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The Goderich Star, 1926-07-29, Page 5
4 1 u u 1 .. .-r -- . NI-11IY-MENI.I•IIIIIIMI 1 1111 11 11111111 III. I I I I II , . m 111111 III II 1 11 Il ill III II 11 1 1111111 III III THURSDAY. JULY 28th. 1°21 : HEAIQUA►RTERS FOR FIy and Insect Destroyers Slay tiro Flies, I**cY, Lite, kJ Rags aid ether hats with F1T TOL FUT, FLYOSAN, FLYX, FLYOCIAF, SOHO (Liquid And Powder) BLACK FLAG (Liquid stud Powder) MOUTH SPRAYER FREE Atm eAit1$ 6R . ARSitNATR .r IUD est +1410 fess hes ,yen sstl IH1RDSLABX 1MIXT1lRE CarnDbell'S" Drug Stare PAM 1/M1 - - GO -� was pretested from !e 7e� eeirirkl beam et edam >st.Mift awl litli 'nest un the outside W $ !Toes NYer• glee* aete b! M W lug *Wee* like sM egg t • I ep die +h;YYs, womb *ft .N.. oo 41.0 tiou0008 Weld When neon broke tis esvrlstt di>•Msd� !fell' +�! Leialc- yeast,mewr„ f e� 3 ...>i'+'ore M•• ; - ferleb elelnes-_�mela a_. �..t Lw - tth exuding silt lire it *t1y now by two tomer 1 M 's, law. tob the y) alcohol, 1,otil this T. L 9 r, of iteresatf s sad the body) produced !endo fiefs hhits'«!' Rev. J. J. Demist, et Vara. umia- k k pt good killed the poi. i wore heeugkt from South seed k was was good for some pearlamp* Iiriiana, b'i' Kr. W. G. WMaaut and cl11t war good to hint in spirit lamp' from Miasesaka Mr )Rev. R. Lll;fiesee and itp was good butto tb.prevernse s tit s: so* -in-law of Mr. John JoyM3. Leek- - for which the wry geeted: now, There were also present from far whfch it was cit ful use a ted Toronto the three sons of the lots that it would be unlit for use as a beverage.Rev. Jos, Casw.111who was pastor of libel on the young people of Canada Mr• Edward S. Crowell, Mr. Nat Cas- of hs well, and Rev. W. B. Caswell. These inglyrepresent them 6 coming increase, seen were delighted to Agit the $e- angly under the influence et a.coh,il union and tray tribes to tore memory Of the .re �asss a p Rask but the fact tb� we htsxd so of itis r e Miss the enures fifty years ago. They are Miss htcCorkindole said it vias a �r j court! re w ip fathers Ttee delighted the '1iffyl ,Goderich much *bout these only showe+l that sudden. 'Igo with malts reminisces• It these cages were so rare that mush ces of Gd.rlek and Dungannon and was made of thaw. She bad been the surrounding district. travelling throughout 'Canada for Sapper was served to sone 700 THE SUMMER SCHOOL able concert in Goderieb, morning gave well many months, attending all sorts of goads, and following supper •a soft - `rendered solos at both and gatherings of e-oung people, at num- ball game wait played between Ash - Closed on Sunday Last In Inipe(essive evening services in North et, church, mer tesarts And pleasure r.sorta, a'i fi 'Held and North St. United church. Services I at the morning service sinonit, holiday occasions of all sorts: and' Goderich. Thi$ resulted in a winning "Open the Gates of the 'Temple; and she had yet to sae env young ncrd,on score for Goderich 15.13. The Re- l iiiThe sixth season tit the Goderich at the evening service, ,,Beyond ,the under the influence of Iiquor union came to a close about 9 p e Dawn At the evening service Met: anti y Special Values For FRIDAY ane ' SA T URDA Y 500 Yards of Plain Colorad=o' SILK BROADCLOTH In all the good Shades Friday and Saturday 89c 1116 -Inch ALL- JNEN TOWELLING, Color*.,, Boaters Splll'cial Vallee at 15c yd. BATH TOWELS, 17 x 38 inch These ere a splendid Towel s•tr r,te;lr b'�thisig party Oar Price 25c each 200 . ,Pairs FIBRE SILK HOSE Several S:iadts and all Sizes. We are clearing this line at 3 pairs for $1.00 , i r- everyone went home to stkrt the **earner school culminated in very era, Wheeler, Robertaion, Newton end next fifty years happy indeed to have impressive services on Sunday last. Belcher gave a male quartette in -- had such a gathering together. , Though not quite as large in ottetsd• goad style, the number being "When Financially the Jubilee was a great ince as the school the Previous year; the Days are doing By, arranged by success also, Approximately $525 Mr. Hamilton, the organist of the was received from all sources. Re.:,. "SDr. elitism said on SundayIn connection with the jubilee a averring at the closing rally he had churchward's• And the anthem was Wood- "The Splendore of Thy lazy:' booklet giving a historical sketch oft neves seen a finer body of young At the morning service in North the church, with pictures of the first Teeple than were in attendance n street church Rev. A. E. Armstrong, y church braiding and the'present build- Iar1y during the week; and as re- M.A., associate recxetary of F .rci n ing, the first minister and membe'•s • •suit of the. mission work studies and theure c' church's work and of the Missions for the -United. Church, far- of the board and the present officials, vey: of the was issued. merle secretary of the Foreign ?lois- presentation of the call of the church cion Board" of the Presbyterian Much.. of the success of the event to a life of service at least one young church, govt; an address, 41 is due to the energy of the present lady has decided to give herself to FN th pastor,. Rev; E. Dickenson. emission field: others have re;;lrt- Tho afternoon service fn•connec o ered an iritentien to take up various with the summer• school 'was held in • forma of Christian activity, and et Victoria at. church, and ceratisted et: the close of the Sunday evening ser- the regular consecration service of ' vice in North street United chureh, the school. It was conducted by Rev. e 'before a congregation which practi- Dr. Millson.,y a1 'rally filled the church,. thememhera ' In addition to' the names publirhed '. of the school_ gatheked round the, in our last issue of tboiao, aetten4ing Dr. Millson, and, in a sole •ndatforan, at the invitation of'Rev, the school were the foll,itving, re solemn prayer. gistered as member': Miss Way rededicated themselves to Christ and Howell, Goderich; Dr. Curphey, Tor- :, _.,.._'' lois serriee. • onto; Miss Mae eine i •, The sermon on its ay eve re, ar icer,. , - Ben- Edd ' Its 63rd Year s) Con ratul•ltions are extended � . Syrian who on his return from .being miller; Rev. E. rirmstrocg and Mrs. Rapidly the ranks of the early. set• et the parsonage - to both pupils_ and .teacher. with him two mules burden earth, Telford an. ' as one one these -assn who sang at the avenins service evidently with the crude idea that;, Blyth; Mrs. G. O. l*, Blyth; ,'Mrs. m of the soil ;et t e �• secs are slipping away, to the Great at 2tiile last Sunday evening, will fav - by taking sa e Steinhoff, l)lyth, Miss Beyond, With the passing or the congregation with another country" be could take with hien •some a poneetlytlt•,Mr. and Mrs., end Miss James riling on Sunday. the 18tH,." 1 next f$ d Air. Brock Orr sport last west: at PHONE 86 NILE Miss Louie McWhinney, of Detroit, is the guest of M. and Mrs. Joe Thompson. - A number from here attended the closing session of Simmer School last Sunday evening.. Mr- and Mrs. Chas. Hawkins and dalfghter, Betty. of Toronto, are . E. RIBBER T CASH STORE RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICE-. has adorned his house for a number of years, He has started to build a modern structure in its place. 111x, Maitland Aloin, section fore- man on the re'ilvoad here, spent the last two weeks holidaying at Flint, EHE' NEZER ell, and Mrs. R. Bruce visited friends in Dungannon a week ago. Haying is nearly over for another year and the'next will he the wheat. i Heaccompanied by Mrs.Roy Rutledge is ass st ng a I smooth, d7; heavies i exec a heavics7 last Sat- , crap. 4 f Huron C^onnty- `Total hogs. 11'24 (From Another correspendentl Several front here attended the !select baton, 3ti'.'. thick smooth, 621; funeral on Saturday last of the late, heavies, 5 extra . heavies, 12; shop Mr. and Mrs. Seders, of Kitchener, F,lg:n. Rutledge to Dungannon.: De.,,'.roF•s, dei; la .ids and feeder, 5. are C. Ag at the home of Mr. andd a n grandson of M Ge+ zc;c _ ``+-^°-•- Airs. C. A. Howson. Rutledge of this plata, Iti•port of Hog Shipments for Week Ending July 15, 1926 McCaw --Total hugs, 75; select bacon, Ip; thick srnooth, 44; heavies, 3;. shop h.gs, 7. Auburn -Tots, hods, 72; select bacon; 26; thick ..; Alen. was rived home Boyle of '.t Augustine with his hay 1• shop hogs, e; 1Tt lrts and feeders, 1. Allis. They arrived home S - cease wa , , It's what eoU today that mikes The -following ntusie pupils of Miss , - yah what you are Winnie: Howson, A. L. C• M , were We understand, in a vague way successful in - their second piano ex- what a he-man is; '...But just what Lots trying are tomorrow.' of men fall over themselves - to get ahead of then men. d ser Walton, visiting Mrs. R, McIllwain, Nile. aminations; :Hiss Edna young, ele. would a she -woman be,i S d ning'xas M ' Gardiner, Walton; Miss Curry, THE LATE JA2MIES YOUNG',, Miss Grace White, of Chatham, and merttary piano .(honors), Miss Edna preached by Rev George Telford, of .Nile; Alis Laving Rogerson, Con- A Long, Active and i)eeful Life Misses Jean and Margaret -Thompson Walden, elementary piano (first class Myth, on the story of 'Neaman the stance; Miss Verne Densmore, Ended in of Toranta, are spending ,,few weeks p cleansed' c£ .his' leprosy, too' back Armstrong, Listowel; Rev. Cr. and tiers of the Huron tract are thinning, Misses Jean and IMtergaret Thomp- ...� *TOWNSHIP ' b d of ' If d d Mies Jean Telford byhardy old pion GODERICH . h M Alberta Rich of Mr • Haying is not vet completed here. of the influence of the Goa of that Snell, Londesb�xo1 M. Knox, Londes one of the few xemafning lfnlss 'with selection un ay.• Stratford: t - this being in accord with orn' M. Holtzhauer,: Londesboro; and. those early days was severed. Barn A very sad drowning accident ce- Apse G Jackson and - im .!turned canners, y g elle ideas of the age` that the power the'following registered as visitors: in Bremner, Scotland, he came to carred at' Hayfield last Wednesday to their 'nasi! at `Bancroft' loot 'week: of a ged extended only within the Mrs. J. Dickinson, Lucknow. Canada as. a child with.his palerit$, afternoon when Mr, Elgin 1loerle RtMiss At .Curzon, Huron Road, at - God. of which he was the r• tione' etre, E. Bender, Blyth.: who• settled at Porier s:Hill, where he ledge, second son' of Mr. Geo. K.Rut-tended a hall game at Stratfrrd last as o e while . 1 e of Nile . W y r om God.. .Miss Mayme Young,Landon. ,grew to young: manhood. He had one eels , , e c q;Tednesi}ay. _ Mr. Telford applied the' narrative -Stanley R. Johnston: London.bathing and sank in shallow water in n asking' NOW the members of the qi the kindest g hearts and in a Mr. and Airs. R. AieAllfster :tutd i Miss Jean Webster R, R. No, 8: gt:iet, unassuming wayhe-.extended a sight of friends, It is believed that summer school wouldtake back kith' Seaforth. helping hand whenever °opportunity the young man was diving and struck .children visited friends . iii toliiorne rd Nott T.;gmanifiville th a of twenty a stone stunning himself, for he was tie .Sunday evening. h f ei " M' da ale d ' Ab lit i5 them, in the way a inspire ion .,i • . iso v na , present! o e a + information and determinationto Keith Webster, Egr endvlile, two he moved to Cslborne township, a good swimmer and had.been in the Rev. Mr. Booth, of Sett e:.d, rtsai,tf: In the year 1877 he was married to: Water about half an hour,, The body' ed Rev. S. Jefferson at. the afternoon of Ashfield, who sur- was hard. to locate and some time service at Union last +nund.t, Bridget Dalton, elapsed, before_ an one succeeded In The 'Goderich townshi council. his wives bine. with two sons and" four y p daughter!: James A., of ?Goderich; bringing itto the surface.`Two doc- decided to change the date of its tors And four nurses were on the pie - Ernest, f'o'ci Monday afternoon to Ernest, en the.homestead;' Mrs: iii.' i? - g mprev of Goderich towns ip an Tuesday afternoon,. Aug 3rd. makeetheir lives cot'nt for service, r Eunice Long, Benmiller. Neaman asked that he be pardoned Dorothy Walters,. Benmiller. when he .escorted his master into the Florence Rogerson, Detroit.. temple of Rinrmmn''and bowed with Mae Rogerson, Toronto., hila in that heathen temple, and his . A. Butchart, Burlington, -request wa x:granted••b-rause the pro- Mrs. Butchart,- Burlington. h ' d sic grounds and all of theta did their req d. ���;i & utmost to restore hie but in vain, phet knetiir that thosPh there would The following officers .were cl Mrs, W. itrhalfng: Mrs. T. Quinlan f Mrs. E. Anderson and children, NOV be a. boning of his body his heart. for next year's school: Honorary and Mrs. D. ,Devlin, of _Stratford, The lad's father and Rev. L. C; White .have been visiting relatives scree are would rat be HEED^ing worship. Anes presidents, Dr. McGregor, of L• ondon, Alin and Henry 'rung, of Gaderieb, of Nile, responded to. a phone. call and now guests of. Air. and Mrs. Titus: the summer school student: returning and Rev, C. tole Claire!, Goderlc t and Mrs. Agnes Austin, of Kings- arrived' at ,Bayfield beach just as the Anderson, Napier St, Goderich. ff the insnfrat r of the wheel President, Rev. AfcTavish, vice preen bridge, are brothers and. sister of the .body Has being 'carried .up the bank. A game of 'softball bets;, 11 the. rom - _..__..._.. v- dg , , . ..... After.,.learnin _.. the articulars._:and. ; -would be confronted tv. th the basis dent, Rev. Geo. Telford, Blyth; se dece"ssed. ()n Tuesday morning et g p Riverside (Huron Road) Wye 'tied. problem. .The world. with i its sono'!- 'Mary, Itev;. W. R. Alp, Auburn;nine o'clock solemn requiem mass was seeming a:certificate from Dr» Brown, the Union boys was pledkin. Melte' mems would' claim homage, but the `treasurer, Miss M. Bailie, Goderich, sung in St. Peter's huxek, Goderich.of Clinton, they brought~ the body , field, 6th con., Aigndaq venins: The e� determination of the summer' school registrar, Miss F, Mooney, Goderich; sa •by Rev. J. N. es c cut i -.ked by horse to . dile. The funeral service Riversides were victnriausl stedent should be,the same as.that of advisory committee -Rev. L. C. Rev, J. J. Young, nephew of the'de was held on Saturday aftel�iiaon at Neaman to worship. only the God q# White, Nile Rev, S. Jefferson, Godo- ceased, as deacon, and T. J. McCarthy the family residence, Nile,, and amid Solis Marimba Band: of Central Israel.• rich; Miss Laura •McMillan, Egmonci- s .su-deacon. Rev. Pother Young a host of sorrowing friends and America at Chautauqua ' Monday, And Naaman's -determination in- vide; and Miss Sharpe, Dashwood, delivered a splendid sermon, Which neighbors the family hollowed the Aug« ,2nd. eluded bis whole house; he waned An' Friday 'evening the .address was was especially explanatory of the remainns to its Test resting place , in surely tell those he •came, he contact given bye Mina MdCorkingdale, of •Catholic .doctt'ine of Purgatory, and the Dungannon cemetery. Rev. Mr. 'smith about his etre of -the lenrosy» Australia, wMit#•,has been visiting in the Mass.: The intezinent took place White. officiated. The lad is' survived Po the duty of those who had'felt the Canada since October last, ` She' ie a in :the. Colborne cemetery, t1io.-.,pall- by ,his father,, an aider brother, Cal- look about a Power cf contact with Christ. was to very' clever speaker' and ,has. hada bearers being Messrs. John : and vin. of Goderich, and a half brother. • look about ase ab for opportunities of wide experfenee in temperance Cain- .Henry Young, brothas of the deceas= Wilmer, at Itemo, his mother hay- PERFECTION service to those about. paigns - Australia, and has a very ed; Mr. John Gallagher,. Thee, Carrel, ing predeceased him several• years. PERFECTION Rev. W. R. Alp, of Auburn, the Messing- manner. BeiS1: subject was Ales. Young and Jos. Quinlan..' Many other relatives of this eoiuitiun- secretary of the school. led in seayer s ienfi;it;on from the pant of view ofd; ity and 6f Ebenezer; as well as more C)II. STOVE? • at this service:. Rev. Mr. McTavish. science but in audition to this she; ZION CHURCH, 'ASHFIELD 'distant places, were present at the of Crediton,, the president. of the gave some . interesting information feneral Elgin had been away fxoin We are agents for. these in Goderich, Tnrn in tour old one end got to new rue. seine', was on the platform, also about her own country, which, thougn Celebrates Its Golden lubfi . with home for over islee years sailing Rev: C. F. Clarke, pastor of the an island, is also a continent, not Happy. Reunion Serviced, and on the Great Lakes until this year church, and both took part in the quite so large as Canada. 5licial when he went to Clinton to learn the services. The 'service was a union Snow is practically i nknown et:- barber 'trade. He finished his course one, the congregations of North st. cept on the mountain tops.of the; on the eleventh of July and was in Use If and Victoria et. wordhipping togeth- southern hills, for it is Bolder 'Lille Zion United church, Ashfield, Hold business in a' Clinton shop. Tie Was Thin es your Store, er, and with the summer school,, the further south. one goes indeed of the a most sueceesft l Golden Jubilee Re- well liked 'by ell who knew him,. sang church; as already stated, was well further. north. People from Carsick, uni.n on Sunday and ;Iionday; July in: one of the Clinton choirs and was p/� pp��p�/�1�•� ��Ce filled, where it Is so.'much colder, often sone. 25 and 26, fElebrating the fiftieth taking a prominent part in'the,young �Ai}{I`iil DLli><ij111 [ilk._t�._ Mr. Peter Wilson, of • Stratford. plain of the cold in Australia, the birthday of the church building. `Ex- 'people's work in the church.. The FURNITURE p rf p�y�{n leader of the Stratford Male Chorea, ,explanation being that artificial heel- tensive lyreparations had been made sympathy of the whole community P it � tiR _ EXCHANGE which recently gave such an enjoy- ing is not used, extra clothing being for the occasion, and the report is goes out. to the stricken family in o put en when the air is 'chilly. „And it that. in ,no respects was it disappoint- their loss and •grief.. _ , On., the EiroAdwa si �;rrdcrich ' t , is midsummer weather. at Christlnlis ing, Itivitatious had been sent out AUBURN �.-.'--.�. �1 t pe time, which works out very xiicely an far and near to. all thoseWha have Christmas h b d' h th sur h sna of h , i way during the K � deli ��hdawn0 h A really the the early WEEK SOF AUGUST 2 to 7 which glee wit instil seems -to e t wen associate Wit e c c At present the river bridge is endre- ie the year, coming in community n any ceivin a coat of int. part of the long vacation last fifty years, new c arc sirs. Paterson,• of Toronto, is the s plenty of time to cele was made, ,the graveyard cleaned and guest of her sister, . Mrs. Weir, at Monday and Tuesday ELEANOR B©ARDMAN, LEW 0( CODY and RENEE ADORER in a ist understandingrewind farce on n s . Takenfrom the ---- neat-Broadwey_istage success "Exchange of Wives•' PATIIE 'COMEDY "Snobs in the Woods" irate- C r stouts proper se send t o repaired, and a new f o t f flee built ' of the inary routine of boniness Pram all parts of Ontario, from the The former part of this week Mr. life abou Marsh let. Canadian Nest, and from the Middle George Dawson visited friends near Australia is 97 or 98 per rent An- end Western States. It is estimated M9nktan.n. gTo-Saxon acid in some wags is much hat more titan 1500 people attended Last week quite a number from more British than in Canada and in the three large gatherings of the this locality attended the Summer some ways much less to. In much jubilee. - School at Goderich: social legislation Australia has taken Oren air services were held - on Mrs. McMullin, of Verdon, Man a very forward place, abandoning !imide db the eaurch` tae n,-••accata- Innis been visiting friends, -.ate --thus the conservation of the rid cou try, inodatian being provided` for more neighborhood lately. 'but in the matter of temperance. she than 500 people and a choir of thirty The Farmers' Club received a car - Ts away behind )Canada, the people together with tare„ministers of fire load of flour, bran and shorts the still using liquor at all festive gath- day. Rev. J. A, 'Agnew, of Rings- latter part of last week. ern $ a res rn a o e o c a n e rin > people settle down to a resumption tobeautify the niece People came predent. ., i eand b k' g b ttl f h m vine, a c,Id L k w boy preached Master .Bert Medd, of Goderich, is Wbdassday aid Thursday pagne over the bows of a vessel when at the morning service, and Rev. R. enjoying his school holidays visiting tenseness ft•friends in thin locality. ERNST LUBITSCii . H. sliarnby, of Blyth, a cativo ofthe prevents Bert Lytell, Irtnt Rich, May Miss McGorkingdoele '.went intra the. Jubilee •church, preached at the even - drama and Ronald irisin in his the use f assn! for shin abstention from ing service. Music was furnished by Mr, Edgar Lawson and family paid nwaet.rtriece, a lashinK drama '.f a the use of clonal, telling hew the a Jubilee choir of former and present a short visit to relatives in Galt the *effect of alcohol in the blood was to embers assisted by the mala guar- beginning of thus week. Iaiariiton Street Shoe Store Conililete3 Line of issues'. gent le- nien's and children's shoes. • 'Come in end cotrrl)are (11r' prime wger+rr,s Ent beautiful woman render the white cerpt:acles inactive, p 'st Fan'' wrhieh in a person with blood untaint- tet of I.ucknow. United ,church. At A art of the Scotch choir of Tar- . "LAO sir+the. morning service the Jubilee choir onto is to assist in the Presbyterian th MERMAii) COMEDY e ' ed immediately floc' to a point at saps `r"In tne,rt5weet Bey, a>ib1 i3 ei'church. service! next .Sunday. The . "rat* err whfch a disease germ has entered which was ptaysd ono ran eased services is at 10:30 to tee morning. and destroy it, or build up a well of in the church lefty years ago. The Mr. Shepherd .Nicholson is busy protection to hold basic poisonous in• old instrument has still prtservfd a moving hie house, which he latelyFrikty . *ay iecticn, the Pus which forms about a i clear and sweet tuna. • purchased from Mr. King, to hie farm JACK pIi'KIrORdD, LOUISE wound. being the result of the activity i The homes of the'Zion people were on the 2nd 'con. of `''VW'est Wawanosh.DRES iACK P1 ,,tri CONfiTANCE of these white as ter els. The en, filled with visitors for the day, but , Mrs, ' Zeller, of Kitchener, is re - Cert et alcohol was to dull the moral their hospitality could not be over- rowing old acquaintances of farmer )3iI+IIiR'I'I' sense first, the lenge or skill last ac done. Everything possible was given' verde in this neighborhood at pres- :ire drunken as the magistrate 'costa union. The principal event of the summer �,�. +� define It but .his genets (starting~ On Monday afternoon an in orma 1 f i f the lase l' ix erre .f the asst rrlr.erbiieft spial quir+ed always being the first to be' for the comfort and heppifress of , est. She aprnt her youthful days pr.rlmetieoa ever relesee i. This is a' ,,fretted. .gush a person would tint those wha came "home" for the Re- , on the base line, Mullett. pktrire yes merit net wire. See--- 1:oo.s'�Voorrsawrrt with the Moral first}, !ere dulled and informal the Union on p f r a ver i t. Tie i. C()MISi)Y his +rapacity to resist dfaiease week gathering church of all visitors was holo on St,dey eeheek of the village, which' the church Tawn. People who orad 3e held on 'M4ednreday afterna�n of A Tied Warr e d t one assts!' for twenty or ItAt t and 20 1 days and tenew the acquaints Mr. f atter, di thr, N PAIIIt RICVIE1q haul bete, la!t i!e.*-T,s ., Th'u's. a*1 fiat. at of diet, f!0 per cent. water *ter early ne • ecru a The grape wee a wonderful anis'.(' thirty Tests were eager to talk over this week. s =•s j p.m. 4 rent. need, and as it grew by nature anter, of youth: At 4 rt'elock a prn- week resorbed the verandah ct'hieh SHETLAND PONY EE 'How w Have .. you Many Votes Nva y Pony Contest got in the � C y or r _ o isou T How P w ,r ` M �� :�ri • , �IVfI e 2nd and 3rd Prizes Those co-operating in this. c:a:ltest feel;tlat, l have been' so :ratiiving that' they the cess ts, feel encouraged to offer, a ''Second and .Third Cash Prize of Eighteen Dollars' and Twelve Dollars respea:tivety. ale wonder The Boys and Girls are mu n�' a fu;' showing and the` list is clanging every week. You girls and boys w?x.;`: ha e :Ix �t -en- tered �Y tiered yet -lots of room for you, both from the town ,and country, and your friends will be.glad to help you. win. Don't wait any' longer, start tp-day. " : Ballot -box at the Model Theatre." The following stores will give you votes on cash purchases and cash paid on accounts of .cash cents.ansi_np.:___Asl{ THE,S. A. GRAY CO, Dr gcoe.1; and X.adi::�r Wear. r.. E. G. SMITH, Bakery ,:. (MAMIE errors,, Tobaccos and Billiard Rooni FIRED) HUNT, , Hardware • • W. IlEG. SHARMAN, )3oots aid. Shoes ST `BOY'S CASH GROCERY, Groceries and Fruit • GEO. W. ►SCHAEFER, Groceries. HURON 14IOTGR SALES,and Oils Garage, Gasoline a THE • GODERICH STAR; TO Witt Mahon' matter mita bolaent pods 11, math. $15.00 HARVESTERS5 ,000 tabs, Srsirstch 'Mt�sd""o,- sootaa, WANTED sMee` a ►.w.. `a cent pet talk to Wiwipeg _ Th eogh.lp.ellaI towhee for Wksnipeg via Canadian' National Rio. will Mesh! ae follow.; (Stooderd TImo.)t FROM TORONTO (union Statiout 12.01 A.M. Aug. 18 (midsdtskt Aug. 17); 12.30 P.11c» Aug,18;10.40p . Arrg.le; 12.30 P.111. Aug. 20; 10.46 PM. Aug. 20; 12.70 P.M. Aug. 31; 9.00' P.M. Aug. 31; 12.30 P. Sept. 3; 9.00 P.M. Sept. 3. Y*OM OTTAWA 12.01 A.M. Aug. 18 `(sddnigkt Aug. 17); • 12.01 nooa Aug. 18; 1,35 A.M. Ass. i6; 12.01 reoost Avg. 31. FROM WINDSOR 12.01 A.M. Avg. 20 (1Mi4.lglit Avg.10). ria Ckatberm, Lesrdes, lklmitton and Inglewood. FROM PALM*RSTON9.00 AM. Aug. 20, 'de Gsetpb, Oeotgetowfi and i'ngkwood. 6 hoist Odom*caws, from ether principal palateand Notional with "bore specialtrMeas. For details omit kW Csian114fmUG14 INAIN$_0oMI''ONTA$LZ OOLONIIT OM -MOW. OM$ 1POMt WOMEN ANO (INIU RRt1 Plidillit witWitud'lriaNailwa wet al destinatino In the 'Wad is a 1at on the G atea� ► e oot tistreetAgeat. Travel CANADIAN NATIONAL 0. 1 1