HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-17, Page 3r Iia la i THURSDAY, JUN1. .1:11, 19=d pees D3repegmme f Or Indigestion I ewut I Mehlks. Emu Yea Distr as ltltwtc llssui #lFssi ._-i The sufferer from dyspepsia or ia- digestant who ha* to wit sad clique kis food is tic meet miserable of all mankind. Esea the little he doer eat caries such torture, mad is iligeetsd se •imperfectly that it does kiaa little What the d speptie seeds is net artificial digeatauts, but something tbst will put tiro atoasmek right se that it will muaufacture its owe digeetise ferments. • News Nuggets 1'kWIroniOur Exchallges TIE STAR Dr. Rumba Femur Gederieh Tp. . Mc(eo1•Js>xe Hey, Preseaated With $5N By I A quiet Wedding took place at St. lasrden C'oagresatien I Paul's' ehrrch rectory, Clinton,', Rev. Mark C. Rumball, D.D.. who Thursday, June ard, at two o'clock, was for over thirty-three yearn pas- when Dorothy, younger daegbtsr cr ter of Morden Presbyterian chureis, Mr.and Mrs. William Jago, of Clin- was presented with 1500 in Canada ton, was unite;l in marriage to Mr bonds and by an appreciative address Nt-Fred Mateo), son of Mr. and Mrs, by the church at Morden and its as -1 m. Mct'ool, of Hallett township. welded congregation at Clegg, ata W iliari•91teb7et•ook welded farewell banquet recently. Dr. Rum.' One of the 'prettiest weddings of ball is an old Goderich township boy. the season was that of Miss Annie He has accepted a charge at McCaul- Shobbrook and Mr. Wm, Willard, jr.," ey.Ilan. of Buffalo, which was solemnized Engagements Announced Wednesday evening, June 2nd, at On . tarso street United church. Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferguson, of the ceremony being performed by the Goderieh township, announce the en- survived ley • three . children, Mrs. 'agement of their only daughter, Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, pastor of the Maurice Nuance, of Exeter; Austin Elsie Myrtle, to Mr. Thomas Alvin church, assisted by the Rev, Mr. M. of l,Tsborne, and Wilbur, at home. 'Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Grea,. of Chatham. Three sisters and two brothers also WIN ilta MI5 Far YeM,,__ Middleton, of Granton, the marria'e • , An X -Ray Machine for Clinton • survive, Josiah Kindle, of Exeter; Music PROF.. W. • 11. JACI.SaN--Insirnetion Piano.$Violin,nGVoice tar,-TCulture,. etarHat►. Studio and residence, North Street. TT. c. IIA.'1tII,TOY-•(Organist Numb St. Vatted Church, Concert platter end TPaCher. Residence at )drs. Colborne's, St. Pat- eriok Street. • LEGA;. CARDS • L, . R. 1:1ARROW, Barrister, Solioitor, Notary Pubile, ate., Successor to to T. T.,. Killoran Phone 97 a Office, The ct are. ll:nterieh DUDLS" B. HOI.itIE$ Barrister. Soliolior. Notary . Public. Conveyancer. Fie, PHONE E7 HAMILTON STRF,F:T • 'SPECIALIST • DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. • EYE, J All; NOSE, THROAT: Late House Surgron New York 0ph= thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield's Eye hospital bud Golden Sentare Throat Hospital. London. i?ng. Waterloo SLS Stratturd. Tele- phone 267. - s AtHotelBedford, Goderieh, on the evening of the- third Monday of each month, from 7 e cloek till the follownee day, Tuesday, at 1 p,m. CHIROPRACJ<'IC v-tHTROPBACTOR. 'DR. A. N. ATICINSON, Registered Chiropractor, Goderich 1 Chronic, ani ani, er • us Disease!, Cb e N r, o sra rs , Organic/and Office hours-2te ..and 7 to 9 p. to: -and by appointment, eaceptIe Monday and •Thutsctay afternoons and evenings; Office hours on these days 10 to 12 ahn only. Corner Southjt and Brltaann;a Rd. , •� OPTOMETRY, • A, L. COLA._R. O., , .. OPTOMETRIST. OPTICIAN. Wept Street... Godertclt. Honor Graduate of the,Canadian Oph- thalmic College. of Toronto. • • - Eyes examined by the latest methods, . Viand•the•Dropper• fitting ofgtasssesatmods erste prices. Ontario Board :of Exam- iners Certlllcate:No. 875. - to take place the latter part of June, hospital Edward, of Usbornn; Mrs. Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Crich, Tuck- Mr, John E. Howson, of Vancouver... Fisher, of Usborne; Mrs. Paul Coates ersmith, announce the engagement of has presented the Clinton hospital and Mrs. E. A. Amy, of Exeter. their only daughter, Edna Mae, to with an X -Ray machine, in memory Chickens Hatched in Tree 30 Feet Mr. Oliver John Cole, son of Mr. of his mother, the late Mrs. Janes From l round Thomas H. Cole, Clinton, the mar- Rowson, who Was a life-long resident , has en Mr. Cecil Walker, of Stephen, riage to take place quietly in June. .of Clinton and who passed away in a rock hen that prefers to hren, her Scruton-Hongh 1913. Mr. Howson, the donor of the machine; is a native of Clinton, who young with the fowls of the air and The marriage took- place in London left in 1880 when a lad, but has been for three years she has made a nest an Saturday 4f Mr. J. Franklin Scru- in the branches of a tree that over - ton, ion of Mrs. John Seruton of a regular yearly visitor to the town Cli ' since, shadows the house, about thirty feet nton, and* Miss Nelhe Whaneta Hough, eldest daughter of , Mr, and front the ground. This year she laid Brussels Community Picnic at Bay- eight eggs In the neat and last week Mrs. D. H. Hough, Thorndale. fihe •field, July 15th brought fourth eight little chickens. marriage took place at the home of • Brussels Business. Metes Assocla. After bringing forth her young the the bride's grandparents, Mr. and tion have decided to hold a comma- ole lieu bundled them out of the nest Mrs. James Denman, the ceremony Ity picnic at Bayfield on . July 15th, and they fell unhurt into the grass being perforated by - the Bev. A. C. when civic holiday will be held. below and she now struts proudly Crummer, rector of Christ church. Varlous committees to make tar- around with her young brood. • 'Holland -Cooke • rangemefats have been appointed. Large Deer Has Been: Seen Near A quiet. wedding was sglemnized at A Marrow Escape y . . Exeter June 7, at 3,30 pmni by the Ashfield pp.. byRev. Mr. Dick- e on .h onday, While returning home from the A large deer has been seen running "Moonlight" Excursion at Goderich at large' by several in and around insert, when Bertha May Cooke, on Monday evening of last week an •Exeter.. Mr. Chas, Godbolt, while, youngest daughter of Mr.. and. Mrs, unknown ear cut in on George Beek- working in a field on his farm rest Peter Copke, of Ashfield, was united er, and, striking his front wheel, of Exeter . was surintised to see the In the bonds of matrimony to 'Mr. turned his coupe over - a 15.foot em- animal come into the field in which Bruce Henry Holland, son of Mr. and bankment. George was shaken up a he was working. On being startled, Mrs, George Holland, of Clinton. >;, little, and Miss Mary Walker was it started off, clearing the fences badly bruised and had a few cuts. easily. A deer - was seen on the • The other car never stopped: An- farms' of r. Soma Jory and Mr. A. 1 other, ear took them into Blyth where J. Penhale, of Stephen. One is also they waited for the rest of the Brus= .reperted as being seen on a farm in sets crowd,'and George was able to West McGillitrray. It.. is - altogether get his car hone early Tuesday likely that it. is the same•deer that is morning.' wandering.. in the Exeter district. McClemont-Coleman • Reeder -Houlden Zurich, Herald: A pretty June An interesting wedding was *totem - wedding took place onTuaslay nized at the James at. parsonage; morning, age;, morning, June 8, at the home of Mr, Exeter, on the 22nd 'of May, when and Mrs, Elgin McKinley, when Miss Miss Ethel M. Houlden, younger Mabel Coloman, daughter of Mr. Geo. daughter of Mr::. and Mrs: Thos: Coleman, of Patr•Line, and sister of Houlden, .of Exeter, was united.:in: Mrs. McKinley, became the bride of marriage to Mr. Elmer G. Reeder, Mr: Fred McClyntant,'oi Farr Line. oldest= son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeder, of gentralia. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Sheppard. _�w,�161�lllllll�� Others d0 you can. • To sell people one has . • Rev. 01x. Durrant, of z'&rnsi • o8ielated, never seen — by Loritt while Miss Vera Dowaon acted as Distance =- may seem bridesmaid and Mr. Anson Coleman wed - strange to y0il,, but it; is,. supported the groom. A r the wed- • ton YO fl ding breakfast the bridal party mot= being done � dry. Dred to Goderieh where the bride and sell by Long distance to, groom took the excursion, boat, Grey - points 200 miles away,» hound, for Detroit. Oh their return writes a hardware mer- they will reside on the groom's' fine chant, an Hepta' sC3 • fare, ori 'the, Parr tine,. with the best AUGTZOOEER1NG r the eUstomer8.", wishes of their many friends. H tan-Duehartne THOMAS CUNDA:Y. l r 'LiveStock and General a1 A t w ger Lit nc�r u Demagog Street, Goderieh ' Sales made every wltero and all _efforts atade to give •qu- sats factlou. Farmers sale notes discounted. `- QOBEItT"BDIiiaRTSON. Outlined Auctioneer, Auctioneer, aided Stanta:CG,Weriebi • will `conduct any ear the county or , - Huron. -'Lot iatormation ntilsly' to. 1'..1.se . Ryan, 1lamitton St., o- 'rnees ..eft filth him will receive.prompt enentbu. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. �11. BAIT II'. •.. / • NOTARY i'UBWC ; General Conveyancing done Good Companies .Renreeint,"I phone` No. 298. Goderich, Ont. GEORGE E. Lift NSLAD1;~. CONVEYANCING A.NI) Bayfield, Ont. INSURANCE • laa'cltILLOPP 'MUPTUAI. FIRE . ANCE Ct1MP ANY. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PIBOt' • Value of property Insured up to Jen- nery. 4910 a3.O18.975.00. • - OFFICERS -..James Gunnels, Presi- dent, Goderieh: Jas. Evans, Vice -Presi- dent, .Beechwood; . T. E.Ilays, Sec.- Treas., SPaforib. • • Sea - forth; r .,a DiR "CT O•�•U. •� .IcCre forth; J. Cr. Grieve, Winthrop; •Win. Wrin, Constance: George Met arfney. Tuokersmitlt; John Ferris, - Hart'ek: John Bonnewis•', Broadhagan; Jlstrray Cation, Ilrucefiid. • ' AGEISM—J. W. Yee, Goderich; Sandy Leitch, Clinton; Wm. Chesniy, Sea - forth; R. liineltley, Seatorth, • Polley holders can pay their ac,e s- monts Si 11. 11. f:att's store, 'nodi rich; A. J. aforrisil's Clothing 5(,r', !.Tinton: es or .1. 11. Reids. 13ayfeld. ramINSVRANCE' Have it attended to oy -the WENT WAWANOIHI MNTUAL FINE INSURANCE CO Established 1818 - a Head Mee : Dungannon, Ont. Barry L. Salkeld, It. R. No. 2, God- ' Serlob, prey.; Wtn. J. Tliomp+on, A,ysb- urn, vice pres ; directors—Wm. We» Quillau, t5t.IIelens; W. P. Peed, R. R. No. 2, Lueknow; 11 L. Salkeld, 'phone . 400r11, Goderich; • Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; Wal.. Watson; Jae. Girvin. 14..E. No. 6, Goderich; Wm. I Thomp. awn, ,..uburn; Tutt. Gx!lfin, R L No. 't, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kincar- dine, Ont. THOS. STOTHERS, T. G. ALLEN, 'Teas. Secretary. BrouIiov Bros. GODI MOH The Leselee Funer'ai Moors led &Matatrs Orders tastefully atiesided 10 IA all soars--etighe or day. A man called at our tease ar m the other day" writes r.ta+ • On Monday, •May 31st, an interest - other merchant, "t rocorniz- me event took place at St.' e ter ti R. C. church, Drysdale, when •Rev. Father J. E. Gerard performed the ceremony which united in. marriage, Therese, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, of St. Joseph, ,and Mr. Kuno Hartman, son of Mr, and 'Mrs. John Hartman, Goshen Line, Settle ,, • ed hisvoice at once I had been calling him by Long Distance for months, but had never seen him." That is how Long Distance, -. by expanding the "selling area is -enabling ntercherits to sell far more In a day than their • fathers ever dreamed of sea.. ing. Gemmell -Bolt First United church, London was Be fair to yourself, and to ' the scene of a pretty wedding on Mr, _G, C. Petty, liensall, In Car , Accident What Haight have been a very bad accident happened to . Mr. George C. Petty,+:of ' Hansall, who, accompanied by -Mr. William Consitt, Mr. Robert Hi' in 1V r ..1 ggr st I . Louis Clark .and. sir. William E Pfaff, on Friday evening., June 4th, while returning from a meeting at Clinton, was run into by another car. Mr, , Petty, who was drivinghis own car, saw c the ear coming ' and pulled aver. tohis• own side of the road -as. far as he could, when the other car driven by two Young mendeliberately crossed the road, and 'ran - into Mr. Petty's cat and made off into the darkness before anyone in the Petty car was able to get their number, Mr. Petty's car was badly damaged, and had to be left at the scene ofthe accidentuntil the next morning when Mr. Petty your business. Give Long - -Saturday, May 22, when Eva, dough- and Mr. Higgins went up and repair- . Distance a chance to do for . ter of Howard and Mrs. Bolt, of ed it sufficiently to .enable them to you what it is so successfully* London, ' formerly of Brussels, was, bring it home. Fortunately no one. doing for others. united in marriage to Robert W. in the car was hurt but received a Gemmell, eldest son of J. D. and. Mrs. bad shaking: up. Gemmell, of 'Tuciccrsmith.. The erre-• Death of Mr. James Siemin, Wingham mony was "performed by the pastor, Rev. De Beattie. Huggard-Rankin Has Your =Husband_.__.-. Got . Indigestion? Nothing creates domestic discord, quicker than an attackof indigest- a ion, and nothing gets rid of indlgest- S ion quicker than Bisurated Magnesia. s No pian can be sweet tempered, good ttal'ured or even fair minded, when s .his ,stomach is constantly sick, sour, r" gassy, and upset with after• -eating. t distress. If your husband has stom- •ach trouble neither scold nor pity u him, but help hint by seeing that, he has ft supply of Bisurated Magnesia (either. powder or tablets) . constant- ly at hand. A teaspoonful of powd- er or two tablets taken in a little water after - meals will instantly i neutralize the acids in` his stoplaeh that are causing his trouble and he can enjoy his meals with no amore late. James Slemin, an old resident of Wingham, • passed. away in Wing - ham General . Hospital on Thursday A quiet wedding was, solemnized in ;June 3rd, in Itis 85th year. 'Ile was St. James' rectory, Seaforth, on a well informed old gentleman, and Saturday, June 5th, when Mrs. Min- although . totally blind for several nie Rankin, widow of the Iate John years, was a most interesting con Rankin, Seaforth, was united in mar- versationalist. He was a baker by riage' to John J. Huggard; barrister- .trade. - Seafortb, the ceremony being The Late William Bolt performed by Rev. Fr. Goetz. 'They Death, came rather unexpectedly to gill 'sae "at "home sit' their" resiaeeiice;,-Mr Wiifiam,Bolt, 1i'}n ---ii - oir-Tnes- High street, after June 22nd. • • 'day, June 1st. He had complained of Trustee and 'Ratepayers': Associations quinsy, but no person realized he wag The annual '`meeting of Huron in a dangerous condition rntil the County Trustee and Ratepayers' As- doctor found the gathering in his th •ori °elation. will" bit held in Clinton on t t had broken. Deceased .was aturday,. June 19th. Some of the bora; ;in Devonshire, l;ngland, on Mar.' t.bjects for discussion will be, Y5tla• 1;3.13• After coming to Canada Night schools and short winter coure in 1870 he settled in Turnberry,- then. es for 'vocational training," "Com- moving to.•Rowick, where he spent ercfal eourse,st in our High and 'Con- Wingham. fifteen years and had since 'resided in inuation' Schools," "Government \t'ingham. �' grants to schools carrying Agricult- { Passing of hire. I. Axon rnl and Domestic Science Courses."i The death occurred in Clinton on Wren -Petty Friday, June 4th, of Mrs. Isabella On Saturday, June 5th, Mr. Thomas Axon, mother of 1)r. It. A. Axo;i, c:i? 11'ren, - one • of Hensall's 'enterprising Clinton, .'in tier seventy-si„t}t year. business men, engaged in the hard- She 'had been in the, habit of nl>end- ware business and repairing, was un- a inc' the winter with her son, who is ted in' marriage to Miss Beatrice rite only surviving member of the Petty, second daughter of Mr. Oliver . tamil0 and had been in fairly goad L. Petty, of the 2nd confession of health until about a. fortnight before the township of Hay. The ceremony cher passing,- She was a member of was performed by Rev. H. Naylor, of the Baptist church and was regular ffear of indigestion. Bisurated Mag- nesia is the special form of Magnesia used by thousands to neutralize stom• ach acidity and quickly overcome In- digestion—do not confuse with milk, g Carbonate, Bleck or Citrate of Mag- nesis. Insist on Bisurated. Its act- ion - is raft, -prompt and-eure and it can be obtained at small cost from any reliable drug store. St. Paul's Anglican church, at 10'aan, in attendance at the services when The young couple were supported by health permitted. Mr, Percy Tibbet, of Hayfield, aas Diesel Oil Electric Engine on Kim rroommate and Miss, Elsie Petty, sardine to Guelph Branch of ister of the bride, as bridesmaid. - C. N. R. t Died in sborne A good amount of interest is baing Mrs. 'Tilos. t,''. Broca, of tlsborne, taken in the tiew 1 iietsel' 'Oil 'raectvie assed away on Sunday. June 0th. in Engine which hats been put on the er 30th year. A little baby boy, Kincardine to Guelph run of the C. H s illburn, came int* the home ons 1 N. Il. and - goes through Wingham 'Wheeler FuneralDirector and Embalmer Goderi bt Ontu'io All alalia promptly attended to day or night. ?boom eine 111; Rouse SS$w a 'Thursday, and this was followed by four trines each day, The new en• an operation in an effort to save the gin es appears not unlike a street ear. mother's life, but she 'passed away on but as it glides along there is nothing Sunday, and on. Tuesday mother and to indicate its hidden driving power. babe were laid to rest in the Exeter No dense smoke, n • steam, no over cemetery. head v lira, no rumbling, no grinding The Late Mrs. Billing instead a roar the a steady hunt and The death took place nn the 2nt' the ears steadily move away and concession of Tuckeramlth, on Friday "gradually pick up speed. 1 last of Mrs. Samuel L. Milling, fol- lowing an illness of a couple of weeks( •110x” C4►.IM11'1'Clastlk2.n11.• with pneumonia. Her condition lied' es wiser iII S1 sSWI ter M Tows COMPANY been critical for a number of days. ygre,,;.,.. • Phone 98 Ga7dsria h Besides her bereaved husband she is -, SILAGE FERM NTATI�ON HUW TE t11I,t) AleVEt''re CORN I Ftllt leti.W. A flatter of Tmspetatere *ad Air•» llasportassee sad suet et Acta! t FarltustIen.� .,tltoetr Esadtag---$silage ' siert tiraira lade Belalsoe Fond. teoatdbuted by Oemai Ose teres at of Asartsuttur,, 'retinae.) The drat ovidesesa of cbaugn 2n the Atsely-eut fodder are a rise la temperature and the production o; carbonic acid gas. -The heat caa be demonstrated by hand and the press once o1" carbonic acid gat is atwaya to. - be suspected, since the lessons learned during the old days or closed sitar stlU•ratintlu 11rmly impressive on the minds of many. The worsen to the masa of cut fodder la quickly used up early In the process or fer- mentation. The temperature remains around 100 degrees 1\ except at the surface or at points where air is admitted, going much, higher. Thn continued presence ot air or oxygen is not desired and their removal from the mass prevents the devetoptnent of,motds, Molds are harmful In that they destroy or mei up the acids re. *Hage for Atrttlght preservation af well consolidated mans are very essesttel in the control of fermentation. How Corn Changes In. the Silo. The green corn changes to yellow. glen brown and develops an erou,atte odor and. sour .taute, The sourness is due to the development of tarty acid, the important preserving agent in silage making. Baeterla which cause decay and molds are inhibited In the acid pear medium et ferment- ed corn. The total amount or acid formed Is between one -and two per cent. of the- weight et silage. Other Products of the tertnentation are al- cohol and augur. The amounts ot these are not.large, being in the case 01'4lcohoI .1 to .4 per cent, or the weight of. silage. The exuount ot sugar which-dlsappears from the corn is alwost exactly equivalent to the amount of alcohol and geld formed during fermentation. About one -halt the sugar present in the recently en- titled corn- is rano sugar. •This is broken up into glucose and then changed' to alcohol and 'acid.. These changes take. plass rapidly.&and..are generally completed in 12 days, give ing and excellent preservative me- diunr, that wilt keep ensilage for years. - How k'erluentailoo lA Produced. The tormentetion 1s brought about by plant ensymes carried by the corn, bacteria and yeasts, which may : be attached to the cut core; or drift tato the sfo as it is being filled. • The sugar In the green corn juice is :at tacked- by. the invertase carried • by the plant, cell and'. reduced to simpler forms, ru e . The simple etple :forma are. at- tacked by symese and a small amount of, atcohol la formed Acid forming bacteria alio attack the augers. and bring about the ehange-resultinr fn the masa being largely acid in char- acter and therefore In a couditton to, keep. -.X,, Stevenaou,' Dept, of Ex- tenslon, O:A.0 , tiuelph. 1¢" FORACIIItIG; SORflRED FEET Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good bye Borns, callouses, bunions and raw spots, No more shoe tight, near, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face. in agony�. ' Tiz" i: magical, rads, right off. Tiz draws out all :the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet. Use "Tiz" . and forget your foot misery. Ah 1 how. comfortable your feet feel. A few cents , buy a box of "Tis"' now at any drug or department store. Don't suffer.. Have good feet, giad feet, feet that saver swell, never hurt, .never get tired. A is foot comfort guar- anteed or money refunded. THE ar*8 The MI ' W tfO1R NT l�0ES7i1' UNTIL COLD Wham*: To DIGS YOUR COAL..---.. You sisnutorter. WAIT UNTIL WOMB. To $uY IT . Suppose the miner did wait until winter to dig your coal. Suppc.se we waited to bey it. 'There'd come a cold, frosty morn- ing when you'd need coal and couldn't get it. • •Ttwn y*a'sl rise. us •fen-+teglieence. and we'd sue the miner for neglig. enee. glut -=the miner's done' his job. We've done ours: the coal's here, and cheaper than in the winter. Note you do yours. .—CALL THE_:, f'ot. Good Clean Coal. J. B, MUSTARD CO"` a,,.7 ;MOM -aV umiln;u,Va',Y. McEwen's Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 2k A goof teaspoon, King George design, given away with ea* 25c worth. :4 bars Soap, McEwen's special #1.00 (s cakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for .2S 3 ltis. loose Cocoa for .25 6 lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .33 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tis. We will give 1 lb. of this Tea. ;1.Ioaf Bread, T; lb. Biscuits and 1 bar Soap for the sante 'plica as & pound ot any packsres Tea. SSpecial cial price on Face on ncy Blankete s Blankets We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Underwear and Men's Fleece•lined Underwear. . Good' Linen Roller Towelling 250 per. yd. Good large Bath 'Towels 00cper pair Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths t right prices. Now is the time to buy a set of dishes tc?re off. Free delivery to stay part of the Town. . • - PHONE 46 J. J. McEwen South Mete Scrum* Miller's Worm Powders acre mildly Golf -is one good way to hill tinge, and without 'injury to the child, and but you can whittle withiut.• buys,*' there can be no doubt of their deadly a uniferni, . effect upon worms. They have been In successful use for a long time and are recognized as a leading prepare- Young Wife • Afro d. tion • for - the purpose. • They have' proved . their power in numberless • cases • and have given relief to many children, who, but for the good offices of" the compound, would have contin- ued weak and enfeebled. • • • Another of the fallen we are glad to see getting up in the world is the mercury. If one be troubled with corns, he - will find in Holloway's Corn Remover an application that will entirely re- lieve suffering. • • To Eat Anything "I was afraid to eat because I ais ways hnd entomb trouble afterwartb. Since taking Adierika°1 can eut.and. feel fine," (signed) Mrs. A. Howard. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings surprising relief to the stomach: Stops that full, bloated feeling. Removes old waste matter from intestines. and make,; you feel happy and hungry. 'Excellent'. for o b etinate constipation. C' A M P - BELL'S' DRUG STORE. educed Prices on Anthaite-a1 Chestnut (Anthracite:.'. , a ... $16.00' Steve (Anthracite) $16.60 Pea (Anthracite) , . , •513.00 Coke , .. , •; • 515.00 per ton Com. Pocahontas ... ; • .. . • 514.00 Domestic Lump ,for your Grate and R f1J�e 512.00 per ton Our Coal. is weighed + nn Your:Own$caies.tiz. Enid kale With Spring House Cleaning, you will require PMNT. • We still have some Sherwin-Williams left that we are sell- ing at 51.00 per quart. Muresco and:Alabastine at 500 per package.. Liquid Veneer and ()Veda; small bottle, 23c • large bottle, 45e each Special on Door Locks a • •-_� P s 13d otherBuilders Hard. Clothes Wringers and 'Garden Tools at •Special Prices in. • order .to clear, CHAS' C LES The Hardware at the wharf SHIP CHANDLER : PLUMBING and MATING Store 'Phone 22, . ' House 'Phone 112. CHEESE Finest CaaalIaa New 25%. Rowntree's COCOA %lb. Tin 22c BEANS with Pork AYLMER 211aei 9c CLARK12 23c 'Gifts FANCY... QUALITY SHRIMPS C 1 911. BACON. M*ciise Sliced 45 lC b. IQUAKERCORN FLAKKES3�ts29` MACARONI and SPAGHETTI 3 11°•Z5` SHELLED WALNUTS A fn. 231%.. "cm" ._ PICKLES . tRANDLarge Bottlal 300* c SWMUT tlIXED n MTUD DitE&EIlli 54 Choir omni s FARd CE 3no. 29s Chrlstie'a ARROWROOT mmStUITS 30g. RAYSIDR or AYLMER . CbpiovQ, ..I'EA Q_uaIit See 4 $h. lir. Y Sao Eo. 2114e 16c 19C 22C We derfal Vallee.ie TEAS RICHRELLO 79j SELECT' 73. D.S.L. BULE 63st • Matteis* Saone MATCHES hew Nal 2114 SOAP 9 cog. 25* Tim. Priem Le caret for woo week hem date of slide paper tare a