HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-15, Page 31111.111111.10111.1""
1111111111D1Y, JULY Ike. HIM
1111110M=SIKa=eo se
Per •
Mill xi cups
* 1111 Snail
Therws svadimi op*
• %It baa been its nee for over 80
ipotesi; its settee is Assault, meld,
Addable, sad effectual, aid relief ••
mew promptly. •
t"Don't 'wept a substitute."
The goeuino re pet up oaly by The
T. Whom Co, Limited. Termite. Ott
-.......e . --1=ei
ya0F. W.
R. JAOKSON--Instenctten
Plano /.1gi;e1311ini.*Gtiiltliert.1 "1%1:1(!1.114,234e. grian.
Studio and resident*. North Street.
0. HAMILTON. -Organist reortit St.
mite d • ChUrch. Concert player
end "terse
Rest Mrs.*Oolborne.s, St. Pet-
- . e *AL cAtios
...v. B.
tester, leiter, ry Nota'public.
'.. Sue sor to a..r... lallortin
Ph ne9 003ce, The Square. temerich
Barrister and Solicitor •
king street East, Toronto,. 2
inter' Main 7793-1794,•
L- EY E. 110J -MES
Ditrrister, Solioltot Notate
NE .27 PlihileflAWaactincg:itEEkee
Late House Suwon New York Ople;
-thermic and Aural Hospital, assistant at
$ooreftell'a Eyslloeplta1 and Widen
lit re Theout ki08piial, London, Seg.
63 Waterloo St. 5 Stratford.. Tete -
phone 267. •
M. Ilotel. Reciford...00deriott, on the
evening of the third. Monday of eaeh
menth, from 7 o'clock UR *he follewina
drie, Tuesday, at 1 p.m.
▪ . .cumepaAoric •
•Chirooreetor and Drucareet Therapist,
• • . • Goderich
Chronic, Or -panto end Nervious Disease,
'Equipped Naito Eleetrowelagnetle Bates.'
Electronic Electrie Treatmeots .and
• Ceieopmetle,
Offlee hour -'2 to 3 and 7 t 9 p.ro,
• end by, appointment. excepting Monday
and Thursday afternoons and evenings;
•Office, Hoare pu staxere1040
•• Lay1p Attendance.
Itestdenee and Onke—Coeuer ot spell)
'tet.. and Britannia noad.
--- I
A. L. COLE. 11. 0..
• West. Street, Oteterfoh. •
Honor Graduate of the Canadian Oph-
thalmic :College ot Toronto. •
Eyes examined by the latest methods.
end the peeper 'fitting of glass'e at Mod-
erate Prices. Ontario Board. of Exam-
iners -Certificate No, 875.
Live Sleek arid General Airetioneer,
Hamilton Street; Goiter -Mil
ogles made everywhere and all efferts
made to eive you sat's:settee.
• farmers sale notes dIspountect.
ROHNein no(iiiiTseek•
Oneffited iiiielioneet •
Eldon Street. Goderiett.
•w//1 conduct any -Noe en tftn isounte of
Huron. •For Informaeton atiele te•l'• .1.
Frgan, liemtlton $t., re- ',mere Aert with
Wm will receive prompt attentleti.
Gen Conveyancing doe?
' rihon(e°1.5ti) 2rPanies neSrVe
. . oder en, Ont.
Barfield, Ont.. ,
" •
3oalUe of property Insured up to Jan-
uary Hile. 13.0t8,1175.00.
OFFRIERS--Jamee Connolly, Preei.
Treas.. Seaforth.
dere, Goderich; Jae. Evans, ViceePrese
eerie Beechwood; E. Hays, Sec..
DIRECTORS -D„ F. Metiregor, Sea-
, forth; J. G. Grieve. Winthrop; Wm.
Constanee; George ateelartiley.
Tneeeramitti; John Ferris, liarlockl
John Beemewise. Ilroadhagane Murray
- Gibson. nrueeileid.
AGENTS—J. W. Yeo. Goderich; Sandy
Leitch, Wen, 'Chesney, Sea --
forth; R. Ilinotiley, Seared!).
Polley Holders eau pay their asser,e-
meets at R. H. Cutter store, eroderleht
A. J. Morrish's Clothing Store, Clinton;
or J. norm, niallflo.
Have it attended to ny the
*1ST WAW0.11.10111U111111. FRE INSORAMI 00
Established 1878 ,
Head Office Ditseraname Oat.
/tarry L. &Meld, R. R. No. it, God.
erich, pros.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub.
um, vioe pees.; directors—Wm. Me-
St.fielans; Reed, R. R.
No. 2, leacknow; /I L. Salkeld, 'phone
4002•11, Goan -lob; Alm Nicholson,
Luelolow; Was. Watson; Jas. Girvin.
R. R. No. 0, Goderlek; Wm. I Thoinp-
son, Auburn; Ties Griffin, R. R. No.
Laleinicne; am. Hewitt, Ebner.
dine, Oat.
Isom. aurrsgras, T. 4" Ataxx,
Tram. • &maw%
Children Orf
FP timers
Immovilemilra 111P111111.11111111L .
!New 1,11
Picked From, Our Exdi
11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 111
I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I
Mile. This is the only drawee bein1g added interest from the spectat.re'l
milk thio year on Brussels teaching stavalpoint and those who like to see 4
staff.• real roe* Conducted under the i•annel
Waite* Chortle Claw iron rules tie the jockey club*.
Trotting meets, through the court-
ev. Dr. Brown, who has been pas:
at 'Walton for the pose eoulde a granted a charter owned by him foil
of 111r. A. M. Orpen, have been
!S tor of the former Methodist church eltY
1 - preach -L n
that church on Sunday, 401. ed the final sermons in the means of a little lidded intereet
%Ingham Has 47 Mill Tax Rate edr. and firs. John Hannah, swan- Sense.
!Rivet who were married at Seaforth This church will .remain chilled and for the man who It'a"ts t4 *Peculate'
I The 1926 tax este for IVinghare June 27th, 1876, celebrated their gel. the congregation will •uaite with a $2.011 bill on therm contests it has
has been struck at 47 mills, made up! den wedding on Monday afternool
as follows: County rate, 9.5 mins; ' June 28th. They were married by Duff's church, Rev. Mr. Brown will see and draw back the interest of old
enabled the clubs- to give better pur.
High School rata. 5 mills, end gene Rev. hfatthew Barr and went to the continue to reside in the Walton par. time& It tannot be denied that men
oral rate *8.? mills. This i* an in. Centennial Exhibition at Mimed,- senage for the primest.
(rt' To. Galata Itieddiart like to wager a awrell note on a eon -
crease of one mill ever last ver. phia .for their honeymoon. Mrs. elevet where their faverite horse tow
Mr. David McGill Not been appointed Agnes Syroat, formerly of BelgraveHenry and Mrs. Attwood, pioneer petes and it is a blesaing to mine
• assessor at a salary of $275, with an Ont., who was present at the wed. residents of the township cf Gree., that through the courtesy of Mr. Or.
allowance of $8 for postage. I ding fifty years ago, was present on celebrated their golden wedding re. pen that trotters have at last beer.
(larch Serviees Broadcasted from i the anniversary occasion. eently at their home on the 16th con. able to use this charter and give
. Wiinthain whin *bout 80 neighbors and friends larger purses and attract attention
Breese/a IJ11.441Y Ted" gethered for the occasion. •They as in the days of yore.
On Sunday, July 4th. the services Today is Brussel* Civic Hotiday. were married in Gray 'township 50 Breeders of standard breds. are
• of Wingham United church were A community picnic at Reynold Un- years ago by Rev Mr. Hansard and again to the front. The Grattan'',
broadcasted by Winghtni Amateur der the auspices of the Stillness have been continuous residents ever the Union, Peter the Great's. Chili -
Station 10 B. P., and the reception in, Mer.'a AssOciation, is the attraction, since. • coots and eountless sires that are
Belgrave was very clear. Beth ser- with a program of soft bell, I
sw-at" Death of Mee. Bleary Keys, Braude owned in Canada, will be represented
vices !sit Sunda were broadeested. ening events, bathing beauty contest in the $25,000 Kalamazoo Derby and
•A well town Bresselite in the
Fell From Hay Fork and races for boya sea girls. other rich Amerieen stakes, not In
person of Mary J. McMulkin, widow
Wightraan-Hooverones but dozens, and it will be no
• Mr. Robert MeCienaghan, of near
surprise if the winner of this rich
' of Henry Keys, died on Tuesdey
Whitechurch, while working 'at the A pretty home wedding of June morning, July OM at the'home of her stake will Mlle from Canada in 1920
hay on Monday moruing of lest week, 30th,
as it did in 1925, when Taman Grid.
was -that of Miss Maijorie Eil. eon-in.law, Fred Cardiff, concession
the granary, a distance of probably Hoover, of Blyth, to Mr. Norman been vieiting for a short time. She
fell from the hay fork to• the' roof of een, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. IL 8, Grey 'township, with whom she had tan. owned and trained by Nat Rat.
• twenty feet. In the fall he struck Rune' Wightman, son of Ur. Arid was in her 84th year. Her husband emit the coveted prize, American
the back of hie head on a beam end Mrs. Wm. Wightman, of Belgrave, predeceased her a -number of yens redsrt"re ealthratIllY scouring
in* it in 'earth of these breeds and
thereby suffered a very bad scalp The wedding was solemnized by Rev. ago. A family of three sons and -
wound, the the price of harness horses of this
Dr. Hamby at .3 o'clock, at the resi. two claughterss aurvive, Frank •
t la i type have raised threefold in the last
. Pocock-Pelan Nuptials ' denee" cf the bride's parents, King Wed; George, of Toronto, end liar,
St., immediate relatives attending ry, Mrs. Fred Cardiff and Mrs. Wes. tI*.e years.
The BOW* parsonage, liners- Mr. and Mrs. Wightman left Mune-. ley' Speiren, 9f Grey townehip, The . Another meet that• attracts atten.
villa, Ont., was the scene of a very
,pretty wedding on June 22nd at di t I f 11 wi th
a e y o o ng a ceremony for funeral took place on Thursday after- ton is the big Gollerieh meet on Aug.
8 - Aux Sauble LOU. 'CT on their re. noon to Brussels cemetery 2nd (Civic Holiday) when Oda torn
un when Mr. Walter Pocock, son of turn they will make, their home in on Lake Huron will fellow theeexam.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Pocock, of Wing.' Leedom
ham, Ont., and Miss Mary Polar', gra-, The monthly of the bile $131,1et;q1P
• of Strathroy and hang im two
Coleman.McKinley purses. the entries for which
duate nurse of Wingliam hospital,
daughter of the late Mt and Mrs.. A pretty wedding took place on
, School Board was held ' on Monday, appear in this issue, Tried and ex.
Theirsclay, June 24th, at the home of July 5th, present Trustees .Carrie (in perlenced sportsmen form the Gede-
john Wm. Pelane of Glasgow
land, were united in the holy bo
' Scot -:nes of the bride's parents, Luc street, theetiiliand at
rtaSaNundetrets: Wallace, eillier, rich,Trotting and Pacing Amociation,
matrimony by the Rees J. D. Ding- Clinton, whezi Elinor A. Ee younger Thomson ' headed by Dee 'Whitely„ owner of 'Sid
man. ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Me. The receipt oenon.resident fees for Hal, Jerry Harvester and a forrnid.
KinleY, became th•e bride of Mr. Har. June Was and the total ex- able stable of harness horses, as
Native of Wroxeter Dies in pendituree.eif the board for the yea" president, Dr." Clark is secretary
St Thomas vo Coleman, elder son of Mr. end up to June 30th have been /1905,92. and surrounding these men are a
Mr. George Savage, who was born
i Mrs.. F. Coleman of the Parr Line, Contracts have been made with all bunch of live wires that will put God -
Stanley, Rev. A. A. Holmes of Wes -
near Wroxeter in Huron County and the teachers for the teeming school erich on the map on this holiday.
went overseas with the 161st Huron leY-Willis United church officiating.
On their return froen..their wedding Yeettr' ji-l-eludi-11g, the-ethqr1--/iew Grace 111.41)1retdo115,g0
Battalion, , being later transferred to •. tettiiclitasncgereaotf nflreeelot
trIP they will settle on the gro s
oin, er , Adie$ Al A mewl, MOS Grace ,_ _ _
the 18th battalion in France, has died sa rn,
in the Memorial' Hospital, St Thom ' r thtee and three.quarMr miles Henititon and Weal Elsley. Who Goderich Turf Club and ' the
south of Varna, on, Hie Parr line, The' principal of Victoria *hoot re- Hamilton Driving and Athletic Asso-
as, where he was M.C.IL operator for stania7. ported 359 on the Tell and an average elation are leaving no stone unturned
the past four years, •
. A Diamond Wedding
, . 14IttltnekinIdaen;oesiottif f3o1r9thfeortntunnthei; Penny to make this the banner meet held in
Winieham to Have Toy Express- emu; Ontario this year. Here the great
Wason Factory •Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Stevens, cf Clin. for theepast sebool year $990.04. Miss horse Lexamore, from the East, will
A companof Wton, on Wednesday, June 30th, cele. Hume taught one day 'and Mrs. Red- meet Sid Hal, the champion of the
y -ingham business
men and a couple of outside • exper- bated the sixtieth anniversary of their dttt thirteen days for Miss Den en West The card as pullished hero
fenced men have formed a company maigiage. It was a quiet celebration, June. At Central school there were will attract every lover of
athe harnees
to take •over the Fertilizer building only immediate friends coming in to 191 scholars on the roll in June, aver- horse in Ontario and Godeneli will
for the manufacture of to express offer congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. age attendance, 176. • . have its hands full to aceoturaodate
wagons and other articles. Stevens were married in Dorchester, An increase of so was gin veto the influx of speed loverstothe Lake
ceming to Canada two- Paretaker Harrison., Of victoria, Huron tome' Tbe entries for the
Winghant Adopts Traffic Bylaw years later. They • first settled in school, on his request, enieldhehis 4 takeseelosed as follows: • -
Vfingham town vouncil has ;Adopted Hullett, where they remained a year, natio 81,000.)o . . • - 2.25 stake race, $1,000..-•
a traffic 'bylaw, which has been sent then moved into Clinton. Later they A supply of Red Jacket coal has Ral Medium, Jas. hiehlaa"' "e"
to the Minister of Highways for ant, went ,back to Huliett and farmed on beenreceived for 'Victoria , school. rich; Jerry Harvester, . Ramona Grat.
privet. Josephine street from Al- theepth eon: for about thirty years. which 'stands .$6'.50 et ton 'by the time tan, Dr. Whitely. eiderion; Wilkin
fred street to Victoria street; has About twenty years ago they moved it is delivered. Quotations en, 40 Conniff, Thine Elliott; hlitehell; Capt.
been 'made a througir street, which .back to Clinton, where they have con- tons of anthracite were r4ceived and
more, Sli; Chas . Patchem $ . G.
Grattan'Allan Grattaxe Wm. Cud
means that cars approaching Jose. tinued ' to reside ever since. They the purchases of coal was left with eafort
iThine street from other streets must have a family of four daughters _mut Hoagies, Clandeboy; Grattan Loyal,
stop before going on to Josephine. one eon; W. 14, Stevens, of Sea- the supply committee. The' secretwas asked to prepare a statement ary
Vivian Grattan, Payette Co.. r elle-
Married in Seaforth, Celebrated Got. forth; him Perigally, Wells, North the cost Inc I•ilitt winter and for the
•' den Widing in Swan •River set Blertheime Oliver Pete,-Kerslahe
tanguisheee; Eleo Unice, A. VT, Frio
Dakota; Mrs. Clarke, McLeod, Alta.; previous -wintee at Centeal.schoal, as d s f . ee e• Ilal,
'Mrs. Watson;
Whitby, and Mrs. Mc- there appears to have • been a sub -
Adams Kineardiee.
Gill, who resides with 'her parents. stantially larger amount of coal used 2.16 'stake race, $1,000-
21111MMENIat Death of Former Assessor of Hay the past winter.
reexamore, Dr. Sprrigue, Vic, RoWn.
Township • Three tenders for the painting re-
t Kinag Gratton. Jos.
an Guy, ea orth, Maudie ,John
. ^ • '
Sales—$123 •
Cost $2 15
The difference between a
sueeessful.. year and
• unsuccessful one is only
about 15%. Think how
easily you can illereaile
your sales 5%, 10% or
15% this year by plan-
ning to go after business
systematically, by Long -
Distance •
• One of the best known citizens of cOired at Central school, including ree,•Weston; •
; . .
• Zurich community passed away en the shed was received and the tender WelIwood, Merlinack Abbe, CII
Hcslop, V, S. Mitten; Jack anuck.
the first of July in the person of Mt, of -Mr: le Munro at $174 was accept-
. .,
Efenty Lipphardt at the age of PE Hopkins, V,SCooksville; Sid
go ed. • me Dr, whitely, coxieriehe ehlunie
ed came to this country from Berfa,
• Every' day we receive
• new evidence from mer-
chants in .rnedium-sized .
towns, who Wore tried it
for the first time and are
surprised at their sue -
Here is a recent Oaae:—
• "NuMber of' Sakti, 17;
--munber who subsequent--.
ly bought, . 27; total
amount of sales, $1,233;
• toter cost of 44 calls
$27.15; percentage of
selling oat, $.2.
Try Long Distance
selling — and con-
YinCe yourself.
Brophou Bros.
The Leading
funeral Rulers
• and Eabalmers
'Orders carefully attended to
II ell hours nigh* or do.
years, 7 Months and 3 days. Deeeng
MAIL AND 'EMPIRE. PREDICT'S Forbes, J. T. Payette, Penetangui-
Germany, 63' years ago, and at first , eleND Allem .401c.g. Alt onto; Freddie Ce Roy Taylor, Wal.
nearly 20 years, after which he farm.
TWKie TO PITEEN TH011. Shone; June Ceeter, Wrn. Briggs, Tor.
•followed the shoemaker trade for •
laceburg. •
ed until he retired to Zurich. T 2 0 class race, purse ;400 horses
late Mr
he nr, wietebes Sid Hal (2.0914)• and eligible July lst, 1920.
. Lipphardt took an active eeesmore- (2.101/2) Will Meet /n
part in, the welfare of •the eommuni- -
tee and walked . tee 2;16 Stake Race nere Miller's Worm Powders are a plea
once house to houee Aug end sant medicine for worm.infested chil-
once a year throtighout the township
oe Hay- for 27 years during whichdten, and they will take It without
assessor and tax collector. many thousand'sof visitors to Gode• lowed it will 'not injure the most del -
A real day's *ort which will bring objection: When directions are Iol.
time he acted in the capacity of
Ooderfch Township Man Ordained rich ti ie predicted for Civic Holiday M este ebild, as there It nothiai of an
"vaCen "• • horses already *entered in the $1000 They will ,speedily rid a child of
Mr. W. A.. Townshend, on of Mr. stake races and the fact that Aug, worms and restore the health of the
• Albert Townshend, of Ooderieh town- 2nd, and, with the fast keeps *tree- little sufferers whom vitedity has be.
o erich•Aug. 2nd, and, with the fast unurions nature in its compositime
J. .11. -`Wheeler
runeral Director and
Qpilerick °ataxia
All calls promptly attended to
day or night.
Pismo: Note 3$4; Roses 364w
•• Olean ministry by Right Hey: Bishop and the fact that Aug.' 2nd is pretty these internal pests • .
. Williams at a very impressive service generally observed as Civic Holiday,
in St Paul's cathedral .on July 4th. there is little doubt that a record -o If only. they would warm' up the
Mr. Townshend has been appointed to breaking crowd will visit Goderich bleacher.) as well as the pitchers.
ship was ordained deacon in the An- dy entered in the $1000•stake ram come impaired by the attacks of
take charge of the •parish at Bervie, that. day. In an article on "The Re- ,
and takes over his new duties almost vival of Harness Racing in Western
been principal of the public school at pire the othersday had the following:
Manilla, which position he has just, Those who think that harness horse
resigned. He . also owneen farm ittigacing_isenotecomitwhaele onleeneed
Goderieh township, which he has sold, look back to the last few weeks of
ad is having a sale of farm :stock racing hi Ontario. The meeting giv.
this week. His friends wish him en by the United Farmers at Strath -
success in his new calling. • roy on July, 1st, where 15,000 paid
•• •Tratele neigh. • edmission to see the hest meet that
MEimmediately. Itfr. Townehend has' Ontario," Toronto Mail and Em -
• 11 • •
hes been given in Ontario in many
A very suddertend tragic death oc-
curred At London on Tuesday night. years, certainly encourages clubs to
give 51,000 stakes in the future. No
July 6th, about 9.30, when Leonard
little credit can be given Mr. Harold
A. Smillie. son of Mr, W. Smillie,
Currie, the hustling aecretary, for he
of Seaforth, was killed by the C.P.R. bas steed his tonvictions that pro.
express from Toronte. The deceased perly gostered harness racing,
was born on the London Road, Tuck- con.
ersmith, 8,1 years ago. After gm. ducted under !roe rules, would prove
dutingeftom school he taught schoolt successful and while the entry in
until the outbreak of the war, when years past did not encqurage them to
go on the meet just closed certainly
he enlisted and went overseas. On
, rewarded Currie and his club for paet return he • ; again taught school for . •
eseveraLesears„slietoon.....aecount of-111...Faaral. _
health gave up teaching, and abort' - seinatiel Igt-Itaireiwiireiiiiadi
were unearthed.• Sid Hal, the free.
two years ago purchased a • farm in begged pacer, owned by Dr. Whitely,
Tuckersmith, with the hope that eat' Goderich took a nitirk of 1.'.09e; Lee -
door work would be more beneficial.
emote, Owned by as prominent busi-
A month ago, however, his caro he" ness man lin the east. took 2.10Ie;
came decidedly worse • and he was and The G rl, a record of 2.141,e for
taken to the Ontario Hospital at Lon- her owner,
Thos. Francis, a keen
don, where he had since been a pat. sportsman, of Owen Sound. Too
'lent • much cannot be said for the drivers
Blue -Anderson and trainers of these horses. John -
A pretty June wedding was sole, ny Mullin, the trainer of Sid Hal: Vic
emnized at the home of Mr. and "Mrs.' Rovnitree, the trainer behind Lem.
J. D. Anderson, near Lucknow, on more and Brinks of the Francis eta.
Wednesday, June 30th, at 4 lanel hle, are too well known as raters of
when their only daughter, EtherNso- side wheelers to need any mention.
mi, was united in marriage to hfr. They are all pa* mestere of the
• Wm. Blue. of Detroit, Mich., son of game.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blue, of near Ani. We must claim that the bringing
berley. The ceremony was eonduct- back of the honest home is Irately
ed by the Itev. C. Cumming of the responsible for the check made by the
United church, St. Helena, as the parent Association cn timeppres.
wedding party stood under an arch, sion and rules that have not been
beautifully arranged with ferns and strictly adhered to. At the begin.
flowers, intertwined with smilax. ning of the 1920 sea.; in, the Canadian
New Teacher Engaged National sent men like Van Wood.
et Jerome eeheel heave has eng*ged tuffs W. A. McCullough and other
William McDowell, eldest son of sportsmen whose names are not men.
Gordon and Mrs. McDowell, of Brus. Oohed for reasons known only to the
sels, as assistant in the continuation hssoeiations, to stop this betting out
school for the eoming year. Mr. Mc- 2.29% where heats were -being step.
Dowell taught last year in New Onped in 2.12 and the result has been
- His via mkt co* S.
(lose harmony!
Harmony' between the furnace and
the Mime. ••
Harinony between this wise man
and his family; beeriuse bete had Vire,:
thought enough to put his coal In
With the Ileat Folks looking' after
his cealehin, he'll never know whe
winter tomes,
Fot'Coeui Clean Coal
le USRD 00i I
P4re95 — Cioder it h
McEwen's Specials
Fresh goat cif Sheriff's Jelly Powders just in...... ...... ..3 for 2.Se
A good Teaepoon, King George Design, give* away with each 2k,
Another shipment of our special Black Tea to hand, only. per 14...filer
Try a pound. It is wwinner.
We grind our No. 1 Blend t'offert Bean fresh with your order, fine or
coarse to suit the trade.
Fittest Seville** per ib iSa
'Some tasty Unto Inc picnic:I
A good assortment of Fancy Crams alweys on hand.
Just received a fresh shipment of Picnic Pieter'.
Vegetables and Emits fresh from the gardens alwaya• on hand.
• Goods delivered to any part of the Town.
J. McEwen
South Me 3qapre
The most obstinate corns fail to re- • SCHOOL FAIR DATES
ist Holloway's Corn Remover. Try The following are the dates of the
• school fairs to be held in .the County.
Wife and Husband
Both 111 With Gas
"For years I teed gas on the stom.
aoh: The firet dee of Adlerika
helped. I now sleep well and all gas
is gone. It also helped -my hus-
band." (signed) Mrs. B. • Brinkley.
ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS
and often brings astonishing relief
to the stomath. Stops that fun,
bloated feeling. Brings out old,
waste matter you never thought was
in your system. This excellent in.
teatinal evacuant is wonderful for
constivation. CAMPBELL'S .DRUG
of Huron this year
Grand Bend—Sept. 7th
Dashwood—Sept 8th
Crediton—Sept. 9th
Winchelsea—Sept. 10th
Wroxeter—Sept. lath
Gorrie—Sept. 14th '
Bluevale—Sept. 15th
loth •
St. Helens—SOL 17th
Colborne.. -Sept, 18th '
liensall—Sept. 20th
Zurich—Sept. 21st
Varna—Sept, 22nd
Blyth—Sept, 23rd
Goderich Tp.—Sept. 28th
Dublin—Sept, 30th
Clinton—Oct. 0 and 4
educed Prices
on Anthracite Coal.
Chestnut (Anthracite) . . . , .. . . . . . 516.001
'Pea' (4tathrsi'at) . • • . • • • • • • .. .$13.09 .,
- , Coke. . . . ..'... . 4 . . .. ... . . . ...., . . . .615.00 per ion
kPocahontas.. . . . .. .. . • • . . • . • . $14.00
Domestic Lump for your Prate and Range
. $12.00 per toil' .
Out Coal is weighed on Your Own Saales.tht Illaviet kale
With Spring House Cleaning,' you will require PAINT,
We still have some Sherwin-Williams left that we are sell-
•Ifig at $1.00 per quart.- Muresco, and Alabastine at 50c per
package.. Liquid Veneer and O'Cedar, small bottle, 23c
targe bottle, 45c each . •
Special prices on Door Locks and other Builder's Hard-
; • ware r
14 Clothes 'Mr—ringers and Garden Tools at Special Prices in
order to clear.
:11 •
' CHAS. C• LEE .
The lierdware at the wharf ,
„Store 'Phone 22. Rome 'Phitte 112.
01111.1 TY
c owl I
Como and tetleo your choice of the large assortment
of Biscuits, "Where Quality Counts."
Plain - CHEESE WAFERS • 31 gm.
Biscuits SMALL SOCIAL TEA 30ets„
1 -Mr2': 25c 1 Ia:t...1:14* 1
, Servo Doseltdoir Stores , Al
63ciu, Itichaella I Ib. ISc ib. 35c
Clark** Tweet*
Krrarup 2Se
141441 .23c
Cleol„ Yellow
Atoyfoold *014
'Throe Peiew le slots for isaik from date of *Is vapor 133-C