HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-15, Page 2I M.. 1 •1, rMa TIfO Ills1) IN RIIVIEW 731/949/403artn ' AMO I 1 . -I I. _ L 4L 11.11 restpowe Imperial Conference The effect of the Canadian EIection i has made itself felt to such en extent overseas that the postponement of,, the Imperial Conference is rumored as a consequence. The Conference was fixed fir October, and as Cana- da's Prime Minister, the Hon. Arthur Meighen er lion. W. L. M. King w. Quid he vittlly interested in attending in tersrn, and es the rbscnee of Camels from the eoeferenee would greatly weaken its effect, the change in date from Quebec declares that J. H. Far - Iwill become Minister of Public tier, former president of the ('.'ri.A., t Works; Maurice 1lutire, K.C., is rutn- f,red as S:licitor-General, and Sena- tor D. 0. I'Eeperance as Minister withort ratans Gossip also names Ilion. R. B. Bennet as Minister of Finance, but all news so far is guess work, Mr. Meighen remaining mum upon the subject. ('onservative (headquarters in Montreal has an- ln.:unced that the party will contest Iail seats in Quebec province and i Premier Meighen will personally conduct a speaking tour there. In Windsor, the Liberals are discussing the nomination of Mrs. Glencora Kennedy, the widow of the late Hon. William C. Kennedy, Minister of Rsilwetys and Canals in the Ring i Cabinet. Ex -Premier King is pre - 'paring to conduct a vigorous cam- paign in Ontario and in the west J. W. •Woodsworth s:,p.ete to see a strong Labor ca.upaign. He tangos candidates who' will be responstble only to labor and be without party affilieticns. Hon. Mr. Cardin in Qin- bee indicates the trend of the Liberal campaign by •declaring that the Cus- toms' issue is of secondary °import- ance to the constitutional question. The tour which Lord Byng has pro- posed making to the Meritlme pro- vince's es well as his visit to Toronto, have been cancelled, because of the impending election, and he has also postponed his departure for England,. and will remain in Canada until the results of • the balloting are 'known, Catastrophe in •New Jersey The state of New Jersey ha" ex- perienced a little of what the devas- tation of war means as a result of a cataatt pe, 'whicle overwhelmed the Lake Denmark naval munition dump and the neighboring district, includ- ing an army munittion dump. At least nine are dead, twenty-five peo- ple missing and several hundred in- jured and damage to property is esti- mated at ninety-three million dollars. Lightning, it is allege& originated the fire which caused a barrage of shell fire, `which event od for twenty- four hours and devaatated many is therefore to be expected. Mean- time, Premier Meighen has found cabinet -melting a longer job than he at first expected, owing mainly to an excess of available material, Que- bec representation in the cabinet is a serious problem, with which he is grappling at present, for he seems determined to secure .ministers from that. proc;nce. This was the same re°Mei which faced Mr. King when fort.*ink, his cabinet last November, inse-wet Oaterio. One report Gregg Shorthand has been adopted ,by the Departments of Education of the Western Provinces for use in all Government Schools. it is fast displacing other systems .in both Private and Public Schools elsewhere, because it is so easily written, characters being formed by same. move- ment as penmanship and because GREGG NOTES CAN BE READ If you wish to become a Stenographer the system of Shorthand you will leans is most important. We reach Gregg SCHOOL ' O FF COMMERCE MMERCE Cl.INTON, ONTARIO Phone 198 B, F. WARD, B,A.,•MP Accts., Principal 91 - Split'Marimba pan Band at Dominion IY111141 i>t Cha 4 I The original :fobs' Marimba Band,- Internationally - famuuq musical organization; will bea beadllne,• attreetiora at the toasting Dominion Chautauqua here, *Six spirited Central American musicians eomtwse this company; With a huge marimba and a ,band viol ;they present every type of orchestral music from the chiseled to the l*test popular sere, interpreted with all the L Soils' Marimba Band' is a rnuslc'al. Ile/Wean which has 'preyed.a brilliant success wherever It lute► appeared.,. 'fire and rhythm Inherent in thele rage. • - Goderich Chautauqua. July 28th to August 2nd% Ancient and Modern - Meet in Rockies '. ifplee—Leather sprigs - coach soca to tenet( tx C i R.eki.., holm. the motor ear ego. . rawer Lefts -Modern ftfkt-aesieg cars of taioy. Lesser Right ---Motor car .f 1902, need is the Canadiest Rorkiss. As the tinningshadows began to lengthen *cross the Bow Haley In the Canadian Rockies tilt the Iaat'day of May, a dinthrutive time -went, rust-bltte awe cylinder motor •ear of 1902 vlataia chu 43i,,sk the portals of the Itoekies into Rantf t ie faint the throe of motor ears on Beef Anon mid aawittiagly form W kistorie pignut iadieating, Vie iaystspsaats in motor tra*spe rtati.n !during twesety-four years. As It happens► at saaeb times, the similes of the iiiodea to retreat the aw.taeriee of cid-titaers and oda* forth reasistecenes i*dkatisg the seeds within meet rears. Aad ss with the pest evoked byeste of the first "i erselees ear- aIt ailaagihag' with Its glittering brothers of the tae glittered with 10111,0400tel aesa a aaee*tata haw the vier of gametes awl the se- ' rase et the exhaust, the old-ilw�ee 'sleekenleg l Ss time veureats Bask as at iuwaet des • f �s at tawNeaairks dietta meets 7 wily ye.farkriweae ogMM mg lean tired gasseed was 0e tenet aighbdi stet *man 11 eoeael ebb through the Rockies from the Banff Springy Hotel to the +chain of other Canadian Pacific railway hotels and buu,galow cantos, numbered a hundred modern motor cars and sight seeing busses. In 1926, the system carried 220000 passengers a total of ap- proximately a million miles in three of Canada's mexntal* natlottal mirk*. Thirty-six thousand motor ears, tarryin 121, holidayers, ?need through the gates of e isrtesay sad Banff National Parks dur- tWe the seam seas.a. Oa Jath 11, tlia tow Lake Louise to'Field'Highway was opened to the motorist, uniting the three ea - Ural parks by meter read and intreaslag the grand totai of sedan higiawsr it the mountains to approx- iaaately no fades. woes the diminutive saeter v.hitie was the latest treatise is automobiles, the mileage of reed* is the as.0*tains maid be emoted ea the flagon ef lith hand*. Thefell whag its acmes! in Banff, R. Stseey�, X010% W0441100410, tilted th1ae�gaa tank of the 195* ewe sad set est arse the 15aaff-Wiedert*ees High sorrels 1.. hoose. Be le izirfag the est free p moms*, Aoaerte, where it meant wen - -the =Vs at ewr telites et the r ser .est tM- # eat Jeuraal. '1 Um two summits oma the highway, a art was waled into sett** to aid the amine emir the tete y afterlives it mewl* Udine Qenyt at the truth orad e1 Z Na. �rtata'rUm owe titlIW 14 s q st>ra1''eir�MMr 1064131:1= siSN W ONO 914N. 11 Tat 1TAZ Ali vas Tuostis Will YON Wit? Whet your liver beeosiwa sluggish and iesete.e your wkeia h.altk suf- fers, and the lily way you ossa neck, and keep your health right le by tie use of Millburn 's They will ele*r away all the wsste sad poisonous matter from eke syrs toes and stir as isA a+k beak and relieve all the egMoakione of es t+s7tealthy, weary liver." • /sin -Liver Pille are put up only by The T. Milburn QI.., Liialted, T.reste, Oat miles of country. Mare than three hundred buildings were razed, and hundreds of others leaned drunkenly againet•each. other. The thunder of the explosion of 14 in. and. 16 in. armour -piercing shells can scarcely be imagined. Broken windows were reported for- a radiva'.of ten miles. The streams of refugees fleeing trent the stricken district . were rem- iniscent of France and Belgium dur- ing the German invasion, as men and women, with ' eyes almost blinded from smoke and flashes of light, and bodies stricken ' with wounds and shack, sought shelter from the ex- ploding shells. ' Mutilated Men Protest While within peaceful. New Jersey this shocking sample of what war can mean was- bringing grief and tragedy to , hundreds of United States homes,' there was proceeding in Paris a demonstration conducted with the Latin genius for the pic- turesque a• protest by twenty thou- sand of France's war • veterans• against the terms exacted' by the United States on the war debts. The procession in • Paris, organized in spite of warnings frem government and : protests by the. United States ambassador, was headed by a battal- ion of legless Hien in wheel chairs. Behind them was a company, of blinded men, each lead by a wife or n sister, and next. a group of. nten, awful to look upon, :whose faces had been pin -Oil f, shot away bi .,battle, and others, too gruesome for public gaze, with thofr faces hidden in ban- dages. ,Never .in. 'the andages.,Never.in'the history of its retearkable demon*tration has Paris - looked upon so moving a• spectacle. - The procession took an. hour to pass the Washington statue, on ~which a wreath of roses and a marble tablet containing the debt protest, was laid. Washington'. borrowed ' money from France during the War of Independ- 'encs. • • . R. D. Colquette The market for Canadian grown tobacco is expanding - rapidly accord - frig to a report issued by Prof.- R. D •.Colquette; who recently left the staff of the Ontario Agricultural College to resume his • journalistic workwith the Grain Growers Guide, Winniiieg. Ontario produced more. than 20 -million pouride of tobacco last year, . •Jewleh Aims Divided A division of feeling among the - Jews -who -are. interested and the col- onization of Palestine and those_who would aid the Jews to be self-sup- porting wherever their 'homes happen to be, hat brought some- sharp ex- ' pressiona of opinion from both sides. The American - Joint Distributing Committee (large that the Zionists would sacrifice everything to their pet project of making Palestine a national home for the Jews, whereas - the Zionists charge that the Commit- - tee is an active anti -Monist organize - .•.tion, . i he...committee has assisted some fifty -thousand Jews to esti i fish themselves as farmers in Russia, where they are cultivating 500,000 - acres of land. 700 New U. 5. taws" The United States Congress, which has just ended its seusion, passed no - less than seven hundred new Tawe. Settle Dein to Rritein • Meantime, elsewhere, momentous decisions were being made en behalf - of France, and on the same day it was announced that Great Britain had agreedto debt terms which in- cluded .all the points refused' by - Washington, London will return to ?rant* huh" a billion . gold fronts held as security. provide the aafe- gJuard '"clause and agree that the - pofitkal war debt Weds will not be Flared en the s8srteel,, a %Anse P aeee has been anxious to near,. The payments will Boat+spenco at $20,000,050. and increase hello 1931 to $00,$0.001,. It is said that `this agreement Is toMNet$ ready ' for ei*natutwe. 'A IF»Ir I,=1.Iw11 111 lu I. it ,..fir.-.�.....�.. THURSDAY.•JULY lata, 1551 Gee. L. H. Lafontaine and Robert Ealdwia. With the exception of the Tsresnteaosy stamps with the per. traits of Wolfe and MonteaIm and another with portraits of early dis- coverers, this is the first time that the beads of commoners have ap- peared upon Canadian stamps. Family Wiped Out A Toronto florist, who hada pre- monition that he was losing his mind. wrote a letter of explanation t, his sister and then in the early hours of Friday. July J, he shot his ,wife and four children with a revel- - ver and then took his own life. The - amazing thing is that the shot* ap- parently wakened none of the family as each waR shot through the head while sleeping, and though eight shots in all were fired, acne of the neighbors, heard them, and the dis- covery of the bodiaa was not made until noon next day. Cyclone in Ontario A terrific cyclone did great damage; to the 'di'etrict about Watford, in Ontario, following a hot day Friday,. and eut"tt swath 20 rods wide for over three miles. A black funnel soaped cloud swirling through the air, accompanied by a roar, was the first warning. It lasted only a min nte, but the whole face of the affect- ed country was changed in that time. Orchards were • uprooted, • more than a dozen barns torn to pieeee, a house in which° a. man and wife and live. children were eating supper war turned into matchwood, but alt es- caped with their -lives. In one cane a car and garage were blown.,acrose a Nifty -acre field. ' A little church -wan the only building undamaged, and the Orange hili 'eompletety dis- appeared. A strip twenty-five miler wide in W. Ontario felt#the effects, of ' the accompanying storm, and London. Sarnia, Belleville and Sault Ste. Marie all suffered more or less damage. Os far west as Port Arth- ur torrential rains at the same time', caused the breaking of the Current,i River dam. 'Fortunately the water followed the natural course of this i 'old river bed, but campers were fore - ed to flee' from the flood. Raise Sub. After 9 Months When the U.S. submarine S-51'was raised a after lying fol sin months or the floor of the ocean tlWter being rammed and ''sunk- be the "City of Rome,'. 'the bodies , of eighteen men were taken from the'hull. Gruesome• were the -sights -that ---nets the -;eyes of those who entered the ship, for the bodies had worked themselves into flnttastic attitudes: Eight bode its were recovered last • fall, and three of her :crew of thirty-six were saved. The remaining - bodies a :missing and may have been wash overboard at the time of the acci- A NATION TAKEN OUT- . - OF ANOTHER •NATION - Rev. Dr. Seeger Finds Striking, His— tory of Israel Has a Parallel in The Founders 'of the Cattadian Nation. • The congregation „of St. George's chureh had the. pleasure on -Sunday morning, July 4th, of listening, to Rev. Dr. C. A. 'Seeger, Bisinop-elect of the diocese of Ontario, in ,a very fine sermon suitable for the season,. as the first Sunday following,Domin- ion Day. • Dr. Seager is a native of Goderich and 'in his younger days was 'remember of• St. George's church and the people of Goderich arid .pf St. George's church particularly, have wa `shed liis career with interest and pride, as it has led from one honor to another in his chosen sphere of lab- or, until the recent high honor of al- most unanimous seleecrlon as Bishop of Ontario diocese has come to him. His consecration: to the (Episcopate will take place in, the cathedral • at' Kingston :- •on August - 24th, wite* Archbishop Thornloe and all the On- tario Bishops of. the Anglican church. are expected to be present and assist in the consecration. For his sermon on Sunday. morn- ing, July 4th, Dr. Seager took. the 32nd and following -verses of the fourth chapter •of Deuteronomy, "For ae3k now of the days that are past which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask teem the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, 'hr bath - been heard like it? Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out ` of the Midst of the fire, as thou bast heard. and live? Or hath God assayed to go and' take -shim a nation from' the midst of another nation, by tempts - tions, by signs and by wonders, and by war, and b"' a mighty band, and by a stretched out arm, and by great . terrors, according to ail that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt be- fore your eyes?" � The speaker drew a striking par- aliel between the Canadian people McCoy's Cod river Extract Tablets •Fine For Thin IinderdevelopedKids Children Lowe Them Becease They Are Sugar Coated and as Busy to Take as Candy It's your duty, Mother, to see that the frail, peaked, sickly youngste d' grows up to be strong in body, keen in mind and robust in health. Extracted from the livers of the lowly codfish are the health, weight and strength producing vitamins that are found in hifeCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets, which are sold by phar- Inerilts - *11 over North and South Doctor's know sbo*t them and sr _ dee* any druggist, and if your chip dren need b*tldiag up ask for these tablets today if yes was: to glow your }aveed rate a goon appetite and put peonies et good bewlilay Seek on their Wow But be sure and get McCoy's. 'Tey are mat expensirw-40 tab - –sr1 rents sad if — are net pleased 1fheukaarisl Stomp* with the itee, . . after thirty Canada is to have s series of me. days --year mosey back. mortal stamps this year 'snoring A very sickly child, aged :f,.iodised five otateemen. Sir John A. MseD.se, i2 poo fi ht seven month* and ie said, Sir Tflilrtd IAarier, WArcr h%- %trona staff bsshb r. KINGS1"aif snowsnowaT i • goiltanolowommr Let Black Do It DO WHAT ? Hand Yur Your Next SUIT T and you will get wore than a Suit—you will get clothes that will look well and wear well to the end Sati:lfae' tiara is built into Black's Custom Tailored Clothing. Our Special Order and Ready.to- Wear Departments also give Satisfaction Our Stock of Smarter Geode fi complete. and Up -to -the -Minute , Cream and Gray Flannel Trousers Fawn and Tan Trousers Summer Underwear in alt stylss. Tine and Sport Belts pa alt styles - 'CHAS. BLACK "The Men's and Boys' Store Worth While" ' Phone 219 - - - - • North Side Squr Air 'Au* and the Children of 'Israel and made! quering nation, must his' a forceful appeal fir the exercise' these U. E. I;wyalista ta, of more of the spirit of imperial op. ;neoshould an unbroken forestthe, timism which characterized our fore- to m a fathers when they laid . the foe~nda- - of honor as builders of Cana tions of Canada, motet as soon as they, fornd 0,, The three outstanding characterist- to meter ake a home tltcy started e st; ice of the Children of Israel were, ing churches, and many of the fira profound belief in God; se- church buildings put up by the et coed, a firm belief in the 'purpose of inhabitants bore testimony to God working out in their destiny, and profound belief in God which t third a national tenaciousness, and people hada. At a surprisingly e these the speaker found were the date these settlers talked of e strdnq characteristics of .the builders 'bushing a university, and 'in o of Canada, Rome contributed her ways showed they must have ha law as the basis of English law and wonderful optimism and belief ix l Greece her art and keenness, of in future destiny of the land to wilttellect but it was still the Israelitish they had corner- In contrast to the imperial el o tim People who had themot profound influence in the formation of the Bei- ism -of . these foup}tdere of .the Cana - fish character by their religion. dian nation was the pessimism of the In thinking of our Domini -on wet present, and what Canada needed to- usrally went back to confederation,' day was e# national consciou ness but the foundations ' were laid long thinking in terms of the whole in4 befcre when -the United Empire hoe etegd, of eaeh'section thinking of the problems of his own section, andall diets came over (literally a nation '' taken from the midst of another na should thinks of the nroblems of• the tion) in tweestreams, oneto the •Mar- other parts of. Canada as• -well as of ltinte Provinces and lower St? Lawr- - tins •own section., ence and the other to the upper. St. In these new buneatnws yoet. rlevnt° La�drence. Something of the belief know which a time kitchen and wrtic' ifr their destiny 'which led the Chil-is ow clotheshichi closet, dren of Israel, a small coterie of_` '�� families; iittn Egypt, out of Egypt It doesn't nay to keep on the go all r into the wilderness a horde of slaves,. the time. Nota how quickly the &I- an into the Promised Land a eon -11. lar bill wears slut ' ' C. .Clothes FOR-- • MEN and BOYS We always have alarge stock of Work Clothes; for the Mechanic or the Farmer Carhartt Overalls, Kitchen Work -Shiro, • Work Gloves, Harvest Hats: Shop :Caps, Unionalls, .Work Pants :in Khaki, Black, Grey and Stripes, Our:Parices on Working, CIothes are Lower ROBINS AN seats aro pYaai in anaturally oofw. fortabis . poestsao"�,, to that Yost have .rasa- ati.n as yon rids. No more sitting bolts x right as ttt the o-jashioftesi car. Canada's First High -Speed European -Type Light Car T>ri<u distisetlbad Itsotr lines of the New bverlead: "Iq( rarlaenble the ete. Wt tomeMiss et America Wad Zarolt.. Frit froeat est this au and yen ow Imagineyoo finch sea the boaieerasds it win travel *Ass ** honor fin sorbet couifeet , , . 311 woods from" II to iM ornsoi_�tuieta getter . .. Mi *Rose eta of gaheitea • » . one 1011 *tiles ea a pBett di. Measured hats show that 440Owwhisit wit% its 4 -wheel brakes, win step b two ear lessgth a trees et IS miles an bore. Thea overhead is li UP% ! Who. •. set as tail au the nom. swan. et more IV* sad, oehr.fert theta rod* am mad tla nay a of tots ohms i atear& GEORGE 411011111.1takraill DEALER GO 101