HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-22, Page 6PAWL SIX
bid down his weer. and thee inks Tho Tarboro se to show them."
X Y • ) pr pose o s w
mot e than ueual in his toe* "Yost mean o t ho
V00' may ilad itt. year ielva=tate
X make emeartriseas lettere
whisk et the esivereities within
mei' yea will totem'.
Dere knew that it tests less to at.
Mai aft USITssalty 01
De yea keine that the magma* year
is %eget?
De year kowtow that the
standards required ter stu.
*rata is wades me
DI roe bar* it sons si
Salaarts staisola wadi their
4047AtissaIssel sal*
won, erell moo iv; taw Ad.
14s laimialiba awns
lisaiss. Cowls
- .1
"I !ravel.% tad you everything, but ECZEMA ate •ff. Is that it? Another con.
it's evidently time I did. Phillip* or SALT num quest, leer
ea* mixed up with bad assite, asseew, " gale use*, es it ist ei won't ice Buda eriod, furious.
the very worst in town-" Hesse it as yore will. I
"So he told me,"
ememerety awned, ie vas of tea wee
ly. She freed herself front • his
egealsiag of ell skis dimwits.
• "He couldn't have told y,n. -whet Tibe imam, Urals& swan see arms. "Yoe know I won't go.
I'm about to. He had a most unfor- sesartiese eereially at stightastitvirea You'd like to made me in the
tunate affair with a &nee -hell girl -
ors. that reflects no credit upon him.
He was on the straight path to rein
and going at * cello:), drinking,
gambling --everything."
"All the more reason for trying to
save hint Remember, you were wild
"Wahl I don't say he's *guilty of
this charge: I want to belie him
innocent -I'd like to help prove it.
k'or that very reason it occurred to
me that I.aureeeshe's the dant...hall
girleemight throw some light on the
fi matter. so 1 rut Rock to work on
hr. Wll, his report wasn't pleas.
• ant. The girl talked, but what • she meta rarertist, Oust bee dose, er eett do,
win to retirees;
said didn't help Phlfill'el• Sin+ eon* est distuertustil"sen wirt.th "theidtes"rritelderitvo7
based that he'd been stealing right tuts et 464m*.
along and giving her the money." . Mairsteetared only by The T. Md-
. Mrs...Cavendish was *hocked, in. beta Go., Limited, Twasts. oat,
pointed in me air a men and a hither ceedulous. After a memento how -
"Yon resally must do something for ween I refused to quaeh the entire over, she shook her head positively
---• proettedings mut apologize, on behalf and exclaimed, el don't believe „a he boasted .tlurt his energetic defense
-this boy Pierce Phillips." Mre
Cavendish spoke with decielon. of his honor had worked a marvel in
The newspaper which tee celonei of the Dominion Government, for the word of it."
, injury to the Iad's feelings. Sheowaw •"She's going „to swear to it." hit home; in her presence be made
e -/c weeks actually peeved. What ails her / "Her eath would- no better than bold to take on a swegger and an
'wise reading was •barely i
old, therefore he was deeply engros. the Countess her word-" . authority hitherto unknown.
sed in it, and he looked up somewhat !cdTefetteekunodwro.ppedThienn, and so did that "Good Lord!" the colonel cried,
absentmindedly, l 'lady dealer' from the Rialto. Now teatily. "Has this young imp com.
• 4'U,, Yes. 01 vouree, nre dear,", you take up his defense' The pletily hypnotized you women? The
*spewed to est, makes it la= places you frequent -saloons, dime -
bewails sae relief is gladly weleomed. halls, gambling-housee. The ideal"
teme * "You won't? Tut. tut! What 1.
-011‘?" Courteau Lried, angrilY. "Re-
• beilious so soon? Is this recent •
"1141 •
•he murmured. "What does he want' speaker paused. thoughtfully for an Kirby girl is frightened to death,
no,,w?' !Instant. "It's bed enough to have Mal the Countess -well, she told Inc
• tiny. he want* his libertil re' tee fellow hanging ground our qua. Oerself that her husband's jealousy
went' this absurd charge' against tees et all hours, but Josephine etc* was at the bottont of the whole
him dismissed! lea n shame to 'hold welly suggested that we have him thing. Lauver in spite of what she
• a boy of his character, his breedine, dine with usl" , said to Rock, le behaving like a mad
on •the mere word of a pun like know. She spoke of it to me. person. I dropped in at the Rialto
Count ,Courteau." _ •But he isn't „dhangine around at all this evening and she asked me whet
'Coterie' Cavendish state quizzi- 'It .urs.' Josephine is interested in I was the worst Pierce -could expecti
t ally. "Yous to, ah?" odd he, °•"his ease, just as I am, beeause-" •I I made it strong, purposely,' and I
''What die you mean bY that" i "Aly d:sar! He's a weigher in a I thought she'd faint. No, it's a nes.
"Why, you're the fourth woman :saloon, a gemblime•house employee. 'te' affair, all through. And, by
who has appealed to me eine* his ar. I leyou think it wise"to raise such a Jere! 'to cap the climax, you and
reet• 1 dere say I'll hear irelo Oh. dust about him? I like the boy me. Josephine take part in it! I flatter
ere. I never easv a fellow whe had 'Bell -caret help liking him -but you myself that I'm democratic, but -
the fem*.i WILCO so solidly behind t enderatend what he's beep doing" have him here to dine! Gad!
him. I'm beginning to regard Ifiel Ile's been cutting up; going the ;me. That's playing democracy pretty
Aa a sort of 'domestic menace." II never knew yoe to countenance a strong.",
• "You surely don't believe him gull. rellow......, , 447i isn't fair to imply Nutt IW
I "I never saw a boy toward whom nothing more then a ladies'
When her husband refused to com- '1" felt so.-rootherly," Mrs. Cavendish. They're detestable. The inen like
mit himself Mrs. Cavendish exclatneesaid, with some irrelevance. "I don't Phillips too " • •
ed, "Rubbiehl" like wild young melt tulle better thee "True," Cavendish admitted. "Ile
"First Josephine, came to me," the you do, hu. -he isn't a thief, of Viet has the God.given faculty of mak-
cOlonel observed.' "She WAS• deeple I'm sure."
enrendieb ing friends, and for that alone can
indignant arid considerebly disks. eLook Isere to
Internal and h..xternal Paine being born lucky or rich or hand-
. eirs prorna roilemad by
favored him 'all I can, If theeght
some. I'm taul of 'him. but I've
forgive hint almost anything.
W8 -
•a wonderful faculty -better than
• • Joseeeine were; seriously interested
rest rr Helmut eouo P00 MANN 'terry in • him -well, I wouldn't feel ipo
__ego is To•OA GAMIN MUM TANI friendly." The • speaker laughed
naroas t A TaSTIPM,NIAL THAT SPEAKIlltua •
0111111"4 *MOM. • eshortly. ."Ne. The man who claims
that girl's attention must be clean
through and through. Ile . must
stand the neid test."
When his wife silently approved
this sentiment the colonel picked up
Mit paper and resumed .his reading.
Pierce's friends were indeed uni-
formly indignant, and without ex-
ception theymeintained their faith
In his innocence; most a thimOti
fact, actually applied thentselveir to
the teak of clearing him of Cour.
teau's charge. But of the latter the
one who epplied herself the mese
thoughtfully, the most seriously,
was the Countess. Courteau. Hav-
ing reaeoned that she herself was
indirectly responsible for his plight,
she set about aiding him in a thor-
oughly feminine' and indirect man-
ner « It wke an unpleasant under-
taking; she teok it .up with intense
abhorrence; it required her utmost
determination' to carry it on. ,Her
'plan had formed itself immediatelY
she, had learned what had happened;
her meeting with the Count that
evening and her enexpected zolici.
tude. her unbidden attention te his
injury, were a pert of it. As time
went on she assumed on air that
amazed the man. She meekly ac-
cepted his reprottehes, she submitted
• to his seem; cautiously, patiently
she paved the way to VeCandlia*
It was by itc, means easy, for she
and Henri hid long lived in what
was little better than a state •of open
• hostility, and she had been at no
-pains to conceal the utter disregard
and contempt she felt for him. He,
of course, had resented it; her change
of. demeanor now awoke his Owed.
elm. He was a stain and shallow
person, however; his conceit was
thoroughly Latin, and per.
severance was in way ,rowarded.
• Slowly, grudgingly.. he gave ground
10011.4 otio• oatationspartimat mithwar were, in fact, less advances on her
I Infer* her subtle advances -they
part than opportunities for hime-he
tie motto the ge.esteratiest et serferists ia
experienced s. feeling of triumph
ahatise the Ono o tho mob' al tko PAVOrise.. and began to 'assume a masterful
air that was indeed trying to one of
her disposition. Before his friends
e of Ontario's
Best Investments -
Highways contribute greatly' to
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Good roads are *fleet chir best invettnients. •
These roads hive cost $180,000,000 of the
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• • gutted to lieop them in repair and to renew them.
Thix money nutst come ftout thoaa who usw the
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You, as a motorist, ere invited to take an in.
• terest irt the highways. They are your' to use.
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Excessive speed grinds away road surfaces. Drive
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While confident that the majority of motorists
' will heed this request for co=operation in preeerv.,
ing the roads, the Government gives warning to
the careless that the speed laws are being rigidly
Bedew et itlaliwsre Dewy Sitalmor
" IS
- - •
hay. some power..." she murmured. son, hotelkeeper of,Zutieh, is out on
The wife lowered her. eyes. "You•jail in the same roundup. Alec. Voit
_ •"Power! Precisely." The Count bell pending* judgment on a belling
- -nodded . and, there was a growing charge. Ben Edwerds of Brussels
is my qualitys-a. rower to charm, 4
vivacity and sparkle to birn. "That "es $200- 'weds Anti" BO -days
in jail, or in default, two menthe In
Dower to *thieve a power to triumph.
choose'llow to win you again -
THelitfiDAY. JULY Stud, Iffit
change of demeanor mounted? Have
you berm feline me?"
• "What change?" the woman par
ried. "I don't know-"
"Oh, :yes, yop., dor • For the firs
time in vertu you have treated nt
as * husband should be treated; hal
rneesures no longer satisfy ni
Ws have arrived at the show.up
Are you a miserable Delilah or-.."
"Mem don't fork me to" go �u
with you. Henri," the woman plead
• rs ittien41 r4
.0•11.4.4*. "J a� -n.
t jejl on a similar charge.
,, of aelling liquor and are out en had senforth, winchnin
Several forth Lions Club, Lion Frank Sills
e others are iewaiting trial, on char
e.pouching:. untested that the Lions Clubs of
and Oelerich get
and several other cases are
CLUBS OF COUNTY I ycozoetrsteldusEctlitoonnincoo
•• A SUGGESTION FOR LIONS " tincruthperbefitourt ran;
t At the last meeting of tho Sea- a terabit* picnic at Bayfield.
?to teurists, mid that these Aube hold
ed, in genuine distress, mw that she . • ............ „.
saw he was in earnest. • "To be pa.
retied like an animal on a chain I Rollicking MY, APPlesauce,"
Think of my feelings." e •
"This is my hour, my triune*: I
"Indeed! Think of mine," he cried. Coining at the Chautauqua
. .
propel* to make it complete. Now
that X carefully collider it, I will put
you to the text. You've had 4 fine
time; if you pay a price for it, whose
fault is Out? No! One must be
one could possitely
Hilda stood it, with what cost nc
undentsind': In "It merelY Pleases Yee to cruel to be kind."
"emelt •land" Hilda sneered
sorne manner she managed to convesdr
the idea that he dominated her an
"Very well!" blazed the Count
humiliat •
that she cringed spirituallY before Ine'''
"If it pleases me, so be it. That ise
ly to surprise a look of bewilder-
him. She permitted , him occasional -
my attitude OM and henceforth -m ,
ment, almost of fright, in her el;
and ibis tickled tik•-•Man immenge Y. will le to .1* km Come! Your
rattiest dem and your prettien
With a fatuoui complecency, thor. P
money, too; I'm as poverty.riciden
oughly typical, he told himself that smile, for we celebrate. Yee, and
ahs feared and respected him -waist
usual. We will treat my friends, at
*dully frilling in love with him a
watch the sifows to an aecompani
over again. When rte telt the lire we Xeltible here and there, we will
examined himself ment Of popping corks so that ever s •
pulse to scout this idea he went to
one Shill See vs and say: 'Yonder i
Courteeu and his wife. They hay.
ea had always been wax in his msde en and she adores him like •
hie mirror and
eritically, Why not?. he asked hints
self. . He was VarY pleasing. Worn-. '
mistrese. Parbleaut The man ha
hands; he bad a personality, an aird
a great night for me,"
4 wey with women, eh!' It shall be
an irresistible eomething that ha
Are. you really serious?"
won him many conquests. It wan-
ed not unlikely that Hilda had been
Courtetne et:outset' hie felt -shod
shocked into a new and keener zea.-
"Anger me no more."
Station of hie teeny Admiral. qua- lot'
two anti watt ready to make 1,11,4 if, Ililda'it trice was colorless, her eyes
werei still glowing with that peculiar
or when, he graciously chose to
away and ht4.31geleort.thueldesrso,soshhoesteuttrae,d
1?"'s light of defiance, of desperation, of
fsnleinietgliohrgellerctoe Pahtlulloprst*tostrultritry, •Ciouubrtt ear st::mpawieed flet bidsiswauppeioil:tee:.
Ca? ene dthi seh veryatlhi:en:Ile wthearte Cdes:cunest! cz um appearanceersi;
in the river -front re -
mood, decided to put the matter 0 :dei..ang.tou._h_niironcriantthdineeedea.ttiunThdiosrt,aini_nde_oaewz
de.: '1.thlu-at:?the7d1:Iwae east, she 'surrender.
a*nntoeuStnleeath:refore he surpuzis,e_
vriaf`aMyb3vdewearell"'ilia-bt:ellne•r ri:7"13141.1"- .::"4completely, she clung to him' as
time we bad a talk," "What if feeling A new dependence, and this
liteAbout you, about me,eabent our stave a Courteau would have thought
- fe filled his etm to overflowing. It eras
ah outrageous thing to do; to one
aabffic.aerirtsl,e9edeirl ‘:.itr.lielki.4husbaznhde. and
humiliation, But,
Iolvdt tritehswhaeell4teireelwalaeerkseklIY?:(9;hheYr -of he
'Ilinheilsndnwardsrnane 'aft: Peserurcovohekreasde courses; he took
of subjecting the woman who' bore
74,u,Nrs9e_r. Youroll.haveteer pailleaPseeeirednt: pf:artt nlaobtr.i_az,34.prirrtivsye dmeilricchhthi:t_ekvear:natisaluattil,er andbit
of the common sorthe knew
get it aoreetimes, but-" , i.,...,.
to subject her to ,seeming diegrece
bblount:11.e••Yolte'vietbetddYouut4r $11siewit,t11°•,711, net only taught her a lesson, but e'en.
but I've shown you that I'm _teatioe
ohoitnmsuocithel?tatto hedo hattodytthhieogabollsitoyintsot
united them more 'closely, so he told
of *tern stuff and will tolerate
further foollartese. I. ant a deter.
tett Cousteau than you ever knew..
G h• er will immensely tickled his Van-
:1:elrlhaerlitrearY : e'rnbirtah*fe:116:tfbens;::: knew that her social status Was not
kouoitt me -In the attude of a de" of the, highest; nevertheless, her re-
putation was far better then. his, and
giveaytsouhareinoteenye_ro,u, sly wit: yoseuce.01.
"The' very Ipoint," he broke lhr To be„hinualf, the cause of blacken.
:Ye' easetsecktmeey. :Yeceant6":°PuiraYfotith:a*: F• rom one place
eYxocuiteddlife.ct;Trelr, 43•;It must ind sehiantenz.grAatiiiii.edin halt fiteewlianspaoofigreht-
companiment while you sing.
Eith. pains to , conceal his satisfaction.
iaint:Dbegtfokilnefbrneee:t the newest arrivals
of eights for him and he was at no
In order to match
bore a spleudid name.
milidveeitduttwiefrelY-eteralithhortidwei ibwileetrelee h• er,' tthaokindifittosmsalhiecioeuosusedenjoyment
to another be led
Ireindjestur is thotiwpk-vioetr
f"Coliturteau was not loud nor blIv
1.44 yroeuin1"11pkr6;posdeiff, eltreennt.- tent; nevertheless Ms triumphant de.'
•ri?" , 'meaner, his proprietary air fairly
The fellow shrugged. "I offer ehouted the fact that be had* tamed
you a reconciliation; that, to begitt, this woman and wets exhibiting her
with. You've had Your lesson and' against her inclinations. At every
I flatter myself that you see) roe In bsr he forced her to drink with him
* new light. The brave can afford and 'with his friendsf he even called
to be generous. 1 -well, I've Aware up barroom loafers whom he did not
had a feeling for you; I've hoer know and introduced them with an
been blind to your attractions, • inY elettware frourieh.
dear. Lately I've even experienced (To be continued)
U"ndmeetrheitahandcl.ftritehle-eurre tithe flisPerl A BATCH OF 0-. T. A. CASES
with *1111; MI"; 1 atlww0GrkPli:°astieweeisic Pi)rottlineed'ing4teuep"Ow.Te.Areo
ItsiketCcvettsultirheY'tealtre of
na iniiraillac:7116tvitiel o• ffenders in Hurt% and Bruce Coun.
an Unusual warmth to his gaze ties, Driving A car with American
and 10. vibrance to his tone. Ife Incense numbers, the officers perches.
curled his mustache, Ise swelled his ed liquor from, a number of suspects
ciyhrti,,,whistutlaudeohetoulighiutlyy, hot; dile el; t opts lari sailing teh lltotvniirie tit ittoonstron and ndias 'weres airenrejeseaulLitaszninte.
ynootu seeeltoogeolutehttringdlinspluleete stiongo.drutre admire?
siateisttartorfeneFarlberreadetywhwouosn threriduas;
I thrill yont-Confess." was fined 11,000 and two months in
present Mode of life ht not pleusin ha.ltrd' 41161% yll:rbeesrbabOtrirrnai itnodehpiemn.denne:
• t.w.,
"A0Pleasinew," 4 feature *annals, offering of the coming 14orninion• Chan,
tattling, is happy play with ntessage of ,eiteerio,etumiy skied und.stiver,'
linings, from the pen' of Berry Comters. ' . • '
• It is one er thobe synthetic toneoetione sot hontely, virtu*
sweet girlhood, glib Young men and violent jolts at the heartetrirtme well
calculated to. thrill and delight every member of the ftudlenet• lb will 1*
presented here br s east of New York actors. ' • • .
SER-vmo Dammam, M1E PROVIN:CE
desiD THE LOCAL CommuNrrY.
'MOM the high. tit!** Of the Bay of Fundy on the east to this rocky shorts .
I: of British bee on the west, that* is scarcely a conununity of kapott=
Amos irs the whole Dominion which is not saved by rite Bank of Montreel.
In ewer liteetitee of the Doc*** the bent: hos own**
organisation 81414 carefoietsentien. id !omelet *orrice to the
recrirensetik elhisepeiiis$ 4Mille tech breach PerVOIA'
and atitsiesi, *he pith sof its vink ceasounity.
%M.i in OWNS Be;
ill 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 111
II I III 11 1 1 11
1 for myselL It is my whim. To re. '• EaRANDINARy vAtuEs
kindle rt. love which one has lost lei
a test of arty rnares power, n'est.ces FOR
past You are fond of me. PI wee ILI
I 'Fits asi &bray
- Am I not right, my sweet?" .
He laid his stet white lands upon itel
his wife's shoulders and bent an ar- lest
dent Mkt upon her. Hilda faced hint matronsawl Misses'
with an odd smile; her cheeks were
white, her iceerlates eyes were eery: Dresses
(-me.). expreesion. •
wide and bdtht and deny I*141 i style* *ad /*straw wasted tat
"Cont.! A mop. he onatiso. ' Serials make this an impettant
01to! Yon tremido, yes shrink Mc* clenrIng• Prkwe rm. Asa*
A maiden. I, too, am exhilarated.
bet-" With a chnekie boftdded $12.95 and up.
her in his GiValt$4111 and she did not Simmer Hats
resist. After * mum* he resien.'
id: "This is aloft* tat) aMUSIVIC I Fridoy Lad Saterdayfs anaseelly
wish my friends to see and to ender- kw prices realm stem 'Sty ex•
stond. lint ow your prettiest dress eopeiceal earass.
, "What fort*
shall reielarate our reatlion-we shell It
*We are oink down.town. we Riliyai Lain,
Malt . take rote. They haolio M re sold. W
drink to It piWiely. MI Dow000 hay t_. is _
TAlwriame is a loafer, a ne'sr.do.
weal, and he psrmtts anothee to wits £iwrt Sid. Svarpro
kis wife away from him" 1 prime**
Codorich Ohaotaoquo.-July 28th to August 2nd
The Roof of rOisr—Goosige
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