HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-10, Page 2PASO TWO TEA iCs x That is wh► people insist on Salado, THE GODERI R STAR ' x,ighloul naw iettaattde that the it -t g ,;'thf i.Y;,t. the'Vanish ish withdraw from Egypt and the � rle e.e...„ eri"cxpetlitisin to Soudan, retrieves at the cost of se recover them. 1 John Bull Takes a Trick 1 Borah was so conccrnee that he her. Washington is agitated these days staked consideration of the matter in over a business proposition which a Congress, but so far it has been im- certain group of British business men possible to find anything irregular . have closed with the Government of in the proceedings. Panama. Panama is nominally an in- dependent republic but because the of United • Stated commercial +aetiv Sties and certain diplomatic moves which were consummated at the time the canal was built, is generally looked rpon as being subservient to the iJnit- cd States. Recently s company head- ed by Sir Alfred Mond the great Brit- ish financier, announced that they had_. 'secured from the government of Pan - Anna concessions involving 5,000 square miles of territory including two har— bcurs, for the purpose of gold develop- ment. Washington's attitude reveals _ the feet that U. S. interests had in- tended `sing the land for the develop- ment of rubber. As the British eon: cessions involve practically all public - lands available for rubber groeing, Uncle Sam is nonplussed. Senator Bad Blood is the cause of Boils. and Pimples What you need nrben the blood gets out of order is a good tonic to tone and build up the system and put the blood into propershape, aid when this is done jou will hate no more boils or pimples. We ksew of as mensal that can *Pal •r B li;;1= LouD BJTIERS #i yeors i has bent en t ee harm received• thousands of teati- Monials from them who have been benefited to its use. Put up testy by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, 'Ont. the pas mart a web British brawn and blood. 91 The New York 'rimes ways: "Per - baps England has been a bit too eon- iderate in her dealimet with Zagh- leul; has riven him too mucin rein for Iher t•wtt peace of m;nd." SYhen Britain gave Egypt a King and self-government she put consti- tr.tional power into the hands of Zaghloul. He has British law to en- force his demands as a representa- tive of the people. However, while Egypt and London wondered just what would happen next, Zsghloul called upon Lotd Lloyd, Britain's representative in Cairo, had after- noon tea with him, and later it was announced that Zsghloul wduld not seek the premiership. Adley Yeghen has been made premier on Zsghloul advice. The prospect cannot be said to be rosy yet, but at least the thunder clouds are dispersing, and Zsghloul shows faint indications of returning to something like his old allegiance to England which he dropped when the war ended and Egypt was offered self-government within British juris- diction. Gold Runs to Manitoba • Capt. N. A. Atkinson, an Austra- lian, arrived in Kenora last week to register claims on what he says is Brig -Gen. John A. Gunn, C. M. G., I).S.O„ of, Montreal, re-elected presi- dent of the Last root Fund, says the organization is fulfilling its purpose in providing for the burial of war veterans. Zaghloul Tikes a Cup of Tea Egypt . once more occupies the. spotlight owing to the delicate politi- cal situation which has existed for a . month past. A general . election gave, Zaghloul Pasha control of 160 seatss in the Egyptian House emit- prising o - orisin 214 seats. Ordinarily: Zagh- . lut would become Premier, but Zsghloul is an enemy' of British in- terests and for its integrity, the Commonwealth of Nations --must maintain control over the Sued. Brit- ain has converted Egypt from a mis- erable province of Turkey to a mod - 'ern state with representative govern-. meet, education, peace and prosper- ity.' Millions of pounds of British money have gone .into irrigation schemes, schools, railweiys and so on. Is Charley Rous Foxed? A scan claiming to be Charley Ross. kidnapped in 1874 from the New York home of his wealthy father, is in the U. S. metropolis with a Mrs. Moire Starr, who claims to be a re- lative of the Ross family. The man is married and has a family of six children in the Soutn. MI he is ask- ing is the right to his own name. He was kidnapped by peddlers for ran- som and although his father was willing to pay it, there was arch a hue and cry over the affair and the kidnappers were afraid to collect. The Rosa family deny ::nowiedge of Mrs. Pierre Starr and refuse to believe the report. This Will Be Cheaper Thera Gasoline! A French professor claims to have found the secret of catalysis, which is the art of converting water to fuel by the production of energy through the decomposition of bodies' by ex- treme cold. He predicts that soon motors will be .driven by hydrogen engines by means of catalysed water. He hopes that the discovery will "free France from foreign bondage fee'motive power." Where Soviet Aid Came. From A • British investigator, 'represent- ing those who seek to recover invest- ments in Russia has discovered that ii gold vein which connects Red Lake, the money,• proffered by the Soviet and the Manitoba gold fields. to the British strikers was to come • Quebec Citadel Obsolete from the ifittsetrial credits estt4hlish- The most picturesque fortress in ed by British business men for the America, the citadel of Quebec, has purpose of selling goods to Russia! been declared obsolete, It has been Who Owns the North Pole? maintained as a fortification and the The customs department of the government has retained the right to Ignited States has been asked to de - resume control of its walls over part Gide who owns the North Pole. Not of -which the famous promenades that its decision is likely to fix its were constructed, in -case of war. international status, but because for Nearly half a million dollars is re- the first time imports from the North quired• to restore the fortress and pre- pole ' havoccome before the . Custairn serve it for the sake of its historical officers. With their usual ingenuity, associations. they demanded duty on photographs Platinum in B.C.? taken over the polar regions, as or- Coalmon't, B.C„ is in a state of ex- or- iginating in foreign territory, The has prospector over a p citeinent rosphotographers say they originated on athe cos el Bank whoU.S. territory. As reports show noth- depositedYthere, ing but ice exists at the Pole, the eighteen ounces of crude platinum region cannot be claimed by any na- which he says he found in a disused placer claim, - tion. The ocean is international. False Witness Iraq is Recognized iliany a conscience must be prick- ing since "the report of the death in Port Burwell, Ontario, of a lonely girl, who was driven to take het own life as a•:result or constant, and it is said, quite unfounded rumours which slanderous tongues set in motion there, The girl, introspective and sensitive, as clippings of verses found in Cher bible erovo, went to 'church one Sunday •evening,'' and on her way out was the subject of -a malicious at- tack by an acquaintance. Heart- broken, the girl' tried to take her own life, in a creek, but weakened ,in herresolution after shereached the water,' and in nervous collapse, re- turned to her boarding house. Later her resolution returned and she °i ed o The Bussing Link slipped ut and drowned herself. It A Spanish• military leader now eit�fs reported that, relatives of the girl's ploring in Spanish Guinea in Africa iliother tvi11 take action to clear her reports discovery of a numerous character and punish those whose The unpleasant situation in Mosul which threatened war between Brit- ain and Turkey, a few months ago hats been cleared up by the signing of the Mosul convention by which Tur- ,icey' recognizes the existence of 'the Kingdom of Iraq, founded by Britain, which holds a mandate over the ter- ritery for 25 years. It is believed that under frag is`a.'sea of oil, but this has yet to be proved. - Portrdit of Christ. Found What is believed to be a portrait of Christ has been found during excava- tio s n in Palestine. Bibiic � i al historical records are being confirmed by dis- closures by , archaeologists in the Holy $ . Land. ' band of—gorillas who raid native viaacid•.tonguea drove ... her to self -de- lages on the River Benito. and carry a'truction. off women as prisoners to the jungle. - "L`we isn't Throuh. Yet The natives are afraid to attempt ' The picturesque ' little. Welshman rescue though the cries of the .women - is not an easy man to disposeof, as ery Motorist a Monarc Supreme in the Empire of Ontario's Beauty OOD roads in Ontario have made each motorist the. Monarch . of an Empire. of -, natural' \charm and beauty. This Empire is his to know and to enjoy, with convenience and ease. In en hour or less, he can passthrough unequalled scenes of farmland, lake and stream—can mount hills which open out a wide and colourful panorama ---can descend into valleys where nature its most exquisite because most intimate, The highways Invite you to see your Province and thus to know howgood a place it is in which to live. Never have the °roads-been-better....Enjoy them. But use them sanely. Excessive speed damages road surfaces and hastens the need for costly repairs. Remember that roads are maintained at the expenre of yourself and the other motorists of Onta lo. Do not break the speed law. The Government relies on the cordial co-operation of motorists in maintaining the roads by sone driving. Those who are careless about speed restrictions are reminded that the law is being rigidly enforced. THE HON. GEO. S. HENRY, S. L. SQUIRE,.. Minato el Highway's? Deputy Meteor w tuned by tke Ontario Department of Highways to secure tke ce-eperatien of saeteristx in aiming the akase of tke reacts of the 1'reviace. V i Lord Oxford has discovered, in his :struggle .to oust Lloyd . George from the Liheral.party. At a meeting of the ,parliantlentary party called to censure him feeling was so strongly in his favour . that Lord Oxford was advised not press for a vote. Lloyd George has a ratiicai scheme for land reform and coal and electrical development. It has been rumoured .kfliat—he would join the Labor party in order to put these reformsinto ac- tion. While this. has been denied, Philip Snowdon, formerly Lord Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, advocates and prophesies a union of the Lloyd George faction in the Liberal party, with, Labor inan effort to -put a La- bor government in power at next el- ection. Increased Trade - Trade records for Canada for the month of April are exceedingly inter- esting. The exports-- exceed those of any April since 190 and the imports were greater than for any April since 1923. The value of trade is greater than in any April since 1020. The volume is even larger than the value represented as prices in the earlier years vitas greatly inflated. Customs h duties collected dug April amount- ed to 43.1,216,750. Want to Trade With Canada The British Honduras is inviting. Canadian capital and Canadian intel- leet.to develop the -resources of that southern colony; seconding to mover. nor Burden of British honduras who has been a visitor in Canada. Though very backward in many things the colony is rich in undeveloped natural resources and is very anxious to trade with Canada. The mahogany and sugar trade is waiting enterprise and capital. and gives promise of develop- ment to thirty or forty times the pre- sent eapaeity. Maps from Air Quebse has laid ost a campaign which will oceupy perhaps, ten Years in which every inch of that province will be photographed from the sir. It is the first of the provinces to under- take the mapping of the country by this mesas. As the, photographs will heel to ,bis taloa inperfect weather Wit loam olo. PROMINENT 1- sear LADY i - Makes Star s7tigtelileet Mrs. H. goatee, Prominent Toronto: Society Lady aesidine at 361 Shaw St., Makes the Follow- I int Statement "I quite appreciate it is rather un- usual for a person of my social prom- inence to give a statement like the following, but nevertheless, I feel it • is: m;- duty to do so. I suffered from! stomach troubles, kidney disorders, dizziness, loss of sleep, poor appetite and could not secure relief. At last I saw HERB JUICE Advertised with statements from people who had se- cured relief and I decided to give it a trial. The results were simply won- derful. Stomach and kidney troubles disappeared. I eat and sleep well, In fact, I feet like a new person. • I un- hesitatingly give HERB JUICE full credit for my wonderful improvement in health." For sale by Campbell's Drug Store and 'leading druggists everywhere. Price $1.00. conditions the tine spent will neces- sarily be long, • Women Leads Sinn Fein Mary .MacSwiney, the turbulent Irish woman demonstrator has been elected to replace Eamon de Valera as president of the Sinn Fein Execu- tive Council. Valera Is busy organiz- ing another Republican organization to be known as the "Fianii Fil." The Liberal War. War to the knife between Asquith and. Lloyd George has been declared, and Asquith is obviously attempting to force the little Welshman out of the party. General public opinion, however, is that on a test vote Lloyd George "would carry ,at least two- thirds of the votes. It is believed that Asquith „is aware of the situation and .has announced that he will not retain leadership of his party if the ranks are divided. Back to Gold Standard Canada is reverting to the gold standard in July, and while the action will have little effect upon the present e$change conditions it is greeted with approval by the money markets of the world and will tend to eliminate fluctuations in the price cf the -Can- adian dollar. With Canada swinging into lie the w theEm- pire British n ht is now once more upon a gold basis.' r Rhubarb Leaves Are Poison .A, Montreal man has just died from the effects of eating stewed rhubarb leaves. Hospital authorities have taken the opportunity of issuing a warning that the leaves of the rhu- barb plant are deadly poison. .President Had No Dress Suit Pilsudski, who was elected president Of Poland has declined to accept office as his oath would require him to sup- port the constitution. ' He hits places{ in office a university: professor whose only politimal.act wa to sign•a mapi- festO• asking Pilsudski to accept the presidency. As the new president, Ig- nace Mascicki, had no dress suit in which to appear for his inauguration, the cere' ony•was postponed until he should a&quire one. rade Balance Improve* Canada has increased the favorable balance of ;trade in the4ast twelve months by a hundred million dollars over the previous twelve months, ac- cording to -reports from Ottawa. The favorable balance for the year eediiig. A.prit 30. totalled $280,000,000 The United Kingdom increased , its pur- chsses during that`time by a hundred million dollars, 1-1 THURSDAY, JUNE ilith, 15146 Straw Hat Week We are featuring the Hai with the Balloon edge, Fancy Band and Easy -Fitting Sweat Bat,d. Ilot Weather Apparel tour stock of hot weather ap- parel is complete and up-to-date GOOD TAILORING Is the art of making good-looking,- Well -fitting enduring Clothing, both as to shape and wear. "IF IT IS NEW WE HAVE IT." CHAS. BLACK "The Men's and Boys' Store Worth While" P'bone 219 - - North Side Square WEAK AND NERVOUS A Conditon Always Due to Thin, Watery Blood Thjn blood and weak nerves gener- ally are fpund together. Red blooded Pio* seldom complain of nervous- ness. The reason: is 'that the blood feeds the nerves and keeps them toil- ed up todo the work nature intended. When the blood is thin and weak it fails in this important function and nervoustroubles follow. The follow- ing case will interest those who need a tonic for blood and. nerves: Mrs. D, Veno, Union. Square, N.S., says;= "With a feeling of gratitude I write to tell you what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me. I had become badly run down, and reached the stage when I could not ode my housework. I was not only weak, but my nerves seemed completely shattered. The least noise Would startle me and I was subject to nervous. headaches. Worse still, I could not sleep at night. Perhaps I would`get an hour or two sleep, and then lie awake tor the rest of the night'. I had reached a stage when I actually. feared I would lose my mind. Up to the time I decided to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, noth- ing I had taken seemed to do nae any good. I got a few boxes of these and there was her no d Bl they were ere t the medicine to help be. As I con- tinued the use of thepillsI gradual- ly grew stronger, ate better and cold u sleep at ;night, and now I am as well and strong as a woman could wish to, be. I hope sonde other weals, nervous persona will be benefitted by 'my eXperience." " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail ° at 50c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., Green Feed for Poultry. Now that the poultry are off the •range and no Ringer benefit the pick- ing of fresh green feed at liberty, a substitute should be provided.., Man - gels, kale, cabbage end sprouted oats do very well to supply In part tba very necessary ritamtnes A and D, so easeettai tolimper nutrition. A littlerattention to a.seeminaly unite - Portant Point irequently means the difference between' success and fall- ure'With breeding'stoek. ' At the On- tario - Agricultural „College Poultry Department a liberal allowance of green feed or roughage eontalnins the vital elements is always available to the stock. --14 Stevenson, Dept. of Extension. P. A. College, Guelek. Another fall of Adant that got men into a lot of trouble was when hg fell for Eve. . •Just Girls ' "Is there anything worse than ge- ometry, Alice?" "Sure, washing _dishes." - Maybe you don't recognize oppor- tunity because you think it's -only a knocker. Old Mr. Carter Helped by Simple Mixture "After taking Adlerika I feel better than for. years. At my age (60) it is ideal—so different from other medicines." (signed) W. W. Carter. Adlerika is a simple mixture•of buckthorn bark, glycer- ine, etc., which removes GAS in, ten minutes and often brings surprising relief tothe stomach.. Stops that full. , bloated • feeling. Brings out old waste -matter you never thought was in your .sys- tem. Excellent for chronic con-. stipation. ' CAMPBELL'S DILL Cir STORE. 04=0, 0=0-X01. O JUST RECEIVED A SHIP - a MENT o F . StrawHats1 FOR Men and Young Men g The very latest in;style and a, 5 patterns, . in " fancy Bands, o natural or bleiclted straws, at special prices, sizes, 6K1, to7 %. p. $1.25, $1.50,$135 O I and $2.00 M. ROBINS a O Children Cry FQR FLETCREWS CASTOR IA =O, .01 0. ...0112r y :Muscle Suyportpd- lielaxe'ci 4• rpt Rernarkabh) Low Price • made possible by tr lnendous production • Price is no barrier to your owning a Marshall Spring Mattress. This superb,, new, comfort mattress has chang- ed the sleeping habits of generations. Yet it costs' less per year to own,than the ordinary stuffed mattress.. The many hundreds of highly resilient springs in the Marshall Spring Mattress give even, gentle support to the tritioreonteurd -the-body, • Natural even.t: ly,, sup, - ensures complete muscular relaxation, an essential re+ visite to true healthful steep. -°i°" Feel full of renewed vigor and vitality by sleeping on a Marshall - Spring Mattress. The Mattress which assures complete mosso- Tar relaxation, the one essential to perfect body-building sleep. The cost is within reach of all. - Anti fee .xtr fret ftx:kiit, "•'Perfat Sleep" MARS IALL V1.Nt A1tl) MATTRESS CO. LIMITED. 11,*UI.fO, EVERYMARSIIA L • r2CAIURE i—St;.ny hundred. n! Arse l oIh- tv ,errbent apruipS tntl•re even, :voiding auhp.,rl for true relJXerf.r, 4141 kelt, .Uta. 2--Enth Sprint tr nk •sr,1 in ee Konenp-.bt-permdl.rt free twit -met, o Mout ..o.k.r„g or ma/wild r;c.se, 3-1/e apr.r,st in a rtn, pn.ees hie 1;.:.l..ikYether perrr:.M", ,1N of more sl+rrr;js end ,ldnurian` ersuru.gs IMt:';t.ut cute.of JF 'an.tsry Igor Kn.rs—rust. .t= -Vent laces--a,,rnm .,lays flesh, atom r.•kt curt,:ar-v The ;lforrir.tt ".Sprrt,.l" .Mat. yell it among , .th task tette,, re.t. rim( is cdrlor,t k.i' pod ennead, 1., resit C.:1 t,, hanJlu o1 frith auk o :J ON-reitto 11111Ma all e_ Sprin etttress 1111 111 - -- - 1 III tat