HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-29, Page 2aaeuwer - MD EVE IN V1EW 821 93tocitoeu ' Xftl` ie TIM GODEMCX .erne...---- w .. , .. MININSiY Tia '.w w.l. , e, _,, .rlliONM. L'�',t.JL MPS .PAIIIMPOL N. Maw lfiiaisii.. In tJalar Day IP.r MR i7wrr.rb to A,ic ter 'treat Was 'Whoa plsapi+s nand We appear sae *,farad Mr. Mei tis tare newt body it mom ss if tie Hes. W. L. M. Kist Owens ase again nominated by the Censer- acres. as compered with 21,072,7'4 - Compsige vedette. Captain George Bleck, Con- aeras finally reported for 1925. The • With tie election date less than servative ex -member for Yukon, will increase is, therefore, I18,206 acres seven weeks away, the election ma- be opposed by * Liberal nominee,, or two per cent. Fall wheat to be rbinery of the various political path Fred_ T. t'angdan, L. harvested occupies 763,100 acres. has ties is in full motion. Hon. W. L. U. America's Levelled Root compared with 793,219 sores in 1915. Xing opened the Liberal campaigti A Canadian outdoor rose wen the War Debt Ir'ireweeks • in Ottawa last week and is now an a American Rose Society's gold medal reeeitsury fireworks have been en- ireur of Ontario. laying his records for the rose of highest excellence in livening proceedings between London and bis future• plans before the eke- ;north America. This rose, known and Waarhingtcn recently: I.'. S. Sec- torate. In his Ottawa address Mr- by the name of "Agnes," Via* +origin- inns r to the Treasury Mellon trade Ring declined bis intention of relying teed at tae Canadian Gevernntent statements concerning the use to upon the records of his payty while Feeeeinct ai Farm, Ottawa, by Dr. which Great Britain put her war in power to seeeure a return ot his Veitii^,fli Sunders, father a Dr. Ioans which aroused the British Cais- followers to- the places of authority,! f havtes f auneere, eisc':rceer of Mstr• inet to the publication of an official He declared thee be need not promt:re suis wheat, which has wore the statement refitting the I.!• S. claims, redrutie.na in taxes and teritfe be world's wheat prize since the inter- Winston Churchill used uretty Pinin reuse these he had already areata- nations I vvhe tit comiretition started 15 hast age and while he did not make pushed. He need not promise a pot- years ago.„,use of jack Jones's famous apology icy that world .iteci a prosperity for The "Agnea” toss is a beauful to Lady Astor when he su.'bstituted Hseniese were may by Teo T: laid• the Dominion, for preemies had an -pule .yellow flower with outer petpls the words "terminological inexaeti-t baa* Otte Limited, To:eurto,:Ortt, namely, an opportunity to goo rn ready come to stay. Two measures of 0 delicate creamy salmon hue. tide" tar a stronger ward, yet el eie-4 without dependence one stank third xrhieh he *tressed as being of pard- erause of its extreme earliness, clewed, Mr. Mellon to be either mist- totalled twenty nilllion but the party, he elicited a refusal. This re- veler service to the country were great hardinesar and uniquer` end at- informed or misquoted. Mr. Mellon portafusel is unprecedented, only because these establishing the Advisory Board tractive eoior this rose is expected: deelared that a big part of British increase in imports amounted to t iir• the request itself was such as no on Tarifa' and Taxation and the Revd to be very p:.pular in t`lnada and the used to better the ty-live millions. Expbrte .for the borrowings were u three acantha were i2@9,885,24: and prime minister in our day even under +f'vmmislion Inquirigg into the Mari. United States. The cross which Oxo position • c f British trade and corn,much graver provocation, has even time Province problems. Referring diced the 'Agnes" rose was made in merle and now explains that his imports' for the same period 4245,- suggested. to the events of the last week in June 1000 and bas been under test at Ot- statement was merely intended to 3$6,679. Mr. King denied, before his Ottawa taws ever since, drexplain!ring all of which express his own opinion and • �� Mr. Kink thereon resigned and, audience, that the alleged motion of time it has never been noticeably in. the situation as he saw it to the Am -WOMEN Or MII)OM AGE instead of awaiting the advent of the new ministers and holding them re- .eensure lnlluenced him in his actions. yured in winter. erieart people and was not intended Need Rine Tied Blood to Maintain sponsible in the constitutional man - He denied that the motion in questini • -,. wtae one of censure at an anile pointed out that the word censure was not TF1CR..IlA1'. dLLle 2ieb. Ifing sbtias were the sweet of the treteebk, bat Dimming the Constitutional issue tbas reit erow1. ii.le at Cittawa, Mr. 1' ward Trelawneee in is flet iselwstity � sb+ biwod, tleere- tors yea oewe& get aider the sada; got - a recent issue of The New Outlook, nit the Weed said s• #- elks British precedents in .similar cases to tbe present situation in Can- ada, and makes the following condo - lions ; rte' root ilia- ipso sad ranto asp htiey, tuzazsl a.tisa to the differed wpm, sad akaasss the blood of alt its impar• Ries. It is therefore futile tosay that no prime minister has in our day been refused what Mr. King asked for. No prime minister in our day has ever dared to ask it, but *Iw*y* ren - cognised that the verdict of the House elected on his own appeal settled his fate. So when Mr: King wont to His Excellency to inform him that the House which hiel been elected on liis own apnea' would no longer support hila, and asked for a second appeal by the same government to the same electorate and on the same issue, 'used in the resolution which hung in mid-air when he asked dissolution of parliament.. "At the time I advised his Excellency that .a. dissolution of y'arliame»t was, in niy opinion, rte tessary and inevitable, I had tint 'best seasons for believing that if I were to continue ieading the house, the portion pf the Stevens amendment enrich rental:led the words I. have - quotedl would not be carried? he said In referring to the Customs report Mr. King dented that the repari con- tained any .reflections upon the f'as. torus Department. "In the absence 3n the report of a single line of cert - sure from a single' member of the : • 'committee what becomes of the 'ver - diet' . of the eommitteex which i%tr.. A.F. prim* el nowsirminirow6wwaisloo. no ":111111011061e1 Let Black Do It f DO WHAT . Hand You Your f � s Next SUIS kAle. A and you will get more than a Suit ----you will get clothes that will look well and wear well to the end Satisfac- tion is built into Black's Custom Tailored Clothing. Our Special Order and Ready -to- Wmar Departments alsa'give Satisfaction Our Stock of Summer Goods is coatp1ate aod' Up-to-tbe-Mi*uts Cream: and Grey Flannel Trousers Fawn and; T• an Trousers Sumner Undsrtooar ire all styles, Tigs and Sport Belts in- all styles CHAS. BLACK "The Men's sod Boys' Store Worth While" Phone 219 - - North Side Square K e•—••,..- for foreign consumption. Good Health rex for the act of the crown. 'definite- dissolution to orae minister and with' Heroism in Boys Iy ehanenged the action of the crown one kind of status was in Teo wary in- After passing the age of forty by presenting it as a denial of some- one kind with us WAS i it to Try in- 4 The grief of eleven families who every woman has reason to grow thing which the minister believed torefusing Inst sons in the tragedy at Balsam anxious about her health. - This time be a proper request. Aiareover, when er' with different relation to the, Lake, Ontario, is tempered by pride o f that, whit its attacks of faintness as the xesrlt of his resignation it be- House. Nor is There anything Incon- sistentup between refusing to a prime displayed. Thirteen boys and two minister a se+;cnd appeal to the gave leaders were in a war canoe- making,' ent headaches and back pains is his prospective successor, awarding ors from the House' which they gave a trip from their summer camp, held • rightly dreaded by women; but if rea- to welleestablished usage throughout him on a first appeal, and the grant - under tbe auspices of St, Jewel sonable steps are taken to safeguard V;letarian days, sought assurances bug to a. new prime minister whale Cathedral, Toronto, to Cobacank for under health, no sexiozs ill-effects will that facilities For such winding up general policy had been sustained by arise. At this turning point in life would be forthcoming, , Mr, King the Horse a first appeal to the eke. supplies when it was avertr.riae d :end Dr. Williams' •Pink •Pills have given a thought fit to scorn the proposal for tacit#e:' in the four W. five ours which reaps- help in hand, to thousands of suer- confexenre. No a areal did he, ed before tare survivors drafted p y ashore,' the leader of the camp, Bob ing women who were fighting a hope- according to the Liberal precedents' A conjuring show fell r ther fleet art re, th leader and ten boys, were less battle against poor health and cited. give the crown such assurances 'recently. The conjuror said: "Nowt. waning strength. as were needed to meet the crisis pre- ladies and gentlemen, I will show you; drowned. One body was recovered The very best help for any wonia0 educed by his resignation. So, it now my very latest triek, but, to perform Situinrg:"steaelfesand eness ofther . Oro boys oef middle age is. the health help appears, that the Governor-General up it I must ask soaire boy, from the r . en by . to blame fink Pills. These --again according• to we t.establiseed aadience to step p hea Fifty -Fifty - "Oh, George; dear," she whispered, when he slipped the engagement ring on her finger;, "how sweet o£ y:.0 -to. remember 'just the sort of - stone pre:serredt None of ;he. others WAS. ever so thoughtful." George was staggered for a moti- ent. Then he answered; • - .. "Not at all, dear. , on see, this is 'the. one I always 1 1 who displayed no panic as they wain- pills reinforce the blood supply, en- usage ---sent for another leader in the Almost at once a box -rose from • ped one by one to -death, has stirred cubing and purifying it, In doing house of Commons to ascertain what his place.. eileighen asks bis : hearers to rend.' - €• public emotion. this they nourishthe starved and support he eould offer to the effort .to "Yon°II doe' said the'conjurers said Mr. Bing: A great part of :Ili Wood .Alcohol Deaths overtaxed nerves and ,.give new wind' up the public business. The "how, my little man," began the Ring's Ottawa. speech. was devoted to ~' strength and. vitality to the whole Progressive party met and adopted a conjuror, in a loud voice, "you anti I :— tiie o .nstitutionsi issue, 1Iv againagain'['F,00d alcohol has claimed twenty - system. By this natural process Dr, resolution which in express terms 'have Haver seen each other before;, dressed his opinion that 1'reantfet nine victims within, A eveel: in Ontario 'Williams' Pinle Palls completely die- was intended to guide that leader in have wee" en had alighted parliament in and New bock State, thirteen r# t• he el ail pains ` and weaktiess," and a his conversation. with His Excellency. '"Nn Dana," lira the bo . g during .. Fatuous . attar -evolutionist and reviv- victims berms in Ontario: In addition p ' P p r p _ y . I' t 1 hat n wealthyTexan him- h deed, tri t better, happier condition of health After this interview with Mr. Forks: REV. J. FRANK NOl4IZIS kat few days that ,parliament sat i► is who s tate art , aro, are a grin many and spirits. arises. 'iris Excellency was in a position to oche Graves' Si►arnr :I;7cterinina. The ronstitutianal issue, declares the berinan name Chipps in the study ill as tire result of drinking bootleg Every woman of inioaie age'should entrust Mr. 4eighen with the task.for wilt drive worms from the systent' eat-Preneier,. -tit+ereliedows . .everything of lits church at Fort Werth after. 'i eolioI, he Ontario governrnenL take advantage noiv of the wondeMul of Garxying on arnl.ltlr: Meighen was .w,ithout in'ur to: the child because i had remonstrated wlth him hos et in motion the uiizchiner 'for y .Best of all Ply Killers -10c and �, - c n vitae' y eve, is • e per packet a are sold by *II medzcine Eaceplleey ry the. trust ofl?ere him. mild. 1. Grocers and General StOre ° WHEN USING WILSON'S FLYPADS ':.. ILA!> Date.Ceabhe telee in• electron e fete's. . • Ch Ops y health -help of Dar IVrlltame Pink able to accept at the hands of His ts' a tfo hB full effect' for an attack made upon fair mayor .a, thorough investigation. and.,seneral 5 xlek t t a8Druggists, Declares for Cxnxdian Ports . of, the city. Fipple are nnde?r arrest for selling I?ilts. Theyx provinces, Mr. Meighen, meantime, is Neoc1.60,000 Harvesters , tat restody died cents a ox, y eWilliamsincoming _rime rdeviatedy declarite his adherence to the policy I# le met that aTrotyt , 0 f turningthe h" n 1 sf Conadiar .. dealers or will be sent by meal at 50 Neither the Gavernor�enerat nor the Staring his tour ° of the Maritime. • •-^M•^ the poisonous stuff One of the nen t b ., Tee I?r. �Itrlti ms me r n mrniste b shortly after his ar Medicine Co.,. lerockuille, Ont. a hair's breadth from the es#,abiished r0.. n0 rest as a result of .drinking his own a +_cane ac ra' en vtitl be required to gunner. trade to Canadian meantime ports extra m ' No Banquet for "pied" "'i4iy husband's birthday .comet next wisdom. and expediency of trusting to • and on.the other hand of marketing the harvest iia Western Canada this; week," said Mrs. Smith. • such assurances concern :potitica, not-- wisdom maritime products in the Canadian summer. It is understood that Sisk -1 ,The Sheriff's of,London, nem, in : the Constitution.. The new govern - 1 atebewan•evill need 36,000 men; Mane line with tradition,. gave a dinner re. �� "Well," asked ber companion, meet met the House and on present. feeling i lin she dealt with the ween 8 000 and. 9 000 and centl to,the members of the British what are jou giving him 2 ins; for fin action e then pending rate• feeling rat-the-res#arra pis ea rs einp . Alb r ae , ' i yni an-`exe tiort•• .of--Mrs.Sm th smiled pxoudis. o£ c sure a atnst their red a rs the Caeradian National is aacrifletntr Alberta about 1..:000. a parliament, ode ep "I've been taking aa, cigar out of en g p ee sea maritime benefits for the profits Newfoundland Atter Trophy • oris member. aaklatvala, the Cern- 8 g were sustained by a majority such as which acerae to the railway by tint' A Newfoundland priest,. Rev. Fatinimunist; was remitted .from the Iist of his case•every day for the Iast three their predecessors would at any"time ` use of the Portland lima and deela:ck :+, O'Briens is eondueting a campaign guests. rnanths. Iva got a hundated }wow, and have found matter for great jay. x p Pm making him a pzesent of those. The policy of the new government stock, Adroit; constitutional usage. 'late political that tire gone-nntent should use ittr tbat Island '''oiufzrien urging thel The 'War of the Blondes Was then forma-- ohallenged in vain, power to influence. the railway to give - . tuilding df a ship to enter the cm- The War of the Blonde. is New he Many -Purpose Oil.—Both in the Canadian ports preference over 'United State; port. ;, • f"andidates r :erat .for the' Fisherman's. cup. • The<yoek's latest oensation.._ Ziegiield,.sof the house and•stable there are scores ?nest is a naval architect of proved' of uses. for 1tr. Thomas' Eclectric were well sustained. Bit on a point Fatties fame , has anttaune ed that of law, highly, disputable and sharply' ability . and twentyfrve years : age gentlemen • do not prefer blondes and Ofi. Use} it for cuts, bra Toes, burns, contended, they were technlealls' de-' atiei on that issue the new ministers Den. Robert Rogers, who it ,iso built a ship which made ruing his• a that blondes are "out" and: brunettes scalds, the pains of rheumatism and feared by a majority of one--that.gne retire from the oii• tory' and whose lines have been cop-, are «m" In addition be revs that .se:atiest, sore throat and•chest: • fior- voice being admittedly cast iri forget., believed, wouldP the day of the ultra -slim girl over } rg tired field this year, has definitely' an• tett frequently since. He. is keen toy les are liable very largely to similar fulness of an -obligation to refrain a wed that hen ss itt be a candidate bee Newfoundland- compete with the and „ that his new Fatties beauties armtents and znixhape as afrtlict man- i *ern voting .unless the one with'. do `ti ,Bluenose and the Columbla for the kind,.. and are equally amenable td win tie a little weightier- 'Thi'1�ar whom he was paired returned to the' In Pembroke e:oustituency in itiMc. famous trophy and - says he will a the healing influence of this fine old' In' Pentbxoke an ex -M,1?:, Dr. Ri, TtXc-of hhe Slims hes. not yet developed, remedy which has made :thousands of House.. There Wag `nothing to shovel Kay-, is the • Liberal choice ns etude, his part if the Newfoundland @lie- but the' Blondes Stave opened lire up- i that on. the ground of its policy the men and merchants will. subscribe to on Mr. eiegfield and his chorus girls firm .friends .daring the'past fifty •ase end fiusr^il County Liberals the lurid. 'government could not carry on, bat, nave matin bed their former mem- have gone an strike demanding .0 re- years. _ there .was enough to ;show that the her, Alfred Goulet. Hon. II. II. Ste• The Cm) day for tens hes been unanimously notitinat. The estimated *neat yield at .traction of Inc statement and double Lost at Work King's government could tot be cane • their old salary in compensation fur . • rigid an 'with dignity win such a chem -1 ed b theC t' f `' ester' b conditions at the end the damage done to their blonde teen- - "And do you ,ever -lose yourself an y omserva Tires Q snCauVer c'. y Crop Centre. John S ' Rodd K C of of .3iine is 34R 826,600 bushels, of eYes." . • minister 'accorded support by the 'Windsor, is the amine. f West „]✓ai. euro. winch the three t your work"" ler so constituted.. Here was a prime prairie provinces,1 Foreign Trade. Expsudk "'What le your work? very Rouse which had formally con - Liberals and the same party's banner !Minitel*, Saskatchewan end Alber• i Canada's foreign trade shows an „Explorin{t , Central Africa:' demned -tie previous government and �. will be borne in Kent by Dr. 1 Ruth- is, will, it is estimated, produce expansion for the three months end-_ he now asked previous dissolution and Orford. In Brant, Franklin Smoke, 327,226,000'bushels, The .total esti-ling June 30 but 'unfortunately tbe Corns are .painful growths, Ike-' was granted it inthe interests not of M.G., who eetceeedeq in winning the mated area: sown to wheat in Cernade1 biggest part of the increase is in tm. loonies Corn Remover' will remove his party .but of carrying on the etenstitueney from the Progressives, for the .season of 1926 is 22,402,000; ported goods. The increase In ex- them. - . 1 l{tng's government. Granting the Major l en's . Residence and Asper Orchard The "bock deer" of bate )it. 'Bhaa's r sledence, near %yield, and part of the yams orchard on the ak•.ea farm (13-year•.H Greening and Talaasra Sweet treei art the f regreload). Otte were sour* between the rete tido jeer to check weed growth, These trees averaged a biuret aseel * halt each is 1$25 The Stat has frequentlye ptiilished tree trttttk, which is simply left inti; r►onderful promise at the present rsterences #o the fine apple orchardmil. The soil bra plowed lightly 10 ;.ime, Despite the fact that they pro- of btaj.r Sloan in Goderlch tp, sand the spring and kept cultivated with! dwced a heavy crop last year, ,they tMisa week we are pioased to present; disk and dreg !narrow at !regwrtit in- ! Meier appeared more healthy .r rig- saw aceorapanrint; ekws of his resi.;, tonal* *nth 3.ly. No cover trop ls' arms than they do this mason, and sow via orchard. through the come -E sown in the main orchard but oatsl the set of fruit is such that the thin - teal of The Ontario relater, from', were Nwsta this Year in the reel* itis of many varieties will be itayetr- aiweil we reproduce the followleig ar-;:orchard b.esea11 growth threatened *tire. And mate aught search dill tide: - _ to Hearse too raptd.., ,Tho soii 1te- gently for ,an horn, withopt, li,''aiint . rt bight application of twanure l single kat sbowieg the presence et The Waft orchard consists of #0' esti'. a sitars sf fisi-y.tar•oid tree* and 25..every second . that is. half the!, the seta firma*. Toe shixie Ayr in the toof 1141.1 11 ii ywar•.M tress, *rad cola -`.!other halt the twat, roar lir lam kigis manered oh* year 41011 the t tr+ikrhe rwhich boatawitt.beenye4troublesome Fria. siyht 1t.darl tall and wrnt.ej s t. the *ere. me manors ia'; eriset the past three moment and emilettem—Spies, NMWlns. P.meeets.1 ,I„i I witR )titrate -ot soda•;wbkh is net yet under centre). he O,iu bga. Itieiieet.sie- hews, T14116** ireht 2 is 7 }lwnis per Taw, sxcoad- Slows orchard affords an excelistt a h- iws+lta, *i.ssbMss. and 'el►a*wtreo, keg to the Msec of The tree. and an jest lesson en the come of egret* at. 110 .sit h t ammly loam sad the ,lil g every peter or entry woad Year, tenth*. Dariair the first yrwir.1 Mr. *en are *bowl >* toot apart mit. a At moon r rate or growth. ttt Sia'ta ownership-1412—the apple 1147- 8111 214f is warier .stric•tbY. iii lir. Shari does not mutt more than yield was 1,715 barrels and M 1112 it alfa time radon slut Mid six or sewn Nebr* .t wood growth. was 1,3/11. Then tem* tate war. Mah lass 0*. **NW eieherlier” Weed in any orae creaser. lakes are knit In/width took Mr. Sloan away from the +1nk Tsar 1! Protolowits Cisme sstl : tier .rrbwtrrt to ambit l', peii.nation.' farad for tt.sriy Tire y.srs. 'flaw lerd.Mt rat�e i�nes the &eerie Aerri eiterl 1 'bimbos ire pr,t weber Wim ttrreeorvy !yield repidty dwindled until 1n 1414 t�oic .g.. a vetInsc;a a is pram- e,•rpereimlijr With Spies. i no oeleabir apples est salt wee* m- ine tonth oaring. eeico.Nt ler a patch;, 1*- tide system of f duend. h e Hilt oily 114 barcode and floret five deet ime are aroused each g e rue pecei at, kir, 3i.rarn's ,trsrs show is 1118 sad 111* netidevg. In fart the Moans. who retained to the farm during the summer of 191* purchased apples that - fait for their own twee. Then as proper cultural methods were *gain applied the orchard "earns back," producing 900 barrels In 1220, $ aS0 bsrrerls in 1921 and the same in 1921, 3.00* in 112*, and last year 4, 501:, including the 1,000 .reel* brown oit by the wine It msir be Wen in- to e.esideration, of coarse, that the yarn orchard e.stitereeed to bear in appeeeiable gwaistity ,boat 1923 Mit the erichnce is very clear in regard to the reiative +Reefs .f care and Xt. Dart is esae ettialiy an orchard- ist. itis faritt ineIaitl a total ot 120 acral belt the seebard is allays given *est c.nsia.rstie t ,rand the Want* of the wort made tis "2t ire," Twenty- . Ave based et math are fid eseb win- ter be sopplyl rwttwate. *.sues the 44 OM* st' tipples iw. bus ss sere of piewes *ad two sere* et 111-yesoeill pear orcherd'. loreopeete far both paws and plums are good this ewer. Didion Ever dee Children Playing Store.? - How REAL it is to them I How INTERESTING ! Just SO do 'we teach Rook-KeepIng. On entetin the student receives Twee Thousand.(2;O30) Dollars, in College Currency, with which to buy and sell, progress- jog from that to the tat of Notes, Drafts, Checks De. ferred payments, etc,, all the tune .keeping account of these transaction--'in'other words—KEEPING BOOKS. Dei You. 'Wish to Study R.et ok-Kee :erg arta Tie Higher Accountancy ?: SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO • Teeachets ACTUAL BUSINESS` from the start Phone 188 B. P. WARD, B.A.; M.: AcCts., Principal .e' .. Wood'', *t1! ! A,a,aeri tttprwietrY. 100 srrrer•er9 ser. *thee bvi mutt •.-A,t.adae,te til;, 3.491.100.z e-' N.•,► O tan° tGuvl,br..es, ISuetdleiiC be be oreeeld ebee VW, - CANADIAN NAT 101 AL During the past two or three year* Toronto hats been his chief market fort. apples, even though) everything has* been packed in barrels. Box packing has not been attempted in a cownter- aial way as Yet, in the first place, became tap.bis box peckers ore nok'r available, and in. the a.twad plate be.; mum of the fact that mixed carloadu (reeking- and i tl tsars e4 salt • tee better adrantage then strolegbt the boxing f cookies apples i not Yet t profitable mnt*m. carlemde enobing varieties --end s It Is i* er•.stinr to not. in passing that the ere chief apple growing townships .f Rana hare a remained tete! of 2,144 acres eerier a leme.rriul orchard : Aab2ad township. !!4 anis; Cdh.nw, 411 sores; Goderleb. IN acres: Steak%, tN ,ares; Welt 1Rawge».ab. 214 aeaia tort year tate ess.ty predated MOW W barrels (s+ti- osoded). et vitae* skeet seals-thtell were lost threes% slut seed tresesao.r. Ale tied. In 1*1111. Bares pr M,id, IMA* barrels of apples. • &:•ecial for Saigrday and Tuesday : only 5 Doom ' Mst.'.- J ter s4, Ms.( KHAKI PANE'S wan maters 6 pocks% butt Lops and cuff bo:to ns, ..... Jam :32 t3 441 : Special $139 Doom ht*ws KfIAKI WORK SHIRTS made with We Yui • akai1 coatstt�, ohm 14 lace ' Special $i .19 17 M. ROBINS • ,(