HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-10, Page 7THURSDAY, J1J\E 10th, 1921
Hotel Taller
800 Rooms -- 800 Batts
$2.50 per Day sod op
MINN 1141=.•
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic Grill
Teat Rotim
Osmond Manager.
You Can Get Relief
From Constipation
By Using
Cqustipationis one of the most pre.
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all the otherorgaiut of the -body writ-
%tome deranged.
Krell your bowels working naturally
and godly by the nee of. Milburn''
LaxseLi' er Pins, amid thus iIo Awa,'
with the constipation said ail..the other.
troubles cereeed'by it
near nearest 'daag;ist or dealer
birdies them; put erp only by The T.
Yilbur i Vo.. Limited' Woronio, Ont.
'Into and. Horse Livery
flack Stables, Etc.
Mont reel Street
east oft the Square
o e tv) c s
•tlusees Meet ah ermine and •
Passenger •' Boat,
Passeniteri called for In tang
part of the town for eli•
trains at0. T. R. or C. N. R
Prompt Service 4nd
Careful Attendance.
",�, 11'•1 '
Our Livery and Hack Service
will be Lound up-to-date
in every respect.
Your Patronage Solicited
Phone 102 MortresI street
The Pupil's Power
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laaaa11111. 101ilmoisiaaireaaaa 111111111Br
xSun '',acy Alternoo
w t
✓ Sy ISABEL htAMIL I'ON1, Goder ch, Orf. .
There is a holy sacrifice to him, "ye shall bring down my grey
Which God in heaven will not despise hairs with sorrow to the grave."
Nay, Which is precious in His eyes, tapon thla Judah told how he had be -
The contrite heart. come surety for the lad and ended
The holy Spirit from on high hie pleading by begging to les allov*-
Will listen to its faintest sigh, ed to become a servant to Joseph In
!And cheer, and heal, and purify. Benjamin's stead.
The contrite heart. • "Had Joseph been, ets 7n(ah sup -
Charlotte Elliott. paced him, an utter stranger to the
PRAYER not but be wrought upon by such
Bestow on us, 0 Lord, the contrite powerful reasonings as thee; it was
heart se that we may plead for mercy enough to melt a hears of atone;
and receive cleansing from all our but to Joseph who was nearer akin
sins. For Jesus' sake. Amen. . to Benjamin than Judah himself was.
S.S. LESSON FOR JUNE 20th, 1929 and who. at this time, felt a greater
Lesson 'lhtle-4udah's flea, *treater:, both for him and his aged
Lesson. Passage -Gen. 44:1814. be
than Judah did, nothing could
be mare **singly, ormore happily
Golden. Text --l's. '01;17. said." : (M. Henry.)
In last day's lesson we left Joseph 'WORLD MISSIONS
in prison. A succession of events, A prince of the Church in India
all tending to the release °of Joseph, Born, a blue-blooded Brahmin, into
follows until we see him standing be- the strictest caste tradition, Dr. Kali
fore Pharaoh, King of Egypt, inter- Charan Chateerjee became, during
preting a dream. The outcome was his more than sixty years of life as
a Christian, ari unanswerable argu-
ment to •the subtle philosophies of
India. He became an 'outcast to his
own ',eerie, but every one of his
children ,have played distinguished
rc1es in the awakening of India. He
lost wealth and social prestige, but,
he became the widest known and the
beat loved native Christian in the
Punjab, and was honored by British
and American Universities. He gave
up his instinctive• pride of race, but
he received that heavenly grace, "the
fragrance of . the knowledge of
Christ," which • impressed every one
he met,
Huron County Council
(Continued from page, 5).
family, wren common humanity could
the appointing of Joseph, as one in
whom the. spirit of God is, as prime
minister of state, than whom there
was tions greater .than Pharaoh.
"He that, in the morning was drag-
ging his fetters of iron, before night,
was adorned with a chain of gold."
Pharaoh had been warned in his
dream that a time of famine -was at
hand so the prime minister showed
his wisdom in following out the plan
he had outlined to Pharaoh and stor-
ed up corn a -plenty. Amongst those
who came from a distance to buy
were Joseph's brethren whom he re-
cognized. He did, not• reveal himself
to• them; reminding them of their
conduct towards him for the time
was not ripe when they could' .be
brought tp repentance: ' They en-
countered many disturbing • situation"s
on their {several journeys to and
from Egypt, even imprisonment for
wee days. This terrifying ejxper. guard fences as follows: 100 feet on
ienee quickened their memories .and. ,gitch side on the north approach and
consciences until they cried out tat 150 feet on the south approach on
they were verily guilty concerning each side,
their brother's An amendment by Messrs. Neeb
They came anothertime bringing, and McQuaid was carried, that the
as commanded, their youngest broth- county construct only the statutory
er and then followed, more and store, -roach of liability-oo. 100 feet of approaches at
distrersin • events c each a all leading up to PP the bridge, but that
the revealing. of Joseph to his breth: if the council of Goderieh township
rein. wishes to safeguard their portion of
Benjamin, on the suspicion in of hav-
theaProaches, arrangements being stolen a silver cup . found in . his made . to have this work continued,
sack,was condemned tobecome Jos- with the,understanding that Goderieli.
eph's servant,: Their dismay filled township assume the . cost of their
the heart of Judah' for he had become Portion of construction. '
surety for the lad to his lather.. We next visited Corey's bridge oltt
These brethren were ,not the same the boundary of Stanley and Goderic'h
cold, hard-hearted' men as they were townships. We recommend that the
in the long ago, for they prostrated east approach be widened and guard
mspice'i befo#'e..Joseph - one. Judah .fences erected for 100 feet on each
began to plead their cause.
He, in side of both approaches.
beginning his plea, showed. much def- We fdu»d several of the 'bridges
erence to the high position of the where abutments and piers were
being undermined by the current, but
owingto the depth of the water; it
leas impossible to ascertain'' the- ea:.
tent of the injury. Your committee
feel that a stone barricade will be
more effective in preventing' this in
jury thana concrete apron on ac-
count of the flexibility of the stones
in following the excavation.
We recommend that the approaches
to the Mud Creek bridge, •Ste;fhen.
McGillivray; boundary, be improved..
Estimated cost of Road and Bridge
Committee's work,. 1926: •
Hanna bridge (washed out) .... $ 20
Annett bridge (abutm't repair) 850
Painting, 2 bridges. (Bowes' and
Menzie's) ...:... ....... 80
y Ball's bridge (painting);, 250
Holmesville bridge.. . . 100
. Corey's bridge'... 100
accuser and judge and begged for a
patient hearizig..mile-he.°Would state
the circumstances of'Benjantin's pres-
ence with them.. He told how' dear
he was to their father, staking the
case the more pitiable because both
his mother and full' brother were
dead, although of the latter he was
not certain. Then he. reminded Jos-
eph that he himself had urged Ben-
jamin's coming and that the father
had been most unveilling to let .him
go, saying if anything should happen
, The forertninerofeohlbt
and griPPe• .
Heat and inhale Min -
aril's and. rub .it on the'
throat and chest.
The great preventive.
Mrs. Hera Tells Low Lydia E.
Puvkbam's Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
Ilamflton,Ont-•"have taken Lydia
E. Pinkbant's Vegetable Compound
and would not be
without it now.
I had a female
trouble so badly I
could hardly walk
and I was all run-
. dolrn end could
hardly get around
to do my house.
work. I would be
in bed three or
four dsy'soat a
time. I was told
by a friend to try
'our ' etFe • Compound. 1 did. and
y the time I took two bottles 1 was
*gonia to get *round again. I took
.en bottles: in all, and now I am all
right again and doing my own work.
I have six grown-ups to work for, so
I have plentgto do. I also trated Lydia
1v. Pinkham s Sanative Wash, and I
think it Is good ButI owe my health
to the Vegetal*. Compound, and 1
think if more of it was used women
would be better off. I would not be
without it if it cost much mores"-
nore."-_Mrs. NEut,ra Holm, 28 St. Matthews
Avenue, Hematite, 'ltotr Ontario.
Ito yon feel broken down, nervous
and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pisk-
hem'et Vegetable Compound is excel.
lent an take at each aOrate It *Iways
helps, and if taken reOlarly and per-
,amotoy, via rolftwenViiiieofteltion.e:,
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Cheaper than coat or wood
An Electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes tlie dust; a broom just
moves the *favi.
We guarantee all hydro Lamps
for 15iut Lours.
%Valk in and see display at
The Hydro Store
$ 900
Emergent costs.. . $1000
Mr. Fulton addressed the council
with reference tothe importance of
the Huron County Trustees' and
Ratepayers' Association and 'asked
for financial support. Mr. Archibald
also' addresled the council' advocating
a grant in support of Mr. Fulton's re-
quest. He claimed the Association
was es muchentitled to a grant as
was the Teachers' Association.
Mr.'l Twin,• , ^provincial engineer.
was' present and addressed the coun-
cil particularly with .reference to the
township patrolmen's .work, and 'sug.
gaited that rrieeti'ngs- eelieid: wttli"th'e
minor councils and patrol men. Mr.
Erwin also spoke at length regarding
grants td county connecting links and
the proper interpretation . of the ap-
•plication of the regulations regarding
these grants. • Inall imrrovenents
on connecting links within the limits
of towns or villages, there must 1*
an agreement in each case. In some
counties the council assumes alL • the
responsibility on connecting streets.
The following ntotions were sub.
Miffed: •
By Messrs. Robertson and Backer
asking the clerk to call the attentio'ii
of the town of Wingh ten to the mo-
tion passed by the county council last
year with reference to the return of
the Warden by acclamation the year
following his term of offiee.-Carried.
By - Messrs. Moser and Manson
that a grant of $50 be made trt,the
Poultry and' Pet Stock Association
for the year 1926.• -Referred to the
executive committee.
By Messrs. Geiger and Saunders
that the special Levy on the ecnerete
road in Hensel! be not made this year
as we have over 33,000 to our rreilit.
--Sent to the Good Roads Commis.
By Messrs. MtBwen and Beattie
that each association befofe reeeiv-
in,g a grant from the (''aunty of Ilur•
on must send to the eounty •clerk a
: copy of its prize list and finaneial
statement. se Carried.
By Mhssrs. Coultes and Cameron
that' a grant of $200 be made to the
Heron ('ouatty Tr•usteees' and Rate-
payers' A.•.toefation -Sent to the
• eseeutive committee.
On Thursday afternoon the der); '
sannounet teat he had rcc•a'ived an
applkatioa fres* lir. J.Franklin It would appear reasonable for the
Johnsten for the poaftion of Valuator. town to assume all of the cost of the
---!arid on the tabk. public portion and one=half of the
The trese'rer then gave a report cost of the sewer. Heat could be
of the financial position el the eoun- supplied by the Court' !louse !'oiler,
ty. fur which an annual payment could
Hews of Refuge 1* made, and the;auine" of the Court
The House of Refuge* Committee Horse could be paid extra by the
reported es (Wows : . town for the caretaking of the public
We met at Clinton March 2nd and : hysterics. It is probable that lights
May 28th ,and audited, at these meat. will be required a large part of the
time. which, of course, would need
to 1* an a system separate from the
Court House. For your information
I have made a liberal estivate of the
cost. which for the public portion
would be 53,500, and for the county
prrtion,'52,000, each -paying one•half
of the cost of the sewer. It would
the advisable to secure the consent of
the judge of the county court bete)e
The executive committee reeem-
'nended no grant to the Trustees' and
Ratepayers' Association but in ,com-
mittee this was changed to m;kinal a
grant of $1001 *hart a grant of 2211 bo
given, to the Poultry and Pet Stock
Association; that the question of
jailer's salary be not opened up at
this time; that a grant of 150 be
Made to the County ,Fruit Show.
The following motions were adopt -
deretand, been closed satisfactorily. BY Messrs. Erwin and Cox that we
Reeve elunnings and the inspector bold our annual county council picnic
were asked to elose the arrangements et Bayfield on Wednesday, June 16th.
'regarding the property belonging to The Warden, the elerk and Messr&
two inmates from Godericb. Erwin. Cox and Manson were ap-
At the May meeting, owing to the_ !minted a committee to carry out ar.
resignation of Miss Campbell, assist- rangements for the picnic.
ant matron, an appointment of assist. Moved by Messrs. Sanders and Er -
ant matron was made. Several ap win that we. the members and officers
plications were received and several of Huron County Council 'take great
of the applicants visited the Home to Pleasure in expressing 'our sincere
make a personal application. The I appreciation of the kind invitation of
committee appointed Miss Mary J, Bruce County Council to join them in
Miller, of Barrie, who came well re- an interchange of methods of proeed-
commended and appeared to. the in.- are in carrying out yentas? council
spector, manager and matron. per- work. which -conference peered very
sonally to be the 'best fitted for 'the interesting and profitable. We also
position. The initial salary was nes appreciate the courtesy with which
ed at $30 per 'mcnth, which she ac- we were received and entertained and
cepted. '
The inspector was instructed to joy a return of similar get-together
dose up• the House 'o# Refuge aa' meetings in our • respective 'counties.
count with Thos. McMichael, who was, as it is a decided advantage to have
for some tune a paying inmate, but is this means of comparing notes and
at.nreeent eng9l~ed in Stratford. ' of friendly intercourse. That tt copy
The large visitor' register, :which of this resolution bo forwarded to the
has been in use sinlet thch opening of Warden of Bruce county.
the •Home, is completely felled, and A motion by Messrs. ;Middleton
instructed the clerk to procure a and Cox that the bonds for the new
new one and the order -will be made' Collegiate Institute to' be built. in
Cllnto r w
n. .for winch theo t f
c un n
c ..s
as soon as stationers reply ti; thei
•clerk's, sreelftcations furnished diem, next responsible. be guaranteed by
It was found necessary ta: prder. the • County .of Huron in preference
some repairs to' eavetroughs'and pro to the town, AS a saving of a eonsid-
peat.le aieunt canb Made by doing'
ede additional rugs for one of the thaw -Laid on the table to be eonsid.
rooms, This was, ordered done' by, ere�d later. + i
the inspector arid manager... Moved by Messrs. dlennebe)'a and 4:
On both occasion- your committee Inglis that owing to lands 'br'ing
inspected the Home and prmiemises taken gutofWroxeter. and placed. in
and found all • in .perfect order,. and the townshdps • of Howlett and Tari+.
we :deem. the county fortunate in berry by the Ontario Railway Board.
having Air, and •MSc: Jacobs in the r .
of th o for.the •i the eseeasmnent of. Wroxeter be re-
managemente H mc, y Anted • to •2142,750' for 1926 equalize
seem to be. very zealous and -efficient
in 'theiter€ormanee:-of,.their..'duties:.
Re request ol''-:tlie Association 'of
ings, the quarterly accounts and in.
strutted the clerk to mate r Wets for
the payment of the same, Marsh 2nd.
$2,322.36; May 2$th. $2,501.40; total.
We issued instructions to the in.
specter and the reeves concerned to
make the, proper arrangements. for
the settlement of the properties be.
-longing to certain inmates as fol-
lows: "Aim to an inmate from Stephen
the matter was referred to Reeves
Neeb and Sanders to act with the in.
specter; the case of an inmate front
Usborne to Reeve Hanna and the in-
spector; the case of an inmate from
Herrick to Reeve Inglis and the in.
specter. •
The inspeetor was instructed to
take steps to close the estate of the
late John Lamb, an inmate of. the
House cf Refuge now deceased,
These severs* estates have. we un.
- would at some titre in 'the future en -
tion purposes. --Carried.
:Mored by Messrs. . Cameron -and
Managers of Homes fora ed ai►d in- .Tohnston that CountyeClerk Holman
ficin,' tri attend a"meeting of same onDe given two Weeks' . holidays' this
Wednesday Thursday , atilt -Friday, yea). --Carried.
y' A •second report. of the Gond Roads
June 23ryd, 24th and' 25th year coni.- Cr omission' recommended • that: no
nutted recorriniended that no action notion be taken On the request .of ',),
be taken. - - • • • W. Jowett Inc 224,5.77 for r•travrl." as
Messrs, Macdoaneli, ('oatesand we find. no evidenee.that Mr, Jewett
Stewart Appointed Valuators owns the newel or to right-of-woy.
The council then went 'into commit. and :we further recommend tlintthe
tee of the whole to'consider the guess-eounty continue to seeore.gravel from
tion of valuation of the county and the same location." :
the appointment of valuators: "Re inenra'ice . e mart .accidents,
Moved by Mosta: Geiger and Mc we iinre.alreadv reported (11 this mats
Ewen that the Valuators value at! ter in January. and we recommend
least 8 to 10 per cent. of each con- that this question be decided by the
cession and street. ---Carried. whole council.. • ,
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Re motion. of -Messrs: Geiger' end
Inglis that the valuators Stare -not Senders. thpt thee s'+ecial levy nit the.
later than June 15th and end Sept. Village: of Hensel! be net made this
15th, -Carried: t•eae. on rc,'ornn•enti. rte»t thio, be al-
Moeed, by Messrs. Munnings and lowed'' as was 'done with Wingham
Hays that the report be adopted as lastveal".,
to the pay the valuators are to re- "We recommend .dint the l.edirn
ceive.-Carried. The report: • was fence at.. Chatters' Hill Mill Road
that the remuneration ire $5 a day l'uckersmith, he removed!, and thee
with' an allowance cf .$2 a day for the: owners hf •h•.ard fenee 'between
expenses. - on 5 and 0: and • of 1ml fences be-
Moved 'by Messrs. aicKibhon and tween con. 11 and 12 and 13, Hay
McQuaid that the commission be -tnwnshim be requested• to replace
composed of three members, . one them with -wire,
from rrbnn and two from ' rural "We recommend thet the hie op-
municipalifies.-C'.'ried. posite lot 28, inn. 10, Enet Wri♦in-
Balloting was then conducted in noir, be imr cape! by ditaltit'g anal
committee 01 the whole. and on the su+•facdng, witmoh will oast about $150:.
fifth ballot Mr. C. A. Maedennell was "We recommend tint song addi-
elected as the urbane iepredentatfve. '*tonal In'm.veutents bo made nn' road
Mr. Wnt. if, Coates was elected -as 23, Ashfield, in. grading and surfac-
the rural representative from the ing."..
south on the _first 14111oti and art
Chas.: Stewart.• was' elected as the
rural representative'from the north.
The council then adjourned to Fri-
day morning. '
On Friday morning the. finance
committee reported on a number of
accounts and recommended that a 4-
• . The report was 'adopted, witli-'t11e.
`eXceatioii of this ctauee'zvith ref-$nen
to special levy on Hens:alwhich was
lost on the following division. -Fur
the Claw -Claw -Backer. Beattie, Coultes.tes,
Dodds, Erwin,. Geiger, Kennedy,
Klopp, • Manson, alelawan, :M1eNibbon.
McQuaid, Middleton and hlnindltrs -14;
mill rate be- struck on the equalized .agalnnt-••-Armst••ong,
assessment of the• county for 1920, Farrish, Hanna, Hayes, lienneberg,
and that one-fifth of a mill be raised Hubbard, Inas, Johnston. Liable: -
for Provincial Highway.• levy on the ston, McDonald, Munnings. Maser.
equalized assessment of the county. "'.'Tech, Robertson aald Shertrced �-•17.
. The_ retort was adopted. The question of the mill rate fair
The • chairman of the Education roads was next taken up in connnit-
Committee, Mr. Robertson, made a tee, when it was moved in amendment
verbal report of natters pertaining to the report of . the -Gond Roads
to school grants to •High Schools and Commission by Messrs. Hayes and
continuation schools, speaking partia Geiger, that the 114;hways rate thin
cularly with reference to the shunt- year be 'one and a half mills en the
ion in Exeter, where a part of the dollar instead Jif two mills. A vote
public school building was being used was taken and 0 voted for the 'las
for High School purposes and a ren- mill rate and 25, for the report in
tai 'charged for its use. Messy% favor of a 2 -mill rate. For the 1's-
Baeker, Sanders and Neeb spoke mill rate. --•Messrs. Cox,- Geiger, Han.
briefly with reference to the matter 'na, Mayes, Livingston, ;Jeete--0.
of continuation and high School Against -Messrs. Armstrong, Back-
grante which• were given based on er, Beattie, Cameron, Coultes. Dodds,
annual levies asked by the various Erwin, Farrish, Ilenneberg, Hubbard.
High and Continuation schools in this Inglis, Johnston, Kennedy, Klopp.,
county and for pupils attending Manson, McDonald, McEwen, McKib-
schools in adjacent counties. bon, McQuaid, Middleton, Munnings.
Mr. Hayes, et,unfy solicito►'. was Moser. Robertson, Sanders, Shortreed
present and Kayo a verbal report re. -•-215.
garding • the matter of tonstrueting The matter of the council adoptfn•.e
office and public Lavatories under the the Globe Indemnity's Aeeident
Court house and. vv, tz vequested to surance in the county was taken up
give his opinion in writing. Plans and a motion teas made by 'i1t:asrs.
for tite work had been mimeo up by Inglis and ('ex to accept tb( offer
F:ngfneer AmaPeatterton, who wrote, "A with the privilege of cancelling the
new 7 -inch sewer will be required same at :sty time. A standing vote
from the (',curt Mune to the manhole was tarsen, 9 voting; for the motion
on the Square opposite Whet street. and 2.1 again^,t. ,
and there will be ample fall for the The motion fee the county to guar.
$.cote. an abandoned chimney in the .anter the bonds rf. the Clinton Col.
Cot -rt Neuse can be utilized ae a vent, h'giate was then considered. and 'Mr.
Olt. :Eno edetoile of .plumbiee . hghtieg , a N. IL Hill,F�toc•k broker, t.r,,eluech.
] 15 ' heating, etc.. hat'e! been Aosta, as it addressed 'the cnutte•il an 1.014411 art
r•GR PLI TCHER'S !was drenteal advisable ti', lea'e three (lint4,n, A standing tote a ce uite:1 in
matters till it was titanic 4 whether r,r' f.,ur crate for the la4'.iien alai25
not the rchemc we,uld be e:arricd out. against.
A well night on Lake Erie
cuss owe of eater Om* iiri*t of dr gt ell Liao *takes • _abatmat
lsesek it Your jearas'. A *pod 144414 is sa then. owl . , , , ,
a loesr, lobed Asap sad SA appsdsiag bre ekfaet fat dee sew raiNa.
1104•00.0. "ittA D " #Mit taryo MA
Arab '!'°C&he Coast _0 ]1 17 .
wires hso A,. 'leo i4: M.ossmissolot WOOF SSC *WO WI C 46.01Liem. Nov
0.0w4 eat,*.
lreaellIsal .itti. I
. 0 1111
Fare $5.80
A second report of the county pros.
petty committee reciting the steps
taken in regard to the matter of '
constructing lavatories under the
Court Howe was adopted, and a mo- a
tion by Messrs. Hanna and Inglis
that no action be taken in proceeding
with the work was carried.
Moved by` Messrs. Parrish and
Armstrong that municipalities ha\'
ing paid special levies as per a spa.
ctal committee's report, dealing with
the equalization of county read ex-
pendituree to past years, be re-Im-
bursed to the extent of their spcefal
levies, and that provision be made at
this session regarding this matter,
A vote was taken after much discus-'
Sion and resulted as foil:eve; a in
favor of the resolution andltl :il;ainst.
On Friday. afternoon 'Al, ate+ raid
re -opened the discussion of the mat.
ter which had been adjourned et the
Tuesday forenoon session regarding
the Provincial highway • paving un
the Huron road.
At the request of the 'ti': rden
Beattie presented the preamble of the'!'
petition which had been presented to
members of the council. previous . to
the meeting of the eouneil.
:It was moved' by Messrs. *Quaid
and Geiger that this, council 'adhere I
to its resolution of the January meet- I
ing re this matter, and that we mem«
oriallze the. Highways d)epnrtment to
defer-hnving-•the Provincial Tlighway:
from. Gnderich to Dublin' only to a i.
point a, distance of 5,5 miles east of;
Godet•neh fLi a number of ,rears. 1.
atoned by IfesarS.
Beattie 7 aril
Mlunninge tlutt motion 117 ;of tlie'
January 'cession made len Messrs.!:
M ua' s
c ed and Hanna • :..
H n r. Pic♦ •.
Q r mcaii
Highway pavine be rescinded,
Mr, Geiger elaimecl that: only the;
question of rescinding motion No. 47
'was hefore the council, and asked for
reltng. The Waldennden ruled in favor,
of Mel Geiger's •contention and thee
council upheld him, • : •• ••
The rote on the motion; to rescinds,
resulted 14 • for and 10 ageing, as .
follows: Yen --~leases. Minstroni;,1
.Backer,. Besittfe} Utes,. (rtfi, Dein s,
Erwin, enneberg,. Living:aton, Me:
Ewen,. Middleton, Munnin s Moser:
g .
and Robertson. Againet•-•-Aleesrs.1:
Cameron„ Fnriish, Geiger. Han -i
na, Hayes. Hubbard, Inglis.. John -1
sten, Kennedy, Kamm, *Donald,
Manson, *Quaid, Neeb, Sanders art
The following motion* were theta
By Messrs. Erwin and Inglis. Utak
the County Treasurer make a stlsaa'-
ment showing all the rates eolleetsi
from and moneys paid out to well Off
the municipalities fer Good Roerlrl.
purposes Rinse the beginning of time
County Road system, and mail it tin
to each reeve and deputy reeve. -
Moved by Messrs. Coultes snit
Shortrae0ct that a letter cNnressiag ort'
anmecintrscn be Fent to the mayor or
Kincardine for the splendid manner
in which the members and officers of
Heron . Count!, C uneil were enter -
twined by the ladies and ronneil of
hint town at the magnificent bauauet
Wednesday evening, June 2nd.-•.-.Ca:r.•
Moved by Messrs. Coultes and
Models. that the edueation eommitte
be instructed to take the nera'esary'
steps to unravel the tangle with re. '
r'ai'd to the I'••eter• Ilil'z School tea
ter of leer sed if well :are that the
\F erden M'• 110101 t4.••. and the cierL
be ameoint('d a eemmittee to reit on
the reucation Tlenai'tteent,•=-Carr'i'ed.
Bylaws 41, 7, 8, 9 and 10 were pas -
Red nod, the. eourrcii having eoncludei2
the beelehse Of the Jone session,, mete
learned to Meet :the filet Tuesday he
Decembers , „-.
The minute you putyour feet
"Tiz" bath you feel pain
• drawn out and comfort lust soaking
in. flow good yourtirei, swolkto.
burning feet feel. ��Tiz inetanttr
draws ant . tine poisonous exudations
that puff up your feet and caste •
sore,` inflamed, sweaty feet.
"Tiz," and qtly "Tiz,' takes die
pant and rorenets out of Cern%, cadge
louses and bunions. Get a box of
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store for a few cents. Your fest ant:
never going to :,other you any mere
whole ycar'i foot comfort guano.
The Goderieh Star's
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The Star and The Toronto Gi(,l'e u.7S
The Sta. and The: Mai; and Empire .. (x.75
The. Star and '1 he Torontt,' Star.. ...... 6-75
. The Star and The Farmers' Sun 3-40
1 he Star and 'the !':unlit I1'.irald and Weekly Star. 3.00
The Star and Saturday dight. , ..; ..., 5,50 .
The Star and The Catholic Record
'i'hw Star and 1tta.ean's Magazine
The Star and Rod and Gun 3,2 0
I ., , s , t ' ,, 95
The S,..r and Montreal Witness., , . renewal 3i�
, new....3.50
1'lle S'.ar and 'World Vt'le','e.... ', renewal. 4.25,
may be had on application
.a'r r i ' ' t , «'r''l'1:'r . 71 for am infoit i t+rt:'i.
new..:. 345
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