ruh it in thoroughly and , often. It-easas the pain, stipples the joints, puts new life Into the tissues. " Nub ft in ta • 000 LINim EN Ti lee USE .. HYDRO ELECTRIC The People's Power eook 4.0111161Y Wish by Ekctiicity ,Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK mover than cog or wood An Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; a broom just moves the dust. t We guarantee all Hydro Lamps for 1500 hours. Walk k and we display at The Hydro Store CASTOR IA1 iht ballants and MM* Ulm FirOvarSOYears Merges beim the gligwasere of to waste and they triedto owe . comes rancid. -due to the high oil don on the part of the growers them - n ell for sueha e n It not only spoiled but drew down the. 'cried' testnY 't "My God! Ain't it bad enough to content It is good practice to mix wrath of their leader upon them, for - cat a phohograph reeord without hay- other grains with the soy beaus at eelve&--. Dept ot Exteneion, ()A.G., such distrust ' of the ane who is •"the time of grinding. Dry, starchy u4e1P11 ing to listen to the damn' machine? same yesterday, to-dae, and - for Shut up, will you? You've got the fartintintecOrn. oats or barley will • ve-ce - -ver ing in the grinding proCe i excem oil thereb aid- SCHOOL FAIR DATES, ever." Another act of disobsdierice indecentest . singing i I e ft:Bowed when some went out on the heard." r ing cuislities of the meal. . so and keep- The following are the 'laths if the day of rest to gather the supply jest • of Huron tills hear I thateitewouldn't fall on the seventh prlitANG Tral yout,trs.tro. 1 About 300 pounds. of all may be G dah. We learn from this early els- "' rand Bend -Sept. 7th pressed out of a ton of soy beans. servanee of the day of rest that the Cheer Schemers Who Have Hoaxed The hard, dry cake that is left after Dardiwood- Sept tith Pressing is grontid im leaving a pro- Crediton -Sept. :eh Sabbath was given to Israel before Continents. . the law was given th Moses on Mount • . , ! dreakk necwnArtisetteue Ida% ocattlnyeaelovorrs Winchelsea -Sept. 10th Sinai. They were not only to tease Prom time to time the whole world n has a value equal Wroxeter -Sept. lath tnia min product Gorrie-Sept. 14th *cm work but they were to abide in Is stirred by eorne amazing item of his place on the seventh day." The t LUOI t d. fli d I their tents; "Let no man go out of Sabbath ii•more than a mere law; it is a token of God's interest in man's 'well being ' both physical and spirit- ual. No man ever loses anything by a strict observance of the Sabbath, • God further made provision for the remembrance of His miraculous care over theechilhren of Israel. ens in- structerMoses to "fill an omer of it to be kept for four generations; that they may see the bread wherewith I• as though they had not been warned • (To be continued) - Soy Bean 00 flake. school fairs to be held in the County have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from, tbe land of Egypt." ,., The children of Israel were a long time in the wilderness, yet in all these forty years they never lacked for food; but as soon as they came unto the borders of the land of Can aan the rniraculbus • ceased. How- ever they had laid • up not ,only in their memories but in visible form in the pot of manm, laid tin in the Ark, that vvhich connected them with their past -experiences and helped them to remember all the way that the Lord their God had led- them. "Their ex- periences Are recorded for our in- struction, bidding us to "forget not all His benefits, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healetb all thy diseases, who satisfieth thy mouth with good things," WORLD MISSIONS reds, be made during favorable *wee- The Old Mr. Li's Manna meatus of this rnvention, be sthted, a quart of water could be mein to then The cutting should he done lied a force of one thoesand horse- not later than AU41111t 15th regard- The Mr. Li was very °le and very ppor, e news. It becomes the chief topic of Bluevale-Irept. 15t. • I ' . . a feed for swine, soy bean meal fur - conversation. • Then, with. startling Ashfield -Sept, lOtli nishes one of the best protein rich suddenness, comes, a bombonell. rho , story is a "fake." A clever schhmer I pounds of SOY bean oll meal replaced comentrates available, One hundred Sceo.thIolrenleei_it-seSpetp. ti ti 1u7ith has hoaxed the world. 1 83 pounds of tankage and 22 pounds Hensall-Sept. 20th Something of the sort happened of corn, in feeding experiments. Zurich -Sept 21st not long age, One day it was an- From this Its high value as • a plg • Varna-SePt. 22nd nounced that the "lost books" of levy feed can be appreciated. Blyth -Sept, 23rd had been found. Livy was a faraOlOS Soy Beans for Silage. Roman or an, an a ce zi part Pthel-Se t 24th Of his work has been Miming tor Soy beans In combination with W Iton-Sept 27th a corn In the proportion ot one ton to a thousand years. The news that this Goderieh Tie -Sept. 28th three tons of green corn makes au Belgrave-eSept. 29th missing Part had been found caused Dublin-eSept. 80tb 'great excitement among learned men esoxycebneeannt dsoileasgneet mEankBieleadvaelrywipealaht! alt over tbe world. Then the tinder able silage, and should therefore al- Clinton -Oct 3 and ele' calmed an additional sensation by ire- ' 'WAYS be mixed with corn or other _____ . • _ appearing. The frontlet* were watch- otareby plant, as sorghum, sunflower, ;VW cr:s.aopeorit,2.41.,, ' ed. stud the closest search Was made or clover. • e . la thaaer OM 30 Yew, **Oa • • . for him. He reappeared, Only to eon- Harvesting Soy Beim& se..17.4 feet that hie story was ontrift. •:-The soy been IA It ahoy tompiera- •‘.0;e0.4. e rioride, eieg bad been "pulled." A few days later it was reported tivelv new to Ontario. It has its • pe liarities and is not the eatitest le Louden that Ring Boris cf rtul• garb. had been assassinated. eletIrne and late ripening. it is ready to har- A Pee to Asiluna.-Give Asthma a chance and it gains ground rapidly. But give it repeated treatments of Dre D. Kellogg's. Asthma Remeir and it will fall back even faster. There is no- hall way measure about this remedy. It goes right to work and drives asthma out. It reaches the inmost breathing passages and leaves no place for the trouble to lurk. Buy it front' your 'nearest deal- er. I • CANADIAN NATIONAL 11,1. TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO • Dally Except Sunday Lave. Gotlerich 600 am. 2.20- p.m. " tcn 6 25 2.52 pan. • Seer-1th 6.41 a ra. 3.12 p.m. - Mitchell 7.04 a.m. 3.42 p.M. Ary. Stratford 7.30 a.m.' 4.1() p.m, ' Kitchener $.20 a.m. 4.20 pan. " Guelph 8.40 a m. 6.00 p.m. Toronto 10.10 a.m. 7.30 p.m. Retro ning-Leave Toronto 6.45 a.m., 12.55 pan. and .6 05.p tn. Parlor. Cafe ear, Gorierich to Tor- onto, on morning train, and Toronto to Godench 0.05 p. m. bean. Through coach Goderich Toroneo. FO P I AWRPNCP.te SONS . Town Passenger and Tickets Agent, 'Phone . 8 • • GODERICII MARKETS Wheat, perhush......,. Lee to $ 140 Buckwheat,. per Inish. to 70 Hogs , . 12.30 to . 12.50 Oats, per bdeh . 40 ta 40 Peas, per bush, • L45 to 1.50 Bayley, per • In to 70, Catt1O, ordinary, per . cwt. 0.25 to 0.25 f.attle, export ... 7.00 A°, 7.50 1 (per cwt.) . Cattle, chile& cwt.. '-.6.50 to 6.76 Lambs, per ewt..... 12.00 to 12.00 slinky Butter. „, • .; 40 to • 40 Eggs, per don , 26 'to :7' 30 Family flour,' per cwt • 3.00 to '4.00 ;Patent flour, per ewt. 4.75' to . 6.00 Brae, per. tot... to 33.00. Shorts, per ton, t3.00 ro 35.00 ;MY, per ton ... .. 1.0.00 to • 12.00 Hides' Oh to 00 rotatoes, per bag 2.50 to evertrwhere. • , • • crop. to cure as hay. •Late seeded est anixety was felt. nen It v• to good hay making, The nights are Legation in Liendon rang, The ins tember are not as a rule•favorable definite could' be learnt. All ds- vest from August 10th on. Weoeher long the telephone of the Buliral" conditione In late August and, Sep - The. Godeiich Star's learnt, that the king was alive i ni cooler, days shorter and moisture, well. A Bulged n newspaper hae more abundant than in July, when been hoaxed, and he story had wen copied. by newspapers all over the world. • " the clovers are harvested. Poe Hay. • Good hay curing weather is the Curiously enough, scientists and it requisite for good soy bean hay.. other Intellectuals seem to be among rho pods should be partially tilled., the easiest to hoax. There is the slid tile leavem tired, to make the instance of the "•Keely =toe." Art • best ehlored. nutritious and palat- inventor declared that he had die- able bay. A bay that le green In covered a new force, more poiverfills rotor and has a tweet and pleasant than any power then knewn. By :Vomit and Is free from mould can The The Star and .London Free Press , 56.75 The Star and London Advertiser.. , .. . . 6:75 Star and The Toronto Globe. 6.75 Star and The Mail and Empire... ... 6.75 Star and he Toronto Star.. ... 0.75 " Star and The Farmers' Sun... . 3,4(1 Star and The Family Herald ani \'.'.k St ; - Star and Saturday Night Star and The Catholic Record 3.75 Star and McLean's Magazine... . ... 53.75 Star and Rod and ...... 3.90 Star and Moptreal Witness.., renewal 3.85 . new... 3.50 TheStar and World Wide renewal 4.25 new... 3.85 Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals may he had on application but a Clitistian. His eeeshe a priest,7he power. Tbere was intense excitement lees of the stage of plant develop - this announcement; Twenty merit. Every day after August lStli would bring bread or meal, and Mr. civet thousand pounds was raised by a leade the baymalter nearer to the The Li would say, "My Heavenly Father's grace," for he felt god sent it This ' public fund; the inventor was hailed production of mouldy and undeisir- 11:1111ce, The The toe Pt:educed it machine Amid :he handled In such Pa way an avtollen eee sweaty feet, Immo( . didn't bring ylou food,- you would The infeen feet, tired feet. ' storm, for all Ile would care. '"But' -a beffl ug tangle of pipes and. tubes a bright green hay. The hest ma-, to save ail OP leaf possible and give -tesatn., dUlativfoltirunisactii:Itist•if5otisr tohinvii he bun- reamer. it having the adVantage of good-bye corme callouses, &Wong " He puts it into your heart to helpchine Mr Mit work lethe sweep rake and raw SP°t$1. No mere shoe tight. me." "Vety well, I'll stay away, ied the affair and was seen to sliP &Merin'. the teem melte into smolt *onus . -hen we'll see what happens.". After hp face M "Q"' many days Mr. Li had not a single in a reservoir of rompreseed air -the riles whleh will rare without further writ" Is Inagical, acts right- a, only power his "Invention" posseesed. labor. The ordinary mower may be are drama out alt the•• • crumb, but while be was yr eying. Another hoax stecelved ocientlete used for euttine tee erop and the extidations which puff up the feet. there was a strange cawing and flap. and Raffle of th„, greatest V I 404- side -delivery rake to roll the bean 1/se "Tie, and forget your foot Pherinethe yard. Some crows were 0--- ----,&" Certil-11- eltiroresoonit ;Wed stalks Into wthdrows. where they can inisery. Ahl how comfortable your fighting, and dropped a le ' f pork .- ertig' . that be had diecovered a ray whIrh cure after 'being put up into very feet feel. A few cents buy a ,box and a 'Oaf of bread. WliPilhCeth% meat could blow ells. ship* that .were lying email ceche. All handling while eur- deperlsent • trD'ffwas boiling, the priest Of "Tie now at any drug or wanted he, Ave or more tulles away. He gave Ing must be done while the leavets Have good -------. glad feet, feet thataying, "Has the ' Heavenly Father 4 'wonderful demonetraelon in the are 'still green or demo. Tile gr" I" hinder has been uotilto harvest the Cood4r,"gore feet, bunting feet. angered the priest, who said, "If a's the greatest mientiat of the age.' . never swell; never herta never get vou tell so Invah about sent you Presence of lieoPfe. erop for hay With good suecees *bon lie had of course discovered,no• tired. A year's foot comfert guar. guard or money refunded. C:.11 at the Strt or 'Phone "71 for any information, ray at all. The ships were exploded tbe weather Wag tterorable. • Dr dame • - • • extlahned,--"Where in the world did . weather the bundles will mould It not • -that'?" "M by a charge of drnamite placed on OOP YOUNG WO to know more about Him, was on- on the oceasion of a second test • er sent it." Then the eries cocks while still a• little green. Cur- 4 t wanted d• b t Cb Hoe cab's arrange y wo c niP • +shed considerable rain if put ten he Iboard, and ignited by an electric the air and sun. Soy beam will - verted, became. 0, preacher, and died soraething Went wrong, and instead ing In the swath and the use et ne. suFFER mosT a martyr in th;frBoxe war.. lirowit T lor, b e containing the "Iwo b f th ot the ship being blown' UP, the fate 1 ha tedder Is not to be receinieended • . . r ay e • t .boat• • mause o e great.o lave, • feseor's" assistant*, and -poor color produee--------- - n - These Two Found Relief by up Taking Lydia E. PinIchaes's . h . corn, and e mixed a half -pan of had found a channel at the north of' hours. WINDS OF CHANCE One of the'most amazing latexes big, it Is best before drawing In In on record Is that of the American barn or stack to turn the cocks over Banking by Mall ..(Continued from page ' explorer, Peary, who reported that he and expose to the sun fee a few Vegetable Compound biscuits Tom watched him frem be., Greenland.' This was supposed to Threeliting Soy Beans. th nil t Prove that Greenland wao an island, The best machine for threthInt le Ayerra ClIffr lauebee.:=1"riltivo-- 'nes -1441110-itald.-tho-channet.-****s- tuerked• eon the regular pert-andebean-threiber:-•- metelilv at the icieles ,which still sea tembitig for three years, andAmerican navy maps. It was not un- The ordinary grain threshei' can be se the end of the clung to his lips. His corner of the to six years later that another ex- used successfully providing the year Ialways feel cabin was cold, henee it was a pain- • plow reported that where the then- cylinder speed is redured to 400 or tiredand horn no ful process. When he had disposed net was said to be watt a range of 500 revolutione per minute: ;eel all aPPrAete• I was of the'last lump and when he could hill& free from lee and where game • concaves and some of tbe ever ei e teeth removed If the I -ego or. e and brittle. A corn vie • e been used for bean s' '-.'« cesetully. After Bite.* •• • should be stored In o' • .• .• shovelled over tr• ee • surplus moisture 1.-.• I • Care In stow- le • mouldy beams wet OWN 0. A. College t' w ti s meamtee.batifte no longer restrain his irritation, he aboUhded, TAW in oic back brokout: Peary alio claimed to hare die - e latneemes I "01 course eau had to make bread covered a trot of land called Clocker -Inkitohlgroltostop didn't you? Just because you know' 14121"Ilks.enentlYi other explorers 3. established the fila thet no such land WOrkitig. A friend Pm starving." existed. Peary's "diseoveries" have recommended "It come tail didn't it?" Jerr Lydia B. Pink.;" . o. Y been deleted front the naval mays, haws wettable inquired, with aggravating pleasant- and much doubt has, eorevequeetlie ropound to nte nese. It ain't my fault yeldre been east upon his' otatetneet that he and I Ininan Wipe how etarvitig, and you got all night to discovered the North Pole. good itemise I00htit woW, help cook 'what you want -after I'ni done. Some )earl Igo s leiter was te- n*. Anil it 44 Z4OW 1 take Int I don't rare if you bake a layer cake eelred by tut important newspaper bottles 41"17 year 1.14 "wren*" it and freeze ice-cream. You can put ' declaring that the greatest sufferings to abet's.' - DieltALSA Paarrilita, Algell Clig, *whoyour front feet in the trough one were being experleaced by the inhabi- teats of rertain pens of Italy owing champ your swill; you ran root and °MAW hel Werek" , wailer In it, for WI of me. I won't to the failure of the tamarind crop. ____,Clienitiereefee•Noliseeelkittilae.`ejeel kedeeetre hurry you, not in tht least." Aa article 'WAS actually published on „ the eubleet and a relief head sug- rermar r"ml.".. l.""' a"' '''''"'"wir "It's tome Adis every Olio lat 1 -- e Y, geeted. Macaroni ie not a plant, but at Moos tioosatit pains eatieing vognitiot, and f 1 wea tAntli. grumbled the former speaker. . as article manufeetured trent Senn lag *Moot and Ise NNW hours Jerry giggled. "I sIwalys vale I trould be *noble to attend to my right lucky, except in piekin' per& Suited WM*. Throve' au *emrdeopeut* the potpies I know *of ledla IL Pink- bera's Vegetable Ornmermi, ami it has been of greet benefit to me, tite troubles being cempletely relived." -LAMA J.EA_ teen Ceenthig, Vag's County, Non But* ners; he deelared. In cracked end e Friend -Were you excited en your Weeks* volt* he began hemming u „wedding day roundelay, evidently intended to ex. *reGroomee„raeitte" sly, gate m gaiety *04eontentment. Unable longer t., nIth•tand. his the,bride ten Oilers and tried to kis', gnawing hunger, Tom secured for the minister." A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN • . • MILLER'S WORM III• oaersto NO ••••••011111. SWIM UMW. AUtielgt.• AM, V/41111010•01LV SILICAN•Ili OVINI 1111111.61111T •10.10MIX 0•1•1011. 0.50V155Y Ai OUSAIT 1 The security afforded by the Province of Ontario Savings Office, together with the facilitiese.oextended or every Post Office in Canada and other untries, make it possible for - everyone to deposit their savings in this Bank. 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