HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-24, Page 3•
TIILII�ADAY, JCy E Yeti . 19:4
•1 11.
Ilk4r P.
Mike a Mieli�.
la mag thee th. only melee .e a
!iA U M ascan the bowels, int a�t�ea�-
+aelJr prepared pill should. amt beewlesi-
aailulyT the liver asd the eaten
egiend ami asarateey aysteaa. , .
°ood will, The
News N��;gets
Picked From Our Ex
... herd ,� t_•, I", CANADA DAY IN CLEVELAND
desk � �r a��� i►_ _
ithilt. , Sapper ra \ astsvesd to . Ili•. layer 'Na:Ew as dad Ales, Maclean
p.44. add there avant about Alva awaaai 1lr Mit eat.d U.ereirh na The
number of auto,i in the field sada' tkeaaioa
- a3osg tint road in front of the 1S'alker
fares. Mr• W. H. Udall wee titer
1100 contractor and according to one of ,,%giyer i#„ ,.t'anada Day' in akar,
t--plains everything w'aa made tc I an tMMl. lac ICA
ugly. D[r. Geo. herr and Dir ard' Fill•. Jars:f �. t 1 and His dWorshipgest-
. ,
a splendid gest-
1 111 111 � ,
McEwen's Specials
'arEwan and Mrs. MacEe- Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, J for 25c
A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with each
25c worth.
24 bars Soap, McEwen's special gi3Ocl
6 calks Paim Tree Toilet Soap for .25
3 lb's. loose Cocoa for .25,
ti Its. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .23
Just •n hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tea.
We wilt give 1 lb. of this Tea,. i loaf Bread, 7:;R it?. Biscuits
and 1 kr Soap for the satne•price as a pound of any packag
,1,ea. --..uy A,,,,.
molal price on large Flannelette Blankets
Crkh-t•,o�ka fit snugly.
,T1l1. I; A pretty wedding tool place on treat, son of the late Rev. Jame* dad and they are certainly hustlers. ore of ttnt`araiwitoitoi
:on, to JAma Anderson Argot, Non,
Si m. Shoebottom were the oaptajnr I rep:.( also smite a,.
■ * opened up n
De By Thal Mien
They aro email slid easy to tale, sad
week gentle and dtena* **Mit a
gnpe or They tux beynada 1 pin ea a lease
tire; 2 pills am It MnalatUt 8 pals alts►
.All druggists and deelere sell *mat
np Tea y by ma T. =nun ass
�.•- MUSIC
PROb`. W. 11. JACKSON-Instriieti n
given in Voice Culture, Organ.
Piano.,Yioiin. Cutter, Tliect•y, etc.
Studio and residence. North Street.
U. C. HAMILTON --Organist North St.
aea Cited Church. Concert player
and Teacher.
Residence at Mrs. Colborne's, St. Pat-
e -kit Street. ,
R. "miaow,
Barrister. Solicitor, otary Public.
Successor to ,T. .. h ,
Phone 97 Office, The Square. U•t(ierteh
Barrister, Sollpitor, Notary --
Public, Conveyancer, Etc.
Late House 'Surgeon New York Oph-
thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at
Moorefield'. Eyre Hospital -and .Gulden
Square Throat Hospital. London, king.
53. ,.Waterloo Ste S., - Stratford.. !fele• ,
phone 267.
At Hetet Bedford. Goderieb, on the'
evening of the third Monday of n each
month, from 7 o'clock .till the following -
day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m.
y ' 1 k at i Dix A London. d f reedy en Pmpepler 'YS alters
Wednesday, June f►th, at 3 o e , c , a. Argo,
o n. an .. Ontario GeNtarttnlMeMe int* "
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newman'• Inemondville, the marriage to talar •d in con•
Garrett T'uckeraraith when their sis- r place early in July. A very pretty wedding wall quietly . tourists' buena* in' ereV1 ►..
• meet o with Irourirt'+' aaexia-
• lin
ter, Grace E. Vodden, daughter of Ur. and Mrs. John Murrey, a Mt- '°k"'t'i in St Jude s church
r.- t n i w ,
Mr. W. A. Vodden, of Clinton, was 7CiUop, announce the en#tagement of Gently, when Miss Jennie �Valtevs, of - tion Of Ontario atta the stree burn" . `
married to 11r. Herman ('rich, son of their eldest daughter, Camilla, tel Bantford, was united in the holy +.f the cordial relattmot Bair' &Own 8
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crich. The Mr. Frank Evans, of Dublin, young- bonds cf matrimony to Mr. Seymour! the neighboring United �3t+tte; •i1'rlr
cerreony was conducted by %Rev. C. J. est son of Mrs. U. P. Evans and the PaltP4r, Hensel), Rev, RuratDean. and Canada no daibt will be ori Hata:-
Dioorhouse, pastor of Ontario street late Mr. Evans, of the village. J. N. H. Mills officiating. ail material advantage.
United church, Clinto .Dir. and MJ. H. Hoover, Blyth, . Berl Re -Palen Mr. and Mrs. MetdEwan went lits'
i M. ooer, way of London and Port Stanley;
Campbell -MacKenzie
announce the engagement of their E g et e r Times -Advocate: OR wlirre they took the ,learner St. Ig-
taughter, Marjorie Eikeirr,• to 1111. Thursday, June lOttt there w•
as head mace. A
Cleveland on
At .Victoria United church parson- , Arriving in tern '
I age, Goderkh, .on June 10th, Abs mar- I e marriae
' ightmsn, of louden at the house of Mr. and Mrs. John- day morning about 6 cis., they went
gto take place the latter Bell, London Road small, the annual to heaefelamirtera and received their
riage ceremony uniting Jean, young- part of June. re -union of the Bell family connect- badges. The city council breakfaat-
er daughter of lilts Donald A1aclCe,t-
zie, of Goderiele tp., to Mr. Cohn Will Practice Medicine in Seaforth ion. Some sixty were present from ed the' delegates at the Hetet Hollen-
zie, of ll, of Stanley, was performed D. W. Sproat, son of tin.. William far artd ,sear, Seaforth, St. Marys diem:•
by Rev. Selby Jefferson. The young Sproat, near Kipped, a recent gxardu- London. Thedford, Sarnia and other Goderich was the only town In this
couple left on aotor trip to Lon- ate in medicine of the Western Uni- places ,,cross the border being repro- dIatrict rkpettaatMed, but them. were
d Ni T d versify London Canada who has rust ,muted. The weather was all that good" delegations from Toronto; Rana
on, agar*, oronta an other 3
Free delivery to maty port of the Tone.
could be desired and a most enjoyable Ilton, London, St. Thomas, and the'points. On their return they will re- Passed„ the Medical Council Examine -
line. Stanley. Mr. rand Mrs. Camp- Canada, will shortly open an office in music, and sports of various kinds in free * few other points. The Tor -
bell are very popular and they have Seaforth• 1 eluding races, football, baseball, etc onto delegation axrjcod by B. and C. J .�VIC.� wen
the beat wishes of the community for all of which gave zest for the enjoy- Boat, and created considerable bl
A,544,ll, price on Fancy Blankets
ooze* ae* a utting the price on Men's Alt Wool Underwear and
eetq„Fleecd lined Underwear.
Good AtrY k'1to,ller Towelling
Good [aa' ' LBath Towels .
25c per yd.
clot par pair
Some nice' `itablc a,nd floor Oilcloths, different widths at right
Now is the tint* to btta° a set 0.` dishes lora off.
side on the grooms farm, Brunson tion, huh licenses to practice in day was spent in social intercourse Border Cities and representatives
a long and happy future,
Mr. and . Mrs. Walter Rogei;son,
Seaforth, announce .the engagement
of ''their only daughter, Myrtle Al-
berta, to Mr. Francis Vernon Ceich;
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crich,
Tuckersmith, the wedding to take
place the latter part of June. •
I 31r, and Mrs, E. R. Forrester, Kul -
i eardine, announce the engagement of
I their daughter, Anna McKelIer; to
1.lflr. ,tames Bruce .Watson, Jr., Kin-
cardine, the marriage to take place•
the latter part,o£ June.
Mrs. Duncan Cameron, London, an-
nounces the engagement of her
granddaughter, Irene Liddel Camer-
Seatartb Cadets Attend Servicer at nst ra a ir,- J. J. t
Esta Attend
enent of the ample feast provided by tereat as they marched 30o strong,
the hostess and Miss Bell. headedby the 48th Highlanders Band. pm:ME 46 Sost94 SidedSpore
The Cadets from Seaforth Colle- Premier of Saskatchewan at Exeter A large delegation from the Border
giate Institute attended divine ser- Hon, Jas. Gardiner, Premier of Cities proeCaimed' their home city b;: - a+,ee.•, tetene
vice at Egmondville on Sunday even -
Saskatchewan, bands on then hats.
ing, June 13th. They were accent- Saskatchewan an Usborne old boy -Whin would" -you have` said dve- Corns cause much suffering. but ,a
ponied bythe Seaforth Highlanders gave an address in Exeter town hal During the morning some took a years ago if someone predicted that
g on Tuesday teat, June 22nd, on the trip to various of the industries of . g p Holloway's Corn Remover offers a
band and gave ample evidence that subject, "Tile Great Canadian `Peel: the cityand others took in a sight girls wguld be hanging around barber .speedy, sure, and satisfactory relief•
they had profited well by their drill seeing trip. At noon the Chamber
during the year and presented a Webster Reunion. 1926 of Commerce entertained the dole- Some women think that making - Cheer up. -This Is going to be City
smart natty appearance in their new The Webeters held their annual re, gates to dinner in their building. history means digging up someone's hottest summer we have had since
uniforms. The service throughout union picnic at Jowett's grove, Bay- President Stewart of the Chamber of past.
enator Pomete! hymns being of a martial characterlast year.
was in keeping with the occasion, the field, on June 12th. From , early Commerce presided and speeches
. morning until noon the care from far
Seaforth Lions Elect Officers and near 'arrived, each bringing its
The Lions of Seaforth elected the load of happy picnickers. Until noon
following officers for the incoming everybody was busy renewing old tic -
season: .President, R. M•: Jones; vicequaintanees and registering.•There
president, W. J. 'Duncan. secretary, were about 35R present. ,After a
W. G. Spencer; treasurer, J. M. ivic.'aumptuous dinner or roast taws, ali
amileammalsampamomap - ltiiillan; tail twister Frank Sills: were entertained by a number of
Registered Chiropractor. Goderich
ni ant: Nervous is ttiee
Chronic, Ora ca eft
Cil acr 9
and T toit o:
aby appointment, 'excepting Mndiaiiy.
atttt ThltrscI Rea' ons an.1 eveninae;.
Oftlee Hours on these days 10 to 12 aim.
only. ti
Corner Solt'thtiSt. and Britannia Rd.
A. L. COLE, R.- 0., 1
Op"r4:1iETEiI$"1': OPTICIAN,
West: Street. Goderich.
. Honor Graduate of the Canadian Oph-
tbairTric Gol!�
to of Toronto.
see exerebeed:by, the -latest meths
"e the proper dating of glades at mod-
erate prices, . Ontario Board • or Exam -
leers ,Certitleate No. 875.
Laval -Quebec
Tina large property ad-
joit'ring NORANDA is
under aggressive develop-
. ment. Important news is
xpected within the next
few - weeks: Among the ;
,,.lower priced mi n t u-
sitares. Laval is oatatand-
ingly attractive. -
l011 AS'9tNOR•Y.
lave Stock and General Auctioneer,
ilamilton Street, Goderich
Sales made everywhere and ail efforts
unide to give 1'oq satisrsetion.
Farmer.' sale notes dismounted.
duHERTS0 -
Onalleled Auctioneer•,.,
Eldon Street. Goderielr..
will conduct 40 'mal* :n Ann Coulity of
Huron. -For information apply to 1P.J.
Ryan, Hemiltou 14. o- �rwr+ ,eft with
him will receive prompt attentieu. .
General Conveyancing do:t.+.
Good Companies •Renrrseute•1
Phone: No. 2118. . Ooderich, Ont.
-- - _ •-OON.y EY,A.NCING ANDNOT.'dtY.
Bayfield, Ont.'
EEfi •, IrSURED, ..... agnesia .. Best For
'Value of property Inentelain to Jan
Ma assa:,Mines -
while the two new directors elected
were Charles Stewart and J. E. Keat-
A Zurich Death
The residents of Zurich and vicinity
were shocked by the .news of the
sudden passing away of Mrs. Daniel
Truemner, which took place at the
farm a few miles south of Zurich. on
Thursday, Jt•ne 10th. The deceased
had been in poor health for some
time and on Thursday forenoon was
found dead in the garden by one of
the -son
sons of Mr. •. True mer having
a . attack
heart he '
a She is
by her husband, Mr. Daniel
short speeches. Mr. 'Thomas Web-
ster, of Detroit, president of the re-
union, introduced the speakers. Mr.
Irwin, reeve of Bayfield, welcomed
the visitors to the cleanest, prettiest
summer resort in Western Ontario,
After a few remarks by Rev. Mr.
Durrant, of Varna, Miss ,Mary M. Mc-
Naughton, of Kippen, gave the form-
al address of welcome. Mr. Samuel
Alton, of Lucknow, replied and thank-
ed the friends for the kind hospital-
ity. Mr. Harry McGee, first vice-
president of Eaton's, Torontc, enter-
tained the diners. with Irish jokes 0n
behalf of the. relatives. Mr. George
Coleman, of Varna, presented a small
owns 24� acres on the Truemner, and one son, Mr. F. Quack- token. to the only surviving pioneers;
�iLfairi Break" of the' en
bush. The funeral was held, on Mrs, Fiord Webster, Mrs. Mary And-
Stitiduy, the 13th interment being
lCand Lake II
'..adjoining' .. Teck -Hughesand $irkland Lake Gold
o '
Mining operations
on hiaeassa, which have
istrict arson Mrs Grave Webster, Ditss. Liz -
made in the Bronson Line cemetery: zie Webster. Early in the afternoon
Death of Mr. Dinsdale, Hensel three games of softball were played.
Mr. John lt, Dinadaln, Hensall, pas- The married men of the north proved
too for thenedicts of the
in his
muelh be
sed away on Friday, June llth,
68th year, interment to the Hensall south, winning to the tune of 20 to 3.
just commenced, are ex- Union cemetery taking place on Mon- The single southengrs,,,ettere different
. calibre to it riflerr`ed • lat'ves and
n -d c s
e i to t
the 14t . The a ea
ore -after ooii h
open u r dayn
pect_d. to po up e ,
bodies comp;li;.;Gble to its ed was a son of the late 'Mr. and defeated the northerners by a score
falnaus mei hbors". This ` ' :Atrs.:Thonias 'Dinsdale, late of the of girls `:he south
$ townshi�t of Stanleand some 42
y, .also22 , wonto21 withThe a scarefrom of 14 to G:
Company Le Under the years ago was very happily united in Other sports followed. •The next re -
HARRYof 'marriage to Miss Maria Jane Butt union of the family will be held on
HARRY RAKES. PRES, who survives him, together with four the second Saturday in June, 1027,
daughters, Mrs, Vincent Wood and DEL•
Mrs. Harold Callisof Santa Barbara
, Cal,; Mrs., Fred 'Simmons, of Hensall NEW .BLOOD
and Mrs. Roy Vermilyea, of Toronto.'
one child having died - many years Which Can be Had Through the Use
age. The funeral was one of the of Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills
, largest funerals ever held from the
village, testifying to the high esteem Nature intended every girl ' to be
We tecmmnendthe above ii? which Mr. Dinsdate was held andhappy, active and healthy. Yet too
aeeuritits. sympathy for the bereaved wife and many of them find their lives sad-
Stan and Bail • perticnlar' sen,t -
President Lake Shore Mined .
.Attorney, Rochester
Dtr. Can. Hank of Contmeree
Barrister, Toronto
Milne li ngineer, Toronto,
dened by suffering -nearly always:
U110111 request -use the weapon Attended Family Re -Union atbecause their blood is to blame. All
at Streetsville those with colorless eheeks, dull skins
Descendents of the late Wiiliatiti and lusterless eyes are in this eon-
STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. Gardner and 'his wife (Sarah Gray'. - dation because they have not yet
REPOItD 11LDG., TORONTO don), who came to Ashfield in :.1862. enough red blood in their veins to
were at Streetsville on Saturday last keep them well and in the, charm of
• Melee .er-d ens cotttoleta ie- attending a re -union of the Graydcn health. They stiffer from depressing
formation on Laval -Quebec family and their connections., About weariness and periodi�ya1 headaches.
and Maca's% Minas. one hundred attended the gathering Dark lines Arm un4Er their; eyes,
and had a mpst enjoyable time. The their heart( palpitates violently after
m .,
comittee n.. had charge of ar- the . slightest exertion, and they are
ene and Hon. Newton D. Baker, who
was minister of the Navy In Wilson's
cabinet. Replies were given by Mr,
George Wilson, president of the
Board of Trade, Torcnto, and by Hon,
George Henry
Toasts were drunk to the President
and to the King and "The Star
Spangled Banner" and "God Save the'
King" were sung. Madame Fahey,
of Toronto, gave a solo and Mr. F.
Ofield, -Toronto, sang, "Canada, My
Home.' In the evening the delegates
were entertained by the Canadian
Camp Fire Club at Hotel Hollenden .
and a musical program was given. ---
Afterwards• adjournment was made
to the public auditorium, a large
brilding which will seat some fifteen
thousand and with room on the floor
for, two thousand couples to dance at.',
the same time. Altogether a very
enjoyable time was spent. - t
Naomi .....
A:W guru
rangements was Gordon Graydon, of often attacked with fainting spells,
Toronto; Hector Graydon, of Streets- These are only a few of the miseries
ville, and Mervin Graydon of New of bloodlessness. When the blood be
comes thin and watery it can be en-
riched. Former Brusselites Celebrate rjched through the use ' f Dr. wilt
Golden Wedding • llama' Pink Pills, a'trottbles
Old -friend"a- that come nom pocr blood disappear.
In almost Every neighborhood you
ice A Pra.f&dar
non-, rasa, $3,048,975.00.
OFE"ICER$--James -t odnolly, Presi-
dent, Goderictt; Jas. Evans, Vire-Presi-
dent, Beechwood; T. E. Hayti, nee.-
Treas., Seaforth.
DIRECTtJR;` D. ' lt.-McGregar, St•a-
3orth; .1. G. Grieve. SVlnthrap: Wm.
Wrin. Constance' George 'McCartney.
Tuckersnitth ; John Ferris, liarlock;
John Be,nevu!se, Broadhagan; Murray
. +,fbson, 1lrucefield. -
AGE:STS-•J. W. Yeo. Ooderlch; Sandy.
Leitch, (Vinton; Wm. Chesney, Sea-
t for. h.
Sea -
forth; 11.1
tinctie �t t
Policy 1!drA can pay
their aate.9
at it. II. Cutt's store, 'scull rich;
A. J. 3lorrish s Clothing Store, Clinton;
_en _J.- lL Reid s Raelited..
Have it attended to oy the
Established 1878
Heed Oda: Dungannon, Ont.
Harry fi.. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2,' God-
erich, pries„ Wm. J. Thompson, Aub-
urn, vice pres.; directors -Wm. Mc-
Quillan, St.tielens; W. P. Reed, R. R.
31o. 2, Lucknow; ii,L. Ssikeld, 'plsdne
eoOr1i, Goderich; Atex., Wcholson,
Lueltnow; Wm. Watarn: Jas. Girvin.
7t. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wm4 I Thomp-
aoeu Auburn; Tim Griffin. it. R. No.
i,ucknow; Chats. fire et, 1 incur -
dine, Ont.
Trues. '
BronIicV Bro.
The WI*
emirs' BOrvacrs
Oleos earatnity attended ba
Si ell bonre-imight or day.
in extending hearty .congratulations will find; jaicnte formerly ailing girl
Your ndlg'Sli�h to Mr. and Mrs, Harry limn, now in w•ho has.a,gond word to say for this,
medicine. Among them there is Miss
'Toronto, on reaching their olden
_ weeding anniversary. lit. Finn was Ida M. Withrow IIardwaal Lands
a aa,+e with the Aa.e l,eUrge '1'nwilp- N.3., who says: -"Dr: Williams' Pink
Warns Against Doping Stomach .
With Artificial Digestents son ter sows yews. Pills did more for me than alt the
'l%ingham Oddfellows Decorate other medicine 1 too ., a, •4 1 conn",
Most people who suffer, either oc- Graves • praise them too highly 'When I be-
casionally or chronically from gas, A great number of people were in gran the use tit these pills ,1 was in a
sourness and indigestion, have n0Pr attendance at the Wingham cemetery terribly run down condition, very thin
discontinued disagreeable diets, pat- on Sunday afternoon, dune 13th, the and very pale. My appetite was
gone,nd bada tired worn out
harmful X
use of vc anion �bein
familial 8+
the tnc n at decoration
ent foods;being �
drugs, stomach tonics, medcinesand seam
toftlL 1.0.0.r About
leetin• ail the time. Renters neartificial digestents, and instead, fol- ty mounters of Maitland Lt.dge, Na ,eine did not seem to improve„myn-
dttiori anil'T' was getting greatl dis-
:lowing• •the-adviet-ea often. giver, ,.in ate; visiting l iethreti; walked fo y
these columns, -take n teaspoonful or the cemetery in a body, heeded by couraged when a friend advised me to
two tablets of Bisurated Magnesia the .Boy Scouts. Mr. A. I.. Postal give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial.
in a little waterafter meals with the acted as Noble Grand and Mr. Nene- After some urging I deeid2d t,. do so
result that their stomach no longer an L. Fry ns chaplain, Rev. Dr, After taking six boxes I felt like a
troubles them, they are able to eat- Fowler, of Brussels, delivcreff a ver man person. 1 gained weight, hod
as they please and they enjoy much appropriate _.address. • A quartette good color, and an improved appetite
better health. Those who use Bisur- composed of Messrs. W. J. Greer; -Jos. and the constantly tired feeling that
ated Magnesia never dread the ap- Guest, W. B. McCool and W. H. Han. had made me so miseratle was none
proach of -meal time because they ey sang "Just,As 1 Am' and were ac- 1 leek a few bares more before 1 stop
know this wonderful anti -acid and eompaniedlty music furnished by the ped, and by that time I had never felt
food eorreetive, which ran be obtain- Wingham United . church orchestra, so well in my life. I shall always
ed from any good drug store, will The hymns "Rock of Ages" and "For- feel very grateful t1, Dr. Williams
.instantly neutralize the atomach ever With the Lord" were sung in Pink Pills and strongly recommend: and the Coal•
acidity, sweeten the stomach, -prevent unison. them to these who are run don." if cert wait until later, u'c will
food fermentation, and , without the Elliott-31oifat - You can get these pills from yon = Stili hvre ...the.' [ai'St la tee tfr 1'}►,.
slightest pain or discomfort. Try deenalet, or ea. ail at: C �rnla aeialc- 'slid file Iwe5t C t ttr .ti- t• 1 t11G
this plan yourself, but be certaln'to A"pretty Juhb`"we!dditig wax seilem• from The fir. Williams Medicine Co. time will beoaftlacking. Aft�i you
nixed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brockville, Ont.
Has Shown One Mother There is
Nothing to Equal Them
A constant use of Baby's Own •Tab-
lets for their,
children has rroven to
thousands of me titers that they are
without anequal for babyhood and
childhood ailments. One mother, .
Mrs. C. W. Jackson, R.R. 1, Gilford,'
Ont., writes: -"We have used Baby's ,
Own Tablets ever since our first baby i
was born sixteen years ago. We
have- seven: fine healthy children and •
the Tablets is the only medicine they
received in their early years, Our
baby -is one and a half years' old, is
walking and talking and weighs 2n
pounds: Baby's Own Tablets is the
cnly medicine he has ever had."
Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed
to be absolrtely safe for even the
newborn. babe. They, are free from,
opiates and narcotics; act as a. gentle
laxative an the -stomach and bowels
andthusrelieve constipation and in-
digestion; break up eolds and simple
fevers and make baby healthy and
You can get Baby's Own Tablets
from your druggist cr direct by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
The man who can da some one
thing well never has to hint for an
invitation ,to do it.
-me `113uasiric' issue
'1tt/tieaE CM HoNESY
c ?
Buy nowt
We have the time, the place
get pare Ilisnrated Magnesia espe-
chaffy prepared for stomach use. J Moffat, 1Singham on Wednesday ^ may have to wait tour turn with
J. it. Wheeler _
Funeral Director and
(Wed, Ontario
June 9th,, at 12 o'clock noon, when fist. :1i11kr's Worm Powders and the others who forof thin winter
their daughter, Prances Irene, was the battle against worms is won 'was coming until the tir:,t co.,..united in marriage to Mr, Ralph Re- These powders correct the morbid Weather Caught thein.
glnald Elliott, len of Mr, and Mrs. conditions of the stomach which nour- 13u ' naw!
Wm. Elliott, of Ripley, Ont. The jeh worms, and these destructive )
Rev. , lil. Bennett otlkjatrxl, parasites cannot teest after they
East Wawaa.ah Mira Raiding come In contact v ; ',v the medicine
A verb Uri* number et people The worms are • •e!dily evacuated
Mere present at the barn raising at with otiose refuse tram the bowels
Mr. EMU Walker's in I sit Sawa. Soundtmets is impexteed to the organs!
and the- hestth of the child steadily Pot t ioo(l Clean Coal
The 1. as the far Cr,3`.S the saisier f' J. Ur MUSTARD cOIPilr
thi) h.;.i:. . Pltonee 98 _- Geolarich
le oho AOS Zell PetthatieBllta
educed Prices
on Anthracite Co
Chestnut (Anthracite) $10.00
Stove (Anthracite) - . .... $10.50
Pea (Anthracite) ... .. .. $13.00
Cotte ................. . $115.00I r ton
Pocahontas ... ... ...... $14.00)
Domcatic Lump' for your- Grate and Range
y o $12.00 per toil
Our Coal is weighed on Your Own Scales.the ttrarkst scale -
1•Vith Sprin House Cleaning, you will require PAINT.
We still have some Sherwirl.WWilliarns left that we are sell-
Ing at $ 1.00 per quart. Muresco and •Alabastine at Svc per.
package.. Liquid Veneer and O'Ci.'dar, small bottle, 23c
large bottle, 45c each - -
Special prices on Door Locks and other Builder's. Hard-
' ware -
Ciothes Wringers and Garden Moto at Special Pricafs in
order to clam.
The Hardware at the wharf
Store 'Phone 22. $arrse 'Phone 112.
A FULL FLAVORED Blend of Ceylon and
India Teas scientifically blended by us into
a,ileelicious tea to drink.
Regular price 73c 1),.
R1CHMELLpc D.S.L. 11•111•1r•a•
.wY Aur
Crff•� wr BLEND I Slb.l BULK 63c 16.
3 Boxes
SARDINES 4 1ia125c
CTO l,rrwtrtirt 32.
cr.uii HOUSK
Ulna OLIVES Piz 3
41-17 ib.
FARMERS t We pay the beat�srices for' Pits.
}trigs rear stack fa Ake D..dais+a Stene•
Il'e11i G sr COO FLAKES vtier,
s iKRAFT. 3Scw. sawn
10 he 59e 10C,kt, v 3,c l,r• CHov, 40►c
These Pekoe is eiest for era* weer hem hate of tine 1►.pw !la C