HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-07-01, Page 2!AQ! TWO governed by a board of wbieh Lae of the members will be W. A. Wilson, Canada's earl ultural pro- duct reereeerttative in the British Jeles, 600 Tears in Courts 1 lie initis c f the gods grind ea, ceedingie *slew i:t Francs where a once has just been set::ed in court. after *ix hundred years. In ;oncosts-�. Premier Knee and his government! scandal has ii r', tutesn existed whic;y q qu rrcled. Noris het hJand cisn to iibe es have reellaned, haying aeeepted the,parallels that which cam`s in OttawaP divided. It is estimated that the. implied lack of conridence is the ad- as this is beeog written. Fighting lawyers fees involved have been auflt- taerse voting on Friday and early i grimly with his teed to the wan, dent to pay for the property twenty- 9ateeday horning. The Weeder ; Premier King is stilt determined, Sf .,ane lilacs over. approached the Governor with * pro -1 strategy and d wit can achieve the al ofeearndsen is Through penal to dissolve the house and op- most iirnorsible, to maintain his goy peal to the country. This Lord Byer ir:imef t in peewee. Opposed to him' . If ever there was a man who per- reftseetd, rad upon the o,ac,iing of the ie tin Coreervet=re party, just as sonified the ancient Viking explorers lima* Menday afternoon, the Prete- snarly ile`craai:ic:l ta defeat him and it is Wahl Amundsen whose latest er tendered kis resignation, in lieu lx•teem:r i4 t?io dieri i ted Progressive exploit oi' tieing over the pole has of evait:ni; for * division on the Ste- eroue. with Limn and objects divided, ended with his arrival at Seattle; He een9 motion of censure. The Goy- %i 'ee bines onFriday and Saturdayis through with Artie travel he de- crnor-(ienersl sent for Hon. :tabu: eeeereete t',* .•merelent was defeated clam. eiehen and asked hint to forma etane the Premier points out, not Mould Caseate a Fund for Motor• 1t r;everntrent. i reo'';,ns n,•esentcd by the govern- bite' Victims The Drama in Ottawaea et, stud Le refutres to accept the Mayor . T. S. Annandale .01 New "lever s•rce the days aP lite Pacific sreit!eets es eemus. The week -end Westminster. ILC., advocates a high - was tense. Premier King had a con er license fee for automobiles and ferer:o •with the Governor-General the creation of a fund therefrom to the results t1 which have not been take care of citizens injured in motor divulged. Three appointments were ear mishaps. Failing this, he SUS - made and confirmed. Dr. W. J. Mac- gents compulsory accident insurance Dougal, .chairman of the Montreal for motorists to protect the public. , Harbor t'lkimmission, goes to the Sen- Worrying Over Irish Emigrants ate and Newton MacTavish and J. E. More than thirty thousand young Tremblay -are made members of the men and women left the Irish Free Civil Commission. The opposition State last year to emigrate to other regard these as indications' that the lands, particularly the United States, government is about to fall; the Lib- Less than .seventeen hundred of the eral newspapers declare that ,,Lord men belonged to skilled trades or the Byng, 'who has ideas of his own on commercial classes, and eleven thous. last minute appointments, would have and of the girls were domestic ser - declined his signature rnlcss he was vents. Irish newspapers are deeply convinced that the government was concerned with the fact that the emi- safe• ,ration .of these untrained and un - Hectic is hardly the word to des- educated young people means that 'tribe conditions in the capital over the Irish are acting as hewers of the week end. S. 0. S. calls went wood and drawers of water ip the out to absent members clamoring for lands .to which • they emigrated. their return. Agnes MacPhail who While the schools of the Free State was already aboard a vessel bound have been educating them in the for Europe, 'hastily left the ship and Irish tongue, which is utterly useless ° returned to Ottawa, to them on 'this side of the water, Neverbefore has a Canadian goy- they have 'neglected the practical Oh My Head! How It Aches! Oiaee the head starts to ache and pain jot may rest esteem& tbat the eausee romee from the north, liver or bowels, and the cause must be re- moved before perasaa.at Ielief eau be tad. There is no better remedy on eke eariet to -day for the relief of head. *ekes of all kinds sad of ever: des- Gripties #ben t uealsvrros the .sup of the •head- ashe*, and with the esuse removed non still mot be troubled any moose.ketep for ra he i,3'. la, Lppssimited. Tomato Ont. t Special ALL OUR • Spring C�ats are reduced horn 25 to 40 per cent duringthis Sate: = Sooner Dresses ranging from $1.45 tp $1230- Ladies' Ready-to:Wear »Wear Co. East Side Square ernment balanced so long on the edge things which will help them to earn of defeat and never before has the a comfortable living. polltiral destiny of the countryrest- /An Ironic Demonstration • ed in so few hands. One or two Twenty thousand mutilated French Progresisives, MacLeod,and notably George eC- war veterans are planning to take a Coote of Alberta, can de- tide the future course of the perils- hand in the war debt situation by holding dem st 'tion ment of the country. g a cn rat withan i All three parties remain mum as ironic twist to it in Paris on July 4th. to their plans. The opposing forces They •will parade from the grave of are determined that no hint of their the Unknown Warrior under the strategy shall permeate into the riv. Arch of Triumph to the United al camps. All three. forces are ready States war memorial, place a wreath for the battle signal. • there, and disperse, if their plans care . Efforts arebei ff ad 'to f m . yn e. ,l; Celebrate Church 1 to C ch Bi h a std { y dissuade them from their objective as The hundred And tenth anniversary they had planned to leave bio doubt in of .the .church of St. John, Y""a the minds of spectators of their dis- a rns, just north of Toronto, has just approval of the debt settlement with been celebrated with due ceremony, the United States. a for it is one of the oldest churches Mutt Preserve Totems -west of Quebec province. The ori- ginal church was built in 18]6 and For years past curio hunters have the present church, a large brick .carried off -totem poles from British structure, in 1843. John . Squires, the Columbia and the increased demand ' sexton, has served in his present ta- for these original specimens of Cana - parity for sixty-five years. On the dian Art has forced the Government anniversary,, as he bas been doing to take measures for their preserve - since before Confederation, he played - tion. These totems are a kind of In - the mellow -voiced barrel organ, the dian family treat and record of the only one of its kind in the Dominion, deeds of their ancestors. which playa thirty hymn tunes. In fie Loves Lloyd George I the peaceful churchyard lie six gen- Ar eport is current in Britain that -,erations of one family and there are a Liberal peer, who is unnamed, has stones dating back to 1806. offered a million pounds to his party's i Empire Marketing Plan exchequer on condition that Lloyd ' The huge Empire marketing planGeorge cease to be associated with r which is under way in Great Britain the organization. Fresh Natural Scenes With New Road lfeetutifet Nieereld Luer, new accessible. Left insert -pointing eat wonder* eat Lek* McArthur. Right ieserte Siucleir Canyon; Retell. Woofferwaere Ilirkwey.0 `'HERE is a fresh unfolding of ateve, the opening to the silver - the wonders of nature in the had mine. • welch is reached from sew scenic area opened up by the the flats, by a windirg trail. This Lake Louiee-Field Highway through , mane, opened in 188$, is unique in TeMountains. The glories of the ite operation and in its situation, on e National Park in Btitish the side; of a grim mountain. It Clilimbia, the Yoho Valley and i.i worth the effort of a trip up the Heorald Lake 'are now a*esatible incline and offers fine opportunity *s ties motor world. This latest for the amateur climber. aaehieeteneat ie the completion of a Driving along the river flats, the,. r highway *ernes the famous trains ran be seen, many feet above, irking Hors* Pass in the eeetral whiling their way riling the side of les. Cathedral Mountain. Down the Frani Lake Lorise, the gem of river valley tits new road connects Ore il6*eklea, the read pr.eeede west with the existing motor road which *mock avian*of pine and fir. reads* eight miles up the Yoke Val - ti tine direst Divide at Stepibens. - isy to Takakkaw Falls. The tupha- e y grads* Ute motorist glides Woes Indian Mame, Maoanin , "It is tter Lake Wa the entre of wessd.rfal," well describes the beau- +Jomi ,atie sad : t*rssalue r.gion.. ties of Ow Mime of water, with a idsaawt 111114111111.6 through the fall .f SW -feet. la clouds of foam. ia* .Norse Pass to tiro Yoh* A*.ther branchia*, tars -Hood aro.' Oleg. insm i* British Celwnbiaa nee lade to Emerald lake, a dil- a part et tido aband.nod right *f tames of sewn naU.e Tide Ink. l is mad and swam otiothe maid fuur.tlod, of the 'retortion of Mounts is a sssarwlteus view tot tire Wspta, largess and P ssident, and wait in he gloat.*- afford* fine fishing. • • At Field, tint Matoral bridge Is *rsasa tint alb et lit. awl of rias points • stl A maws to toad is nude? oosnttrsetMafr"an thalr �ssti //Aver be. beetles tnsbiome et Y1ik•�esilae wnst*rn boundary It *IR be Mt. * NOW waits w*3► $ L11R47 liorit bila lab issitit So legit l • Thera roads will give the motor- ist * scenic loop, probably without parallel In the world, which will delude the finest scenery ha th* Rockies. From the prairies, lel/ way of Banff and Lake Louise, down to Field and Golden, the read turns south by way of the Columbia, to W1*dertnere valley. Threagh its western gateway to the Saeff- Wfndermere road,. the return . to Banff and en to the Prairies, is made. The Ilanff-W'inderatere 'highway le already e.anected on the west, by t*. Glunebla River road. with ilea 4100 Isop, know* as tint Grand Circle tower, which stretches Aran the Pacific rout to soutta.rn Cali»' Mkandreams by way of Ari- , Utah. Wyoming and Montana. The whole highway t.oehes. through. gut its length, ten national parka bt the United State and Canada. TM beatatiss of th. Csaadiaa ese- tttw, aa* revently opts to the world, are rich la prowl/pip for ileo rsotorl$t. `i GODICRICH 8'rAA THE GREAT NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO, LTD. Company la incorporated With Authorized Capital of Million Dollars WILL MAKE GODERI�CH PORT OF CALL Company of Weil -Known .Steamship Men Buys Two Pal." atial Oil -Burning Steamers to put on Detroit - to Sault Run Next Summer --Calling at Georgian Bay Ports The Great Northern Steamship ping during the war but have seen Co., Ltd., is the name under. which a hardly any service, on account of the 'Di -minion charter has been issued to slump in shipping following the close a number of well-known S. S. men, vie se a bargain price. These vessels will who have purchased two oil -burning, be fitted net as veritable floating hot steamers, which they intend putting els. Eseh of the state rooms will an the run between the have running .hot and cold water and` Sault next summer, callingDetroit atand Gdo be•t telephone connection. Thera will be rich, each boat to make i call each accommodation for 450 persons and way each week during the season, every convenience will be inccrporat- The vessels are British bottoms and ed. will be of Canadian register. They The proposed schedule for next were built during the rusk for --ship• summer is as follows: First trip June 14thlast trip Sept. 4th _ "The Men's andeBoys' Store Worth While',' Detroit.... .. Lv. 10.00 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday Phone 219 +' - North. Side Square Sarnia... , , • Ar. 2,30 p.m, " e ° Sarnia ....... ............... Lv. 2.45e p.m. THURSDAY. JULY 1st, 1926 _• To -Day is " Dominion Day and we will surely have some warts weather,' Get your SUMMER OUTFIT NOW AND BE READY WBITE FLANNEL `TROUSERS GREY FLANNEL. TROUSERS FAWN and TAN TROUSERS Savor and Goblin Hats Summer Underwear in all styles. Ties and Sport Belts in all styles. Our Tailoring department is busy. We also specialize in Special,Oeders from x.00 to $35.00 CHAS. BLACK Goderieh...... At, 7,00 p.m. " ' Goderich.... .. • Lv. 7,45 p.m. „ :Owen Sornd.....-........ .,Ar. 9.45 a.m. Thursday and Sunday Owen Sound.... . Lv. 12.45 p.m. " " Collingwood...... Ar. 4,45 p.m. " e Collingwood •Lv. 8,45 p.ni. " " • Penetanguishene. , .. Ar. 1.15 a.m. Friday. and Monday Penetanguishene. , • . Lv. L30 aim, Midland. .... . Ar. 2.30 a,m. " " Midland Lv. 2.45 a.m. " " Parry Sound Ar. 7.50 a.m. " " Parry Sound - Lv.. 8.20 a.m, " ,e Killarney.... • .. Ar. 3.05 p.m. . " Killarney . Lv. 3.35 p.m. " " Manitowaning.... , Ar. 5.45 p.m. " „ Manitowaning • Lv. 6.15 p.m. ". e LittleCurrent assenteaseaesaAr. 8.30 p.m. " Little Current _ _, .• ... , Lr, • 9.00 p.m. " ,p Gore Ilay •_ Ar. 11.45 pini: " x,. Gore Day . . . . , , .:: Lv. 12.15 a.m. Saturday and Tuesday Thessalon, ... • Ar. Lv. Thessalon Sault Ste. Merle .......... ... •Ar, Sault Ste.• Marie.,... Lv. 5.50 p.m. ". e.20 a.m. „ 5.35 a.m. " • 9.50 a.m. " •Parry .Sound • Ar. 10.25 a.m. Sunday and Wednesday Parry Sound... ............. : . Lv, 100 a.m. ;' " Penetanguishene.... .. Ar. 3.35 p.m. " " Penetan uishene...... Lv. .5.35 gp.m, Midland.-- . . , Ari r6.35 p.m. Midland .Lv. 8.30 pan. v' „ Collingwood . Ar. 1,00 a.m. Monday and Thursday , Golliugwood - . • ,. Lv. 2.30 -a.ni: "• „ Owen Sound ....Ar. 6.30 a.m. " Owen Sound .. , . . Lv. 8.00 eon. " Goderieh.. , , ..... ....... .....Are 11.25 p.m. " Goderich.. , -... ... ...... i ..I.v. 1e.00 p.m. i" Sarnia. • Ar. Sarnia • Lv. Detroit... • .. , . Ar. a.00 A.M. Tuesday and Friday . 15 arm. n „ 10.00 a.m. " ' „ Optional;. . Passengers may leave the ship et Parry -Sound and take the Georgian Bay Tourist Co. Steamer via Rose.Fdint, Sons Souci, Cppper dead, Mani-, ,lou, -We Wa Taysee, Go Horne Bay, Whalen, •Minnicog and Honey Har- bor, catching the ship at Midland. Already a nuartereof a million dol- erdon, of Collingwood, for a number late' worth of stock has been sold, of years with the old Beatty and Long and. it is intended to sell another line. ' quarter of a million, keeping the oth- The vessels will ear* freight as er half million as treasury stock in well as passengers and the service the meantime, and to issue bonds for should give Goderich, and the other the balance . of the capital required. _ ports -along the route much-needed A nuni.Jier of prominent citizens of transportation facilities, During the Goderich are becoming interested in summer a large tourist business the company as investors anis a block would nodoubt be developed. And of stock has been sold in Owen Sound. another feature which will add eon - The stock will consist of 100,000 aiderably to the revenue.possibilitiee shares of $10 each, is that the boats will operate, after Among the steamship men inter- the three mantels on the Lake, for ested are M. C. B. Percy, of Toledo; three months; on Salt 'Water, thus general manager of the Red Star giving -them six neonths of earnings lints, which, operates .the steamer during the season'. The boats are to Greyhound, who was on the Grey be of yaiiytgssize, which will allow of hound on its trip •to Goderich re- • this double service. . They will be 261 cently; Mr. A. E. Thompson, of Cleve- feet long, the same size as the North land, for over fifteen years with the; and South American, 45 foot beam. C. and B. line; and Mr. H. W. Weath- • Honor for Canadian• 1 of "laying -on -of -hands" process. A Canadian medical man, Doctor They call it .radio -activity and the Ambrose T. Stanton, director of Gov- process consists of magnetizing wat- ernment Laboratories in the Federat- er which is then poured over' the ed Malay States, has been appointed .plants. In theface of much scoffing Chief Medical Adviaer to the Colon- the discoverers of the process main - sal Office in London. Dr. Stanton twin that the growth of agricultural w educe e r � at Kendal, Ontario, _ and t crops can be 'hastened by the in- educated n- . t Trinity College, Toronto. t fluence of `the Magnetized Water.` "' Dictator Turns Matchmaker A Sure Sign A sure sign that the men in the Mussolini contrives to supply the _ lookout can see the approaeh of good world with sensations every so often times for Canada is obtained in the and the latent is the rumor that he announcement that President E. W. is to marry his daughter, Edda, to Beatty of the C.P.R., now in London, the Italian Crown Prince. The most is letting contracts for the construe human touch about Mussolini is his tion of seven ships which will cost devotion to his young daughter. $15,000,000. - Jdda is being educated in an exelus- Making Nature Hustle ive convent school near Florence. Where the daughters of the most kl'ench sfientiate claim to have din -aristocratic of..-Italianfamilies_.ere covered a way of hastening the ripen- being trained. Like Mussolini she in* of fruits and vegetables by a sort regards rules as merely to be broken and never have the gentle nuns had so unruly a feminine spirit in their midst. "I am Mussolini`s daughter," - .. is her warrant for breaking the laws - -�--�- of the schools. Mussolini does not RUN DOWN MEN deny the rumor but every Italian NERVOUS MEN paper has been., warned against com- menting upon the incident. It is be- lieved that the cementing of relations DON T KISS THIS between the House of Savoy and the You're behind the twit s if sox alati't »rotator may lead to a change in - know that Cod Liver Extract la one of Iltussolit i'as .policy which is facia* call the greatest flesh producers in the; four some :tmporttant ons treatme twhichiil before world. 1 long, Indeed, there is even the pow - Because k 6aays• wins" Yltahisirtg sibility that Mussolini regard* the vitarhnes thannany foot"' you can get • • I marriage as a• insane of bolstering up You'll be glad to know that Me -this own position. Once the marriage Gay's Cal Llv*r fosas tt o Tabiettego* • takes place the Icing and the Ditto - in sugar roat�*d form *ow, aa0 11 fox for must stand or fall together. resile want to put 11 or 118 pexnds of.) Cook Changes His Mind solid, healthy Seib at your bones and feeh wen and atm* and hors * cora- I A sensation was sprang in. London plexkai Haat popple wilt ndtmir.-+Arlt a few"days ago whin the lir.-eating any tirwggist fee a bag of McCoy's leader of the nlslera, "Emperor" Cod Liver 1txtraet Tabi*ts. Conk soddenly decided that the rine Only 00 coots far 00 tablas and If I dart had gone fir *.ea lilt and sat- in* don't gains are posed* 1* a0 days t teirted that if thea g eernnwnt world your druggist is antiaotdnsd to hand lotilottow Ito eight -hoar -day hill the you bnek the Mon*y you paid for mimes would *s bock to work and - theni. ase.$ arbitration est tier wage owe - It isn't anything unneual for a pets- tion. As 'Cask hod Vown sea *bushy stn to slain 10 pseuds in 00 dsyLn, and in bis Iassgsr*e that there was a ear ehd pew. with elieueeaysa owtir• rumor the . , nt would rdtsine takitsg owe they weak wonders. Ito treat with him any longer, thei SKINNY ME 4 proposal ,was amazing. However, it is not likely to be accepted but it in- dicates a weakening in the position of the professedly "red" leader. Cheapest of AU Oils. -Considering the qualities .of Dr. Thomas' Eelehtric Oil it is the cheapest of all prepara- tions offered .to the public. It is to be found in. every drug store in Can ada from coast to coast, and all coun- try merchants keep it for sale. So: being easily procurable and extreme- ly moderate in price. no one should be without a bottle of it. A little trouble now and then is just . what makes the best of men.- NO en.NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones- -whether it befor t newborn he ewbo rt bab e or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Ont., says:: "We have three fine. healthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed we have given' on- ly Baby's Own Tablets 1 The Tablets are the best medicine you can'keep in. any home where there are young children." . - `' - Baby's 0 ni Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach .and bowels; banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy.. Ther are sold by ,medicine dealers or direct by mail'at,,$5 cents a box from -The Dr..Williams Medi. cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' CARE OF PIGS IN WINTER f VBSTITUTES FOR GREEN EKED OF SUMMER ARIA NEEnno. Diet Is an Ingiortant. Factor In Pre - vesting Rickets-- Mso something About Dow "Thumps" Are Caused �* d CQ*tb*tted. (Coutrlb* oultare Toronto.)et tment of Considerable effort !Iris been ex- pended in attempts to discover suit- able winter rations for young pigs. During the summer when pigs are at. pasture, rickets and oeteoporoets are quite rare occurrences. Pasture grass yields an abundance of a11the. re- • cently studied Mutinies, and so as part of the ration supplies the needs in metabolism and prevents the con- dition known an rickets. Winter pigs • need a winter substitute for pasture • °' or a feed that resembles green grow -`e ing grass and can . be led in a prac- tical way.This is bestsupplied by a leafy legume as well cured blond crop alfalfa hay. It the leaves of the ' alfalfa are well preserved, and of a green 'color, then feed 'a quantity equal to the per cent. by weight of the grain ration. Minerals suck as ground limestone, ground phosphate rock, and ground bone -meal should also be fed in total quannt ' not ne- cesearilyexceediag two .per: cent. of ;toe total, ration. The alfglfii acpid:the. minerals will be very enchain a pt*. yegtf,w1n* sa peasr,•rlCkets and .Par- �alysls fn'wlnter pigs.--�•i, ftereneoa, 0. A. College, Guelph. No Rest With Asthnia.-=-Asthma usually attacks at night, the one time when rest is needed moat. Hence the loss of strength, the nervous debility, the loss of flesh and other evils which must be expected unless relict is se- cured. Fortunately relief. is possible. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has proved its merits, through years , t MINERAL DEFICIENCIES.' tines. you. : How Team feficienciee In Both Soil* 0=0. .0=0.of consideration: halt been given to and IArom Animals May . file tCyea ted, Auto Painting During recent yearn a great deal NI the notable effects of. mineral dela cleneies, reducing the vitality and O lowering the resistance . of animals M wave your car printed against abortion (iterate and sterility: It This seems to be more especially the o vith the new Lacquer Fin- a • case in dairy herds which are kept at a high state o! milk production, iSll. All neve colors. 0 remaining indoors most of the time' 0 on i fixed ration deficient in 'min- ' . Ford car 00.00 eral elements, namely lime and phos- pboroue. Run down and exhausted • re • pastures should therefore 'he re- O Alsofurnitllrere-finished., juvenated by a liberal application of n mineral fertilizers in order that grains, forage and pasture'.oentaining it suaicient amount of minerals may . be grown for feed. rn all cases of nutritional efficiency, the, nature of the deficiency should beKingston Street determined and corrected as far as o -possible. In a general tense -the _de- Mt fteienctes can usually be corrected lir 30, .01:04). .0150 a herd by liberal feeding of a bal. *need ration. allowing sufficient oxer- Or20 iO4�O 01 ' else and as large a use of liganiinoue 0 deficiency res es poseible. Where niiner.l 0 Just received, a' shi merit deficiency is presorted to be present, ie 9,p direct benefit may be derived Froin ,a of mineral tonic to the feed, such as lime -phoephate, salt, potassium iodide and,:eulpbate of iron. --C. D. Mct3il- vray, Ii.C,te.. Ont; rho Veterlrlary College; Guelph Fred Seabrook ~ '° THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE RAVE ANSWERED YES •• Fine and Work Sh ae-s ... When Asked If Miller'* Herb Juice p Has Beheflted Them Clearing at Special Prices S. It is remarkable record oid merit. It provells that, a remedy for definite fl Fine Shoes in Binds, Brown ailments. k. eurately and scientifically o and Light Tan in Oxfords prepared from simple roots, herbs or Bouts, alt and barks does relieve those indivi- duals who follow directions for the troubles for which it is recommended. $" .l s $3.50 and Sufferers from indigestion, gas pains, constipation, leafiness, stomach, liver, bowel and kidney disorders ran secure prompt and permanent relief. What does this mean to you? If you are suf- fering from any of there ailments. you can derive the same happy re- quite as those who have voluntarily sent statements of prat* for the re- lief secured from HERB JUICE. Ask jour local druggist who will ex. plain the merits of HERB JUICE, or we will send you the names of paopie who will gladly tell you what HERS JUICE, hada done for them. With such a record HERB JUICE mint be dependable. for mate by Campbell's Deng Store and leading *wrists everywhere. Price :1.00. HERR July MEDICINE CO. LTD , Dept. 1, 506-7 Excitant* Mg. Windsor, Ont. oilIouanesa, sleep• 0 $4.75 sites 53 to 11 a Working Shoes esu in Black and Brown, with, or without Tot Caps, at $2.95 and $3.45 sizes 6 to 12 M. ROBINS