HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-08, Page 6PAGE SIX
CHAit'TER XXIII. (Ceatitmed)
Rock examined the beg, then he
lifted an inquiring gaze to Pierce
Phillips. There woe, a general vatt-
ing of necks, u shiftieg of feet, a
rustle of whispers.
"Ah! mockingly exelaimeal Cour-
teau. "I laps dreaming, eh? To be
sure!" He laauy;hesl diw,;reesbiy.
"Is this 'tOust' raenry?' ins,;red
the redcoat.
Miller shook his, head in some be-
wilderment. "We don't keep two
kitties. I'll weigh it and see if it
adds up with the ('ount'a"'
"Oh, it will add up!" Phillipa de-
clared, his faee even whiter than be-,
fore. "It's a plant, so of course it
will add up."
Defiantly he met the, glnnee:a that
were fixed upon hii.•t. As his eyes
owed over file frees turned upon him
he became conscious for the first
time of 'I'olcon'e and Roulette's press:
ace, also that Laura had somehow •
appeared upon the scene. The later
was watching him with a peculiar,
expression of hostility frozen upon
her features her dark, eyes were
glowing, she was sneering faintly..
Of all the bystanders, perhaps the!
two McCaskeys seemed the least in-'
Wined to take part in the affair.'
Both brothers, in fact, appeared de-
sirous of 'effacing themselves as ef-
fectiveiy u possible.
But Courteau's indignation grew,1
and in a burst of excitement •he dis-
claimed the guilt implied in Pierce's
words. "So! Ye* plead innocence;'
You imply that I robbed myself, eh?
Well, how did I place the gold yon -i
der? I ask you? Am I a magi-;
clan?" lie waved his arms wildly,.
then in a .tone of malevolence he
cried: "This is not: the first time you
heave been :teemed of theft. I haver
heard that story about Sheep Camp.",
"Sheep Camp, yes!' Philips' eyes
ignored the speaker; his -gaze flew to
Joe- Mceaskey's face and to him hell
directed his next words: "The whole.
thing. is plain .enough to. me. You
tried something like this once be-,
fore, Joe, and failed, I suppose your
back is well enough now for the resat
of those forty lasbes. Well, you'll,
get *em- ,r
The Count came. promptly to the
rescue of 'his friend, "Hot Again
you lay ' your guilt upon others.
Thoseminera at Sheep tamp let you
off eauy. Well, a pretty woman an
do much with s miners' meeting, but
Roo g
bah R.Hs Talc surfatl.d
Light Weight - - 35 lbs.
Medium Weight .. '45 lbs.
here there will be no devoted lady
to the rescue --no skirt to bide be-
hind, for---"
Courtesu got no farther. Ignoring
hock's preview' adsaonitien, Plena
knocked the fellow down with a twit
elan blow. He would have follow
up his attack only for the Ratan*
who grappled with hist.
"Here! Do you want me to pu
you In irons?" .
Cousteau raised himself with diM
culty; he groped . for the bar and
supported hintseli dizzily thereon
snarling from the pain. With his
free hand he felt his cheek where
Pierce's knuckles had found lodg
nientithen. as a fuller realisation of
the indignity his privileged person -
bad suffered came home to him, he _
burst into a torrent of frenzied abuser.
"Shut up!" the (Meer trawled, un-
sympathetically, "I know es much
about that trial at Sheep Camp as
you do, and if Philtra hadn't floored
you I would. That': how you stand
with me. You, too!" he shot at the
blicCaskeys, "Let me warn you if
this is a frame-up you'll all go on the
woodpile for the winter. D'you hear
me? Of course, if you want to press
this charge I'll make the arrest, but
I'll just take you three fellows along
s, you vitt do some swearing before.
the eclonel, where it'll go on the re-
cords." •
"Arrest? • But certainly!!" scream-
ed the Count. "The fellow is a thief,
a pig, Ile spook nie. Me! You
saw him, I -P"
"Sure, I eaw ;aim!'"'filo officergrin-
ned. "I was afraid he's. amiss you.
Stop yelling and come along." With
a nod that included the McCaskeys
at; well as- the titled speaker he link-
ed arms with Pierce Phillips and led
the way out into the night.
"W'at fool biznessel" Doret indig-
nantly exclaimed, "Dat boy is hon-
ones' as .church."
Ile looked down at the sound of
Roulette's voice; then he •started. -
The Wars face ws.a 'strained and
white and miserable her hands were
clasped over her bosom; she was
staring horrified at the door through
which Philips had been taken. • She
swayed as if about to fall. •'Poleon
half dragged, half carried her out .in-
to the street; with his "aunt tibout her
waist he helped her toward her hotel.
The walkwas a silent one, for Roue;
Jetta was in a state bordering upon
caliapse; gradually she regained con-
Heavy Weight .. ' • 55 lbs.
Extra feavyWeight 65 lbs.
&flI PoottatettLimatml snaked, Ontario
stook. trotted. fiittir atio'ii la'unastseil' 'nut f3.rvieo
as litarantford Roofing re aders:4 by
W. M. McLain, t ;►stork ►
TheTaffic.Cc�p is You
i......._uSaacre#"• .-rho --latter.--explored; ,Ede lta'an't a cent, except -what.' give 'tube. Thu b �addi- two circuits to Glebe garb 21.2 and the Cow Horn
What lox you saytwo,to 'tg
y tree rousse' Itinn. That '°was Mcfkskey's dust." one you get three. A four-oircult set -111:11 tons of socias Iter sere_ -Ia• -"In'
Cousteau ain't loan bat six She stared Sat the apprehensive figure also can be devised but when a porion with these In the teat of the
tea of herself sad aMasabied sissy ailyead l "
bond, kiss,
KM.y're three to cert," she .cid.
After a
SIIMIIII4Ms Nit By VV L. Gordan
llnaUy "Ok, 'Pease! They%l sewer Our Weekly
it as hiss. The Pollee are strict ;
they'll give Liar *v, years. I board
the seamed say s". "
"Den's been good deal of abort
weighia'. bit--" Doeet shook Lis
head. "Nobody goes' believe Coors
team. And KeCsaks7' is dare tie."
"If—oaly I—eould hasp kiss.
You'll go to him, ?oieen, won't yon?
Sileatiy the .Canadian assented.
They had reached the door of the
hotel before he spoke again; that he
said slowly, quietly:
"You been playin" 'hearth `wit' him
ma sosur? You --you love him
"Oh—yea!" The confession arm
In a miserable gsap.
"Bien! I never s'pect biffere
Wal, data all right.".
"The Police are swift and morci.
leo"," Roulette • persisted, fearfully.
"They hate the Front 'street crowd;
they'd like to make an example."
"Go in your ii'i bed an' sleep," he
told her, .gently. "Dia ting is comin
out all right, 'Polson fix it, sure;
he's dandy fixer"
For some time 'after the door had
cloud upon Roulette the big fellow
stood with bent head, staring at ''the
snow beneath his feet. Thecheer,
the sympathy, had left his face; the
smile had vanished from his lips; his
features were set and stony. With
an effort he shook himself, then mur-
mured :
";Poor i1'I bird! Wal, I s'pose now
I got to bus' dat jail" ,
Although 'Foleon bad spoken with
confidence, he found, upon arriving
at Police Headquarters; that the sit-
uation was by no means as simple as
it had appeared, and that something
more than a mere word regarding
Philirs' character would be required
to' offset the very definite accusation
against hirci. Courteau, he learned,
had pressed his charge with vigor,
and elthough the two McCaskeys bad
maintained their outward show of res.
luctance at being dragged into the
affair, they bad, nevertheless, sub-
stantiated hfa statements with a thou-
oughness and a detail that ' hinted
more tharl a little at vindictiveness.
Pierce, •of course, had denied: hie
guilt, but his total inability - to ex-
plain how the gold -dust in dispute
came to be concealed in the cashier's
cage, to which no one but he had -
access, had left the Police no altern
ative exceptto hold him. By the
time 'Polson arrived Pierce' had been
locked up for the night. •
Drawing. Rock aside, 'Dont .'put in
an earnest plea for his young friend.
The - lieutenant answered him with
some impatience -.
i'I. admit" it looks .Ashy,, but whet
is there to do ?. The colonel likes
Pierce, as we all do, but—he had no
"It's dirty frame-up,"`
"I imagine he : believes so, And
yet bow the deuce did that sack get
where it was? 1 was standing along
aide the McCaskey's when Courtesu
went up to pay his check, and I'm
sure they had no part in it.". • '
"Arnett' le Comte • is sore," Poleon-
asserted. "Me, I savvy plenty: Wal,
how we gobs get dat boy from out of
jail, eh? By Gari I bet I don' sleep
none if I'm lock up."
"Get bail for him.'
'P.okon was frankly puzzled at this
suggestion, but when its nature had
been explained his face lit up.
"Ho! fiat's nice srrangentents, for
sure. Come! tile it. now."
" ave you got enough money?'
"1 got .'bout t'irty dollar; but dat
ain't mak' no differ. I "go tti warkin'
somewhere. Me, I'm good. for any -
"That won't do," Rock sinned.
"You don't understand," Laborious-
ly he made more plain the mysteries
of court procedure, whereupon his
hearer expressed the frankest aston-
Lessons i.English
Wsepswresr ls cawed hr the sem
as wawa I whew reel bis >rsbesa by ! awl=
Immo Mettssietrea, slmatiseg sad smeeke
wing seasat,eas, wao WOW up i* iiur
,aoeat.r feelhog as tired. se what thou'
went so bed, roe bars tlsair„ead, peeve"
eatsearbe 1, aeereeWeer sleep book
eby Wan
Mrs. A. A. Bulmer, Inn* B: C.,
writer —" Two ,bear$ ape, otter havtag
bad a sse,srrs attack of
wee left i* a badly sea down eoaditie*
No. !7: Chattiest the Cirealts
Sometimes I think that Smith de-
rives more pleasure from trying to
solve the nsyateriee of radio than be
:does front the cavorts that tome in
over the air. The other night I found
hint with a half dozen diagrams
spread out over the table, studiously
treeing circuits with his linger.
"I think l've got a short circuit in
my brain," he announced. "I've been
trying toclassify these' circuits for
the past two hours, and I'm just
where I started."
It appears that Smith had discover-
ed how confusing it is not th know
the difference between single, two,
three and four circuits. Jest at that
point he was beginning to get on the
express track to a real understanding
of radia, whether he realized It or
Mt serves wore .ell brake* wp, I roe d not.
not MIT at saight, bot weuicil tossr "Suppose you give me your idea of
ttose owl tat aide until wig the difference between circuits," I
I world ''eel .so dead tired X would AS sugt'estlth
feat l0O settle' ey at all. "There's Just wher I'm puzzled,"
Mutat read *boot over %album'.: he admitted. "I'v heard peogle
Iliant send Nene Ma foe just OSA talking about the fi ment circuit, the
mese ass spies I some sod tgok thews grid circuit, the primary circuit and
se dtrestsd, oat before I bad iltsisied the plate circuit. I could probably
thaw boxes I toga* to set eat sight, add to the list, if necessary. Well.
ee'tkl IWD•fW.d► sad eJ *errs. coon any decent set has to have a circuit
pt all qNe- to light the tubes, a circuit to carry
Pride 500, a box et all ti.0.4 or the faint current from the aerial. to
snailMl OA eioei of nit* by the detector tube, and, certeiniy, they
The T. bent Oo., 7 'ted, eroato, all must have the circuit which leads
Oslt. the output . f the tube, or tubes, to
the phones,"
do it. However, that would be a I couldn't help suggesting that we
poor way to help Pierce. If he's take a walk. He was talking sense,
really innocent, Courteau will have , but he wasn't talking about circuits
a hard job to convict him. I suggest! as they describe lay -outs for radio
that you let matters net as they are receivers, .
for a day or sm. We'll treat the kidI "Your trouble is that you don't
all right:' l know what is meant when receivers
On: the way to; her room Roulette are described as boring of a certain
met the :Countess: Courteau, and in a circuit type," I explained. -"It's like
few words made known the facts of thinking in terms of an automobile
Pierce's arrest. - The elder' woman transmission when someone else is NEW BOOKS .AT THE PUBLIC
listened In astonishment. talking • about gears. He may mean LIBRARY
"Arrested? For theft? Absurd 1 the timing gears. • Fiction
Who made the charge?" "Ul course the;e are different sir-
"Count Cousteau," ) suits, -such as you describe, and I Wild Geese --Martha Oetenso
"Courteau? Where did he get a don't wonder that you were having The.Unchanging Quest—Philip Gibbs
thousand dollars"?:' The speaker's; trouble' forming a mental picture of The Runaway Bag .kibert P. Ter -
face in an a pre i o :u - -c ecu race ver. You were : hune
to in u ' thinkin h
Ay. JULY Rh. htbt
_ t
.�T hilted In filth, feed on filth sad briutfilih
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lit s ?.deers your home in E few Sninutesg of
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safe sad our to uas.
Kilt AU Household Insects
Flit spray also destroys bed hogs, roaches awl
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P111 is the mason of exhaustive research by ex etstotsao1
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does It quickly. Get a Flit can gad aprsayer today.
Dt tributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow is Co., Toronto.
DES 1oYs
Thies Mossyt$teee Moths -- ".
"Aida Had Bags Raachee
face was set x as on t t a single i it i
r creel lits g of circuits in general, tn- '1 e Scarlet Sash -J. M. Eison
"I don't know.. It's all tog. wretch-, eluding the battery circuits, whereas The Golden Beast+ --R .P. Oppeuhenn
ed, too terrible--" Roulette's voice the radio experts are talking speciii- Days of '4p --Gordon r'ounp GAINED ,a
A Reel Treat'
Mr. Wayback - (visit,ng hie city
niece) -..""I planted thirty acres this
year." ..
City Niece --"I must came and see.
you after they grow mol. •You kndar,, • •
I've never eaten :macre in my life."
broke; she hid her face in her hands. calla'. .
For a moment there was silence;1 ""Before taking up this matter,
then the eider woman exclaimed, however, you must beat in mina a
harshly, peremptorily : 1lrule .reglarding coup'fng ,a funda-
""Tell me everything; • Quick 1'. ;'mental of electricity --"which states:
Quick! There's ,aireason why I'mustjthat an alternating current flowing
know all about it. i through an inductance atoll velli in-
tretwiug: Rouletta into `her, room, duce a like Current in any other cot]
she forced her into.a chair, then ductor that happens to be within its
stood Aver her wbiie the latter, rem field. The difference between ,the
peated the 'story In' greater detail, (two kinds of :coupling ie the import -
"Sol That's it!" the Countess ant point.
cried, at last, "The : McCaskeys` "Inductive conpiing is accomplished
backed hint` upt Oaf course And when there is no connection between
he referred, to •Sheep Camp -to 'me. the, inductance coil and the other elect
He's the sort to do a thing like that.! trial conductor pieced in its field.
God! Wim' a ,.dog" After at time "Conductive . xoupling is accoin-
she went on; ""I'm sorry Pierce : pushed when there is an electrical
struck him; he'll never get over that connection between the inductance
and it. will make bat harder—much coli and the other electrical conduct.
harder:. 1 or. From this you can ere tits# the
""You think it can be straightened variomaeter instrument is' one that
out P' Roulette's face was strained; permits. of conductive coupling, while
her eyes searched the former speak- a vario-coupler permits of the hi-
face eagerly. duetive kind, of coupling because
ultra got to be straightened out. there is no electrical connection be.
It would be monstrous to allow-.,' tween the coil and the rotor. Vsertedos of roll Taralps•
The' Countess shook her head, then,1 In order to distjnguish the sets ac- There is a limited nereage of fail 21.173-a
�Ct z
with a mirthless smile, exelaimsed : cording to their circuit classification,: turnips' grows? fa' Orstarlo each year:
"But whet a situation!' 'Henri; of •all you Mast- look. to see whether the Roots 01 thio massa asauatlar Yield More
persona. pleasant for me, isn't m the antenna to the ,grid ,� a tba Amide: turnips, but
it? Well, somebody planted that of the detector tubo is an actual
they do not ltee>►s. hatolnto the alfa A OUR'
The Great World—A Gentleman With
Drater •
Delight•• -.Mato de la Roche
Amaranth'Club—.1.' S. Fletcher
Thunderstorm—G. B, Stein -
George Westover—Eden Philpotts
Three , Hingdomns-..Storm Jameson
Christina Alberta's Father ---Ii. G.
Downey iaf the MountecP -j, B.
Coombe St, Marys—Maud Diner
Non -action
The Bidden Years44ohn Oxenham
Sam Slick—Thomas C. Haliburton
Headwaters of Canadian. Literature—
A. Maclitechan •
The Glamour of:.British Columbia--:.
IL Glynn -Ward
Samuel de Champlain --Ralph Fleniey
Poems of Life—Geo. T. Palley
The Master and the Twelve --J. W.
G. Ward
The Wooing of Rebekah and Other
: Bible Ploys -11. Kimball
I1' 22 `DAYS
That's going, mse—but akin •
men, women ad children Inst • cant.
help putting on good healthy flesh
when . they' take McCoy's Cod Liver -
Extract Tablets.
Chock :Cult of vitamines-.the kind
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men and women. • - .
Try these sugar coated tsfstelese
tablets for .80 days --if they don't, '
help greatly get your: money back.
one women gained ten pounds .m
twenty-two .days. Sixty athlete, six-
ty cent!. Ask any druggist for; Alc-
Cny'a Cod Liver Extract Tablets..
Directions and formula on each box.
"Get McCoy's, the original -end
gennine." .
sIt's' circuit from r Mora then a
poke --probably one of the McCas- electrical connection or an induction. ter. [kilter aasaies ries tall tur>sdrs are
keys. they'd like to railroad the"1f it's the former the set is a single- '°Two v rieties. of fedi tg~nituh :
boy, Joe as ass vindictive as an In- circuit affair; if it's the latter it is a been aroivn under test at the Celle;
dian and he ' blames Pierce and ane f'wo circuit arrsngenient. la each of the past serentien years,
fox brother's death." ! '"Ina three circuit set-' the current and the foilowiug Orel the average
In. desperation Roulette cried: from .the antenna is first induced to anmusi ramie -an -tons per acre of
"III pay the Count bench's money—. the secondary circuit and is then runtop tes: of Top for melt
Globe, 4.s
I.11 double it. �� i through a grid variometer before and te.3, and Corn Born, and
His money? sneered the woman. being ted to the grid of the detector 11.7. In 1!111, the Rad Tap White
hundred 'a ana>T hes got it back. Not crouched upon the edge of the chair, reach this point you begin to see that ret h tyre 3d �, s t gutthai opo
._._ _ �,,,� Int', tmttkin you Policeman* is got and slowly her expression softened. it would be more economical to try Imps:fat_Green Globe, 111,11, and Kw -
good sense, but. I lak 'stetter a mins_ Ina gentle tone she said, "I see you reflexing and 'other methods in order waay''s'Green dlnbe. 11 tons per acre.
la a stde feller at Ottawa." heed my warning." - Smith found the sublect clearing - : Labor Saving
"„ sus w1113ng to go fibs "Who ever heeds a warning like moi, but stilled' one more guzzle. It "Bobby, I see your music teacher
bail, Itoek informed him, 'jest Mil- _yours?" was the diagram of a sin le-eircuit •
ler wouldn't allow it. Ben is sore at "Does Pierce know that you—feel regenerative set. coming. Have you. washed your ixce =
having the Rialto Impiiet6d--»there's - this way about him`?" - "Here is a set that uses a vayio- and hands?»
.been eo much short»we hie " , coupler, loose coupler, tickler, or '"Yes'm:,
g .going Roulette sighed wearily. 1 didn t p ,
en. Understand?" myself, although 1 more than half whatever you want to call it, yet it is . "And your ears?'
'Poison wagged his head in b.wn�. - suspected. I didn't permit myself to labeled a single -circuit set," lie said. bey. ;a, •'the one that .will be next to
dormant. "1 don' savvy din new kin' think, it made me so unhappy." "Here's an instrument that provides_
of law you feller is bring In do courts_ "It ought to satisfy me somewhat for inductive coupling, so why isn't .-; .
tier. ,S'pose I say, '11i''dou' Jodge, I to learn .that he doesn't care for the set a two -circuit affair?"
know disobey long tam; he don' atually'ou, but—somehow it doesn't. He "Because the, tickler is used for the.
dotgold.' De Jodge he say, 'Don't, didn't care for me, either. But I regeneration, not for the. original -
Ontario -highways -are -policed foryour-pratec»
tion. The traffic "cop" is your friend.
The traffic patrol is not to inconvenience the
motorist, and not for the purpose of collecting
lines. Its aim is to protect life and limb, said the
public investment in the roads. Its work makes
for the safety of 'ourself and your family.
Won't you do your part itt this movement to
reduze accident on the highways, and encourage
your friends to do the same?
Do not fall into the temptation off apeedlttg,
because the'road ahead is clear. Remember that
excessive speed is one of the greet..t spats of
destruction of some roads. wile reasitadla,Y
metoritts that the trafilc petrel will do its full duty
bit eafor,cing the law, the 0. urges the
co-operation of motorists is r.f'arai*itag frees ex•
evaassl s spm Neck motorist is latareeted in read
pr'oteetias became esessh truest stestriteatet he mod
T** *011.0If00. S. �, 11I. I,. $QDl Ili:.
ammo et otgboosa $crisp► h11easyasst
Isawd saps tet Own* Deparae�stm..at of JlliSkra�a
e. meant the ee-e ration if motmelab at
se arlsM5 the rain.. «f cadre ?HAI .i fist tr..laua..
111 y
Us sour -dough mak didn't take my advice; you didn't to obtain results.
how much money you got! T'ousand
dollar`?" I ally, 'Sure! I got 'bout
—t? uaand... dollar?" Den . he : till me
"Wal, dat ain't 'nougb. Mabb, no
you better gimmme two Omani dol..
lar bilIore I Mien yob+ Rio! I
go down -toren an win "molar !
aon de high card, or aaobbe
n' *0
atirk up some falter, den I come
back and..tn'sieu' b jodin he say :
'Dat'a fine'. Now we let Phillips go
home. He don" steal not'in.' Vat
I tank of dem procwedina? Eh? i
t'lak de ,9odge is dam' grafter!"
Rock laughed heartily. "Don't Iet
Colonel Cavendish hoar yon," he
eautioasd. "Serloesa.,ly new, he'd let
Plane e tie .If he amid; he told tsar so.
Hell astdomistadly allow Ma the tree•.
doss' of the illsarraebs, so h.'il really
ba ospa�roi. meal Iris trim."
The weedowwn eek ?make lTeo pin* tey � K
the star. "11 yet try him two trio.
dose week is use t'1.f? et Plena for
- seers. Oars triol is pearty. I s'peoe
- twrnbbe I hotter kill dem feller of aa'
settle its t'lst."
- "Deal bails like that." liens toed
khw. vie sit saying they don't
flied Iktilhlg. b0—ersr,e ry gees away
_ with time seat aasaadayes"
- "ilei' Palma was
bleeres..( seed
a trifle dstmet, /At w? Tea
lorneer mesh me. ii sIW. jipss!►is
fir dein' slat. rea gas travel -
Reek eyed tine otalerme eysa her
aaidltatively. "I'd bats to Woe poor
hall, that's a fact. but IV have to
cared for him. I love hint now, fust .tuning," I explained. "Don't let the
as you love him—better, probibly. combination Ideas throw you off the
oh;•"'why conceal Ito. - etre'- "'Wit K track:.- Th. -nit- t:kea Ws ranter from .•-
good many black . hours thinking the type and amount of coupling' be -
about it and trying to fight it. Mind fore you consider the reflexing or re -
you, it wasn't his fault; it was just generation." •
fate. There are seine fellows who "P11 have to look over a few actual
so smiling and singing along through ,seta and see for myself, Smith-de--
ilfe-•-ekan, decent fellows,too-at- sided, proving conclusively that if
tending to their own affairs in a per- there was any short circuit in his
fectly proper manner, but leaving a head it was at leslst stirring up a lit -
trail of havoc behind them. It isn't t1t activity -
so true of women—they're usually Next Week, No. R8: Enapmining
flirts --their smiles don't last and the Other Sets.
stela of their songs die out. 13,'s (Copyright 1626 By The Ullman
1hefttly impossible tfor nae. I Feature Service)
woaddtt't taatrry birn if I were free
and if he ?abed sae. Vat that has
The gypal Rey
rrotlsing whatever to do with the ease.
(To be continued) An old eater, on leaving the Ar-
S wrote
—Afteer his
iwhato colonel as
Tho beefy man acatmed the bfl of tell the Arany to go to hisses."
fa"k, I do't knew what I want; I'tp °Octel ananaoy: , He received a yin the usual
not real hansgry," •1e said to the welt- "Sir, --Any saapseations or inquir-
er. "I1 groes. though, I'll hays a les as to noreeLeats of troops most
broiled )obeter, a diobie Welsh rare- be emend ea Aro/ Fesis I*3XYX,
Wilt. a temple et side ardor* et wettsoa trapf of whlek I oat rncisehets"
tablas soot holt a taai is ph►
"WIN yew c wafts yaw seder, *wry% lisoidlissp
sir. sisal vita k?" the seater as.insi wpm, elf 16inryl" said one w0rk-
r+ saly. "We elwon Ube to mu too author.
"Sex se sheet -
hap ase'aathieg t0 show the estrus, *heediw.e "run bitrsseli" to
sir." e"
do Wa"Wapttehas bis shrt osight get to
"Why. be eaa't see ,rhos the bees
ain't leoldwg. as he has to keep on
shoveillac all tis. time." i
A * [ O I
are uced from 25 to 40
per cent during this Sale.
Sar Dresses -
rtatifxinf .. -
Royal ladies
Ready -to -Wear Co.
—s t.
East Side Square
The coachmen rather of
San Weller fold a i now-
hde as of hotels which. like
Sacra's ithowkdge of the
WAWAof Lend",, oat' "son
teat/ive said pe".
With whet a chuckle of setae
faction he would hemi Untied -
hie pseeeragars sethe Wei
Alt the homey oomliort and road -
nee of dwelt ooecbingktns,wtchewry mod-
ern coaventnnos soled. 1-4ers the tired tray -
e !ler soca kicked "tales hiss ossa at his kin."
• Pireproof; paha equipment asst whine;
arsmberoidwe swriw. On a hesutifsel esel-
das ea aseeset, yet amen shape and these
wee. i isede scow Wait both, xt.fi*
Vhsse jos a sk* As Toms msir tr a
Di Um Gsi cart say "Ire—slash