HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-22, Page 3•
411110 111,1011111
Wawa are the grsatwt satt'•eew
teen weak, herr Sad seem( bash„
wig to the e•atiand steeping, beast
lag sad lefties se se•esssry to per -
era tear household dune", and thaw
bagmaban are s a..d, without a
tat:0:y Mata dersasearent of tea
Ur if Leos ween an 44+44
wealasius twee tee beak wend be
afsiemg and well.
Ni:iirhOod News
kicked From Our Ea
1E1 Hui
1 l i so 1 lopipswor1111
and son of lir. David (ieM isle of
Well -]Keown kestrels Ii•sielexts Ttttkersmith, died in the Seaforth
i Arthur McGuire, a well-known and, hospital as the nerals of beinir kneed
respected resident of Brussels, los' • by a �iters,t the previous Wednesday,
sed away on Thursday last following' when his skull use fractured.
N1ew Fair It+eiliiatc
a stroke over a week before.
A well known citizen of Brussels , Turnbezry Agricultural Society
in the person of Mary J. McMutkin.,wall put up * new fear buiidaoc on
widow of the late Mr. henry 1Keys.isewer grounds opposite the Winghent
passed away Tuesday, July '13th, at . Hydro station. Tenders have been
the home of her sreyntlaw, !herr. Fred' let for the work end we understand TOC � � Per Patiulle.
tC'ardiff, con. 8, Grey tp., where de• work stilt be pushed right slang by -
widi re positive relief sea eronfort ceased had been visiting the past
Ili, 11.111. 11NI I 1 , II In 1.
roasestisn with the eueenns iaveeti-
Iatwn in which bolt great partly'
rove bean inelnenced by •tie inensit.
icer liquor tragic. we therefore re-
commend that prohibitionists make
united effort to secure total prokib3-
M '" 3. Also wa realise the necessity
of electing representative* to our
legislature and parliament who will
plater' principle bete* party. We
would also urge, our women to tete
their personal effort to influence the
electors to exercise their franchise.
4. That this convention place on
record our appreciation of the pres-
ence of Miss Niceorkindale. We
realize that rerth *ill be accomplish-
ed as a result of her iniparint ad-
�1 5. Thit the thanks of this Cora'
to all weak, beleiteeltleg, suffering four weeks. tee, Mr. Gee. Orris, and the president
w•atea; Sad Rieke their „nfeseehold Zito 'IJaiteei Church. Aabfleld, to of the society, Mr. Chas. Campbell. presentation, 'Miss 1oui1y ly' hes version be extended to the ladies of
duRiee a *rare evened leu Celebrate Goldfus Jubilee p been collecting continuously for over the lti Ingham Union for their rd of
The boys held a bee drawing gravel ..-Add DIST enter-
tainment and to the official board of
0 are tie ornnati "me-
asTx'�heri1 ban o* the markt.•. Zion 'United' church, Ashfield, will on Sabath*. end we believe the build. - half a century. The Board in T�ron• the United church for the use of
theInt tp 11e hold a golden jubilee reunion en ins committee have already the pro» to felt that after sa many years of their church,
"Doe t eseept a substitute." Sunday and Monday, July 25th and mise of several good sized subserip- work they would like to make some Special music added much to the
Pet up olds by The T. Milburn Co., 28th, in celebration of the fiftieth an. tions to assist in the work.
;recosnftion of ler efforts on behalf morning find afternoon Session.'•
3IpIWd, Tuesek„ One, iliversary of , the present church •Vtnt-Mason of the great cause. 'The certificate An appetizing dinner and supper
building. Extensive preparations A couple of of
Most re was sent, to Mr. T. Baird, secretary, was served by the ladies of the Wing.
11(1510 bay* been and are 'being made for t d 't' motored t I,ucknow and also a.•litter.of, appreciation to ham 'Tinier'. After dinner addresses
WIS 'li- sew those itMliti* Inee
for tie >� Ikea t t
ity Mar. 11 llieetta
al r three
aWarr�� DM -
his G*.ral atone—
th* chairman of the building commit- Mra. McCully recently and made the
F tl�.
given In Voice Culture, +Organ, t s �
theaoL'c*sion end it is expected to be on Thursdaynla t and were quietly Miss Weigle, *eking her to -accept of welcome were delivered by Mrs.
he lar est sale x*tion of its kind i d b � h Re Gla McDonald old the certificate of life membership as Bennett, Mr'. 1h"atldell.*nd
Mrs. Etre'
ROF. W. H. J,St~,1►Sp;Y--Instrtic an
Plano. Violin, Gnittir. Theory, etc. ever
held In Ashfield, Invitations married y t e, v« s. c n
have been sent to all people lax and at the Presbyterian church manse. ;a token of their• esteem and grafi-. dexaon and were heartily responded
„M„u.,, end „_, .M„ Street..The contracting parties were Mrs. I, tude,'and praying that she might be to by Mra. W. N. Glenn, Honest'.
1 0 n t North at near who, have been attached to the Ma on and 1►3r Robt Vint' They spared for many yenta yet to help A public meeting was held in the
r St Pat -
t Brei Fire at Formosa Accept* Ottawa c
McEwen's Siecials
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders Not in,. 3 for Sr
A good Teaspoon, Xing George Design, given away with each 25e.
Ane�ther l►hipaaent of our epeeist Biack Tea to hand, only, per lb...5k
Try a pound. It is a winner.
We grind our .No. o. 1 Blend 'Coffee Bean fresh -with your order, fin or
wares to suit the trade.
Finest Seodlesa Raisin. per lb 15e
Some tasty lines for piirnice
A xood aascrtment of Fancy Cakes always on hand.
.turf received n fresh shipment of Picnic Plates..
f egetablee. and Fritts fresh from the gardens always on hated.
Goode delivered to any part of the Town.
J. J. McEwen
ason with this rent week, evening which was' the climax of the
1 cgntinue "torerenixlrw en Wingham, ti;
Convention and to * 1a PHONE 46 Booth �.
Moine :Hike Urge send *pine.
ReMideieee at heirs, Colborne. , a - eilttive aadeence Miss McGoxkindaln '
The Village of Formosa about and Mrs Wm Robertson Dia Diagonal towel Chamber of 'Commerce took native land—Australia. Besides this Nearly all children are subject to
r3 C, ria,AtILT'Q. -• rt3x t:3 Zionchcxch or community darer the rein and Teacher. church. concert ;!layer $
and Teacher • leaf fifty Years. A t Ott Shoal Listowel helot
rick Street Mr •Clifford Robertson, son of Myo The annual motor hike of the Lia- in her pleasing manner told of her
W ngham, was Road, Wingham, has accepted the .phare yesterday,.. the ' r"Data seTerted address musket numbers ped recite-, worms, and many are borne with SCHOOL FAIR DATES
visited Thursday: July 8th, by the 1 h' f Ott public school. this Year being: through Gteuallele •
.LEGAL CARDS eighteen miles
from i
w pxinctpa s Ip 0 awe pu C aC 00 . Mons from each of the unhorse In the them. agave them suffering •,py us- The av„v.,aua w v the• ,e, ,, ,>« v,.•
sr, R. uatutuw.,• wast See of its history when two Mr. Robertson has taught school in 'Elmer*, St. Jacobs, Waterloo, bitch; CQuity delighted the audience, while ing Mother Graven' Worm Exkerm�tl. Schaal fairs to be held in then County
Barrister. Solicitor, Natary,Fieblhq„I;te.; Ree bulldi•nga were completely ' de East �Vawanosh for the past couple aver, .:Guelph, Fergus, Elora, Dr the junior choir of the Convention *tor. an excellent remedy. . of Huron -this Year
Successor to T. re, I tuor1tn atxoyed, with a loss estimated tut.
„ , .h of years and is a mast efiiclent teach- ton, Moorefield„ and,back to, Listowel. church Sang a number of choruses. ._ ._ Grand Bend -Sept. 7th
phone 07 Office, The seluare, t,;id.r.c tih6,tMe The buildings
burned• were er. nsagements - Announced
A. E. CONSITT, Secy, a Dashwood ---sept 9th
tete Nett D Go v nt with �� �,��i� ��� ,3,$
RtiESTi�l. LEE,
Barrister and Solicitor
10 King. Street East, Toronto,
�teettmhonee Alain 7193-710i.
Metre ams n e sepal
- Death of Miss Catherine Devereaux Mr; and hire. O. W. Potter, Clin-
' ate schoolrooms; including the eon-
C'reditort -Sept. t. 9th
ate e' school, 'togetherwith theThe death of Miss Catherine Din ton, Ont., announce the engagement Like a Grip at the Throat,—Fora Wincbelsee--Sept. loth
entire contents, a loss estimated at ereux tookplace atthe ame ofer a e+tfferer,s *tui snug•
I ton -sc as , wl of Choir youngest
datightei Lillian disease that is not classed as fatal Wroxeter 13th
1 h h
Mildred to L W. ,Dip ell, B.A., there is probably none which causes tt rf gat gtiii•l:, Gerrie--Sept, 14th
$75,000, and a line brick residence sister, Mrs, John McDonald, in W*It- gI#i+94 p i,1fr and lasting relief by rennsvina the
owned by John W. Waeehter, with on on Friday, July 9th, Miss Dever- of Renfrew, only ton of Mr. and Mics: more terrible suffering than asthma, cau�t=. ,i,nd blood ctrt'tilatintt in the Bluevele—:crept. 15th
DUDLEY E HOLMES the entire contents, the loss been aux was the eldest daughter of the :G- Dippell,, of Walkerton, •• the mare Sleep is impossible, the sufferer be- Ashfield -»Sept pith
John Devereuxwasn: •nage to take pIaeexquietly itl'July, comes exhausted and. finally, though ln�ver hurvrj. fritting anti •rtI%1' can't St. Helens• -,-Sept. 17th
Barrister, Solloitor. Notate eatimat,n,i 0. t•1U,Q00 ..,.,_ iate..Jo n and•born a
Public. Conveyancer. Etc,Mea. arxiet Ltivis,• n» the attack passes,, is loft in unceiising esti ills ,ani into rn el •rrriieetl iuuett bey Colborne—Sept.: 8th
PHONE 27e._HAMIhITC1D1'#THEEfi A Belerave ay.e was ttie; Devereux homostegci, jlret east of Clinton,' dread of its return, Dr, J,. I?; lief .usr,I tui'. LPO nharQt'a lil;nt tt,tid. a I•lensall-- Se+ t 2Qth
Seaforth, es years ago; nd where pounces ; the engagement ' ' of herp
The 'Village eyf Belgravia shock- ' ah d i th d tit of h Youngest daughter, A l 1 Asthma R d i't ousel harmless 'tablet. t t t Zurich—Sept. 21st
Death of T ckersmith Pao
F.YE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. ,Mrs. Adam Halliday,' who was form. D th U
Late house Surgeon New York (dela- erly Catherine Robertson, the elder Jessie McKay, one of the
t:alinte and Aural Hospital, assistant daughter of •Jatnea Robertson, and of Tuckersm'th township, w
Moaretleirt'e' Eye hospital and eloleien Christian McCallum.' The deceased the late M , Henry, Maso
Sgtlarq Thfioat; Hospital. London, �i►g, olio was the 'east srlrvivin
03, Waterloo • St. S Stratford: `tele- g rkiember away at t home of her
e eve . un i e ea r Edna to Mr. AI -
- - ogg s eine y • a w ere' r,uc eett s et•ee;ns,• 1
on on Thursday mornifig, July let, at
the sudden passing of; one of its,old- er fourteen years ago, when
est pioneer residents: in the person •cf to Walton to be: with suer sis
a end fan Grant Sylvester,•son e£ :sirs, E. ful remedial agent. It immediately strn enters the of feted Itarte. Beni Varna—Sept. 22nd
Bl h Se
phone 21;7. - of. the family was born in. 1844 in the Mrs. L. O. ke, Toronto,
At Hcie}}JBedford, Goclor:k611. from .7 village of Dull, Perthshire, Scotland, July 9th,
van. Alonday, sept; 20tH, till el p. 111.- and came to this country with her e S Nt)
r uesday, Sept 21st.
DR. 11,' N. etT1C . .
;r.. A. Sylvester and the late J. 5, Syl relieves the. restricted air paseeges Raid has a wonderful reeterd for ,ttiiet , yt -- pt, 23rd
vaster of Toronto' the marriage to as thousands can testify. It is sold sate and lathing' relief to laity suff,•r,try Ethel--Sgpt. 24th
' ' by dealers everywhere, • It will flu the same fur vett ui ntnu,,t Walton—Sept. 27th
takeplace•the latter part of July, _ ,
FALL FAlR D el'ES. back., Il, C;, DUNLoP an,' tirgANts Belgrave---Sept, Beth
ioneers Goderich Tp Sept 28th
doe Of MR. AND MRS. WESTOBY ON an�vvhrt sell Illi► ttuert Stith ttii+
,passed VACATION •Coderich—•Sept. 8-10 anyWn t% . •
Uublin_Sept. Both
aughter, : ^ Toronto -*Aug, 28 --Sept. x1 Clinton --Oct. 3 and 4
The following from The ;itapid City London -Sept. 11-18
+qal, S.D.,will be lead with err- Stratford --Sept`. 20.22
n Friday, J'
Mr. andMrs: Weetob are21.-°2
tercet as M . �� Y Exeter ---Sept.
parents arid five brothers and one.„-11(orrrs' Reunion .well known here:. Pen and ink can't Listowel -Sept, 21-22
sister, at the Age of eleven,being' she 'reunion held Thursday, July :describe the scenic 'beauty- of `your Seaforth---Septa 28-24
1t g I tate Mr. W. P. Wesco- r....i,,....,_eo„+ o
week the8th on the school grounds of S. S, Black Hills,” s d
apo is or, a
oma Kincardine—Sept.
i tter's brothers William. Gox
on oc
It ears.
t b from
here with Mr W m
success tl u uc
. Married in Michigan •No 9 Morr s• was ' a huge
d and ach Bayfield—Set .28.
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps announce : the credit is due the teacher, Miss Clara of the a , p ,
' ,i` o for mitt Dirtinr+•se—eiterapist, inalriage of their, daughter+,lean-At- "}yjeGowau, the pupils and the cam- Westobv and E J Cox'lave not seen Brussels—Sept. 30 -Oct. 1
(:4rouie, e¢r{tanle aeie; Nervous 'time***
l the church, Huron City, ,Michigan, and grounds :were .well,ieeorated `with' "More than leased with the. roads ZuriclranSo pt. tii . 7-8 1
The groom is a son of the late Henr p Dungannon--t1et. 7-g
P.eutppee with 1 lectro-Maltnetic?Batlrs, Y 'f bunting g and ceder boughs lea this section .sifter driving •to Syl- Wi h 4 t 743
Electronic Electric. Treatments and and Mrs.'Heist. and•a grandson of the
visit the
s. so
1 h—S .2
B et
Yt p
t viewed' from every point'.m Minna li f i it at h
and E. J. Cox . and families. Mrs.
Matrhelt-.•�-Sept, 2
,ro *lie :.Ian, to Har Haist,'on JOY 10th in-
• Godericli' mittees in change : The school house each other for 43 years,
flags n n . * ng am-• c
Tito ideal weather with. these touches van Lake yesterday, Mr. and Mrs.
CbleopraGctic, • • late David and Mts.:Haist, and was' of color added much, to the pleasant -- V estoby were enioyinit. their avaca- The proper study of man_ is the way
rrrnee hours- •to 3 and 7 t+ 9'1Len:
n excepting.AlondaY born in Brussels:;:: a nese of the ()evasion, and the deer will tion .immensely,.. Tete. Beauty of the. he .facts` when. you ask him fox” a
and bV. osppolntme t. Killed b Kick From florae n be remembered by many as on
Needle's and• other` points Siong the match.'
and'rhuredaY anemone a: and evenings, Y q g road to Sylvan Lake. w h the _...•_ ,
Mice Hours on 3iierse dayiit0 to 12 a, oo Mondale July 12th Angus of the bappy moments" of --life. *Om e said
3tri fr Minneapolis, F
Genisnelt Vied 4' year" 4 months,-;A1nong those, from a distance who `Mr: evesteey has toreei Canada,' Jeune . is the month when bride -
>a cna
d i Att �( nee
tit. and :Britanrt a 1188d.:. ti els of Alberta Mr.A.
McCal- United •States,
Residene'a end OIIIee•C+or far of South were present were Farquharson bro.: England . and .the greater part of the grooms get very little attention,
]tam, of Henley,•Sask;; Mr. and Mrs; The best exaxnple of a vote i>f. con=
1.. 'COLE. R. 0.,
• West Street, Goderich.
Honor Graduate of the Canadian Oph-
ihalmio College of Toronto.
Eyes examined by the latest methods,
Ind the proper fitting ol` glatie.s ill mod-
eratterices. Ontario Board of Seam -
Mere Certifjoate No. 875.
AV drioNirMitING
oNas GU.NDA Y.
Ice Stock and General Auctioneer, -.
Hamilton Street, Goderieit
Sales made everywhere laid all efforts
radeto give you saatis!u titta.
Farmers' sale notes dlsconuted.
RUBEtte rt 't4EKI'SON.
'1' • iihrslfired Auctioneer, . m
Eldon term. Dederick,
will eanduct any .rue at the Comae oft •
Huron. For intoratatton supply t'r P. .1.
Ryan, Hamilton St., o- 3rn1Pt•a tett with
• him will receive prompt attenders,
r�jltl.. BAILIE. „ -
General Conveyancing done
Good Companies Renreeeute,l
phone No. 298:. 'Cod, rich, Ont.
Value of pra;terty Insured up to Jan-
uary'. 1030. (3.048,975.00.
fFFICERS--James Connolly, Presi-
dent, Ooderirh ; Jas Evans, Vwre-Presi-
d.'1it, I3eeetiwnd; T. E. Hays, Sec.
Treae., Seaeforth.
DIRECTORS -1). F. McGregor, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve Winthrop; Win.
Wein. (onetance; George McCartney.
7uckersniitti; John Perris, Ilarlock;
John Benirew;se, 13roadha$an; Murray -
1 .hson. Rrucetield.
?(GENTS --J. W. Yeo, Godericli; Sandy
Le;tels, Clinton; Woi.. Chesn'y, Sea-
ea-forth: It. Hinckley, Seaforth.
Policy holders .tan pay their asseE-I
anents at R. 11. Cull's store, ',odericli;•
A. J. Morrish's (,butting Store, Clinton;
or J. II. Bald's, hayfield.
Have it attended to oy the
Established 1878
Sead Oh18re s Dungeon**, Oat.
Harry L. Salkeld, R. It;. No. 2, God•
uricli, pre*.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub.,
urn, rice pros.; directors—Wm. Mo.
Quillen, St.IHeletis; W. P. Reed, R. R.
No. 2, Ltxcknow; H L. Settkeld, 'phone
600r11, Gadei1c : Area. Nicholson,
Lneknow; Wm. Wa►tren; ,las. Gita*.
R. Ig. No. d, Gederielt; Wat. t Thomp-
son, Auburn; Tim Griffin, R. R. Ne.
'7, Ltacknow; 4 Cas. Hewitt, Xincdr.
dine, Old.
Treas. Setleeettiry'.
l FFeee�rls "�1'
C A 13 Is O R I A
he one , -
Each year there. are
more people you can sell,
The finest kind of intro-
duction to ' these new '
comes is to. call them up
on the telephone — by
Local or - Long Distance
as the .case may require.
Many merchants always
call up a - new customer
by Ldng Distance befote,
sending 'a salesman to
see 'him. Think how
much difference -it •
makes in the kind of re -
option the - salesman
gets! - - .
All around you, in outiy
ing towns,. are custom -
ors who . will be as glad
° -to-have-you call -thein by
telephone as you will be
to Sell them, Dort't over- - -
' -look the one best way of
'winning a n d ,holding
their friendship the .
Bro-u11611 eros.
The Lead
Funeral Dir"eeotors
and F.mbahllers
Orderil cersfully attended to
at all hours—night or day.
Fred . Button, of Kenora; Mrs. Mc- lldence is to eat the hash.
Crae and sons ,.• of Michigan; Mr. and_, .' W. E.,Y U: Cf11VE
Mrs; S. McArthen of Hartney, Man., NTION
bnfessrs s ,H 13. and R. McArther, of The .> annual eonventiiin of the Hue.
feels for his wtfead old sweetie.
Beeford, ,Ont., and Mrs. Seat and on County Women's Christian Tem.. , • '
,f daughter.: of Moose Jaw. •'e peranco Union was held, on July 8th Great Re��i ng by
New Baptist Minister for Auburn In 1110 U %;•sl ehurch, Wingham•
Cripples and Clintori 1'he morning session was opened Rheumatic Lilrlpplea:
t• ,,._r. __.- _. Brace- .with devotional exercises conducted
by Mrs "J Anderson while the after. .
No ;trontempt equals that a - man
bridge, has - accepted a unanirilous neap devotional exercises were taken of criapled ,You can't Lee Arms of
call to the Clinten and Auburn Bap- by Mrs:. Bennett, The reports the Leos, Rheum* Win Help You or
tist churches,: and occupied the Clin- three se Nothing to fray
ere arms, car, secretary, ""Yr
-ton pulpit last Sunday evening. He seeretare 'and• LTA:,,secretary were l;et,. a bottle of Rheuma today. and
will begin his - pastorate- In Septem-: most encouraging„ Mater triiion lead.• wear a satisfied entire on your lace to-
ing 'with 9i) new members. 'last' year morrow:
Death of Mrs. Blacker ,.the; Countyraised $747.10. , - It a remedy that is. astonishing i
?eh* country, and it's ;}test ae good
Elizabeth W'arrener, widow of Mr. The annual report-. of .the fourteen for gout. sciatica and iuMbago as for
T. Blacker, died at her home in Clin- department superintendents gave evi. tbt'timatisln.
ton on Friday. afternoon, July 9th;lindence that splendid work and ' mates- the idrives
iveesan lr Uiscrtanoue tlint'sethcf ser
• her S3rd yeah'. ,She suffered a stroke factory progress had -been accom- ret of llheuma's i.nech:�"tl,
of .paralysis two years ago . 'and plished. But vice :don't oak you to take .nue
though she'recovered sufficiently to The executive for. the following hut
far it; go to II. 1,, t)uninp a any
drtiagistand.gct- a bottle, :-uf Rhe u
be able to •go about the house, she Year was elected as fellows: Hon. tf I;l : 'tf it:den'sn't•tlo a5 W promiSr
had been in poor health for some .President, Mrs, Davidson, Goderich; Ret error money back. It will be there
time past. The deceased was born President, Mrs. A. McGuire, Brus- waiting fore you.
in Yorkshire, England, coming to this sets; Vice President, Mrs.'A, T. Coop -
country -.over 60 years ago with her e; Clinton; l or. Secy, Miss E. Mur-
husband. Hee life since then had dock, Herisen; Roc. Secy, Mias- A. E.
been spent in Clinton and vicinity. C•atnsitt,•• Bewail; • erreas,,elitiss M.
She is survi eel bytevo sa s, CharlesBailie,.Goderi
ch, "Y" Se
Mrs. A
of tine, Minn... and Ernest, ofHELloyd, Win ghern,
"L,T.L." Se
lett township, and one daughter, Mrs. Mrs, Johnston, 'Coderich.
McGuire,, of London. The youngest -The The following; department euperiit
-sen, 11rsbeet•AJa,rtea; was gu a"nter' in-tendents-•-were-•appointe8,r-. Evanxel-
the • 102nd overseas (battalion, and istie, Mrs. Wm. 'Dougal% Anti Nat-
. died of wounds received in Frane:e • airs cotie, Mrs Beavers, Canadian . Mar -
August 11, 1918, encu. Miss Davidson,` Flower, Fruit
Presentation to Brti'eelield Teacher .and Delicacy, Mrs. and Miss 'David -
A merry gathering of . parents and - tionsen; - fr. A »T`.• Cooper; aMedalgcon».
friends was Held_ at the Tuckeremith teat, Mrs, R. J. Tindall,- Scientific -
school, No. 13, at the. close of. the Temperance, Miss Banes; Moral Edu-
school year and on the eve of Miss 'cation and Mother's Meetings, Mrs.
Taylor's 'departure for her home in C, J. Wallace; Press Mrs. Proctor;
Varna. Miss Taylor has a class of Temperance . and Sunday Schools,
forty-two pupils and it has been said Mrs. r Lowery; . Railway employees, -
:that. no teacher has filled the position Mree Lyon; Travellers' Aid, Mrs.
just quite as aceeptably as she lines. Yeo; Parlor 'meetings, Mrs, Telford.
Her task is not an easy one but she An invitation Treem Clinton Unioe
has the support of the parents and .far next year's Convention --wase se
all err glad that she"is to return in cepted.-
the autumn. Just as a little mark A pleasing feature hof the atter-,
of appreciation, the parents and PUP.' noon session was the-nrekents'ion of,
its presented her with a black leather a County Life Membership pin to;
club bag and an onyx and. pearl little Mrs. J. Joynt, Wingiunitr.
finger ring. The speaker of the gfternoon was
Mr. S. B. Stbthers to Go to Essex Miss Isobel Mccotkirriele, Cif" Aus
The Star is sorry to learn of the tralia, whose subject vies, "'Semen'si.
coming removal .of Mr. S. B..,Stoth- Outlook." She pointed out that pub.
era, B:S.A., to Essex. Mr, Stothers lie life.tended toward the g'r'eater cle•
has been the district agricultural re - velopment of women's influence fort
presentative- in Huron county 'ever good of. the country. She abto Saint
since the office was opened end has, that women in politic* stead by prin
certainly given ellicient service. Ile eiple rather than party and that the;
has resigned to take a similar poli- personal life of worsen proved that
tion hi Essex county, succeeding Ma'. her influence is always for the good.;
Justice Miller, secretary of the Bore The following resolutions were
der Chamber of Commerce, who re- adopted : - -
J'e R. 'Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Goderich, Ono
lite Dells promptly attended io
day or nisei&,
I %oises: Same US; Horse tires
OS NS or me mute
" w HOU5eKC,PtRf:
Ging away for the summer;
Better leave the Beat Folks on the
job to lookafterthe place for yin!.
The rrospect of corning back to a
cold, cheerless house will ruin the fun
of any vacation.
.Prepare yourself a welcome horse ;
by having that coal -bin filled before
signed to take his present position 1. Whereas the W,C.T.U. awn"- 1 you go.
some weeks ago. Mr. Stothers will bled in convention at Wingham are, —CALL THE
Certainly be missed in Huron County. convinced that the present method,
He will take over his new work an of teaching acientiii? temperance in i
soon as arrangements ran be made. public schools is i et es complete as l
Collected for 1114e lfeereiy for Half we would desire, therefore we would i ,
recommend that it heceme a compe1-1
IYliss McCully, of Brtttaefiei j, has spry subject on our school
the Bence lel nc ► their
a ('Ieetery
oo cutrleu• i For Good Clean Coal
been presented with sr beautifully ,hum and that it become 'a subject for
framed life membership certificate in trace.. on for High School' Ener' ` i 11 l i - COAL
the Bible Society. The members of rsI U IrbMIANY
fie branch, with twhereas we deplore the revelations' name 98 Coderick
wires, met *1 the home of Kr. and that have been nude *1 Ottsws lite
411111Pier... ....41111011,
on. nthra. �-.�
�ite rCoal
Chestnut (Anthracite) a , .,S16 00-
( Irsaits)
,.,., .;-*16.10
Pea (Anthracite) ; . , , ,;13.00
Coke .•. „.....415,00 per' ren
Pocahontas`.. , , v . , x . ; 414.0o
Domestic Lupi for your Grate and Range
$12.00 per ton '
Our Coal is weighed on Your Own SC*tea.the Wok* scsh
With Spring House , Cleaning, you will require PAINT..
We still have some Sherwin»Williams left that we are .sell
leg at $1.o0 per quart. Muresc* and Alabastine at :Sac per
package.. Liquid -Veneer and O'Cedar, small bottle, 23c
large bottle, 45c each
Special prices on poor Locks and other Builder's Hard er' '
P i
Clothea. Wringers and Garden Toole et *said Prices to
order to clear. .
The Hardware at the wharf
Store 'Phone 22. Hone 'Phone 112.
BUY your . PICC supplies at the Stores
Santa Clara - tit: 2 Hui 29c.
PRUNES Ml a 2163. 23C
Try these delicious prunes with Creamy Custstyd
i>sll C
light *PRP 16100
F n:'
Buda* Brand
ite "DOMINO TEA" Tait LII.73c
Clitoice D.S.L. COM Flakes 3 tr,iies. 29c ' i+Glrltles Gate,
Istllo` i. KELLOGG'S NAN pkg.20t ' SUMMER
POST TOA !'1F.5 pkg. 1 l c
G&A E l er r i/ c
Qltltketr C.rs Flakes pkg.11t:
Oak's Putti Melts 3Hes sic l i eeraialtadas our
2e lb& PARIS 1'11"1 tiro 144Orangeade
Creme Fisch Wiliest t tie 1.5e
2 ... C "c'iH Cil�ti'p+_isice bS3
IAew 14r25
These Mies re sleet fes ewe weals fraiii,erate Of Burs paper t 34•a