HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-24, Page 7JUNE l4tit. lenTOP 't.R rgundai talwalltsltt !!!! YS11.4-RKETIIIG W1L A tern o `t • STOCK oft MAN. SORE, D FEET I y ISABEL HAMILTON, Gedertch. Ont. ▪ ULKD s 1.�>lttawi. asseaismntorts!isklrNarrssemesa asuseasees1R+i saneslifertM MOONS :INS a Omer N Million Mead *t' !slack ftitts Through ;be Yards In a Veer•,- "Tiz" makes tore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pains, the cQ rehouses, blisters and btuuone. "Tie" draws out the acids /dad poi. B orn that puff up your feet. Net /ratter bow hard you week, law long you dance, how far you, walk, or bow long you remain on your feet, "Tiz" brings restful foot comfort. "Tis" is wonderful for tired, ache rthig feet. Your feet Justewotie for toy; shoes never Burt or seems tight. Get a box of "Tis" now from any drug ' or department store. End foot torture forever --wear assailer shuoes, keep- yoar a feet fresh, sweet and happy. Bethel* Miff s &int warm water, rubbing thte, solution into the' aching parts With the finger tips. - Hain wrdds is also splen- did for sprint, bruises *ndstr:aiied t* El si*esenivi or' r1 f hs l Allies No Rest Dint er'Nlgbt Reseals, pr salt rheum u it is eor>t• ago ly miled, is one of the 111 014 agonis- ing 'akin disease.. !ng (► allter..• T 'n r in i end be ,r tense. bu u r, itching a ssnsirt'ing, especially at night, or when e the parts are exposed to heat, is at - moat nsebeareble and teller le greatly. weteomed. " The mon reliable . and effective reriedy we know of is The Gvd of Abraham praise, This picture was found at Thebee; Who reigns enthie ned above, and although, it is now generally Aee:ent of everlasting days, agreed not to be a p: strait of a Heti- And tied of love ; sew party, it yet gives a lively idea Jehovah. Great I ani, of their employment in brie.makhre By earth and heaven confessed- (R. Jamieson, D. D.). 1 bow and bless the sacred name. I The King's plan. did not accomplish Forever blessed. hie purposes, for the nrrltiplication Thomas Olivers. i of Israel went on just in proportion PRAYER the am"ant of• the opnreesion. 50 C Thou who did't guide Thy chosen l that the Egyptians were distressed people front a land of bondage into : for the children of Israel. Tttey mauled ulsed land, guide us as we: could not but nee in it the workings study these lessons. Help tap to 1 •of a higher newer. Even this did trust Thee to lead us out of the bond.: not cause their 'opt)resaion to cease age of sin into life as it ie in Chris? i for they continued to make their Jesus. In His Name we ask it. i lives bitter with hard bondage. 13u' Amen. they were Ga.d's ebosen people an;) a. S. LESSON FOR JULY 4th, 1926 pile dndall heir of liIt tines uari ed and I•t sen Title--Tsracl 'Enslaved in Goethe paid that the quality fat hat Egypt, which God chase Israel ryas probably Lesson Passage -Exodus 14.14. ""toughness!' Dr. Parker, . in The iltutliatinerb:datotti:tebbeeep and 1,24$,262Golden Texte-Peeihn 94:14.PeonleasBiblesav!�."Ithassaestne"Pe lance moat have been When strd •ing the lessons in strikingly shown that Genesie 1 ft local batches' and i left by the producer. The figures do not Genesis we were coneerned with the Israel in Fent a family or house 1 eubstentlete the lnrpresaton that the story of Hien and families; now we (Gen. 60:22e: Exodus leaves them al one -dale main outlet for our live are entering upon the history of a sat{on of about two editions cf gouts , stock. the local butcher, is a present nation Book • - organized under chiefs with a settled day minor agency. Hoverer. the dus. When Jacob heard from his form of worship, a nrieethood and n xrl;e ntt asset: are mw nR a- bt*ht, warm day in Oataber should ro da Mete h us e s and he is • a !s b in e. Quality Recognised. as" ontrtbuted by °atarto Dspartnitat or Agrtcultir.. Threat") The produetian of live atoek is oat of the moot important industries within the Province with aninvest» meat of between .4260,000,000 and 2500.000,000. Although there is 4 Burtuatlou from year to year the general trend has been a gradual iu- crease, until the live stock population lunchOntario In .4.7 reached 1,2catliG �' '� � �� � tuilch cows, 1„l.7«,]«2 other rattle';. 907.573 sheep, and 1,734,734 swine. t/1 CK Vram this number it Si estimated • ' that 1348.302 cattle, 303.111 sheep and lambs, I.11$$,4I4 swine have been slaughtered and processed' for consutapthan in additlen' to *bimetal elported. Of ' these, the inspected pacing plant* of the province. han- dled 353.444 cattle and calves. 113, - FM kill many times more dire for the money Until. nary Other ayblurt'. Rack pad will kill dire #til day, ever' day, for three weeks. At til Grocers, Drug. lee and 25e nor Storm Sumas NEI1) PROTECTION FROM 'TUNS ARMORING PARASITE Manse Row to 'Erse the telp-eA I1Ostanuide stops Dip - sugary PetwIftes «•-• Tu oo. meat for But >F Iy z.M:r'raw- **hared (Coated be Ott't#rtu Department et Aarlealture. Toronto.) Before the. stook , enter winter quarters In the fall they should sell ' as found in the Bok of Eno R1 or b ki i ,1 0.1ve, 1 thorau;h' dipping. A n co a of laws." . A t r u Bon d11 ha h the 1, sons that Joseph was yet. clove he ,:,. �gradually dgcreaaintc to number/ un' I � Chosen and the dipping done 3n said: '"It is enough: I will go and tee can be traced the thread of Redemp, til only the mare etticlestt will exist.. thea morning so the wool will have dual before i die." As he journeyed tion. Preference far Quality, throe to dry before night. It is safe he came to Beer -Sheba, where he of- • WORLD. MISSIONSIt the quality of• ourlivestock, is to nay that tall dipping of the flock rested sacrifices unto the Galli of his i Does Mission Werk. in South Ainerica maintained and unproved it haus great i ebould never be neglected, Even in father Isaac and there God spoke to . Pay;r~ poasibUities of gqppcepanrtan. With a l those flocks that are supposed to be hint saying, "I are God, the God' of South America is one of the least growing popolatldn there will be an clean At will pay. In case any sheep thy father; fear not 0 •go down into productive fields.: A nation its not increasing demand ins meat and meat ere to be, added to the dos!k they efore be. Egypt, for I will there make of thee being born in a ear here ae in some lifted he etpin to utleet�wil consume felt taken ahovld ns with be thosebthat are a• great' sat{ous,"' In solos", lesson Beide, and native workers cannot be deader peoportlosiss then tormmerty already .clean, so sass the Depart - we have the fulfilment of•that prom- ,obtained for a few cents a day as in and t'Ldleve 'the congestion on our meat of Animal Huebandry, 0, A. G. lee •rcct+rded. 'When Jacob, his sobs India. foe' instsuwo. From year to markets ot the :surplus. With these The Way to Use the. Dip, their wives and families, seventy Year in the general there is often hut possibilities confronting us, it sects• There are different brands souls in all, reached Egypt they a slight 'increase, This leads to die estates: the building up of a suitable of sheep dip several the market. any one were, by the conunand of Pharaoh: couraa emrnt on thd! .rasa of Clod's= ecletitt de eronpnti�lalt function given a section of very fertile land . IS y, um. of which will give siitlefaatory results upon which to settle. children, both in the homestead and tient functioning means that the'Prevtdee directions are. carefully fol• on the foreign •field. But dans this preference for quality .of consumers lowed. The water to be used for dtg e etwcen that time and the story" of mean that nothing 'ls being `done? of meat products are correctly re» ping. should be warmed and tho''unix- the enslaving of their descendants as Some twenty years ago, throulrh steered back to the producer; in the tune, should be stirred frequently to given in today`e. lesson, changes had the instrumentality of one sof our vet• corm of enhanced `prices for that prevent the 'heavier dip setlii , to thequalit; in In andtaken phase, eth en, and, then Joseph Bran missionaries, 1)r. J.. F. Thomeon his highest price and orres ondifor which the tonsumer n y the dip tort ae pproximately twoshould amin- era all his brethren, and all that gets- an alnicat illiterate Italian immi- lower prices for those • .inferior pro- Utes to allow the wool awes +skin to erasion. There was not.::one left that, grant, Loris Ferrarini by name had seen the land front which ,they be- ducts which bonsttmers only buy at become thoroughly saturated: r .st came thoroughly converted. He be. • reduced prices. This demands wcen- Unless the flock Is a very large* migrated, yet they retained their cuts- eame egulrSt. Francis, his soul toms and their' oecupation, being re- was const -n. a1Y1V on atet with h the Sa •- A ga d d with dislike and scorn as for- sour s divine love, and every one yrho. eignera :find shepherds, came in canted with him could not A commentary' statose that some help but feel His tc i PASO 11,11111111 A restful night on L e sue ecce of the Gaut aria at >i stiddse makes* *sweet Weak to your jwwslr. A noted b lin a dem, anal ,t out. a ions, aeood u1. sod ate .pp+tl tag 4e+.kleet la tie eualwg. s".`." ">I � spec .e�ie.ssolow errw tii O l VVFALO +�+M �+�tc 1' . waves 7i70> I+ '7 A. U for Ceder Patel. Pee4Malt y, Tokio. DsMk '.4 user p.�, t i+iMaelet ogemer ire ashes, vsa C .J lltrt. New Tema* warpts.-14ffigebtva Caealeei, our. V.. r lf1.a'Iaekrt le awoleaerrMeer ve wt Cn`s.! M�r"`a>t "li Pars $5.50 r• ?s Ar.Mwrlr Life tr • f e al met e r sett where e la a n c ori meeting ( ) n, volume of product, convenient mettle e e it en will not be necet nk. Build an rxpetsslye .dlpping tank, ` A large • tied, ekilt in • grading and muting, trough , (Sr barrel aright answer if .experience in Moine and selling, nothing else is et hand. However, a uniformity .and honesty In business very saitstaictor•y tank may be- built `time triter the death of Joseph 'a re- sent r ous m- .practice cast all be rcanomcaily_ •of .ordinary tongued and "grooved P flueisre, ' Ile was sent out ar local andnmbled. Taus the 'establlshutent matched lumber. Ordinary lumber volution tool: plate by which the preacher to a ,town ca{lad C'hi%iicoy• ;of our Stock yards where' the live may be used and have the imide reigning sovereigns of bower El,"yet this tcswn is about four linurs' distant stock IS assembled and an organised lined with galvanised. Iron. Strong were expelled,, after having been in from Buenos Aires. Sere this faith. . company• aeeepts, 00 arrival of stock,• power for two hundred and fifty-nine ' full xespansibility until such .tfines as galvanized iron atone properly years,con- and the old 'Lliebiair kings re- fel servant df the I.ord:Tstid the fowl- . aun- relieved of. this obligetlon by the ,traded .irya'tinsmith will make a aired their ascendancy, Thus i dation for a flourishing congregat{otr. owner, and supplies the necessary good vat, although possibly rather thee° arose up a new king over , _ Sy S- Times. Physical facilities where' the vendors expensive; Egypt, which knew Joseph.," bring their live stock °+ and' buyers A Home-made Dip. This !sew king took stock of hie . eonldregate--packers to buy animals Xeroeene emnlsi`on, a simple rem- WINDS OF CHS NCE to slaughter stud process to f111 the edv „ easily prepared at home, is: kingdom and found there an alien •-, • • ;: .,.-s ..•,_.. demands; lat'1h'upon thein for dressed effeetive, .race that was more numerous and • : (Continued (from page 6) meats '•and its products --.a growing 1'retiared• as follows:. mighty than 'ther.native inhabitants, the EfeCaskeys have at rue • pay:'" 'number of, tarulera buying stacker 2 _It i* said that .this king, supposedly •.. *endow?. . . , rattle. is pee on. ,their ;patature„a or : pints of. -Coal 011 Ranieses, was a: man of deep political "You lied to Hie.,, feeders to'tur s tittle atrain'rpnd rough 1: pint of tntlSc: This preparation been an :the wisdom, .too wary. to estate disaffect. , •teed ne ern eat--drovete and owners Mix thoroughly in an Old Bails riti�rn Thi .lie y Laure's :lira paned slowly in a who assemble the lire' stock at coup- •••-dilute to use by editing +exile gal. aserket for the. past 47 years; and i%ifl ion to his government by instituting smile, "What did you expect 9' try points and deliver. it at the ten Sons of soft water to each gallon of do, ell we claim: for it, Your nearest severe measures against so Homer- what would any girl do ?" She laid tralmarkets---commission men who concentrated emulsion. If milk is druggist or dealer mile it: [Put up- ous a class of his new subjects. He a: caressing handupon his arm. "I are expert redeemer and mair re- not available, then use laundry soap. only by The T, Milburn Co., I4011t4 did not resort to expulsion front the don't care how uruch .they utake a1 turns to the Consignee. apeculatore. as follows: Ona half.pound of 1nin- 'Potdsnto, Ont. eountr . nor extetmina ; oon, .rather ,. always ready to clams! and take a yl how poor you are.-- 4 dry soap in gallon of hot cont Nater, choosing to gain his • own will by the r .Pierce- disengaged' her grasp,` "I slow but, as he 'thought, equally ef- care!" he cried, roughly.. "I`ve lost festive method of reducing their any big chance. They've made their numbers by forced tither on public - piles and I'm -well, looked me." works. "'You blame me'?" The reason assigned by the king Be stared at her for a moment. act, 4tables,L`3 for the method be was about to adopt ""What's ' the difference whether I n Etc.. was thin fear that an ease of war"the blame :yhu 4r myself? •I'nt, through. Israelites might make common. ;cause I've been through for some time, but with his enemies, and then remove' ..this is curtain." from ' Egypt, He regarded them,. '"Pieree!" though he knew then! to be aliens, Impatiently he flung her off and ss his subjects, and was unwilling strode out of the theater. that they should leave the country. Laura was staring : blindly after The first plan' adopted is given in him when Joe Mc(askey spoke to verses 11.14 and we read how task her. "have a dance?" he inquired. masters were appointed . to Thrush 'She undertook to answer, but her their strength of body and reduce lips refused to frame any words; all - their courage in order that their' ently she shook her head, ' number Wright be: materially lessen. • "What's the idea? A lover's oar- ed. The •chief employment at which rel?" McCaskey eyed her curiously. they were set was that of brickmak- 'then h„ •'hurkled mirthlessly. "You -m;:- A••vivrd••representatio)r--•of••the seer .r"rrm• r1rNn -with- -seer..-- I don't a'"r laborer's engaged in this department like him any better than you do." 'F. SW ARTS' 00180 Fivery. 111110 and Ment rise "tenet just off the Square 1011.0 SEVERAL FIRST•CLASS AUTOS READY $tilt SERVICE ,• -CET YOU ANYWHERE AND WIIEN YOU WANT TO CEI THERE" "Idstolea Meet all `trains and Passenger :Boats Paisengers called for in airy oert of the town tor .all trains at O. T. R. or C. P. R Depots. Prompt Service and Carer •ul • Attendance. -- Our Livery, and Hack Service is depicted on. the fpmb of Roscheri "Mind your own bus:nese," storm.' will be found u•tdate ., In this picture some of the laborers' ed the girl in a sudden furry. In every respect....are seen transporting the clay. in yes. "That's what I'M doings and mind- eagme • eels, some intermingling •it with ing'at good. I've got a lot of bud- .. Your Petrone& Solicited straw; others are taking 'the bricks ness--with that rat." Joe's sinister Te SW Ai ,- : out of the form and placing. them. in black eyes held Lnure's in ,spite Of Mott"' ftraet rows; still others, with a piece of her" effort to avoid them it was plain Pinna 107 M t wood upon their backs and ropes on that he wished to say more, but each side, car"ry away the bricks al. hesitated, ,"Maybe • it wovId pay us ready burned or dried; while task- to get acquainted,'' he finally mtg. ' masters are beside them, some stand. tested. "Frank and me' and the USE ing, others in a sitting posture, with Count are having a bottle of wine HYDROHYDROELECTRIC their uplifted sticks in their hands. upstairs. Better joitf us." ""I will," said. Laure, after a Mo. The People's'Powis � � ORD - stairs stent, Together they mounted the to the gallery above. (To be continued) WOMAN SCI1OOL PAIR DATES • te''ire following are the dates of the 41;hout rills"% -lie" l chola the Minify" Rotttd ttoHealllthbyLydia of Huron tide year E. Finkha nes 'Vegetable!: ' arond 13"nd-•--Sept. 7th Compound Stratford, • Ontario.._- "After m first baby was )horn I *torted to work orethe tenth day and did* big wash• ing on the twelfth day. Beira so youfig (I wee married at 19) I did nee Cork by Electricity ' 'iiiee*.h by Electricity Iron by Electricity CONVPNIP- T, CLEAN, ,A ., QUI Ch.eper then coal or wood An Electric 'Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; a broom just moves the dust. We ,guarantee` ;111 lbdre) Lamps for 1 5(111 honors. Walk in and see display at The Hydro Store I)ashwood�--Sept :Nth Crediton -Sept. 11th tVinehelscn• Sept. 10th \Vroxrter=-Sept. 13th Gorrie•Sept. 14th Binevalc--Sept. 15th spaltter, iso let tt Ashfield- Sept. 16th ma until I was all nut -down., weak "'t' Ilsetens�Srpt. 17i1r and nervous, told had a load displate- ('olborne--Sept. 111th meant, For nearly two loners, I could Rei salt --,Sept. 20th notsleepand5woul'dalwayaoomplain Zurich -Sept. 21st of having 'not a head -aThr, but a VarnaSept. 22nd ltrain-arch..' !sty mother io taking )3iy .,.Sept. "tlyd Lydia E. Pfnkham's Vegetable Com. Ethel -Sept. 24th she raeao merithe deed to IncLife Aft r Iyalton--Sept. 27th taking two bottler i to get a Goderieh Tp -Sept. 28th little sleep ends to Seel better and I Belgreve-Sept. 29th have never ieft of eine* then, except Dublin -Sept. 30th chaneeoftetals_ looking after ' the then add trva gallons Coal on (while • nubile Interest reprenented• by the hot), churn up well .end then dilute Lite Stock Branch, Markets Branch,. to uee by adding eight galionli of soft Health '•of Animals 7irnnch. • of the.• wider ter to each 'gallopof conce• ntratedFedesal Government.and tsr Hu , t . , enausinn.mane Societe., , Over at Mullan a Year Dip the elter+p after sheering and . ir,' repeat in two weeks to get the pupae.; The greater 'part of Ontario's live -Dept. ot Extension, 0.A.4'.,. Guelph. stock marketed through public mat.- ..- >_-...,. .. , trete goes to the halon Stock Yuri' - • it. at %ronttr. In 1;924 there • t'u`tee IT CERTAINLY DOES WHAT IT 'IS through these yards 376.'033 rattle: u8r0uQ.neves, 493.683 !toga. 186,413 1tE('09tDiF.I�I)EI) to- 00 Meer tend 2,466. borers which repro-, Thus was the opening Statement rents a large portion efetlte -'Ontario Made by ;Mrs. Il. Qunnee, a prominent live stock marketed: through regular _ T. mato lade who resides at :165 .Shaw channels,. Street. "I was suffering from /tont- The Union Stock Yards of Toronto, etch and kidney disorders, dizziness, situated at the northwest start of the does ox sleep and poor appetite,.`, So city, Avis opened for tibeinerteitt 1903. nonny people were stating in • the Due to tate establishment or abat- f ht toirs adaacjnt to the property Lind to IseViser i'ed from fIl:11Ii promptu'elkJUICEtnsoid ever-increasing . use made of stock yards by shippers it has lied'a steady. •althovgli I did not have much faith I and fairly rapid growth. At preizcnt decided to•give it a'tristl. The results: theyerds rover some thirty tweent ;we_rc, wondetfpi..___Tive.etomaeh..atnd. which about two.thlyda is roofed kidney troubles pi...metier-disappeared, There are sixteen nlleyri for cattle I now fent an.l 1I"r`s �.cil 1111.d feel Wee with a thousand pens•(800 rqufpped new 110180.11.I t.,t'arsitatin!;lg, gist for'feeding.and watertnc) having 4 HERB JiTIC. Y: full credit for My won. capacity of 9,000 head. A separate derful im 1 nroventent and would not be house for shed a and calves with a capaetty of 0,000 bead, and a bog ' without it in the house." ' building of 7,509 head capacity :'.ons- For sale by Campbell's Drug Store pleto •the atvotn todatfon 'for lire . end leading druggists everywhere; stock. There Is a railroad siding en Price 41.00. either tilde with 60 unloading chutes ,and a number of. Beales placed at con- *�• - --a venient points about the yards. At Exchange .Building bonus the Stock Gi(117aL+"RIL;H �4YARItLTS ards Wacesbof the vartotia 'commis- neat, per sued,.....;• 1 `5 to :T 1 40 son rens, rake and Government Buckwheat, per bush. • 05 to. 70 'mow °Metals operating -on the yards. Ai. .,....._.o. ley, are allotted to the various coin- Ilo);s... . ... ... : .. 1'2.o() to 1.".G t snfssion flrms in proportion to their Oats, per bush • and love are esaentiatiy the Cibildreii Orr when they disappear. (Inc the heart and the other breaks FOR FLETCHER, $ CAST°FtIA Meet Miss Ontario it's motor picnic weather now 1 "'Do you know Miss Ontario -the alluring beauty of her lakes and streams...the colourful Fascination of her woods and `farmlands? Miss Ontario Js all about you -�- follow any highway and you will see her. Get acquainted with Mise= Ontario at this season. It's motor picnic weather now. 1411 your car with a merry party --ask your friends to do the same. A.w•ey from the more travelled highways you'll find many a beauty spot -..-rocky glens, nodding pines, the flash of cool water over sun -lit pebbles r -places where p nature come.., very clone to tans.. Drive moderately, both on the main highways and on the county roads. Excessive speed wears away road surfaces. The;. repair bil1Y 1^1 vet be pc.id by you and the other motorists. Rerii-hl.ber the roads are yours.. • The .Government requests the assistance of all motorists in maintaining the good icondition of the roads. To those who will not heed, it points out that the law against last driving is being rigidly enforced by a numerous traffic patrol.. THERON. OEO,S. HENRY,, .S.14..SQUIRE, ... . ltigirtsr of Htchwryr Deputy in Mister ,Issued by the Ontario Peperu!irdaent of Highways to secure the eo-operatdon::of motorists' err abating theabuse of.the xoads'of the Province. tir ?'he �oderich Star's • LUBBING LIST The Star and London Free Press... .. , .. The Stat and London Advertiser. ..•,.. , . , .. fi.r :5 '1 he Star and The Toronto Globe te.7 5 The Star and The M;li; suadiliipire. • (1.7a Tho Star and The''Coroit'.j Star '0•75 The Star and The Partners' Sun...: • .1 art :the St2r and 'i'he l;ar.ily 11{'raft and. Woolly Star1.ti(► The Star and Saturd:ty Night 5.50 The Star and The f athoIc Record 3.75 'I11:: SLIT and .41t:l,c in's Magazine 53.75 The Stir and Rod and Gun- , ... 3.t)(i' Star tiWitness r •fl '.tv ' ii Th Star and Montreal , ..•:.�.�. , e t all 3 5 . new• 3..50 .' The Star and World Widerenewal: 4.1S,.• new,3.85 .Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals °may be had on :application ?'eel :lt ;lie? .Bit''' ( 1`1'4,' err '1'hii::+Y''71 for.any i;1ft, ,.t;tr,l-.'t. 40 to ' 40 volume of business. Peas, per bush . 1.45 to 1.50 The tendency in .Toronto, as in : Barley, per bush'15 to :0 most Canadian' markets Is develop- Cattle, ordinary. per . .. ins into a one day market. AS'ondeY cwt. .. C.:) to c3 m' • - belrrg the prominent market day: Cattle,..x�port, - ..,�....... �:0205 xo._ ....T.:,,):. 4� .Whether -•this -.4a --a- benefit to the In- dustry le opera to question, es It . • filer Cwt.) tortoni tarrying a atalt for the rest Cattle, choice, ,cwt.. 0.50 to 0.75 of the week capable of handling Lanibs, per cwt..... 12.00 to 12.00 tmletenuy' the. maxlninin day's: re- Dairy i;utter.... ... 40 to 40 Mitts, whirl] undoubtedly is ah add- Eggs, per Boz 25 to 30 Family flour, per eWt' 3.00 to 4,00 Patent flour, pet. ewt, 4.75. to 5.00 Bran, per ton... ... ,:12 GO a r '11:1.00 Shorts, per tou.. $3,00 to :13.00+ Ray, per tori 10.00 to 12.00 Irides...... , 06 to 06 Potatiee, per bag2 50 to' 2.50 everywhere. e .:, ed expense. If this boniness were spread more evenly over the week it might mean economy in the handl- ing of' the market. Two fetters have contributed largely to the large Mon- day market. The entail abattoirs and paektng plants buy their supplier, and kill early in the week, leaving - their nolo tree for their heavy meat distribution 'kindness , at the • nd of the week Again there are some ad - ways on Sunday. especially through CANADIAN NATIONAL RYevages inmoving eock over rail. the etdfreight terrnturai where the TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO. ssraatest delays .naturally actor: --A. t,etteh. Dept. d„ 1*conotlmes, O. A, College, Guelph, Dailey Ixstawat Sunday r rt. (ao derich 43.00 it ori. 22() p.tn. for about three *writhe. Icats safe y •Clinton t)ct. it and 4 Mothers. •Value This 0dl.- Mothers' '('diatom ti a 11.ni.,, ..�,i p,tn, •• 1say taken wt art bottles Wince •�-»' • - , who know how suddenly erten may „ .Seaff.1tli 2;.41 a.m. 3.12 u.n1. i it amasses thild.ray second Mrth a tier. eyes 1 blared TI.. wothi has .gene tri the ding, stet adze their children and Low acres- Diifehell 7.fr# a.m. '1.1) p.m. q many times already that it probably nary prompt action is in applying ren .Arr. Stint{dirt! '7..10 tr n1. 4.1111r.rti,1 terrible n d veryfe rapt first throe `won't hurt it to ga 1a few more rinse.. •Het, their at handl a supply of " Kitchener '8.20 ta.111. 5.2(11.111. ` children andv feww►th ntyfoarth .».,.., �,. as I ins as match senor. I am �s I)r. Thomas' Palectrir Oil because ex "" ' Guelph ti.•ti a: in. 5.5011.111. now Wetfo do My work alone but valance hes taught :hent that this is " i atm stilt ts,k3ng tier Vuwitimble lam- Torinrto 10:10 a m. 7..{0 err. las .iter nnraingiwrbla" 1sMrrr. an "0' Ilcht prerotation for the treaty Ttetut ring- Leta~ a Toronto G.4 ; a.gn . ' !brit PAUL, 411 Cheery'Stxwt,13Mi' . tncsnt of,'thtit ailment. And they oto 1 .,:►.r t,.ur. And (1A1 rem ford, Onto% Finer Iitf>wrtits mous wise, for its vsriatis grass sander it it I'arlar Cafe ear, taodarirh to Ter- II you auftar!ng rslnywrak- hi u fro, ovor sower* ' %aluat,tr medicine. sntn, en morning train. and Toeaatr sot pains In fawnsMOW WWI altlde alit rand Aiws+lra:tears to of nderieh 0.05 p, ort. ivh tl. tamest sf xtreiy'idali Plnkv the , tt'er krrsttt a a,ir3 out in the t[ietrirlfip Through count Goderirh to Toronto. taint's Vii rk Giwwj'wMtd triol tllgtsteture at that hated! men ro mush late wouldn't '. P. LAtti RENCE $ 140.418twit.t: ha ec fb st,il{1 l,t,N in fi..nt of the house. •!servos pw,wetwater awd sTICkete Agents w Banking by 'l'he security afforded by the Province of Ontario Sctviags Office, togodthcr with the facilities extend. J by ev8ry Post °slice in Cantard:a and other countries, Make it putiAlle tor everyone to deposit their savings in this i;,alk. interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full cll4ik111' privileges. The confidence the .rural communities have shown in this bank, is indicated by the large increase it: depr),,it5, which are now Oyer 521 ,000,000. All deposits are guaranteed by the oven -mein , of the Province of Ontario. Remittances should made liy Post t)tli4't.' nnm4v oi,L r, express order or registered letter, and should lie :ldtitiK;s• :1 'to your nearest Branch, where theywill receive prr�:npt attention. Province of Ontario Savings Office }deed OfIIce : 15 Queen's Park, Toronto Toronto Branch Offices Cer, Bay and Adelaide fits. ('or. t"nher-ity. 511 Danforth hyena Other Branches at Hastihen, t<t. Catharines. St. Marys Pembroke. Brantford, Weedsterk, Own Sourd, Ottawa Starertl4,. Walkerton Nerrntarl.et sad Minter. not! 1tundae Sts. 1