HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-29, Page 4fl • PACU JOUR Early Fall Showing of LADIESDRESSES n Georgette, Cut Velvet, Canton Crepe and Venus Crepe MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS We are offering our stock of Meds'* and Young Ala?* Samuel~ Suits at Clearing Prices. They are different patterns sod sixes. NOV r 5 Suits for $1630 Reg $19.50 Suits for $12.95 MEN'S STRAW HATS MEN'S BATHING SUITS Men's Straw Hats in the se'ason's lilt- All wool and cotton Bathing Suits in est shapes. in smart sennfts and f ancv l'raid a variety of plain shades, with contrasting straws. The prices are very moderate. l'ody stripes. MEWS SUMMER UNDERWEAR: We carrya fall stock of Aleuts Summer weight Underwear. Get yours here and save money. PHONE 418 Ant CORNFIELDPHONE as LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE mimeo TO SHOP '• �yONT. WEST SIDE OP SQUARE p GODERLCH it GHEN'S PLATFORM THE GUA CH !mita THURSDAY. JULY 29th. 1926 1225. We believe the great artzelesl THE enhurAUQEJA et Polka thlq'sr 4i!d down, are asoaaned before tlwm , Y this io n i r Dominion, and when given ! Aa Rxeems swiss s# Eaatertaesa- elfect will make for unity, proaptrity.. and expansion. We lair aeteaata to ik#assli Cltreaa Iia Sig feast the adarinistretive record of the late, at 'ilkteria Pant flevernment as revealed by the files of its awn committee sod from the The Goderich Chautaitera opened mouths of its own witnesses, and we yesterday afternoon and judging by ask you to condemn with your votes inemciencyr and grog* infidelity to public tract. Wo appeal to our fel. . low -citizens in every section of ;Chit the excellence of the opening day's, entertainments a very One five days' entertainment is in store, Comment- ing on the same series of entertain - country, of every elan end octave- anent* given in Simtoe,'lite Reformer Won tion, to rise to the height of, treeIsays, "Not, one word of, eritkisf, ti whole country,and to cell for the been forthcoming from those who sane, sonsistei;t application of the y p I only ptinelple a lima policydry i wider this Dominion can live, hold its children, gather its immigrants and grow to a great nation. Finally we appeal for the upslon of all 'work - fere, employers, Earners—everybody --in. eympathetie and practical co- operation to press fofward the great i movement through which. the basic industrildista of our eountryethe pro- ducer*•from our soil, will at last t come into their own." TIME REAL ISSUES IN THE FORTHCOMING ELECTION termsCanadians and think in terms of the rather a continual clow of praise, hast have enjoyed o ed the p r rams." Per the Wednesday afternoon con- cert the program was given by a quintette, violins, viola, cello, and piano. A very interesting talk was given by the leaden on the differences between chamber music and orches -1 trail music, the quintette being en ex- ample of the former. In chamber' music there is no need for a leader as the performers are few and each one as important as ;any other. There le not the same volume of sound nor the sante variety of sound, as an or- chestra often consists of many play. rt ers, 15 to 100 or even more, and there are wind instruments and . drums as well *s strings. Chamber music is simply music such as la played in a chamber . or room in a private house in distinction to the louder music which would be a propriate iii: sa large auditorium, and is marked therefore, by greater delicacy. The string quartette, or, in con junction with the piano, a quintette, is a very papular form of chamber music.. The afternoon program was thoroughly appreciated by the 848 persons who were in attenziance, In the evening the same performers gave a second program, followed, by "The Science Story" by R. B. Am- the production of the voice silent and y, a Tose, the electrical w gar in aVail. (i✓. C, R. in Saturday► Night) " The •country unmistakably- has de. mended the election that is now about to take place. The origins! reason for its demand wap a desire to correct the nnistake of Iaat October. Since 1 then there have been added reasons in the bargaining that the Iste Gov- , ernment carried en with the Progrea- _ lives, the Lasbor group and Mr. Pour• English-speaking people. The cow success. , Lee has been a failure for . assn; fix' the, apeetacie o Paxliament mittee recommended the retirement ; many reasunc, but • chiefl;r' because and the Policies of Canada being un- Extracta from P.remier'ss Ottawa . or dismissal of nine officials, of whom t there was no eonddenge In industry der the control of these minority &teeth six were English-speaking. T'he 1; t l'ome and insufficient employment groups! and in the revelattona of the ..... r e..., committee recommended: proceed• fcr the people 'within our bouneis ries. i seaudalaus conditions iza the customs .. in . to" collet mane s ilia till with• t#'e ro os at the e e rt t and smuggling. preventive service, of J will tell you naw what the pre* f, t y 6 y i p p e til , D .�.i>,tn t o ,the roe i i t tut on of h bli ' t e u 'ter s P c n eat l Et i P • fie d t Die m nt of 78 ? an Is . ' r t o f a s t b 0 t on wI a t ,int G�verfanietat s:onaidexa its duty to u 5 , , , d � a m 8 » i l be I?epartnxen the people of Canada, pint of an, of this sum over a million dollars was 'which will encourage people; to come t to potiticai, considerations in cannec- we feel that we should carry gut. ar for, offenses.comrnitted outside the to Canada,, and not a department tions,thexewith, and of the fact that far as we legally, •can, the will of Province of Quebec: There was neth •t� ,love chief duty is to keep them out. knowledge of the situation was .pos- ing in that evidence or in the whole ' As work expands in our country :we *eased by Mr. Ii ing end soma o£ iiia. both Houses of Parliament so far as yvotk o£ the= comm#.tea whtet' was will centre nor s'fl�rrts en securing ministerial associates.. The question expressed. As already stated, this Ys' sectional in Ilia. least de toe, end ,British .imini noon, and imnafigltatfs)n . respecting the welfare of the country being done.: 'We feel it is our duty g , ; that therefore go before the to hold the situation and await the there will be nothing eithrer sectional . from those ot.aer countries whose people verdict of the eo le and in the or racial, in the word of the Judge In manhood anal womanhood have al- for decision asvithfn the next few p , tit days to come. ' txeady proved ,suite to aux elirnateaweeks are principally, the following; meantime to administer public affairs i Shall there • be a continuance of the 'mainly', economically and honestly Housecleaning Promised and suited to aair in*titutions. In •� this way the work' of colonization will control of parliament and the Govern- end tza prepare to initiate new' pal- 14 a propose, when in office, to fent by me 1 grows res onsable 1 icier when a few weeks from now the make it our first charge that eve cxpsnd, settlers will readily be found; p P on- peaple dive .ear, as the will, a strong f de aa!tment will be roused to s for aur lauds and variety of employ:.' ko m'noraty parts of the catrarr'un- y p a ansa ne, Shall the system of group gate- and overwhelming mandate to govern of its stern duty to the "Canadian inept for too entixs; mass of xa varied ernrent prevail after the recent man- Caneda. I people and its stern :responsibility to end resourceful people. Employ meat ifeatations of its tendencies. and its Eradicate Cancer in Cuiltoina account for every dollar committed to for the children of Canada, employ- . „ possibilit'es . Shall there bca a re- ., ite charge. We propose that depart- anent :for the immigrant, expanded sum tion of barter and logrolling. in Acate t wt have taken Cuato is mental reform shall not ata at the ,markets for. the products; of 'our soil .,which Mr. Xin a Mr ' +eacadica#o the cancer' fit the 'Customs p i • g' nd 1t . Forlie !lave P Customs I3epartment, but *!tan pro —these ars: the bases upsnwhich.tee indulged while the. country suffered? licptrrttiaent.. 'T%, iiavestigation, t structure of our. count will' grow;. . .¢cell in ail branches of,.the eeryiee, .. Shall, there be.a stable fiscal elle �rvhich necessarily aotlId cover• only a.Y . � ,e t .. � . ,. _ .....>,.. ,,.. ,.., ..?.. ,y. r wherever it ma be found that h: Aid for 11.er:t a t.. .,e. t #motion 1yt the service ise- baro ccn- y t e, brised ,an iiie re raceme is # th g q. p o e tinned, A Judge has been appointed'* blight b£ degeneration .has eel in. "We propose to . Sake practical country, or .is the induetrlal welfare in the manner decided• by Paix1iamen• l Lite aslfi for u mandato from the steps along the :lines •of our resolu- of Canada to be subordinated to per - tar resole ion and am r u tr 1 Canadian people to end the weary tion of June, 1025, to extend to pro- canal ambition for we i• al y t I p o d po r Sh l the be able to say that the choice has `fol- • , ars ioi ffckienes and ins tability in queers of;;the Maritime Provinces and t unsavory mess. of the euatoms and; len upon so diittirtgutshed aspen as , n a and fiscal affairs; to restoxe the ''W'eatern Provinces the markets ,F excise service . be condoned and the; Sir p'rancse Lemieuit, Chief Justice i definitely' and clearly the principle of of Central Canada, and especially to public• men who were responsible for of the Pro`cince of Quebec. The in-', r tection in etpia and t e t'ae n o cava a. a extend :the use of Canadian Goal by it be exonerated and given a mandate •vestigation jvill go oil rigorcusiy rnd p p h all Canadian consumers and' the employ- for continuing thein performance nient-by Canadian shippers of out dThesel are the gtiestionss that iren'e: own Maritime ports, a ely.and directly conceal the coon. • "For the pest' 50 years the atten• try. Some of : them have . been wait - in for' i r a gic ural -ins itutio ss deter i t on of a alt t n m Heti n u g $' c for foa'r �y�ears. has largely, it not eftieiently,"been 'di• Those latterly developed serve but .to rested to the roblemt of ' reduction' make the,issue a of the I cti n P li e e o clear- • -originating new varieties of grains, er. If the elecibrs` pelts Septer'rber: and improving . our ' breeds of , farm i. detetittine these issues they will have products, Very , marked 'progress done enough by the country and by along all lilies of improved produce themselves for one election.; If •.they tion has -been made, but 1 feel. sure fail•the fault will be their own. They that the economic results to the • far- have the. experience of the past four mer would have !leen much .greater years, during whieh: the progrress. of had we at the same'.tiette. built up. an .the 'Dominion has been seriously re economic, efficient, 'businesslike meth- tarded,'as a 'leadipg guide in making ods of marketing our farm products. their decision and they have the .un Help Co-operative Marketing fortunate falling short of the effort s` "Fsyw arieu�turitl countries of tit 'of last ;autumn' to lend emphasis., world have made greater progress Thee would seem to .be Tittle reason 3hox'oui hie, and with a view to the Y oin rely, upon which industry• can purification end bettering. of .the pub"} deed dy upon wh'ch worker • can ice lic service and the restoration of jus -1 p 'but a prtnc'ple ons practice v ' •t ilei . none atnll . , ba er mute ' n p d •to 'lice to the taxpayers of re oa a. i h _ i abuse, 111e raga*e that sushi" I►#ou a tic p ntdPo whew e e . caxtt-'es .. by the pieviosia Government, Nava , and ranqunli y . will take the place been crdered on duty.. Dishonest of. thof dg eat r s tree afreshi and tt y teials are being removed, and front Cha= great resources of Chic rout:try. +erd to end of. Canada, . without die. twill ,be conserved for the develop- tnwtion of provineee or of race, the anent. of aur own nation and not of work of reform will.'be pursued. ianother and for the multiponatian of 'Tliere are those, including th,�`} uhirti ' onska d id s he ter pat hof ' ate Iota parole Minister himself, who • have sought to raise' a sectional cry I. Vigorous finteigration: even out' tf the Customseinvestiga 1: "We propose to lays the basis. of a tier, end ' who hay declared that it practical, vigorous and fruitful m - was ,Milnes! chiefly zit the Province of migration policy, and that basis flail Quebec. This cry is baaeleas; . it is be,. -first , of all, employment for the worse than that—:it is childish, If peolle•of Canada. `On that rock, and you Will look et the report ..of • the un that alone„ we will build, for only Cue�toms Committee you will find on the foundation of employment that, of 25 firms whom the committee within our own country can the'lvis• recommended should be prosecuted, cat of immigration policies ever sue- tyetwo of them were controlled by era failure unvedeemed only, three of •them were concerns cted. The ifmigration policy of the' heeded by P'rencines medians. Twen- late Government has been a persist - Y a single 1 I I 1 I 11 1 I t_E_T Out c►f Tom. 'Investors Through our cc cponde e ' +c partment vve ; .able to c "ar the . $l .me Hen ee tO. izn�rs vi g outside the city ss to thte more conveniently. >*itutkted. r �,o Noma*M arretca ar etlist effielf _ - lllia.,leeasetaraea • R, It. W000, Ptss1d t Dae. si Aa iieities TORO TO2 s f' 1°, roc r�rr MAC Prompt allectidns AMONG thte innumerable advan. tages of using the services of the Sttndard Barak Jo make.,ygyr, 01 sections by draft, is the efficient promptness with whkh you may close, transactions by placing the details ire our hands. Owing to exceptionally favorable arranjle- ments rwith our various agents, we are able to handle collections at minimum rates through our ex- clusive connections. vtini STANDARD BANK +Cllr CA,3444 D'.ls.A, ocauticeiiRsl,� l--�•+id. it Rid, iliasaraaa Imerearl alar u ddreseh l a sat inw a mem• II in production' than Canada, blit few for an inconclusive verdict 'n Sep•, have been as tardy as we ut reeog= ten ch;, . pissing as a great national question E l N"Y CON T the eeoavemic marketing of these pro, y ducts. ttenmark., 'during, the past .li0 - Madeleine Watson again Stande aat years has bunt ep a system of'•pro. the head of the Dist and Torn Cook duction and \co-operative n*rliating and on the lest. count of the heli which has placed her in the forefront lots in.thepony contest; and there are of the agricultural eountrlea of the some surprising chnngr4 in standing world, Her farm products today Among others, 'tome who were low. command the highest prices: he the tlae Hat at. the preaiore c + e t h,avinp great consuming markets. Toa' Gorr moved up among the top dozen. The ernments of South Africa, New aeai:-offering of a,sesond and elm third prize and and ,Aetsbran* heave recopbaed .iw th..contest, of *18 and'51a respect - the national importance of this +c u .. ively, should liven the contest op cote» tion of. the orderly marketing of forma siderafiblyr for the temaining weeks of produete, ande by ` Daws acid retufa• tits cetrtest.. T'he standing of the tions' have established commnodity to down candidates, who are• highest on operative marketing of fernoi 'pro- the Inst taunt is es'follows: . ducts as a natimed policy, This syn- Madeline Watson Jack Videan . tem hats been adopted with : marked -'Tom Cook y sennet+ succese in felany branches of,agricui- Charles Worsen Bonny WMtely tore in the United States. Harold .1:Nejr 'at Thomas T'hailer ' "'Phis system of eonsnaaodity co-op- e�nk Allen K naneth Bedford erative marketing is comparatively mon* Hardison Iketeld Johnson new in Canada and eaa been asset' in anis, • a fern eoma.oditieas-.- e w whoa a pool of the West li the meet U � natter Eer theoutstan vin s a begi In aaveTstl ` at � the Yndinacea a pee. in; hats been EumA made in organising other costntodt• ties. Joe might well be expected, in same ti mesr the re.eilta oiifaiiied."E.�y----x_..r..s........_...:. --•w-- ...w...- _ ....._._.... thee producers have been disappoint. if' you suffer from torturing cheer int, Thom efforts 'have not been uratic painss, swollen, twisted joint*, waasted, and out of the • experkncee end su fter inttnselr because your gained l* feet that oarr fanners win ( system ie full of that dangerous pots- pro8t and rebuild atdhering to tried and proved principles. The chief of theses soled prineipbes is that tntrket- ing aeaociations should stand on their own feet and be entirely free of Goy. eminent control. l want to says to the far*hers of Ca'tatiat, after same study of the maarketing cpmetion, that I bellsrs•they are on the right Creek and that the Ccneervatt,e party, of which I aat Leader• steads readyr to aaprart. in every iergitimwate way av*Mabee to a Government, this very worthy neormeent of theirs to estal- lish an *commode and eflicleaat method of menetielg timer products. Mari.st i Palley "If retamet to poweser, the present Gevernawat wii.l raid reedy to I� into fo e e melt a priicy sa wen! es- abiWe the fanners et (yn oita to belld *p a *srscarerte t whisk will romeper. u with that of - any egrka)tera) neue try la ties wash. "firer appeal *ow to the perish* of Carbides can be pat in a few word. - ani wit?. these wen I curer. We ask them 1. stewty flee Polley erabsd. ird in the reeotutien by w),Ie tine Clarrevatire pats, seaea d , Jarred la the Rose of Commoz,s ea 3swe x base eNat s;lwsttMr�isrh on that make* thousainds helpless and kills thousands years before their time, then you need Rheum*, and need it now. Start talking it today. Rheuma arta at once on kidneys, liver, ,tont- aeit and blood, and you can sincerely e'aeidaiirt: "Good riddance to bad rube bisk." Many' people, tee most skeptical of skeptics right in this city and in the emantryr hereabouts, bless the day wlasn H. C. Dunlop and other drug- gists oi'hroi Rhe un* to the aMkted et a *',gall price and i aatstnteeed gooney refunsiad if not stitisffed. If yea have rhsaumatisna get a bottle of Rheix�1s today. KODAKS FILMS Developing, Printing an t. ar ring . Cts 'DU LOP The Rexali. Drug Store Bedford Block .. Goderich ,current passing �Ehrough his body. j afternoon and evening . and Jane ri'he possibiiitiee of radio control Gonde in a dramatic entertainment in• were suggested when Mr, ,Ambrose! the afternoon. e went to the far end+.of the tent with a l hot shot battery in his hands and by.AMONG THE CHU tCHES means of the electric waves he vias (ln ,Sunday morning .last Rev. Ar, able to send out is the platform Seager , again occupied the pulpit of where he 'had radio receiving appara- [ St, George's church and in the even- tus, he unfurled a flag, fired a salute a leg Rev, E. Hayes, of Dlungannon, and lighted a number of electric lights s officiated, .Rev. fix. Handy will be fit. around the base o£ the iia{[ staff. • . his _ own pulpit again next Sundae!. Another couple of experiments The Clttited church, Victoxia at, avid were .with hydrogen gas. ,This being Union; pastor, The Rev. Selby Jeffer. in znueh lighter than air - if inhaled in .L e lungs renders �,-- L__v son. 14 am:, Victoria. St., Biille School 11 a,m., Victoria St,, Wor shi 7 m. Victoria St., sub'e3t, fa i d ' gives a man a treble tone Inch: Enlargement,;" 2 p.m., Union, tingle interesting demonstration—en. dentally it makes one a bit giddy. Bible School; 3 in, UnionWorship.. tertainment as he prefers to call hie The effects were shove upon the lec- ,performance rather than a lecture. -hirer to the wamzsement of the 'awe- . CHOLERA INFANTVM The "Science •Story" -given by it. lenge. Hydrogen and oxygen form ,, Armbrose on Wednesday night 'water but it requires heat to produce ed rather. to show by way of. demon• ing1hydrogen and oxygen in the pro al ailments of childhood. It as ar atration .same of the things that can per proportion Ur, .A m'brase blew or. trouble that conies on suddenly, espe- be done;by the application of modern' dinary soap bubbles, and his assistant e'ally durint. the sinhnier months, racientiRe discovery than to be a tech- 'touching the bubbles with a torah and unless prompt action is taken the ntcal talk on the subject, and on that: Produced ,a sharp explosion -with a little one may soon be beyond aid. account was more oalcuiated to ap- flash. Mr. Ambrose informed the Baby's Own ,Tablets are an idas't was most interesting. It Was design- the water.: From a gas bag contain= Cholera infantum is one 'of the fat - peal to the general audience and 'tc audience that water was produced : in .medicine in warding off this trouble. interest even children. the process though in- 'melt small By means . of selenium which be- euatrtity that it was unobservable. comes a conductor of electricity as - Today (Thursday) a series of Car- *con as light falls upon It Mr,. Am- 'coons and Stories' was given ;in the biose operated twitches which turned morning be Vernon ' Grant In °the guaranteed to contain neither opiate's electxie .light an and off and rang -afternoon .Ruthven :MGDonald and his nor narcotics or. other. harmful .drugs, bells, while he stood at same diataiiee Highlanders and a lecture, "Land- they 'cannot possibly do harm--they simply . flashing a 1i bt from a bat- seaping," by. Edward A. Marshall, always do good. 'the Tablets are tery on the tseleuivan cell: He s3ug-. were', the entertainment and in the sold by medicine ' dealers' or by n- n at 25 cents It box flint The. Dr: Wil gested 'st stone' of the possibiii'tiee of evening Ruthven . McDe?aalel and ::,His !lams etedieme , ce: 431,0 ckv Ie the discovery of this ' property. A. Highlanders give. a grand' concert, tit r . On storekeeper for instance could have •Tomorrow (Friday) Reno, the ng „ the electric lights In his window con- glean, and the play will be the at- 1. trolled by a switch -with a selenium' tractions. Reno will ive a children's cell, in. the circuit, so that when theentertainment in magic, giic, anti mystery , Your Famil and first rays of the sun fall upon it iin the morning and: a mysterynte. Frig rf � n s wanE aur ' the morning it would automatically tainment in the afternoon, and in the ht n o'r shut off the .lights.: , evening thef great modem drama ,B� .. Another interesting. series of ex- Applesauce will be given: Make the appointment Toda petuttants was in . welding. Be :the On Saturday Visocchi accordionist " y use of a certain type of transformer will' e�•'�.LQVC� 3'p give a. children's entertainment' .� he was able by electrical current in the morning;. the Herrick Enter- .,. which passed' through is bodytotainera 11 pertorm' ht afternoon' make an .electric weld, welding two and evening and Private Peat with C h x t dr'ef a .or common nails' together,. and, holding � give his lecture, "Then Inexcusable s two are light carbons in his hands he Lie" in the evening. � CII$. FL ETCHER $' produced a brilliant arc light, the' On Monday "Solis'' Marimba Band 'e, j,A, S 'T 0 .R They regulate the bowels and sweat - en the stomach and :thus prevent the dreaded summer•'complaint They-, are, an absolute safe medicine, being 1- es-. T. is, twenty-nine years Vet the price was unbelievably since the first Oldsn'o. low --as a result of the combined bile Was built, Twenty- purchasing and production tacit, • nine years ago men ,tits of General Motors.- - looked askance at auto- Howes. Oldsmobile has complete . inobileseo called them another great and, successful year fads and 'novelties -e. hy • Buy' Wgofcn > . failupredictedre. Btut Oldeireearinao- Thee spirit whichith u hat icanirnace t -- � - bile continued to build Oldsegonile throughout the ptchareors --cvetry m•tibunddnffrniom-m qYmouoaubriteletr,n-oese tboufyuuyrOestrmilalocbguhiieeivdewiems enO 11 Oldetnobile production full confidence that it. brings or volume hes been stead- you the fore:tnoet thought of 's iiy increasing. time --.the greatest fund' of c r- Oldstato bile lalartat4yr omelette** --the lit all the automotive la with --the car which its builders tel the earliest days of the aut 'stabile. Of the sturdy stock of the measures up to the tilde las �'emneer corned Oldsmobile -.have Creed:—. lug faith In the future• of` the auto. • That; the Canadian fasnailyr may Mobile and setting out to vindicate have, at a modem, roves •• t, ,a •, that faith.' Dlelsaitabite .hats *eeri car that gratifies• their finer ter „ *tutomabilet come: and go. It heals as wren ss aatiaileae their rery► +setts ica eaarly confrere,, ant by need .. . that Oldamobil shalt one, drop out of the running, pia- bac or tttaant itnontx bu ito iatr able to keep abreast of tits streattrt of proxress; But it wale Otdsato. spec, comfort, becutyr or life bile that "set the pees'. e • that iia tit of eve serial �snYd iauanufactaite of +eve detail Fettitieest Experience tit strictest standards • 11 be _-.,.In...deeelopfng and perfecting ri� rtiaintained . ....• hat the aldanioblle, utany ,Cif tis.>•ge aerall rnosarese sed icblsu accepted features of atatosaaobdle facilities *hall be utili • to the icoastructlon todayr have bte;e etanost vta laxoride the gtulltfes Introduciesf, at tier t sweat possiblee t. But the e4 Iesacae of Oldsmobile tt is a scsptad as e is not all. To thea wealth oaf know- ledge tl u*t, with flat firm hes boon addral the combined dtf4talaii0ation that ,. bra eztaet'isance and reaoureas of g ' t ayna;tr the General Motors iaternatloual of Oldatnob,t .organisation. The facilities of the frsyrn Chia Ideas,' Gesaerral Motor* Proving Glroands rt ,T ba i ayoest; he Oaten! Motors ReS arch eteedfat*-ipledLaltoratories have been placed it istarianew.ls of Oldsmobile. , i ha ell the accumulated ktaow- • I of General Matas* few been Of these combined retentive* a stew and. better Oldsmobile was born... a a six- yliteder Oldsamobile-wt car that 1ssffillsad b*yoasd all previous . expectation, tete peddle of all that * ease• should i it war a est than *ere was pleated err dries .rad posed is ovr e. 1626 OLDS MOCYPOR. WORMS OP CANADA, L&salisd.O 1AWA, ONTARIO asset wwM,r et *worst la.Mrrir M Coma, 14..lanal Mire Meiaw Cat Flings. 1►e)a aked Ioweiss Meal Work, iic. e s short alalias ONO *TIM�'ART ...:.w. - .. a