HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-10, Page 4PASS
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Special Values in Ladies' Coats
We have a new range of Ladies' Black Silk Coats. There is only one of
each ,style. These are being offered at a very attractive price.
We are offering our balance of Ladies' Cloth Coats at a great reduction in
Sport Dresses
See onr new line of Ladies' Georgette, Flat'sCrepe and Crepe -de -Chine Sport
Watch our windows • br special display of ladies' stout style dresses.
Ladies' Hats
A new shipment of Ladies' Leghorn Hats,, trimmed with velvet.
Also Ladled" Felt Sport Hats.'
Men's Straw Hats
A wonderful ,showing of Men's Straw Hats in a big range of correct styles.
PHONE 418 `"
evening of last week
Wednesday eve ng
when Mayor MacEwan was at the
banquet to the 1:ounty councils of
Bruce end Huron given in Kincardine,
he got talking -with some Walkerton
:lien, the Reeve of Walkerton, the
Conservative candidate in S. Bruce
the treasurer of the county of
Bruce, to mention -parties definitely,
Mr. MatEwan made some Comment to
the -effect that he noticed by The
Globe that they had' a town hall in
Walkerton of'which • very little use
was made. The .gentlemen from
Bruce's county town were very much.
eueprised at the 'statement and wheit
Mr, Mace wan gave them the • info -
elution -about •the -editorial in: The
Glebe - they - were indignant; and said,
'0Why the hall: is used four or five
nigets a week." • They continued by
pointing out tbat'the hall was a good
rievenue produger, andth�ey had been
onsidering, making an addition to it,
Thatshows how much confidence: cart
lee placed in: the "dispatch dated from
'Walkerton, which was made the basis
of The Globe's editorial on' the subject
of ::"useless. Town Halis.'" e
Incidentally' it is worth noting.that
tali .Est together• banquet in' Kinear-
dine watr epee, on by the tower of Kin-
eardine. , in the Kincardine municipal
building. The .public auditorium was
Weed andeeets large enough to seat the
ei veral hundred who were in attend -
since at the banquet around the tables
et. one time, and the stage was used
by some of the entertainers for giving
their selections from. The room is
neatlydecorated is comfortable end
commodillue and has a nice ga cry in
fes could be placed. under the court
house to meet the admitted need in
the town for such conveniences, on
which Deputy -Reeve Moser seemed to
bank a good deal, got rather of a
knockout at the county -council meet-
ing last week. The engineer's esti-
mate of the cost of putting in such
conveniences under the .court -house
was, for the town's share, $8,500, plus
charges for `lighting, "'janitor's
vices, . etc„ plus half of the cost of the
larger sewer pipe required. - The sug-
gestion was hardly considered by the
county council.. And' it- would be an
expensive . proposition for the t*wn to
go into any"' such scheme •lupposing
the county council bad been in a mood
tie s;;.nsider the question. With 'en
estimated -cost such as is given above
for nothing more than public lavator-
ies, the cost of $85, 000 for the muni-
. cited- building that wee proposed•hi
Goderich,. providing„ for auditorium,
council chamber, committee monis.
offices, 'Hydro store, police court and
offices, fire hall, public rest rooms,
public levatories, and room for • a
gymnasia*. if desired, begins' to look
like a very reasonable preposition in-
deed.. And- if that much 'talked of
Walkerton town -hall is in use four or
five •nights a week, there is jest the
possibility that the ' new building
which wes proposed for Goderich•
might have been in use quite* bit and
might have been a good revenue pro-
ducer. too. Small wonder •that some
tf those who voted -against the town
hail admit now . that : perhaps they
--I NS . I"I I I I•I 1 111 1 1 1111;... I I 1 1 1 11,
T GODECR WAR..,..,_.,.....,1
�^1 lieunrlu�1 111 1 111 1 1 1
THURSDAY, JUNE loth, 182$ ,
Messrs. C. A. Meadow's %, Resell; W. H. 'Coates,
borne; and Cha. Stewart, Ashfield;
Appointed Coun*y Vaivatora.
E$tertain.eat at Kia►carhe Highly Appreciated
Ask That no Further Paving Contract Bell
Let for Huron Road 1
The following fir the report of the • mend that the bridge near the C.P.R.
Huron County Council preeeedings be rebuilt.
from the point reached in our last is- Re Bridge Painting, it was decided
sue: to accept the tender of P. Sturdy at
Good !toads commission Recommends 45 cents per foot for bridges in the
2 -Mill Highway Rate Wingham district, and the tender of
The Good Roads Commission re- R. D. Frazer, for 55 cents per foot
ported as follows : for the Goderich and Auburn bridges.
On Wednesday, May 18th, :a joint Paint to be supplied,
meeting was held with a committee `Re claim of Frank L. Lewis -tor
from Bruce County in Lueknow The $1.75 for damages to buggy occurring _
Bruce conueittee requested :that the on road 12; Morris and Grey, we re -
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
The Rexall Drug Store
Bedford Block -
County, of Wuron make a grant to- mmend na action.
'' eV,
wards the construction of pavement Re claim of Lorne Seibert for $3# --- - `x" "` "'
in the Village of . Lueknow. *The for damages received by horse scar. Moved ley. Mr. Neel:, :seconded by been. removed from that village and
committee feel that the county has-ing on Road No.: 29, )(Towler, we re- Mr, Johnston, that this matter stand attached to•Turnberry+ and' Howick.
no liability in the matter, and no commend no action. over until Thursday afternoon.--Car-1 The three reeves concerned were
authority to mike such a grant. Re tar patching for concrete• con ries. The report and • 111:. $ayes' advised to meet and arrange the :nate
Be connecting links and county noting links, we recommend the pm-
ar- motion thus go over until Thursday t ter before the rates were struck.
roads in towns and villages, we re -
afternoon, of two tar kettles, half barrel afternoon, when the discussion will: The matter of readjustment ofethe
- conn fend that the money required to -capacitye be resumed. A119 the clauses of the Village of Hayfield rates, it was re-
-be:spent within the limits of the ur- Your Commission have exchanged report with the exception of the esti quested, shoed be dealt with shut
municipalities , in . accordance- the old typewriter In the engineers mates,. however; had received assent., lady',
with the recent legislation be ex- office for a new one. We have After adjournment of the council a 1 Saltford Hill and Huron Road •
sensed on the said connecting links bought for use on the roads a 15.$0. representative of the Adams Co., who Pavement
and county roads until suck streets I,H.(:., gas tractor, and one 1$-3E case lead addressed the council in the aft-
are completed with a high-class .road. tractor, also exchanged the old -Over- ernoon on the the c t of• aders, put' Mx. !Closer brought up the matter
land car for new Overland coach. of the Saltford Hill work and .sug-
�'Ve recommend that the extra sub- on some movipg pisturee of their gested that a retaining wall should
sidy received by the County an an- Estimated Expenditures machinery in action, which were very be built on the river side to prevent
•nual grant to Hensall and Winghair_ i Construction Work.. , .. ..$ •65,000 interesting; � accidents. The chairman was re-
be deducted from the special levy - MaintenanceOn Wednesday morning the clerk quested to take this matter up wit;,
paid by,agieement;;by these munici '+ Resurfacing $'55,000 announced that he had received two •
-the commission.
panties,Machinery , ,'•, „t.•. , 000. additional applications as Nutley vat -I Mr. Geiger spot:e of the rrogresr, •
Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A., F, & A.
M., will attend divine service in llnox-
church on Sunday morning, June 27.
The services in the Baptist church
next Sunday will be conducted by H..
Good, B. A. At 11_4. re., "What is
Your Religion;" 7 p. m., 'Tour Great
North St. United Church, Sunday,
June"13: 10 a, m.- men's club, classes
and !Mission Band; 11 a; m., public
worship, Rev. P. S. Banes, of Au-
burn, will preach; ' 3 p, m., Sunday
School; 1 p. ni. Rev. Selby Jefferson,
The •regular. meeting of the Knox
church W. be S. will •be held on
Tuesday, June :5th, at 3:30. Mrs.
Walter of ,Saltford and Mrs.'A. -J.
MacKay will have charge of the
meeting. A cordial: levitation is ex-
tepded to all the ladies•of the congre-
gation,- -
Victoria St. and Union Church, Rev.
Selby Jefferson, pastor. Services for
Sunday, June 13th: Victoria Street,
10 a.. neeBible School: 1I 'a. m. Wor-
ship; 7 p. in. Representative of' Pro-
hibition' Union, Mr. Jas. N. Conner,
will speak. Union .1Church. il. p. 'm.
Bible School; 3 p. m. Worship.:' .
Statistics of the continuing Pres-
byterian -church chow that less than
a year ago there. were 18 eongrega-
ticns in British Columbia,. While today
there are 44, and the preaching sta-
tions have risen from ,22 .to 67. In
Alberta there woe congregations
I following Union and' • today 43, with
180 preaching stations. In Saskatch-,
ewan 3 congregations less than
twelve months since, had- grown to
38, with 62 preaching points, while in
+Manitoba l6�congregations left after
last eleite, hasi doubled In the past
months and . now number 32. -
'today is the anniversary of the
consummation of church ' union and
the second general council of the
United Church of Canada convenes
lid the American United church today.
Rev. C. P. :Clarke, of Goderich, is in
attendance. Figures insifeative of
activities in' - the past. year in the'
United hurehes of Canada have been.
issued recently by the head offiee,
An estimate of the membersihp places
it at 700,000 and the scope ' of- its
ministry extends to over 2,000,000
people.. Voluntary workers, Sunday
school teachers. and officers, number
about' . 125,000.; ' The -statement - is
made _thee some 25,000 more of these
workers are required 'by the Church.
Associations for the young people of
the parishes have a total roll of ap-
proximately 500,000, while church
colleges and schools of higher educa-
tion have 'enrolled more than 6,500
students. The United -Church of
Canada numbers its congregations at
8,700. Mission work, embracing ten
, areas, engages the efforts of 645 mis-
sionaries whose distribution is as fol.
lows; Wiest Africa . 24, Trinidad 21.
Britisle_Columbla...1;t,.Jepan.. 84. _EWA
and Manchuria 50, Formosa 26. Hon.
an 96, South Clint 18, West China
219, India 95. Over 2,152 native
helpers are active in this field as
well as the missionaries.
. MUNRO,�TIte deatn of Miss Nel-
lie Munro, which oceurred at her
home on Sunday evening, May r 0th,
is the cause of regret among a wide
Circle of relatives and friends. Miss
Munro't illness was a brief one, as
she was in her *suet health up to a
should: hive voted for it.
Jost Ri¢l�t
the tear. Mention was made at this.
gathering that the County of Huron
-would like to have the tem county
cou*eils meet In - Goderich on some
future occasion in a similar function,
and on such an oreadioneit would be
a nice thing for the Town of Goderich
to tender a banquet. but the painful
truth -is that if the Town of Goderich
-wanted to be hosts on such an occa-
sion it would have to rent a hall
having -nothing suitable of its own. It
seems that every town 'of half the
pretentious of Goderich has it all over
us in the way of -a public inunicipa
to .for-Upset� mach
I For after -eating dietralis,. - gas;
sourness -and blotting., the quick and
positive neutralizing action . of Bis -
1 united Magnesia has proved to be
just . right 1 • Relief, certain and gra-
° t1fying, almost' instantly fellows the
t• very first dose -and a few cents'
worth obtainable from . any good
G druggist, lasts for a long time. This
special Biaurated form of Magnesia,
for Stomach '!.'roubles only, does not
building. - � act as a laxative. . Ask your drug -
The .arggestion ,'that pubiic lav*tor: gist.
II. ..,• ......11 lid d, J. 11J1.
I tatblished 1817
Summary` of
Assets atid Liabilities
. _.._...,,_._.._ Oth` kpri1;-1926 -
Gehl, •Dmmneer Notes, mei Silver teen.....
Deposit with Central Goll Reserve
Deposit* . made with snit 1$a'areoe daft fres*
ether Soaks ia: Casette
Steameee isle by leeks awe -ilaakir* Cerres-
pordeate elsewhere than in Carnia
Call swd Short loans on „Remit, Debeatures
*ad Sleeks
Derai,iow ani Pr.eirciat Gerveraftsl at Securi-
Railway rad ether pontis, Debahtwsee sad
Csraiisii Municipal Seeurkies apse arkWek
renege soul Ceih mite -intik . Semites'
ether thee . Csnatleme
Note. and rcheeurs of ether 1$sak.
Uwiteel States one other fereisr. terteacies
Loom arts Disceaats aa.4 ether Awes
Ronk Prestlees
13siilkiee of tsaterwers wavier letters of
creek (ae per cetera)
$ 74,120,668.2B
$746.1311,3$7.1 *
Notes la eieeirlateea
� ewiit ..ataMlw1
Odrer liaMllti s
l�srells at rA.MMt rot L� be
rabic $S1,$73.300R1a
Re culvert at Carter's Hill, Roser ,,' Superintendence 4 800 nater' Thos. J. McLean, �Vingham, I made as to putting- up of danger
21, Turnberry and Morris, we recom- Snow Roads 4,000 and C. A, Macdonell, Heneali. signs, as ordered last session.
meat that road be widened .across Repairs to Bridges � 8,000 Under the heading cf enquiries, Ma` He was informed •that the r$er.
creek bottom and new guard fence Weeds...... 2,000 Livingstone asked who had the ap- for the signs were o g
Dragging.. 8,000 pointment of patrol men and . Mr, given and they
Kg would soon be in position.
Re road at Mill pain, Road 12, • Repairs to Culverts 4,000 Beattie said the matter was gener- _
Mr. Middleton asked it any esti
Wroxeter, we recommend that the Oiling.. , . , ,' .. 0,000 ally attended to ley the engineer, mate had been made of the Saltford
balance of this road be widened sim- • Connecting Links, .. .. 14,000 Mr. Holmberg 1 asked when - and Hill expenditure. The engineer took
ilarly to the work done last year.!tow the matter of equalizing the vel- the matter up in his report, and alsoRe C.F.& Crossing Road 29, How- - - $118,800 lage , of Wroxeter could. be -taken up, (Continued on Page 0
g )
ick; we leave asked the railroad to Estimated Receipts
as considerable property had recently
improve -the approaches. • 2 Mill Levy .,, ' $ 85,000
Re Blind Lake Road No. 30, How- Government Grant.`. . 90,000 •
ick,,. the Township Council are having Special Levies... , ..... 2,800
a report prepared under the Munici-. Sundry Receipt.,....'., 1,000,
pal Drainage. Act, and incase of dis-
pute, we eo a t othe-Dam
put , Tec tam nd, h t Drain -
age - Referee be requested to make an We recommend that the Highway;'
Order reel/acting • the matter. levy for mills.
Re Roof No: 30, south of Fordwich, �C way x urtl ay
we. recommend that two miles of re- - Moved by Mr. John Mayes, second-
ed by Mr. Owen. Geier, that the esti
cbnatruction work lie done northerly g
d h 1926 be 2 •11
`Hl h Rateto Be Fixed Th d
from the south town line. mated expenditures on County Road
Re Road'No. 28, South of Gorrie, SYstent be proportionately pared so
we recommend that the surfacing be that the road rate will not exceed .a
completed, andthe reconstruction be levy of 1 mills.
continued through the swanip;'to the
corner of Wallace township.
Re Road : No. - 21, Turnberry and
.No moRg
When the FE D1IRAL leteelGrti.11 :' LARM is, attached to
your chicken -house your hens are Fare -nobody; can steal them.•
The Federal is a very simple spring -sic el dee'ce 'that works
like a trap when a chicken , thief opens any door o • window to,
which it is connected: the alarm makes. a very loud le ria, scaring
the thief and awake ping your whole household.
- . 13ut in spite or the absolute prcteetion FEDERAL affo'ds, it
Grey,`we Yseommend"that the surfae.
Ing+ be dome,and that two utiles of
reconstruction work be- done through
Molesworth. : , •
Re Connecting Link itt Brussels, it
was arranged to leave it with the
Village Council this year, to take
care of as formerly, and the • County
topay for the 20 -foot strip,, .
Re Road Noc12 through swamp, .
1', . miles south of Brusselswe 're,
commend that this road improved
Re Road No. 1 Morris and East
Wawanoelt, we •receenrnend that this
road be cornpleted -along, concessions
11 and 12, East Wawanosh. -
Re Road No. 251 Colborne, we re-
commend one mile ofconstruction
Why shouldn't -
they buy from
J. J
Make;. up yoyou-mind
to. secure the .trade.
of the Summer cot- >..
• tages near town, this
westerly from lot 15, -and one mile -
�easterly from Loyal. •year. Think • of all the
Re Saltford• Hill, we recommend • things they will be buy
that this improvement be completed, lug! . Why shouldn't they.
Re Road No. 35, Bayfield, we re : buy them from you? In -
the city they are used to
ordering goods by tele- -
commend that one mile of the narrow -
road near Bayfield • be widened and
Re Road No. ,2, Stanley,in
! we reco- phone. Call them, even
ment that the construction on this - . using; Long Distance
road be continued southerly three where 'necessary and tell
miles, them what you can do - -
Re /toad No, 9, Hay, we recommend for them. Remind them
that the narrow swamp roads be wid-
that for week -end par-
ties you can give : them
-' tined. - .
Re -Road No. 36, 'laborite, we re-
eommend that the ,reconstruction be prompt: delivery -
completed, and the whole' surfaced.
Re Road No, 4, Stephen, we reeom- When they see how easy.
mend that one-quarter mile of widen-_ it is to order from you
ing be done easterly from the east ' by telephone - they will
limit of concession 12. --likely prove trod Cas-
Re Road No. 4, Stephen, at-Whis- tomers all Summer.
week before her death. She was a
native of Goderich, a` daughter ot'the
- late Mr. and Mrs. James Munro, and
= had lived here all her life. She is
survived by one sister, Mrs. J. Story,
- of town, and six brothers: William,
of Watertown, S. Dakota; James, of
- Moosomin, flask.; !favid, of town;.
George. of Stratford; Ed., of Clinton,
and Fred, of Toronto. 'Alt except
William and James were here for the
funeral, which took place on Tueeday
at noon to Maitland cemetery. Rev.
R. C. Meikrndd -conducted the ser-
- vice* and the pallbearers were the
r four brothers. David, Edward', George
Land !:red. The funeral was largely
'attended, and this following from out
of town, in addition to the lotedhrra.
'were pre.ent is pay the last tribute:
Mi. Carl Campton. Tsronto; efesi.
IGeo. Mamre, Mr. George Meer°, jr..
Mrs. 1'. *hnpsai, Mr. &vary YMndk,
Mr. Tom Story. fltratf.wd; Mr. link..
ink ?ltsnirmmeaa. Mr. Joseph Co*,
key bridge, we recommend the con-
struction of guard fences.
Re Road No. 2, Hay, we recommend
the construction of guard fences at
Heyrock Bridge.
Re Road No. 1, Mullett, we recent-
niend that two miles of reconstruct-
ion worn Tie doter •northerly. •from -the
south limit of eottcession 5.
Re Road No. 12, McKillop, we . re-
commend the reconstruction of
Grieve's bridge and apprbsehes.
Re Reed No. 25, Mrleillop and
Grey,- we recommend that this road
be improved no that it is passable to
ear traffic. - ,
I)ickkees Hill, 'West Wawanosh and
Kinloss; boundary has• been eut dur-
ing the winter, and we recommend
the construction of guard fence on
the hill.
Re Road No. 21, West Wawanosh
and Kinloss, we recommend the won.
tinutnci of the.. construction work
from lot 19, West Wawanosh, for one
Re Road No. 27, Weat Wawanosh
and Ashfield, we recommend that the
construction work be completed from
Bowles Hill'to' the north side of eon-
clasinn 12, and continued southerly
to ronea cion road it and 9.
Re Road No. 20, Howick ,we re-
eommend that the guard fence be
brilt on the /111 cit the river.
Re Road Nee 2, Aalbfeid and Am-
berley. we recommend that a right.
of.w•ay be piarentsed along the dire
ret contineation sr the Lake Shore
road in Ernes across he 1i, conccs-
oimt 14, Ashfield, eliminate dwnger-
ons turns at this peat.
Re Road Na iq, 'Bout and Wale
Wawa:web, we recertareri that the
awsmp rand .*pstte meterseinn 13
be drained, it p isibis-aralettrig►reved.
Re Rood No. 1. Stith, we reenm-
i is quite harmless; it cannot harm even the burgler; bus ittho ougle•
- • ly aoares 'hien, protects your ohiokees and aw.kei,s yoe.
.The Federal' Cannot Fail, Absolutely Guaranteed .•
to Last a Lrfefime.
Ten Day Money Back Guarantee
The Federal Burglar Alarm: is returnnble, if after ten dare you
find the Federal. Burglar Alarrn unsatisfactory in any eenv.. Simply
mail the. Federal Burglar Alarm back to es collect atici' a our Money
will be cheerfully refunded.
81 'Victoria $t., Toronto 2
Piesse send nes postpaid one Federal
Burglar Alarm, for which I enclosemy pnc-. s;'+'
tat note for, $1.6$. on the under tansline that
my money be refunded shortie I find it un-
satisfactory. ..
Address ,
.Choke .-Family.._ .. Groceries.
Everything new and fresh. Give rte a trial order
Drop in and have a -
A full line of Choice Confectionery, on Saturday.
It's safe to buy your .
tires wherever you
see this sign, for the
efficient Dunlop Of.
Mal Dealer stakes
his reputation on and
invests his money in
Tombs Ofekial Servtee llepeia
W. I. Deeetises. Goduerkh
Rami Meter Sales, Gei.rirk
laarllwatt & Teiriett, Gederieh.
Hili Eardwars Cs.. Arbene
W. 111. W.eteak., **Atli