HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-08, Page 2. r 111n.1 11 Mil TWO Dyne are personally, firmly entrtsade- - d in Canadian affection. On tb. cher hand, the Customs probe will - likewise have its reperte*siens in every part of the Dominion. but it will not strike home as effectively anions the ',trete rural population as among the citizens of manufacturing districts where the effect of the dumping sof smuggled goods affects the market demand for Canadian fac- tory products. The Progressives who have had an .. �t;,, umber as faring the Clan 1?e nt whichpost • Prost be die• importance many times out of pro- Long Twilights in Scotland Aid' .+fight` •-•�'EdDrgh An slot tiara before the end of Seta- life, end the intolerable situation Comedian Ie has existed with three Pardee, as a result of the past week'* events. jockeying far lien 'V City to Stir One's Imagination King government an °gated and ai straight majority es- 1 JIB. �Iw.g1.. .1111111111.1111111111111111101 111 1 1 1 1 1 111 11 11 11 1 I1 .111NI.1lR�. ROUGH '[8E cl NLANDS After Visitin Bude, Salisbury giu d Wiachirester Miss Tom Takes a Five -Day Motor Tour Through thee Highlands A � Tics; a S ear few portion to their numbest in�ti,s�pl.stf " government its ettorta t,a It is 4bvlocis that the I.ibe W d f ct ons ter from 'figs I? ,1.w111w:.-• •1..,1.1. III 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I I M..w..••m•••r THURSDAY. JUI-Y Sth. i$S 1 1 1 111.... .- -- - - �,,.1... , Ger O on ty IT'S A HOT ONE Tl+e fall of the in$ govern ss une 26th. the organization atlon of the coed by one party or another. exepiatniiigst too do out result of their The following very delightful let- and we have appreciated very high rel rte Tom to her u its, the privilege of publishing these let - pees pending legislation and supplies, wilt make an appeal to the pultlic up• e e i 'porn, is probably tors. its at ,port by Progressive members i en the constitutional question (level. The history of the lercgressite Inspector end Mrs. aid _its sullsequent defeat by the G Nene; ne; out of Tend Byng'* retool of movement is under the spotlight as the u Star will haarrived .d Name Old George Hotel,w Sa10tliisbury, same melee, and the .granting of ,1 d;sgolut on to Tee 'Ding government, - a result of the pat week's events. cation, eiw tet lats The ed hs of We left Clovelly for Tdtido ,1921. dieter/064m are ccents that were .and his subsequent granting of the Observers blame tack of co-ordination lettere which , leave boon able to nesday morning, planning to .spend a crowded into *even days. "meet ran Const -to the bieitudn govern- ations the vermin formerort1 maintain the kinder of Kr. *.e has been few a s cher an excellent him watering-1, ••!'lough. the public were laat'i to" meet. Constitutional students are done ma xi�e l't+bush from week toTore, Week througkr few days there, as it hoe the repiata- fstw alit . election, no one could be., thurirb:ng their way through (lefty a dominant position in the b'.d.cal one of the must intereetingIy-written place, but the weather was depressing novo that ,there was any other w,rAyitarrres *coking precedents upon ,which news,. When Progressives were travel alerting one conk' well imsglne, to a degree, a regular northwest gale b their axguraents far and and ram . in torrents. In spite of that we explored the town and the beach with its gaily painted little bathing houses. This vietnity was the haunt of Icing Arthur and his Round Table Knights. The next morning we went to Solis-. bury, a delightful old town, and stay- ed at the quaint inn named above. _ It dates from the fourteenth century, `and boasts of many illustrious guests, including Cromwell, James II and Pepys. The latter made an entry in his diary to the effect that the bed and food wee excellent, but his en- thuziasm waned the following morn- ing, on the presentation of hie bill, which he thought Was quite exhorbi- tant. The cathedral is very .lovely,. and we especially enjoyed the Chap- ter house with a frieze of istone carr - 1 t' f Pro - On .depicting scenes from the Old a h had h h' f iso h" h h h d internat. Testament. Yon can imagine 'hew r °�: ora_ 'x amusing- some of them were.. The 1 animals) trooping into the ark were delightful. Salisbury, ., unlike most cathedrals, was begun . and' finished' within the chert period of- forty years, 1220.60. �,1 We were anxious to go to Winches- ter but there were no char -a -banes running as there are so. few ',tourists etut 'Of minent into o Which diebtaameliand n- sg unetcthe Governor -General's act- flrat elected to the Federal House Doth Isidro admit that en exact• they were loathe to submit them- parl'•rmeat had • foundered. Everyelle l n, selves to the discipline of a federal sinter. c'an,tdian desires above all ly g'olf'er situation has never existed leader and were constantly consulting things x stable government for this, and that l,oird Byng wee forced the preferences pf the provincial arlriug period of Canadian political draw upon his own conclusions in parties or their own individual views. • making a decision. The right or the This s writ l'irs of hisaud{finent is the baseo! p it prompted Hon. T. A. Cre- N IMMO nt,rar to quit the party and has caused Qconn lead- rgume I If, :however, he had granted dime,- er, Robert Forks, too. In last Oct. . isle or Thom . the resignation of their sae M avow ' '114/M1011111119lutian to Ex-Pretriier King, he would ober', election the Progressives in the bet weather le very lewd oa leave been in line for an equally de- Neese were reduced frons sixty-five of is set *sir tests. nuncistory attack from the. Conierva- to twenty-five. Their fate in the Clea tlao firet wigs of aaay )oo.e*saw of five: party. "which with a toilette * of coming contest will be an interesting iieeveels titre aao,tb.r whoa1d give 116 members, would seerceIY hive feature of an event which promises • sow stow of borne with equanimity being over• to excel all recent balloting'. looked in the political situetior9. It is believed that', before Lord There are those who think that' Byng asked Mr. 'Meighen tb form, a Lord Byng might have called upon government he had en interview with Robert Forke to forma government, Robert Forke. Mr. Forke went to in •order that be might have ton the interview with a memorandum in _ the inevitable election situation. • his pocketfrom a caucus a the the other bend, the chief wee gressives which . t ey a pon in the hands, of the Conservative ed at desire to see the session carried party will be the Customs scandal, on until pending legislation was Rafe. the King government having prefer- ly passed, and the probe into the'Cus- ponos for C■nadian red resignation to a vote of censure- toms affair pressed. For this end A ;Canadian erdieal man, Doctor in the House on that subject. Lord Byng, it .is said, was assured the Ambrose T. Stanton, director of Gov-. There are two aspects to these is- Progreuaives would support the new 'ernment•J:aboratories in the Federat- s es• Them is the personal pogo- government The change of front on ed Malay States has been appointed popu- larity of Lord Byng based upon his the part of the Progressives is still Chief Medical Adviser to the Colonial command of the Canadians in Fiance, to be a tau as ,Cfffce in. London. D Stanton fear • .fleet tris akurlaaey tool r 1Pd+►rhi ?' T. Unbar* n • e nted or ; theywere ere- non. r. an The. soldier sentiment will make it- tilted as being, of all partdes, the born ' at Kendal, Ontario, and was *elf felt in every corner of. the Dom mast anxious for. the continuation of educated at Trinity College, Toronto, inion and the issue will have to avoid the. fifteenth parliament. New Calendar personalities for both Lord and Lady Two hundred and forty -Ave men Anew calendar of thirteen months -had been at work in the Commove, for ,,.,po___,�•� � 1M�;^'r--» • rrrr-arc•rm-1---- •-�e^�r„n'wiaumrr-mlrr ,�anr.-•v,.{� t is proposed beeexperts of the League1 six months upon such importaiirt mea; of Mations. Each month but Deeem- SCHOOC+/''wsHOO/ s .COMMERCE sures as the budget, the IXudaona lir would contain twenty-eight days, L �+f �+�CLINTON. ONTARIO Campbell Crain Bill, Rural Credits Bay: Railway, the Soldiers' Relief, the with; a new month inserted between June and • Tuly, nanembee. would Courses t Oagntnerclal, Stenographic, $ecretari*l,,Tenehers Bill, the set to reduce excise duty on have tatenty-nfise days, and Iso also t t to The School Department of 'the Underwood Typewriter Co., duringg automobiles, re return.to penny postage ,t'oa'd the new month in leap `year. the *drool year ending June, 1926, granted to offs„ftudents the follow• and an en.: Nene at these measures Auto Victims Meneoriial h d been disposed of. The defeat of Ing swards a INITIAL CERTIFICATES 'TO.. a w o. e e t on a vote of 96 Broadway, New York,.has a new Word” per min. ' • Wordepeenen. the new s v rnm n 34 to. 95 while more than fifty members nionunieet to the.374•pe.rsons�.'killee Lula Cicb, Clinton........30 Pearl d- yl n Alibtun.. s ill , . • were absent from the House, on a by motor cars.., 1 Crich Clion..,.......»,30 Ciifford�•Yanatona;•'Bctiittfllex.«32 Lula Exeter.......31 legal question, swept all of these bus Find Egypt's Royal Crown • Mae Simpson, Hentsall. ,... , , ,el- Annie. Simmons, t The i o the . n a the •wv ate ,t ei: baeske . h c7 ed e X31 3 t a r a dig s iv r hs h pp o rd Cate a Ciosieric H a �6 Evelyn R ia� of �rtli. ly r,. Nellie Gook Se a -vele Goderich. «. .� Florence Knee, Londetboxo ..33 -� labor of an entire session was scrap* 'royal crown. of Egypt,. found ifi. the Marie Gravelle, , Courtland Kerr. Berwai.er. .34 Robert Unger, Blyth,,. ......32 ped. The necessary money for the tomb of Tutankhamen, the supreme' Mary Collyer, G er... r........33, • Alma Make, Dung sones: , ....32 - administration of the government treasure of,Egypt. . The. face of the Elsie Seers, lr,xeter... , .., • ...36 Nora p oliiek, Hensel' ...3Z . must now be supplied by special or- fro el niummy. has nisi' been uncov- Lleie Lowey, Seafurth.. ; , ...34 E. -Jatue Hogiertle Exeter......37 _der of the Govornor- eneral. Y - • Loretta; ?mall en, Diengannon..30 Gertrude Heist, Crediton; . ,... 3 terod ,tots' xeomY le magnii'fcent: "jewelry Gertrude' Be dgea, Belgrave...30 Evelyn Cooke, Brussels ......._.35 Blin+l Hero Graduates removed from hiss breast.. 'T1ie' earl-- Y Clledtrs Wren CromartY........30 ' Wiest known specimen of Iron work, •a Wren, Blinded atoho battle of Xpres when BRONZE MEDALS TO a eighteen years of age )<iug h Stait has dagger -with a blade or iron ream- just eseal just graduated as a bachelor of arts bling'steel, was also found upon Tut- .40 ut-,40 from Cambridge university. With ankhamen. ` .41 ` • id of his oun wife he won dig- '' Carrie floesenberry..,,.'...,...40' Cleve, Lamprey, Goderich.... •(Grand Bend)' Kenneth Hunt, Clinton Nellie Cook. Sesforth... ...40 Mable`%Vright, Londesboro... Couitland Kerr, tienmiller 44 Moo Hamilton, Londesboro, ... SILVER MEDALS Ti) Mable Wright. .. . . • .. -, « .51 Evelyn Reed.. . • , . • Caratland herr52 GOLD MEDAL TO f Ernest Darker, Goderich.. \v..., ' We Hive Ttained Others—WE CAN. TRAiN YOU For uformatlon write to 8 "t i`i ,t l,ralw' a Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acctr4, Prance ,•:tinction in every subject. 5 .A' Title for Sale .61 •An Italian, principality and a title of Prince or Princess is offered for sale by an Italian now in Nett York, seeking fundsfor, a great Slavic Con - In I on -poli tress. The honor is going eheap at ..�r ,nadiafs .re .Hanclsomie N+� ,'Wa�n►+tle � awe saes as* r...114/le one ttaeir goof toes and beauty to deer country says Pe* (Nang Paan, Sheag'hai, Alai Pew C. F .t flown el. trios believes that wawir.aw.rtt Is the *'fief t'eei. la the .osileai.ta et the k*sean spooks. Os tb. whob. -lass Now Chimes pttiirsrpb,esr thinks. t"a*.4taae e.asit. mitieetteely, are meek betwr dews the Meese 5;fr, t 'heir a.wscdetaisea with *.re beautiful sever- is avery cid thein" soli Kr. tans I* a latereisw►a eery well-f..tdsd oaw" So vast live facet drat the haieaiFta*ta et the vast 411= Imre AA set nee**. while st- est Eletages, the, asset ierrdNe et alalw ee prove oes b. r.OW: ay*. es wait as assisting is the In wutny otharr ways. . Paul C. Fame. us he is known to klo�ed.I is a of Memo aniveraities. the sea et a Man - dada, *ad *ad fest IS �s old. For two maid a holt roars. wieder aw arra aeleout betweew the O.rer*- meete of Cabs and Omsk, he hoe hoes a evalb of the e4`aarwedI.a Padile gaailwsy apsilw 1h the idle or auy.ir'iae pi1e►etleal ka.wlrair a that he lie to only w the relined pretilesee et Ms sera eo sere. 16e atwrsrei ether wog 'ham seeIda sear la . Pam liesi hen d- saes Air shape . 1 tuteesill 1 11 .It tiara kis .a Ir- be Whither Same a aiedetai 0I . fiillsrWilk im v�ette Milo lie hem Cilia te'mike I nrnaMe aMrl err Ise their ietdaaowl - the twee trityl er eith the this �'oo STE elsrf,U� gIM� * 1*v M tlss*M IMI � I , What, riwwlllti M Ail Wil a* !IMMfe Wow maim• • . to e„ owing- to the coal strike, .and the train service is poor for the same reason. Stayedonly two nights in. London, en our return. Spent one evening at the theatre and came. on to Glasgow. The train was vary late, es most trains are now, and we. did not arrive at our hotel until 11.00 p.m. and, next morning at 10, we started on .a , live -day:. motor tour through the Highlands. What a glorious trip it was. The first morning we drove for 24 miles along the shore cf Loch Lomond, "the bonny, . bonny banks of Loch Lom- ond," then through the Pass of Glen - etre. The 'site of the 1Viassacre is marked by a cairn of stones. This is wild rugged scenery, ,the hills at this point very high and bare. At the head of one incline in the Pans *tarda a stone bench with the inscription, "Rest and be thankful," and quits well one might .,after such a climb. We lunched et Tyndrifm. There, were Get Your Suter Obit Now sand Be Ready WHITE FLANNEL TROUSERS GREY FLANNEL TROUSERS FAWN, sad TAN TROUSERS and Goblin to Summer Underfvear in all styles. Ties and Sport Belts its all styles. • Our Tailoring department is busy. We aiSa specialize in Special Orders from X0,00 to $35.00 • CHAS. BLACK "The Men's and Boys' Store'Worth While" Moue 219 . . North Side Square that it would really come true, for ^went "to ,service at St. Giles Cathed - bad she not received letters front far; rel, were surprised and delighted to corners of the earth telling that their Irheer an excellent sermon en "Church wishes bad come true. _ 4 Union" by an Episcopal clergyman Lunch was. eaten in a fascinating from Trinity church, Cambridge. old 'inn at Blair Atholl, (the country ' Tho church, which is very stately and seat of the Duke of Athoil). There I imposing, dates from , the latter part is still a minstrel*' gallery; in the of the fourteenth' century. It w ee high ceilinged dining room. It was much .defaoed' during the Reforms- w what:'I considered tion, but was carefully reatored*n the here that we saw r the most • impressive war memorial last century. Beautiful as it is f that I have seen in all of -Europe, a should hate to attend service there rough shaft of granite about ten feet on •a cold winter day. I. was chilled High, possibly .a boulder picked up in to the bone ;this morning. The am - the neighborhood, and on the curve' ,'iced choir wore dark purple gowns, . de the atone wall Wend it two which were very effective, bronze plates, giving the names of Edinburgh is .a city to stir OAA'A those who died: for . their •country in , imagination and Princes might well the Great It was so simple, so be ranked among the'finest streets dignified and so rugged, Brite in of Europe." Took a long walk this keeping- with Scotch character. (Continued on page three) • When I called at 'Cook's on 'Satur- - - . • day matting I found ts>ade a splendid O �I;..,,,.., 50taor • ti pile of letters awaiting ole. They tell me here that the Regina does not dock at Montreal until tJuly .2nd. 1 r. Welunched .1 etac. sem sa disappointed, u o with Jean. and Jennie Goats at the ,, former''s club on Saturday and after , ' Get a ,pan at an. interesting- visit to the Glasgow ' w i� cathedral returned to their home for , White Pants tea. One son is at Home. We enjoy- ed meeting them so much, and, be- fore the afternoon was over, felt as if we had always;known them., • Came to Edinburgh by an evenings are staying. 'at an hotel • i . We tri n on Fri ce sRtrset directly opposite Poo site 1 the Castle. This morning June 2Oth a Acid Stowell agss FOR THE 12gth at ROBINS' Special Paces for the weekend ' seven in aur party, and the other five ; - Scotcha which added match to our ens k eior� joynient, they were so well varied in song ane story and' Scottish history. Some one of the five were always able _ Cause 0� iu esuoa to throw light on any hazy subject+' , Their accent .was Music to •our ears. ' ., "" ,W " t /towel Acids in the stomach irritate end and ferment the food, prevent e ss many an .Aaicaen inflame` the delicate 'stomach dining,: of lord and lady built for piaaturil and for state," one of the most me- sror r digestion and lead to `nine, posing being' that of the Duke of Ar- proper tenths of gestionall,Pypepsfa and Indfges gyle, at Inverary, in a wogded park tion' Pepsin and. other artificial , Striped Pants.a • e• v wound along the road throughLord digestants, give only temporary re. Durbant'a estate we ,saw herds oe lief' and do not correct the cause., h *cies should be neutraliz Men's ,Plain White Pants _ sizes • ;$'L..S:O to $1.85 Men's +. ii rc re thirty.miles in circumference. nce. Ass � deer in the woods on :either Ride: St omac ed' nail and the stomach Rept sweet .sand clean after eating;y" ,Clearing out at 95,E - leallachallsh, where we paused for y' b tea, is as picturesque ars its Mime. drinking- e' gloss. of pure Magnesia 1 ',here is no bridge aver Lash Leven water made from a teaspoonful or and the car was put:on a, small boat four tablets of Disurated Magnesia, and ferried across; from there we 'obtainable at any 'tellable drug proceeded to Fort Wflllam, where we store. This prevents -food fernien- spent the night. The next day our tation and your mettle digest nater- route' lay slang the banks, ,of Loch ally -without pains ley foil wing- ail s zea, $1.75 Boys' a . White £o:x, Pants Ness and the Caledonian Canal, Ben o Bevis towering above us' for the. ,first this plan you may eat almost any- ,r hour or so. Inv above has very little thing without fear of Indigestion TWO . [ s ROBINS left of historic interest. The modern castle used' for law eobrts is suppos,- 0. G. Coate, iYl.s'..• ed to stand en the site of Mac -Beth's The Progressive' Member for Mac- Castle, where Duncan was murdered. Lod, Alberta, is conceded to have We hada delightful walk after dire.. ' held the balance of power during the nor along the River Nese. The Icng last, stormy hours of Parliament be. 1.wiligbt. in Scotland are a great fore the Liberal Gorernnnent resign- help to the'traveller. "'Several nights - ed. He voted once with dm Comte. - we were .still viewing the sights be- vatives and twice with the Liberses, tweet) 10 and 11. . ok, lee pope, Wednesday, after skirting the Moe - The moat .wrttrderout wild beteg to ay Firth, we rrossedtalloden Moor,, the history of India, a leopard which and saw there- the grieves of '•the - - h,ts killed 125 human beings' hes just clansmen marked by memorial cairns. - At Elgin, after lunch, we paid s' visite been slain. For seven yearn it had to the ruins of the Cathedral (�lglth been terrifying the people in the century) very beautiful. The intense southeast of Simla. Rio practice was greenness of the countrysides and the to snatch people out of their homes, great splashes of yellow ,gorse and Every known tree and device has bronco, the to»g-haired Scoteh sheep was *hot by an English army captain. an d cattlher ode lane harped 1ligr ll - been used for years_to get.,him Ile land cattle inane as picture I shall, Voted'Oat of Deputies never forget. Aberdeen, where we Baron Rathochild, of the famous spent the night, is a fine city, most beaking family, el4Uted to the French of the buildings of native granite. deputies, has been reft-sed 'admission . The college is especially handsome. - by a vote of the members. Corrupt- There *till stands ane of the old mar - ion in the election is charged. ket cremes, and a very interesting The Napoleonic Touch example. The Island of Madagascar is to be On the way from Aberdeen to the future home of the ambitious Braemar we passed Balmoral Cutlet - Abed-el-ICrian, who will shortly be and sew on the hilltop one of Vic - sent into exile in the staglesf Ckean. toria's many statues to Albert. Hardly, lla.*gth Braemar Castle is * typical .niedite- Therc are now twenty-six million vel stronghold, .having much snore motor caro on this planet, an i»ereaoe the appearence of a prison than of a of three Sand a gneart,rr million ever resicknci.• Noor Partly we pq.eu' laid year, oho faiwroa* Ideech Hesdeo rtoarly a hundred feet hath, presenting a gond �' R' *sager wall to the highways for eonlsd.rabie. A fortnight of heavy rains in Fear- distance, Scone palace le jest two epe have been the rawest of bad floods. miles from the city. Very reeeetlY Germany aid Hangery are s*torieg they have mode vain efforts to re- severely and the death flirt ie grow- corer the Sten. of Scow, betiseiieg it fnwe. In Jvag•,e-lliatla the woken hove should be retroed to the castle, now - bean drivedew* oet of the assert- , a ar*reurae. Ta the e+nssing we went tains by ti. storms and are attaek. to visit the 5.....t the ,"Yeir K*W tog the people. of '!,fobs," raw restored, had the Lord wfteiriest istereso11s,1 elieearetr wb re .,.ire Sava yereeeebed. Lord Wiilltuyrdeet, the t*tieri Goy. We r'�Mvsra.d t. Wasgelw Fti Try _ eons-G.ewseai et C'aa e. vett. hese "I/1od tTw litter 'Day sea[ Ls,A`foes • j*at *titre* la Lewdest tees ap1e, t*ettsg "hie b -lett the Pfau, .� olio to fltieea. Y wI&'th. XNilcnaitld.. where w* heePe a de° a*thnrftt,es et lie. dtanfl*u hr Cas• h.sa. Th. pt.bs.por, veitb ash. 1t la ithely beat be will arrive Iter lith dsrseeri$lst or tit. ba5tir, M NAIAD hat ale*t the Mae that lead* *st lite through it *II. She in - Ail oats tare placed in a ,eatu os- ar au seta rs sasot that o *Om as you ride, No • more *itti*.y•boit-, *aright as sae the cid-faskioiaeri Cat: Canada's First .1119h -Speed European ;ape Light Car - The dietlaothe kat lbws et the New Overlaved Whippet,. ressedge the s► esrNSWin st eeel-m eseieii)ad of Aalrorka and 1 **repo. Epwasli:wat ei #ids ear stied Ter a,t�a'remise. yourself ea the bsuleverd* Tr 1M *a Omni ES also eat lwe r fa tweet .e*Mt - • lr esoe in treat II tar i0 to meas . 1111 logos es gylesseelsa.... rear 1111 Wks w a NOM deli. litamwared Web *law that tie Ownised Wink with its asMh01 fere asst,demi la *ay aulammelaft Ms ra•lt Overload sal la two ear hfstgyiha triala wowed "dies aft hoer. 'The aett Is S lat ft as tali as the g�dwag,a i... a'" .t wmeiwiMasrw`a +e:aifirt tiawsa Teem ever GIORGI HNST'ON DIALER the Oodles* vitt presentably tape a we ,then .a the "While" _ plane. laid std neate a wide, aaatar et ra 1'!�