HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-17, Page 5Mr. and bars. Ben Cox, of Dundas, very glad that another tcinter will; personal injuries. The child. was silk lace trimming, 3 l Ont., were recent visitors at Airs, see our horses more • etimfortably , "Master Jack Thompson, from near p j , g, a veil of silk vation service, ; Tuesday, 2.30 t,m„ Cox's mother, ;ins. Andred Million. ;housed during chureh hours. 1 Whitechurcli,•is work:ng for Mr•. Gil- thrown cut of its mother a arms and Brussels net and bandeau of orange Home League (for ladies). ' A • Cor. • best Vint. sustained some slight enjuries and blossoms and slippers of white kid, dial welcome awaits you. Mr: and Mrs. Co. motored and report (From another correspondent) f Mr. Sowerby -had a cut above•, the, eye, Her bouquet of American Beauty a;geed _triai, • . Mr. Frank Mellwain made a trip! Miss Eva 1•'.rr•irg. og, from, near Satisfactory siettlement for the dam- noses, lily of the Valley and fern was CHII,D$El�a'S sill SOCIETY Mrs, David McGratten entertained it Detroit on the Greyhound last' Dungannon. is as�ist,ng ° ni.a. Wilson ages vas made.: °• - •— 'lwo Public School•• gift of•tht 'gram, a string of pearls -week• The day was perfect in its , The, church shed here is bei~ tornt 1Ir. and Mrs, \�'m. Gallagher, of Her oungest sister, Irene, made a been recalved~sinee the Inst monthly June beautyand a veryha g ' .bam ni• li Teachers Appointed ppy time down in order that a new one may bc' p prctt little flower girt in melon silk report and are gratefully ucknow'1- THURSDAY, JUKE 17t14, 1920 SPONGESOQDERi("H TOWNSHIP Wto much regret tat, owing to the HoImesvill+r--"\'allay Farm" -June then tends tow' aadvertising columns or ashen Your Car Tim GOiE STAR • • Clark, gttsnded the funa•ral of their, TO �i 1<+�& ��+ VS ttetasin. Freda Humphrey, of near St. 1 Helens, Wednesday of iniac week. Very Interesting Article's 7feid Over l CHAMOIS for Polishing Campbell's Phone 90 lfith tthis week we are oUrged to hoed oversome very interesting matter. One Mr R mammon.has sold his Ford I ear to Mr. P. Speirau. i article is with reference to the Great :Hiss Bessie Davidson has returned Northam Steaasship Co., Ltd, the' from a visit M Hamilton. million dollar comma: towhich re - Mies M. Fakuner retained home t jagenco wan made last Meek, hav- ing mamma two atoms ko put on i from ytratford last Saturday. i the Detroit to Sault route neat s=um - i 'tire T• Sowerby, Sr., is spending a met, calling at Goderich and Georgian • few days in Gait/rich with her sister,' Bay ports, twke each way weekly.. • ! Miss Alice Wakefield. l The proposed schedule rune from i :firs, T. J. Jolinstan, Park St., Gode- June 14th to Sept. 4th. The vessels Dr ' rich, is visiting at the home of her are new boats, oil burning style, with' ug •S toret son, Reg•: ,L Johnston.' l accommodation fon 400 passengers ', A garden party under the auspices' and each state room will have run- ., � (� �; i of Porter's Hill United church will be ntng hot and cold water and tele- -! held on the lawn of lir. Re'd T -' phone. A second' interesting article ,,illi on Friday evening, June 25th. `London, and there are a number of . f i•or#er s a letter from Miss Tom on old ranee half tnile south o°a N Mrs. Lewis Taylor is spending .a week with Mrs. Lorne Johnstont Cedar Valky. I of the Square, Ggderiv}f. The pro- I A splendid supper will be xerved from reeds of sale will go toward the • 6 to & o'clock, after which an inter - building of the new shed° testing program of instrumental mu - other interesting articles unavoid- ably held over. aCar Runs Into Horse and Buggy vocal t The second game of the series for, sic, silos and addresses will be' in 'Mist an Saturday Night Nile garden Daily*, always a most the Huron Presbytery Soft Ball Lea.' given, An orchestra and band will A bad accident occurred on the .uitax lg.afL'Itir, will be 'held on July Nile between e was Ashfield ed asndvN les A .including at also inisupper, 35 cents, children,on 25 twefin 1d 11 road and 12 o'clock, nabou; be - 14th this aver. • Keep the date open. walkover for the Ashfield tdam but 1 cents. Everybody welcome. miles from town, when Fred Grigg, Mrs, Geo. Feagan aid he;• twp lots of fun for all the boys and when • - driving a car in which there were six children. Harry and Maty lads, spent N€le gets in some practice then we PART ALBERT occupants, ran into Robert Sowerby'a last Week with Mrs. Feagan's brother hope to,have a real time. j At a congregational meeting in St, horse and carriage as the latter was at Petrone, Ont. ,One `would truly think a wrecking Andrew's church 4ast evening plans returning home. It was a . head on "Stars" are shining in greater. Crewe had been at work at Nile when were made for the holding i a lawn collision and the mist was so bad that numbers at Nile. We are glad to setwe see the place .where stood for 33 social or .garden party on the church one could .see only a short distance Mr. Wm. McKnight the happy posses- years the church shed of the Bile grounds the firs~ Tuesday in July. ahead. None of the occupants of sof. of a lovely sedan. United ehureh. The shed has, ter- It is some time since the St. Andrew's the car were injured, but the .Mhorse' Miss Jennie .Marquis left .on Tues-, tainly Been better days and the men congregation have hada garden par- had both its hind legs broken and had , -•-'-•~~-- "'•- .up special work for the summer at down to replace same with a new and makutg ,this ft notion a real success, sidesabl am Mr. . y damaged. Sotwerby performed by Ret. E. Poulter w: Sunday'. The la a ay morning, open air BELFASTthe+carriage, got oft without serious white georgette over white crepe with school: Sunday evening, 7 pan., fiat attend to all business. For every form of throat cough, bronchitis, catarrh, adenoids and ton- sil u€hnents, .try the guaranteed rent. eclr, "Airs, Syb:lla Amities TonsUitis." Wonderful . results. For ' side at t"AMPBELL S DRUG STORE. Wood "Lavender Line" of Ladies' Silk Knit Lingerie "The "LAVENDER UNE" is made in all the new and popular shades in the following garments : SLIPS, BLOOMERS, TEDDYS 'and VESTS Every Garment is guaranteed perfect, and being - a lock -stitch knit, it wi:1 not run. If you are not wearing oar "Lavender Line" you are not Wearing the Best. PHONE 86 F. E. HIBBERT THE CASH STORE QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT MODERATE PRICES. • T. day for Toronto where she will. take were very busy .this week tearing it ty •and no effort will be spared in to be ah and nd the carriage was con- with pink and .white roses and was Meetings .are held weekly as fol. the National Trang School better structure o! cement \We ares And his wife and child, who were in bride was charming in a dress of meetings; Sunday, 1,30 p,m, Sunday ter homes in the County. There will be no public meetings helti during tlas summer months. The t'unintittee win tied with pink chiffon. She wore the the Ladies' Aird at her home last week, . Irwm with her e•nrk. The in int; contributions have was spent by all. built ins am, called• •on r, andMrs. ay, w . - All the •:me bers • of the Public Jno. Alu:l'n last Fled eate• chAZrand Mra arte�Ct ;eddig march. Mrs. Robt. MCMil- Instiute, $0,00: \Y. Reg. Sharman, CsJMrddletoTIephMrnn.,ian,•Crz,d.fi.Ai..len Alntoanfdamand-el�rnd•nut6reedmars,dseess wok aa2fwedding repast was served in thebitsAiarslial!Harrison,\WA1onkJ • •Wedd'his. RosTaylor has porchesMedai Th Wednesday. - - - - e two positions about •ere present at the riedabasketof sweetpeas, forget me Chas. l. 'Yourig, $1.00; P. J. Cnnte- held last night to con• ofevaenorIon, $100; Mrs. R. Shiell, $1,00, •W. car- eded: 'Matthew Bates, $1,00; Mrs, or a Miss Templeton, Mr. p The Geo. Thompson. new. Oldsmobile coach and Air. \\sits 1 up .from Toronto on the kindergarten work. Per . the lin- house by r sial t frirnGr. of the bride. ton, Marshall McKnight, a Star sedan. r Tue°d^1 t� ri"it t;e #�rnter's t sole, dergarten work the application of The toast of the bride was proposed Fruit: Geo. Laithwaiie, Dept, of • d. bars° Conk •and Aiiss Mi di d Cool 1 • Jnh • -titan, returning home en Miss Anna M. Miley, of ;Campbell- by Rev. Mr: Nutter and responded' to Agriculture, Geo, Andrews. '31 r,, l � \wrdnr•sda*•. WEEK OF JUNE 21 to JUNE 26 of Toronto, same up last Saturday to 1 ,; visit•+with•the former'o Meter, It1rs ( • 7 '' tli3r t>C 1RY fi • riston as second choice. Miss Elsie p. McPhee. •. ; • a• Hi y'married just t t yearsthis Cakes and Sundwlblies• 1lnrine groome a ri a a paten s. were r wen y . ago zs Marine, ville, was accepted, tit:: $900, with in ;a 'very happy manner by the Husking, Mrs. Taman, Mrs. ;Marshall Miss Margaret R..MeIfensie, of Har- • Th b 'd ' i Harrison W. Monkton, Monday and Tuesday • AIAE BL'SCH sued' Ll3\V CODY The important event °o$ jhis tveea•e CL RE: --Thr • death took place on attended Milton gh School and On. month . and s toast in honor of "the - Social Club; WI F. H, Price, Ahmeek Saturday at St. Louis, Aio., where tarso Ladies' College, Whitby, has br'd a d oo i of tw nt ears' Chapter I. O. D: E. I. O. O. F. Me- 'the Nile: in a lavishly brilliant society drama was the ballgame between she had gate, just ., a fortnight. Toronto. Conservafiory stand,~ in i ,e n gr n . e y y , .of a mother's folly __-_- _ and a tenni from Ashfield, e was ,toady to vis, i g prey: both vocal and 'i8no ,and has had ago breading an appropriate re. Gzllivary Rhoden Band, Knox church, Millinery Sale: all enjoyable game, although the Ash -1 t 1 et niece, miss Fran p + sponse from Mr. Hill, while: a eheilar Maitland .Golf `Club,. Blue Water Golf field people wan 156. 'Calvin Meiji c''s,H�ldane..•oz ~list Galt Clark, of experience in Bolton camp conducted honor to the• parents of the groom an21 Country Club. I :'-• MERMAID COMEDY tyre was the star player for the Nile. at the br' rkf s•t table at the. time a_and. Itas been attending Toronto Nor- Both the bridesmaid and groomsman Airs, A. Al. Gamble: Ice Cream, "lime the Comedian!' p Children's, Misses and 1 Godertele • The demoted.; ted.; was sitting by the Toronto Fresh .Air Society; teas acknowledged by Mr, Feagan. Airs, Duiroin: Vegetables. e, a a e 'CheapSkater," sir l: , gal specializing kindergartend • ' S o e . ca n- Red had ,been 'feeling- mai,, in an of tw years, a w re a Airs. Jas. Clark: Three dozen eggs. gonly go a pre est, gg j CARLOW' ,Tulia and Isobel Young visited with1 ing so suddenly, was entirely unlook• work the appointment- went to Miss then Culbert of Dungannon, After The Superintendent placed three Maud Howell, delights* o the f ti es Mr. children in homes; durili the month Wednesday and Thursday . - Tlte'sepsatioti. of New Xark . lireaturing•V•George Hackathorne and Clare Bow.' This is a' tense, dramatic story of prison life and. . has. received the highest - praise ,'sora 'officials "Capital t'runiuhment" everywhere,. 1'ATIE COMEDY -: `Innocent H ds° Friday and Saturday • Allay MCAvoy, 'George Fawcett held on Friday evening at the 'horns from the residence of Air. John Galt and a committee was appointed to' signet ring, to the soloist and accom- e e panist,sterling bar pins set with brit - Jack Melba!' in • a ~resent day .tom Ne are pleased to report that.Aiis wets• c. -e .~stud by Rn, •S. S. Hardy tem y ed for the second class position Hants and to the flower girl a. gold narticular:y well, and the end, con • primary work. For the second .Blase .Mrs. Doak,of Goiterich and. Mr. Ar- Salvation Army : Magazines. their parents recently. ed i, r. The deceased'w•as the ypung-,M d A.H 11 d ht f Mr.and es yeti Mi. and A a. Feng n g Mitis E. Phillips, of Gocterteh; spent �. est daughter of the 1dte John Galt MIs- M. W. Howell, of -tUwn, who has left on a trip,, in�luding Toronto, Nit- and would be pleased to hear from We invite you to Cott a' day last week with her cousin, Mrs end was barn in Goner€cls She was accepted. the position at- a salary of gain and. Buffalo. The- bride's going homes .in the Country who ivuuld A. Clark. + mairrrd to Mr. PTJ her, c`lark, mane- $8110. Miss Howell has an interim away costume war• a blonde eharmeen _ consider. taking a sister.. eleven and a . i Matrons' Hats - ALL REDUCED • Mr: and Mrs, Jarvis McBride .and der of the Bank of alt,. eatmater- first-class certificate and•a year's ex- cape coat .trimmed with fur and est- b consider nine, also .a pair eleven v and d it ,aiversal Hat Shpp�e sons visited .With friends in L*zeknaw ton.N.B. sir. John Galt, postmaster, perienee at Varus. She was the win. ,broidery, a dreess 'of cinnamon' flat out for some • holidays during July• on Sunday: • Gee' '" "' d Mrs. Joh G S nor of the second Carter scholarship p , with hoseand h and August for, period f i i North Sidc r7f Square ' :ere e w t s ccs to match ugus or any o time ' et nisei .' mitt al. are lb, suiwiviiig bio- m ,. en she o0 outs mats - and a picture hat of • slind shade ° On The Superintendent ds now visiting M D Crawford f F1' Mich f • t•1 1924 when h took h i . a week with histf 1 j °'.uQ titer rrrl shoes.. The body %vas cuiat€on in 'mathematics, English their return from the honeymoon the wards of the Society placed in foss. • -•spen ng 'family t brnttr .:t balk to Galeria. nue. inpan Latin and French, having her Collo- happy couple will make their home Mr. A. Wilson's. led ty In Miss Ha*dant, and the fun- giate education.at the G.C.I: 'Mr. obi the room's farm in Colborne, - A cottage prayer meeting will be erat.tonk plane on Tuesday afternoon Eric Wilson has resigned his position The gt•oom'si gift to the pianist•was a and of Mr. A. Young. to ;tfcitiar.dentre;err. Th<•, services look over the applications which: w r ' l Gordon McPhee is out of the hospita rector of St. Georges church, and the s bracelet. A great array of beautifie • ' and select a tGAcher• for Air. Wilson' could not belon and will soon'be. home with her little Pall -bearers Were His Iiontr Judge position, with power to confer with' gifts testified to the popularity of the daughter. • I::•w r , She r ifs' •• 1; t ,obis, • ;; County Print€pal • Stonehouse. bride.: On Thursday evening she was. • • Rev. Neil M. Leckie, M.A., of : fi'e' n =ltt11110*.* " ". S P+.gei; tiessrs..Tao Resignations from Public School the recipient of a miu'cellatteous show. .Motherwell, will preach anniversai•v. 0• F. i•'�r'e;', C. \i'nrf^k and George Star. er given by her. girl friends of (lode - services ut. Smith's Hill church next \S-'lliems• 1+•s, • (:'Elie was in her Resignations from Miss Bell and rich, including rseful and pretty ar- ,Sunday, June 20th,•at' 11 a.in, and .r' `'k'•• • • . Miss Laundy were received and ac- titles of silverware, linen and china. 7.30 n.m. , Matinee Sat: at 3.00 p.m. ' ` - : Mr. James Gallagher, t , . Y g ay once of Jazz Mad youth and one who "The Mad Whirr! CENTURY COMEDY "Siranded" "PATHE REVIEW" - •eepted by the public 'school board at The following- eveping the girls of r M t �C n C• ]! i. r < u as ?n. kill tithe, •the month meet,~ on cdnesd J• O. Y. Sunday class, I3enmiiler, pre - 'W with •€s ,. Coming—Colleen ~loose . in "Irelne." mother and; s€stet,. Tillie, alsot Airs. A h' n can « r..t c witlt.•ut buying e un trrrrevening, June 9th,, to take effect at seated 11'6 with a kitchen shower. +f . ANNOUNCING The Personal. Appearance of Mr. --14. E .:Taplin Noted Footwear Specialist and Health 1J. Lecturer, at W. IIERN'S SHOE STORE GODERICH' Monda.. and Tuesday ° JUNE 28th and 29th BE Mr. Taplin, who is internationally known as the nriginatnr and producer ilf the most famous line of health Shoes in the world—the Taplin Natural Tread --will demonstrate his method of fitting feet in the true proportion of Se the feet themselves,a method which has cured•lonfr sufferers from painful mie foot and body conditions. The noted specialist will be as iste(1 by Misr A_r- IS hour who has for many years been the company's chief demonstrator and ex- pert utter. Taplin Natural Tread Shoes require No Breaking -In, all neecsoary till NE - justnlents being made before the shoes leave the store. • Mr. Taplin is a noted lecturer on "The Health -s affected by w•rrinp, bal- ance and mutilated feet" and is the pioneer of radic.,,1 '''eth(uis now Voce fast adopted by the retail shoe dealer's, and so long wanted by the then ghtful con IsE sumer. from 9:15 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 6. ------- the ethe f positionm'of andapplicationsAMONG THE. CHY:iRCHE► teacher were received from Miss >v.._ _Rev,_Mr.Schaffter, rector of St. Rosenbrough, Galt,.. and Miss Elsley. Paul's church, Wingham, preached at v Campbellville, and for .the other vac- both services io it. George's church ancy from Miss Mard• Howell, Miss on Sunday Last. • : Doherty and Miss Olive Tichbourne. Henry fe. Goad, B.A., the acting rt was decided :tr. advertise in Satur- pastor of- the -Baptist church, will day's papers for these two positions, preach at both services. Evening. an -the-board-meet again on the subject, "Personal Power." M16th inst. to consider the'- appl€ea- During the convaleseenc•e of the tions;; also that the rest. of the staff Baptist pastor, Rev. F. C. Elliott; cifthe"p3blie"seltttals--be-•re-engaged Henry :9:fiioocl, $:Pr:; gruduata o£•.AiG.:, at' the • same salaries as last year, Muster Twniversity, and two.year stu • contracts to be . signed before the Gent at Steady hills Institute, Chi - meeting; of the board on the 10th• sago, will take ;the duties of acting gThe Godcrich branch of the Women's pastor. Institute wrote enclosing certificate The Arthur Circle annual 25 cent for one share preferred stock' in the tea for members and their friends LIWestern Canada Flour Mills, which will be held on the Knox church lawn the board was asked to accept as Juue 21st, at r; a.m., the proceeds trustees, the interest to be used each to• be used to purchase material for. year as prizes for the secondahighest the bale. The regular, meeting will from each ,of the two public schools follow at 8 pini„ when miec \wiggine at the Entrance examinations. This and alio: (1. Murray will take the was accepted with . thanks. Miss topics. Sharman teas appointed to the F. p ticE� exam\nntzmt board. The use Services in Knox - Aura Sunday, a tra of the -Victoria — shoal ea—tiros "wiiss ,lanef20th,. t+sill_.kee..cnzidu,;ted_.by. Rev... granted the Home and Sebool ('dub Mr. (Gracie, of Auburn and Blyth, at for the garden party to be held in li a•m, and at t7 part. by Rev. In. July. The principal of Victoria I eriy, r f \Wing!, ins. Sunday school school reported 180 boys and 180 at 10 a.m. Rev. Mr. Mellen -AI will girls on the rolls, with an average condttet Communion :ac+rvices at Aub- ✓ attendance of 152 and 149 respect- urn and Blyth at 11 a.m. aur! :1 p.m. and will ively, 84 per cent.; Penny Bank de- preach to the Me nnnic order 4 VALTERHERN SHOE MERCHANT posits, 298, amounting to $105.12, in \Vin;;lrum at 7 p.m. The priiwipal of Central school re- Saltation .grin* Notes ported 97 boys and 99. girls on the The Home League it of svor:k and rolls, with an average attendance of baking will be held Saturday in the 84 and 93 respectively, 93 per cent. vacant store at the corner of East at. Penny Bank deposits 168, amounting and the Square. Refreshments will to $63.45. Miss Ilrme taught one idea be eery: d. I)•.n't fail to see the day- for. Miss Bell at Victoria and window-di:;play, three days for Miss. Elliott at ('en The "Yellows" won the "Red, Yelp tral, and Mrs. Redditt two days for, low and Blue ec,nteet and will be tate Miss Laundy at Central. Fees from guests of honor Wednesday night. non-resident pupils for the month when the Reda and Iliues will parti. were $21.30 and since the charge was .cipate in an entertainment which will inrpc.sed in February $120.60. The be followed by a tea. treasurer's statement showed men- Four band boys and the reptant ditures to May 31st for the year as motored one hundred and five miles $8,376. last Saturday, holding open air nteet- ,,, Peagan•Hill hip, etc., visiting five town: and vil- "Ilillsdale Farm," the pleasant !ages in this vicinity. Mg ' h,rio of Mr. • and Mrs. Ilugh hill, The response to the Self Menial np• Colborne tp., 'San the scene of a ilea! has beets good. happy event on'\Vednesday, June title llefuir leaving Uoderic•b' for the: North Side Square Phone 43W Coderichisi May, was united in marriage to., Mr. will give a nitiSirai program in the" .1411101‘ Harold reaxan, son of Mr. United e -hutch, I)unganuon, on Juste and Mile Jae. Feuer, of Culh..rne tp. 21st at Aubuin United church Junr; • when their eldest daughter, Hazel next apl ointment Captain Kingdon ViginkitleMitaragNIlir. 'N"t NOf-h 7J ,#.111 11111 The relentert " feel: ”let. ate..-._..._..__ SHETLAND. PONY FREE AO I "Every Contest Stdre is busy giving ii It t ;thousands of of votes to those interested lis 3ielping their.fal.vorite Boy or Girl wilt the P,uiy. - Who is going to tvin it? No: one ea1L.. .1 .until'th: last N votes are counted. Thousands of .� rte; art• voted each day end the j-r(iges are busy c+itlnting are. Diels out your• favorite and �torlc hard for Milli or lies." a11ot bo K 15 :.t the No one connected with,the 'i'h(-atrt' ('r . stores where the motes are given out or tlieii. Brothers or Sister:4 can enter, and no.syllli)athy contestants allowed in the contest. - - - • Mr. E. V. Leslie, Manager Bank .'f Mon- treal, an(111Ir. A. J. MacKay, :1.lanag(!m' Canadian Bank of Commerce, have been appointed jud- ges to check up the counting of the votes and W „ their decision is final. i Zany boys and girls, not on v t rf k but many in the country \w Ill entti, and t9.•erytent' will he interested in helping their favorite 'i(• real contender for the Pony. - , ENTER TO-UAY��ANI)/�GET :1N EARLY START. , The following stores will give pm vrti*- tf cash purchases and cash paid on Iitt•t:tnit;S tof twenty-five cents and up. Ask for tltetol. THE S. A. GRAY CO., i)rygoods and Ladies' '�'�"('all'. F. G. S\H'1'f, Bakery .• CSR:a.IGIE 13ltOS., Tobaccos and Billiard Ronin • FRET) HUNT, .Hardware • W. REG, SHARMAN,Boot: and Sllt)(•. STURDY': CASA GROCERY, 99 Groceries 169c '`rust HURONW. sell Elf E1:, Grocer1u4. H lJRON MOTOR SALES, (;garage, Gasoline aural Oil: TIIE GOI)ERICI-I STAR, Newspapers Uli,(`)'1)tt1()i:::. • .5