HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-22, Page 5A. Hunter ,and daughter, Phyllis, of, Hams pointed •out that as the pay on loans.... 56 66 54 • 40 • of the concrete Pt'ovincial Highway fiddlers, judged the Charledtoii dance Winnipeg, and hies .J. A. Matheson, • 1111.111$DAY, JULY i12ai..IIgg. ammoommmompomm,.lw r eee Iwo"'• - _..__..._� _ i meat pinata cr repel: ed. in the David at.; Polsiiis Pleas.- roo&nq dw•1- ILi Club colors. also an ogee that lit os. Lock me Lb T. Bol, barn 1 if the town w.olt pat ia the a went and mega issena netros7. ahpports ht Victoria Park for teeters Wo moomoissied that yaw cotasnit-' ' the ***Se as it had done in Harbor tee be saspowur+i te pirebaae one reekthisChM would go aheaij and pair of rubber beets for a member, complete the testers here as was tori- of the brigade. i *tally intend el. -'Phis was referred That op to Juste 30th the suss o; to the parks committee. $4.1.63 has been spotfDy your Fire! One of tate e•atrsctors for the pav- Dopartxsent. resit by Cs illsr Coin-, of the Provincial Highway was lt, wag $ present et the levitation of tilt mei, Per. ass $ by Ci�e�a► mown � , I the mowishing to discuss the thee tin aemisimisalle ',barge .1'+t Possibility of having Hero* road to daoosatbne Omelet), m teraent i Tweak* street, the small connecting of rentals received to the next met.' on Elgin avenue and King- iate of the ooxr+eit,-Carried. stun street to the Square paved, er The license fee to be eared bill i rather of having a strip in the elute* rosters was again ender etsewtaion: paved. The contractor stated that and it was reeved by Councillor Crai. they had, till Aug. loth to complete itis, seconded by Coseteiaier Sam• this end of the work and then two that the limos fee be at the rate of weeks. to move to the Clinton mid of $100 a year, ated that s bylaw be the work. It would take seven or prepared aseordingly.--Cerried. ,.. .. _. t V...PLoom ....-,.,.«.o.i •••.— eight days to do the wort: Goderich MEN AND WOMEN o - : wanted but they were in a position to • WHO ARK TIN DOG Tomas da the work if the department allow- IN HURON COUNTY eek and ft should bedone before the The July 15th issue of The Ontario' equiptrent was maved.tp the Clinton ILI . end of the work. The contract, peke; Farmer ,features Huron Comity to a • ' ' ' ' , watt very low and this afforded an considerable intent. With several iii - excellent opportunity for the town to teresting articles. One is by ..T. C. Cenffi at' Witha avemont Contr4eictor- and •Sends .eke• -.have the work done cheaply. The Neale, the sixth ina eerie, of "COun• fan 1.•111.111111 INN Is T LII 1 • • Toilet Articles Variety is the spies of life. WA entry In stock the raristy to etiow from. including the World's best manaffentnrirt'-elloubig- s.qt, Hour' , Htidnut's, Armand's, I.lerny's, .BoneiUa, Col- . g�s Po&p.iia LLevy's, Minim and others. Let us in soastrats ,lapse linos to you We play you ander no obligation to buy. We waiut Voss any time to ware in and look around. \Vsoonsider it a pilasure to show merchandise, whether you buy or not. tn W. will he glad to sive sampies to adulta at arty time. Ask for thg• 3mst ►lois',. of New k•*tsar to Adel* amP b's Store Phone 96 . Goderich ' srareous charges under the contract ty Stories," and le entitled "Apples,` fiRurid to about .$22,500 a 'nine for 'Beans, Steers and Sheep Play Pro)n- a 20 foot $trip. )Wert Parts • in the ,Agrkulture of I1 ata arranged that the Tissue Huron County.". Major R. R. Sean's land the Deputy Reeve go to Toionto apple, orchard,, • Mr. William Duch- n rview the ministero highways, g shire grade flock. near gave' and• . theonly date for some time on .which the: work of •nine: of the 'cattle feed gation to Toronto Re Contioluiag Pavement to Square • TOWN EXPENDITURES OF 1925 a ;1926, COMPA arms s bean acreage near • Zi*ich, the• following morning toi to Maitland Henry's Oxford and Shrop f h lt this been .bill Posters' License Fixed at $1e0 a rear --Chautauqua Granted Us* of 'Vied si a Park. Tide -regular• meeting -of the town the 'burden was being carried by a an interview could be had, as to ex. era of the county come .ing for special actly what proportion of the costo . ref4rence. A second article is emit- • CiliiltxUARY' Alberta, have returned home site: Ilowney;'Oriilia; Mrs, Chas. P: me - ENcLISH VOJLES - Just Arrived .f} 'Yon willfind these absolutely new patterns and on exceptiolrally fine quality Voile Several pieces of 4o -inch All Wool Ottoman, in the new shades for fall. Weare advised these win 1* very numb warn this fllttl. Our special Linen Week 'proved a xef<t success. We have ordered a second shipment of Irish ,Liflens, and will feature another week of Special Linen' 'Values Early in Augustt. • PHONE - 86 F. E. HIBBERT RELIABLE GOODS' AT ,REASONABLE PRICES. . THE 'CASH STARE' • the paving in Goderich ,the Province led; "Men of Vision in ,Huron," by 'G. • will assume. Some were for making •C. 'Mary. White. Among those who - BEST -. The' fwnoral of Mx. John a month's visit with their parentis, Jaquc, Windsor; bora. W. Martin, • .! • C ortion of the paveilnent an King - Maitland Best„ far many years )i Mr.' and Mrs. John 1:iliott, of Dun.. Miss Martin, . Exeter; Mr.. and. disc. , prominent • lawyer of. Seaforth. and gallium, 1Gill3es, .Robt. Gillies, Niagara Faljs;• . , town solicitor, was held o}i,Saturday Dr. ' W. F. Clad: attended the Mr. and Mrs. Towler, Mr. and Mrs,.. ,,. • afternoon from St. Thomas'; church Grand Circuit race meeting at Kula. Donald Fraser, Stratford, . Mi;see , to the Goderich•cemetery. The may- 'Mario, Mich., during the past week, (Wheeler, 5Irs. H. C. Finlay, uhicinto; t: or and councillors end -the •C,ollestea eital.enjoyed •seeing some of the beet . igisses DeullY. London; lairs. F. board, of whieh: Mr. Best was, a mem horses in the world perforin in the Trances, Philadelphia; Mrs. Brown; - ' ber, attended in a body. Mr. Best .big• ring. 1Jett'oit; Mrs. J. R. Craigie, Jack' died uttexpectedly.on Thursday omen- ".Mr. and Mrs. Peed Shepherd and f'vei;;fe, Miss :fl. B. Graeme, Brock"' ing following a brief illness. Ho:was family have :recently returned, from villa; :fits. Jas. Abery, James Abors, a member of St. Thomas' Anglican Florida, where they spent• the winter'. .Miss ' •howdy . Young, Miss Editk church and an .enthusiastic bowler. Mrs. A. MaeVicar and Mien Young, ;Brown, I.ondesboxo. Mcdame G. Ban» His wife predeceased him a -few years of Toronto, are ,here spendin+, the. •join and Henri RRibjrtd, - Vidor ago. • Be is 'survived by, two sone and Ammer season. Wintzor, offias.ions , ere and at the Wintxer, Termite, aro guests at the at Seaforth and the Misses Leila and their success in massing the State Vetda at home. The funeral service Board examinations -held in Colum- ��''��'� TOWN TOWS council ase .held on Friday evening few hard workers and the sane •tori street 30 feet wide' in place' oi' are, specially . 'Ment fined in this art - last, with all the members present. • 'people esttended a11, the enter- X o,. It was vistaed out, however, itis are. Mr. William Hlil,'whose gee The .tax collector reported, the fol- tainments that , were ' gotten en: that if thip were done the town would Jay foo ptttiiig experiment • fa.srell 'known; lowinX, ,taaxes paid from July 2nd' to which meant' that the few were as -!'have to pay the whole 'cost of the ,walnut )n roaveer,'haes a .youthful .July moo '1920 taxes, $487,63; 1925'.= iuniing the whole burden. By hpv- extra 10 feet.. grove; Edwarda k k' mho' taxes, . $380.96; 1923 taxes, :$25:84' ing. the bonds as sonfed 'by:the:Town , The, fallowing' letter, was received h .planted out a crop which will'be'' 1925 oil; '$6:G3, ,dog slags, *4; 'total; ,the 'burden •on}.;ottlione wonldenet be from thco .Mown solicitor, 'ytt : ``17i. E. a estod ing a.quakter of a concur ' $9030.• -•This was referred to 'the heavy gild-auwould ilhare in k)ropo'� Holmes, with a comment from the time in the farm of butternut and n committee. •$tion to their aasesament, a e: of walnut, pini and spines; Charles finance c 4 Mayor as to the satisfactory stir icnu The Mayor referred to the tleplor- G`ougo#llor Turner moved, 'seconded this .matter: Y Robertson, sometimes reeve+ttind•ward- �$1c condition of the flooring on the by, 'Deputy Reeve. Weer, .that the Re National 'Sanitarium vee Geode en and now Liberal believes nominee far the bridge over the Maitland at Goderich, matter be referred to the committee rich, re :'Wilfred Etue: I have re- more Legislature, who believed• there . is where patching had been done with : of the chole council, �and both' Reeve ceived `His. Honor. • Judge, Lewis' de more to farming than hard work and. large plank and boiler plate, which Munnings .and the Mayor . expressed • •} th 1)ov Casa and ho finds more to it than making :money tno, a great lover f made the ,roadway very' uneven and a the'view .that the council•°would take menace to car tires. He hoped this some step, which would 'practically condition would be .remedied without satisfy the request of the board. delay. The treasurer submitted a state. Reeve Munnings stated that he and ment of the expenses .and receipt•• of 'the'Reeye of Colborne had taken the the, town for the'six yoonths priding' ?natter up with the road commission' June SOth, with 'the figures, for the and had urged .that the work be done first Mx mouths of the previous year'. at ence and Mr. Munninge said he alepgside fou comparison. The state - would try to get , omething done. nicht is as followsa•' 'His Worshi i commented• that the ' •' • EXPENDITURES bridge was easily the worst bridge in. '. 'To end or - To'end,of :the county. - June;1$26 June, 3921 A deputation' 'from "the Goderich ^ salaries.. ," . . $ $049 88 '$ $065 37 Hospital Board was present, consist Printr'ge . Advet•'t'g 597'30 ' 876 `90 'ing of Messrs. Megaw, •Parsons• and Insurance '60''15'' " '"67 13 Wiiliatns and' '.'they asked.. ,the Fire Dept.......• 405 63 • '204,`32 council for the usual grant of $500 Law' E` oats ' 90.00 877 RS. and for the„fiown to assume' the' bond- 'Public warms '7411 27 6673 19 • ed ildbt of the ,hoard incurred' in eon Grants:. ' 1719 O.0 : ' 3327 '•4i )fiend that it; be filed. witht t1, Wilding if h- Hospital Auxalfa .proven ,t •huge; • + has ever attended am event' themes, foie fine. •$deride Ort ae C , has pre. ~ • i : crews offer or.'iVir. Blretiatian sof thee but your committee . recommend 'that -' the .Companyebe regarded' to provide made the most of "the►Portunity6 t i a ern n 'bridge ge •ryas Played, endorsement reading boss if. • mint :and $57 or $68 was receivied front thin +�•source. prize winners were Mrs. the County of ,:o. county • ` nonvim,•J. Kollo• . p ran"and Mrs. Cam.. Stewart Then in theearly "1, 00part . a the evening came the old Bose - that els on .in e a e being g a 'o •our. wildow- •that the patient Etue had Ins ; esi- _ors. Eldon ' Allen, a '"man 'who has derice at the time af, his admission ,to fringed a living pond with trees; and the Sanitarium at the township ot'ethe Gledhill• of Benmiller: ••A '.third Stanley, and dismisses the plaintiffls• article deals with :.the work: of the claim against the town. Personally:':Wolneds• Institutes uf..:the county; 1 think this is the, only! result could, Space this •week prevents us +making be found 'iron -iodic evidence but T further .reference to these articles may say that. frm arthaC".wns said by' but :we hope on 41, future poeaaion to counsel for the.plaintifp. (the aanitar- • be+able to,repxodgge part1ot+s of those ium) an appeal will be . taken against - in The Star„ • - His Honor's'. 'decision., : I do• not .. think;; . 'lioWvever, that !hey can upset the A WONDERF(ll. SCICC6ss judgment. a : ; The finance committee reported as' tidies, Hospital Auxiliary' Scbre follows ,weederalEriecess ia•Event'at We• have eaamine4. the ,treasurer's: Pavilion on Monday ••• '; statement of, receipts and 'expendir -.-• - tines. fee the Month of Jwret ars Aid,. eritei tesirims nt`'at .tie Pavillati' ited' and found correct, :. and. recc m- = on Tuesday,iven bytheLadles' 8 . two daughters, R. H. Best, barrister, We 'congratlte Mlss Mary U. Blue BIi'ci fit .tlie week. of Bracebridge and J H a ber-rister• Pinder and Mlles:Harriett Porter on! was. conducted by his rector, Rev. �T. lose, OhioJu 7,d i . entitling '1 +r that 2000 pony votes H. Brown. The . pallbearers were C. e 8 an i , L It , wi t get fi them to be registirreii #inxses,. "go with each year's subscription ' k4 Stewart, J. C. Greig„ J. Watson, AV. Promotion in 'the `C.P.R, rervfcp .The Steve. or ;i# the subscription as a ' G. Willis, H. Edge and E. R. Bright. comes•to Terry Kidd the' genial down nein one SOO'.Otte. -•town agent• and he cit eta to leave � R'ith tl:r )riinrnc�. ICs pe •algid �veatberthis PEOPLE WE KNOW the fit et of Apguat far' a now ioccttirn week it tnai;rK atr:,n .t r ndtnt; to Miss Ethel Hansty is spending a not definitely known at` tllq tithe of• nota that 4rtoly fell fol .the space df °1 " vacation with friends to Toronto, v.riting. It expected, a yoany� gen• 30:scconds 'at V Ingham on Saturday* Clinton Newsett cord'; kiss Graf, tlei»an front Owen Saund w[il sec. July 10th. 7 coed. Mr. K#dd here.: y of Code - Watt. of Toroxttp No'th $•sleet .United church,° has re bandmaster of the' 'Goderich band.'' ; ' +trtined #loins ndi hi vacH . i u eats• •,• . rich, is vialttng Illi:�. T. J'. Ve regretto learn -of the resigns- - - Mr. H. C.Hamilton ; •'orgitniet •uf . tion' by :fir: Jenner of the position of ;' itis•'• Olive'Goldthof'pe pg „ s tion n The band 111 made nt ch. ptegr is .vrsitin$ her sietert,Mrs. W. lfiae' Toionto, per) g his absence rho gt+• uriiier 11r: Jcnnrr's les.dersltip„ Ewan. . • • • • :gal. tn. North est: 'Unite: was . in the • 3'lias Gertrude .Ohler, of .Torbnto, -, i The public library ap closed fare d eftletetit charge of Mr:'lkarry $hrker, 'few,rla s, been an the hands. of•ihe... 'ii her f �. sY Rs Auction' o -t a new •- $ 0+11 ,,39'2$' ` We have he•tax;col _ •c � , a .vis t rig titfather's home on ,orRamat• ..of '°Viatorlk .. St. -. United decorators,. Tho • Walls arc . being s„ qt; .:.. ; . . x e uccees and' xoiiably tto larger trowel Catubine Road. church, whtchrwasesupplied by Mise hospital. ...Thus - year the mount of,'Deber:, Pruicipkl :8 62 97 '1128$' 43 or''sreport, of July'2nd' and recipe , �" ' • painted,and: the woodwork verniahcd:+. , � the ; town grant would be_'more than, mend that it be Neil- , Mrs. Jets. Love 'and rile, Geo: Levo, l?ie fight attch e ; t ', •, .. , • • it a cd' on Tltrs Deberi., Interest•;. 4146 69 .6170 4l th re were f34Q paid admissibtis The o Toronto, i [tl Tire shinty w l lac • n eaten up in the care of indigent _par r , 4 f, nae i are- \rib x at Mos#:,••uRsts at the,Blue Bird Tea Sha d .Aug.3rd. : r , c"' since. Payablke.-« 54960.: 00 . 37110 00 , Y . x G etient was mrisle poaaibl'e the gene , W aleefield' H tl p ayt nt3, tient• from theetow a,,'elite- Megaw ho s 9 87'3 11516.62. vented a •stew wording on that Rte in , cion I'iOa • •l. s L 'Moore,, Mies. Laura. Acheson. '» 'mteil-oto for a Puii:r�Sep. �c of 1t► $ '� � a 'the strap) •yateht Dwane was if. 'po t, the payment of grin- i y •torches policies as held }N the town iise of the Pavilion, M±xi. tem. • Moore, St.' DaMi attack lel § Ruth . gond, ,Men, G. H. X3irIrd, : port.. a S x as t •' : .. •eipal' and 'interest this year $1630 -1 . s,. ab it.., hid tjle ladies of is visiting her daughter, Mr4,. Jack •.Madame C. Batuja'rd &nil cn and and It h rl w or w'aa ui d. -• ehospitali �G'o. acct.. , . ,. 46.24 247:.:44 y u e the Auxiliary, worked with a will curs Baujard, thangs�d hands the new •orawor : ' re<I ?re e .was a Miecetlaifeous, : G6$4 7 .4171 42 Seibert Sandwich, Ont. •Madame'Wintzer, 144 erii Robert and has • a summer cottage at *fettle '. piiiilic, inatitutiw n and the Board -con, titer .. 26$ 56. 448.40 f20 000 of fire insurance policies with T ' th aft oa 'b 'd Mist -Hilary Morris, Brock st,; trios• Victor Windzer, 7 oiyonto.; Mr. and Point. Malcolm Mclbua is a kaon .-, •s)ilered =that the : debehtuxo' debt m s y ` .. 88 $t 7 44 oc+ed bn Sunday to Detroit to visit Mr's. C. J: Wauis; New B! unatwi:ak,; of the want. She cleared of li should be. carried by the `town •rather Park . 2 M. White Kins'ai'dine; Miss .Molly Monde, ond3ix • ,• 20#1 76 114 23 P fable to the flown of Godeitch The friends and relatives in that city. • , . morning for Detroit ••G, •b few. Tb Elections , ;. County Rates... !1824,.30 66$6 ,. amalt h t 1• i h an Y a ego was no better. '' . ' , o We have examined the ndtice from r 2..:. Pottengrr, Hatntlton, Mia T G Con.. ow i a n the •_ountry about Hoard of Health. 36 35- ,100 55. Co t levy f r per Toronto, have been.visiting .the, lady's ' r �����' �• and this wa's admitted by the medical 'fraternity. And"'not.:one .cent Went ink Interest.. 1471 56 1340 98 thatstfbe'Skd year. and recommend C . father, air: M.•Ohler;, gambeia Road. , ga Mr. and Mrs. - J. W. Bracewell, of 'to the $oard of Godereor s. Market.. 50 enc for Bailie tbo))iht the ,conn- ' 8000, 00 >•• ii A number of accounts were record- time fiddlers' air d 1819 34proved an interesting event.. There • ed ss. follows : evert). . j - We recommend that' the •'request of 4186 'i1 _ Sett, Jas. Black. and Alex. Meiefevin; apply this.Overdrafts...• . tree on' William street in.front .of his ,. ac 'con stent - eyed �tvv .aielect- her sister, ,Airs,. Donal Mr.'G.' L. 'i>a> eons spoke ,briefly Balance ort Bank 216$ 11 935 62 dor 11" b ted th ri t b tone, for most of wlitch Air:;°T.: G. Bayfield. Mre;Bnd'lir a We%Miller of Toren- , Go it Coil Institute o 9400 00 ended for a conte an this to, are spending their holidays with !row)t Water ser. 3127, 47 payment. . Mr. and Mrs, J: B. Graham .land other col ahoultl•'have a statement of ex The public works committee report lienees ttj consider in. connection with Street: L't'g Aec... 1814 75 )38 16 -fes e- five entrants °its"` tke ton- 1138 friends; the request and: Mr. Megaw asaurcd Salt Co.'Powe�r. 205 09 , 1 t, Messrs Jeffries 'IKe nt :;li' El. Mrs. Thos. E. Gauls d d htC him he would be onl• y too encased .,to Sinking`.Fund... 2901 85 121 ,, Mr. George H MacLeod to remove E h is 1 „ Hazel, .are spending a s ° - - a ing e, gran ,' a wo .t o e ,Co#anon accon • t anied on the Mime. pcifnting out that the hospital ;was ° $129814 bit $126737 '49 done under the supervision of this The 'prizes ,were warden to , ]Vox' Jet.' Miss: Carrot McRae, . B.A., ei the +l; yea;) tug r, few days with i Donald T. Murray, atONY conservatively financed and it , was committee. i. Humberside Collegiate ,staff, Toronto. " RECI;IPTtS Erica, 83. years of age, first. fr. Ilic- the 'people;• hospital, and would ,be �• To eneof To end of ' ' That Theis. Anderson has -erected a Into' 88, second, and s ' s-reElliott, is. visiting ' •the ••residence of Mr. nod made a spot • of beauty and interest. gasoline pump on Cambria road in third the leaf named generofiisly re•, Mrs. Walt"- Neftel... front"'ol'. his dwellfng, - • turning his prize to the fund•for the Mr. and Mrs. J. W.'Martin, of Cal - That 'the Harbor Hill roadway has hospital. The judges were Mrs. Bu- part', and Misses Norma Whitely and been 'given a treatment of. brine for chanan, . Col. Lang and Dr.. Reid. Ernestine Bong+, of ' Detroit, are the prevention of "dust: Afterwards •+'Dick" Black Balled off guests of Mrs. St. George I'rictie. We 'xccaimmensl that the petition's for an old. time quadrat}e, the old tun- . Mr; Lee Patter, of Detroit, visited fir cement sidewalk on the north era furnishing•the music. his mother, Mrs.. Samuel Potter, 'and ode of Elgin ave toe from Waterloo Ile ,urged .that the obligation as to 'June, 1926 June,19'Ll5 the:bonds should be made ane of the Cash in Bank...$ 52 02 $ 347 91 people as •a, whole, ; Taxes, Resid't.. 60885' 13 61633 71 4.Deputy Reeve Moser .advocated, Taxes, !axes, 467 69 461 75` that the old.'hospital building be put Takes, Dog • • • • • • 148 00 192 00 up for sales at. auction. He 'was told Taxes, that had been made to Road Oil 495 25 - ... .. flail 76 347 60 (if the ... 60000 00 55000 tib •sell .'it, but suggested that if the Loans•• 7..We11`.ngkon andnon .the south aide The Murray sisters; Winnie nnd sisters, Mr*. Jas. McIntyre and Mrs. Minding were -Actually I''inee• • • 48 00 95 00 Grace, were first prizewinners in the. Stanley. Hayden, Colborne township, y put up for of Anglesea street from Victoria to at auction 'a .eche would be more like- Cemetery• :.. .. '512 00' G74 12 Cambria bo' referred to the engine r ChcrIeston 'content and Latin Elliott reoetrtly: ly effected," if rot at the time of the Miscellaneous... 847 20 2167 Oa y Bell second. lfitas Con- Mra J li 1�illianison and Airy e and Doroth auction then soon after. Mr. Wfl Int., general and In the matter of addition tothejudgesf • meat of the 'bonds of the .hospital Market, Bente.'..: •62 00 on the Huron road in to Walnut Rt., 'ng of Lambeth, are visiting at Mr. Les - board wan 'being .financed at preaent Sink'g Fund, Int. we think that some---atepd aboulct be . It was a warm night bi,t the Banc- lie Flick's, Iiincks et., for a few rleyr� • - - • • • • • .... ,. ...... • and Invest.. 4467 48 5921 71 taken to construct all' se Wer connec ing floor was kept well Rued tit "after Mr. and 1►Tts. William Stotiters and ----- i Sh' Overdrafts p midi its the Ski .3 4 tit o S ►•� ere.. s y, Nat. Ship` we recommend that the; peeve"- and Ailing splendid music. A .very. mitcli (Kansas, were visitors at'the home, of Model Theat .WEEK OP JULY 26 to 31 N at t ►ons ip- tions on tihe art' • f Huron road' and 'g finer.. xc.teis . a pro- daughter,- Paulin of Kansa ..Cit r . . building Co. 852 98 421 28 the Deputy Reeve go to Toronto and- appreciated diversion from the done. Mr. Stothers' aunt and uncle, Mr, wits the ren- _ $129314 06 .f12G7.',7 40 interview the Department of High- Bering of a couple othe evening, �voccl soler, by and Alis. John Elliott, Dungannon.' Councillor Bailin pointed out that .waysx a to what proportion of the Mr. Bert Ure Cute, of Galt,. from the Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Graham and cost Provin d would pay. orchestra balcony. Mr. cutt is • a Miss Beta enjoyed a very pleasant some departments had excetded the •dye recommend that chair,main motor trip to Oli expenses of the first half of the pre- of this committee be empowered to Goderich boy who has.echieverl_xvon. and Mrs. D. Wright,of Desitin who Hous year by nearly - $1000 and very get estimates on decorating and put-- derful his voice results in the Goderich development lop pen tare have a sr:mntt•r Cottage at that place. ting garage dwelling in proper condi• always pleased to hear iiim, - Mr. Lee Potter,- accompanie• d by The proceed.' of the day amount to Mr, Albert' Mugford and son, Ander- nearly $400, out of which the expert. son, motored from Detroit and visited ses have to be met, but the ladies at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Abner will realize a very nice sum Indeed Morris, Brock st.. during the past from the effort, week. _..-.-----• . --_ „-_ --_— _-_-.. ---Mx._ and-Mra... lttilir d...,Elliott•,.anti. TI•IE AGNES ROSE daughter, Jacqueline, of Calgary, The first award of that' Walter Van Fleet Gold Medal offered by the '1 , , - - American Rose Society for the Amer. lean originated outdoor rose of high- est excellence, has been made to the Dominion Department of Agriculture for the Agnes Rose, bred at the Cen- tral Farm at Ottawa. Thar. is anoth- er of the many successes of the late Dr. William Saunders, who produced the prize winning newer from a cross IN between Rosa Rugose and Persian of Wellington street, and ,front C. L. Ong; hive •been, erected on the Har- Yellow in 1900. The rose has been � ��� Baxter, to erect garage on the' east bor Park property adjacent to 'the tested at`the Central Farm ever since side of Albert street. Vitestern Canada Flour Mills stable, and has proved to be well adapted to A request from the guarantors of we do not know by whom, and we re- the colder parts of Canada and the the Chautauqua for then 'use of per- commend that the street inspector united States. BLACK TAN awl PATENT FRED THOMSON AND tion of Harbor Park was received• have these buildings removed forth. The Agnea hese is the only rose of SILVER KING Councillor Tarsier objected to this with. its color. It is a beautiful, fragrant. - for fit p thrilllag «nicer' Were which park being preetkatly shit 4)p for That up to June 30th the sum of pales yellow rose with outer petals of • (military, picnic parties for a week, pe parks and a delicete creamy salmon hue. A will.iuterest Vent freta start to Mash ;7x3.31 has been a nt on 3 50 ami G.outtemora Craigie and kilt can thesumof $268.56 on the eemetery. few plants are available for dis'ribto - Mondays*" Tresday - little construction. work had been 1 nday.Y•-- f oesd AND MARY" done. The public work.. department tion to rent and report. had spent $743 more than in the That tot to June 30th the 'sum of the big Hieratway.sensation featuring same period last ,year. Ile had come $7,417,27 has been spent by your pub, Constance - - Bennett, Joan . Crawford in for some criticism- from tbo chair- - lie works department: and '.lir" O,NeiL A etory._.ot tate man of the public works .committee The special committee reported as for asking for this repori;••wbieh-was..fallov _ theatrical backstage, full of thrills, entirely uncalled' for, as it was his We recommend that the application pathos, fun and adventure. right to have the information asked of Fred Craigie for billiard and pool LLOYI3 HAMILTON COMEDY for.-The,report was referred to the room license be granted, the room to "NOBODY'S 13L"B1NESS++ finance •committee, on the motion of be open to view from the street. Councillor Bailie and Councillor Crai- In the' matter of the letter of July • gie. 6th from the local Board of .Health Wodos dine and 4Tha stalay The following applications for we recommend that the police be in- „TDB BAT' building permits were referred to the strutted to enforce the milk bylaw. This is one of the best directed plc• fire committee, with power to act in , The cemetery' and parks 'committee urgent cases: From' Douglas Mc- reported as follows: . three of the year and is Perfect enter= Dougall, to erect garage on south We have examined the cemetery tainaleat for everyone. ".It 1i14 sin all aid. of Quebec street; trona W. H. sexton's report for the month of June star cast: ' Baker,. to rebuild present porch on and recommend that h be filed. -" PATHE lEOMEDY'" rear of present "dwelling on West aside We find that two small frame build- ' ' .i„fflg IRON NAG" Enjoy raid Satan zy JULY 24th Saturday Special • wilt a elistax yet $ices never seen also objected,, It was suggested that The lire committee reported as fol» tion at the Central' Experimental aper �L before Victoria Park be used and Councillor lows: We have passed the following Farm. • .erg WILD 101.114: 40 LAIR° salol, "Why not use the property applk,; atidns for Minding permits(Issued by the Director of Publicity. UDE MESON COMEDYk IA the Victoria school?', A mo- H. C. Dunlop. roofing building on Dom. Department of Agriculture. •-- - "A FRATERNITY MIX UP" hit): was rieased. dwelling on Quebec tot.; Walter Shan- "PA',i!!H1C REVIEW" A request from the Lions Club that • non, roofing dwelling on Church at., he bigger your anced ors o0 o i "ea to grant the use of Victoria West street; John Nicholson, roofing Ottawa). ern' Story T t 1 k t i PHONE A3 w Cslatingo-"Tle. 1$xchaare of piens". itis `town have the playground equip -' 1). O'Brien, roofing• dwelling on St • . you the less you amount to yourself. , l litiw Many... Votes Have iroilyou got g Hie . 'o . n �,, Pony • Contest or --1-How-Near the tip is Favorite The Boys and Girls are making a .wonder- ful showing and the list is changing every week. Yougirls and boys who have not err tered yet -'--lots of room for you, • both from the town and' country, and your friends will be gla ta...help,you..- win g_.__ Doi*.,...rwait. �.. any longer, start to -day. Bailot-bey at the • Model Theatre." - The following stores will give you votes cud - eash purchases and cash paid on accounts of twenty-five cents and up. Ask for them. THE S. A. GRAY °CO., . Di'ygoods and Ladies' Weal«, E. G. SMITH, Bakery CRAIGIE BROS., Tobaccos and Billiard Room FRED HUNT, ...Hardware W. REG. SHARMAN, Boots and Shoes STURDY'S CASH GROCERY, Groceries and F'rtilt GEO. W. SCHAEFER, Groceries. 1 HURON MOTOR SALES, ' •s Garage, «asoluie ytncl oils THE GODIRICH STAR, ' Newspol)e1 tsubscl'rptioh . t+ 4* ,eels tratitigartaatil