HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-24, Page 8GODERICH TowNinnor There's Relaxation SM' SOCUst IN A ; Vader sae atietoce« et the t ided.% 'Township iieepitsl Auxiliary GOOD BOOK aiw tine 1a►w,a leE Mr. Gee. Latt1►nraits, ilaslseas Real on talesd*Y, ,July 7tie An abioil'in,,e, Novel is a 4 N vacation in itself. It is not • even necessary that you buy books to read. Use our I.1 N1)1NG LIBRARY an read the latest hooks as they are published. C)ur terms` are reasont°le. Ten cents for a weel : Cuts nothing to joint. PORTER'S ROOK STORE • "On the Square for Forty Yiari" BELFAST Mr. Will Alton is able to b; out again after the Nu. Born 'To M tend Mrs. Irving Hen- ry, a son, o,blonda y, June '_1st, tone Mrs. John Carnpbeil spent n few days lass: week with her .nis:er, Mr.. Jim Bird, near Brussels. 51es. Alex. Hackett, our alderman's. wife, is in Win;ham hospital at pres- ent. We hope :she will soon be home again. Mr. and Mrs. Tony fierce. and son. :Clifford, c£` Boston, 4as1.., tnotoro:t ail the way and are visiting with their relatives and calling _ on their old *lends. Mr. and Mra. John Mullin; isobel and Jim Alton and Mrs. Gilbert Vint and nary and Elsie, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, near . Belgrave; Mrs. John Durnin, Oth .con: West Wawanosh, died Sunday. evening. The funeral•will he held on Wednes- day afternoon ,to Greenhill cemetery. Much sympathy is telt for they ber- eeved •husband and family. 4. Mr. Roy Irwin •Met with- a very painful accident last.week. While he as splitting weed the arse caught in the clothesline;. sending it against his ankle and breaking -a bone. The wound required several'stitcbies... 'Tea sorted trona 5.30 to 4 pan. Fsucy Work Table. Fish Pond and Forte:ae Telllai{ GOOD :PEAKING /desk by The Ged•rleh Semi ',tickets: Adults lige, CbilJlres iia Mr. 11. B. Orr returned home from Stratford for the holidays Friday. Mrs. T. Amy, Burford, is a guest at the hone of her brother, George , a Scwverby. The annual picnic of Porter's Rill i school was held at the lake last Ijsd day afternoon. I This week's big event --Porter's ' hill United church garden party on TMIr• Reid Torrance's lawn, tonight (Friday). . Mrs. R. McIlwain entertained the members of the Weet.S. of Union ebureli at her home on the Bayfield Rd. last Wednesday. Reserve Wednesday, July 7th, for the Goderleh Tp. -Hospital Auxiliary Strawberry Social on the lawn of Mr. Geo. • Laithw*ite, Huron Road. Congratulations are duo Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Westlake, who are honey mooning; at Port Huron, Miele, they having Wen married last Friday at the Victoria St. and Union parson- age, Rev. Selby Jefferson officiating, The bride, formerly Miss Mary E. Elliott; is a daughter of Mrs. E. El- liott, Bayfield Rd. DUNGANNON • Bedding Pleimts, Hanging 'WWI* D*bliu ‘POVInuti#S, *AC - Phew, los Goesel h Miss Erma Roach has been on the. sicklist lately. llir. Bert Woolwich, of Toronto, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. G. 111. M. t enzie. • Mc - Remember the lawn socias on Fri- day evening on the Lawn of the Unit- ed church, Mr. and Mrs, F. Ross were' week: end guests at the home of Mr. and; Mrs,-McNain, of .Laurier, T, Wiggins is improving •his, house by 'the addition Of a kitchen. and.a' woodshed to the rear; Mr. F. Ross, Principal; and Miss .M. M. Durnin, assistant, have been re- engaged as teachers for the ensuing year. a IMir, and Mrs,'Vere Cunningham and`. two children, of. Carlow, were.guests on Sunday at the home'of Mrs, G. C; Brown. The county road between Glen's hill and Dungannon is being 'improved by the Application- of -a light coat' of Mrs. S. Roaeh• was called` to Exeter early Wednesday morning owing to theseriousillness of her sister, Mrs. H. Horten. • • Suaninerfeldt, of the'Staudard Bank staff, who has been away on his holidays, returned on Tuesday to re- sume his duties at the bank, . • 10r. R.: J. Wiggins, of Tobermory: was- bo e_ for the week -end avi m h, having made the trip by motor. He r turn- ed'on Sunday afternoon, Mr, H. S. Lonsrvale, of Detroit,, and SPEND i to ominion AT s- i ODERICH Thr 1st BIG ALL.DAY PROGRAM Concluding in the evening with Grand Tattoo and Magnifieen Fireworks Display • ' MORNING The morning program will commence with a 'Street- Par i le aC g'o eloCk,-'with pri.►es fart`at:" ed Bicycles, etc.; followed by Children's Games, (See handbills for details of various events) AFTERNOON - Softball Tournament at Victoria Park Commencing at '2 o'clock • EVENING Fina not miss the evening performance at Agrieui- turat Park, co.nineneing at 7 o'claua:k. There will I'd a feast or mus l in. seven tine bands,' includin the famous Stratford C. N. 11. Band of 3S men, with tubular chimes, also Clinton kitties. Mitchell, Lucknow. Zurich, Broad- hagen and Cioderieb. This performance stili he cow:tutted with a truly magnificent display of tireworks, lw Hand, of Hamilton. Moral* awl atf'Aeratawa•p uoraras 1'rieae. F rig,"' beAeloslistil Gnosis, Alas 5 Mew nic; Aidst 25c. Ailmistiss is Creep wlil, Aisks Oars lie. Moor M taint mora. 1. Pritrkaard. F. W,rrd'Jaroolily Seaeetary. Treessoree. TEM GOrrraucH -*Lug s,rs�,.. VIII Lies g MrKesssie, of CilV.oi, were deelessmemeoloomodillolfloomMow parstory to making subways foe suits at the home of Sir. and Mrs. i see the �+t#S Lige - raaMay traffic. After visiting *ecce G. M. liclielesle ea Tusdey. arc =l of seine principal pieces of bansIssaeas, Mr. 8t rtora Ruch has disparrd of t ' we stain resuwd sur jouasey, the strive is kis .Ford covets trier. Joss YC14 isr s4ieasag thrush one of the mut ley *sad has pesreksaed an Ovsrlsnd- r • belsrztifrfi f of residential districts at Kix costa from the local dealer. ✓ BridesrBrideswe lead seen. Our next objective was Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McKim Is have Made b Members of OM Niagara Falls, which we rrsebsd Y *bout raid -afternoon and, after eras- es guests the Otter's pasaate, Mr. * sing the bridge, found ourselves once and Mrs. W. J. Phone's* of Toronto, "w001811n ft xtristoge- who motored up last ttrsds►y more in Canadian soil.. As we were Mr. and Mrs. J. Patteson retuned u r c� OB in no particular hurry, we spent to !heir home it Wingh►sa after en- . ISS Sr. N some time in viewing this wonderful Joyner a pisasant visit at the home freak of nature, and in enjoying the BRITISH EXCHANGE BLOCK beauties of the park nearby.. 'ills of the iattex's sister, bits. R. A. Me- . - .• drive from Niagara Falls to Haeriilt-, Kenzie. l •• on was one of the most enjoyable of Mr. and Mrs. J. eScriregeour anddiens; the waterfront, while behind it all our return journey, being very daughter, Mies Mang, also blr. 3» risen beautiful Mount Royal, which is similar to the fast lap of our travels Johnston and daughter, Miss Mary . through New York State. Acres and all of Goderleh, were guests at thea fitting background for such a liable acres of well -kept vineyards and fruit home' of Air. and Slrs. T. Wiggins on city. A trip to the tap cf Mount }}Royal which risen 750 feet above 'oreharde, with beautiful homes eat Sunday.Mr. and !the city, forms one of, the most in the midst, presented a picture most d heart. Of crest Farm Auburn, rs. Wm. liannounceHthe delightful drives one can imagine then rest of our to tjalih r eyanwo need sale As cars are not permitted to ascend engagement of their youngest dagarh-oto the summit our partly engaged 'but little, as it is very .well known to terbald teas ser.r.aofnBluevvele,to Mr. WOnt.�rThe one of the many cabs which are to bemostatopHsmiltan fardistrict. supper,short end marriage will take place very quietly. had for • the .bgnefit of eight -seers. A afterwards a delightful drive , the winding drive back and forth, upon .evening ds aur$ quell* landed us he the last of June.teble p -The girls of the" ',Mission Circle and brarg after table -of rack, finally Elora, where the night was spent. - the Excelsior Class of the TeWiled brat' ht us to the top at the mountain. Next morning a visit to the "Recite," church enjoyed a sense at the .elver The time was just the hour before Elora'* beauty spot, and then away p sunset, .and the panorama which ex- for home. on. �Vednewclsay of last week, when tended.before us. was one never -to -be. Rev, and Mrs. ('eters were made •the forgotten. Below us; to the" east- '49 we neared our destination the recipients of gifts as tokens of appee- ward, ley' .the city, its. maiisive brick `S•est of our journey.eould not tilt! elation prior to their departure from and limestone buildings almost hidden too quickly. At Alma, another pas- Dungannon.sengerlvas picked up; the wife of aur among the fresh. green foliage of the competent anal faithful chaufreur Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Durnin :and rise, trees, while lust beyotad atretehed wino had conveyed us in safety over and .Mrs. John Quaid, motored on the majestic St. Lawrence, its. bluegraduways that were sometimes tortuous' Friday to Guelph to be present.at the ribbon of waters visible for miles. On and in which lurked unknown fan- Colleg ten exercises es at McDonald wereithe other side of the. river lay the pity gars, without even one mishap. Too College. On their. return they of St. Lambert, a resiential district, much cannot be said in his praise. accompanied by Miss Flora Durnin. also nearly obscured ,by the trees. At Haxrnston ane of our party hav- who has been taking a dietitian Connecting the two places and span- ing "reac'hed his home, bade us adieu, course at the College there. ing the mighty river, was the Royal Them on to Lucknow where all of our fir, Albert Brown, 'Min Mabel and Victoria bridge, one end three quer- party: lett the car with the exceptione Diaster Arthur, motored to Stretford ter Miles in length, atrignn011y *tall- .of our driver' and his most, estimabl an Thursday. On their return they Ivey bridge, but now ;used. for both. wife, who had won our . hearts were accompanied by Miss Ila Brown, street -car and vehicular traffic as well even on so short an acquaintance: who has completed her course at the Away to the eastward, at a distance Reluctantly we said good-bye with Normal School.; and is now holidaying of probably two. `hundred . miles, the the very many happy memories of a at the home of her mother, Mrs,. G. Notre Dame mountains towered their pleasant fortnight the moments of C. gown. lofty peaks,. just partially visible in whieh had been Filled to the brim the blue haxo surrounding them. As with delight. Work was begun an Wednesday en the aun ; dipped' down below the wes- •- the sidewalk from Dungannon to the a TALBERT school, the work being entirely volun- to n lee ate, the air on the mountain- �'QR tart'. It will be sorrre.sattsfsgct-ron,,at top became quite chilly and we. were A number of ehildren have whoop - least, to )(now that an effort has beefs glad to ;draw our wraps more closely ing coafgh at pkesent. around fns, mount to our cab and re. mads to provide for the safety of the trace our jau}mey to the level of the Chas' Convene and Reward Black • children on their way to and frafrn : ,ty once more, to make ready far are busy shingling Jas. McKenzie s school. barn. • the Sabbath. op the morrow, .A;delightful 'evening was spent on Montreal is the home of many sub- The growth during the last tow, Tuesday. atthe beautiful• Mama of atantial ppbfic buildings, colleges, weeks has greatly improved the out - when and idrs. Richard McWhinney, churches; eebools, hospitals, .monu- lank for the farmers. when a soeial evening under the' cusp- meets and : charitable ; institutionsQuite.a number froth here attended ices of the "Home 'Helpers" of the me Windsor Station, Windsor Hotel, the nurses'.graduation on Thursday W.M.S.' of Erskine . ,Presbyterian Mount lroysl Hotel, .Notre Dame evening in the Masonic Temple and speratchnrch#riwas held.' Mount ale swims Cathedral ,�St'.. James' Cathedral, report a- very pleasant time. see, after amen, � a bountiful. g g' Which is 'cls ed e ewe an. exact..replica 31re W . P. Reed and another, also. ount 1„ lunch rot St Peters 119ine `but only one Mr. and Mrs Melvin Reed of I;uck- ,oats served, . 4 .. , . , • eighth. its size, .McGill and Montreal; now, spent Sunday with `friends here. A car., accident in the village on •colleges, are',arhong the most inter-- The teachers and Pupils of Cedar Saturday night resulted' in a, broken:. bating and best:. equipped ox its build-. Vale nd'f'o "t•:A'ibert schools. intend -'Wheel an one, car, but in little damage Ings. Ito ilia 1 y a x : tot a>' it f t �ny,`hatnks :also Tend. an. to•picnie at the•iake on�l''rnday after- . other car. It. happened -when air o a ability And soliderite -the.. neon. one ear unexpectedly. turned round h, head,, office. of -;the .~Sank of •.Montreal Don't forget the lauyzl ',seen$~ on the centre o£ the : block, andsthe car' being especially noteworthy in this) July, 6th to be held on the' St An following it had not sufficient .warn- respect. ' !'This entrance to the tunnel draw's United: !church lawn: • We ing to Bonne to a. standstill'' before the where the railway tuns. for ,eight promise 4,011 a good-time_ impact took place: -Fortunately no miles under'tht mountain, is also an Mrs. •T. Dickson: and son, F'redA One was seriously injured, although object cif interes`st fon sight -seers. have' returned from and Detroit,' where the occupants of ,the ,last car were ' ' As the ice a . of the .General Asa have' 'ue ur Bent a serious o o ' wh re thrown out. sembly was , i . nC op fully, inbthe lead« e a e p W r pleinsed to report that, ,he; Is, eing' dailies. lit: , uu ee r to s . Sunders' June 20th.. beingthe• RfY .. fi oP� Y aX � m .. tieth•'iteueiersary'of the marriage of ariytlnnn "'alone. these• limes: Wei provnnas nicely. s. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steels of the lst "wound lake to':mention ••est once thing, . • ILE gen, of the township of Ashfield, their wl,ieh .gdve ,ue�,as.,n,c�tii:ep: of' Dun- golden wedding, wane quietly c�elebrat- gaa?non, uela :, nls:atsure'%stied justifi- The,,Nile Orange T,;od a will` attend ed.. ` A number:of their Tamil to the abler tr ice, whish waas the;itltroductian the Nile United church service :on number of about twenty, assembled to the Assembly of Mies Lill McAr- Sunday, July 11th, at 7.00 p.m. It, is :recipients of work to do thorn honor. • 'Irhey were the thug, who is 'engaged in. deaconess expected Rev. hie, Bays, of Dungan-. Marty +.•,•«... ----- aa,F, of •� and 'non, Chaplain of the, .district lodge, bowers on this happy occasion. ' Mee. *hoed' Lbirthptaa ee was our little home will preach.. ' ' Steels, whose nsaiden' name was' war village of Dungannon. ; Mise Me- ' ;Several carloads-ot young folk went Beret Jane Gill, is a' daughter of Mr, ,Arthur's work liesechieffy •in •meeting :from here .to ;the ball games at and Mrs. Wm. Steels, now of Cite -bey., ,incorming`'veasel gihiich bear. annually Blake's. appointment last night. Teva gan, Mich.,'";formerly cf'Port Albert. sto our shores -.nanny rthereande of eine games were• played. Nile boyo and, She became the bride of Mr. Philip 'migrant's who become • citizens of our. girls went down to defeat in both, Steels on June 20th, 1876, the mar- fair Dominion :. games but they aren't downhearted riage ceremony' being performed.. at A report Wove visit in Montreal yet... Nile boys expect to play a team London. They took up housekeeping would be (mien incomplete were no from McGaw at; Nile tonight and next in the township of Lobo, where they mention ni9de of the delightful outing Tuesday they, play the team from engaged in the pursuit of farming• for of the. Commisa loners of the Assent- Dungannon. • Everybody out to the twenty-two years previous to their bly to Rosemetea Golf Links on Satur- .game. moving' to Ashfield about ;twenty day afternoon, When .motor buses and Don't forget the dates of approach« eight years ago. To them was born cars were provided in which to con- ing church functions. The sale of: * family of twelve children, • seven vel the ,several baivadreds of delegates baiting, etc., iia Dean's *taro; Gude= boys and: flee girls, 011, of whoa» Ore about thiry miles west and south of 'rich July .3rd. The •garden party at living with the exception of three Montreal 'to this beautiful 'retreat -.....-- sons, two of whom gave their lives in where everything was done which - the Great War. The bride and groom 'would add to the pleasure of its 'bffifty years ago are in the enjoy guests *fronn the participation in play- merif cot"'good' UAW -and . are still 'inggolCA'o' the"serviiig of 'the most actively engaged in agricultural' pure delicious refreshments of sandwiches suits, and their many friends and and coffee, cake, ice cream, etc. Also. neighbors wish. for them many more we would` like to make mention of .the years of health and :happiness . as hospital reception to the lady dele- lthea* pursue the journey of life to- gales by the members of the Presby gather, feriae Women`s League of :lifontreal' • 'The city of stern shorei, which is situ. ,which was givc0 in one of theeehur-, ated on the eastern of Montreal cher on Tuesday, the afternoon prior Island, at the confluence of the St. to our departure. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers, is Can- But at last the time arrived when . ado's largest' city, and the River St we would have'to say farewell to this Lawrence is navigable by ocean-going fine elty, and bid adieu to the many vessels as far up as Montreal, thus friends who had helped to make our making it * ;great commercial ort metro; sojourn so pleasant, so about 0 a.m. polis, The city extends for Writes on Wednesday titter a week of :anal - toyed happiness ;We took leave of it . r _- rand headed our carr toward home once wore. - .Our homeward journey lay etieng,,theeSt_..1.4earenee.back t2_t.Jacke _ .... ine, where we crossed the river on a ferry. Par many miles our way lay through rural Quebec, where is found some of the best farming and grazing ll+ "TMUUDAY, JCNE sack, 19pi ew Summer Fks We have received this week two new shipments, including: RIX DRESSES VOILE DRESSES CREPE DRESSES SILK BROADCLQ T.H DRESSES Many to chose from. Newest Designs. CHOOSE YOURS. TODAY Special Values This :W eek. Beadora Voiles, 39c yard Figured Cotton Broadcloth, S9c yard- Cotton Vests, 45e each Cotton Bloomers, 2 pairs for 7.5c Pure Linen roweling, 1$c Cotton Crepes for Lingerie, 27c yard Silk' Hose, re x.50 to $1.95: -~Vow $1,25• A 5tiitf�eie 5fr Phone .A.Gr Co. The • the United church, Port. Albert, July Some men ' are born• leaders' and 6th. At Nile United church July others can never •guess, Which way the 14th and the, Orange walk in Clinton:; crowd is going. July 12th. 'These along with work= on 'the• -new -shed ought to 'keep Nile on the map and everybody happy in spite of. dry weather and cool nights. • E 'i RTHE STAR. A11V t1T 1'a IN liE S R Nerve Shipment of English . is res • Qg P .,L1,1 for the'Living Room, Din- ing Room, and Bedrayoms. Lovely English Flower Gar- dens. Thatched Cottages. "views of -London. Hunting Scenes.": `Old SailingVessels. • These ictures . give just the life and color your walls L L 1 N E R Y Your Faintly ratted FtieR `ir`.ivat>it voter • Photograph Make the appointment Today R. R. SALLOWS - w, - land oftsnide. One remarked the by Carriages thrifty farmateeds, the herds of Hol - fields, simple taste sand the general air of peaceful or Ob re ike anv dietat es. are tearba e'en 11 prosperity. 1 a finally crossed the guide sad will give good service no international boundary when we matter .what price carriage yos pick . found eotieselves ;in New York SStete. set. Mothers skoald eerie In eta Here we skirted the trot -hills of the see these Go Carts asd Carriages, Adirondack Mountains, stopping for which will *take life happier for iunch by the wayside with two other loth soother and baby.. parties of torrists, also coming from , the Assembly. There were fourteen of vat in all. Shortly after this we J.R. WHEELER , left the other twee ears, whlek crossed 'ri wiser. • femoral Director .For the Arno'.,r go*** into Canada st Osdenebarg Every- Hassthea New aid Smartwf the scenery • wid kttth good reads - .. _ __ _tette___. _._ en were *roe'WHr rE nA «r '(we• were travel** on what is kaowit + t say as the "MilIien :-Dollar Highway"). p Is R beet friends In the Fittest Materials mi4 The pretty town of Waeertewn Wei- can buy anything. Latest Straws are featured mated sac for r smi r male you can give them in our Newest Collection of=,„,141,,,.mode. tolOdetla. Wit, beew vies t*lidel Wail flaill ed 240 relies dant- i Yana ars coritiadly ata isMel hog the der. Milting next morning to ireuroct oar asatewsalt math refreshed lee proceeded on our --* journey. The bigiffeefol shy of Roeh- J" + A eater was ms derives war next \.+t R dare travel. we sated meek Kingston Street sxeavatlon work Iasi* iasisse, pare - M. R MacVi • £xespt Year Photograph No other r+eenembraaws will give such happiness artaaae oa J. T. FELL • deed,. Colne in' and let us have the pleasure of showing theta to you.. - Sinith's Art and Gift Store East St. 'Phone 198 • Hamilton Street Shoe Stoop Complete Incise of Ladles'. S..entle-. • teen's ani$ children's shoes., Come iu and ooinpare our; price$ . A. Cl' mSHolt,'lft PERFECTION,.. OIL '. STOVE? ... TOVEa We are agents for tbeser•in . Goderieb, Turn.. int your old otter and get'* now One. This is yoalrStore. Vials Al HAROLD BLACKSTONES ,FURNITURE EXCHANGE On the Broadway of Goriestoh •T* TO GET THAT SUIT OR COAT CLEANED and PRESSED iT WILL LOOK LIKE: NEW IP YOU GET IT PONE AT 'I HE Goderich French Dry Cleisieg Works Prompt and Expert Service 'J, H. VROOl4AN Phone 122 West Street 0 INSURANCE The- Mutual-Lif c._ _- Assurance :Company' of Capada iatab:Wiwi ESU FI>;Ar► Or'ekC);': WATERLOO, DOT. D. D. MOONEY, Agent • • Varela. 250 zAs'r 811, • » . Go iertiof,' Otte. 4.1*.' 10 . ,,, ,ia►e. _SUMMER --- and die Great Outdoors NOWis..the time to get your Outing Shoes, cool, A' light, and easy. We have them inr great variety for - GOLF, TENNIS, ' BOWLING, ETC. THE CELEBRATE 0"EL"aT FOOT" BRAND is unsurpassed for quality and Construction, and best of all PRICES ARE LOWER SHARMAN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE quo* Iib GODSRICH u ,.