HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-17, Page 1el.1111111111111.
• 1
Withal it lit
rim anatoor to this lasportoot
apoiesdio Is foamin the eilkOt-
timing cm of The Goilerieh
Star. Lisa Mtraitioks oilsortiaa
in Tlio Goaloriok Star.
-7•311, 110-7•7
Our Hess Tows
TM *s is hottot—orshoold Us
our asesport am( see ore
the pooh, *rho moot shoe it lifo
soil wooer if it is to hare *Oka:.
look op oar HOMO Toms 000ry
limo owl holo it t• Pr•sPor•
OW Northern 83. Co. Ltd., Granted Federal CharterAill Operate Two Palatial 011 -Burning Vessels Detroit to Sault, Calling at World, Next °Summer
" • 1
Sin Life Aura
Askirtirself the followieg qiistetione ;
County Edacational Association of too; the korkirea easter of Detroit, and the fitting demonstration in Mr., BORN
and Ratepayers will be ittill Else Elliott, of Goderich. The bride liern's elhoe Store the days ot:
a el %la NT?. la Te"ant e • ,•: Nee•I „
oe o Canada , leig Farr Race Meet at Kievairdlise the att.ernoon. Amos the sill/Sort* throwing her bouquet emong her suited free of charge, Assisting Istr.l4 I. le Nl icl tt t poe
at Clinton en Sotiirday, Alai 10th, in 'did not follow the usual eustoie of June 28th end 20th, and niay be eon.: re etete'eme, end, ink to. Vie en i Wi
that WIN. be up tor disenstilon are i friends but had it *out to her aged Taplin will be Miss Arbour, an ex- Metetten Able Fre- e: A t00%
CDo riot fail to attend the Big Pour
Race Meet t Kincardine
"Nigh t Schools and Winter Short grandmother, who wits enable to at- pert Demonstrator and Fitter from MePlIhi: -At „eliminate Nerine newt
' aon Thu*.
Cour** for Vocations1 Traininge` tend her wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Pel- the Company's Store in Toronto., VP,rvili. title i:genk4VA`• 141-"p114'
do, June 24the $000 purse, threel "The peed of Commerelal (mums in ten will /Mend the &limner sit theit This is o. groat opportunity for the teaorne tewilehip. a deueeetee cN me
..11,41 Si e ItV.
1. ould your wife sued children be able to maintain their classes, 2.18, 2.25, 2.35.
1 High and Continua** 011hools;" cettage at Cass Lakeeedich, People of Goderleh and vicinity. Corvine .
' present standard of living if you were cut off ? Two Cargoes et Grain
....A.... 7771.3.1737.331371.7
2. "Alio would provide food and clothing. for them ? _ e' I "Government Assistence in Rt*
3. Would the children have the edvaanage of higher educatiori? The arrival* oletsrain eargoes at i &coo* eeeneeit
4. Would the houte have to be sold beceuse 9f an unpaid wort- Goclerith clueing the week were the! ure and Domestic Science." All who
You uleY At* lour nominee A ChAnii- -At St. lenge. rt Stir
•14‘. JP.in,‘ MIL, Wei, M,t4,1 1 I. Doug.
gage ? 'Novadoe on the 14th, with 101,000 are interested in edacational quest- Expellee Wel Not Be Spired to Make boost ha' bueing Your. fOotvreer end he: leen t etre.
S. Would your' busineis have to be wound up') . wools of whose, unloaded et the ions are invited to attend the meet- Celebrate* a Real Wein aeeuring your couponat SIIAR-
If you cannot answer these queetions to your own satisfaction Gaderich Elevator and •Fransit Co., ing. ,A 3 InAN'S SHOE STORE. IN MEMORIAM
commit us end we will glee you the key to the *citation, sad the W. C. Franz 183,000 bushels uffortl Drowned A meeting of the Dominion DAY •
tfleVielt in tng oeireetti••ev ..f
wheat, unloaded yesterday at thew. Thos. W. Tcelebration committee was held at The annual garden party of St. brother. Edwin ober, wile el et Jaw. • •
Thole 115• • •
et ?
George's church Women's Guild will rePtht 1911. C 'lit
R. LON% protrsmot M. Engineer McInnes rejoined aer. Thos. Tufford, who had been Hl oTuesday the Town aln e *flier
-v N first bhursdalovo ats b# ,
iu me Thy A, teece keit or mind :
the Franz here, we are pleased to engaged for year* with Contractor with a good attendance Mre ,LIA in ugustnut. 'Termer "
i i; t.11.0`4:3trzircitsconrceliTteits' ;I. _. I tr titee• . thee to tee helmet
Thee are cherished in the 4teerts, .. .
3=rjrr ,, ... . . ... .., r.1,1 _I .1. C / . Nt..- X A XI IC r NJ i'• ' state, efter his illness. ' Forest about the harbor,. fell over- reported on the bends which Will be The best most effective and power
FOR SALE OE eau RENT ' - WAIVING ' Report of Hog Shipments for atheottugm=orbdegieetnerte hero af:cri tothereblijr grill! ttli: enviree-t=
It/ Ottalre TO RENteetIn Nelson Street. , TNIKfrA TAKE NOTICE.-N'o hunt- Week Ending Jane le, 1926
by the decis-- troubles, is "Mrs. Sybilla -Spahr's 141""I''' rt Itu* Ili 11""' 3".1 iniPd• .
yalfertitre Levine and kind in'alt hie wa;,..,
"" .'WlY at the STAR OFFICE. ---. , H ere or dogs ellowect to trespass . Goderich-Total hogs, 40; endburtlt4iThe
sitedo per and the outer break- performance is assured se Upright and peg to the one ereee dere
irea/ALOW FOR -WE, on Traria-
' -------- on west half or Lot 19, Conceesion 4,
Wee Wawanosh, By order ot elE0. he)viere 3; it•eutiful memories he left helmet
133 ll} atit FRAK.
water and was droWned. He VII ion, unanimously agreed to, to accept :Tortailitie." Good remits guaranteed.
bacon, 7; thick smooth, 29;
Di-ESIRAILLE PROPERTY' FOR SALE. .. C. Beck sit once. shut down the poW•or a man to look after the display. The The regular monthly meeting of i‘tt.o•rd ‘11,1,11*tlao'llielii4tis14Tt!,147'teti,:!,t.
Corner of North antt 1•Zereon eeerFiseeceox-tlezieral foi;•1*--.-ror"-**.outo. and feeders, 11. Auburn--:.Tottil
180; sei et bac. raitting one of the fender* which hung the contract of Hand end Compeny leer ewe 44t eettempate,ree
'trim. with all Triode* eonveniencee. - - , on, 18, thick smooth, 73; heavies, 8; over the side of the tug.. The tug the well-known Hamilton Fireworks STORE, Fort Witfiant. tint.
gaie egreet• Bed rug brick, nak .4..1wiLsoee Dungattnon: Ont. MeGaw--Tetal beget
—.. - weepreSD extra heavies, 2p shop hogs 10; lights was proceeding slowly and Engineer coneern, for 1250 plus the expense% of • 1 .11 , I 1 Slqlr 1 IN., - In ewItue :omens% of a
W. A.
CHISHOLM, Trafalgar St. --......_
Apply to W. H. JAL'ESON. St*. W -el '11, (1 It f 11'
L Ma a tt on ,,. •
qtate age, hogs, 81; select . bacon., .35ehaineic; and 'reversed but -in the meantime the specifications of the program show Ahmeek Chapter, LO.D.I" wibe
1 "II '''are am', Juno MI, 1921
scow which the tug was toveing had that it will be a magnificent one. held in, the Public Library on Alen, "A'..1.-ir'',e,Z,•;t111,trell.-):.',11.":' '''''''
' experience. Box Te, STAB OFFIGE. smooth, 40; h avies 4 n n
FOIA SA.LE.-Speeitliellhrgain. A beau- ._,
feeders, 2. Huron County -Total Pssseti over the unfortunate young This is the company which put on day, Juno 21st, at 4 p,m.
.ADVERTISE IN THE STAR. In tote 1.0.1 hours of th nhinr.
tiful red Pressed brick li-roomed AGENTS e500 imiiiiiiie easy selling
enlooth,'660; heavies, 71; extra hear- rear eslimir for help. Capt. Peter hibition and in placing the contract
• • p ‘ 1 FFFIIVRe te leo 1 g s an b hi f II CS i WIVE anti („IIILTMEN.
Ave, and Torfielto St. Apply J. T gallons gaigaine. woven merits,
rec. profit. les, 10; shop hogs, 47, ii ht d McDonald threw a life -belt to hlm, with them the committee feel they
feepergege, teen Iratinnere Blvd., TOr- Yleer name on eans. 300
VOR-11-ENT:Z.-Twr tiFitettrients. O. I ,AleXandia, Mt. . Some delay Was cautted by grappling program will start off with a grand
-.L five rooms, also bathroom awl *North Huron- U.F.O. Do Not Put a irons which had been at the Govern
ment life saying stint* Ole hpiing ire being given for decorated autos
Weise parade at 9 o'clock, and prizes
IRTANTED,-eateernan for Rut,
kitchen, broad verandah. No, 2, two iv i 1 ' • 1 CandidateIn the Fl 11
en Coe
rooms; eitchenette, bath room and sun to .tiel . loot Goatings.. ..arge e t
9arlor. APPIY mats. .5. NteN. I Lon) corinniseions and wonderful contract .
The U.F.O. of North Huron held not being ' found and•
" Addrees applicatione •to 130: t4). STAR .. . _ . g grappling irons bicycles, etc. The parade will be
tiieir annual meeting in Wingham on had to be fitted up, and by the time headed by the Goderich Band, town
. Nelson Street. , •
WANTED TO Ille:AT--Fer two months OFFICE. oar_ Friday last but decided not -to nomin- the bodywas v
yv %his .surntoor with. option to piir. /give ems, weeseeeee_ere learnreeo ered life was ex- council, octogenarian veterans of
_ _
chase a furnietted eunetner cottaee he- Au- ace Work ane Barbering. We ate a candidate far the Legislature. tinet, though the work was done Goderieh; etc., and a number of so -
i e special arrangements be" although the meeting had been ad- quickly. Every effort ,was made to uetus at reported to be interesting
tween Sarnia and Ooderich beside are'
whleh. you can earn senie mono. be vertised as a nOrnitiating convention. revive the victim of the di t b t th
lake and on lake road, near town fer sas er u emselves in the decoration of auto*
shopping eonvenience, with running work furnished while attending our - •
The meeting was not fully represen." to no avail.
man, who, however came up in its the pyrotechnics at the Toronto ex- -.--,.„ • Thetteitte.er lava oreL,
bonne aleee bath. and electrie. Elgin efAGIC OAS. et box equals 33 liege, 12.35; select bacon3114i thick
•onto, n • • feeders, 31. g
spring water or good well water. se 1>°
tative, and there was some discussion
on the ativisabilletY of entering the
field when the Liberate had already
named a farmer as a candidate. _No
ty, was on Monday tbe scene of a
efinite itele hOwever, was taken tO
. •
This will be ettllowed by children's-
- 'Three bedrooms rennireet Intereeted•LTD.. lel King St W., Toronto. ,Callgames on the square. The afternoon
' Prof. Geoffrey Holt Wed
ineniaee ranging he Drier, feet menu b., or yrrite for particular* •
Taronto Star Jurie: '16th: St: prograni - will -conSist• -of .a -softball- •
$3000. Write.C. 1-1. ARNOLD. ii12 A rat,1-^ 'C
Val Avenue, winxisor, ai.—Lnergei.o. man; over .23,
14lattheett's .Anglican hut h tournament at Victoria Pa -1, com- •
with w. to represent a large Q be mencing•at 2 -o'clock, and the evening" --
e ue c
earv• we train you. Apply Box 50.
• Ileeidence of dodge Eilloran. eituate, STAFI (*TICE..
ed on the earner of Neleon'and Mirth ,
Seeeet, In splendid condition. All •• SHERIFF'S SALE .
modern conveniences and uTto-date
they particulars apply to HAYS te A 0 A„ T etIluN'TO ADeIIRALerY
tee.Yee, Barrietets. 'it:: Goderitt, Ont. DISTRICT. ' •
• roodeim hnuse In every wee. '.`or fur,. TIIE EXCHEQUER COURT oF• CAN -
WI) ART6YeNT RENT.--:ibove
O'Brietee Meat Market. Apply El'ETWEN
• ttOR SALE 011 TO 11ENT.-Red brick .' •Tili:ST DATED
moriern twa,apartment house en JUNE let, 1923. MADh BY BELCH
Nelson street, beet realdeutialelecantv ERS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LINT-
br Croderfeh. • Can be ueeil as one rest- rrED. SECrFCE 1)P
&Ace with nye bathroome, a large par- " .e100,000.00 P \IR1\1?Re)NOS
tor, tat* latticed verandah, Reasonable a;
• Tent for reliable tenent. Owner. leavang THE SHIP eBELL'HErife'
pernianentlY. Address at the •Star of -
lice or apply D. E.IIOLMES, barriet- s;ALT OF SHIP
er. Gotterteh. • Purstant 4-Collunlasion of
pralaelnont and Sale; issued mit of the
L 2.4fAtts INSURANCE above Periled Collide the -Ship "Belch
" be offered egie b • tiblic
. eve er „ p
aWlitirt et,.fity n1110.'-ln` zi:Antit
,e' tete e‘ov,•n of tiodeyieh. Ontario.
.All °kinds for eale. • •ott Sit‘trefay. the 26th day of June 1926.
•• Several beautiful red brick .tieuses. at. the hour. of elevee -o'clock, in. the
inctuding ibtingatowe, newel? in •forenotift
modern. priced.at f1200. $131S, 5,11011 and eeeew cargo -vessel, steel transeeree
every. respeett 4' nice frame oot agre4•1 The said Ship "Beichers" is. a steam
*28°0i a nUinber of 7 an 8 r°°m°d franee; length 251 feet; breadth- 43,68
'frame leouses? treat 11500 up. soirte rem; depth nee •feet; gross tonnage
real good bergaine at the present time, 22.511„ net tennage ISM; engines: triple
elf leou.entend buying come in and give
expanstom earleee condenser, with two
me an opportunity 'of shccWieri you e steel Scotch 01x:eters,: Leaded peessure.
. eproperties 1 have tor sale. is() pounds.
F. 3. RYAN. .
Real Estate arid Inaurance. 11`11P "nekhers" le now lieng -atertede,
Intone el).
crash Harbor, In the Town of Goderien
. where r s v Msnected, and will
Tr HE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE and be sold. subjeet to the. usual 'Court
INSURANCE AGENCY. . conditions of sale,
• Por farther particulars apply te
Life (Sun Life), Accident • and Auto- - preeemere.
e Inegranee. • Sheriff. Ce lemon. Coacelet
'•-• ;mouses and Lots in flodeeich and ”JelliNSToN. DRANT ODDS ke
•vielnite and Ferries for Sale. - ele,cDONALD, •
A large Dumber of properties listed "Solteltfors for the Chartered Trust,
to select from. Company. Toronto, Canada.
"Sneelal •
A good eintell frame bouNo and hove
lots for sale, neual rooms. Maw -line CARS FOR SALE ,
three bedrooms. woodshed. ewe. bins.
water In house, sink. electrir flwhta J" 11 SALE;, -Ford Sedan, to good run -
and toilet House nicely decorated sl nine order, eheao for mete Ap-
very elean. Coed garn. plot.' grapes ply Rox 80. STAR: OFFICE.
Pears, Plums and apples. " Price for
qukk sate 557i. Terms. strictly cat,11,!Iiitlit SALE. --1013 Studebaker Touring
Immediate posseesion; ale() Car. Can be fitted as light truck
that very fine hostel known ae the Sin- nr looter used as stationary engine.
etair residence on Oritannta Road near Apply to DIA. A. II. TAYLOR. Ooderkb.
elollegiate Institute, beautiful spacious
ounds, with shade and fruit trees.
Ped and four lots. Price -S3,000 for en- • S. TUDEBAK E
fine roonly house full xn&drn eq111117.
tire property, including all elPetrie
light 11xtures and window blinds'in our tag C
ouse. Immediate possession. •
For allapartie.ulars see FC)R SALE • '
Store, Square. P. 0. Box S0; noderfelt.
Real Estat nal
- -t AT-- --
Four New Semi -Balloon Tires
Afre. J. 14r. Vanatter*
_ .
.. _--- -- -, - isTurics-oP FALE. __ - P'reVatia!" enncinsi, eli:pertenci• .111100.041.•
Animal Meeting of Huron County - w eie Miss Adelaide Mat* Baker, of end e grand display
Educistional 'Association of Ileadington. Oxford, Eegland, young. of fireworks.
est daughter -cif Mr. Charles' Thomas_ The.t.committee la planning for .such a
Trustees lied Ratepayers ': . . celeuretion of the.dify as Goderich has . •
The annual Meeting of the Huron' the bride of Professor' Geoffrey El-
• ' ' ng an ' "nme not had for some tune and business - .
/ 1 T
endorse the Liberal candidate. quiet. but very interesting wedding,
performance will be at the ,Agricult-
ural Grounds, consisting of the tattoo 3% off second installment if iittid on or before
are— —rirre—r—cr- • "alaw7-77-11-", --Aar. •
2% off first installment if paid on or before
-June 15th
June 15th. •
See your notice for other discounts...
e ' men and private persons should do Penalty of 5% Added to the first installment if not
Paid Pa . eforP July !O.
Pay before June 15th and get the discount.
Tax Collector, 'gown Ran.
• veiod Holt, organist of eloly Trinity their best to make the town attractive e
church Toronto and member of the for they day. by. decoreting their
stores and residences, Dominion Day
has always been Goderich's Day. and
the committee are sparing no expense
to make -ehe 1926 event one which
wzfl re-establieh Goderich's pre-em-
inence in the district for First of July
celebrations. Let everyone to -oper-
ate. - •
I)IIOPE3ITY in beautiful situation just staff of the University of Toronto.
ootsida Goderieh, 36 aere's with The groom is a son of the late Judge
beersee and implements. Running wet-, Holt, •of Goderieh, and Mrs. HOlt, of
er in house anti 'barn, 1' acre respber- Toronto. The ceremony was Per -
ries, % acreti asparague; eorn, iomatees „
and otlier-erop$ in. 'Alsh-allant Or 7 formed by Rev. reeuy, assisted
acres in town with house and small by Venerable Archeleatoe Scott. The
barn. Tbie is a splendid garden and bride was given in marriage by Mr.
fruit prepoeition for good man 'or
would makP line summer Lorne,
--A.Gqinaw wags_
will hold a *bile auction salo at the
premises, tot con. 7, W. I). Colborne
on. from England aboard the Alannia a
few days before the ceremony.
Poriner Goderich Girl Mavried
}1. L Nelson, and the weddink Mu*
Was played by Mr. Sidney Martin, or -
•t -of-Ste leatthevepethurch.
lowing the cerefriony, a eeception was,
heldAO tha, XaaiLkanga-nktha,Rept..A
11. Kelly, Lockwell etreete Mr. Holt
is professor of German at .the Uni-
versity Of Toronto, and organist of
Holy Trinity church, Torcnto. Mr.
and Mrs, Holt left litter for Montreal
and Ottawa, en route to their new
home hi' Toronto, The bride afrived
FRIDAY, JleNel 23th •
'eommeneing at 1.30 o'cleek. sharp :'
The farm, witieh Is one of the bob4 in
the district. contains 100 deres. Evers-
-field en the place has grown alfalfa.
The house Is aetoild brick; the barns
are amnlewith stone and cement sta.:
bltng. There. is a ,good bearing orch-
ard. Food fences and abundance or
water. , The ..terme will be liberal ane
will -bv.announced at lime of snip, •
The' hay to be sold is rclo,Lily alfalfa
balanc. mixed alfalfa- and timothy and
promises to be an excellent crop. It
will be told in lots to suit purehasere
TEfieiS ON HAY. --Five months". ere..
dit nn turnkhiii.c apnroved joint notes.
a dieeount alleeved for earth.
• • , AuctiOnLier.
et L E A'11 I N tt At'G'I'ION SALE rw
:u I1E111)W FteeNITURE, 51101'
will reel by Palette Auction at the Ring'
Edward Hotel, Ooderich. on
ear taiDAY, ;IFNI; feth. leen
etannienOlng at 120 o'cloek, sharp
1 walnut eass' 'organ. 1 walnut eouele.
1 walnut warcirobee3 complete bedroom
euilee with matirese and springs, 2 beds
Mattress and spring.. I folding omen
eetehoard. 9 dining tables. 4 small
tables, 2 kitchen tables,16 dining eludes
reeking (emirs, 2 atin chairs, t pie
• Ile is an out-and-out Canada*,
iire'sident and *managing director of
Natural Tread Shoes of Canada. Ltde
of Torordo, Ont. He has made thous-
ands of people happy through proper-
ly fitted and adjusted footwear --peo-
ple who had practically given up all
hope of foot comfort, and were resign
9d to the idea that there was "no
such thing." Besides having written
numerous articles of educational val-
ue upon the subject of Better Health
The following account of the wed- through Better Feet, he has talked in
ding of Miss Lila Mitchell taken from hundreds of schcols, collegiates, hos
the Toronto Daily Star bf June ilth, pitals, conventions and clubs as well
will be read with mush interest by as to large theatre audiences up and
the many friends of the bride in God- down the country.
ericli, where she lived .until a ley? One.an-a-half years ago the Com
years ago: -
pany of which he is the head had but
A very pretty wedding was &Wein- one agency in. addition to a few stores
nized by Eev, E. A, Earchinart, of of their own. Today this, are repro -
College street United church, at the sented ba no fewer than seventy of
home of the bride's parents, when the highest.class shoe stores in Can -1
Lila Jeanette, eldest daughter of Mr. ada. Today comfort-lovirtg, quality -i
and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, 566 Bathurst seeking, shoe -wearing multitudes are
street, Toronto, became the bride of making a beaten track to these agen-
Vaughn William Pelton, of Detroit. cies who entry on Mr. Taplin's Ina -
The ceremony took place in the living portant work of restoring and pro -
room window which was prettily at tecting the foot and bodily health of
ranged with palms, lilacs, tulips and those who come to them for smart.
other spring flowers. The bride, who serviceable, comfortable footwear
was given in marriage by her father built. on natural lines. • As Mr. Taplin
wore a beautiful creation of heavy says, when speaking of footwear that
seal canton crepe designed with shm has only freak fashion tesupport it:
bodice and full gathered skirt. with "The inch that Fashion adds to thei.
deep points of Swiss applique lace Heel will take two off the Chest."
caught up with orange -blossoms and The "Consumptive Stoop" is only too
pearle, also a tulle veil simply tr. often the result.
• -Mr, eraplin aviltepersertally -conduet•
aerpboartleet--kitchen-enetboarte- ranged witlt-a erowneof-oritege- os-
box.. I i_loirnor gasoline. sieve, -1 coal sonla white kid shoes and chiffon
nil she' c. I set of scales 230 Ib., b telot
•.".1 Min, in's. I WO entztaVing' • ary Mar- • stockings connecting her ensemble.
thee ptelnros.' I coal oil heater, mind She carried a shower bouquet of
oak tool hoe and enantity toots: ton Opeelia roses and lily' of the valley,
and coffee caddies. quantity of disle•s wearing the groem's gift; a choker ef
• exe earde, severat pieces of „iieloilt. 1 La Tosca pearls. Miss Ivy Elliott.
several Weeps of lineleum..--ime pieee
ea nsurance kb wee bridesmai , wear g
phenoeraph with it 'Teeple. 1 .liarde of Goder •
Phone •282 Waterloo St. wood srecon, 3 MIA MO11101111 sewing apple green georgette and hat of
't• netebietee' stet. lastilirs, i washing ma_
Nene,' 1 witetHhird, I %%rap. Italian leghorn with trimmings te
3 miiiihm match and carried Coltenbia roses.
O. F. CAREY Sr SON Limited
Masonic Temple Building
- 'PHONE 230
e Id" I'a• • • - • Th eroom was attended by Th. Cyril
Henry, coushi of the bride. The wed-
etostett rem,. 1 (311'billIlas t.:1111.1.4 Hu
y5 piants. hoekey lut.t4 and sl..ttes %wee was played by ts3
Muds. several INN ,•••:I.P.11
$1A0 per Bunch
or any grade you want
5 Grades from $1.10 up.
Anything and Everything in Builders
Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
. Phone 47 W P. 0 Drawer 160
NAM i14111014,104%)111141Mgi 1/24 *1*(10E4% MI
An Invitation is Extended to the Electors of Huron to Attend the 1114
Monster Basket Picnic )44,
• lele -Millie NI
_ iillbiorttlis other Arbelt'S.
1.11PVe NVIII 'be Ito eph..evo, iss mrs of shell pink georget, hand embroid-
Nicholls, wearing an imported .gown
Murree is giving hin•hloio". • ered, white kid slippers and large ott
T. MINIM'''. Auctioneer •
picture hat to match. During' the-
AUCTION SALE of • stening of the registerCarmen it-
orses and Colts gown of rose blonde silk canton trim -
elle% sister of the bride, dressed in a
We oto and* offer
7 7 7 3 rer
Canada Northern Power Corpoiation, Limited
65% Fifteen -year Sinking Fund Collateral Trust
Bonds. -Price, Par. Interest to yield 65
Huron Investments Limited
Complete Wire Connections with ALL Principal
Stock' and Graht Exchange*.
1, served, the dining room being besuti-
ined with eointe of gold lace, shoes
to match and hat of silk mohair, swig
very sweetly. "0 Promise Me." The
gift to the bridesmaid was an onyx
ring, and to the best man a ::et of
gold cuff links, to the soloist a pearl
necklace, and the pianist- a -white
silver mesh bag. A reception ft&
keived the cOretilOny, the brideei
mother g.owned 'in a. astume of by- Me
•• lirangen blue georgette over •powder
blue Canton crepe, wearing hat and tilik
8b0Pii of grey and a.eorsage orchid
sweet pens, rereived with the bridal
party. A dainty buffet lunch was
at Bayfield, WED ,
lot Proceedings starting at 1 o'clock.
illtk Everybody corne and hear
let Hon. G. Howard' Ferguson, K.C., M.P.P.
Prime Minister of Ontario. •
IMI Hon. W. II. Price, K.C., LLB., M.P.P.
Treasurer of the Province of Ontario.
MR 0E0. • 1' WILSON, of Reps*, decorated with i• lips, roses and
%'011 M°11 by 1:01101". fltetil"11 '41 sweet peas. Mr. and eine niton left
ciod,rieh On their honeymoon *rig, to Detroit
HONIOtare eleadt; esth the bride travelling in a coat of sand
eommeneinu at 1 ,*elocie charmeen with French blue trimming
Altog"r. "441. br".>" Y"ung over a frock of !lowered georgette.
wort,: Li4r45,44. Tuit-EPAL fiiiedn Emu..
iiereee wee eel shaleowl et,erekeee small sand hit with ostrich plume
to be iu .
Loot here ton Juni, !:ith. Thpy :no said shoes and gloves to match, carrying,
er' ' tof fAlld , leather bog of French blue. olowatimlookoliok iimioikok
Ron. Charles McCrea, K.COf MPP
Minister of Mines oldie Province of Ontario.
program of sport. will commnee at p. tn. Soft
A" Ball Match, Baby Show and a
special prize will be awarded the oldest Conservative on
the grounds also a special' prize for the largest Con -
sensitive family in attendance.
EVERYBODY WELCOME. No Charge for Parking Call.
11/11,66.. •
110N. Cell. FERGLSON.N.C..M7P.I'
Prime Minister of Ontarie.
.91 oldy.
TSUID11,1. 1.3* iliuctimok lklikiikoko
t""e and Mrs. IL Grasser, of Southsaap-
Aron* the roanv guests were Mr.