HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-24, Page 2tAQ* TWO
Be Sure To Say
Itis torrt it tbas most aidietoixs..&a* for it.
county jailer at Peterboro for 1104110
eight years and is now eighty -shin
years if age, fs about A+► testire.
1h has been eo long in NO o•'fice that
the county prison keit** as "f.. astle
Nesbitt." After France, ,Alis* To Finids England a
1. 1 I I I ,.r a u iw.J.mm.
A Million* %oath (rant &etre; I
pensive Place to Live
Northern 'Ontario gold mine, haw
already produced 1200,0)0,000 in
gold. The production in 1811 wag
84`2.0 : and in 1925, was $30,000,000. Squaresand arks Are MostAttractive
THURSDAY, Jula k. 1b24
Dividends /run the area total *,150,
000 every month, and it is PredictedMeldrupn in London and the .octor•
that it will mount to flara1,000 this truer Liss
Corning Rack !to "+G ld Stone Church,
Cleveland, for .Awhile
Meigs Mabel 'To#n's last tette to her . o he passed us rvith•,tit epee** sty.
parents, In!peter and Mrs, Tone; thing. As you pr+ fbebly knew Bre
was written iron London, Eng., un- • twin hes recently • impee heavy
der date of May 22nd, and like ani duty on *dike, ar i s they and icy strict
the preceding onto in the series which • about enforcir. t . it even 'w'en worn
have been published in The 'Star, clothe* do nobs (mime,
through the kindness of Mr., Tom, We found. Ur, and Vire. Summers,
this one will be fund full of interest our South *trsean edemas, at the its-
by our readers: - tel, rind : , Toner theyteak us out
i�lindorr,9May 32nd, 102G. to get c it gli}rlpae London, in-
. This morning I niet Dr. Meldrum troduriec os to tete Embankment,
in the Ameriesn Express office. Ile Hon Ay of lherlionnent and We*tmin-.
is going back to Ma old Stone Church !tee/ • l+hm It earl seemed so (ample
fora while, es the minister that fol d',w, teem 'reeding and pictures that 1
lowed hint has a call to some a .stern edit 1 'elm renewing old acquaint.•
. city, lits asked t4 be remembered toy".aat�c'ts, !they Nave elegiy11ght See-•
y'5 betb lime" 'here 'and The evenings are long
Year. . .;
• An interesting suggestion has been land, . The British miner producer
made by Cir Arthur Holbrook as to ai onlya fraction as roach coal ae his
' *oltrtka for the British mining pro -i brother worker in Creed* and the -
Mem. The root of the nteoubte ip United States in Cie same time.
Britain is that the ancient mine fields While this is duo in tome rneaaure' to
there are in a condition whish : matter the newer methods And macbinore in•
. mining both costly and difficult. The stalled on brae :;idc, the individual i us Hess ca and Son's. and
metiers and Miners are both to 1* man invdved also plays a bfg part in ' ; 3 seen such consecutively bad treaties• in the afternoon we heard «l1:uch e
e, pitied for the circumstances ,in whirl► the fixing day's output. The first a ler, 'cold, eawersxnd-damp. Nesper date Ado *bout Nothing" at Old Vie,
they find themselves. 'On the other sign of weakness on the part of the NEW; GOYF4t'�TOl1, GE?�Ig dLA I. to venture out without .e,xrtbarlla achene they give only Shakesperean
'tweet Canada is rich in oil.. Al- misers as *txike is indicated in the Viscount Willrngdon lila h oifl 'i and rubbers. Not wit a wi levee of piasar. It was the second last
lserta 'done The Coal Bin et Oen- declaration that the men,
whose ly irpecersor to'lBaran >`#S • `a' t = e's nc+ai: (racks ane? liters, 'formance, so we felt ourselves lucky.
r -
,fads, has SI per cent. of the Iona- slogan is "not a Lenny off the pay, , One morning 'se saw Au intez'e tin They have a
alien coal fields and has an estimated no a Minute on the d y," would pre- 'e ` " 114 '11'16 Pa,sir parade en the Champs_ g quaint old theatre
reserve of a thousand MTh* tons. fer, if a choice must be .made, to ac- Hyde Park, London, which hal teen ' a ,three isfoin
do rather
poor by a Mrs. ofBaLo, Itn
Bir Arthur suggest* that the Pi-ltish ce t less money than to work an so atail v ormaz mea UArnx, to Govenrs, oaks but o a popularu
p tfg 'public •ap�tttxeii.,i: section of London
dole be used to transfer these lin- extra 'tour a day The 'proposal of trr►d one of fts ;nr,et curfe;rrs..onea on Gutman l'hCosn a oat Governor's so• dthat at 21 a.m. all the
paveriahed miners to !C'atnada and for Premier Baldwin -before patio- Saabunila , -Wort ten thousand 'tends!
ntdsh Girard (rain Connecticut and. one• oth-reserved seats were Bane. For An
the development of great 'mines in.. Ment, is that the present seven bou� wome i,ywhog•hsd walked -from .;e11 (I have forgotten the name), all flour. before sea flay started we:stood
this country. The iNRsiitish mini( dst2 bse extended to eight hour day.` parts of the Kingdom, foregathered wearing' uniforms dating from the in line, f s seats. Such a: queue,• it
g Chii War, 'Whet a brave showing wend iniite exound the block.
g $there • d o rotitd 'twenty iimprovired
.trade . is adrsiitteitlo 'terriisly er>"er- If +the: miners. will :is,gxoe to this, the �• they made with their red coats and The many open spaces of° London
rammed, and the transfer of weevil eras orAnters will sgroe to.maintain present platforms: •lh,tened to epeechee in *cold braid, scone with towering etKhiie
thousand ruiners to Canada would warges in toast sit :the adds, The favor sof international peace, "They ,cockades *i d atheist with bear -skin
still leave mets• throw estro lh men to gainers are adamant however, upon r Frere 'the mem)xers of tele. women's ',busbies: Such * contrast to the lain;
look after ei:iatinti British .nines, the subject of working hairs. in peace•pilgxirnage, were had been walk-
alk 'blue of the French -soldiers who es,
However, before this suggestion could *,tet, "Emperor 'Cook," their leader, dog for weeks, the trickling flown of torted them. Much of the glamor of
be concerted into feet, there must declares that tf the government. at- an'deet women �leavbeg Wales Imo the militate has: departed with their are almost unk
uecessardy i s o"hungetde attitude on +tem tts to •1 »e the eight bow eltea Seoti*nd gathering force as they pal- unif ppaw.
... _p agayuniforms. >�' m The r , -
stag onhave
1 sea through. the towns and cities of pth: wandered about in tins
the part of Brttis"h nditxi re, for they the menixifti� of the safety �uswrtc-s ',tea
iCingdonr ir7ia a
powerful busby of eine of the officer& became coin's .Inn Field,.• the Inher Temple,
would be expected to exert more de ens and xsdFou .the nitres to become p loose. Re tried to b lane° his head- ChanceryLane, the Old CuriositS'
fort at the.same kind_: of: work in Willi Deeded area =Mesa for meal* dot stream. The pilgrimage was well gear but with eo access. Finally -.Shop, p oplefng thein. all with Dicks
man Pied, anti the ifoodtide was so Were , disappointed . came Mack � Canada desires the' he broke from • h'sa
A Week from today is Dominion Day
and we will surely have some warm weather. Get your
S. Zor and Goblin Hafts
Summer Underwear in all styles. Ties and Sport Belts
fps all styles. '
Our Tailoring department is busy. We,aiso specialize in
Special Orders from
$20.00 to OSA*
Tho tion *dually did shine the ';A$ • end delightful. jMen's a ' f
%�t�0 and Boys* e�?tOt's�! Worth Witi�e
North' Side Square
befoze we bel=t Paris, rse /feel a ,little Saturday morning we attended to Phone 219
more kindly tow•ttrd k. Never . e e ou • 'business at C k:
" e 1
Auto La uting
IHave your car painted
`U t• asthmatic who has found out the: de-
aisb, All new colors. a: pendabiuty of this sterling remedy '
will never be without it. It is sold.'
O i
9 Aisofurniture re -finished. ouge
Attacked by • At:thmna.—The t rst
fearful sensation is of suffocation,
which hour by hour becomes more.
desperate and hopeless. To such a
ease the .relief aifcrded by 1]r..1. D.
Kellogg's , Asthma Remedy seems
• nothing less than miraculous. its
help is quickly apparent and soon the
sa with the new Lacquer Fin o dreadful attack is mastered. The
are moat attractive,• so many squares fiord Car $25.00
and parks. It is extraordinary that
they have been able to� preserve them •
in. spite of the congestion. Apart-
ment,houses are few and skyscrapers ° se to • 'C%^""■' eta..'
Just recnv�ed, �ie °shiipment
Fred Se rook o
+� Q ktai• .:
Kingston Street '
o e om t o ranks and begged ens characters di t
• develo menet of her ma if eent coa1F ... ed 'titer th' ten thousand caret rho ass,stanee of a pretty French girl00
Chtmagsalt NC,Ough P p that the Marshalsea prison is no
areas the rice to a might be hi h iiam�ltaireorusiy at Hyde Park as more --torn down make room for
� Pay g
in crowd.: She tame to .the re•
if,it involved, with the traalsfar 'o! lannekl, '(The women are demanding seue with a safety -pin and the two some -modern buildings. Is Your II
the matters, the pr4l►lettda : that England lead the way. in dinar•. o£. them, ft , A ° lovely an we Is7 / oa1 Child
m me :
a nt and in -settlement i
"D'RStt- D O. , Fine and Work
1 hoes I
Thin and Weak?!
r a e
x u h effort, do P
nt of d s Utes t managed y ark is very 1 1 and
iiAiu' wt . which the „Britian g•overnment is nown to get the pin through the :bear -skin: enjoyed watchin the riders in Rotten
1by zitbitratian. +One and; all denonn- The motion -picture man made mach: Row. It had always been a mystery
lVii1. Women 'he •. t)rdnloed ces the use of farce, One adrentur- of this little episode. to me 'why and whence this ewizous
Tee ew eft:saeseete m calci placed ea ems : young woman ' howeib , soon The _Rue St. Honore was the name and 1:
at face* *nest •on .use eine wee et ler The Presbytery of Kitsnsack, Sash- 'roused the primitive in the peace , h scene. was , intere'ated to find
sough or *old •it •a'usalld be gotten and atehewaei, ..baa presented the Unitedparaders of an artists fetee : the Wednesday the . that it is a corruption of "route du
of sae,ai*eliately, se pure to da ea Church of Canadi, with a bigby •der+l uEtci g. the K;hole before we left. Paris. Some of Them: rot". -.-road of the kin . •
Pro- demonstration. She invaded • Hyde dressed in' medieval costumes, acted • Kew Gardens are the Royal Robin-
. moo ;piassieffeeettering from s,oatt bleu'. It 3bass requested orditai►ti sat tof .Park .to deliver: her attack upon the as oar e n o y n
res iii roue y, an as a corse- eace\women`and had oon t d , o h raeback, to front of dial Gardens and contain many bee
P s de l d
wouuw. bi•
'71'x, Masi 4se.su01 ,tf you don
't isles 1 G h d
quenec the whole queetxon sof ordure
•.-. •_ ._ . _.. _.. _.. est* at e.aaaaetenttrsidtdi-rani-^eglifik ' t..... .. b h f
it artai..ir�r a>~tng sen, ;okriimen ' eves
'coag t °tip or
its.: arse eonsidetotion. sifter a debate by de«
legates to the General Council, it v*ss
e seeerp s •rare. specrr,tens om v so e . ..Tablet*wi r to '• a an s
ve ope an arched gate erected on the site of tent specimens of tropical trees, In lust a few days--qutel4er thin
an_, unfriendly gathering from rich 'the. old __ .. .. . . _ - .
she had to be emitted by1 fat tifleattor. at. ,St. 8onore;'� shruiss and Bowers an huge conserve- you ever dreamt. A! rifest wonderful
1 the omni- 'Many o£ tete actors and actresses >`,
cines., We tarried longest in the health building,' flesh creating' tablets
present blue -coated bobby. Twenty» clerked in the stores for the after- orchid house, .where they had. mane:called; McCoy's Cod Liver Extract
eiight:national and international wom- Haan end
Cod 'Liver Extract t In Sugar • Coated
•Tablets Puts On Flesh and Builds 0
• • Thein Up . d
10' per cent of th t from Java, it start help
ens organizations were representee , m ex p y thin*
�.. .went to. the hind for poor b
a+►. •
Clearing at Special Pikes
Fine Shoes in Black, Brower
and Light Tan in Worth
or Boots,. at -
$2,9.5, $3ww.55r0 and
el4r 5
m ex
erde>s who will report ,in. tlao anization p and invalid ceedingly exotic (foreign) ones I had underweight little one. N.
when• a decision r�tht. artists: Two of the great drawtlg never seen bnfore, i�
women pre/where in The Alberta Election cards were Elsie d h o sizes 5i •to ' 11
' d' ua1 ate •teCet
• end esbyt
i1H a r- back next year
' the poeution of
Wins R.M.C. 111anara "• s people. Na: (mite an Onentaletouch to cine end of I Most people know that front the
�eandidate in the field in each of the pales= at the height ht h•
the church will be dealt with.
i Jarvis an the Dolly A very bad Chinese Pagoda and a are suspected they are especially val-
After. It aneY. where ricket
The three parties in Alberta, are, Sisters, tell of New York; -The street splendid• Japanese :,gateway gave ,uabte, • .
' , ever 11 was .. .
'kbis r,is*x ttiea leas stoma on the • g a y speaking each placing a.packed solid with l •
' mewl* for lee dolt 37;yeare, aid ise g ofis popularity the. Gardens. livers of the lowly codfish vitamins
selottedeilecel. )0Y 411 these wbo bare The eon .e;f lion. Arthur 1lfeigham, :sixty constituencies of that province would not have :drawn a oreater Monda • after w cn - of the first class are ext to
seed it, u & ,tise'best +usediein* they Gentlenwe'a''Cadet T. R. O. Meighan, ,far the, election which takes place crowd. Y, at hit; the Chang a roc d the.
eias ing. heto Guard bat Hampton
Chun kind that women all fehildreble underweight
Room for tiles �,.rd*f of their *tee;
seeeand an the fist of grailis- :June 2lltii. The Farmers' Govern- Met many people in Paris that I ace..we teak a bus to plampton Court men,. women and children. '
slowest earl *o,eta, es oftete ::Royal Military College;ut mie»t, under Premier. Brownlee, is had not seen for years, and several and spent a most delightful after -.1 Try these wonderful tablets for 30 -
Tea v'tbeeit'e ren get the yoga box Kingston. :seeking re-election, after five years from Pekin Left on the 10 a.m. noon wanderingaround h beautiful days and if yfrail
it, fiat be .etre ;y�i get the swine _ . �s•
w in, the office. Mre. Nellie- !Keelung e b tifte - your, pony money
feast iii put sp ixo^$lss T. fWbnrs <lo,, ((slier for .ef1b Years !train Friday for Britain. Fortunate garde/td and do the Stat don't greatly benefit- .get your money
and Bon. Irene
I seeing e e
Henderson Nesbitt, who has been y, .minister y Irad .z! very •smaotlr, Crossing, but, apartments fn the Palace: Poor Car- leek.
without ' h t +� •
o seeking political honors,
�` xoYea►t*• . , e o portfolio, are t e only two +wing q th �' t Ik
This.cfriarnixiara • - •
sotlatft�rttpggeoaa+coutd stand on
it facial .ut tieing , fit any herrn.
Tire retbbing eaacifftye mr heavy SSP
-. Pearl �.y smooth as
hiss, bot nuns.� i , it Cannot
._' wws+ettr..out, Mk.
sine. Theb.ckisbasr lyre-inforced•
with wood. lifts **washboard that
Will Isat. foto scatty years,:and
swmoonbars itis $ P made.
"4'te.�aa...ti oil=gm_ .:40"ontitartraimus sur
ll *r►allatllfilir.�t is t1
Above �>i are Handled by
The Only Hardware. oli the Square.
e�01er mug $4RN ROOF
pita Brantford Arra-lode States. Neither gals, rain,
MOW lair frost Qin bridge them and they last for years.
The law price *a1 smile laying coat maks tfatsa the seat
sis*s meal reef .t saeepttbrW volas Tau gas Isle thnarc •torr Ike
*iiisselet. to
- area 111.14.110*Lialabba Billaitfa,E•a , er tarsi.
_ Ilbreit Callget M� semi per,
a• .sera
. 1141411.1111) d* Ch.d*Ilieli
•wmen s `
There Will be a record number of con.:
;tridents, as Labor men and Indepe» ..
-,dente, are also ,xu tntng in several
Briand its "Gone Again"
Premier Briand's •"Ninth • Sym-
phony" has ended on a discordant
note, .and the French government,
having resigned once more in the
face of the falling franc. An oppor .
turiity was offered to the radical
}dotard lierriot to form a cabinet.
This he has failed to do' and with a
""smile :on the feet ' of the tiger" "M.
Briand returned onee We're fin is
likely to assume the conductor's )*t-
on for his tenth- symphony. •, The
Freneh government reminds. once , of
the terse' report of the Irishman in
charge ,of a railway train which ran
orf the track. The report red, "Off
again, on *gain, gone again,,-1inne-
f'ariiarvon Was Poisoned
Dr. • Frederick Cowles, a fellow of
the '.Royal Geographical Society,
claims to have proof that the death
of Lord (!arnarvon, the illness of his
fellow worker, Howard Carter. and
other deaths of excavators at the
tomb of Tutankhamen earl all be
traced to poison coating en the casket
of *the Egyptian king. The ancient.
poison had'lost none of its potency in
three tboesi nd years, and the inhales
great discovery.
Peettreaaen t. Meet Here '
A year hence the World's Poultry
('angreett is to be held in Ottawrt with
.delegate* from *11 pert* of the
world. The ignited State* delegation
will comprise twenty-five h*ndi�ed
people. This i* the !drat to be held
in any Engli,h 'peeking country tsa ion or -an attack of typhoid feveropened again until July 1st.
The• Arai wig held in The literate -contracted in that city. Wise Me- Yore get a glorioss.vlew from the
Holland and the second at llareelona. Queen's case wits * test case arising terrace of the Castle, P,ton Col
Spain. The Canadian ehowinr in out of an epidemic of last *idiom in the foreground and in the distance
Spain was so impressive that this Justice Logic rebuke*, the city fos Stoke Pledges, wiser* "Grape's Itlegy
reentry was *dieted for tine 1!g? ignoring repeated warnings upon the in as Country Cha hyard" was writ-
eonventjon. water supply. • ten. The only ph -tares we have seen
Referees cur tine Caste** Service* e••,+rr...�. so far are those in the Tate Gallery,
a lovely collection at' Modern Mast-
' era, Turnor. Watts. Whistler, lilllrt,
etc., with a few pf Gainsborough,
lloinrny and Reynolds. tondo* is a
very dirty city and thosgb there are
many restriction% en rout at pi -sweet.
it f r still passible to mane home look-
ing t•xcredingly senty.
After ?ranee, Engird erase a
very -expensive place in which to live.
.'hex, I aro sere; put up the priest
far anyone f eaking with an Aaneri-i
ran accent.
A pleasant xsediehie for eitildren ire
MatM'r Gravis' Wan* 1;xterntinao.r,1
and it is eseellsnt for *Oriel worn„
trains the system.
e s r . e, tto 'boats daily dint Voisey, how little he dreamed A very enekly child, age 3, gained
have leen taken off, consequently the what tragic fate would befall him. 12 pounds in 7 months.
remaining boat
g •vas peeked to celiac-, It inhere you find the famous' Maze, Ask any druggist for McCoy's Cod .
fty. There use aetuatI' standing' no did not attempt it as time pressed. Liver Extract Tabletis -as easy to .ii
roam only, for many, some having to This morning .(May 22nd) we made take as candy and 80 tablets,. 00 cents,
eft on their suit Cases, . our pilgrimage to the Houses of Par- -
They go through a perfect farce of Bement. It is rather strange that
look r
bcur hand baggage at Dover. There Westminster Hall is the .only part D
were not nearly enough officials to that can lay •elaim.to antiquity, hav- _.
handle such a crowd, and all they did inrt: been 'begun in '1097 and Haney
ing as passrorts and examining ,buildings so new can. look so hoary, . Things Have chancut down sansged. Now
trousers foadfoz
ma tan i �Q •34.
Working Shoes
in Black and Brown, with, or.
without Toe Caps, at
$2.95 and $3.45
sizes 6 to 12
was to tale your passport in their rebuilt 3* 1397 under Richard II. It
hand, then give it baFac, without ever was here that Cromwell's head wee
opening it. The same with the lug- exhibited, impaled on a pike, for
gage. At Victoria Station we had to ne,etly twenty-five years. -
wait for nearly tin Hour and a half to = I waif murk surprised to tend Iit:w
get Sur--ttiec1 ed: _ ix...
t►atxgage out of.etis•: '�arnsall the House of Commons is.
toms, all the time shaking in our Where is not even . seating space for
shoes for fear they would charge ex- .ali- the members. It is si1 most Yim-
orbitant duties on our : silk dresses. ereesivn »erfeet Gothic architecture.
The' hour was late and the officer 'Westminster Abbey is . equally as
was weary. He was relieved to find Iavele: but to my mind +mite spoiled
we were Colonials and were leaving by the many..barogtxe (odd) tombs
the _country in least than five weeks, and statues. It gives the effeet of a
museum sander repaixe tivith:tbe'scuap
customs duties blue to the govern- ture in disarray.
'tient The reforms recommended in-: The Chapter House, from 1282 to
eluded cutting down the number of 1541 the meeting house of the House
ports of entry, re -organization of the et Commons. was very interesting.,
preventive services and the appraise) Many ancient documents are housed
branch, *rid the formation of a secret there, including the "Deed" by 111I -
service. branch for checking up aper- Liam, the Conqueror: of the ground -.
*WOOL The Royal Canadian Knee it for Westminster Abbey:
maintained, should be placed' temper 'rumble we motored to R'indsor.
arils on patrol duty on the boundary. Cottle and wandered around the
'There was severe criticism of farmer grounds in the wake of a most amus -
Customs Minister Jacques Bureau Ing olsi guide, who said, "Grine naw
ifnd ai ilnotion of censure in the Cam, sand 1'11 show you where the Royale
.ribn`is'agatt5+6t`xtit preseast-minister, --17,174.:' : "'()n rxnirntoi.._cyent" r,,:.. ire
.Rota. G. II, Boivin, lout by one vote, acid, "`Ne gees to church with the
Resps.ntfble fir Typhoid one of you, not Royals at *11." Ohl
Owen Sinitic! has <he.n adjudged he was delightful. He dwelt at great
guilty of neglecting td protect itt length on the cruelty of Queen Mary
water supply, as it result of a suit (Tudor) and the tragic fate of Ann
brought against the - municipality by ' Boleyn. ttnfortutwtely the State
Miss Susie McQueen, who. las been Apartments have been closed since
awarded 12,000 and cooties* camper*, the general strike, and will not be
;ting and Queen. Just like they was
Sweeping recommendation!" for re-
form were contained in the report el
the special .tommitiian of numbers
of parliament who have bets investi• -
gating the pmt rah* c:rarges and.
who presented the moths of their
labor to the House of Commons in
aft atmasph.rt of tense interest -
:ieterat prominent tustoms o*,{tiatf
should be discharged. the report *aid
and the comfort of officers in other
dietrkctt investigated. sand etre law set
iN motion sitrinrt twexty.sieven Army
and casnpanie< whnsm evidence at the
hnreatigation erncetaln, imported
Rands was unsatisfactory. Action
against A. 1. itisapttes*,4, *resod whom
the investigation* hinted. was also
refonaraendelt. Effort should 1*
load,. the report 5Rdei, to mosey the
ADt1ITh$ Rs Mit STAN.
Th(• nEs* OORniTtON lhotscolT ON BY THS tapE$0* moms::
or .:_.
fwt! sus Oitr rHgutitw TO NORMAL HEALTH. _,.., .... .
NQi 141:1001tCa•-• PLIL/i SAl1e T AS SUGAR 4
....:,., .I..,.I .., ...,1..,. I 1101
Mien and ma3tgcJitoes. e'tamper:
Ixray allow these aggr"a`vMing,'thy pests to
VV ruin your outings'( In camp er at home Flit
will free you from the nuisance.
Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of
disease -bearing thea and mosquitoes. 1t is clean,
safe and easy to use.
Ki0' All Itoasehold Insects
tit *peva** destrayi bed huge and rifts. It ameba
out the creeks *nd cxewieea vrierre they hide and breed waddestroys
Mows arid their ears. Spray Flit mt your dti.flit nobs aid their use whichoat Wee taaEv
btils� that Flit apish did apt stain the *sot delicate
Punt is the result of exhaustive metereh by expert shoos
a ane and ehend ts. It Is harmless to Saari
itdoes replas d belt*. Ott methodse, old t ton and sprayer todaybecame* it killa the baisets =-afore
Distributed in Csas,ia by Fred J. nith'* Jt Co., Tomato.