HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-01, Page 4!char!! FOU*
Ladies' Dresses
A new shiptnent of Ladies Wash Dresses
in Broadcloth. in various shades and styles.
also Fugi Silks, Silk Crepes. plain and
polka dot. Printed Georgette for evening
or afternoon wear,
Dress Goods
A special for this week in Striped
and Checked Broadcloth which we
are offering at a remarkably low/Rice
The Mince c:t tmr 1.2,iies' Spring Suits we are offernig at less than manufacturers'
era's today ---mannish ani tailored styles, Of Tricotine, Charmene and Poiret Twill -
Crepe lined. This is your chance to get a gond suit at a very low figure.
Have you got your Straw Hat yet? Prices here are low
and styles are right,
Some Extracts from Premier,.
Ferguson's Address at Bayfieid
Government Has Endeavored to Give Sound Business -
Like Administration and There Hat Been No
Suggestion of Wrongdoing or Dishonesty ,
People Will Decide As to O.T.A.
Mist Tom Paints Colorful .lien Pictures of Side
Trips from London
Present Problems of Coal Strike and Unemployment
I Obtrude Themselves on Visitors' Notice as They
Come and Go Among Historical Scenes
Mire Tom, in writing borne to her ment and poverty. So many men do
parents, says she is impatient to get "turtle" on the street writers; clog
home. The following letter gives a dance sing or run; Punch and Judy
very graphic story of her tripping in Show, most of them young and able
and around Old London bodied. The "dole" is, the subject of
London, May 30th --London has much adverse criticism, but apparent.
been treating us to a sample of her ly no politician has the courage to
wet weather. Today has been espe-• suggest the repeal of the law.
daily disagreeable. They are so un- We are feeling the coal strike in
used to sunshine that when it is railroad congestion; over 50 per cent
bright everyone comments on it, and of the trains are taken off, which
if it lasts for three consecutive days, means that ,the remaining trains are
the papers writsabout it. packed and though British crowds are
Yesterday we spent at Cambridge, clean and orderly, it is not pleasant
with two friends of ours from Peking, to be in such crushes.
who are taking work at the Univer- 'Rook lunch today with Mrs. Max-
sity this year, one for ,her M.A. and well's sister at Wimbledon, so sew a
the other for her Ph. D. They made bit of the Surrey countryside. It is
excellent guides. The first College very flat around London.
was founded as early as 1284 by the June 7th -Devon, glorious Devon.
Bishop of Ely. Many of the build- and it is in truth glorious. It all
lags are very old. One of the chap- looks like * lovely Constable land -
els boasts• of a •pre -Norman tower. scape, so wooded and rolling. with
Kings College Chapel begun by Hen- herds of cattle and flocks of sheep
ry VI and finished by Henry VII and d6tting the hillsides, adorable thatch -
Henry. VIII, is very famous for its ed -roofed cottages with flowering
carved stone -work and its stained- fuchsia looking in at the second -
glass windows. They are said to be storey windows, gay gardens and
. the only stained-glass window in hedgerows.
England to escap destruction ii • g We came down by train to Exeter
e aria
the Civil War. Milton pleaded with Saturday morning and spent the
Cromwell to spare them, so the story afternoon seeing the cathedral, Guild -
goes. • hall an some old sixteenth century
' Magdalene College, pronounced houses. The cathedral is unique and.
on the present system that 'wi11'give Maudlin (and can you think of any beautiful, grate different, a low facade
us better "results and save money, thing mare maudlin than ,pronouncing with curious old .figures of the apps -
The increased area would give you it that way?) containsa library be- ties and saints, so weather-beaten
uniformity of administration and (Needled by Samuel Pepys. There we that It is impossible to tell who's who.
cheaper equipment if bought 'by a were fortunate enough to meet an The choir•is a perfect jem. The in-
central board, The suggestion is not undergraduate friend of Helen's and terror isall dignified and restful,
for you to elect a board at large in he took us up to the guest rooms and -which is more than you can say for
the township, but for each of the ,to: his own quarters. The guest many of these churches. •
eight or ten sections to elect one, in- rooms are panelled and raftered in Next day we motored to Weymouth
stead of three, and .coming to strike oak. The tables. in the common roomand spent a delightful afternoon by
a rate for education the same as you were set for a luncheon given by the the: •sea. The trip there and back
do for.bridges and other enterprises. master, and all the old silver graced was interesting, as we passed V. Brownlee... , ,
Officials of the department assure me the tables.. through so many quaint old villages: Promotion under consideration'
that in five years the cost of rural In the afternoon ' they took us ca- Axminster, Charmouth end leer-
Com -
schools could be reduced 25per cent noeing on the .River Cam. It was a chester. • R. Allison:
lovely pieture with the wonderful old we are in Cloa'elly Court on The results ef; the 2nd year Com -
if that were done. Thd public schoolNowmercigl will be repotted neat week,
Cost ,of Education Far Too High --Better Educational system of Ontario costs $32,000 000 buildings on the cite side and velvety the northwest coast of Devon, afish- po
Opportunities. Out .in the Country for Lets Money'.,.
and the1 school t' lawns and.gay gardens on the other. ins vj1Iage.consisting of one precipi-
Winners of Scholarships
THL'ReDAI. JULY 1.t. 1926
Developing, Priming
and Enlarging
The Rexall Drug Store
° Bedford Block - -' Goderich
M. Hetherington (Geog., Lat.) 60.5
W. Paltridge, (Alg., Lat.) 60
Id. Thome (alt.) 57.4
IL Page (Alg., Art) 56
5, Ferguson (Art) 55.7
W. ,Acheson (Alg., Fr., Lat.) 50
Form IA.-lst year Commercial
Full Promotion to 2nd year Com -
menu' :
I. Honors :
H, Straiton. ,
R. McKenzie, ... , ... •!77,9
R. Wambold.. , . .
II. Honors
W. Ruffed.
M. Robinson...... . ....... ,74,5
K. Macaulay .. .. , ......71.7
H. Drennan. , r 70.2
R, McMichael.. , . , .
C. O'Neill.,, ..<
D. Eell,.
III. Honors
H. Symonds....
E. McVittie, .. , . .
E. McDonald..
O, Young..
M. Smith
S. Leggett
Credit :
M. Jeffrey. ...
..� .....66.1
a year, a rural sc oo sections
nearly $25,000,00." After a Devonshire tea at five we re- tolls cobblestoned street. They say it • Margaret Redditt is. the .winner of
skirts, church organizations or anyeral, and marketing improvements in This morning {May 30th) we went street .in England, for Clovelly i•s the • Scholarship of $25,01,
• A great eat deal of infcyrmation .was f3 to the service : in the Ch 1
the addresses by Premier other sort of barrage. (Applause), particular, 'the premier alluded to the ape of the haunt of artists. We shall stay here Catherine Crawford and Catherine
given in Foundlings Respite], .an institution. two days and then go on to Bude, a Salo were ties for the Lower School
°Ferguson, Hon. W. H. Price, finance We will come out into the open and a ' ointment of Geo. e H Barr as p
°. iminister; and Hon. Chas.. McCrea, tell you what our honest belief is, and
: ' Minister ef Mines at the big picnic vee will ask you to give us credit for
at Bayfield on Wednesday, June 23rd, honesty oaf purpose and conviction in
They were all business -like addresses, whatever course we suggest to you.
Col. Price spoke of provincial finances That Will be the way'the . Ontario
and Hon. C. McCrea on Northern On- Temperance Aet will be dealt with.
folio development. The former
That will be the way every piece of
showed the leti�acy the Ferguson Gov- ' legielation proposed' or suggested by
errunent bed received in the way of this Government will be dealt with."
huge capital commitments and the On the subject of education, of
progress it was making in wiping out which department the Premier is also
the defier. And Hon. Mr, McCrea
• --Advanced Steps for Ontario Agriculture Dealing with agriculture in gen• turned to London. is painted oftener than any other the Middle School Adamson McXnorial
pp g frons which Dickens has taken Sever. little farther down the coast. I am Scholarship, esich making 82.8%
director of the dairy department, and .01 of his characters. .The -Foundlings. getting impatient to get hone, The Scholarship will have to be di -
predicted that great reforms would of wjtfch there were Some four nun,
vi ed !equally between them, unless
be brought about. Australia and deed resent sat the boys to the
G. C. I. LXAI1 • some genero a friend comes forward
New Zealand had been outstripping p : with another X25.00- %o
us in the quality of butter. When right of the organ and the .girls to provide for an
over in the Old Country he found that the left. They wear the same •car Lower Sthool Promotions --Adamson .equal scholarship.
Ontaxio butter,- as well as other pro-
costumes the inmates wore when - Memorial Scholrrship Results The other •competitors are worthy
ducts, sere welcomed but the di[fieul- the hospital wee. first founded in 1736. Form II. of special mention., W. RI Webster;
ty was lack of continuous supply and The gids` frocks were black with
794%; Isl. J. Ruston, s 5.6% D. `L,
uniformity of quality. Ey establish• white bib and apron and cap. The Full promotion to Middle School: Wenger, 73.2' o and C. C , Hunter
ins a central office and having the little boys, some of whom were so I. Honors :
the minister, be referred to the aye -
70.8 ic.
Ontario roduct branded the Govern- wee they could scarcely see over the . C. E. H. Crawford . 80.8
p front of the pew, woreplum-colored • - C. C. Sale 79.1
h d tothese diff!- Principal.
suits with red 'wa' t d W. R. Webster ,
allowed the vast expansion going on tent of centralization so long in effect. meat ope oven
in the development of 'the alining re- and gave reasons why he advocated le coats - many
brass buttons. During the prayers It. Honors :
armlets of Northern' Ontario. • transfer of first-year university work"We have endeavored to give you the little girls threw their aprons over D. L. Wenger
The premier dealt with education to collegiates. A large percentage Sound, business administration," said their heads a custom which ha M.
M J Ruston •
lan; ineleied briefly what Hon. John eenrse dropped out after the first your judgment to say whether we their outfits. They. sang the anthem H. M. Davidson
+ nd did it well, accompanied by a C. C. Hunter
rots and the township s.ho1 board of those who started on a University the Premier in conclusion, alt is for ,doubtless descended to •them with TC Robertson.,
S- Martin's department hopes to do in Year, Midi
by having this y eat taken have done so or not but I want to
the way of standardizing farm .pro- in proper y e4nipped Collegiates, the point- this out to you, that in not one pipe,organ, a gift to • the institution A. itis, Dobie
Al for the old country and gaining .heavyexpense. both to the Province tnstence has there been a suggestion by Handel. L. P. Hardy
a better share of that market, sand and the student of attending the Uni- of impropriety or wrongdoing against The London Museum, where •• .we III. Honors :
' 77.41
67.6 -
• 67.4
rioted with an explanation. or, the versity in. Toronto would. be saved. any member of this Government, and repent the afternoon is exceedingly IIL leaechler •
government's attitude toward the and parents would usually be better if this 'Government ever goes down 'interesting, .dealing almost solely 'Credit :
with objects .pertauinig to. London, : -G.. el. McEwen 59.7 in turning back Barlow's pets, who just how the job should be donee --
the Roman occupation . to the •Partial promotion, students having have yet to register their. fust sac- but oh boy, how those muscles did
present. Models of the city, at ver- - failed in the subjects stated : cess, groan.
sous periods in her history, give one .F. Q. McCluskey (Geom.) 66.8 Encouraged by the Square's victory Nobody connected for the full trip
a splendid idea of the growth of Lon. • E. M. Robinson •(Liter,) ' 63.5 over the Puirty Flour the Transpor- in this fracas, but the Purities back
don'. The one depicting the Great C. K. Neftel (Lat,) 62.5 tation team counted on repeating the ed up.• every time Ed. Sparr ambled
Fire of .1666 was so realistic. In one D. J. Robertson (Arith., Latin) 61.5 dose but they found Webster and Co. up ;teethe plate with his war club
wing there was an excellent exhibit A. L. Craig (Lat.) 60.4 fired with the determination that vie- swinging wickedly. Ed. managed to
of costumes dating from 1760, includ- le. C. Dawson (Lat.). 60.3 -tory had to be theirs. After grab- travel to the ked light corner on one
judgment by ossein le relation but g est province of Duras." (Prolonged ing the coronation and wedding robes S..B. Clarke (Arith., Gram., Lat.) bing a three -run advantage in 'their of his clouts to'open the seventh
in the country. rt 69.7
>: t , of. Queen Victoria, Alexandra .and half of the opening
will go to the people and say: 'This As to the public school the Premier applause). 3fary. They were very amusing, and:J. O. Salkeld (Gram., Fr.). , , .59.7 pe g stanza the Puri- stanza, ort there he and nobodytom- ,
is the result of our .inquiry, and if we maid: "I have been trying to elm. The chair at this meeting was oc- - . •_ ties tried hard to throw it away, no ing through to carry him . the last
it is difficult to connect the straight W. E. Hoey (Lat.) 59.E less than three errors beim
are returned to power we propose to prove the public achoolo. It is dint. cupied by Mr. A. A. Ingram, chair_ - figure of todaywith the was waist D. S. Hill (Fr. Lat.) 58.1- g chalked quarter of his journey,
do this, either continue that law or cult with 7,500 schools in the province man of the Western Ontario Liberal' of that era. G. V. Johnston (Fr.,
Lat) . ,66,3 'up against their infield. However, 3600 VOTES IN PQ,TY CONTEST
Bab Snazel in centre came to the
Ontario Temperance Aet, satisfied to have their sons and certainly it will not he as the result i h b`
„The'(ipveriiment," he sant,. "pro- daughters nearer home, while the in. of •dishonesty or scandal in admin•
to canvass carefully public son- fluence of the city in weaning these lstration, It may go down as a re-
posestlment from end to end of the pro- young people away from country life salt of a mistaken, honest judgment
wince, and ascertain just exactly what would be overcome. As it was now; on *onto great problem, and if we go
The views of the general public are thea many who gave up a university down that way we go down feeling
''With regard to this law, and having course after the first year had• loft proud of the record we have left be -
reached a conclusion satisfactory or their taste for country life, whereas hind and satisfied that during our
convincing to ourselves we do not if they had had that year at home •term of office we have contributed to
ropase arbitrarily to exeratise that they might still be ready to remain some' extent to the upbuilding of this
against their giant rivals the Pad-
dlers - and in the opinion of many
were lucky to come away with a win,
as it took a ninth inning rally to
turn. the trick. The .other argument
found the two teams of last Thurs-
day's battle, namely, the Purity Flour,
and Transperetation teams, locking
horns, and once more the Millers
found little difficulty in scoring the
most runs in regulation time.
Yes folks, even tee scholars them-
selves readily admie'ted that Dame
Fortune was with them on Tuesday
night, for it looked as if Tom Pritch-
ard could wrap the, game up in the
M. C. C., bag any turn -until . the
fatal ninth. Going 'into the f.nzy
frame with a run deficit facing them
the G.0:I. - cohorts . promptly began to
populate the bases until each ef the -
sacks was burdened with a' runner.
Nobody gone yet, but the next batter
hit a grounder, forcing the runners
who occupied . the hot corner. The -
Paddlers breathed easier -not • for
long, for the.tifertygo-round started '•
its circuit and . -the ball game was
over, the school winning 9-8.
As in last week's tilt it was a pitch-
ing duel between the Sanderson boys,
Bert. and Mike, and on Tuesday the
edge was given to the former, for •.
thpugh beaten, he Was much steadier
then Milke,-and was not given as .
good support es was Mike. Lannon
of the students,di;played his batting•
power as well as his fielding ability,
and gathered in the only round trip
hit of the game, but "Doc'; Hall• in
the field for the danoers was all that
prevented two or three other homers
being collected, as he made his Show
ofsensational.. catches. • '
The east diamond, although • :not
harboring as close a game as the one
described above, did not lack its
thrills and excitement as the train-
men and the millers had a very in-
teresting dispute. Bill Webster . on' •
the mound . for the Purities looked'
exceptionally good aid he had - Bar-
lcw's Pets well in hand during the
whole game, no tallies being scored'
by them until - the last two spasms.
Bill's mates 'supported him in steady.
SOFTBALL style, few errors cropping up ' and
The . Railroaders Fall to the Millers
for. Their Fifth Lour ' ' team out of. awkward sittations. .
when they did occur they ccst little.
Snazel• in centre' turned in a nice
game, two .of his catches putting .his
For the trainmen the Stewart
Thursday's game of last week found "father and - son" battery was in act -
the Purity Flour team playing in ion and both ends of it worked clev-.
somewhat better form than they die. erly, Jack, Sr., pitching in his old -
played against the bard hitting time form. Bill Barlow chose the old
Square aggregation on the previous man's' home first base as his station
Tuesday and they had littIe difficulty for the evening and showed the kids
amend it, whatever the case may be, toe analyse broadly the whole situ* Consery a The -
and it will be for you to say at the tion, but there are•;many things that invited to the platform were tira_ Tower of London is a thrilling • M. W. Esker (Gram., Liter.)..55.1'rescue when he made a great running 3000 votes in.the Pony Contest go
rvative Association. . Lodi s
..-:...}wlls..jupt what will happen with re- can be done. The cost of education Ferguson, Mrs. E. R. Wigle, Mrs. N.
.gird to the Ontario Temperance Act:' is -far too high. I want not -only to W. Trewartha, Mrs. W. H, Consitt,
(Applause); • reduce the expense, but gine, for las Mrs. Joynt, Mil; .A. T Edwards, Mrs.
"1 have said over and over again, money, better educational opportuni- II. A. Winnett, Mrs. A. A. Ingram
. soetimes I am criticised for ties out in the country,, i was born and Mrs. C. 0. Middleton. Others
saying there will be no more refereeo and brought up in the eountry and noticed upon the stage, which was
da and plebiscites. Well, I writes* have lived there all my life, and I well decorated with.bunting and flow -
that all my 'winging up, my reading think It know something about rural era were: W. H. Chambers, M.L.A.,.
of history, alt my knowledge of con• conditions in Ontario." of South Oxford; .0.4. Middleton, of
s+titutianai aiCaira, has convinced me Ile pointed out that while the aver- Clinton, president South Huron Con.
that the good old British practice of age coat annually per pupil' over the Irvsertneive Association; Perth;McCstand
eonstltutional, representative, demo. province was $87, in the 200 schools Irvine, M.L.A., South, Dr. J.
critic government is the soundest in - where the pupils are fewer than live Cameron Wilson, president of London
Conservative Arssociation;. •Mayor
the world today. (Applause). That the cast averages $250 each.
he Of the township -'board proposal George G. Moncriel; Petrolia, treas-
lace r the reenonsihility with t
people. through their representatives Mr: Ferguson -said: -
the saetfi:est; ti • Tia d t* t I Clinton.T~
place with its picturesque Beefeaters, J. B. Crawford (Arith., Liter.) 55, . catch of Spare's texas leaguer. The with each new yearly subscription to
keeps and dungeons. The White Conditional promotion, --condition• way ended in a double killing when The Goderich Star, or 2,000 for each
Tower .dates , from; William the Con., al on (a) their passing the Depart- Bob tossed to Weir to catch Stewart year's renewal , subscription, paid
queror; many we're toided' much tater; - inertial - Ex iritleations- in those- sub- • - during- _the, .period. ,.pf ....the_. contest„ _. .
however the general effect le one of Jects failed in,(B) their dropping orf second. `....
This sudden end to their attempt Fitenda of any of the candidates who
great antiquity. Wa were shown - French and Latin if failed in and (c) to enter the scoring column did not may find that their subscription to
where Elizabeth and Mary Queen of a written assurance from student and down the trainmen, for they, came The Star is not paid up in advaece-
Scots were imprisoned, where Anne parents that better work will be done back strongly in the third frame and can help t$eir favorite candidate by
Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey were exe- next year : . loaded the sacks with nobody out, but paying up now and receiving 2000
cuted and the execution block itself. E. 1'. Young (Arith., ' Geom., their efforts -were nipped in the bad votes' on each year's subscription paid
The Crown Jewels are kept in the Phyaiog., Zool,.Latin) b4„ when Fiahift and Webster coolly tot- for during lire contest. Or get a new
Wakefield Tower. It was interesting C. L. Walker (Arith., Comp. sed to the plate to get Stewart and subscriber for The Star and with his
to see the two most magnificent diem- Lat.)..... ... 52.2 Gray, after which Sheardown went year's saubseription he will get ballots
onds the world' possesses, B. I, McCabe (Liter,, Zool., Fr., out on a foul tip caught by Young. for 3000 votes.
June 3rd- Spent several delightful Lat.) 51.2 Ed. Sparr was the mighty awat• , Miner's Worm Powders are sweet'
hours wandering around the haunts J. A. Linfield (Geom., Lat.)50.5 smith of the awe hit fiv tri to
urer of the Western Ontario Assacia• Little Iistrx4.t,.. ,Saw the church in Fult Promotion to 2nd year Ceti -
'to g • e . and palatable to children, who eshow
in the Legislature. That is the ion is not a good one, make some alt, , .A c ori;"` , T. J..
which she was supposed to lie ease="rriercal d ".
cerise that this Government will our- nitration that ie. I am only true.
Mahoney, M.L.A., South Wentworth •
the plate resulting in two singles, a no hesitancy in taking them. They
rigid and the site of the Marshalsea J Ross
triple and a home run.' ilia' circuit 'will- certainly` bring---- r'itii" tranlilee""
se *au, mayor of Godrrkh; J. W,. ' months. We had our lunch • • • • • X61.1 veiled far into deep centre. The only and etimutating medicine, correcting'
,. 64
Tout was no accident as the ball tra-
erre, end we will not seek to hide be., tee of your affairs, and starching far v J F Ford t f Godh• it J A-. Prison where Dickens' father spent L Jewell 626 c . to emend. They area strengthening
hind plebiscite*, referenda, women's and near to make some improvement so many E. Currie
r„.,,,,� McKibben, Siriilisham, warden ofother Ruthean wallop came from the disorders of digestion that the
' Pickwick first met Sam Weller, a Charlie McLeod's cudgel in the dos- worms cause and imparting a healthy
`rag tpaam. Charlie n:ade two or tone to the system most beneficial to
• ° three • wonderful efforts to register development.
90.7 the four /sacks on one hit but the
86.4 T'ranspertation outer defense proved Being your brother's keeper doesn't •
76.7 too good for him until the ninth. mean keep his shirts.
75.4 Bill Barlow doffed hie •cost and re. -
turned to action for the last two in- /Awe
. 000 p•
73, ningss, and though he did not prove GJ • [ f
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02e 4Cla .l:AiC7,A
1SAN I -H. H. S1** Jle annt
sweaters do• at Amhara. aeeltat a mace a Larawss.nw
ire several carloads from Stratford, carved from a solid ieee of alabest- IL Steep.. .
Huron; W. S. R. Holmen Clinton;
Chart. Sanders, Exeter; Hon. Finlay
Maediaimid, M.L.A., West ;Elgin; J.
W.'Graham, St. Marys; A. M. Rankin
M.L.A., Frontenac; R. 0. Hays, God-
eiich; Reeve Monteith, M.L.A., South
at the old George Inn, where Mr. Porn* IR.
F uit Promotion to Form II :
genuine galleried coaching hostelry I. Hunora : °
of the seventeenth century. After 1. Dean
lunch they took us upstairs to the M. Grov
bedrooms still with the same quaint es
old four-poster bed*. V, Elliott... .
Perth, and Frank McQuaid, of Me -J. McLean..... .
Part of each day we spend in some
Rillop, \tiilliant tampjell, of Gode- museum Yesterday it watts Sir John II. Honors :
rich; John Joynt, M. L. A.,
:Swan's. • There we saw a most won- It. Muriaon
North Huron. , Dr. Monteith report. derfed Egyptian Sarcophagus (coffin) D. McClure
and the presence of W. A. Clarke, ex• p
er-the sarophagua of
M.P., indicated that even Weilingtan tomb vile .saw in the Vaiky of the C. Award... .
had been
Seti 1st. h E. Cook
a tapped, Kings. It quite surpassed any we D. Jelfersson..... .
The miniater/s wore infmdutced as G. Murray..... .
follows: ('ol. Print by Mr, John `n Cairo
Joynt, M.L.A.. for. North Huron; the
Premier by Mr. Hall H. Ei11er, of
Crediton, who represent fd South
Huron Inc 22 years in the Le islet.
VI'S o
.72.1 diflirult to the Purities, who had their .
72 batting ryes with them, he showed UlIM
11 signs of lama year'* ' form when he
70 . was the leading twirler of the Les
67.1 gue. just send vs your name and' itdtfrea`s
r •67.1 Transportation (5)-4. Stewart or coupon below and well tell you
The National Gallery contains a A. Pentland, , • , • . ...... 66.6 Jr., c, as; Gray, ss; Barlow, p; Spare, 'to secure osteppasit of our famous
D. MacDonald....... 66,3 ib; Turner, 3b; Mc'Connell assarantrrcl Silk iioairry aiseeiar6efy
splendid collection of European pint- >rvREIC. Ye melt n th` Y b
ure: and Hon. ("hat. MrOrea, y Jf[r, f the li ` K. Newrombr
Y•a. R. tViglr. M.L A., for Ctntre Hnr- subjects, and each artist dreams the - F, Foster
ore Holy $amiiy and saints in time eels -G• Irnniby
lir. Honors : Sheardown, rf; H. Sanderson, lf, e; . o sag. ou uy
area We were especially delighted nothing �4 arc a'misly doing this
A St 65 0 Rrill cf • Fits trick fib
owe. • , , • , r, , pa , `
with those of the Dutch School. It is es as advertisement to prove that
interesting to see the different nat. A. l4arker • 114.6 Purities (16)• --Weir, 2h; Flahifi. owe new Silk Hosiery (frolaranterrl)
interpretation a t religious • • • • • • 64,5 3b; Mallevgk, ss; Young, e; McDen- is the biggest value in Canada. Cant
• • 64.4 a1d. ib; R. Snazel, ef; Carrie'', if; C. INS lade« M lir thein owe), BBB&
trrnrs of his respettive eewntry. W Newcombe....
'Complete in itself, lather Graves' The weather is still dspreashsg. /11/„.• Thomson• • . •
t Worm Exterminator does not require " Yesterday Derby Dar, was a earths- McD.rmid
f the assistance of ant other reedkinrl emus downrioes. Am sssrprisysd at J. Salkeld..... • . ,AO Kewt eater ,_� x rwa,tt_-�^ Ca,aaaes
to make it effective. It dee( not fail the eheerfalw es of the bedsit pee- Partial Promotion. students having The second half of the lees! soft Pia �i I �...
to do its work pk Such a climate would soon terra fa ikd in the *IOW*ts RAWti :
me into st psaaianiat of the worst sort.
04.5 KeLeod. rf; Wrbat.r, p. Act quickly.
63.5 Tine $twdrars cad the Parities Victors Fitt in asuf *tf17h1ss Cosifion
0*.' AIMle---1M! Ploy Ottani rat the T* THE C'O1it1A1t1tRt' HO$11ERY
C.C.I.-lil.C. C. Battle CO., LTD
• •61.1
B. story (Alt.) 6s oases for openers and a goodly num- AI)IaRFSS
What really redoes* redseera Is Rem one is vers teach aetrw•k by F•• i'a+srar (Ut m%) a.7 herr 01 thefansy were on er to me
pitted t„
(worry' over whet they earn't tat, the marked evideares of *neaspisy. M• reella ort (Art).... 01.1