HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-01, Page 3THVRSUAY, JULY let, AM 1 1
_I a 11
Th Bad Conti of Today e
e hr� News N
Tie eold stay start with a little m-
ein of the nose, tee fwd browns
stuffed ep, but little attention is pair
So it, thinking perhaps it will pees
away in a day or two. You deet it,
tad torr it gets down into the throat
° and Zr*t. there to tke Iapga, aad b.'
seats a case of soughing Lorei.re,
noose sail night.
However slight a wad you here yeti
anted neverleet it, for if yet. ds
1t is nut peeeue tlint it will develop
tato bronchitis, p.sumoaia er woo
I leder serious throat or keg trouble.
. Info d'1
is aa universal remedy for all these
wile puffer inane: y''1'ar$ of beoaehfal
tretane, ae it atinitt#atet the weakened
organs, soothee and heals the irritated
parts, looseata tke'Mere and anoeua, •
sad aids nature w elan away the
morbid tecuslulatiten
MUSIC -. ,
'IMF. \V, H. JACKSON—Instruction
given In Ice (Inane!, Organ;
Piano. Violin, Gut r, Theery, etc.
Studio and residnee. North Street,
C. HAMILTON -.Organist North St.
•�^United Church. Concert player
and Teacher.
Reeldence at airs, Colborne's,'St. Pat-
rick Street.
11111 I I I I IIII 1I 1 1 1 1 1 1111 11 1
1 111 11111 11111111111111
now To Tunis A 1'ROVITAIILX
Pie Ifti.Y 8'Utt I,11YI11e61.
cked From Our Exchamessend l`gg It1erodMetaeg-„•,ltow
to obtain Malt Egg Prudnetiost- .
Rev, Dr. Perrle Presented With of Hydro E:leetr:e, addressed a fairly wk” hxar+t AtM Worth klorwe-
C,et+n well attended meeting in Blyth me. Greet.. katal fur Munn'
.At the close of the pre -communion mortal hall enThutsdsy night, June (Cuatstlrucod by On'ario 1t►ep,►etineat e►r
service in St. Andrew's church, Wing 17th. Tim meeting Was for tba our. ngrlautxure. "wreath.)
ham, on Friday evening, Jane lathy. lose of hearing the iconditlons or. A, ben will not lay it not la good
the ladies of the congregation pre- which hydro its supplied to the rural tend#tion. She should be healthy,
sented the minister, Rev. Dr. Perri., parts of Ontario .and particularly ire free frau any dieease, and show
it plenty ^o: vigor and activity, The
with a ver} handsome Genera gown. so far as it concerns Auburn and
Diet is Listowel Lonslesboro. Mr. 'Purnell made ttrst pullet to lay in the fall is the
Helen Henderson, beloved wife of quite clear that the Hydro Commis• early matudes care, The ben whtth
Mr. Thos. Smell, formerly of Wing. stoners - were ready to link up these #s a story growers, is slow #n feather -
ham, passed away at her home in Lis- points but -the residents along the fag out, is also a slow layen c
proposed line must first show their irk. Moult no izaportaat.
'willingness to enter lute suli9ciept Aa snort as a hen goes. Into a moult
eontr*ets to. warrant the work being she user her teed to manufacture
undertaken, + feathers, and her egg production fails
li eekriek-hfouseeate • - It fir e�ii#lY noticedthatoawwat kaiew�
A very pretty wedding took place gen Meets. moult . mueh eviler" than
at the parsonage, Exeter, on June others. 11 a hen starts to moult in
18th, when Ethel V. Broderick, July her laying for the summer is
daughter of Mr. attd Mrs. Evelyn about over. 8o we sax that late
Broderick, Parr Line, Hay township.,
otlntghei',zdbeciu Its gives ie bola
became the bride of Mr. Robert D.
* 1 ager summer period and stilt she
M.ousseau, son of Mr. and Mrs.' J. le back in forte In time for winter
Mousseeu, 2nd con. Hay., ' yrodueetion. So mays Prof. W.„rt. Gra-
Lncltnow Girt Entering on We. (*tenth Agricultural College.
Evangelistic Work . Laying Hee avid lbw Plumage.
Miss Pearl E. Henderson, formerly It v. hale is laying heavily the
of Lucknow, who is preparing for britte. The �� ea willy dl DDeherd nar
special Christian work at, the Moody a'ad the feathers become broken. The
Bible :Institute of Chicago, has been, ben certainly loses much of ber nat-
appointed leader ofea group of fopr ural beauty, but she cannat retain
studentit who hold . evangelistic ser that bright lustre and also keep up
vices at the Rachine, Wis., jail.
neon Production. Watch for the old
Death of Mr. Peter Clark, of lady with the full array 01 feathers
St. Helens all h good form, and 'see if she is
not One of the boarders is your nock.
On Sunday evening, June 13th; Mr. Mow to Known Laying Heu.
Peter Clarke, of St Helens, passed The .question is often asked. "Can
away. He was born in Pother, Scot. 700 tell whether or notes hen is lay -
land, in 1843, and as a young mazl tang?” Th1a i w very easy, 'and re-
lived in Huntley, Aberdeenshire, autres 'but a few obaervatlons. When
where he 'was deeply influenced by hona hen et, up Inueel laying the - condi.
his Bible Class instructor. In the gene art up the rrptod conditions ort
sane ,are very similar to canditlons
summer of 1872 be 'came to America, in any pregnant animal. Preparation
After a brief sojourn in then -United Is made for laying, tnnch as fpr Dar-
-States, he. came to Woodstock, Qnt.. turition Ina cow.
where he' identified himself with the When the ovary is dormant and
church of which Dr. W. T', McMullen
00 eggs are; being produced the ells -
towel, on Saturday, June 19th. De-
ceased was in her 53rd year and had
been ailing for sometime. She was
a daughter of the late William Hend-
erson of Morris township and her
death is the first break in the family.
Death of William Hill, Clinton
William Hill, a much esteemed re-
sident of Clinton, died in Clinton hos-
pital on Wednesday, June 16th. Mr.
Hill was born in. Durilam, near Inger-
colt, 60 years ago. After leaving
there he lit`ed for some time in Wing -
ham and about the year 1890 moved
to Clinton. He married Elizabeth
Bayley. a resident .of Clinton, and
made that town his permanent real.
Cole -Crich
A uuiet wedding was solemnized at
Ontario street united church parson -
V. R. 1)ARROW. . age, Clinton, on Wednesday, June,
Barrister, Soliritor, Notary Public. I;te.,
e Seccessor to 1. L. l ilioren
Phone 97 Office, The Square. ti enrich
Barrister, So 0or, 'Notary
Public. C nveyancer. rte.
Late House SurgeonNew Yon {role
thahnie and Muni hospital, assistant at
Moorefleld's Eye Hospital and Golden
*mare Throat •liosnitai, London, 1'ng.
fie Waterloo. St. b, Stratford. Tele-
phone 267.-
At Hotel Bedford, Goderieh, ea the.
c. _
evening of the' third Monday of each
o h
month, from 7 onion( till the fonowmne
day, Tuesday, at I p.m. - .. i
16th? at 5 o'clock, when Edna Mae,
only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gifford
Crich, of Tuckertsmith, became the -
brine of Mr. Oliver John Cole, son of
Mr. T. H,-.Cole;`of Clinton. The Rev.
C. J. Moorheuse performed the core-
inony. Mr. and Mrs, Cole will reside
in Gederich township.. -
Registered Chiropractor. Goderich
Chrome, Organic .ane Nervous fiiseases
Office hours -2 v r and 7 to 9 p, m.
and by appointment, .except,ian Monday
and Thursday afternoons and et•enin,s;.
Offtce flours, on these days 10 to 12 ann.
Corner .South. St. and Britannia Rd„
AL. LCOLE, R, 0.,, '
West Street, Gederich. •
Honor Graduate of the Canadian :Oph-
thalmic 'mite on Toronto
E „e examined b .the latest methods,
end the •ppr per 3teting of: glass''. at mod-
erate pries. Ontario. Board . of Exarn-
here Certificate No, 87n.
rliitee in.GIJNDRY.
Lige Stock and General Auctioneer,
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Sales made ever-yevhere and an efforts
made to givyou satisfaction.
Farmers' pale notes discounted.
RU13eLt1': stuthERTSONe ...,
Qualified Auctioneer,
kldon Street...Goderieb,
will conduct any ware tn. ttrc'Coisnty of
Huron. For information.apply to 1. J.
Ryan, H*ntilton St., 0-->rners ,eft with
hlm will receive prompt attentleu.
w- hatch in the sprue. The main0
VOL BAILII' few years ago and .since that time stood thirteenth 3n a class of 169), source of eggs produced flaring OC -
• Mrs. Ferguson has taken a leading has entered into partnership with 'Mr. tenser and: November is the March
NOTARY 1�t'Ri.tC part in the organization work of the I, g Gaoling ttnd the practice will be hatelttr4 yullut.: 13ir beoember the THE
Cicncrat Conveyancing . dons Liberal VVcrilen's Clubs and Assoe;ia• carried on • under the firm name pi Mayw hatched yul#stat are cut for a
Good Companies Renrea. nte..1 tions, also in the Huron Old Ro s' reputaatton;
Phone No. 208. Goderich, Ont, y Carling and Morley.
. —.en Association. 'Her -maiden name was Wife of Reeve Sanders, of Exeter,
GEORGE, E. GRnENSLADF Margaret Irwin and besides. her hus-, t)iea.. 10 Jahn 1lrponald..SY, H, _ GODER1CH
— band she is survived by two sons and a y,, r :10 debt. Bisset, C. a3 = e
CONVEYANCING AND Mann- one daughter, all in responsible'situa- Mrs. W. D. Sanders passed away 2i. ,fns.. nleV''icar, G. 62
Rayfield, Ont, on Wednesday of last week at the .,o we A, Jlilier, St, FI. .. ..., S1
tions iacc 'B �VToroanto, Interment took age of•.62 years and It months. The 1.1 A. nolethorpe to it k
INS-VRANC$ deceased was taken ill an attack n `°
• Webster -Reeves.
A quiet• wedding took place in De-:
troit on Thursday morning, June
10th, at 10- o'clock, when Mary Myr-
tle, second daughter of.Mr. and Mrs:
Fred- Reeves, of Seaforth, became the
bride of Clifford C, Webster, on of
Me. and Mrs. Thos. Webster, of
Exeter. Rev. C. E. Ling performed
the ceremony. -
Butt -Hutchinson ,
Mr. John E. Butt, formerly of Sea -
forth, and Miss'Beulah 13. Hutchin-
son, of Flint, Mich,,. were united in
marelage : Friday evening, . June 18th,
by R.et', R. D. _ Kearns, elect of Flint.'
They will 'make their' home in Flint:
Presented With Pvrex Pie Plate
A very pleasant evening was spent.
at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Taylor recently,. when the young peo-
ple of S.S. No; 5, ' Morris, assembled
o ether to show their a reef ti n
together pp aq
of Mrs: Taylor's valuable• services ill
assisting them with. their play, "Dea-
con Dubns," which has' been so . weIl
received at.the different ' places in
which it has, been given.. An appro-
priate address: was , read by Miss
Edith Proctor and Mrs.' 'Taylor Was.
:resented with'a beautiful a ifut silver-
' v r-
ru ile
plated pie dish with pyrex lining. ' ' ,
Oruger-Gillies Nuptials -
twice between the pelvic bones le
began his work as teacher in the Sun- pucpuckered,sraaandl. inno vent eta dry, croak-
day school, In January, 1875; after ens yellow -fleshed chick -
has a decided band of yellow
spending brief periods in various pigment around- •the Inside. When
parts of Ontario' he settled' in St. 'laying continences the pelvic ' bones
Helens, where he carried on the trade become pliable and spread apart. The
of blacksmith. On. 'the :second 'Suns distance may lnereaso from one to
tday of May that year, he was ap- - vient become* large ree Angers in a hand ort time, The
pointed teacher.. of a Sunday school atter two or three eggs . have been
'elass. He.conjthued as a teacher nn- laid the ring of yellow pigment hats
til January, 1025, when forced to disappe*red and the•vent 1s bleached.
give up on account of ill health, .�i,s Row to Obtain High Egg Production.
a Sunday school teacher Mr. Clark The requirements for high egg'
gave over half a cent(u'y of service ,production, says Prof, W. 0, Graham,
to ' the Master's Kingdom. `Three of the Ontarla Agricultural' College.
ministers.. of the gospel, scattered are Clean. dry, coo: houses.
through Canada, were formerly, mem- that are '•free from direct draughts
over the birds, and that are well-,
hers' of his bible class. Iti 1875, at lighted. The 'fending conslsta of a
opportunity, I
the first pp rtunity, . after arriving ♦a i .
ray ot;gra n.,,:grF,en reed, animal
• at St. Helens. Mr. 'Clark became a • feed: grlia end shell, which. is Clean,
member of Calvin congregation. In sweet and 'wholesome, *Ad le given
1887 he was ordained an:elder, which to the btrda regularly and in •such
office' he adorned for almost Marty. elluantitles that they • have alt they
.ears, want to eat before going to roost at
e, eenghtr.,thet :the• eupp t sing
Exeter Selye-Wtdsiine materialt !s clean and +Iba�tada t that
Mr. and .Mrs.' B. W 1' Resisters, the attendant ie regular In his or her
woo and 1s interested I thesame;
El .ter, celebrated the twentieth `an- that the birds arbred rop Boast
niversary a theft wedding on Sun- Laying ancestors, and'that they are
day,. -June 20th, - by entertaining a hatched at the proper season and; '
The ntarrjage was.celebrated on, number of their relatives and friends, well reared, and are free from die -
Thursday, June 17th, at the manse, Goulding -Wein
,Weather t'etuiitioawt on Favorable
The Rouyn District in Northwe:•t-
ern Quebec, which will shortly be
largely adding to t'anada'a gold and -
copper preeluetion, i- booming v:it?t
activity. 21;,+ hied pressura at whieh ' '
work is now being done is due to the
'desire to nuke up for lest time taus -
ed by the exceptional bac wardnese
of the season. On the 22nd of Ala,
there was a heave fall of snow and it
was not until the 26th that tite ice
event out of the.lakes and rivera.linth
weather conditions now favorable an.1
intensive eiC,:rts being tirade it is ex.!
peeted that there will be important
news from the district within the next
few weeks.
On Noranda prepeety. with which
the President of the Hollinger is iden-
tified, effort is being concentrated on
preparations for the erection of a
smelter. The fact that the Canadian'
National expects to have trains run-
ning into Rouyn within the next nine-
ty days will have an important bear-
ing en Noranda developments. It is,
stated that Noranda has 435,000,000
of ore in sight from the surface to a
depth of 300 feet.
Some of the propertiestwhich are
more in the prospect stage are at-
tracting considerable interest. Among
those is Laval -Qu b D ' g th
3 uclenau, cf Jean, youngest daughter. A quiet wedding took place at the When Are Worth. Atiorit.
of the late Mr. David Gillies and Mrs. «James St. United•parsonage, Exeter; A.atudy of the distribution of the
Gillies, of Virliitechurclt.* After the an Sate=rday morning, June 19th, at:egg production is interestingthe an nal
ceremony the bride and 'groom had nine o'clock when Miss Adeline S., portant from the point cif the annual
their wedding Sinner at 'the home of daughter of 14It: 'and Mlrts. Godfre returns from the birds. Egg prices '
the bride's uncle,. A1s. Ed. Torn of St. Wein, of Stephen,. became the bride. usually�thel greatesthprot its made
T1'ens, leavingthe next day for'of iir, W, R. Goulding, of Exeter,,on- where' eggs are' produced ata season
their,home in Detroit. ly son of Mr. and Mrs. bavid' Gould- or ,seasons'ot the year chess prices
The I:ate Mrs. W. H. Ferguson 'Mg, Of Kirkton, Rev. E. 'Sheppard of dolt high, pulleta'itre the *bier sourca
of egg supply. iter require usually:
.A very active' woman was "Mfrs. W ficiating... from six to seven months in which
H. Ferguson," who passed away in New Exeter Law Firm to mature. It fit, therefore, poselble
Toronto on Monday, June 21st, in her 14Ir. James W, Morley, who has to remolate theft produotlott is the
53rd year, hire and bars. Ferguson Passed his, final examinations in law fall mouths . at least to mime extent
moved from Beli;rave to;.Toronto a at Osgoode Hall with honors (having b t Tegulating • the .tlme, they will
past winter necessary buildings have
been erected and lines have been cut
dividing the property op into squama
of 400 feet. Geological work is being
carried on under the direction of the
well known John Reid and a dip nee -
die survey hast indicated an import•
ant ore body on the Southern portion
of the property. After further care-
ful checking it is expected that Laval
will commence a campaign of ,fliatnond
e ere urn e
Isere,. are
When 3,telephone orders
can be taken in the time
required for one order
over the counter. as
has been proven a--- and
the amount of ateleph.ne
sale averages- almost a -
third more, as it does,
can there be any. doubt
in your mind that the
merchant who uses the
telephone consistently
will win out over the
rivet, who does not?
• Can Jew -afford to 'over-
look the rapidly increas-
ing innportance of the.
telephone in your bust- .
nese for increasing sales
and reducing the cost of
selling? '
Be- open-minded. Try it
not spasmodically, but
Consistently, and judge
for your8elf.
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 fpr 25.
A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with each
:5c WOrth. -
24 bars Soap, McIwen's special $1.00
6 cakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for .25
3 lbs. loose Cocoa for .2$ 1
6 lbs. of Sulpher or Salts Suitable for stock purposes for .2S ,
Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real g'ttod Black Tea.
We will give 1 lb. 1 f this Tea,- 1 loaf Bread, r;; lb. Biscuits
and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound o any package *.
Special price an large Flannelette Blankets i
Special price on Fancy Blankets
We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool L iderwear and
Men's Fleece -lined underwear. f„
Good linen Roller Towelling 25c per yd. -
Good large Bath Towels - - ;90c per pair -
'Soule nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right i
Now is the time to butt a set of dishes.tO off.
Free delivery to .any part of the Tote.:
J. e . -M McEwen,,south Nth Square
-- .
Conditions on Arca Mine, which ad.
I joins the Amulet a little to the South
of the Waite Montgomery, give
ground for considerable optintiem.
Diamond drilling has cut an import-
ant orebody and those familiar with
the district believe that the resent
.so far on Area are next in importance
to those on Noranda, Waite Mont-
gomery and Alderson-l►laeliay.
was the minister, At Woodstock he
The following are the' dates of the
school fairs td be held in the County
of Huron this year :
Grand .Bend—Sept. 7111 -
Dashwood—Sept 8t11 --
Crediton -Sept. 9th
Winchelsea -•-Sept. loth
Wroxeter-- -Sept. 13th
Gorrie—Sept. 14th •
Blueavate—Sept, .15th
t mgli m cemetery on Wed- with24 wV. p, Worthy, t,,
nesdayr afternoon, June 23rd.. of the heafrt Tuesday night and. her 25' J. lluekins, .1;:
Storey -Groves Nuptials passing came as a shock to the fain- • • ,.Fetes. .
A quiet wedding was solemnized at fly and her friends. The funeral, 1 wee 'Deitch. lie ..:............ el
St. .Paul's church, Wingham, Wed- private, was held Friday afternoon. ,
nesday morning, "June ldt'Ia, When _.._ 3 St Tluckins, Gf40
Olive. Mae, daughter of.Mr, and Mrs.COUNTY RIFLE.SHOOT d. ilei on Hill, C.:� 2')
T. J. Grov
es, was united in marriage :, •
I•, Masterson, fee•
• 19
to Louis Rdssel :Storey, son of Mrs. St. Helens Team 11'in Trophy-.••Gude- • : EXTRA SERIES
John Storey.and the late John Storey, - rich Man 'Has Highest Individual For the best two scores at. 340• y. ds.
Walton, Ont. Rev. E'. W. . Schafl'ter rat:;;.:
perforated the ceremony, After a .
nue ANC;I; CelnIPA:tiY, v,
ELITY 1' St?ltEl).
Value of property insured up. to Jan-
uary, 1910. It3.0i8,975.00.
0FFICE11$ James Gorinolly, Presi-
dent, Goderich; Jas. Evans, ee-Presi-
dent, Reechwoot4; T. E. .1'I ins 'ern" Treas.. Saareeth. '
cine ions--). F. McGregor, %%-
forth; J. O. Grieve. Winthrop; w11 na.
Wein, Genstanee: George . tt�rartney,
'ltuoker.iinth; John Ferris, Reeleck;
John llonnew:ise, Iiruadhagan; Murray
Gibson, Ilrurefteid.•
AGENTS --3. NV. Yen, Goderieh; wand}
• Vm 'ile n e • Sea
Leitch, Clinton, V G s ,5.
See. -
forth: it Ilincttley, Seaforth.
Policy Holders can pay their awn
-ntent±s-at-ii.--IL-L'lutt's- store,..fsodericii;
A. J wforrisit's Clothing Store, Clinton;
er J 11 Rdid's, Hatffield
Have it attended to ay the
Established 1878
Head Office :. D.ngaaaon, Ont.
Harry L. 'Salkeld. R. R. No. 2, God-
erich, pros.; Wm. J. Thompson, Atib',
urn, vie* pres.; directors ---Wm. Mc-
Quillan, St.Helens; W. P. need, R. R,
Ni. t, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone
t N. holson
ri h Alex. t:
1 +Gime c ,
600r 1 ,
Ltxcknsw; Wm. Watson; ass. Girvin,
0. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wrn. i Thornp-
son, Auburn; Tint Grifl!in, R. R. No.
V, Lueknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kincar-
dine, Ont.
=':49 -
brief honeymoon, left, and llirs." The St. lielez:s maricfltteu were the 1 Ci. J. t�111elthvrlr,+. f:.5�',i.:,,.,.
winners of the trophy cup-at.tbe 1iu- „ 1•• isnieard,m'n. G., 22+2,
Storey' will take up their iesidc lice In ron County little League shoot, whieh " 1L JtartIi . 0.. .,+22
1 Flint, Mich. was held Thursday, June 1 rth, at.the c W. Webster. 3t. II.. ' +22
Death of I►iisx Florence iflac( regor Gcderich...xanges, Three .genius, of :' '.'i Chishoim. G., 23+22
et .;1"• ww`dbs*c�r $t, 11"2'1+21--
3 1.
T t
The many Lucknow
friends ton' en each, competed. The winners
y ends of Miss c , eb P Ee i t'. 1toherteon,. (... 22•I-2'-.
Florence MacGregor, RN., were mans a toted of ,, S; Gotletleb Rifle
.- greatly saddened,to taeat.•,that she..had .�VaS!A l:itign ryas si'eosiai rritb 403, pied . '
'passed away at Chicago en Monday ('olborne ititle�lssaciutloir thirif;'n'in
iifbrning of last week. She had been 4%, one wembei of the Goderich t rile „ 1
ill and toeing strength for several tenni shat over .000 range only end
Why Physicist's Rec.amentted
months but nothing serioun roma inn- the team snore is short. to that extent. Jelly First!
cipated until a few days before her Elmer Sheardown, of Goderich. won
titlw county meant for highest indtvid• , R ilef IIs pipping:
death. The remains were brought to_ Fire -(trackers ti int :
BropnaU Bros.
The LoollouI
Orders *irefully atlatoded se
auk gull boors or day.
"PRlcik°° `O 4Ptk 1,GHti - •-1
JULY pout,
tiro VillletlE,12 S FIRE
teal score. Ile and J. C. Pardon, oC i?t.
for zednerent in Greenhill Helens teed and clheardbwn non in 'Flags waving!
cemetery on Wednesday afternoon of the shoot to break the tie. , a,ste :► 1i: eitr lnagneata stet+r V t
Last week and a funeral service was S.lnds pay'in,.,, .
held in the United Church ,After Over fifty marksmen competed and meals" is "flown": favorite dypepsia St�ldier5 1riarChitic; !
1 i f 11 , h i (housands The
convicting her the pr.vs'x nner4 are as o awn the prescription among
P 8 public school educa- initial after the name denoting the reason for this flee in the fact that Soldiers prepared tel tight, if
tion at Lucknow the late Miss Mae- kssoclation--St, iirlens� oTboriie or practically ninety per cent. of alt necessary.
Gregor went to Chieago, where ehe longs:
to w'hkh illy. shooter lie• stomach trouble is due to acid which " Spc*ukitl� Of preparednes
sins e
t d as Lon
t5'r a a nurse and was quite irritates 'and inflames , the delicate
successful in her calling 'until, owing 1 0: $hs+ardown, 0. .., C2 mucous rnembrtint+. lining of the 4(iu r6*;tdy for tl�ytt winter
to ill health she was forced to give +y ('. lurdon, Jt, II.:.....«rl� stomach and makes natural diger- How about your Gaal supply.
up. Pete Xiis$01. C. til
May Extend Hydro to Auburn and 45 to?: (X1otsldett11r1., v.
0 W. I. Miller, St. It.
Mr. J. Purcell, rural representative 7 Elwell Webster. St. 11.
+ . 8 Verne edeeOhili, G.
ft. , eler
Farior IDirtiotYo�r and
Em, slme4 , ..
Wench, Ontario
All UAL promptly attended 10
day or sight.
noses: Store 33S; Noma 3$4w
111 1111/111 11
oe tion impossible. Medicines, drugs , The Heat Folks believe in pre -
u then,
c s
1 ben a.. .
' �r faitsimply et, a Irig
and di 1y
tthink cust�r
Goa} Jl t.d't.es�. They it
,7 do 'not remove the acid, the esus. o.'leSS itl nlOnCC,»wL'firPy' and health
; alt the trouble. The value of tuns to keg Our coal stocked. ready
-.so nests' .noels is neither a medicine p 3 y
9 0. Lamprey, 41.
19 W. 41, McPhcrirou. St. IX53 - of these Irtills,. lies in the fact that to arnr ourseir atter winter fires
11 0. J. Pardon, Rt, IL Cyt it netttrelisea tate acid. Of the many, the first shot.
e. W. Chisholm, C.
let Wm. Lenoir, 0.
14 C. A. Robertson, C.
1u' Ons Kltrahen. St. II.
16 If, Neweonbe, O.
17 Wm, Webster. St. It ......, 6A - metals, Instantly neutralizes the sei.I
for a drag in the ordinary meaning for winter's attack, than to have
54 forms of Mignon* such as the oxides. 13u note!
C,4 carbonates, milks end fluids, the
N'I beat is encloubtedl'° Ilisurated Mag CAL1. THE -
0 nesia. at teaspoonfel or four tahlets
nn of which in a little hot water, sifter
18 'Rose Xnrray. St IL 48 stops the fermentation' of the boa
and thus insures painless, naturae Cot good Clean Vaal
046.16+04 3104x.*... • digestion Part lhisuratlyd 11[agnesie
in en.*
cheat give it a trial.
ell uao rsetewr i� lttart be obtained from any re liable i v Y. MU
{ fi D tospAKv
seri. 71kM' tlrtxgg:st ptr)1ri
ach suffererw Phone 98 -- Goderich
Ashfield—Sept. 16th
. St. Ilelens—Sept. 17th
Colborne -Sept. 18th
Henselt—Sept. 20th
Zurich—Sept. islet
Varna—Sept. 22nd
Blyth—Sept, 23rd
Ethel—Sept. 24th -
Wel ton—Sept.;17th
Goderich Tp. --Sept. 23th
Belgra re—Sept, 29th .
Dublin -Sept. 30th •'
Clinton -.Oct. i3 and 4
The things you think yea get for
nothing cost more than. these you
think you pay for..
Everybody's idea of 'a good time is - 4
somebody's idea of 4 bad time.
Children ars
Reduced Prices
on Anthracite Coal
Cheadnut (Anthracite)
Story XAnthraeke) .
-Pea (Anthrecite) _ . .•
Coke ,,. .r.:.
Pocahontas.. . . ; ....
tl. . i, .,.$16,0O'
... 16.
Lid � ,
.... $13.00
' i&oo
ger ton
. . ,...' ..$14.90i
Domestic -Lump for .your Grate and Range.
$12.00 per ton
Our 'Coal is weighed on Your Own Scales.thr lurid Seale
With Sprint; House Cleaning, you will require PAINT.
Vve still have some Sherwin-Williams' left that we are sell-
Ing at $1,00 per quart, Muresco and Alabastine et 50c per
package.. Liquid Veneer and U Cedar,' small bottle, 23c
large bottle, 45c each
Special ^prices on our Locks and other Builder's Hard-
Clothes Wrint,,ers and Garden Tools.at :.Special. _Prices
oder to clear.
Hardware rdware at the wharf
Store *Phone 22. - ' House 'Phone 02.
is td
Neill In
1111.'tl 11Y
t hail-" 1 e
Can be obtained et the Dominion Stores. Here are a few money
saying oketings for this week. Shop"Where QualityCounts".
' ,
sitz ek � A
r � ,
it ..art`
1v.a,;,ea LEMONS 4.a. 2' 9c CHOCOLATE BARS 3 kr 14c
16 ez.'; R OLIVES 39c 21b. YELLOW SUGAR 14c
Summer Drink* list.Pke. Pofe FULC/r
l:a.,.suadr, ()vowels
Litltliy's MUSTARD 13c - PARIS PATE - 14c
Clark's Potted Meats 3 Us 25c TABLE NAPKINS nes, 14c
CII[CZCEN HADDIE Ye 25c WAX PAPER >r,.« 3 fey lOc
ouiairy SHRIMPS : 21c Choice CORN 2.116425c
CHEESE ch«t «atat 32Sb.
r 1
Ng M'LIAZR tr..2 3clat 2 ma 19e
'"' vying rsrk No. 2% - ... mu 33,0
ihrittil w•
It1c usI. 791,
D,SL Renk 6311.
Riesinewiek' ,fir
Lar Aea.rteeeu.at «
hersg. ria�at. 2 fi'e'f 15 aterg.
sou* of
ilippwlrSnacks 2�1e cI 4 c
rut u&
Rdi=o T 29e Vi *
Mies lea gleet f.r.ate ween frees Jeto of t is savor I$11•C