HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-01, Page 74 l'EUEEDAY, eeLY /1st, 11011 •••••111, •••••••••••••• ...•••••••••••444.0.0•••••• OM HELPS Rif Good-bye, sore feet; Wain( feet, aneullen feet, sweaty feet. satellt:' ag feet, tired feet. Good -bre corns. calloases, bunlona and raw spots. No sore shoe tight. mess, no more limping with pain or drawing. up your face ix sigo. "Tit" is magical, arta tight off "Tie driers ant all the powwow exudations which puff up the feet. IJse "Tie and forget your foot mis- ery. Ith 1 how comfortable rev feet feel. Get a box of "The sow at any dreg or &permit:it store. Dora suffer. neve good feet, glad feet, feet that never ewell, never hurt, never get tired. you's foot comfort guitranteed for a few cents. The foranumerofoolds 11 and ariPPo. Heat andtinhalo era's and rob it on the throat inginbeat* Thegrostyrtventiva. at • ?Me sem , 6661.11.1•1111111•16•11.1......61410164111•11.110•0•11111.111111•1111 10.0.MONINOWII , 1 , ‘ 1 rialialmailaillelatialeitilleitalle11011.111111111111111011.1111111110WWWWIWIMIWWWWaalts- Him eg esasesa sesa. Hill mull Wilson the Come closed and the nip i On melee* of Ceencitters *Mr meeting et the eatsocil was Iwid I Minutes id kat ametiser were lead • By %SAM Haut 7N1. GokficA, 041. *Id edopted. Sit reseiee el Maeseee., - Wilson and Twig. A representative lespeeeesieeesieseeesiwiesiespewmattsemingweisaissangissueiisieossmetilla . f thy Globe Accident Ineersnee Com.! Let troubles rise, and terrors :rowel invtant approve" in the mind of the PanY eetlted an the eottneti with the ptmotseas and, on rcei‘int peimia. object of 'nearie ing the towihip And day & of dere-nets fall ; sorainst loses* by &cadent ou the Through Him all dangers we'll deli, k'Th' Miriam went and called the ' highway). The matter was left ovsi And more than conquer ail. thild's mother. Vil'hen moved ta do for further ronsederation. Mr. Fu... -or death, ncr life, nor earth, nor some heroic thirig first thowehts are gusan of the Hydro Department hellbeet. If Pharaoh's daughter had tat- terviewed the mentisers in regard te , Nor time's, destroying sway, en time to think the matter over. tee the passing of the Revel Hydro BY- i Can e'er efface us from His heart, likelihood is that Jochebed's little Uwe -this else wee left ever for next Or make His love decay. son would have been Ieft where he ,eetioir. itteasura repo- rod rotse-h., Beet ef en ply sminii-....1sod 0,e lur but mothely love saved$00.33 rebate from A.shlield town- I. 24e Anon. w„ _Per WA at... at sin Drunk* as; rthe sit- /1* PRAYER ustion and the babe wasresmtoilrediarat.: ship, also-elf:39.0V grant from High.i ...Folrg a= wawa, Storm Lord God! Thou art the Preserver hi; eviii mothet"s arra*. way Department for work done inc- e--'t•tree"----..:- - .. 0/4146.4.161,0 lam106. of all men, especially of them that message brought bei mother no doubt the township under direction or ow re, believe. Thou bast special Care over wearing * Nest unconcerned air. road superintendent, The counell de- a Goderich old timers' day with Gew renetveri me., 1I:1 r, n'elopTtitectilutrrStennt,e1ARetyKattestmeadnyci Herret them that know and fear Thee, and Had she done ?theme:ate the nlot eitted to have the weigh scale* at Thou makest all things to work tea wouW hive failed. Her .buretingas soon as Possible.. McCresith on the job. and fill up the necessary bYlaws and to live in Thy lieu and to serve Thee put under control as she vonsented again a feature and after fifteen I Sunday Afternoon •mamillo in truth and righteousness and to to becorive a hireling for the care of to send one copy (with Mi Gotel's minutest ef strenucus battle the game A loafer tuuslly wishes he was _ g. _Lessem Fog je31„IS lea* •child wee three months old we ment necessary to the appointing of plenty of sore shins and ruined hos. of ne. Williams' pink Pills. eteCo.intsiltitLit Diset.itoThWeterhy elleret-t 44.1n -Y --Isug the Vs* CODERICII MARKETS resignation) to the Highway Depart- ended without a SCOTP. There were4oing something the. _ Thee shall be all the glory. Amen. her own child. From the' time the Other for their good. Enable us all heart had to be vilified and her yoke The cleric waa instructed fie **curet :rho broom football match' was WtAK AND NERVOUS • Leeson Title-ethileilieee and Eda. told nothing more oe mut lentil the the new road superintendent. It IMF icry, but little things like that do riet Wheat, per bush.....e. 113 to *: 1.40 Acts 7:22. 'being /trained in the Weever.' By and Reeve Rebertson be the cerneterY -4. A, \!e en was disquelified in bl cfrel . • Thin, pale girls lack the power Of Buckwheat, per bush. 43 le 70 40 tu 4 M& Wilson and Mr. Young bother the ladies in thits Annual bat- , ration ef Mosses. . time he I'm teetered to his benefactor t.movrd by 'resistance to disease Oust ride red Hogs . • I 6 II • 1210 to 1210 ' • Lemon Piestego-Exodusi 2:1-10: -who named'him Moses 11°W was he that Councillor Hill, Mr. ,Tai Adams tle• - The King of F.4014. .seeing that home? and hew did his mother ex- bilis were paid: W. W. Hill, smite lenges everybody si.eight for age, se work• $,f80;. W. Elsley, snow v;ork. Lack Kennedy rant off with Bob Ring. gestiow, headaches, beekachea *nil Barley, per beak'," to e conceived -a plan whereby teey might Through ell the incident! of his mir- Streughan, 80e; IL Snyder, *4; J. Mil- prerented with a leather medal. many other trouble* (i 1* suffering Cattle, ordinery, per the Hebrew people 'were more and :piain to him the life upon which he mightier than the natives of the lend, was to enter after a few years? $1; F. Fleeter, snow work, 80e, A. running a dead beat; they were each from thin, imp re bit od need Sust•the cwt.. .. 6,2ei to tie es -be retained an the burden bearers es ing tt•e• can trace this hand of, God, ,, Tea game:ken:1 &lees were all keenly give. roe meny years I1r• Williams' Pink Pills coin Cattle, export . . ..se 7,00 to 7.50 et (per cysts bis klugeorn, so he set taskmasters who ever "moves in a SaYsteriQuo Million, *2.10; Ed. Good, 70e, It Al. iti arty every eines. There AAR StrOntt • help Dr. Willie:us' Pink Pille have been a world-finuous 1 ese . . .. , 0. blood builder and nerve reatoec.r. Lambe. per'cwt..- .te.00 to 12,00 I - be lessened very materially and Ye) aculotis preservatign and early train. lion, $6; 1, S. Kerniglian, 80e; W. Mugford, $3,50; 1t. Moore, $2.10; Ku yew-es:tett there being largo enteies inttle "eboiee oat 0 GO to 6.75. over theme We saw in ore last les., way his wonders to, perform." lin, 70e.; J. •Pitblada, 70e.. 11 Pit- - esoneetition between. Noriti anT d South _ actually Make new, rid:. rod Dairy Better... • ... "40 to 40 soil how giestly hie plan telsearriede Of the thirty Years spent at Clenide, *4.00; 0. Moore, *led; 10,•Meg. Huron. whli the odds pretty nearly hey Hi wick cl me d then devisee 1 a seem- court ef Pharaoh there is little writ- ford, 70e.; Dem. Road Mach. Co„ - even. In the intllei. tug.ot-war the blood. White invert:4. iiew vigor and Eggs, per doe 's 41.00 If ,t to all the organs' of the body. Fondly flour, per cwt 3.00 . o e . stroy the.male children. To this each made by Stephen es found in Ade, Star, "eels ," $1.80; Corrugated Pipe strong pull and raved with it. Their fine effect im usually shown by Pateut flour, pear ewt. . a. ingly easy Nvi$t Out, Ile would ele. -ten, but in that speeeh of defence $187.25, grader and repAire; The south halite untxpettielly made a emit. ot awe. an improved annetite; then the spieits Bran, per ton,. ..... :Mee se 41100 ght givea Shorts, per ton... at.00 to e. 00 he sent teethe nurses and gave them .2nd ,chepter, we read that Mose* was Co., crIv'erts, $54.40; Munich la South Huron, eau all. th wit(' m of the rupee -war team& but the North has it revive and reetleesnese ni For Kay per ton... ..... MOO to 12.'1 come:mods to this •effeet. It is ever learned in e. 4 World., collector's roll and supplies . way to health restoring 51001). • suffeverte front. anaemia, nervousness Hideo- . . • 06 to Ots ' general tveakness or physical exeaus. Potatoes, per bee- 2.50 to 2.50 • tion Dr. Williams' Pink Pelt are a everywhere. resterative of the utinoes ealue. flus a courageous thing for men to op. Egyptians, and was mighty in words ese.eei Tbe following Is a list of the games F. Hellman, work on towneem .e.. on • pose the wise of his sovereign but and in deeds. Some waiters sey that . ball, $4.40; Owen Moore, gravel and oyl mother poosed to ve arisen When thihad hi e st rarpmake and the winners of the various prizes occations has ; work, $12,25; A, Allin, $11,25; W. Ghee ' reare and eudoreel Jean been done, This • Was such a time. him co -regent and successor to the MeWhenney, $7.50; Wm. Watson, *2; Eueseinne, is esereatet, Grigg, These women feared God, and did not throne so that every care would be E. Bogie, *8.60: Jas. Snell, $1; T. Wil- Boys, a ewe and under-- 1 S. e1t. as the Ring of Egypt commanded taken to fit him for that high ofllce. son, salary, postage,' etc., $90; Geo. Creed', 2 M. 7•1111cr. them, but :•.aved the men children But the early training in his father's CaWwell, $1; Isaac Table $2.40; J. Boys, 7 years and under -1 le eI alive. • home had been in the principles of . Tabb, q9.40; Tait Clark, $7.20; Wm, SprIgga,, 2 re Itb,ynes. JHaving failed to coerce the nurses true religion and these were never seems, seeps; F. , Quaid, pet Wm Girls,. 0 'tear, and unlet el J. ek- e . - Pharaiih next charged all his people, forgotten; and he ever retained a Walters, $7.50; R. Bean, $7,50; le Crean', 2 eters- Johnston; ,u Vledine en Math saying, eEvery son that is born ye ' sempathetic feeling for : the race Fisher, $16.25t AeErrington, $13,75; Boys, 9 years: awl under -1 J.. oon, shall cast into the river, and every from which he sprung, ' ' W, Vroornan, $7: It. Cousins $7; N 21'. IlePlcIns• Weak Kidneys daughter ye :Men save alive" This WORLD'IVIISSIONS Mct.arty, $7.50; Tomby Lamb, $740; Girls. 13 Ztrears stul unaer-1 Rom- . . = erder was quite in keeping with the thy Thonmeon. 2 Lily Ilowerd. Sholdo . Use general want of tonsideration for Doing Business at the Old Stand AlenReno,dsgoels,nrife04,Ei21.05g0i:eA*1s.5m0;inAg: there was one fainily at least among• After ten years' absence retrrning ' ton $19; .T. Fisher, $10; G. Baxter, fol•01:16718,1121(FuultisFesr.0:1:elrui-:ei1.:4-Ttutt: child -welfare in those days But By Miss C. Campbell • the Hebrews where there was great to one's old station, not as a visitor t15-,0:1 JNuMel.laTuaone,nesix$01;0;ALs..Elltroindggteorns: iloes, s 10 years and under -s1 I). Wile Burgos.% 2 J. Arbeekle, concern for the'but as a temporary help, has some in. preservation a Ms. teresting features. . We find the old t$51' IL Bean, $6; G. Bean, road 1411/). SOU, 2 J• Ilbenae, e_rintendeet, $59.50; Harry Williams. eeerriee ladies' race -1 efts. How. - A man and woman of the tribe of , Levi had two chum, miriato aged. Docter still doing businese at the old ten ate Aaron tbree and therefore stand Alwave a rushing business it 4414 R. McCabe $2.50; T. Clore $9: Ord i 2.Mr& MIL . ifs -now more. so. naeo are a few Wm, Bogie, $1.50; G. Daer, $6.25; L. Married men s raee---1 11. H. ele- You can get theme pills front any • 1 2 II medicine dealer or by midi at 50 rents erste, Mt 1140TAirlIf train, end Tatellte . CANADIAN NATIONAL is proved by the, experience of Miss .Sarali" A: Meelaeliern, R.R. No. a,' Brute, N.S., who says: -"About three( nervous. I hed pains in my side rani dwy yeara ago I became TCTY weak ma., IRO SERVICE to TORONTO back. 1. also had fee:lent pains:, in ' P Alhe 34" Ot- Oeun the back of my head and neck. I Lite. Goiliiiieh 6 00 n ut. 1.20 emu, was very pale and very 'weak. I luid " Clinton • 6 eel o lie • *2.52 p.m. attacks el nervous: irritabilitveand at ' l'• eeeforth .G 41 a se. :Lie pen, times I was PO 1.10Noti that life seem. " elifehee tel s ne e ee pan. .. this condition a friend •strongly ad. - 'While in err. Stint' tend 7.30 a 111. 4 10 p.m. . ed hardly. worth liviug. Pills... I sin now iiiijoying good .i •1.1211, '''.' P it A 111 oti qn ...,• ,„ " ..tro1 :110: 171 1 8.020.0 1,11: 1::::. :11142,,,L0v pp::/.11.1. : vised me to *take Dr, Williams' Peek 4' eneee. e.4., ; Ani health and am glad to vivo this state - Ment for the benefit it may be to • RetIll Oug--.. i'v''' k' T' "' •I'' '' 11 45 -1'M'' • • Parlor Cafe ear Goderich to Tor- sonut other sufferer." 12 6"ii •utid ti 1. in To Antrim and Jetehebed another ooY locidents out of the crowded daYs. • 1..,Teheeteee' $2.05, Brinatey ee.bo. (heel.Dunlop. Through coach Goderich to T oronto. 00' • safe because he was no Imager a Mese. ., A handsome big Sikh officer in eel' ItIeaheye_le26.1 C• P. R. weigh settle' was born and her rnother-love row • • • • te reit • e • a Wm. eleWleinneY• $8.75; ,eiteeeimit rece-1 Miss Forbes, e Meet a box from The 1)r. Williams. Medi. to Goolerieh 0.05 p. eUne Co;, Brockville, Ont. AVVETiTiffit IN T014 STAR. woman ton be strong Ina heelthy uniform, ribbons on is . road c eet Waldo her ltidtapa are telt ond lune - • ee, , .. indicating xoreign service, 1 Fowler $2* 11. F a an $6- itippeine -ebornasoo, - .r. Ithrnas. . W. ;Melee orie.,n rate, 100 yds, --1 L. mother -wit were greatly exercised to . . , e • • estandeig -• Canada Ingot Iron Co, $13,50; theta out of -ten the kidueys ere to -save elm. The river WIllefl Inc king at attention salutes. 'My wife. '' , e g ' • -- ---- Boot racee-1 e. Beni -tette 2 3. Tuf. Wines ter the'.w esk, lame and sehing . ordered to be the grave of this child Major is. needing your care. Will adjourned to June i.7th at tl.a0. pan. ford hack from which 'she suffers to mute, .the mother decided to use 'as his way you receive her into your hospital?"' ' .- G. J. HET ERINGT , Ladies., ' H ON' • . ing.of-war-North • Huron, of 0 She no doubt laid the M ' " el IC IIsmilingat the Townshiper . iss Wh se a eidne i out of --- aseaPse of es, " ape MaeKellar. ar, e , 31 Lily Peterson, captern ; South ' • - . d vans care of her boy on the.heart‘'"/444 title learned;overseas with "Captiiie" Aslifteld order, when lour tick lathes an. _ e . i ..„. bt i . , ° Huron, tales et id. riPM, eriptain. - and gieseyentendlees misery, all you :be'artS Idle 1"iti h rn 1" the "ke " Coltart, "Lieut." Lyall, non -commis- Council met as toilet of revision on South Buten won. _ • • ve to do is, tikes k' fee. boxes of . carefully constructed for his first stoned nurses and probationer pii- • .it -,....date, all membets present.' Men's tug-oewar-North /brim, B. el Mistmey Pins. aid you will Sind - journey erom home and mother's pro- vides, stion had Mrs. Sikh comforts The appeal of J. FostereEd. Dalton . et rea , cep n , eou 1 uro . that all•the tam and plena will eanisle teeting, arms. . He was then laid ie 'ably settled its a Private ward, and in. and R Digtian was then consideree. .. rerhes' eapiahl' ''S"th Illiwn amid snake Pa hallill and happy and ' ' 0* tags' by the river's brink. The ' r for c- due time Sikh Junior lustily pro- On motion of. Cameron ariel Black, J. '" 1 • 1 .Oble to enjoy life eu the utmm ost. . • oths:mei part was done excepting hewed bis advent, rind the fixed fee Foster's was lowered 100. On mos .ad. es . broom footba 1 -Ti us eaP- All ayuggists and dealers handle ethinking and praying, the two things . - tains saint as for ladles' tug 01 -war. fell into the Mission coffees. • . doe of Fateish and Hackett assess- Draw game. „ • 'them; put up 01311b,y The T. Wilbur* -that cease with e. good mother, only The British °Meer commanding the ntent sr stainedon Dalton 'appeal. eterea baseball, Nfoi•th andmouth 101, Limited., Tomtit°, Oats • :- ' with death. Another took • up the XXIITI Sikh Pioneers, distressed at On motion of Black and...Ander:eon Enron. . wee captains ws, prou'efese '‘,.......---" work. Miriam was sent to keep all the deaths among the wires of his assessment sustained on Moan ale end A, E. Forbes, Seem: North Hu ve mi th b k t Rerewas a silent eereeeeeeeetesteessePeesewee- swAcrrs• gale antiforse Liam] Back -Stables, Elo. Moroi:read Street lost otIttbesouiret Alet 0,1W, SEVERAL FIRST.CLASS AIMS READY FOR SERVICE -0E1 YOU ANYWHERE ' MW.W�EN YOU WAN1.10 Ur THERE `tiuseee Meet silt riterne and ' Passenger' Beata Pas:Wagers called* tor in any Part of 'the town for all train* et O. t. R, or C,Ix. R • Depots - *Prompt Service and • Careful Attendance, Our Livery end /leek Service will be found ue.taodata fn every reapeet. tebtaqw Veitt Patronage Solicit** T. SWARTS plums 107 Malatesta Street • • . Ministry"They alsto nerve who men, due to the carelessness of Indian - peat There being no more appeals, roh 1:e Solite Huron le tonere, IL : on. She was stand inidwives, had appealed to Dr. Mac. court then closed. Council then went Tlionrieone :Rorer. Leek 'Colees.. ly stand and wait" ICellar for a trained midwife to live to general business,,minutes of April Ladies' baseball,. captains same a connection with her eurroundings s Ing Afar off, seemingly having no among them and do welfare work. meeting was thorrread and adopted for tug is Nerth Hum won idly Standing, not even atching the Be was willing to pay handsomely on motion of Black end Anderson. 4-3. w river. 'She was doing her work with.. for the right Pets"' Easier asked` On motion of Hackett and Anderson Clerk of entries, E. Floods% MY - for than secured: None in our area the folloWing 'bills Were ordered paid: Pest(r. 401)11 Robertson. out even the appearance of doing it.jukes: • e. • A. Metaren, Itobt, spoke the Punjabi language. She John Little, asseasor, salery and post. "Sometimes we attlikt look 'without Holmes, :Jobe Moon, W. Protelfoot, IL scoured licspitals far and neer in age, $101.40; local Board of Health, staring; we must .speak without vain. Finally, the Commanding Ofli- April meeting, *14; We -0. Reed, ;pa- -malting a noise; We Must be artful : Starters, A., E. "r ()thee and , W. cer, dropping the idea of a resident trainee, $33.75; Bert efeWhinney, 1 without diseimuletion, and hide under * r • 11 worker, asked if she would take them . patrolman, 34.50; Herb Curran, pet., mit`stror. 3•01to it. ,Lyoo. the calmest exterior, the most urgent into the Itoispit'ai. This was readily rohnin, 130/75; F. Wijlis, patrolman,' rinptriss for ladlits, eak,elte, E, and tumultuous emotion." (Parker). granted: Hence the Above incident. 38; le, J. Myers, patrolman, 33e.151 Thompson, C. Rhenne. • The daughter of r hartioles as she ' It took a little adjustimg. o orange S.. Swan, patrolman . 313; Jno. Web- eimie deem to the bathing beach with for Sikh officers to %left t eir wives stet, pixtrolman, $18.25: R. Bissett her attendants, was e regio person. but asshelooked upon the babe and in a eenana hospital, a little engem- patrolman, 322.50; V. Hamilton, pa. Ntr. L. J. Seaman, one of Teepees heard its cry the priticeas gave way Sig to show that, as in the erniy, rules trelman, $13.25; W. Stewart, patrol -1 best teeters, took a lively !atom in to the Mother in her. "One tach of must be observed, but it was done, Man,' 32; W. G. Reed, patrolman, tlie proeetelings. nattiee makes the whole world kin" and -things have settled info a rout- $0.70; I Fem lder, patrolman, 36:50; L. elIv. II. Ferguson. 101834115a . holo Association iyMit out to her And she had compassion on him, and ineGoreSuneblerway mut misisrileftsPer Said, This is one of the H.n ebrews' .. t the ease of the rank and file the ner, patrolinan, *18.65; J. A, Sohn- 'gti ., . , e . . ie seeker:4y 111 at ber Lake .. Dentin, patrolman, $34 55; le anthem The watcher glided to the °:°*? with kindly consideration. atolls, patrolman, *11: J. McNamShore hm ara. a" • • otne, ut the Sympathy of thP side of the eiencess and, without any grente leave of tabsence from military Patrolman, 30.50; J. Courtney, patrol. oThere were 111131/ not:17.,a1 num word of intreduct-km, she addressed duties to husbands: to cook and bring man, 34.50: IL J. Blake, patrolman $6.75; M. •Hogan t • l _ ' ent. and due priessmeet d tin Huron food to their Wives, as these do not , pa i o mart, e10.55r the king's daughter. Under ordinary , .. erowd a heatilly-iiiiMitta Immott. They eircumstances Miriam would have have servants and are too far from hl. Bouvier, patrolnian, elie J. R. were Drs. WIlferd, Jevut and ramp - their own friends to secure help. in Hackett, patrolman, 334; H. J. Blake. ,een, •• • • 'been effeid to appeal.. the• presence • of of the • emit ones of the land. si4 ens' jelin ReLyou .Was the first. tirrival; . yrom The Ceetral India Torch, Pmall; 313.7.51 'Ilackentte/Ppaate1001- and he seised until, the last was Anxiety for the safety of her -brother • man $5. tr110 Kilpatrick work on: mot. - • . • ; • pet tie other thoughts aside and ells /PAL . - ma •12,30,f- sal.- 27, $40.30; Wine -Pep- •••• A fair /earn:meet the.inuebseei estieited that. the Princess •should USE IC HYDRO ELECTR The Peeples Power geColborne • • NC ' per, sheep • chum, 350; . G. Letehie, eat simile 1.e 5(51 " .• -. • , • . claim as her own that which she had •. .. . - • 'sheep valuator, „$2:, -.sit:Pi:Iles, 37.50; . Xl&Preshicnt -31r'.. IL B. teeter,' S ' found and that she could easily find A special meeting of . folboree Colborne boundrY account, 209,33; W. selasera the prizes for , tie. dereren • .. a nurse who would !eke care of the Aimee was held in the hell at . 8 P. Reed, part•salary, 360. Belaw No. Win" a "41 Ite'lle'l g4' '1111 i.'1' fir 11 - child for her. The suggestion found o'croek p.m= April 10th, all Members; 1 was amended on motion of Cameron As' "sneitlinf• g("1. 34,2 Ptandl'I." I -se- eteese•••• ••'-' ees t• .--. - - -----"e-, - • present. Besinese to consider, • the • 'eppointment of a toad superintendent. raise in salary of'$10 and to be -allow' - and Meek. giving lee ireakeer A a , MeLareit W1114 t . lit 11 111'11.14 6)1111 .1- '1:W0r. That eoff:P was A -No. 1. J. A. Deeision. ce the matter Was left over ed for making out report. On motioniy of Wholthitto. was, pri,s„11 u ini. Ilk • . . 0 • . 1;11 r . / • 3115. I. " - to he- conciudecl eit a ineetiret held in of Cameron and Harken cornell ad. OVER B op y toig notivir Pads Machina 21,..r)cei izrorev to meet .iano i.at, ;t, one failyi...vtweytisi:•istweill,i1:11ty,:verlis tiie,nsts.,•113-elsz,... • ce a . re ..i 2 . i n . • of H. Hill and A. 3. Goldthorpe. • . C. E. eleDONAGIL - lete.ettr`eKitillilifes°511: again 01101 1111 reeenc (Jerk------ir-1,0werc"`the-e;w4.1-*KierisdriNlii;r:- present tit office of Dominion Road m11BOYS' PICNIC fw?aritime•rilifatel Tiiiiiie w7:41411. r6Irtiltit'rorir'Pre8miti°nri: Co. On etion of H. Hill and W. HURON OLD - - • . Young, the council purchased one Champion Heavy Duty Patrol at *185 North Huron on Ton iiii Both leidies' It was .4 tossup between Vresiden•t the Company eth supply one blade and Men's Matches But South 31k•Creath and, Art. Feriae; *al! TO! free for Canada bigot Grader already Huron Ladles Made Good Pull in which esaielmale. the Arestpeet pull In • owned by township. For road super- Tug of War. the tirg-of-wae. intendent Mr. Geo. F. teen was ap- PAINS ALL alate.--follorne.. muse!! -all ... Two/Cote Cues of Fetelainelw' aess Relieved by Lydia E. Pak. issies Vegetable Coaspood Barrington, N. S. -"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains ell over my body. 1 would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My ,husband and my father did my work for me u I have two children and ' a we have quite it big plate. read in tho paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got * Cook by Electricity little book about it through the me, Wash by Electricity and my husband sent to Baton's and . got me a bottle, and then we got Iron by' tAticulcIIY more: from the store. I am feeling ti t • ,t tine now and do all my work and am CONVENIENT. CLEAN, able SO go outaroomi more. I tell my QUICK friends It sal E. Pinkham's Veg. ettbloComponni that snakes me feel cheaper dasto cod or wood sowell."-MrtelheirelftteetAineow, An pectria Vacuum Cleaner St. Them" Ont. -"I took fang bottles of Lydai Pinkham's Vege. We guar-antee all Hydro 1.amps ttilittcarretuldwitireriot fOr iSoo hours. Elsa of ere book oselits waskiless 1*, from I aseariod tor ftva years Wsilk alla see display at arbor rioervrea born. After takikg the V Osessunkand odes St Lydia bases Bovntivnirirasit The Hydro ore otteitag bottom tamitaoldbaszoin; nowt, now, out. o asithigton, Nova Sao*. removes the dust; a broom just , Doll Paine in Back moves the,. dust. ft."-:111rs.P.Jararnots. 1 1111 1.1 I esees., seer:Ceti. ' lir, Ogle notpur, imp or the 01041sue pointed •at the Wary advertised, on The animal Veil:. ut the Huron Old boys of ("theme 'Wag pees: irk at the 'motion of. Councillors Wilson and. Boys' Assoeiatioie of Toronto was Melee this year for the Mk time,- ace Goldthorpe. held In urea No. 1. Exhibition rark, in 031011:011011 Ile Slre. and Miss (Vele% s ' Carlow, June June lithe ago. I that city on $atrrday, June 19th, and were weleolne. Ogle side' et the ., At. Colborne eouneil met at 1 p.m. as with the largest atteudanee In the bshun when the L 11. B. train killed is. a .Clitirt -of Revision of the 1920 as. tory of the Aesoelation. hie donkey at 1110 1311140 LW' erossing, present and signed the oath of office.. ("I". iind the sit:Isei litikeintetd4'01141,1r0 tit: . "2" thir."""" ng°. The publielty agent of •the Van- sessment roll. All members were' The weather wits • Eight minor se-mea1:4 were dealt with. g411110A was probably the most beauti. i ; • Olen National lethibition sent 400 molting In the following changes • f:!'lt its the eity of Towne:. Ail roads; siney reps for the boys and girls, awl Otte farm put down to a new oWner .., te area N'o. 1 nn 8aturday after- 11.10.1- were readily dissioseit of. Me tenant replaced atiother, two doge )01 end the crowd.: followed. them master Memos the by iiiteher. were taken off and one edded. Part niTIge tadiere softball 'gave' bot tol' I ' ' of one park lot changed to a new by141' ' North end South 'Huron captained Nome a 'Meet' einee . be will he ill Ile' game leeween swineours .or tes in. n. mewl in the big leagitee. owner and one name added to Ps re8- pectively issPatterson, of" 'The Indies' Meow towline game ' II/ and two front part ono to port rt Winghanit and Miss Flynn, of Clin-leritatid, the gret‘teet :turns taut of tbe WI, was dose and exciting, midi i : nye '---."'" -- --:---;---e--- North Huron woe by a swore of 4 to ii., e, eforri41 wae ollavoidably ab, 3. Mrs. Gregg, of (gluten. had twel esti'. 1111 111°.1111111" 301usinoi*, but the CASTO R 1 A home rum' I ' For the first time in four y . ems. Mrs, IL Martin. told +=barge et the faintly was well representrd. Set taints aM Candi= Wm. Proudfootei North Hum men's, table, wideli was * gout guereetee of teem boat Art Forbes' South Huron plenty to iet. in US. rilarChlt4W30Yeari team, the score was 12 to 1 In favor , Always boars - the nignatert of of le'orth Huron. Herb Dunlop and therm:ter is about lite mussel& Clerenee Rhynas had home rune, If you are not called upon to uee which settled the 'set*. It looked either they become soft and flabby. r • . P. F• LAWRENCE ee SONS' town Passenger and Tickets Agent* Phoa.$ t. Internal and Extorts& rains atria promptly isslisovad by. De orisomAs' : ECLECTRICOIL AunT.Ir itf.44110,4Etratratargitt ratIrritatfit ,E00a14A TESTIMONIAL THAT seWat.firtfiTif-- tivatatIQqa *Maria ONALITIM •••••,. It . "!1.`11.11r=t110'..-•."-1 • CLUBBING LIST The Star and London Free PreSs :46.75 The Stat and •Londoq Advdrtiset 75 The Star and The Toronto Globe, 6.7 3 The.•••Star 'and' The Mail and. Empire it 6.75' The Star anti The Toronti., Star .. . . , 0 73 The Star and The Farmers' Sun. ' . • 4-20 he Star -and The Pamily lit:raid and Weekly :Star. Lotit • The St;it 'and. Saturday Night s50 . The Star and The Catholic Record 3.7S TPe Sur and McLean'sMagazind TheStar and Rosi and Gun.-- , The S.faft and Montreal Witness.- -The Star and Wolld Wide ••••••••• 3.90 ...renewal 3.85 new, .. .3.50 ....renewal 4.25 new... 3.85 Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals ' may be had on application r::.11 "Pluti.! 71 .1 tr any 14 -.a • ..• •,' •-, • is•••••••};601611.1104166aio. tt.••••64..,..6•••• ant Banking by Mail- f The security afforded by the Province of OntarioStsings - Office, together with/ the facilities extendod ev‘N'y l'OSL Office in Canada and other countries, make it pos,iPlt..: for everyone to deposit their savings in this Bank. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with still checking privileges. The confidence the rural communities have shown in this - Bank, is 'silicate.' tly the large increase in, deposits, which are I now over S21,000,000. • All deposits are guaranteed Py the governmeLt of the , Province Of Ontario. Remittances should Pe made Py Post Office money mrder, express order or registered letter, and should Pe addressed to your nearest ?ranch, where they will receive prompt attention. Province of Ontario Savings Office Head Office I, 15 Queen's Perk, Toronto Toronto Breath Olken Car. Bay and Adelaide Su. ('or. University and Dudes Sts. MS Danforth Avenue • - ,, , Oilier Brandies at If Pembroke, t Hamilton, St. Catharines, tit. Mary" Seaferta, Welkerton 1 New 'market mid Aylmer. Brantford, Woodstock, Owen Soonil, Ottawa • ,. • •••