HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-15, Page 6Rtido conedex ageeke uebilieaayes* dw.a* au#irwrrityedwIAYseateutlal ti Uktrar. it emu tkt 414( tit epeetteadtl�a �*Asea to woke the unlet eat ,Ma dets rare seeded evsrywtereiden peelessiessOs fsi lit a;rkt lttlttrit, la mmerce *ad �t- pcbdes. is s nit msattp Auld medal T e ccs eta s*ireeeity emirs el a salted cesai#*elate; the_ *seats recede 1 see.t_preaw►ie twee* s►..ateesee.Mk.r• i4le hist`e rear seri er 4 iM * !qe bgensea.a emit h. X. P. A. a t><1rtl.iz, '-1- • CHAleleittt XXIV. (Continued) •"},;u'te beautiful, Hilda. I don't Mild* i e ler le Shetheyoung fool for felling. TLIC vett. tn';rr. reeht h*i w been def• 1 forgot, H *ever :" 1he ('ue:ntese rite" and with another change of voice and manner *aid: Cu"are along, I.et'S da som.thind for you: t eye," The Count *tared at her in b*+ wildernsent, then he turned sway crying: "Bah! I want no help." At the door he pausseed to jeer once mite "Piece Philtii s! A esominea thief, despicable creature win) robs the very man he toad inost°4.ep3Y in - pined. I've termed him to the law end to public .scorn. Sleep en that, fry Boar. Damm on it?' With a hurkIe he traced an uncertain course to the stairs, mounted to his mune, • end slammed his door bekind Mm. He head undressed and flung hien, self into bed but heel eat yet fallen 1 -i hod to hien is meger—sari let 1i fall. hist Lieutsnaat Rock *polled the whom party." VISeldkid hitt Teltthe lace" Pierce was more ikon War I enc everything, wining to oWta*, and he began his recital at feint andI n Cyt Own ,ser (00— thew et his first meeting whit Joe sfrwisti2tijlL"5"Iniliieal"Y91theh"ch:t:7s. y► 5 s,thatlanaetet Op wtbtsNM- Xdiek,t*liutdthegIri listeeth ersic 7rirtaiaewet thtpeculiarogen•eyseimdirt nee of the heart sad a disordered ma* gravity fit had noted upon their f.. r - of alta aetww. I titer sooting. When he.had finisbed "1hosee viae are wife;will Mase OMNI ysite cried, breathlessly: I "Why, it's as exciting as a hawk!" i ''Leo yea feel that limy, too?" Pierce inquired, curiously. "As if everything is an Adventure? I used to. I used to stand outside of myself and I: ok on, but now—I'm on the in- side, .. iiia,,,.,.._ looking out. 1 suppose it's the s ' effect of the array beard. Exper- an adjournment if a hand-wrltinr The astonishing thing *bout Eve t mari aU ' MAY. JULY llkb, lIN *sleep when the door reopened and befotbelre their ease bases bosom, ience comes fast in this country. • To expert wee to be called in order to is that she landed the Sirs his wife entered, bearing in her hand hare ,se, for nils( tee one thing I've taade up my mind,: get the services, of a handwriting quickly without s perch awing. however* when I get out of this expert for the defence and the case a steaming piled; of hot water. ]teach s*d { tke. wenn+ At>ta nasi *ease 11 I ever do, I'm gcicg away was adj:urned until the 15th in*t. yet. Seeds et darn*.- Pr. Themes' This she deposited; into it she dipped Ass y. Pe" s folded towel. Mgr q,.tityrbyr, Yeef!e►rel, 11sea,, e'p into the hills where the wind can Tba ciwaarnese And definiten*es of the 'lirciectric Oil is to standard remedy "I'm aorryi you're disfigured, Hoa- wsissa;--•'414 b*.1*sal was botberreeda blow me clean, and fttaayt there." answers of the 'various witnesses of for the prompt treatment of scald.; "4, " she told him, quietly. ,, with heart and torr, treebbs for ever "it's a perfect shame." the girl the R. C. M. P. and their agreement and burns. Its healing power quick. Despite bis surly pretexts, aim s revs', mid, at thaw, Us *sed to hi," sold, Indignantly. "1 *hall tell fath- even as to details one ,with another ly soothers tbe pain andante a apeedY. bathed and toothed Ms swollen, lea- deed awayr, sad was "II, weak �ritaa er to fix It. Ile sixes everything I is remarkable. Apparently* ti,„o recovery from the injury. It is •also tures until he dropped asleep, after " w i 's' bars go tad ask him to. Pie's wonderful, ss You whose business it is to xememlter an excellent remedy for all manner which h stole t and down to her see tie diootor, but he """e"• psattiar iC probably know. times and circumstances acquire ape- f cuts bruises and sprains, es well room on the floor below, Thera, I afraid for mai ..a vrwC *woad 'Inasmuch as. oven, the feint- else ability o a so, however, she reused, staring back up �a � of ydlilbura's mod sad ,st" Idea who be Ia-•-" �. The eexe�Ye different A men wee sesoeou o , .laid* ;sed linen Ise. blame yo tit off. " h 1 h 't fa nt i i t d as for relieving the pains ori*inti tuned to face her accuser. ""t1"hy But you are too old, too wise --'from i rel; wing i he various' kind*. t,h ;old I make * scene':" she asked. Hilda nodded. "You've said it: the empty +stairway, a look of deep, Nene Pillet, sad when l: baraeofee these Why►, hes Colonel Cavendish.A bottle in the house and stable '`I've had nothing to do with Phialli:a Too cid and too wise. If I'd been as est loathing upon her face. Slowly hone, ke did rot want to Cake lkegs. as I'm Josephine Cavendish. I thought cannot love a women 'unless he re, d ' d veterine olive we parted company at Whig y dung end as silly as when I met carefully, oke wiped her hands as if he tkoagkt tkeT would not do toy goad. everybody knew me." a aryls fee, I lel spectieee r Of Exarc;ti saves many a odors an • He se. I've scarcely spokein to hum, you—who knows? He's a hendsonte they were unclean; her tips curled in- I toms kits them was dao er Ural In Oryda>j Pismo coo not restrain s pont ng . develops, especially .arid you know it" • - boy." . to s mirthless smile; then she passed theta, sad. he wee very glad he olid as surprise. Very humbly he inquired• exercising your discretion. "You don't deny there was some- Again the husband's anger blazed into her chamber and turnedester the tint does, tad N th tunderstand ids I thing between you^." up. behind her after taking four boxes ht ahas times am and what I'en charged with, dol' p ked s tainting spall *loco, you wnt to know m be # d the key M felt better a ow a you w if He who laughs last forget.,. how • `�' `f ' The woman shrugged .nen-commit- "Ilut I'm not young and ditty;' his !tock had spoken truly to assuring Pelee 6De a bait at tt11r er "W4 friends,'" Mies Cavendish `• The 1, elio oa ., limited, .w r 1 declared. "'That' of some., goon s i before his time comes, Ass ea ewer wee." dealwith me' h - b arae Iatttbwis +Xlo ted, tit warmly ta11y,, her lips parted in a faint, wife interrupted. b 'Polson that Pierce .Phillips' lqt cheerless smile. "I deuy nothing. 1 ".lust the sante, you played" me a would be made a* easy for htsn as admit nothing." rotten trick," the Count exploded. possible. That is' what happened. Although Courteau'a Main 1,•. -as "And I don't forget. - As for ;✓5n"— No one• at the Barracks appeared to u r r legged, he esperieneeci a growing he swore savagely -w- he l learn that take much stock In Courteau a charge,. surprise the self»possession with it's pot safe to humiliate me, to rob and even Colonel Cavendish, the tom - which his wife had taken tlde blow me of any woman --wife or mistress. mandant, took the trouble to send which he had aimed as much at her You've never told dna the half; I've for him early the next morning find AK at Pierre Phillips; he etedied her had. to guess. But I'm patient. 1 to ask for the whole story' in 'detail, intently; a mingling of suspicion, of know how to wait and to use my Wben Pierce had given a the officer anger, and of admiration in his un- eyes and my ears. Then to strike nodded. "It looks very much like a ocrtain ,gaze.. lie Saw far one thing. me ! Perdition 1 VII follow' this spite case. I . couldn't imagine your that his effort to reach her had failed throuish, never fear. doing such a thing, my ley, ;end that ehv remained completely the "How did you get a thousand dol. "It is a spite case, nothing else.„ mistress of herself. She reclined at hire, Henri••'"'the wife inquired, car! - "Courteau Is a rotten; and your oaf • ease in hen comfortable chair, quite "sin'.fair with hit wife explains his Rai• unstirred by his derision, hie jubilee- - Coerteeies gaze shifted. "What meshy,"! ” tion. He became aware, also, of the difference? 1 wen it on .-a turn -ateIt wasn't exactly an affair, sir. fact that she presented an extremely the North Star; it was given to me; Pierce colored slightly, s* he went attractive picture, for the *oft white I found it. Anyhow, I -had. it, It - on to explain. "You see, 1 was per afar of the loose robe she wore expos- was a good night for me; yes, a very* fectly honest. I didn't know there. ped an alluring glimpse of snowy good night. ' I • had my revenge and was a count, and when I learned there throat and bosom; one, wide sleeve I showed my friends that:Jen a man was 1 up stakes and ended it. She had fallen back, 'showing a_emaothly to be reckoned with. was the first woman who 'ever -.»Well, rounded arm; her silken ankles"lifted In a tone unexpectedly humble the sir, 1 admired her tremendously. to the cozy warmth of the shove, women said: "I had no idea you - She--imptessed me wonderfully.'! were email and trim; her feet were cared very Bouch what I did or how 1 ,"i "No doubt, the colonel *smiled. shod in neat high -heeled. slippers. carried en. After an, it was your She s an -. impressive person. Are. The Count admired neatly 8 lad- own Inuit." you still fond of her" ,� "Mine?" . The Count Laughed in eNot in the same way. lee. <lerisign and astonlsshment, • '"What about this girl Laurel" • , • • "You're a very tnaart-leaking wa- +•1 xactly! If you had taken the This time Pierce ' flushed tmcom lata,'" he cried, with some reluctance. trouble to show me - that you cared fortably. • "I've en excuse to offer there,. sir—no explanations. We— over. you. I wouldn't mind it half _ " joist• drifted together. It was a• longco,ewere witnesses, also ie C. Noble, eq ;notch if ,I were up"for murder or anthe.,pestmist'ess ,at pashwood trip and the Yukon does that aort..:off = .arson, or any man s --Sized . clime thing; Force of. circumstance . as Anything except stealing!" O. B. Stantou..(n handwriting' .ex.; much as Anything, I presume " I've,- 'IA =mere matter of choice,' the r pert), Toronto,. was summoned as m witness .also. Noble admits . he is a drug addict, Ile .is employed by the authorities` as • a epotter in Checking_ • up illegal. sale of narcotics and has . - . his own •,narks to designate • the' var...., taus ' bot lea of morphine tablets. he •• : put n a>r 1 MAK; r4U1R: HO E BEAUTIFUL --with►'*"Breaatfard Roof of Asphalt Slate*. You.cen have a soft toned root of Amy color or eorabinstion of colors that pleases your testae They add permanent beauty and value to any kited of home • Mid rife Peers of weather protection • .... tad are reedataucl, le ,c' , &a!ttford, Opt'atrio Stock Castlsd, Information FFe:mashed and '.ioreloe. on Brantford Roofing rendered by - W. M McLean, �, Gode rte h Cin the Crest of Every -Hill =-opens a panorama of beauty unexcelled Stretching off below is a country of woodland ' ps a river stealing through— bit £atrnland••--•perha perhaps- ai placid lake --perhaps a nestling viiia or busy industrial town. But everywhere is beauty, variety, colour. • Stop and enjoy such scenes as you motor through Ontario. Look on teem as you would enjoy paintings in at picture gallery. By driving moderately, you will derive far more enjoyment from motoring. Ralf the delight of country driving is lost through excenaeiv* speed. The highways are yours Do your petit in tak- ing care of theta. The cost of repairs and renewals will fail on you and other motorists. Zxctesdivs speed grinds road surfaces, In your ollert interest, therefore, u well as for your safety and pleasure, keep within the sped law. +'CsTiroae who are careless about limits ars ' reminded that a numerous traffic petrel is rigidly enforcing tits speed law atm **11 highs. THIS HON. ORO. 11. H1g1111 ', S. L, IMQU1lta. btiatet.e et xiahewyu Nom inriewc Isswnt i Ib Qatari* &pees .1 +afae� ss� seesaw the co•operaeies! of ahe ieatlar the ahem cif the reeds of tie V a e n A Practical �IEtC-t -ter eefee thing that may happen, it hat hap. P paned. I'm peculiar about such mat- ters; I have my own way of lookingthFor Sour, Acid Stomach buck by the score, nem three wal+ North and wi, turned 'em at them. And now that we're friends, • '3 nut husks done more good than the were going to be friends throughout wine -tenths of *11 cases of stone and I'm going to belp 'you. Come *eh trouble nowadays *re caused lis" of Ten he*tin'n tools .wi willYes, svesir, mora :Acing and meet mother•," s too much acid, In the beginning the strayed' lambs than a ship -load of "1—don't know how tar my parole ,tomacie if�ei# in not diseased,, but Testaments." extends," Pierce . ventured, doubt- If this *cid condition is allowed to "Letty figures that somebody toe, fully. continue, this acid is, very likely to sed that gold -auk over the top pf Nonsense. There's only one 'ase- eat ititp ,the stomach walls and pro-• the cage after you fathered the Count hest it, but he isn't. 1 am.round here. You're This r thinks duce may gastritis tende to radical hp rgcal put:' my prisoner now. Give one your operation necessary even to prolong "Impossible; Pierce declared. word you won't 'try to escape—" life. Therefore, an "acid stomach" is 1' got an edea. It was Broad (To be continued)- . DOPE CASES :easily ' be neutralized by Bisurate a easeiknife, hS eose�me and the Rid Two Chwliges Against. Dashwood pity- indiaa nliasta# water aken in teaspoonful doses lure him to some lonely spot --dome • . ...swan Diamdssed .• Larger quantities may be used if good Yellin' -place -and. set Upon him necessary* as it is absolutely harm with a couple . pick -handles. We'll The adjaurrted trial cf Dr. Tay?or,. lase. Be sure to asilc your druggist make him confess or we'll maim and of Xlashwood, on charges .of selling -,for the pure Bisurated - lelagnesia xneller him till he backs out through narcotics. to one Bohn C. Noble •on especially inepared zor this purpose his bootlegs, ' What d'you say?" Dec. 23r4 and 24th and Feb. nth last Pierce shook his - head. "Some. came up en Tuesde of last -week in thing intuit - be done, but I doubt if the magistrates court. Serge.. Dem thee's 3i• It's tough'to be- dlsgrae. tective McLaughlin and Cdnstatlsled ed, to have a thing .like this hanging _ fa the 11 lson and Canad an yMouMatheson '- speaking again. "The mere contem- plation of physical violence unmans that Frog. He'd about as soon have a beaten as . really a dangerous• con should be treated seriously.- The ex- cele •coact or et -.web ^yntra •"•city i'a" been trying to break away, but—"he foster speaker lightly declared; shrugged. - - - "We got boys -around the Rialto' that "You've been n pretty foolish lad." has tried 'ear *IL They ,don't notice Pierce remained silent an this accu- no .particular' difference." eusation, and the colonel went'on .: For some time the three friends -"However, I didn't bring you here. to discussed the' situatlpn,, then, when lecture you; ,The R�sya1. , ountes. his visitorsrooe)to go, Pierce •secam- have other things to think about than partied them to the limits of the Bat- young wasters who •throw themselves racks premien. and there ettrod look- • away. After a11, it's a free -and -easy ing after them, realizing with afresh country and if you want to play pang that he was a prisoner. It'was1 ducks and drakes it's 'your own bust- ah unfortunate predicament, he re - nest: I• merely want you to realize tlectedt. and quite as • unpleasant • ai that you've put yourself in a bad the'one which had brought him into, 'light and that you don't conte into eonf,ct with the angry men of Sheep court with clean hands, Camp. That bad been' an experience "I understand. I put in a wakeful f!•aught wltll petit, but his present night thinking about it. It's the first plight vas little better, it seemed to time in a long while that I've done him, for already he felt the .weight any serious. thinking." 'O1 the. Dominion .over him,• already '' "Well, don't be discouraged: A. he fancied ,himself enmeshed in a little thinking •will benefit you. Now tliecouraging tangle ef'- red tete. then, I'm ; going to put Rock at work ' There was no adventurous thrill to. on your ease, and meanwhile you may thin affair, nothing - but an odious. have the liberty of the. Barracks, feeling of sheltie and disgrace which' You're a gentleman and I trust you ho•ednld not shake off. - to fact ass one." He wee staring morosely at .the Pierce was only too grateful for ground between his feet when be this,, courtesy, and . to Teethe that he heard a voice that caused . him • to retsoined the respect of this middle• start. There; facing' him with a light sired, soldierly ofliter, whom he had of pleasure in her blues eyes, was long admired, tilted hbm, with deep the girl of the. akees; H lene!" said relief. He . gave his promise readily She. She extended her hand, and her mitten closed over Pierces fingers enLate with a firm glasp. "Eon ,*wfull Later in the day Broad and Bridges " Y glad not been out of the doctor's office in • came in to site him, and their indig= to fee you *gain, yi1r,-. • She heel+ toted,, then with a smile i.confessed the intervsli. The second case, in nation at the outrage, thele positive "" " connection with the sale on assertion that it was nothing lest Do you know, ecu ea my ur pupil pee. connection tree dismissed alleged far lack of than -a deliberate conspiracy, and so and yet 1've never heard your name." an analysis of the contents of the considered among the Front, street Phlliips, veld he. tube said to contain morphine tablets. resorts, immensely cheered him. "You don't deserve to be remelt', The third cote was in connection with '""'You remember the holler I. let up -bared at all, f'a'r yon didn't come to the third sending through the mail of a • `l when "them :Sheep -Campers. wanted the dance, Astd after you held preen, registered_ parcel by. Dr. Taylor -to to+hang McCastkey4" Broad' inquire -,aged.. tete"k Noble at f3kantford; containing mar= :rd: '"It was my mistake. , His ear "1 couldn't •canoe," he assured her, phitte tablets as alleged. The parcel ` and a hemp knot would go together trutthfully enofbgh. was received by the • detectives at like rheumatism and liniment" •1 looked for you. 1 was quite Brantford and remittance made in 'Bridges agreed, . "Funny, us three hurt when you foiled to appear. payment by registered letter, and it baro' tillicums, ain't it?" he noised. Then I thought perhaps holt expecte was to prove the signatures of' Dr, "Especially after the way we dredge . ed ' something more formal than a Taylor in the restistiered snail book at es you. We didn't -need your loose mere Iverbal invitation, tend.' in that the Dashwood pest office that the a secures. For Instance onein an'exhibit on Tuesday he had marked ""512" which, he explained, meant - fifth , doctor, second sale. Noble,.•by the way,: i* the man who was em+. ployed a couple of years age by the Goderich Chautauqua committee to _ sell course tickets; and•a lively scene ensued when Mr. Dancey, counsel foe Dr, Taylor, was trying to probe , into the alleged: mishandling of these funds, Mr. Noble.refused to answer, • • on the advice of the crown propecu- tor, Mr. Stanbory, of Exeter, and = . ,; Wheat Mr. Datscey kept on - probIng in his attempt to discredit the witnesus Mr. Noble bristled up. and 'std soma heated talkieg for a few minute*• till the constable wad called in. ' The two December charger were - dismissed, the alleged illegal sale on the 23rd of December on the grand that watch was not- kept on Dr. Tay- lor's ay lor's office when Noble waa supposed to be making the purchsse, so that • • the magistrate held the evidence that the 'tablets produced were, bought from Dr. Taylor was inconclusive as'~•—� i,• aalwa'n+►s ye? ,1 .T t Keeps teeth clean, breath sweet* appetite keen and digestion goer, . 'greet offer WHr,af "US1N . - W I LSON'S FLY PADS s )i F '-51' t^^ Thome i only one Bey to4t1,4e Flies kill This is it -•••Darien the room as satrck an i.s,ibt., clone tufo windows, raise lone of the blinds where the son shiner in. 'shone eight inches. place as many Witsors's Flys Pada Sts.a►isaible on plates (properly wetted with wirer but net /o,edewl) qac the' w•ia df w ledge where the light is strong: terror the rooar doted for tea or three hours,•then sweep up the 'ties aaa. burn them, See illustration below. , Put the plates away out of the reach* el ebullience *Wit re-. gUirsd.in.anotbet'room. • he rIght �va� to use oz's Pads there was nothing to show Noble had Mind - change, but --there it was, *a we teak way managed to save my vsnity. ro+stmistress waa called. The Mind - ting expert waa called as a grit If 1'd known who you were or how to wee "You'd of done better if you'd find yoe I'd have had my father send ries* by the Crown to identify the turned' on the hollow • of your foot You a note. It its wasn't that; 1"m writing on the parcel sent to Brant - that day and romped right book to glad. Well, there's another dance, fnrd...iu..hsinge.writtate •bye#teedeetere the --sed . form;".- Broad site -Kai th" x•wl ni not dltiniring me *tammei•, fir. I)ancey claimed the privilege of You s never of doubled up with the - - 1tt C k ra and you'd rein be the ed. "Not at the Barracks, anyhow." blushing yokel you was." The girl was pussies; therefore - ExTRAorRRi MKS,Yes, you're x different kid, neve Pierce summoned his courage avid ex- Both gamblers, it seemed, were in righted, with aril brave an attempt at - the melancholy mood for moralising lightness as he could afford: "Yogi about you this morning. Sheet all cixcurnsitsatoce , s Personto be shun Fol; "Whys, we was talkie` to Roulette see before you a victim of unhxppr Friday sal N ereeved up over this thing: she sent �• I m worse than a case of IN us here to emir you. you was dean smallpox. 1 don't think you should-vmatrons, ate mites. be seen talking to'nee " as an Isar-fiy. apple then•• -and easter to pick now yours ," Jest a 'eoanmoot "Whet are you driving at?"- DreSeti "'I'm tel the i it.ual the sae sea us Lauri ,lane it. 1rc ng rep sp r ma same the baby vampire that, meek aanentum necessary to telt heat .,that Dreireble style* sued wasted ane» been of you." I'm a thief! Truly. Anyhow threetectal*twosthis iso imitoctaat "'You're not ret? flatteding'" Phil- 'choke gentlemen ars SO sure of it oflerlastt Freese rat* from mailed faintly . that they went to the troubie of pore ""Oh, int *art of rep*atin what juring themrselrm and haring ate ar- _,$12,95 and up. Lie said. She nae to thtnkln'. restehd*", ty Ind She's quite a noisy little rlssiontry "Arrested? Yea!" • reiaen she gets etarte d." "nutty. And the eridene. 'ie "Miaaleisarf. tread exclaimed, in ret°y stroant. I almost think 1 i*ast disdain. "I II/041 like the weed. be i Ki• Thum birde is Omit as useful *s a "Aro pear Hp peeing in an snder*hlrt, Whys, Pierre* shook his head. aakaissariee dale% do rte real, looting "01 i Amer* Triol. I mid at. e mete*mete*of Indica *f111arstt ! Us leer, cera -thug gays ane the bust tali. hreakfaet, het 1 paid no atlenticw. sirwariee that ever atrask rads testa- You heed with t*s: stead -bosh ng try. Leek at the aged we atom Irr.adt eas* adlt't yaw?" swhatd Dyne and Sisetwsg. 'Thom "Thank feu for rewimifelf sae et never h ewe n ea that. edge e1 with Lbw *min feature reeneoeted i► sleeknattar- Yah. I rabid A,. .. 1 Amer Hats Friday sad $atwedlay'a eninseually low Pekes *tete schuss very err• eeirtkeeJ values. loyal lai . Rearly-te-Co. smst Sid* Squint 1 • Do flier like your -caolking_? " EMEMBER fees are more than troublesome X1..4 They come from filth to food. Get rid of them whiz Flit .._._iiia Flit spray clearer your home in a few minutes of dis- ease -bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Kith Ail Ilonaehold Insects Flit may *leo dsetropss bed buss, rose and eats It march. Fil�tht � and their ss . rWII ch tet tate that 'Flit spray did not stain the mast delicate irlit e. its the molt et exhaustive rowarch by expert stitornot- setts and tom. It is htraelies to mankind. Flit has ' �dd am and lilt rind AINDI *n OIL CO (NEW �T Dientrabed iaa Canada by Mired J. Window elk Co., Tairooto. out creeks oriel ereviess w ttisyltider and breed, and