HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-10, Page 5J
THURSDAY, JUNE 106, 1926
SAPPHO LIQUID for MOTHS. Destroys them.
Protects goods. Kills also eggs and larvae. Stainless.
Price 40c and 75c.
Larvex for Woollens,. $1.00
We also carry aE large stock of FLY TOX, FLIT,
15c and 25c..
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90 - Goderich
Tin GODi!,t iai' STAR
ewnnnended that the chief amid tier• bt spite of the tool tamp weather
geant• be allowed $60 each to pear- the sport program in`ounue tion with sf
case uniforms from samples sub- the get-together of the Bruce and
mitted, and that in addition, two new Huron county corneas was held Wed -
uniform caps be purchased. , nesday afternoon of last week at
The public works committee re- Kincardine. the events taking place
ported as fellows: is the rink.'
We recommend that no action bel 'A leading attraction was the chid- .•
taken on request of Mr. D. Mellwain lenge game of softball between Bruce
for permission to place gasoline tank and Huron C.ountiee. The htnora
and pump on Newgate street, and went to the duce team by a Feore
that Mr. McItwain be notified that of 15 to 13. The winning team con -
the National building was rented for eiated of Messrs. Willoughby. Me- l j
lstorage of implements and machin. i Uonald. Nelson, Genes, . Ransbure,
ery only, and that autos must not be «'atsen, Tiffin, 'Thomas and perm. I
stored or painted on the prem{Fes,E:stole And the Huron team. was
f .iia recommend that the petition for . composed- of Meese*. A. J. MacKay,
a cement sidewalk on the south side' C. Robertson, T. R. Patterson. R. C. , t
of Anglesea street from Victoria Hays, ('oultes, .Dodds, McKibben, Cie . t
street to North street be laid over' and McEwen.
for ccnsiderat{on with any other pe. The winners of the races were as
t{tions for walks. In the matter of follows: (
the request of the Bell elephone Co. Fat man's race -Ed. Thorndyle, R. (
in a letter dated May 18th, foe per- C. Hays.
mission to place poles and guys on Dp4n race -4. Tyndale. E. J.
certain streets as named, werecam- Downs. ,
mend that the privilege be granted; Coat race. -.G. Iiuhbard tine W. Ir.
the work to be done under the diree• wtrt let; E. •poles andand .1. It
tic,n and supervision of the public Brawn 2nd. ,
works coinntittee and -that the pried- Relay race -.J. T3ndaTe, it'. J, ;lie.
• ege be at the pleasure of the coup- I+:ay, E. Thorndyle and J. H. Brown
i.-.�e-,_....r.-.-,,.e...-„,,_..:,.._r.,._,,,...b.ue...._ "`_.... _44.. ell only. 1st, E. K1opp, C. A. Robertson, Jno.
The fire committee reported hay- efeEwen and J. J. Hubbard 2nd.
Mg passed all the applications for Standing' jump•• --F. Thorndyle, E.
. H
- T .��..wN A. Rob
building permits referred to it at the J. Ds, ”
last meeting, Standing hop, •at€p and jump --R'.
The matter of setting a date for J-. McKay,, E. Downs. •
• court of revision for the hearing of Throwing shoulder stone -J. B.
iishop Seeger on comPlE;ints against the, proposed Reynolds, E. Ashford.
Pass Resolution of Congratulation to B •
special assessment in connection with After the sports a' round table eon- ,j{;er••
< • His Election to That High Office local 1mprbvement sewers now con• ferenee was held, presided over by
JOU...._ _ �.rinr
,rich and Saturday
16 -inch All -Linen TOWELING
Reg. 18c per yard. Sale Prix, 15c per yard
34 -inch Natural Color PONGEE SILK
Special Price 89c
Ladles' Summer -Weight VESTS
Opera Top, Cortrfy-Cut and with Short Sleeves. Our price, 29c each
Another shipment of Summer Dress Goods arrived this week
structed, was left with' the mayor Warden 1M eKibbo» 'of. Huron County. mend that ties request be granted. ed him up with just fair support and now inapt up ems E(trmnf; contenders far
Light t� be Installed in Montreal Street Park and the chairman of the court with Dir: C:. N, Holman, ,clerk of Huion at one Rage of the fracas lost control the n(nnant,
treasurer of R e would also commend Mrs. Wil• , .
power. and Mr: A. :Qelaon, �� son for .the splendid condition In entirely while the students merrily The boys from across the river left
Councillor Turner brought up ser- Bruce county. spoke on Methods of whieli we find all matters at the crossed the plate in rapid fashion, thein itelding hands at home, for
Lions' Chub. Make Further Donation to ,
Children's Playgrounds o
mittee of the whole council with pow- the Department of, R:ghways, oii the satisfactory report presented and playing quite coolly. Dfallough's tete; and many hits got through. ()f' course
The regular meeting of the town foot as evidenced by the. following er to • act. The :natter of dumping County Highways," and .hero was the economical manner in which all pugs to the plate. team centre ficial those riinatin;; (ante were stepping
'council was.held on Friday evening; sewers installed under similar condi- of •ashes on Eldon street was left open discussion and questions asked departments at tee jail are befog tutting ofF't\ea runs were tiinr{y in -t up t, the :saner in hie league eztyle
.June 4th, with all the anembers in tions: Lighthouse' street, 52e; Wid- with the chief to attend to it, Atten• on both subjects, managed. We. find everything in ex -
deed, while Flahiff and 1Vebatrr aie alto their dr{veseere :ill ticketed fee
• attendance. der, .street, 03c; Anglesea street, .54e, tion to the °boulevard at Mr. Thom- Then at 6:80 a fine banquet was cellent condition, there being six prise- ' safeties when the left the bat.: Dore
The -tax collgetor reported the fol- Wells Survey, 53x; Huron road, Bri- sob's corner, corner of Elgin avenue tendered by the town of Kincardine to t. both recommended for honors for Y
overs to the jail at person- their steady work in the infield when Plat end (lrur>re :tliticl.wnn wielded
takes collected from May 4th }amnia to Elizabeth, streets, 53 cents; and Waterloo street; and at Mor- the visitors In the town hall. About We would recommend that the jail the bataTe: Was raging hot. (C`on'tinued b page 8)
prettily decorated tables and choice .'
X312" 1925 6368 G5 1924 elle to Blake °6o the average of Waterloo was mentioned by the saving of the present j.+iter it h " efik " Sanderson t turnthe;`•
seal matters. The Matter of fixing Procedure of County Council."Shelter, there belt four • children After their wild ascension to the hen- errors galore cropped up continually
up the stabling accommodations at Engineer Stephenson of Bruce Coun- there at present, yens the is r tieramie wn to earth thrvut;hR+rt that nine ritunzats. Their.
the fair grounds and also of sanitary ty,
Engineer Engineer ,H.
*'of Huron Re report of the Sallee, we would .End there they; "Faemain dt• the closing infield, usually air -tight in . de-
• like to express our appreciation of
of the game tlndmng ;them fence; took a night off •on Tuesday
lowing 250 sat down to the well laden and
t June 4th: 19g3 taxes 1518.45; Brock street, 54c; °Souih street, Rag- row's corner, cot of Britannia and er s salary be increased to $1000. as
Aihr, Black relied on his first string;
s - aatitler , bael and us usual litke 1
$6.76; -dog tags, 'b18.; 1925 oil, which .11: slightly v P Reeve Munnin s made a report on expenses have been etxease ¢ ,. ,+
13 3G 1026 texts, ,65,751.48; total, foot.
the letting of the contract for pot town, t pe7r year, the increase in salary to twirled an effective game, The Para:
1924, $31.27; e h b d yd 800 p c er E( an erson o
' aloe a 53c eta front edibles were served bym ladies of the
'N 8 s
.s t.
m utter erson for perm and on the • appo•ntuEent oe valuators R supply of c tothe county ,
d tank f d to the following program was carried buildings heir we recommend that times when the bases were leaded
th bl works comm.ttee t out Gi in Young's harmer in too seventh
e er from r. in from Walnut street to C b efrom °a tafterfh i 1,•'downfall.
student.{muse defence as usual played oC�
• Mr.. o r ons Qn, ex- ar en take etleet .iu1y 1st. 1020,.
Huron road pavement ties however clouted a la Cobb at'
46.820. 97. -Referred to the finance l A request from Air. Thos. J. And• tion of the' M R be t J h t �t `d of
committee. ' permission to instal .gain- Bruce County, was toastmaster, and r nal
t aite for two weeks' holidays' for a pu is o continuing the cement pavement ry o s
hy' A 1 tt f M Alex SaundersThe King,
himself •and Sergeant ,Ross, the tat-( tiV proposed by • D D1cDon• fx » our ]oc El coal dealers before
tee's to start .i:. Jule, and' his own asking far adjustment of income 'tax am iia aid, Warden Bruce County, "God pt rchasinpK, fox the different grades EEur( t e r early
A request from . Chief Pestle line pump an an was referred by the county council. The matter
the clerk be instructed to get 'prices bringing his team within fighting dis-1
The j 'r�
18th to enablhira to attend. q cord with the facts was referred road or to the Square, was..xeferred SAC° the King" Responded to by of coal required,
t ac to the public works committee to . excellent ball, rnc'hof the infielders atlWesr
Juno' to the finance committee look into d e t Th P i County Treasurer Lane, of Huron, w k.
tT e report was Eulopted with the -
The matt r of public liability an it is underst d 1 y exception of clause recommending he woul,cl take one week at that time property da age insurance. proposede cent et the cost, The matter of storm Jolly Good' Fellows„'' ;Responded to increase of to thary to e executive less it leas some bearing on the stand-,.
b the Globe Indemn t C sewer .ort Hamilton street Was re- which was referred e e e ing of the teams at the curl of :tlic,
trnd.the other later on, was granted y Y
the Chief •C_nstable's conven ion in d ; an :r per e . row nee Our Guests» --Proposed b Reeve ' times ma ing sensrit}onal plays. . ,
London June.leth, 17th and 18th, ori oo would pay fifty per Watson, Kincardine. "For' They Aro i The game will not be replayed un -i
N `13 Iiuroq 'County
ferred to the finance committee. fer>ed to the public •works comm{ - by It e ' •� committee.
the matter of supply being left with t Solo --Alf. Irwin= E:c•ll!arc{on,.Ilur-
the p • A• letter •from Mrs. Diivid Bell e� tee with power to act. Roads .and Bridges
snappy aggregations meet encu' marcs
s ecial comnmittee.
APetition for .a sewer on Light-
• present schedule -bet folks these two.'
to arrears of taxes claimed • by the The honor that H on County.
i re= this. season` on Jul • 20t) Di 1 ur
e election
den �r McKibben, Huron County ports as follows calendars now or when they ...Meet it
commented on, and the mayor p ' May We met
proceeded to the east boon• can afford o miss it
- 3 iY p t
, a as coma to a
Our iiigt•aays-l?roposed by `Ver. The road' and bridge comm flee.
hector for 1913 taxes, was referred former God ri h b y '
house street . from . Wellington to h fi tt e C o in thd f 11 f 1 1 t'
Wellesley streets was -referred to the A Seager as bishop 1V i t i Brussels an the 25th of going to b some battle d h d
public works committee
y t, - io : yti
tote nance comma ee, of . Provost C •
t building permits . twei�e *referred to t )engineer, ,
A p tit` f a cement sidewalk the reeve anti -the depute, reev,e-weie d of • Grey township, where we TUESDAY !Qu are
erect • Window -residence u qn an ,. me as m Re-.cointite_•
•Wellington street's .was referred to Y forward it •to• Bishop Seager con d of Perth County. ee a examined a eTa- noteee'ehrb”flown-the Rifle Clubi invitedtf snap at
B r n we
li i • committee.
T '•following applications for „es
Res ended to by H. Ir vie Provincial cite n e tan nobody.
Our New Sprinj Footwear
is Attractive in
e• i ipn . or fire committees from. F..Bishop. to a - - - .tet Fritter, Kincardine. .: _ _ary ,
f � 'V terloo to appointed to dxafta i•sol t{ d t�be� 'ii d id Frid
on Elgin. avenue to a t bei avid r!t r sidence on The Press --Proposed by A. heison
the b k itt
north aide of Bruce street;
from Gol Treasurer race ou y. Spon - -.G, .C•. I, :Still Undefeated T
• Lan' to' .crest bummer cotta `e of gratula'ting h{m on his appointment ed to b Mr. W'. Ii:..Robertsan; , of ns
e . pu a works g g as Bishop of Ontario of the Church of y 4 and 5. Grey, which had fallen down. • With a changed lineup that np-
Four more petitions for road oil Hunter,. f
cement culvert .between concessio
referred .to the " ubl{c works frame with Paroid ..roofinffi,. about England Goderich,. and Mi. J 01o. It was agreed that it should. be made pa3ently !s destined to pinta a real WM ERN'S
wereP u
y,- 38x36, on •ngrlh aide df Elgin -avenue; e, Kincardine.
a on.imiittee with pones to act and to from Dr. Smitto r. et suliimer cote The coned) then adjourned•• Violin Solo -E, Dawns, ieeve, _ Paacable. in ,the meantime until it is winning rombinat{on the Cantle Club
include any -thee •petitions 'presented h' e e
C•upset the dope when they walked away' JaQE ST�RE
possible to construct r new one.
d 1 Alb 't f 1 h S l f d b
'residents on ESseX street fro
for road `oil. These petitions were ,tags (if frame with cedar shingles
from m A. J. CoOper, to re -roof poultry house • (Continued from: pa a 4) E, .
Lighthouse .to Nt rfolk; from residents with Patent roofing; from Geo. John- ed to by F. McQuaid, Reese, Buren
concessions of Grey and. found the ed was well earned and the paddlers
en $cit&anis road from. Norfolk tostun to roof wash rack•at Kingston the estimates as presented in the County; H. Mcleerracher, Reeve, north' abutment was undcirinined 'and
Wilson streets; from residents on. street • garage with fir( proof al nt Good R Bruce County and Dir. Holman,
$rude onr.te.:
on east side of Wright street; from HURON COi1NTY -COUNCIL Our Counties; -Proposed by air. A. We next c xiEm►ne tee' er An- from esti yenr.4.r amps, . a t .ar , y The Sq . Phone 43W
Nelson of Kincardne, Respond
,nett bridge between the Oth and 7th 24-10', The victory though tine:meet-' •
g g pea Roads. Commissions report: i defective, and it n ng sed that it t_
. Nelson streets;
.from Victoria to Water- : roofing; Y P Count Clerk, Huron Count '"shovel be reinforced with concrete -
leo streets; from residents en St. Vin rer((okitchen on .Church street with the whole todefinet1Be remuneration Solo -James Anderson, Kincardine: under the direction of `1i. Pattersc n,
ttee of -
tent streetI We next' 1 isited the •clow es bridge
roc ace patent , roofing, coni and duties of the county \aluators to 1 d th i 'ti bridge ••
from.:�orth to Nater oc • k -f d t f Canada -Pro posed by Aix, Couples,
streets, Rosa-Tiehborne; to .remo%e.present be appointed to equalize the assess= •.Reeve, Huron County. Responded: to. an also e Menzies ri ge on the
A report from DIi.•: `Sydney iii. by Diajor Tolmie, Reece, out amp- boundary of Grey and we recommend
barn back from street south towards merits of the• different municipalities I •that they b!
Johnston; Stratford, tewn'engineer. dwelling and cover roof with Paroid of the county:. After some discussion tong .. We et Std, e
the Huron road se>{er from Eliz. roofing, Wells survey; from' Root. it vias decided to refer.tbe matter to ' The address of Major Tolm{e•,'espe the li of ext IDES :fittBali's bllld iecom�
beth street to the to\tn•limits as�fel•. Russell; Wells. survey, to remove the=sneeial committee. : dally, was a very fine effort and did
Tows was referred to the public works present barn, back from street line Under the heading of enquiries' Dir• credit to the subject:
Eisend that. this bridge. he painted..
The prizes cyan {n the spurts of the . Thee liolmcsville bridge which was
committee.: "This sewer.. •was con to rear of lot; from Jas• Strongh Armstrong asked particulars regard- ra{sed last yiar ue found In goad
strutted oder an understanding with to re.roof kitchen • ,orl ' East street ing the Provincial Itoad as to the afternoon lyses presented by
Mr' J' condition except that .v.e.recommei)(I
that if
Government ).
Provincial G � J. C'4 Heiserman
J ulcus 1r
the Hunter arid d
�' with cedar shingles. ed
es. contract r tr et beim le or not and
gl . g t the during ter •evening, and 3...W. Heiserman
Rather- (('ai)tinued,; nn meas 7).
tile were increased to 12 inches, so • The finance committee recommend- amount of the contract, and Dir; Mid -
that it would tarry all surface water ed that no action be taken on the re. dleton replied that the contract for ing eras :brought to a close by the
as well as, sewage,' and' the. mega-
. of Mr. B. 'J, Saults dor a re• five miles had been let but that no singing of Auld Lang. Syne and •the
sary catch basins installed, etc., the bate on his road oil •charges against further particulars were available.. National Anthem, •
TheStudents and the 't}Ellrrr d'lav to
Department of Highways. would Pa his vacant property on 'East street; A heated discussion ensued, Mr.: t . Back to Business • d
over and abov� ads • a Ter in a 'lhrillin; Argument.
3 per, rent. by the Toronto General nunciationm of the tattles of"the guar- morning the. council assembled at �•
Trusts Cor oration for handling O. tette who had around with the 8:45 a,m., all the'niembers present. - Well, folks, we have to admit that
• d d expensive' and d'f p g Th •1 k t l 'following it s d make errors. i o^ , L Er.t week in this
all additional costthat,in the mater of the charge of eeeQuaid waxing eloquent in his de •
Resuming •business on Thur, y
the average ,cost of a 9 -inch sewer.
Part of this ' work, • owing to quick-
•sand; very alti E di
W , S. R: funds rates be obtained petition to.get the pavement laid this e clerk. presented the • ' •'e••this,
ficult to, install, but all costs over .from some'other�compatiies; that the Year, characterizing them as four eomntuniration:z tolumtt we f(,r ranted that uthou toe
and Soars the average cost were n of ^ 00 from Messrs. S, B. meddlesome men,. who had even de- From :lir. W , II. Lobb, of Goderich G. C. I. or :he Pu: itc Flour '.Fluid 1 •
met as agreed. The average • cost of
account 6Z
C and S fo • architectural ser scended to the use of falsehood, He township; applying • for the position have. to meek duan their fleet ies:�
a 9 -in, sewer is 53 tents per, f
a further $2,000 be paid the Colleg b Goderich tole and arranged t° int .i tie lust
a centennial celebration next year, From Mr. Geo- P. Gould aslant*: EE to make . u:;. !ne'lc. unnr''et'•ary. i
late Beard- on• their 1926 levy; that •
• and_ claimed that in o ostn urant. Pram,^'the 'Hi eon 1'outtry and 114 it evf•r they certEEinly ttirnE d in t
• the law costa of x,13.40 in connect{on pl? t; • -- .he • att e'tl
was acting in the i>titere3ts df ti.s= Pet Stock Association,--Refcried to .. itx i nF, battl! ai'(1 thr.f,i:i: iaa:;:•1
e'tlthh ft)1
rout eon • on i 1 thet b• t wewere ' t l 1
pave -
because o each was go•
ing to have a '
vices in connectiori with proposed
ridiculed the need c.f a cement pave• of valuator cu assessment
sum- u •e. r (,:: p y nt-gue:. ie(
new municipal building be paid; that ment"froin Goderich to (Tinton just mission' to be appointed. --Laid on the for the. Bose ;sot t•L( tit^r, apparently. .
'1 i
wi i e pure ase o e o g a rural municipalities, the executive committee. ' 101 it down -es. the tart 'aia•gume)it„of
property be paid (thw mortgage had 1 P who ;mid the • In opening the address E,f ttYic day
greater Sit of the cost
o n the own.. of. .•
TO •s. the emolon �o far: _... _
been given and oftee coudeen rebeivedd, tounshi P for instance aid $33 the Viarden� spoke of the previous. The rt'll(r:, 1! :Art
.•i;i Ii�l} ifi•1,•
that a number accounts be paid, p, + p
more than tl towns f Goderich, • day's proceedings and the pleasant Ftt r Ei!+ n• tta.r r :• f o• the evenin„
WEEK OF UNE 14 to UNE 19 and that the tan collector's report of Clinton and Seaforth combined. • veet to Kincardine He also spoke ! have Mere hie' ,,,••• v;
JUNE � ( �•har' soul'
Monday and.Tuesday
lliay 20th be filed, . , co .. •,
The cemetery and parks committee
Reeve Middleton resented some of of the appointment of valuator,, as Ituelewatt.i , :,ar, to 1 •• t d, I'ot 1
recommended that the tree on Br{tan. the personal references to himself taken up so far by adjoining ro.ntie pia first (effort of the \ ilial pitched'
ANIT:t► fiTT:\`.a1tT; .iir liTand pointed out that the council in ' • Under the head of enquiries ''t1r, on rx(„llinely flee ewe, lee mail,,
LYTELT, and IIIe;V'` IeleY iiia road in front of Dr. Atkinson's
n McQuaid spoke of the' nuisance forte bring his :s n.m :
be removed as requested; that no ac- January had passed two resolutions, : • Q P incP 1 '• mil: (a.•( pt f i 1 _
i*ORDON tion be taken ,on the request of Dir. one to have the week. when it was veiling with regard to the campinit i a tendency to be ++'it^' ' ',. ' •' 11.
in Peter 11. hyne'o mighty drama, of J. done done in eine year. This was' of gypsies or others on the public hardly be'bette
firer beauty, colorful 0081105, circ- ley street: that Mr. Thomas Elliott
the attttutesprovided for such things
sir . R
andthis. was- what was �de i ed.
inatic eituatiEyns and thrill;( that be paid - the sura of $lU for rental of self* .
stake the blood tingle Tourist Camping ground .at the Park As to the other resolution, 'askitiirfui, -and--that -any iwrson...11.:ing-.in ,, th('.,i- :
"Never the Twain Shall H f theyear1928 and that the 'deferring of the work, he urged :municipality has the power to prefer ',
Meet •
W. Priddie to remove tree on Cay moved by Dir•i.{vingstone and him- highways, Mi Saunders said that iere= ee
' 0 s, "Thee Flies”
Wednesday, and Thutiday
• „ IEtsve bad the children's• swings put ;fir. Hayes expressed his opposition House of Refuge and the laiv re- i
• "Wild Justice up in the 'mime; parks for the sea -l• ' Y " t.
This is United Artists' great all .star son. The Lions Club• is supplying to the pavement. • o f the the same,fand the chairmen ee, i
Mr. Dluhnings pointed out that his of the. House of Refuge eomniittee,
picture of (xciting days on the'fre•in• we recommend that the committee reason for sunporti»f; the twee for suited that the Reeves were protect -
tier, teeming with tense dr : i, it i5, two new :,tiides or circle swings and r t}te liaveiit^!mt sYfl tt+:rt it was good O. ,
be -empowered tv
perf9et anti:Asinine:lb for everyone': o plaett one in Vic• business lbr the county, which was A eotnniunicution from the Town.
tons Park and one at Harbor Park;, paying $9,000 a year for the rpkeep ship of Colborne with reference to
If the cement curbing is being {n- of the road now. After paying inter- ineicasing the tax on gasoline and
"Sneezing Breezers, stalled around the soldiers' memorial eat on the met faiths county of build-. ane as to the salary of rural mail
+*-- ---•- in the Square and the grounds in, ing Clic pavement, say 82,250, tltereicarriers, were referred to the Special
Friday 11is Satat'day side the condition
ing will be sodded and would still' be an annual saving of , committee as they related to legisla.
Bob Custer and .Sally )arid put In condition at once. Mr. Alex. $6,750 a year or $35,000 in five years. tion.
Johnston has been engaged as care-, As the hour of 11 o'clock had been Matron of Shelter and Jailer Highly
in ei fighting western action;Eiet•Bre, taker of park during May at S2 per reached. further debate on the quos -1 Commended
packed to time hih.svitit Tangly: and day and we recommend that he be tion Was adjourned to Thursday, The county property committee re -
thrills paid ;Cb per month on and front nmoviiing, the c.Buncil adjourning till ported, as follows,:
�� June 10i, t3:;DU a.m. an Thursday, ti allow the We have inspected the registry of -
"The Texas BCfltircat The special committee reported nmembers to get their dinner and get flee and found the wiring has been
TIM '1'T;I,1;T'Tltl:cili (; TT:C, in the calling of a public meeting by away to the joint meeting and sports dour as requested,' estisfactartiy to
the mayor and the formation of a day*with Bruce county eouncil at the committee. The balance of the
"Love and Learnt, eitixtn' committee to 'carry out a Kicardine, the town of Kincardine registry ofiiee is in fair condition.
"Pathe Review" Dominion lefty celebration; repotted entertaining the two councils to a Re request from the matron of the
receiving samples and prices on poi. banquet in the evening. Children's Shelter for replacing pap.
Matins--Sattndsy at 3:00 P. int, ice uniforms from McLean Bros., l'. Bruce and Huron County ('ounelllore er on ceiling in Iia ing room. which
Coming --"Time t'.13' f i"-isCeiiamB.' II. Martin and Chaea:Black and re. Meet motile,, T, Was damaged by water, we reams.
nose, or a the committee repair the fence ` be -
that it was --good business to get the • a charge and have the nuisance abet -
ween their property and the Harbor Paying 80 per sunt. of the cost. It bylaws were passed prohibiting such'
Park; that, the water and light tout• was not likely that the percentage and notices' were pet up. These by- ;
mission be requested to install the would always be available. The road laws and notices were generally oh- f
• street tight ni the park plot at world stop short of Clinton, which served.
\lest end .of Montreal . The would have to pay for the paving of • Mr. Middleton brought up the mat -1
committee repotted as follows: We. ter of committing inmates to the 1
a utile itself
work done while the Province was ed by law. In some municipalities ;
1 III 1111 11 I 11111 I- III NI
red. - !Its Etiate 'bacled ,
Summer Millinery
Large Hats in the New
Pastel Shades, all White .
and the popular Black
and White
We invite you to call
Universal Hat Shoppe
North Side of Square
Any girl or boy in the district of Goderich
can't in this Real e Shetland Pony gilc'en flee
to the one securing the highest number of votes
in this twelve Weeks' contest, starting Saturday,
June 5th, and ending August 28th:
'Think of the pleasure in store for the win-
ner Of this prize. • Start to -day; go in to'' in and
get all,your friends and home people to help
you. Ballot Box is at the Model Theatre, where
the standing will be announced each .week.
No one . connected . with the Theatre 01"
stores where the vote itlie given out or their
Broth( l':; of Sirters can enter, and no sympathy.. .
e:inteiy.ants allowed in the contest.
'Ail'. E. V. Leslie, Tanager Bank of Mon
treal, and Mr. A. J. Mackay, Manager (anadii n,
Bank of Commerce, have been appointed jud-.
ges to cheek up the counting of tlw votes and
their decision is final. "
Many boys and girls, not only of Goderich,
. _tint inanyi11 the country will entei, and everyone
ill be lniere+tt~d li i'ielfaigli irlavorite-•t{c u•—
real contender for the Pony.
The following stores will give you votes on
cash purchase::and cash paid on ateollllts of
twenty-five cents and up. Ask for them.
Tim S. A. GRAY CO.,
l)rygoods and Ladies' Gear.
E. G. small, Bakery
CRAIGIE l3lt(OS., Tobacco:: and Billiard Room
FIE,I,I) HUNT. .Hardware
%V. REG. SHARMAN, Boots and Shoes
Gr(f(.'eries and Ifrult
GEO. W. SCHAEFI' It, Groceries.
Garage, Gasoline and ()ils
Newspaper • Su hse ri Ht io n s.