HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-22, Page 7ToseiliW
lier tom
F!t Five Yens
Mo. lames A, Wawah, 1040 Kabir
tt•, bowie*, Cot., weitre:--•'1 haw
rasa tueobki with ay semis ler tie
ieel the Apra sand was to bad I would
ries to sail ay keobsnd hoar freer his
work ea sneer ueeasioas. I took all
class of IR Oen' sodisises, lee wick•
lest *sty eget*
Tke last open 1 bad wee about six
waster ago ween 1 frit like a.nenuttse
wealth, eeo1d anet sleep, acrd would alit
send nee our aaotilag•
Oae Ste 1 rias terribly bed, shentla g
wed screswaiag, surd soy next door eagle
Igoe eases to to eoe what was the matter
/lith ase, said not beteg able to tell ker.
oohs rent for my bnsbsa4, He brought
we heo, a boa of
Tteli ilnuTrien4 otbis told him about
;yea ,woaderfal remedy, so I took three
''hoxee of th ine:sea I cannot mammon.
them too highly as I new ilea wen,
sad have not 'been bothered wee my.
seance since,
'Prime Sue. a box st all dealers, or
(easteled dlreet on receipt_ of prim by
The 0 . ,UHbun Co,,Idmthd, '.foroato.
• .�.�y�v /�_Jv j
.t. T[ O , G. vkh, 04.
111111111111111111 •111•11101111111111111111111111.1
&eases as MOP es . alba had s1 tits time be GedsrWl . N.
Peedieseas at ed . t awelld there ky the new ruse.
casuals , Y! 1w -TIM say balance s its ae'rertj
anew. sMst4• Regie ge bees_* ods were three taverns. Row. it
Gait and his *Wets la leaden had Doe were teohy, yes get tea, pork.
s�. . They deed d. hood. sad if unlucky. creat, ,
ilio for hark el test ages. sad beef tallow. Theo iasis.
le tiealmer oke tie eavetssoisl Ow• if they deserve the name. had loess
Fecwaard! be aur watxhwore, at this critical awnteat bet to este- ernessate ad lir Pereira* Mahlasd, established by C oiosne Anthony alk -
a t th c people to lest ee tee e- the n O ' had came %roams ' whoa career woad make
!Steps and voice* joined ; to mord Gait ss a ed wee the dots of a couple of male. Born -
Bak the tbiags before us, geese a wsy teroege for tt sen. lie eaanses '$ sad tae,
tea. .in Reiland, he served tender Naps,
Not a look behind : did as emensa orad and the sea divide denies, There ware toots ou hstJ* . ssaervived the litseatan Cs•arpaixr,,
Burns the Say. pillar ed and, the ckildrea et Israel crowd sides Halt wenn seeps ears been fete* at Waterloo on the winnies
At our army's bead ;
over on dry ground. "By faith they more auntie sod easeitiatiait Hip mop. eanitrrated to I'eansylvente. sad
Who shall dream of sbrinking, passed tbrowllh the Red Sea as by toot. awn when ssktar a favor of finally drifted north to r reads. ire
By our t`a'+tain led ? dry land; wench the Egyptians assay tee Gowrnasrsnrt, ked healdellsee ales took part in the Rebellion of 1437.
Henry Alford, inn to do, were drawnei. (Heb. heKaremir. At the same time Matt• was captured, *nal died in paean.
PRAYER 11:2U).es
hard hoed lose scallsly eeseeeeepes Of course Strickland was pleased
Our Father we thank thee fee the Tis, Lord 3 bo *h heard. aausw*r,d of Galt's Lilme , awl egad net with Goderich. Lake Huron was al -
times in ear liver when we eerie net and saved the ehilirtn of Israel and have hoses areally to Ooasp1.1 g to most u good as the sea near kis old '
see our way through but were led. when ale as the other shore they net Dinettes. bete in 0ugoik, and there were all
We have born guilty of complaining praised G.d in a song of rejoicing. p'Inaiy belt was dwell/we lams. ends of interesting thing* to Le
s" -- rr- - - -.••-•- -+w..--.+s- --._..
and of fearing and we seek thy parej elite Lori is my strength andsong lop and Strickland waved goodbye dens. To begin with, x house had to - --- --- - - --a-ewes's "7'" ",- ---* s"'• - ,--,--
don. Grant to us more ,grace that land he is become my salvation,"frome wharf at Yo::; to an *obit- be Milt -a job Strkkland desray - Which gave the exiles blah." Report of Heir esa likepea for
alt fear and dietrust May be removed . lead. (Ex. 15:2)th. tared and discredited man. He plead. lad. Even getting the lumbjr was The new Revlon was dense forest, were *ep
*ic tease ee. life •
from our wells. In Jesus' name, wm WORLD MISSIONS cd his case before the directors in exciting. The only sawmill in the but Stemetend liked work. The McGaw -Total hops, 76; select
pray. Amen. Drrinr the Boxer uprising in London. Bat Smith, the accountant Tract was ten miles up the Malt• sails of the house were 0000 tieing•
buten, :'0� thick smooth, 45; heavies,
8. S. LESSON FOR AUG. 1st, 1126 China, some missionaries were in im- had been before him, and'0alt spoke land. You walked thither through There were no raw -mills near, and 4; extra heavies, 1; oboe begs, 2.
Leaser* Thio. -Tie I)eliveranee It minent danger of their lives in a in vein; the bush. made your boards into a his boards. like Robinson Crusoe's
The lied Sea. large city, and knew no way of es- 'i'his was not the way he had plan- raft, and floated down -stream, shoat- 16;Auburn-Ts :sol hogs, 47; select bacon,
Leeson Passage --Exodus 13:132, e* But their Master bad knownhad b be hewed out at kbps. Store*. Ru n Co smooth, 28;hheavies,1078; se..
_ 14:18.1$, pe' nee to go out of the story. In one peg rapids and two small falls on the - for the chimney had to be dragged 'Huron County -•-Total hors,
long be#ore. A native Christian of his novels he had dsrcrlbed the wsy. "1 do rot know anything more from the lake shore. With all One lett bacon, 313; think smooth, 5tt4;
Galion Text--Exadua 15;2: came rushing into the compound rise of a cotter's son to knighthood delightful," ways Strickland, after Strickland was in his glory. With heavies, OU; extra heavies, 9; shop
It was a most naoment:.us night with the news that a caravan was et and parliament: in the end the here describing how he bad been en to his = '
when the children of Israel were the rate of the city. ready help from the other settlers he cut a • hags, 33; lights and feeders, 9,
to start
had returned in triumph to Scotland ansa -pits in water while sheeting the sleigh -road to Peterborough,
Milo and brisling -
}lack Mahlon, Etc.
Monerat►1 Steal*
luta off the Square
'*assn. Meet all Trans gad
Passenger Boats
Passengers called for Its say
part 01 the' town for all
trains. st 0. T. R. or C. P. R
'rPrarttlpt Service and
Careful Attendance.
suer. Livery :see 'back service
will be found tip-toedate
In every ,reapuat.
veer Patronage Softeitsd
T. SWAR"ri'S
Phial" 107 Moareel'tftreet
.t.isa Lord, theyupbraide&'Moses foe lead -
driven out of Egypt. but in today* upon the journey across the Desert It was just such a homecoming that filet fall. In the titanic he was busy makings AI)VERTISIe IN THE STAR.
lesson is recorded the story of an• cf Gobi, but the trader was unexpect- Galt had promised himself, gid he A* usual Strickland had left his
the risco comfortable enough for hiet
ether equally so in the history of edgy unable to go. and was anxious knew, that his work in Canada had wife behind till the new quarters wife and children. To urinal 'a
oad t
h pro. to dispose of Th earned it. Tho immediate result ofh !d be d b t th 1 1' i 1 CANADIAN NATRMAL Rif
h t G 1 `t h h o of suppler from Peter mug. et
that people. t e caravan. e • sou res y, u e one incest 1
The children of Israel had so long, mtesionariea hastened tote spot,
his dismissal was money difficulties -. ue r. was too mac for et, One miles away, took two days. The iT TORONTOs
been in bondage that they were in no and "there." as one of them said, Prord of his earning powers, and day on his return from work, Strick- newly rut road was et itis be:•.t ten;I R�1N SERVICE to
^ondittcn to meet and contend with "was the caravan which the Lord h s rather fond of display he - land found a pile of -baggage, a cur.. feet wide and the creeks rind swamps
sueh a people ass the Fhilistinrr,e so had provided for us," even servants pit nothing by A bill of eighty ly-headed child, and a wife waiting had been left untouched. Hut the Dally Sweeten guutdwy
Gad,, instead of leading them the and provisiana. Thus weeks before pounds was presented by the head• for him. They had come in a wag" home-made ox -waggon. with sapid Lee. (.itttlerieh 0.00 a tn. • 2.20 pan.
Ron drawn by a yoke of oxen. At rings of oak six inches thick for Clinton G 2;$ a.►n. 2.52 pan.
least they had started that way, but wheels, withstood stumps, mud«holes i " See.ffrth 6.41 st m. 3,12 p.m.
after the waggon had upset twice, and stones. Strickland liked to re -1 "' Mitchell 7.04 seen. 3.42 p.m.
Mrs.• Strickland, with the child in her member this journey when, a few Arr. Stratford 7.30 a m. 4.10 p,m.
arms, had walked the remaining air;- years later, he was able to drive to "' Kitchener 8.90 am. 8.20 pen.
nights odd
den ilexhe road, y• anddotbeen oaf town in his buggy. Mrs, Strickland " Guelph f ,45 a, tn. ti.50 p,tn,
six had been obliged to camp out came to the new farm, as. she had " Toronto 10,10 a tn. 7,90 p.m.
shortest way to the promised land, these servants of the Lord had master ue the school et Reading,
took them through the way of the known or thought of their future where his boys had been educated.
wilderneas of the Red Sea, teed, their Lore had been preparing Galt asked in vain for time. When
It was a strong band, about six for, them, and after several weary the claim was pressed„ he was come
hundred thousand men,.beside women weeks, he brought: them a11, men mitred to the King's Bench, How
and children. They were heavily and women, in safety "unto the hav long he was` there is not clear, but he
laden, loving' res:eiv^d.' from the en of rest" and civilization, "where et once resolved to support his fame
Egyptians jewels of silver, and jaw- they would be.", Before they had Hy by writing. He earls that he "re-
els of gold and raiment in rich abun. called, "'he was answering them," tired from the arena of business with
'lance. In spite .;f their being .taken and "he is the same Lord, yesterday,
the *ullennessr of ik vanquished hull:'
tarn a different way than they expect- today, and forever." -S. 8. Times. In Canada his pen had been almost
ed they had visible signe of God's - ' wholly idle, though some, of his ac•
presence with them. "And the Lorca count -books have sonnets scribbled
went before them byday in a pillar SOME SYMPTOMS
p among the figures, ;\Tow he turned
of a cloud; to lead them the. way; and OF THIN BLOOD back to the old grind of beak«making
w., . nitrht in a pillar of fire, to give --- ., Nothing he.wrote in these years has
them light, to go by day and night, Everybody Should be Able to Re- niece merit•,. most of it is bad be-
t% took not away the pillar of the cognize Them Because Early bond belief, He anode nine or ten
'loud by day, nor the pillar of fire Treatment is Important novels, short stories, articles, a life
r x the. people,"
by night from .before 1 " of Bryon, an auto>�fography, and two
Gid then mslde known to Moses how Anaemia, or lack of blood, ifs a volumes of verses. As •a contribu.
Pharaoh would pursue after to again stealthy disease and is often grate tor to 'theme's Magazine' .. he met
enslave the people. nm grief was'advanced before it is recognized. It Carlyle, who has) lefts portrait of
dulled, his repentance was of abort .is much easier to correct in its early him "Galt leeks old. is deafish, has
duration and he'soon began to think sees, but If unchecked causes weak- _ the air of a sedate Greenock burgh
of the loss r�,ntailed through the de. nese, loss of weight, lack of vigor er; mouth indicating sly huii4o- and
tartare of such an army of workers and ambition. self«satisfaction; the eyes, old and
end he;ordered. out all the Marione of = Some aymp.toms.: of anaemia . are without lashes„ gave 'me a sort of
Egypt to go in hot pursuit, En- doss of appetite, indigeestion, head- wan interest for him. He wears
camped by the ,Red Sea the children aches, sieepleseness, . shortness of spectacles, and.is bard of hearing;
of Israel were thrown into a panic breath after slight exertion, and often a very ]urge Man. and eats and
when they scar Pharaoh's host ad- extreme .nervousness. Ie you, have drinks with a certain west country
viewing. Surely they were trapped
end although 'they cried unto the
--- Mg them' straight into, what seemed,
�. _,.:; .. • nothing else than, the jaws of • death.
Over against
their dismay stood the
ofYtheit T
Ile s
their tonin by
his calm trust in God
whose presence,.was still• wit:e them
in the pillar : of fire and of' loud.
They•eonld only, sen the pursuers un-
til'recalled to their former/trust by
Moses assuring them-ofpod's power.
'• "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the
salvation of the Lord,. which he will
shew to you today; for the Egyptians
whom yr . have wen • today, ye shall
see a then, 'again no more for ever,
The -Lord shall fight for .you, and ye
shall hold your peace."
Whichever evey they looked, there
was no way of escanit so they fully treatment and
'continued the'
tbairght, but God had but to speak ryas soon a well e' man in better
4n 1loaea telling .hitt to bestir. him, = health than. I^ had enjoyed for some -
self, not even to cry to him for help years In view of what /Dr WiI-
Therfort runne rofcolds
dent and inhale Mir. -
strd's and rub it -GaAs
throat and plait.
,.' tro4 prove tore.
The People'% Power
any or all of these symptoms begin gusto and research. Said little, but
treatment now th b Willithatlittl sae bl , 1 d gut -
Pink Pills, the tonic which will. hake : muthing; wish to see him also again,"
the' blood'ri*h and' plentiful. Every "• Scribbling did not take all his
wa r.sms . a e aces e c ear, au
art of the body will respond to this , tinge. Now, as earlier, he was not
treatment as is shown by the ease 1ff ,content to be a mere author. : He
M;rs, sIsaac; Hell, Sr. Port Alison. -Was founder, secretary,:' and Tater
Ont., 'who says: -"A few years ago "superintendent of the lBritisli •Annan.
1 was a very sickly woman. I was ; can Land Company, which in 1833
all run down and . my nerves badly purchased from the Government
shattered; I- had - taken doctor's eight hundred „thousand acres in
medicine, but as I got no help trona 'Lower Canada.: F'or a while- Galt
it, I tried other medicines, but with thought that the venture would give
no better results. One day•while - him the fame and success he'had
raiding a newspaper, I came across missed in the Canada. Company. Rut
an advertisement of Dr. Williams' ill -health soon ended' 9110• share in the
Pink Pills describing a ease very scheme; When his old .friend Moir
much like my own, I decided to try 'visited him he found "the dropping
them, and by the time I had taken figure. of one old before his time.
two boxed I could feel the -benefit I crippled in his movements, and evi-
was getting from them, ao I cheer- dently but half -resigned to this pre-
mature curtailment of his mental ex-
ertions." :Siszht and speech were
both affected by •paraly�ls.
He was lonely too. His sons, John
and .Thomas, sailed ,for Canada in
In s spite of their father's ex-
perience, 3833.
n e h r a s c
perience, both entered the (' n mda
Company. John settled near Gude
rich: Thomas lived to be a chief-ius-
tice and a knifrht•, and Alexander
who followed his brothers riot in
1834 became a Father of Confede'n•
tion. The last five years of Galt's
Yong fight with. disease were silent
at Greenock. He died on lith •An'•il.
1839. His widow Seined A1e^xm•der
at .:Sherbrooke, Ouebee, end lived
with hien till her death.
Fortune was kinder to Dunlop.
On the banks of the Maitland. some
distance onstream from Goderich, he
built a house of oak logs for himself
at,d Robert. his naval brother. It
was called Gairbraid, after his tooth-
er's home in • Dumbart:.nshire. 1•fere
he dispensed hospitality and inst.
lice s' Pink .Pills have dope for me I
i ill., Fell_ I 0 cheerfullyrecommendtheir ,use to
all weak, rundown people."
Dm. Williams' . Pink Pills are sold
by ail druggists, or may be had by
mail at 50 cents* box by writingfientge.Dr.Wilbana
fa•MedicineCoBrvilleOnt.Afr aboo letBuil, e k �� arir � r
Up the Blood," will be sent to any
t address on request: -
Cook by Electricity,
Wash by Electricity
but by Electricity
Chesney than coal or wood
An Electric Vacuum (:leaner
removes the dust; a broom just
moves the dust.
We guarantee all Hydro Lamps
for 1500' hours.
Walk inrr and see display at
The Hydro Store
a yen put your feet in ic•
" pain being
out comfort just soaking
in. Hoer good your tired, swollen,
burning feet feel. "Tiz" instantly
draws out the poisonous exudations
that puff up your feet and cause
ate, inflamed, sweaty feet.
• "Tit," and only 'Tiz ' takes the
pain and soreness out of•eorns, cal-
louses and bunions. Get a box of
"Tie" at any ,drug or department
store for a few cents, Your feet are
never going to bother you any more.
• A "(bolo year's foot comfort guaran.
1fie beams wad Cldlihnx
plop �i11r '*OYeers.
Mesas bons
Peed. r
e:Usntinusd creel pap':, 2.
It Bids Pain Begone.=-Wh»'n neur-
alhia racks the • nerves or lumbago
cripples the bark is the time to test
• the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie
011. Well rubbed in it will still the
pain and produce a sensation of ease
and rest. A trial of, it will establish
faith in it.
:;verything connected with the practi-
cal part
e come to Goderich, on foot. Retua ning- Leave Ttwonto 6,45 tt.en.,
On the afternoon of the seeopd day Striekland'a remaining years were
e man had overtaken her and offered uneventful. He had the pleasure of i 12.0 a nen. and G Ou p.m.
to carry the baby. She noticed too building yet one more house, and of , Perla. Cafe car, Codarice to Tor -
pate that he was drrnk; when she de- watching the countryside till up amp to Goderich 0 05 on p.twee.
mended the baby back the follow the fareats give way .to farms. In Through reset, +.corer -ten to Toronto.
made off, with Mrs. Strickland in 1851 he paid a short vial to England P. F. LAWRENCE & SONS
pursuit. But sate could eat keep up, after an absence of twenty-acveO, Town Passenger end Tickets Agents
and soon lost sight of him. �4hen years. But he felt that he was lcuv-,
they reached the tavern they found' Mg. not' returning,, home*, and he •
the child on the man's knee. tr. came back to die in Canada West I
merely observed that leo hoped the r10DRRICH MARKETS
lady would give bine the price of a - ....,.. „.... •
Carter quay t of whisky, for tee child was Old Mr Helped
heavy. Three or four days on' a chi- t� e+ r X %e
onist car would have had no terrors U simple Mixture
for Mrs; Strickland. Guelph to God- . p
erich a hundred years ago was a • "After taking Adlerika 1 feel
harder journey than Montreal to Al- better than for years. At my age
tecta now. (60) it is ideal ---,,so different front
There was plenty of amusement at ' other medicines." (signed) W.
Goderleh. Strickland played • round W. Garter. Adiertka is a Silttple
3n dug -outs and -sail -boats, killed wild
pigeons --sometimes twenty or thin- itlixture of buckthatzl liar);, glycan«
ty. at one shot, he says, --and trolled fate, etc., which removes GAS
for bass,, maskinonge, and salmon- m ten minutes and often brings
trout.. He also had a-chance•to study surprising relief to the stomach.
Indian customs when Chippewas Stops that full • bloated feeling.
camped at Goderich with -furs, bas- ..Brings out old" waste -matter you
kens, and
cesssins for sale.
never thought was • in your syr-
land was interested in their religioues tela, • Excellei)t for chronic con -
• and admired the way the stn anon, CAMPBELL'S iJl2lifi
squaws sang Weelevan hymns. p e•
A couple of years after Galt's re- STORE.
tirement Strickland decided to quit
the Company's service. His salary . 'r
had been reduced and his family en- a
larged. Favorable- necounts of the et -.
growth of Peterbororh persuaded
him to take •up his old farm again.
The journey from Goderich began in •
a February snowstorm. • •The first
m 's
night was. spent at Van E o gnd
newly completed and eomfortableeta- _
vcrn. At Sebactes place, however,
the Stricklands were glad they had
brought 'their own • food, The .sleep.
ing accommodation . was unpreten-
tious. There were two rooms.- In
one,' a mere closet, slept • Sebach's
wife and some four or five of her
children: In the other room. sixteen
feet by twelve,. were two b:cIs to re-
ceive Strieklard, 'his wife, her sister-
in-law, two Strickland eehildren; an-
other traveller and child, the team-
ster, and, of course, Schnell with th.' -
rest of his family. Horse blankets
were hung for nartitions, and some-
how people stowed th •'nseives away.
Strickland and flue driver ley down
near the fire With five Sebnek bovv,
who made it their *fin`• to s•" tent
nobody slept very much. on the
evening of the sixth day Strickland
was at his father-in-law's hourly.
Almost at once he traded his farm
for two hundred aerie in a neighbor»
ing .townshi?e and six hundred dol-
laes. He caked the new place Rev -
don after his hone 111.Srtrold-•" the
name." as his daughter Agnes wrote
• "The name beyond all others
"I . have an -unbounded beneratiop," _ Endeared in grief or mirth,
110 wrote. "for the nrincirlee' of 't." Of that far distant villake
Temperance, Societies," • bet their ,
members would not have enjoyed his tainasistr'sagerossasfas►sstaesc sn*siaM*slfrl
of the settlement."
parties, His spirit -stand. with its stt
This was just the sort of life, twelve gallon bottles•• -•the Twelve „ The Folly of Taking e
NowWELL St ' eland wished Ile flet Galt at Apostles Dunlop called them, -was aIst
Her Suffering Relieved and
Health Refired by Lydia
L'.Piniham''s Vegetable
Thoonto, Ontario. -"feral cer'tafnly
werygrateful for thabenefit I have re-
ceived from Lydia E.Pinkham'it Veg.
eteble Co also the Sanative
Waab anfl the Liver Pills. .In the
'early spring I west suffering so much
from lore of blood that 1 thought 1
moi ica* rnevaelbia i mey onyer rdfor thee
time being. 1. saw the Vegetable
Compound stdresrtised in tee 'or to
Star,' and I glad tie Vegetable Com.
Tosblits the beet for me. 1
hare beet taking then sine* Spring,
sold I intend keeping them by ata all
the time. After reading year Frt-
vete Text -Book I saw it wee netts -
eery to use Lydia IE. I'inkbatm's San -
'tire Womb, and I can safely say I
feel a diffe rant wssesnt. My frionds
remark how well I;coir. 1 ant a r
busy weans, feat I am ready at all
times to besetsredlake.s."-••A
hire. (*m . $49 Leads -
doom Arose, Ti t.,, Otrwio.
Yet* cry be twelve sn experience
sitsl;at to Mrs, 'a arid will be
;tweeted M k,fow *teat sure M.
Ewsry s3sk *WOOS eras feed 111416 isnt
that pend lB. b � 'sloee. Ins are
told Cotint k deme bola M oat of o.ety
1e0 wtwntmn who tsako it. •
(fold by irlg'iists . : • 0
York hi April at the beginning of the 1 conspicuous ' bite of furniture. • In i Digestive Pell
ell et
spring operations, and was ordered i warm weather Dunlop and his friends see
to Guelph. There were now some -amorist them the young John Galt Warne Stomach Sufferers. rt
seventy houses built or building, a -took their pleasure under the ma- as Neutralize Dangerous Acids, in 1
view -mill; a brick -kiln, a market- nle flag -pole to front of the house. w Stomach With Hot Water es
house, several stores, a school, two Gairbraid was the centre of geniality a and lilagoescta.
-blacksmith's.ashopa.end ,a stone ofTire for the township• aaspaaaal*asesaeettijartEduae*tar s6lersb�ssi
for the Company partly built. 'Roads ' Dunton"a-•-•-easy-going. •• •ways._„wer! uNever €cines- the_.ditCoKtion of fer-
from the neighboring townships had never disturbed by maraduge. Only merctinir food from "'Jour' been opened up. Some ardent spirits ante do we hear of him in serious simply to fret temporary relief from
talked of starting a newspaper, and danger, Louisa M'Coll, a 'Highland indigestion,' says a well known au -
as a last *Uneaten free grants of dairywoman. was sent out from the thority. The habit of taking digest -
burial grounds were made to ai1 re- original Gairbraid to manage the ive pills after meals makes chronic
ligioua sects. An elorteent Circular (*others' bachelor establishment, dyspeptics of many thousands of
issued by the directors expressed on- Her presence seems to have sett ton men and women because artificial
ly one misgiving. It was feared that . gued clacking, and for the better digestents, drugs and medicines have
owing to the cutting dowp of trees prevention of scandal Dunlop mug- eesivcaliy no inetuenee upon the ex-
essively acid condition of the team -
the clitnate might become so mild grated to his brother that one pre-' c
aeh contents which is the cause of
that good. winter roads might be en- gated to his brother that ane of them moat forms of indigestion and dye.
marry the lady.. IIs proposed that pepsin,
Strickland spent a delightful lune- each should toss a coin three times,' The after dinner pill merely les
mer. His chief work was bridge. --=the man with most heads to stay ns the senaitiveneas of the stomach
i building and cord -making, hut he single. The Captain lost and mar- nerves -and thus gives a fate sense
1 of freedom from pain. If those who
found time to catch trout Mend shoot ried Louisa. It should be added, in
a deer. In the absenee of a doctor at justice to the Tiger, the least selfish are subject to indigestion, bloating
he gave doses of calomel and of brothers and a decent, prudent urn, etd., after stoma, tinglCwould gett a
jalap, let blood, and drew teeth. sort of man, that his halfpenny heti little pore Bisuratcd Magnesia (eith•
tieniop was there off and on, and he a head on each side. Ile and Louisa er powder or tablets) from any re -
r 'nee h be
tt f friends,
and Strickland became dost friends. sane e s n r nds, and bible druggist and take a teaspoon.
"They were drawn together by a cam• she was not forgotten in his famous ful of the powder or two of the tab-
' mon admiration for Galt and a corn- will. He died in 1848. mon dislike of the Company's lets in a little water after meals,
N ny's new Strickland served the Company for there would be no further necessity
accosntant,Thomas Smith, an ignor- two years after Gilt's derartute, fisur ratcd Maeor ned'$ininstantlys neut.
ant conceited Cockney rind an e*sy ""-
ratites stomach acidity, stops fogavictim for Dunlop's practical jokes, r tC;7.refM''IPtC► •..r.f�. Ede`.. fermentation and thus insures nor -
Ile was soon toad to return to the tie ve 1A1 M ttN IMO ie ri I" mal, painless digestion by enabling
sweet security of London streets. ttkok,,aw the stomach to do its work without i
Smith had been sent out by the ,.. hindrance.
-...... ,..,.._.,0111,,,•..
Wheat, per hush ..`o :.3* to 5 140
Buckwheat, per bush, 03 to 70
.Hogs 12,50 to 12.50
Oats, per buf.h .. • . 40 to 40
Peas, per bush 1.43 to 1.50
Barley. per bush65 to . 70
Cattle, ordinary. per
cwt... .
Cattle, export
tea cwt.)
Cattle, ehoice, cwt.. 6.30 to 6.75„
Lambs, per cwt. , ., . 12.00 to 12.00
Dairy Butster. ,. , , 40 to 40
Eggs, per dos 25 to. 30"
Fancily flour, per cwt 3,90 to 4,00
Patent flour, per cwt. „4.75 to 6.00
Bran, per ton. 32 00 to 33,00 "
. 1M,00 to 36.00
'0, 2
Hay, per ton 10.00 t to 12.00
Hides.,.,, . 06 to 06
i Potatoes, per bag:. . 2;50 to 2,50.
• 0.25 to 0.25
7.00 to. 7.50
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The Star and Saturday Night ...... , ,........ 5.50
The Star and The Catholic Record... , 3.75
The Star and M:Lean's Magazine 83.75
The Star and Rod'. and Gun 3 t90
The Star and Montreal Witness......... renewal 3.85
new... 3.50
The Star and 'World Wide renewal 4.25
new, 3.85
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