HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-17, Page 8and the Great Outdoors
Pi r 11 r 11111, ^1.11114 r —
NOWis the time.to get your Outing Shoes, cool,
light, and easy. We hire them in great
variety for .
assed for quality and ionstruction, and,
best of ail
is ansa
cuatoa, -assisted by Air. G. themselves to our eiw. Aa bowl- *tell services will be kaki FridaY 411e na
01111111011 Day
Thursday, Jul*.
-Concluding in the evening with
Grand Tattoo and Magnificent
Fireworks Display
The morning program will commence with a
Street.? trade at g k) clock, with prizes forDecorat.
ed Bicycies, etc., followed by Children's
(See handbills for details of various events)
Softball Tourniment at Victoria Park
Commencing at 2 ri*Cklek
the evening perforitiaiiee at Agricul.
hull coettneticing at 7 o'clock. There will be a
feast of muse by eight tine bands, including the famous
Strattura C. N. R. Band of 15 men, with tubular chimes,
Kincardine Pipers. also Clinton Kitties, Seaforth. Luck.
now.. Zurich,...11roadhagen and Goderich..
This performance Will be concluded with a truly
magnificent &pity of fireworks. hy Hand. of Hamilton.
tforsit. aid attersoaa previous fro*.
. brain& Maio in Apia isral Graeae, AO& Sic;
Oak* I5c; Aim Mt
Wylie to Grog Ainks 25c; Claire
ihreeirseria, Pritakoral. Wosiloossolos,
Clmersims. Seereemy. Troasseme.
N •
- itt
.......... I .......... 'r • N
.. . '......... . "IN trip lest week en the Greyhound to Katie, of Dinegaorion. mitered eledIMMIllesaavalliallaoloilawammelliglittegme aseirkter. mre. L st,,e,aoews, a . ,.........
Detroit, *here she wire a greet with niuti:ette number at each service, in -
Um tho esitstifisi Ling ei ' 14214/4 a"d' G°411/c11'
Complete 97 -Piece her daughter, 5Ire. Roy el. Willie. addition to anthems by the full choir Mr. one Mrs. intlierriehor, of Myr
er's emeriti, Mr. J. E. Ma. New Summer
The regelar loonthiy meeting of thos4) frozu VaCknOW IAD oesisted - airrs s treat spent fast weak watt tie form -I
the Dungannon Manch of the Wont- king Mra. elleva McDonald, blies i
Dinner ,11,1:: ilvtizzilitbtleativitzro; togtir,d,„:,:irt:,(trtor., 'silt For. jaw. brigiss Westfield pepulatioa le ineremiteer. I
A. son wore born te Mr. and Mrs. /Fred
• • 0. A p. . sit the organ, The offering received J. Cook on Seterday, dune Ihth.
A Peiey Inini , amounted to needy $200. 7
ets , A part) numbering a
tended the 15th anniversory of the; It was the privilege and pleasure
bout . Wortban s Etches.*
(outlet ef daye lac week with her
W. . C p
. • • , emarriege of their relatives, Mr. and; of your correspondent recently to en- daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crosier, Crewel TI 1_ haye received this week two new.
Imported direct from rig. Robert Wilson, of Goderich joy * 000 -mile motor trip through MISS
S. NoaLE
when a very enjoyable time wee- thie tanner Province of Ontario, st an .. Taylor visited Mr. It. H. Taykr et St.
Mr. and Mre. A. Walsh and Mr. E. shipments, including:,
the semen when all initure was robed alillusH mom= swot Joseph's hospital, London. tin Satin-.
The Sacrament of the Lordli Sup. in her newest and freshest apparel, day.
THURSDAY, Jt'NE 11t, rn
• spent.
the manufacturers tn
England to enable ua per will be dispB
eneed in Ersionee 'oth a we I -equipped, -peseenger
hop ..--e--.---- • - ' _ • " ,,-' „,,, Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell visited;
, Presbyterian church. on Sunday nexC car, a Party a six, four of w ied us to tea wawa woe, am' "''' the letter's mether. eirs. Barkley, of r
of Dor
service wiw,ehere minister* of the Presbyterian beheld tho might,' 8t. LaWraaea in all Dungennon, on Wednesday
to sell them at a tow at 3 p.m. Preparatory
h the other two the vote of a week.
price- 8 pare . minister and the wife of in elder- ita nuijesty, Its width averages
*bout two milse until it reaches Qat
Mrs. Frank Kershaw end Mester
be held in the church on Thursday at ;IMOC-4
M. R. Daviditon returned on Fri an experienced and caPohle chauffeur het City, where it rapidly widens un -
Jack, et Blyth, returned home on Sat-
- Uhl 4 the wheel -all contributed to- h from ' day from Montreal, where she at-
- ward making the -lourney profitable bundred *wee servo. nee kiskway tirday after spending several dsys
tw t to on*
$28.50 tended the General Assembly of thee as weii ae with thn tortnees father, >In 4lobt.
pleasant'. Our anticipeted now followed thee windiwg thinks of
$30.50 Presbyterian church. White in the destination wss Montreal, Where tor the river ter the reilmining one Wit -
diVir. J. Tennis% reeeived word 41kT44
$35.30 city she WAS a guestt with her niece a week or ten days, was to convene deed lad fifty or sixtgearines, and ire- . -
Mrs. W. T. Midst nmy, to choose from. Nawrot pens.
the Geneva Assembly ef the Preshee goody tenets were seen where the Sunday night thet his sister, Mrs.
, .
Wee oh* SearY 9ds), Pieces of The annual meeting' of the Huron terian church in Canada, to which the tepid' made trowelling' dangerous in
Cole, of Blythtime of writing Mrs. had had a strokeAt Cole was stilt CHOOSE YOURS TOD'AY ,
with pattern in stock so that . The following pupils from Dungan. ministerial section of our party 'were the main bed of the liver. On we
I awPiieii.
breakages may lee replaced. non ;choke evrote last week on the commissioners. Lesvin-4' " our own ont through remott, Morrisburg, in o crtal condton
, .
Lower High Sehool exams: Prank County of Huron, shortly after the ,Cornwall, aur loot stop being nude Airs. Marvin hicDowell spent port ,
Savage, Berman carpenter, Lib' noon hour, aur journey led ma through at Lancaster for dinner. We were 61 last eek at the bedside of her .
Reed, Dorothy Allen, Msrgaret RYA% the "Garden of Coned*" es Western now approaching the .Province of father, Mr. Clerk, of St. Helens. Mr necial Values TN eek
PORTER' Nancy Melt Erma Roach, Marie Onterio is fittingly celled, siring the Quebec, and our evey ley parelieli Clark had * stroke a few weeks ego $r'
ns • e•
Ryan and Runty McClure, the tore- peaceful county roads which are un- with the' Lachine -Canal which ton- and paned away on Sunday evening:
. BOOK STORE their full two-year course, while the more thickly popelated highways in •reachea Montreal. At last shout lelorman, and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Me- geadora Voiles, 39e yard
HO* tigli Squints ' • i completed. Results will be announo. riston, Elors. Guelph, four-tniles this etion, where we were welcomed at day) to visit their brother-in-IMr. 0 .
Inost three. having now completed molested by the speed -fiends of the tinues for malty miles until it fitiolIY Mr. Wm. McDowell and his son.
firrt Years,* others have their arsoyear ceuree closer ProximitY to the Miele Har- midafternoon we reached our destin- Dowell went to Linden tedity (Tisei.
-ehe"--'-"-""- - ed et a biter dote. side of which we struck. the first of Enox•Crescent church, in which the A H. Taylor, at St..Toseph's Hospital.
County Educational Association of the pavement which ley before us for Assembly convened. The description . _
3. . Trustees and Ratepayers will be held the rest of the ,600 -mile journey of Montreal and our return journey EB'ENEZER
M. James pactdvn i3 :Vending a at Clinton on Saturday, June 10th, In- -then Hamilton and Toronto -where through New York State will be con -
law days this week at 'Maio - ' the afternoon. Among the subjects we welcomed super sad beds, in an tinued next week, Some from here took in the moon -
Mr. J. P. Campbell vieited friendr that will be up for discussion are : ticipation of en early' start on the light on Lake Huron ' on Monday
Figured Cotton 13roadeloth,, 59e yard
Cotton Vests, 25c.each
Cotton Bloomers, 2 pairx for 7$e
4 port Huron last oeee, mailing the "Night Schools and Winter Short morrow. .Atter gathering our party . AIJBURN - night hot
:rip by Str. Greyhound. . , courses for . vocational Training," together next morning, we were off . Miss Elsie Lawlor, of London, is A wet June makes the faiener Pare Linen Toweling,15e
Mrd Mrs Jonathan Pattison
"The need of Commercial Coursea in on the second lap of our journey. visiting' her parents at present whistle a merry tune. It: will help
'''' Winglutin, ore gneste with the tut- „ , !le 1, e Smola' of the Orangemen from the Make the hay tenger. .
. ant. , of
High and Continuation School -0' SOIA10 raindrops greeted us, but theY - • Cotton Crepes far Lingerie 27e -yard
ter's --------------------- sohoveirnment Assistance in „High on 1 servea to enhance the heautY. village attended the Change service Mr. Elviiii semi Miss Leura Aut- So .
carrying courses in A ricult. and frohness of the country throu h • .
Our road nawIi.... Sundar
g in the Presbyterian church .n1 Blyth ledge, of Goderiele spent Sunday at J..*
Mrs. Devid Sproul has been a guest e ee .
rre and Domestic Science." /11, who which we travelled. their. hom h re hrose, reg. $1.50 to
Now $1.25
with her daugliter, ;Ate.Kobt a il-
are interested in educational geed- lay along the ninth shore et Lake The verious Sundapoehoois of the Mre. Clayton Waiters, ref Goderieli
Fon of Goderiele during the past ions are invited to attend the meet- Onterio, whose blue waters were vis -
week. village bad a meeting last Monday is visiting her friend; Miss Muriel
• ing. ible through and beyond the trees . • .
which fringed ita shore. One •leY one
. picnic in the. near future. 'The grader haft been. working on ' - . .
e e eng otry and arrange a union 1. ge, or n few daYs. . .
hlr. end Ure. J. 31,, Wil°011 and Maa %The withal gardee party of the
Kathleen Reed, of Elm, were week- /lofted ckurek will 'be held on the the towns were left behind -
Woo Adams, of Windsor, game up the roads here, stirring up the etones - .
c ,, ,
. .e., .
end guests with relatives at Dungan- church lawn on Friday evening, June (:)elle'sva' in both directioos from
. svith the Greyhound from Detroit and scattering them over the road Plume 54 e S . ft 0. Muse S6
s , . ...,
non. ,
25th, • Supper will be served froin which one met and passed so many
I' t • 't Bo anville spending the time in visiting Mende making it very pleasant for •the
Mt and Mrs. Peter 'McDougall, oi balf30 to 8 p.m. and this will be follow- nr• en"' n l 1 in thiS 10Cality. On her return trip '•• et_ .
tPorter's Hill, visited at the home of ed by an excellent program given Newcastle, Newtonvilte and final y .
Mi. and btrs. ,Davideon on chiefly by the Sunbeam Concert Trio Port Hope for dinner, from which she 'was accompanied by her sister,
Saturdey. a London. .Thia is composed of Miss
one, mrs. wiceens and Gladys Shiy, soprano soloist and
piece our worthy chauffeur had some Mre. Aollineon, of the village.
diflteulty in extricating himself, sur- Mr litaCullongle of East Wawa- Lovely 97 -piece
temily, of Monte, spent the week. reader, and Miss Greta Lanunio _ rounded as he was by so many of bis :vele had rather a iserious accident on re_ - 0
VW at the being of hlreeind Mrs. le, A.T.Ciel., violinist, end. miss gath.• former parishioners, this being one the base line. There were five in the cag
GMk»syn Sella, A.T.C.M,, pianist and an‘, .of the fields in 'which his labors of car 'when it run off and upset They
Me and MrsRoHarris and tam
• . .
companist, all graduates of Ontario love had been performed some yeara were under the car but none of them -
. . y -
ily, of Stiattord, were weeleeend School for Bliud. The remainder of
previous. But at jest we were away. was serlooly -hurt -.
Cobourg, Grafton, Colborne. Trenton -Mrs. Meintughlari. of Eamenton.
guests with the lady's parents, btv. the progrem will be given by the,
end Met T. G. Allen. Dungannon orchestra and other low and Belleville, our wily now lying
• talent. F•verybody ' welcome. For along the beautiful 'shores of the long
Mr. R. L Reed and daughter, Miss fuller perticulara see .W8. .- and ' narrow Bay of Quirite, with
•- Evelyn, of Gederich, and Mr. W. If. Pei co Edwin's! County, in the full
Dungannon on Sunday.
'were held in Erskine Presbyeieriat-i Ittnty.ef Mile fter mile slipped by
kit trainees Just across
' Reed, of Dettoit, visited relatives at Succeessful anniversary P4 eirleee
church on Sabbath leek with after.:
Mrs. B. J. Crireford enjoyed the noon and evening servicee, which -
till finally• Kingston, the "Iiineatone
•"'" ' , .were well attended. Rese,A, NeFar- city, we comeas a
" I d 'n time for sup.
Are lane, of Clinton, veto was the preach. Per. Supper over, a short drive.
441 .
through. the ,eit revealed to us
after epending the last.morith visiting
friends and renewing old *egged:M. Of a-gar:alit •
ancea WO' neighborhood, left last -
Saturdey oin her homeward journey •Sipa, -
Stitt intends spending a few days with $ axt bift Store
her son in Toronto. •-• . East St, , 'Phone 198
The Women'a Institune Will meet- ,„
in the Forest.ers' Hall Tuesday, june
2end, at 2.15 p.m. Mies E. M. Col-
l! given eih ed. __•••
'Experimenting is too costly, Doer -
aeons often dangerous. Try "Mrs,
Sybilla Spettes Tomilitis" for coughe•
_ bronchitis, adenoids, ceterrli, and
Dinner Set tonsil infections. It's guaranteed.
For sale at's CAIWPBELL'S mum
Rich Crown Derby coloring
er of the day, delivered two earliest Queen's College,' the seat of learning 11"0 A„rle.es,ter° • " Tour Faun y ,un
AlB,A1616 Witt'
'04't RECOMMEND ..
Anises Ne.6
f the e d b to e
wnere o s e eu r s
d tOgOth*.r With 'saving .p
• s de osit-
dress on Girl s preparation for bfe.
end forceful sermons; this *being his which has supplied ue with nmey of efostesses-atts. Stiredy, htese jno. Friends- Want your— ---T-L"et: ih'stivollartIrluVotm*IPZIne
• gvat appearance In Dungannon. •SFee- our- most -learned hod esteemed men wuson Jars. mogridte, mra, °liver
Photograph leaflets totalling over $31,000,000.
cial music Woe rendered be' the choir of the at'. """-
el u &leen /Me again al • A ad attendance- is re -
Marion. go
Sacra* noon% WAS assisted by membere of _ mast make Brockville, a &game queeted. • „ Make tlit'appointrnent Touoy-l- 15% uittlkoreAhoolo
Dahlias, Lueltnow. and Clinton' Presbyterianwe . of fifty miles ere "nature's sweet re -
The Satrart of the Lord's Sup. ° , R. SALLOWS or more for i,2.-3, 4 or 5 'veers:
• N
P.nnlals: tholes. e 'Miss Meaturchy; cootraitc
!tta.. • solelet of Toronto, -rendered at solo
storeelalnier Sleep,'" refresh'
on_ Per'wM be eived the Presbytetr-
eseh service in o very effective men. us for the final lap a the, Journey
ight, ion church next Sabliath. ser- e •
the morrow. eta the shade of ri
N , •
• FianditonStreei
Shoe Store
' 4
• Complete line of ladies?, gentle*.
men'e and children"s shoes.
• (Aortal in and ranare oar prices.
.euouteseam netieuogop oe;
delhOeoll i00 Owlet** V'
sr • Muteh, Itobetten and Mutcb. of the Th $.1 d I la d ied Mr. MeDermicl, of Goderich. ?repo- A PLA r
velli be in cintrge of the Rev. fe- e„ 1-"4"` - ale4neT,1413 Zriewro:ollueert aputtlAT"
4TIVIART lid% A triO Of male "lease the Mee" began to fail roOnd us, the bertuties
• • 11 • '
• /low about
o san s n s roves
ed tnerrilY along, we could not re- evening. THe Rev. lilt McFarlane, wyer Seeds and Ismorance
linos exclaination after exclamation et. Clint", *III Preach' The Rev. mv. wall» Owe Ily tie Tome Peelle's' end; Telephone 476
of admiration for the heauties•thet Geace3e epentlaet 4Veal•C at hiS hnnla loasinuar Melted eeq- rth ' esr. 11481$"1344 Illli*t.
Idre G e
river, ----------,ie-glittng *On- led bitn Mgt:return on Saturday.
Wo are agents`for these in
Godericb, Tura in your
. old ons*nd get *130ve One.
This is yourStore. Us* IL
now lay along ur wa. The placid a orotl 0 ' rac YeaCCOMPall"
shine, the islands which dotted its Last 'Wednesday evening the an FRIDAY, JUNE, 18th
%true% esea clothed with verdure to 11041 AnbUth' 1WAY 501001 convene is Wed the Par*** BUM
the water's edge, combined to prsaent tion vete held alb the Reptist church. "ADMISSION,.pe- 35o sari 25c
a aeene beautiful beyond compare. The attendant:torts not as large as.
Quito naturally our veicett dropped iae„ former Soar The president, Jim). . - . .-.. .- - ------:--
into song, tee different roe 01 which wilson, occu led the cheir. The
tette, first the old funnier songs, Ferris, of Toronto,. who gave a good -SADDLE HORSES
were taken up by eac of the sex- Principal speaker was the Rev. Mr.
than which none are lovelier end, be. address on Sididay school work. If - Good M. "RElle8DeinBA,Rir "the
fere which the more we had mod` orn jetss more parented school instriegt-
palms and hymns which hoe glad-•
dened the hearts of the pioneers. COLBORNE
whose loneliness in the new country Mr- and- kill- Chile- Rebuts" and
-to which they. had cane, maybe)), two daughters spent Sunday with
sometimes led them to exelelity"ttew Merida st Kineardine.
ran we sing the Lord's song in a Mr, and alio. (Capt.) Inkster, of
strange land'?" AS we drove through Goderich, apent Sunday with their
the darkness which now had envelop- daughter, Mrs., Ernest Mitchell.
ed vs, Trollops the thoughts of home Mr. Jarvis McBride sold n carload
*nd loved mum whom we were leaving of fat cattle to Mr. E. 0. watt, of
further and further away as the miles Auburn; shipped from McCaw Stil•
siretched,behind us. one by one, Inside tion -
our singing just *Bale more expres; -
sive es tender Moratoria elkine crowtoet ned k ' i ft tr —.4
Mt and Mrs La It nor have re-
nor in rapid succession through our pulerasant cltnivto *4reiresenksi%wrtrh aPefrittenditit ian
brains. Am enough of this. The m" , tread • '
lights of 13roelcville now began to
twinkle before us in the distance as 5Irs. Meadeford, of Toronto, has
it beckoning- and welcoming mo to returned to her home after spending
their lovely City on Lite:northern
two weeks with her grandchildren *1
shore of the St. Lawrence. Before McClave Station,
breakfast next morning at short yolk
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Jas. Mitchell, nor one time neighbor,
- now of Oaderleh, lies very ill. We
hope she will an recOver.
Mr. and Mrs.- James Fent% Jr.,
have retornedehorop after *Amy _____
- !miner:a-eon trip; deo(' wishes are
extended to Jim and. his bride.
At the 5.1. and Exchange Sato
ire will try to smarty your wants in
nit Messes of Horses, Beggieti saL
° Good Stenos* for Cets.Day week,
or month. Items: day, Doc: week.
*1.50. Month.
Good Saddle Horses ere available
-sewn now until mot wept. en
niter width date -the horses o,111 be
leaving town.
Auto and Borst Livery,
Peed Sale *ad Exchange Sera
For the Sanstrier Menthe
New and Smart
On the Hrosdoray et -Gottorich
..atime,-- •
• , • I
• •••
-0' •
:fantod Life
PRESSED gooshioso
• ..v
. Of Canada
IT W11.1. LOOK LIKE NEW IF ilFiRD OrrieX wierantoo,
- AT 1. -HEI
&Asia French Dry Cleaning Works Be 11.
_ Prompt and Expert service
Phone le Wait Street
Mr, and Mra. Thos. UM) and Mas.
ter Alfred Squires, also Mr. and Mrs. Baby Carriages
Herr/ Sendersori, all of Goderich. tamale as row taste
were Sunday visitors at the homeOr of aa wlit"'"14C
racket dietates• are to sten
Mr. J. Treble. Iter* many styles. Alt are well
Mr. John Lone and Mr. A. Van- mode and will. give good service ors
atone are busy putting up a new wire mattee what price tarriese yew pick
fent* where, the bad roads were host oat. Kowa* should Met 1* an*
Winters for whkh vie are aure the set thole Go Con Asisi CUTUP*.
people who travel that road be *kieli wig *take lhoife "I'S" f"
both mother sas w.
very thankfuL
The Sunday *thole on Eenrniller
emit are lookiser forward to s very J. R. WHEELER
happy union pkaie in the near tut-
or*, there being only two thurchee
Nosed Director
es ifortest Street
that circuit otter July lit, Ben- , _ _
miller and Corto*._
Children's Day bras observed In the fat,' R for4 friends
In the Finest Materials and IN...mew unisea • church on Bender. men htne anething
Letest Straws are featured Mr. and KM. art Taylor and ekil. you Ceti giro them
in our Newest Collection of dm were Goderigh visitors oe. Sater•.
Models. asy. Except Year Photgritrook 1
Mr*. J. E. Ellis is 'riskier hie as.
r.. ere cordially, Molted tsor. Mu Rea* illerentry, of Whig. No other nemembraneei
fee inspect oar *leek barn. will give see& happiaoss
Mr, *ad Km I. Me= arr, tio
M. R. MacVICAR/1,17,11171,„,t114tar" gm' be" " Flom IP J. T. FELL
kisenoteit Serest Krs. J. N. Carailbei Is thielig hitt
MOONEY, Agent'
',Haan 230
GOMM, Otte.