HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-01, Page 85 ' 4 . • sat 1st •Lvasto.14 vOoloWeo --keeeko- Itingeweil. of Colborne. GOLF Tournament! In elven out of twelve National Championships played during the last two 3resirs in Britain, United States and Canada, the winner uaed a Spalding. Golf Ball THE KIND WE SELL PRICE SOc and 8Sc each PORTER'S BOOK. StORE **Setters Pier Psiety Tsars" _ oLlovvolOvOn• " nwaromovomosoo *1"•••••[•""="o4• PORI' ALB ERT 'Um. T. Baird, of litruceileid, ta eleiting his aister, Mrs. Angie' Ger- cien. , Mist Ivedeil Hoy, of Goderieh," • . win be sorry to leo se eseable sad Miss Margaret McLeod, of Detroit,dlr.. ..lw anit.s „Lniiiiihr t.%$*wiothell ri.b. is spending the iseliditya with her ta arnt, Mrs. John Itiert. sued the geed wishes of aut. with! Minnie 'Dicksors " of the Alexandra it.t.shi44% laistiosrltril: iroPieNrilv. Kr.taxatImikeys MbWe Marine and General Iloapitsl, spent ' the mew atiateeir et the Wilted „ 'Wednesday afternoon it her home. awls at Deingszusea. sad will *Nu., Mr. Jake Cousins has disposed of py tho pod* at both siervices nest Ms property to Dr. Field, of Gods. ambday. i rich, ard Dr. Charles lesne, of De- troit.m.lawn serial which wee held in conneetket with the United church! Miss Marion Tigert, cf Hamilton, on Frisky remise it was quite a 1 and Miss Grace -McKenzie, of Kings- eneeeeefid ,, evens, A /erre erowc ville, are holidaying at their resPectwas in *tensa.* sad enjoyed the Ivo homes. . bountiful supper served by this led. 1 The pupils.of Our school have just les. The program, which was given . . finished a very successful year, alby three young Isdies, ell graduate* Sabbath school, and her unanimous summER .DRESSES everyohild passing his. pram'. of the school for the blind at Brant- desire to help oan thers whether it be tion examinaticn. ford, was of a very high order, and a small or great Manner, and a greet * Mrs. Jos. McLeod and son, Robsrt, leas much enjoyed by Ow present. Wish for mare strength and longer ' SILK LINGERIE returned to Detroit on Tuesday after earnest every numiser being respond. dos to do even greater than she has• . . a pleasant visit with the lady's sis. ed to with an encore. Ilse muele of already done. ter, Mrs. Tiyett, and other friends. the Dungannon orebestre, which play- Mr. Peters was then called for. NEW NECKIVEAR Keep the date open for July lith ed several selections drring the even. ' wird,- when the following eddrelis - and attend the garden party at $t, in was also well received. The we: read! by; Mrs. Ike Gauley, the NEW KNIT GOODS Andrew'e United church, US every ei. proeeeds of the evening amounted to presentation being made by Miss Su- liff14111141.0 VU See tha Boautiful Uwe of GIFTS For Jane Brides Made by Members of our Woman's Exchange MISS S. NOBLE ' IBITISH EXCHANGE BLOCK WV' " • "- 1197' -• - pumene ▪ 'M OW 1 1 .8111,111111 N 1 Summer Values During the past few weeks we have received numerous shipments- of summer merchandise, such as r SUMMER DRESS GOODS BATHING SUITS SILK HOSE CHILDREN'S COTTON SOX but 2175. son Eilpetrick: is being made to assure a gouts time. There passed peacefully Amy after lune 22nd, 1926. Mr. and Airs. Harold Tigert, Mr. an extended illness at her home in To Rev. and Mrs. Peters. and Mrs. w, B. fiewkint and mrs. Vest Wawenoeh, on Sunday, June Dear Pastor and,Mrs. Peters.—We Jelin Tigert attended the Conserve. 2wOuth. Margaret Ann Wood'', beloved the members of Crewe appointment, tir picnic et Bagfield on Wednesday e cf Mr. John Durnin. Deceased Dungennon chouit, wish to express watt horn in Es's ,August 1st, 2888, our gratitude to you both If jar your o last weekan report a very en- being the daughter of the late Mr. untiring zeal, your integrity an loYable time. ‘ . and Air& Thema* Woods;'and was faithfulness to duty. Your duties as DUNGA married to her now bereft partner pastor and pastor's wife are far from NNON thirty.five yea.* ago. Besides the being fight. The anxieties and burd- Mel Fre* Jones is improving and sorrowing innibend site is survived by ens are frequently heavy and difficult enlarging his kitchen. the work being a family of six children, Robert, to endure,and the disappointments doneby local workmen. ' Case, John, Harry, Annie and Lorne, that are sure to come, prey on the Alit R, McDonald has been confined all of whom were present for the minds of Christian leaders. But do to the house for the past week, owing funeral except , one son, Csse, who is not think that your labors are M to an attack. of summer flu, in Saskatoon. She is. also survived vain, the influence you have exerted Airs. Horton and Bliss T. Stirling, held on TuesdaYa by four brothers, The funeral was has left an imprint that only the, her ittte home on the Oth concessiop June egnd, from sands „of time can deface. Ae the time drews nearer to the dawn of of Goderich, were guests with the Tuesday of lest week, • Mr. end Arra. G. M. illeRenzie and se t . R Charles C I f St realize more and more that you will, son, Malcolm, were week -end guests pall-beerers being three brothers of the services, the le greatly missed. We will miss you in our homes, in the social circle, in uelens, conducting with the formee's parents in Clinton, the deceased and, three of Mr. Durn. the chureh, in the WAS. Mr, Thomas Wiggins is baying the in's, 'Masers, Robinson, Henry and • Your devotion and eheery &sped- — DAINTY LACES and < RIBBONS FANCY SILKS These wereselected from Canada's beat markets and combine quality with value WE INVITE- YOUR INSPECTION Special This Week A large assortment of Pure Linn Table Cloths and Table Napkins of fine quality, which we have just.purchased at an unusual price t These are on display in our down -stair store Bluth's' The S . Gray Co m Vont Suudsy ender the parental finmer's sister, A rs. Comp .1, cat of West Wawanosix to Greenhill cern. your departure from amongst us, we connection 40DERICH Throe Large Dry Goods Store's • Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'McDonald en.. eioyed a motor trip to Guelph'this! eel. Mrs. Fay Thompson of Toronto, visited her brother, Russel Free, re. . ttently. The boys of the neighborhood are ex:doing- some games of tali 'in. the _ evening*. - • Mrs. Edwin Oliver, of Detroit, is k visiting her parents, Br. and Mrs Wilton McMillan. Bishop Willianis condueted confirm. SIMI service. in the Anglican church n Sunday efternoort. Johnny Green enjoyed a holiday as the truest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter exterior of hia house painted, Mr. Wen, woode, and ivieesrs, aeries, bon has been an inspiration to us. • 1.1311TOWEL • • • [ 1 • - • . I . Adams, of Auburn; being the painter. Robert and James Durriin, The ain. We kindly ask you to accept this gift- GODERICII TOWNSHIP' 'Vapidity from Toronto, where elm exteniklYerl o the bereaved family. ta reward Yon for services rendered.. r. and Mrs. Wm..JOhnatOn, Port. our apprecirktion: of vow,. services._ versary of their wedding on Tuesdity Our prMrer go tit t Miss Georgie Allen returned on care ptathy of the community is e presume by g had been a guest with her sister, The following taken from The Ed but just as a token, in evidence cif er's Hilt, celebrated the golden anni- Mrs. S. M. Wickens. " monton Journal refers 'to a cousin of s • Of last week quite a large Munher of Mrs. Wilfred Elliott. and, little II —re. —reanle, and we are pleasedo may im long spared to continue rt. you, a you k t friends and relatives being present daughter, Jacqueline, of Calgary, arnote his success in being chosen as the good Work 'you have tiet YOUr for. tile balmy event. rived on Thursday of last week and the Conservative candidate for the miod to do. •Iday God reward you by • A,lr &CAA, le now holidaying at the home of Mr.- provinelid constituency of SedgeWick giving you souls for your hire.' ' On Saturday last the employers of . . and Mrs. John Elliott. , Alta; -Signed of behalf of the =mot - the Doherty tPiano Factory, Clinton, Mr. Norman Treleaven, of Toronto, Sedgewicle Alta., May 31.—The ion: k ,i, and the sherieek.menoieff Footor4r, was renewing feimer acquaintances Conservatives of the provincial eon- . MISS SUSAN EILPATRICE, London. • held their annual picnic at in id t f d I t our m s oe a few aye 11,3 etituency of Sedgewick met in a nom- ADIS,•I. GAULEY. Basrlield. •There was a first class vvom000ioq' voo Photo work el tie /sigh 'chose; morning. The Right Rev. David Wilson, Bishop cf Huron, conferredyour money •can. buy. Bring your the ancient Apostolie Bite of the lay- n films to CAMPBELL'S Ditim. ing on of hands in Confirmation. / sTou. That MeanS all the experience that - GODERICH BATHING HOUSE NOW OPEN on the ,soutit pier. • Good Bathing Suits to rent Good $afe sand beach = RefreshMent Counter in eon, week, being a goat with his mother.: looting convention here Saturday AV Mr. Peters replied, for both, thatk. program -of athletic etteuts and , nection. ` STRAV1BERRY •SOCIAL Mrs. Robert Treleaven. • ternoen; the delegates from the prin. ing the Crewe people heartilY for games, . BERT MoDON Mr. R. Wiggin, returned on cipal larta of the cOnstitnetleY being tSeir great kindness to himself and On . Sunday, June 27th, the service s• .tinder the sonmicett of the Goilerico • Mond aY to his boine here. having Present. Two names •were brought Mrs. Petere'during his pastorate, and in Trinity church was held in tbo • Towntiblp Iloepitel Aiixfitary completed his term as principal of before the convention, H. A. Dreany of their ready response to any work• evertinginstead Of in the t Aiwa* taw* of•TohormorY school. Be has been re- and A.. L Mr. Millar with! they were 'called upon to piirforin. - r engaged for N ext year drew- his 'name making the nomina. Refreshments wer then rved b , on vvedomday* July 7th me...aenoie coma, who had omit tion -unanimous In fevor of Mr. the ladies both ePPointments. Mit fleeted fmal 0.30 to 8 ptin, Plots* Work Tebles.-Plelt Pond and - Ifortuters GOOD SPEAKING Milattlirt...The.,Coderiels Bead Children 280 Pleseette, ilenginE BMs, Dahlia*, *tc. " _ .. 43110, STerART 'stomp 105 aoroavroa 1 • i • /'''LN0• [volo,. tv • 44i- - • t tnerj? • Newest Styles in Summer Hats at$3,$O These Smart,. Chic Hats are new and authentic styles in Straws and Fabrics effect. ively combined in the latest Millinery Modes. You ars cordially inoitod to inspact our stock • -114. R. MadVICAR- . • 1 1 Kingston &root s t at tit h h sister nreanY, the approval of, whi e. 'chard Gardner, of "oilfield 'signified lir no uneertain manner. In .. Vinl,1011[7ilp 40 i llir II the convention for the lion- ...,..---...,....,..,&e, oh, see tke. kiddies smile. returned on Thursdity of lest week tc:" thanking Sehool is:over tor two menthe' amt._ her home in riangarmou. or done him Mx. Dreany remarked mr. and Mrs. Robert Rekt, et ses,ort modestly that it n•as not his wish to Elea, were weavend guests with re; be chosen as a candidate but since it Mr. Wesley Bradnocle, of Mille latives here, loving come e*Pecialiy 'Wee the Wish ef the convention he was in 'the ,neighlterhoed an Sunday to 'see Mr. astneo Rohl, who Us not would get into the thirtg with heart last. ' . , and 30t11 end do his utmost to further Ur. and Mrs. Percy Finuigare of been in geed health 0* 11"e' . the cause of the Conservative PertY "oilfield, .spent Sunday at llobt.... Thetis will be a commenity. lste In this constituency. Plunkett's. at the Dungannon cemetery on Wed.: Mr. lireanY, who is i years. old, Mr. and, Aire. R. H. Rutledge spent_ 'needay afternoon of next week, when interested Was born and raised in Bruce county: Sunday Itiat- with Mr. Harry Cham.1 II wh w I t , In the cemetery, are invited to corns end help to iinprove it's appearance.: • Ontario. At 16 Ms father, who dwiiefde nefirto):0DrCanetteynbroeoggica.re, ot Godertohd a- manufacturer of puree and the son ran the business for 18 spent Sunday with His Laura Itut..1 Me. and Mrs. W. J. 'Woolidge AMC years with such success that he got ledge at the lattee's home, here. 1 Mr. flat Woolidge, who had been - rid of all competitors .,in his field Of attests at the home cf Mr, and Mrs, operations. Ile `then sold out and Several from bore spent the first! eante west to Citigatry, where he be. of July ..irf Goderieb, and then the y G. AL MeHenzie, returned an &aut.- delete their home in Toronto, making- Twelfth wt be the next big day, F tante vice president of the MacDonald the trip by motor. _ Simpson NiTholesme Produce Cent. Mr. Werner Andrew*, who has Mr, Lorne•McKensie Went to Tore:patty,. Re sold, his interest in this sptnt the fast month ,with Oswald *nto last week, returninke with a new. concern and. er. ted m Walterso returnea to " his home last ch was SA 1)1X HORSES pond Mounts cart be bleed at the . RED BARN St, 9006001 At the Sole and Exchange. �r Ave will try to supply your yenta In all. classea • of Iforses, 'Boggles and • . .5 Geod S!?ITs4' : ? t•T .13aryeweek, , or montha day, & week« 11,40. Monb,Sam% ' GoodSHorses *P 01 from now until first wet*. O3 After watch date the horses. nig be' Stothere, This is the latest model and Investment company. In 1908: Several •from Isere attended the of this type and has been the Centre just *before the railway came through sale of levees in Goderich on Monday of much attraction !Moe its introduche bought out this concern and erelett, also Alr. McPhee'e sale on Tues. 1 tier' to this commtinityated the Bettie River Lumber Com- d*Y. The Entrance examinations are PsnY, When the C. P. R. went thro- Our road here hes received a -On- lteing held this week, there being ugh Sedgewiek he was given a con- siderebie *mount of gravel and stone's t twenty-seven candidates writing at tract *or htiliding 400 colony houses, this year. Strange howsome, reeds this centre, witb, Mr. George Woods, In 1916 he gold out to the Beaver get all the fine gravel. of Saltford, at presiding examiner. Lumber Company and went into part- The penile of R. S. No. 0, West Mr. Ross is acting in the same ewe- nership with A. 1 Millar for the pur. Wawanodh;* are at Dungannon this sty at St Helens. ' pose of selling real estate and insurweek trying their Entrance. We At the meeting of the Women's In Alice. In the meantime he *county- wish them every SUCCeSS. ' stitute which was beld last week, at. fated 9000 acres of land which he has Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Brownley and rengements were made for the annual *ince disposed of excepting three Mr. Alez Clark, of Goderich, spent picnic, which will be held this year quartemectione which he is farming. Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. at Port Albert on Wednesday, Jilly With the exceptionof the work he Pluekett: , 128th, when alt the members of the does in 'putting in a crop arid harvest. • ' fastitute end their Mends are invited ing his three quarter -section Mr. I .,„„.„.,,,..,,,......, to bring their baitatet and en$yy Dreany considers himeelf a retired • wrimrritibtr Miss Erma motored on Sunday to The Adult Bible Class of the „lintt. thereselvfe. man. In an his business ventures be mrs 1,eovittie of jruuett, is, seelt.. Mr. and Mrs. /torten Rooth and bas been tanitUlarlY loweelliful: ing Mrs. Wm. Vothergill, - .1, Exeter and London, to via their' ed church gathered at the parsonage Mr. George Snell, Jr., was a Sea - forth vitiator on Sunday: Sunk, Mre. H. Horton, who we are last Tuesday evening to show in 5 sorry to state, Is UndergOirlig treat. small way them esteem of their Mrs. 5. L. McDowell is spending a • merit in A hospital at the latter place. teacher, Mrs. J. It Peters, seni were ew ays Ir ends rt. eric . They were accompanied on their ree surprised end pleased to find /the Miss Eve Cook and Miss Lenore turn by Mrs. S. Roach, who has been ileum!, already welt Ailed with friends Minter* spent Saturdey in Goderiell. at Exeter since the 'illness of Mrs, of the Crewe appointment, come on a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor visited Horton, 'some ten days ago. like mission, to their pastor and his friends near Seaforth on Thursday vi'szs. J. U. Peters, B.A., preached wife A. pleasant social hour was lett. ..hia.farewell...setillent.en .....Sillidalt. hilt -1.Pent StheaMrs,„ /*ell Wtil-mede--- Ill(r,..sitaLMrsslierry--Armstreng-at- ----- Thursday for St. Joltris, near London, tion being made bY *Mrs. Arthur Londesboro, en Tuesdity. • where s . Mrs. Elefey and sore itill, of lien - congregation of the' 'United antral by Mrs. A. EL Pentiond : Anti and Horse LinorY • Food Sale and Exchange Earn 11M. DURKIN Goitre Absorbent DR. 19ARING , of. Madoe. , will be et the Bedford'Ilotel, . Goderich, one day only, anti 8th, without fail to demonstrate his. Goitre Remedy to trio's* terested in' the- removal' Of Goitre tIv-About operation. give the cause of Goitre and • wily there are 20 women affect. ed to every one man. Tell your • friends. Free. mouldings. • .... • . • • • Your Family and Friends want your Photograph Make dm appointment Today R. R. $ALLOWS • and, with hie family is leaving on the recipient of a gift, the present** tended the funeral of Mrs. Wells, of he ha both stationed The Roach and the following address read wer—rte 0ic [ I NO v 735M,"6100rit [R. your departure from- us is drising tee brother. Mr. George Snell, 5r.. ' Dear Mrs. Peters,—As the time of - miner, seent Sunday with the form— Mite Eileen Bamford and Miss, • neer,.*‘ve, the ,members ef the Adult D on Forget the 'Bible ChM Of Dungannon United church, heve gsthered tonight to ex. tEhrilt:ter Dowel!'oarirethei7r Geglirntrni,h ::'0"14114111"1"kt. or"useitla*It" **4 Ite&srbPti""Ken Roby Carriages to suit all 'hinds of pictures are to be fouitd here. Antil colds, mammon - , C11'0440'1 Walitut" Bright flow`lboui • raring corn is both ',laity end in. effective. It is much better to use Holloway's Corn Iteiriovar and eradi+, Acate them entirely, trotaiitontreet • , Shoe Store" Complete. line offadies'.; gent Men:t and childtees shoes' ' Come in suf,I etnni* re ournriens.,, J. A. Orit§nOttlf I Gold, Silver, Grer, Mission Oak.; Ivory and Poll/chrome Beg- ris your pictures to he 1 PERFECTION STOVE, --We.axe agents for these in Smith's Art and Gift Store 43°113d°' Turn your mot st, lune log ohlione and get a new one. Thiaio your Store. Os* ltI TO GET THAT SUIT OR GOAT CLEANED anti PRESSED 11' 'WILL LOOK LIKE NEW .IF YOU Ger IT DONE AT 'ME Prompt and Expert Service Gotierick Freocli Dry Magog Works , • • . . On the .litroadway et Goderich • 'INSURANCE - The titetial Life ,,:.Assurance Ceinpany tuft.; [ 011611041041101, 140014Y, Aged • PROXIS 20 11. 1,40014At.r UST St. t Oenttntott, OAT. .Phone 122 West Street • • here la tweati dyke. All are wall • press to you a slight toltert of our itp.- Tom Cook has returned to his lima w Elva 004 fir*. sit --preciation of your diligent service to hems herst.after an absence of see. matter what pries carriage you pia FORD fill russitl.montlei, which be spent at Elgin, .it. lii,rt feaerr dbilterperet ogurretel:tirs;ouAr rail • BAYFIELD Wednesday, July 7th Good Sported Liboral Prizes, P10612,;01 STARTS AT 10:30 a... • Mothers sitoid4 COO ha .siad nee them Go Carts and Carriages. whkii win asks life happier for us, still we entertain * Pure .10Y$ sit - Mime Elle &malty, teethe*, for S.S. both *other and baby. vese think of it like Chino whiCh will No.' 8. rad Wstwattoeh,. nu gone to - be isetnelltted by your tialtbfid and -her bora* in Clocieriek township to fruitful efforts to show to them the - *pond her summer vagetJos. • J R. WHEELER Way of life, weoltIO reviving irk them -•Mrs. J. E. Ellis and danighter„ Miss Nnatst. Pishieel Oliesallat • *be true uplifting ideals of the only Deus *too int Thursday Jul ist for a ;rip West, travelling its far Tonight, therefore. we weuld ask 70* to *crept this jatilinere and Pe* Antal as a remembrance of your as- - sedation among no, and we, assert yea that your Duisgamten friends wish Yoe and year family every sw- ens in your sew MA et labor. I Sigowd on behalf of the class. MRS. GEO. /ERIN. ARTEUlt ROACH, mt. OM WARMS. Juno and. 1125. Kra. Peters, although taken entire- ir surprise, eoressed Inc thanks In a Jew well etyma wee*, *nibs eve te"us her ampessso lir the as Saskatot. They expect to be away two lgoaths. The Weellisid United dotes hare day school wort at 1220 p.m. arid chaaeoda hoot or wrier*, Sim - church at 1410 p.m, to begin Jedy Atit. Mr. *ad fire. K. H. •olle, awl mirtitYr. etteew141=1. N. ahrosiOiandeall eleeemiimit,te lay the et VC Siren Incittmen. Usellea. amt. we - Mt* amt. littaila, lesig et the Ulla MO parsed% Mr. and Me* *My rimer. • 0 ks, \ /5 "V;IR UM Moods aim. boy dayibiag yea ea* give them Silo* roar Phatagrooti Nek tionsiabrsuese isalvtesiesesirheophnows pkosi. J. T. P&L .1f •. • Footwear • • of arty description, see our goods first. Du* is a full and complete stock of Quality Shoes. We, can fit you at from Baby to its Grandparents, and our prices' compare *.veryfavorably with any other heuse carrying goods of equal quality and workmanship • TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS* REC., AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Ask for your Votes for the Pony Contest 25 Votes with every 25e purchase oolookornamod SHARIVIAN'S Th t UAW/1G SHOE S-17011$ luso 11.8 4 "2"CH - • •• • .• • • .r•••••• ...•••••••••••• • t • ' • •