HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-15, Page 7Y :11>WY. JULY JMh, INS • rq ♦ 4 OK MY wis Sunday1 ternoCin'MAW f �imamate M dtawtedM-.aotYtt •Har o �e4 lives es grow 73y ISABEL HAMILTON, Gidertdl,er4 ie as Ott. to resseve tie was, far with the eases trsesaia4 tat bsadafYs vsaaiwh for all thewler tka parses et ism tire hesideelies it in kaparailde se fowl e► Wear ran* lies It regetatw eke eileu etas, lives sural lancets, .purities tlss'"'6bloud sad tones sip tire whets systema to full Iualtk *ad vigor. Put up only by T. T. Milkman 0s, Liardsed,i .Toronto, Oat. At Qeta111i.OM111111M1 1 ad of se, together with' re, were merely two frequency ampliAca• to provide for loud- ' tion. The dealer *We- ar amplification theta is cf sets elo thatwhen been in the shop an hour 111.1111111111111111114$111114111116111404011110111111811111111111011111111111118111111111 iso foukl tell just whet picot of say lis from the mercy of our God ►{ ed it 1e be kslorrn how hs doth put a set handled the audio -ft wgusney xn1, That all tor h: pee begin ; ! dieei rotseo between the scheyd butts ssaad piifeation. This helped to aitatplif His mercy saved our sous froau Israel." clic process, because he could etiratin. death; 1 Instnietioria were given that a irf ate the audio end of the set and jest Mid washed err souls from sin, ibeginning was to in made. 1t,rwats c.nsider the principles involved in Let all who hold this faith and hope, to be New Year's day and the was tuning, amplifying the ra43a-frequcn- In holy deeds abound 11 be a celebration which in at to ries and detecting theca. Thus faith approves itself eineese, ; come should -be a memorials o them _ "And now," Smith's nide added. By attire virtue crowned. h of GAN • passing thertt' over when "after you've eonaidered 'he neutra- liser Watts. His judgment fell on the Egyptians. dynes, it is interesting to'oak at this PRAY* The first step be the celebration super -heterodyne sehiels uses six Almighty God, our heavenly Fath- was to be the choosing of s lamb tubes, including one %seiilatar and er, we sena wledl> a thy!• rower and without blemish, fir each family two detector tubes. majesty, and we know thy loving This was to be kept seperate fro* . "The 'super -het' is a radia -fee kindness toward th h"ldren in all the fteeksfor four days and then ail- gurney amplifier just like any other y c 1 led ss a. sacrifice. Then the blood set, but it generates its "oven lo the. years of thy destines with its, cal was to be 11(tken and with a bunch of wave which is played off against the andite a►ae servicece time, fir t1 of h ss. sprinkled upon the lintel and incoming waves from the loop aerial. and truer and loyalty th thset the Y two side.posts of the door. The we have yet rendered unto thee. In y Jesus' name we pray. Arisen. flesh was to:be roasted and eaten ac- ($eleeted) companted by bitter herbs, symbolic es to On Ci t/� Day r r ..- 1 4- 4 411100•11•1 t C 1.1M1� bei �11/�4 eey� CI= ]�w • �,� iwie♦'] wY�ii .i mays7! w•r.t"04OCl1a0V ter►•.►.•►i ,t hire �Ir1 Or !w•:wr�re yews. Astraws Le.youwy�1 ny ,hie •rswWa Ohm* Mia bel I. 1rM Leave . ar r • waster %p. 41 to Clear ad u 7100 u. se. Swarm Tearow m( �`kat wai itt�i.lielo No6O-41.810 a w. Apt. v Roe b•liw via C It s Tisa. Now Pus 110 Cl000loetal $S.Iiesto Color Polar $6.aO a tee t �i0i� fs 7h a nue4 tsts00nie Wfar•... sa )(1i"Mori.Ave. InoaJea. l.iaal.a t�l.w I,.ait )weir C s, w ion east ORANGE LODGES HONOR MR. V hen a man says -his wire duea:s,'t AND MRS. LANGFORD undt•rstsed eau ---she doles. Naturally with the two waves you.honoring Ernest I.angf:.rd. district mget a arshal of the Orange Lodi.. and - "" tame variations ations of thoet note whhincatning. rue 2'. Vf eaearglkatvatcbarya London his men'ate 75 and women s Orange• Piles Go Quick . . dice wave, The beat 'note effect is 17he represented .All India at the lodgen surprised them at their home British Boors lmithieltloa tinct who 8, 8. LESSON FOR JtLY 25th, 1924 of the bitterness of their life of bondage. They were also directed to 'Leeson "title --The Passover. be sheeted ready to start en a hur- Lesion Peseage--Exodus 12t1, 2, rigid journey, skirts tucked up under T. sSiiaTlk 21.16. a ;i ' their girdles, shoes on their feet and %olden 'Teirt 1 Cor. b 7. stat in hand. It it the Lord's pass - 0 IRO After the eantriission given by God over. •'Therefore shell ye observe a`n tc. Nieces to return and deliver the this day in your generations by an �(,� l�A - Children tof Israel be secured permis- ordinance for et;er. And it shall (. of sion from Jethro his father-in-1aw•to come to pass, when your children 1 tree% return unto his brethren and see vibe- shall say onto you, What mean ye by. +her they be yet alive. On hes way this service". that ye shaft sal', 1t is he met his brother, Aaron. who had the eacriflee yof the Lord's passover, been instructed by God to go and who pseud over the houses of the meet Moses. And Moses told Aaron' children of *Egypt, when he smote all the words of the Lard who had the Egyptians, and delivered our sent him, and :ell the signs *diel) he houses." iJi+1T on west West W s, 6Yli, A� AUTOS• READY YYU *wTW fells roGEr Tfit*t 11 trate" id es WWII called tat in an be towa1,, fpr 011 ' r.•k,or'G.1'.• R .. ingrate pt S rv'ic'e• and I Attendance. • ere asna back service It he totnsd up•to.Qate in every respact< ,M Olt +a4 Year Patronage Solietto f T. SWARTS I�Ito»s my asortreal :mai then amplified by the three special will preside tots year at the open- in King street east on Tuesday of frequency, or intermediate 3requency lag earemoalea of the Canadian Na- last week. The Hackett fife and tubes and transformers, then detect- Ronal ?Exhibition, Saturday, •August drrm band was in attendance and a ed in the usual detector tube and sg• pleasing. feature of the evening was given one stage oft audio -frequency amplification The whole advantage ""6"'. ,. ,.,......,,,..,,,..;. the presentation of gifts to the popu- lar bride and groom. Mr. Langford of the set is that the intermediate" received a music box, presented by frequency amplifleaticn, which is Rea Sestaa• mals libldlwe 'pat We hunt►! W. Smith, with an accompanying ad made possible. by the beat bete effect, atinswee, dress by Joe Carson. To Mrs. Lang - is always at a fixed wave length.• ford, on behalf of the company, 1MIrs. This simplifies, controls and lets the What has happened to the good F. W. Wells presented a purse, Mr, set do the work that an expert would ship nota, out of Landoai asked e C i makingtheadd res to do with a less efficient set. hipLondon paper. tat of her crew dare Mr. Langford replied happily an Carson -again - a rens. "The pltradyne set which cones in been picked up in one of her life- the> evening concluded with they eery - boat", treesThere is no survivor to tell Ing of refreshments. , knock -down form is very ,much like Out or Rosa hersMif fret w the super -heterodyne, but the method us wiry the ship was abandone(t et - hid commanded tbeygathered !c►lwOn r all theg The value of this paasover `story °seef n iedtsuis quite differt intermediate Thef in- just enotbar mysterynd of tate sear. • to us is that it points to Christ our. ilsa pscords g a ba In strange tato. .elders of the children of Israel and toced ' coming signals are made to modulate sot ships betas abandoned without elders Aaron, es . the mouthpiece ece ti � oove teat to bt in' the' uuor s upphen er room oom the , escillatidns .. which the. set itself apparent - reason, and were thee. Moses; as God had promised he should, instituted the Lord's 'Supper he co m- produces, just as the vibrations of the tales woven by aware romantic aea- be, spoke all the words which the pleted sill that was foreshadowed in' stations modulates's voice t thee current broadcasting weird or fatalistic. Td ake the eueaot Lewd had spoken to Moses, and did tile, the Jewish pasaover, In It were to asses throe h the In bona the schooner Gloriane. The story They believed •that Goal had leeched be seen redemption and deliverance. P Having reached the ultra in radio, r"nn their afPiietkn and , they bowed The blood upon the lintel and door Smith announced his desire to retire rests redeemed all who were ,behind their heads and worshipped. the doers so .s Tinkled and soon they and digest the informeitian... Out of. 'Together Moses and Aaron appear. Psheer appreciation for the attention _ ed in the presence of Pharaoh and re- were deliveredrrway to' the premised that had been given him he purchased nuestell tliat'fhn pennle of the bard land, from .bondage, and 'a new tube, • dedicated toth servicef Jehovah God of Israel should be permitted to the o . "Come in some time and I'll telt ti C . in a flew, free life. To Christians you how to prolong the life of a r^ manta the .a•ildez. e.s to hold a feast, the Lord's Supper is also. a"feast of tube," the dealer suggested. "I'd Pharaoh diselaimed,any knowledge of redemption, deliverance and dedice- tell you now, only I'd probably lose God and arro►fantly ordered them out tion. The blood of Jesus sprinkled this. sale." • •_., of his nreteen-e, %in further increas- upon the heart•cleanses from all (fn. Next Week, No. 20: The Life of a ed the flu,. (len of the IAroolftes' task :.There is now , therefore, no comical- mix,, • se much that they were in n worse nation to them who are in Christ nlieht than, Wive; Mopes then re- Jesus" The sinner is set free to (Copyright 1926 by The Ullman ' Feature t S rvice) turned int" tt+e' Lard .and told ;hint,. eervc�a ethe living -sod with anew pur Ir • how since he had, sooken to Pharanh nose after - new , obedience. - From • in Hits` name' He had (levee evil to the this issues a fellowship with 'God HAD NO APPETITEEAK through the indwelling spirit,' the WEAK AND DIZZY imimic>zaeither host They delivered =1 Th neon a at all. comforter promised by the crucified • God then renewed ilia nr�nntise of but risen Saviour. ° . This New Brunswick Women lie - deliverance and encon•s,red Moses to stored by Dr. Williams' saaln appQar"•before Phnxatah and tusk•WORLD !MISSIONS • Pink Pills that he send the peer'' Hirt. of his -. Sacrifice in Mission Work ,,'_land. He• farther reseeded to .hi,u 'myea missionary in . Borneo writes :. Mrs. James Bel, Brown's Flat, the eigi's �� A and woreders-'he would, do I learned - a good lesson from a :N.B.,' says: --"I am writing to tell ' before Pharaoh -.would listen. All ,Dutchman• who had been; three you• the: great. good Lhad through the this came to pass. end , Egypt was months 100 .miles . farther up the timely use of Dr. Williams' Pink sailer, one night have found reasons. plagued by sere judgments for ten river buying: rubber, and 100 miles Pills; My health had failed and D and cui lour reasons, 1n ships of that --• months. Aftlr each oJael]c. �aCiiaca, from' any civil ed person. ' 1: said : wise troubled with• great.. weakness. mass, uatlors are nut to" be . rrtftt -iniery ewecT"Jsiiaraoll •arta. though .at 'Isn't it lonely up there?' He an- I had no appetite and frequently had supersfttioua than they are to -dry. 1 tittles hesseenied"about'to yield, -Ids severed, after .a shrug of.his. should- dizzy spells. The :'teasst exertion; biat'k chit af:a, crasts•Ewcd Finn in the heart was always fit the end harden- erar'.Xe:}, .but that is the place for wduld,,make any heart palpitate via tarecustl(+was looked cn •511 an cvit ed and they •were* atilt kept in bond, •rubber: So, if you ask �ie if' 1 am lently. and I felt tired; at all times. omen. 1'11 voyregc' was found t" be age.• ,After_ - the plague'_ 'of thick lonely, • I. niay say, `Yea, but this is I had d tored• a' great deal without tn]ueky, In' the tropics atr:tn,1! darkness •lasting for three ways- the the place for the missionary work.'" getting much relief, and was feelingshape:: of beats were Fern e•u flu Lord told Moses to prepare for the. _. Missionary Review, greatly discouraged when I finally de- dent, uta , nigfi. --and the do iilc:ed, of departure as'it was near at hand, for • tided to try Dr. Williams± Pink Pills. ten ignorant, men deserted the rile the last .plague was about .to fall up, c But the modern ship lend eo 1•rt;lt on the F;gyptians, the first born in. 1 The happy xesults following the use "tion do noCgc• (sand in baud. AfiUisee cc of this medicine can best be summed cargo mai-.blft Enddcnly, hare %) 1;:t &e1'y family would be•, taken. by Tulin sJfl lth. hind Hite t p by saying that I bm again per -. inti the crew time to get fivvay wit) death, but riot so in the ease. of the ► fectly well, .able to do my housework their lives. The vessel steaks, and th(• -_ children of /veal for the Lord Wish : (Copyright 1925 s by •pp the 1,111man Nature a' 1 10 . and enjoylife once.more. I feel .it n crew drift abi;ut• for duras in their 7-"f" .: 'Service) duty to recommend. Dr. Williams' liteboatr---perJiatss• to tie .picked up was told by the captain of a whaler, working in the northern seas. Mariana was sighted among the icebergs, • sailing the seas with no band at the helm. Her rigging was tankled and rotten, her satin drop- ped, her sleeks were covered with snow. Boarded by the whale cap- tain, she was round to be the scene - ot, strange affairs, a veritable derelict of death. - In the cabin there sat at the table the figure •of .her captain ;- be wardcad, R•nt"-turd•been-K(Et==tltteene. roars, bat the cold had preserved his body,and he looked as he did in lite. Before him lay the tip; n lot:; - tats fingers grasped a pt•n, but though f*. the ,date- of. the last casts•,• In the IOC • showed lion long Gloriana had been , a waif of the vea, there was siinply nothing Mitch explained the fate or her •crew or •isow it was that the seltooner hada found her. way. into .hens• lonely setts. Crews have -been round steed, bat no ahtp. Derelict's have been found. but never 'e sign of a man that be- longed to them: • Why have tlses been abandoned? In the drys of the Piles are vowed by '( (Ingestion of blood in the louver bowel. Only an internal remedy 'ran ' remove the cause. - That's why salves and cut - tin` fail. lir. Lemnhsrdt'a Item-Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relieves this congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Hem. Reid has given quiek, rife and last- ing relief to thousands of Pile Suf- ferers. It will do the sante for you or money back --H. C. Dunlop and druggists everywhere sell Hent -Raid with this guarantee. A SURE --RELIEF FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS TEN -)AY TREATMENT FREE - 'a Ornng a lilyi"t 1i : t'et•t;tiu re'Iiei' l'ni'- alma y ���7 aim ►M lliR(1r(11�1'S !11 Yrt1111e11 ; .. ``; - ;�. ���� . It masa ai►p►°1'�l l" •stilt'' and is ab•:us•he,l int*: t the Buffering' tissues. - '1'he dead :v,:'.te mat- ter i11 the (•uttgeyted -rte rrt-`li+ . 4 ,,a" • 11 4.1,. gi'•inse ilium 11',Itr.!nen t stint lsilysir 1: re- u lief; the blood vessels and nerves aretoned and -strengthened, 9 and. the eii•eulation is rendered to norrnai hiss dais tt•e:di ent ites based on strictly seientilie-pritteipless, and sets on the at•tuat j 1oeation-of the disease, it teamed help but ilii gi►to1 in: all roans e 'of female troubles, including delayed and .1)011fn1 n,enr..h'un tioxt, ieucorrimea, failing of •tlic womb, grawtitsi and ovarian tronbles, rte: Price *2.011 per box;. *hide in eaffieient, for one nlouth�s treatment. A. -free Trial Treatment, i'nongh for 10 darts, worth 75e, will be sent I+lil',b, to any suffering Woman, '• who will riend mane. her address, 1'2ns'lar a three stamps and act-'• (firers: Mgt]. Lydia W. J.add,,l)ept; 10 Winnleot', ()ntlrrin. a• Bathe marls lith aril's and -. Wa>< n'waiter, rubbing , the solution into the - achieut parts with• the finger • •Wiiiart rd's• is alto splen- did for sprains, bruises and strained 'Egal ieuts 4f USE , HYDRO ELECTRIC The People's Power - #: to Pink fills to 'all weak people.", aced. So another nsyvtiry is: heard CANIT •�r .• If 'you have any, or all. of the In port. Ships (sailing in strange tear e • t t ilritl tick trews' l' ve. ben nit r t r d t a d In order 'to fix'the different cin- begin -treatment at once with D No.' 28 - Examining -Other Sets •." symptoms 'above noted, do slot delay,' have been boarded by eannibaix, tl►rie Dr, it, and radio principles in his mind, Williams' Pink Pills, You will be p ' hsu - t ur ri a to t t ro ` Smith pxoris¢tly acted upon g s p s; d no a he imp vem to examine difrerent typos of inyour rorrdition after a: few we Cu ships have been fo,snd'n unthli tett:. And, c'veu In thci.e dare. va fs„te nus eat done with ,barrutxy head eeu..t.ng .. eks.IIIIRT H �t 4 ges lone - - sets. Accordingly, he 'visited several You can , get these pills through any hist take' "your. slices til" and shed of` his neiglibors. But the real place dealer in medicine •or by mall at 50 pit those weary, shoe -crinkled, ach. tO learn from other sets; he soon dis- cents a box frbm the Dr. Williams' PRESBYTERY OF }IuRON-SEV- ing, burning, corn-pcstered,.bunion- covered; was iron the• radio dealer. Medicine Co.,Brockville., Ont. If ERAL INDUCTION SERVICES tortured feet of yours in a "Tit" :• Smith. quickly passed over the er i- you will send your name and address • -•----•-- • • bath: Your :toes will wriggles' with ` .stal t,tl�1��one-tuna rets, for they were a little booklet, "Building Up the ' The lune meeting of the. Preaby- joy; they'll tacit .ftp at you and al- aiready i other clear to him; but he Blood," will be sent free: tery of Iiuron was; •held at y gmond- other talk and, then z" bat tutee tett- was. soon asking quest:ons when he vine on Friday, July `incl: It was the other dive mate thht Tis bath. (c ached the two -:obs rrcup. These GORE) l�,l MARKETS intention to have a Presbytery picnic When your feet feel like lumps of lead --all tired out -just try • "Tit" being of a cheeptype, the wiring in- -Wheat, per bua.lt.....e. 1.Sai to 8 140 '.111 the afternos,.t but there was so It's grand -its glorious. your feet variably. was • exposed to a .Point Buckwheat, poo bush. 65 to 70 nick pressing brsiness that the.time ' will dance with joy; also you will wore the 'circuits eiloid be traced Hogs.. ,.. 12,50 to J2.50 f..r the spurts and 'social converse • 1 it 1 Tl It find all . pain gone from Corns, cat- easily: Birt, as Smith said, the more Oats, per bush qU to 4(t was great y cu: to et. to ev. . louses and nothing nae you trace•them, the more puzzled yov Peas" per. bush1.4ss to 1.50 F0• Clarke; -was •apr►ointed chairman There's nothing Mika "Tie."ie. become.' 13arle 65 to 70, for the year, and the Rev, lir, Barn - the only remedy that'draws ' out, all y, per bush the poisonous ,exudations which puff "That," ex1•lained the dealer, "is Gatti _ !nary,. per by, of BIyt i, secretary' male snakes up your feet and cause foot tortures keeause you are looking at reflex and . , , ` , , fi amu: to (i.2ri a modes secretary and was enani• A few cents buy a box of 'Ti?"at regenerative seta wherein each ,tube Cattle, export .. . 7.00 to 7.50 mously voted an honorarium of $109 any, drug or'department store--doe't is made to do the work of •two and ' (per cwt.) for then erfect work of the past year. wait. -Ali1 how glad your -feet' gets where the -radio -frequencies are re- 'Cattle, choice, cwt.. ' .0.50 to 0.,5 stir, W, (J, Medd, cf Exeter,. sins ap- how' comfortable yorir shoes feel impressed up;,n the grid of the first Lambs, p� 12:00 to' 12;00 pointed treJSul'er '6(:000 stn: all,,.• tube. If you are familiar with the Dairy Butter... , ... 40. to 40 ted to the Presbytery ns their z,lt •i.t .- laws of eompensatiott. you know that, F;gga, per doz 25 to 30 of the llia}nterlance and 1' rrr:nan R �-��w� FTE ht. order to obtain this eiiseiency in Pamily flour, per cwt 3;00 to 4,00 .Fund and this 1n turn wo' allcad d ti ICI are use of apparatus, the set roost be _ Patent flour, per cwt, 4.75 to 5,00 t}tae various charges.. Arraneemente �., .., were made for inductfua s at t se diP• very eritieni and equipped with flues Bran, per ton ,2.00 00 ferettt charges where ministers h:u' B IRTII "- BBYa +•antro] than would. bo required its a Shorts, per ton... ..:.3,00 to s.00 . set in which additional equipment is Hay, per ton 10.00 to 12.00• been aproint d at the late verde,. substituted for efl'seiency. That's why' Hides, h e re . 00 to i10 cure. In conformity with this an in- OttaWa Woman Made Strom by • these sets have rather complicated Potatoes, per ebag.. , . 2.50 to 2,5(; election was held at tit h}techrrch on wiring', complicated coils, a large everywhere.Monday afternoon, the title_ Rev_ Mr. Wail Lydia E. pinlille)si's -_ • '-.• ... Keys preached the sermon, Rev. Mr, muter of fixed condensers, rheostats ......w... Vegetaldeto npsan 1 Craik addressed the minister and Reit. and-.p(ltentiwnsetexs.'......� (j Q ( mr., Walden the con iregatii.n. A • • This natueal1y suggested a ' • 'p�•--N" 'TIVNAL;-R' ` - - -g• similar service was held at (Grand Ottawa, Ontario. -•-"1 was terribly' ' apectfois of the nentrodyne reeeiv11 'RAIN SERVICE tu'TORONTO Bend on 'Wednesday, the 7th, and a' •run-down atter the birth of my third • which, while large and composed of Carlow on- Thursday, Jul the 8th. , baby.Ihad awful bearing -down pains nonercus units of similar fuhetion Dolly Exempt fllursaNiy The utmost harmony Y prevailed RANAB Cook by Electricity • . and was afraid I had serious trouble. and appearance, is relatively simple. Wash by Electricity Iwas tired all the time and had no It is efficient not because it cumin- Le. Godericb 6.00 a tn. 2.20• p.m, throughout. appetite kY sietor-in-law is taking Lydia E. Pfnhsm's Vegetable Com- pound tubes, coils and condensers, but " Clinton 0 25 a.m. 2.52 p.m. locust by Electricity �o nd and cannot praise it too highly because,. for the work it does and the CONVENIENT, CLEAN, a►ni asked me to try it. 1 have had excellent way in which it brings in QUIiCK . Cheaper than coal or., wood An Electric '4"as. t1u1n Cleaner - removes the. 'dust; a broom just • moves the dust. We guarantee all Hydro Lamps for 1500 hours. - Walk in and see display at The Hydro Store ,ryl.i„frr WIL la veins IsZeZee PM t* 30 Vain cuss -- *Y1ree splendid results andfeel tine all the stations without noise and oscine - time now. Any one who needs...! flans. it is greatly simplified. thorough ick-me-uP „aoott learns r •"The neutrodyne takes its name from sato what to take. Mee►• R>o - !from the two small neutralizing o n- 1'AquIN.112oCumberland Sttsttt, Uta- d over - taws, Ontario. a denten!, or neutrodons, which over- come the tendency of the set break- �l'ti1'ti111t1�1s $rtsCirstclis - s'' ing out into oscillations when two Hamilton. Ont. --"After my baby,,,stages of radio-frequency amplifies woo born I Wad terribis backache andtion are used," the dealer, went on. headaches ;entldnot dotnywork tuns i"•hese are connected in the grid cit. - felt tired from the first minute 1 Sot ; up. But worst of alt were the pains ! cult, while between the trbea there in easy sides whoa 1 meted about. I are the epeeist transformers, known het ea sit or i1. down ter a while af- as neutroformerr's. The . tuning is towards. 1 amid keep ss keine }n done with the three variable conden order, but'ateway things bad to Putt. sees, and the advantage of the a et isdeow at the tint., „moo of my alt - insists. I was told by a neighbor to that once you have logged a statists take Lydia IL Piekhaat'. Vegatablo you earl go back to it at the same CtawPwrsri, as slw wad it woeld buii and positions of the condenser dials with. e *p. I'oast 211411114before 11asd out fishing around as you have to de takes the firstws botteiit and liaro with many sets." tat met mrs,MA sear trolsrbid like it since. Smit': inquired as to the function pus south, ;ar�I ii, O tars . Ave - c Ontario. a of the fourth and fifth tubes and Kai r " Setrforth 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m. RED HOT ,DULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY Mitchell 7.04 a.m. 3.42 p.m. Arr. Stratford 1.30 a.m. 4.10 p.en. " Kitchener 8.110 a.m. 5.20 p.rn. " Guelph 8.45 ta m. 5.500p.m. 'Toronto 10.10 a.m. 7.30 p.rn. Retut ring -Leave Toronto 6.43 ant, 12.55 p.m. and 6.05 p.m. Parlor Cafe ear, Godarieh to Tor - ante, on morning train, and Toronto to Godetfch 6,05 p. nu. train. Through coach Godericb to Toronto. F. F LAWRICNCb & SONS rows Pelosiger sad Tkketa Agents *Phase I CASTO R IA N. Chants sad Wilma riiitea in For Ov rr Mines Alwaa Massns Signature of July --the tut nth of oppressive heat; red-hot days a",d sweltering - nights;; is. extremely hard on little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and eholera infantunr carry efff thou- sands of - precious little lives every summer. The mother must be con- stantly on her guard tt, prevent these - troubles, or if they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is, of such aid to mothers during the hot Bummer as is Baby's Own' Tab- -.lets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, end an occasional dose giv en to the well child will prevent sum- mer complaint, or if the trouble dols cone on soddenly will banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 rents a box from The lir. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .k. c A4 ,Sold ° $ Le din L rug i' E 'erywhere Y � • The •Godericb Star's LUBBING LIST The Star and London ..Free. Press (i.75 The Star and (yndoil Advertiser.' .. . .75 The Star and The Toronto'Qiobe, . , . , '- . • .6,75. The Star and The -Mail and Empire.. .. . .61-5 1'he ;Star and The Toronto Star it 75 The Star arid The t: armers' Sun.. .. l iO' -i ,, he Star and The Fundyt'ie:rald and �k e.vkl„r •Si.lr. i.t1tl The Star and Saturday Night 5.50 'i'he Stair and The Catholic Record - 3.75' "i'he Star and • McI.ean's .Magazine . $3.75 The Star and !Rod and Gun. 3•(la The Star and Montreal Witness renewal 3 35 • new . 3.50. The Stair. and Wi•rld Wide -- . renewal •4.25 • •new... 3.85 Special' Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals . may be had on application 0.11 at the- Sts r r Vile; rt1' :1'111,1lsr 71. fclr any 'itifuci,rtt;l:']. Banking by Mail 'i'he--securityat1'orticd-by--tile Pru iriid._of c.mL►tars yatai,4 s. Office, in with the facilities extended by • revery Post Office rn Canada and -other countries,. make: it possible for everyone to deposit their savings in this - Bank. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full :heeking privileges. The confidence the rural communities have shown in this Bank, is indicated by the large increase in deposits, which are • now over •S21,0.00,©0D. a Ali deposits are guaranteed by the government of .the 1 Province of Ontario. Remittances should be tnade by rest Office money order, express order or registered letter, and should be addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention. ,F 1 Province of Ontario Savings Office Head Office : 15 Queen's Park, Toronto • Toronto Branch Oilers : Cor. Ilay and Adelaide Sta. Cor. University and Dundas Ste. 51ll Danforth Avenue Other franehee at Hamilton, St. Catharines, St. Marys Pembroke, Brantford, Woodstock, Owen Sound, Ottawa Sest'arth. Walkerton ' Newmarket and Aylmer. a