HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-03, Page 8PAM MST Gifts For the Bride Graduation Birthdays, Showers New China Glass Brass Goods Now int/hp/ay PORTER'S ROOK STORE MacAtdeY. of Red Jacket. Kith., also a brother Jolla sad Mrs. MacDonald. of Toronto. AUBURN Mr. Robert Stalker is working at Walton at present assisting in tea sawmill cutting staves. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, of Tersest" were guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Straughan. last week. Last week ,Miss letsbel Hakingbot- tone of New York, visited her moth- er, Mrs. James Ilskingbettom. Mr. Armstrong, district master ot the Orange Society, visited our lodge in the village Tuesday evening of this week. The Rev. E. S. Clifton, M.A.. will speak in Knox church next teribleeth atomizer in the interests of the On- tario Prohibition Union. Mr. Robert •Seett, who was visiting hie gaughter, Airs. Jewel, of Col- borne, returned to his home in the eninge thin week. Mr. and Ws. Rinderkalekt and 'simile', of Detroit, were the guests et her father, Mr. George Beadle,ecf theetset weekendinid; and s h_ Lino arunett, test week.irs. Harry Beadle, of Detroit, were the guests of the former s parents, Mr. Inditute attended the district mode and e‘irs. Chloe Beadle, of the village. hie held in Wingham on Wednesday - Ali. Thos. Anderson, of Goderich, of this week. thethe Square for Forty Yellers • visited at the home of Mr. John Huse Mr. and 'Mrs. Crawford are now ten last Tuesday, end in the village, ' comfortably settled in • their new ' . renewing acquaintances with ape- b,,me. . ' elates of fmer years. Mr. V. Alton has moved into or Mr. Crawford's house. •. WESTFIELD = .The.'annual Sunday school. tonven. "Mrs. R. Davidson left on eloneay The. farmers are. busy planting tion will be held in the Baptist with a party from. Lucknow and Kin- • 600 on the evening of the 9th of revile* 'to attend the Preebyterian AR DUNGANNON 1°a" Irameaaracy Werk The Fire Inseraime Co. met in Mr. Alimes Ake on Tuesday of this week. Mr. ad Mrs. G. M. MeKonsie sad Master Malcolm spent Sundae at. Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shackleton, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mrs. Wm. Sheckleten. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert, of Denver, Col., are visiting tee latter'a ieother, Mrs. Ed. Fowler. Gaerialle imeadweelreimaleasseed.s Lebow, jek tit Oese Dollar *titles you to ems - taint. Frog Work et kiadeed article', tibia we adi sa seem - minim -Fee particulars apply • is MIN HAMM *LOCK MISS s.NOBLE Mr. Lin Anderson, of Detroit, _ EXC spent the week -end with his parents, leseemeeee...e_eliewer, • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. „ Roy. R. Hayes poached in she visited whit her sister, Ilya Jae. nem - Mr. Peters being et Calderone.. eeeninir, lean. for a, few bye lest week. Mr. Relented Hardy, etle owe, mat United thurch last Sunday with what might of been a seri° Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan and ?dare eerilibers, bis seam rewaiws, ewe, wits Keret ancl lir. and Mrs. R• A. Me. a load or imam moo trylas to stow Kenzie, spent Sunday at London.. tbe horses lir..flarely slipped mad t Rev. J, Peters and Mr. Thos. Stoth- fele the wagon hurting illse so had- ers attended tite London Confereace ly that a doctor had to be called, but of the United 'church held in Strat- fortunately no hones were broken. feed. • Good wishes' are extended to Mr. Mr. Summerfelt, teller of the Stare.' end Mrs. Harold Montgomery (ne- aged Bank. is away on his holidays.- Mies Viola Alike) who were citietly ;Wort:it:son, of Toronto, is supplyinle married at Victoria St pars Goderich, May 20th. *Her yowl; A load of ladies of the Women's friends .and neighbors at home here earn these days. 'The townshie eoeneil, met at Bel- Jeue. speaker from Toronto, is Aesembly, held on wawa,. They • eipeeteds. • Alt are invited to attend. are making the trip by motor. grave oll Friday.' • • • • Mrs, John • Cimino* visited in Mr. William J. Thompson •was at . kerviversarY •Itervicee will be held emeknove on Tuesday .of lad •week,— Mr. Wm. Walden was suecessful in laving his well vompleted at a depth of 100 feet. ungannon hiat Tuesday etending le the Presbeterian church .on Sun - the monthly meeting of the Westl dn. June Mutual Fire 13th. in the afternoon at Wawanosh Insurance A o'clock and the evening at 7.30. Company, of which he is a director.. The speaker for the elan will be the • atted% sympathy itended The Rev. P. Banes was et the Cole .Rev, A. efeFarlane, of Clinton. Sw- s exto Mr. alai j. L.. Ammo' in me use ference at Stratford last week. Ow- dal music • will be furnished by the d their infant son last WednesdayIng e to the new. arrangement under Own., The Clinton male quartette . the lenited..chureb, Auburn, Westfield; will Assist at both services also. • Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Graham and Strford, anand and Donnybrook . form anet After the regular service. on Sun.- stai, of etd elle mrs ei charge, The 'Rev. Mi Alp Will be dee- in Erskine church an ordination A.stytr vireilareedlertwulgnigite,rold 4anenqlere; with' Bonniller. We are. sorry that ing elders eleet were ordained: Mese the; pastor. Carlow will be along service took place when the follow. metes here on Sunday. •• ete. and Mre, Bartell are leaving. ! ere. D. Merrey, F„ Roes, R. McAl- Rev. A. A. Miller, of Cotton, Essex We wish them every success in their _nester and J. Bennett. Elders 31. Mee Comity, f er pasta of theW st a men . e e - l' (lure andin W. Connel, of Lucknow field 'United eburch, was here end new chat"' i• On. Saturday eveninglast some Presbyterian 'church, assisted in the took part,in the service on Sunday fifty friends and neighbors of Mr. and ordination service. bat. Rev. MrMiller had been at- Mrs. Samuel Co' and Melbourne i At the close of the service en Su tending Coeference id, Stratferd and sun. gathered at the home of My. and eIrs. , day Rev, C. M. McDonald presented wee visiting with old friendes on • —__. • H. Mogridge on the Base Line, where eel he congregatton, in behalf of ner Itere. Co. Was staying titter leaving R'obt. Devidaon, a beautiful individual AsitnEw the Goderich hcspital, to express their communion set. Mr. Davidtenee done- regrehe depart re of Mt end tion being in memory of his parents, ..Mr. Bale Stewart, of the 0.1e'C'ee eirs, CoCoe front the neighborhood, and who bed been life-long members ef -, presented her with. A walnut parlor table, showing the esteem in which the young lady was bold. The ade eked was as follows Dear Viola,—We. your friends and neighbors, have gathered • here to- night, to Amer In a small measure the esteem we hold for you. Many of es have known you from chile. • hood and we have demo found you both willing and faithful in any work you undertook, both in church mud •BuYint doled lifi. Your winning way and ee ready smile have made you many • eeonnectl°111, "Mends. As a small ,eemembealice with . we ask you to accept this gift and hope you may 1* snared ninny years of happiness and that God's richest bleThings may be always yours. -. Signed ou behalf of your Zion friends, MRS. Fe: MITCHELL, MRS. eINO. FEAGAN. in the townsbip and decided to build the London Conference and occupied the bridge between lots 16 and 16 on his own pulpit on Sunday. In the THURSDAY. JUNE 3rd. 14110 et ..SpringCoats and Suits.. Now is your Opportunity to buy a lightweight Coat for almost half the regular price. Every Coat is reduced for quick clearance. About 20 Coats to choose from. On Saturday:June Sth we are featuring a sale of Ladies' and Misses' Silk Blouses —FOR— Half-Price See our window display for these values. • PI-IONE 56 . * The S. • Three Lett • • C . ray o Dry •Goods Slores, • • NILE concession .6, also the bridge on the course cf some comments on the work The Dungannon and Nike orchestra soon as plans can be procured will imation that the Four Million Dollar! 4th. concession, opposite ea, and as of the Conference he gave the infoyi had a practiee here last Friday night:advertise for tenders at jr cubic objective of the • United church for They aro working hard as they have° yard cement work, the contractor to. the Maintenance and Extension Fund. quite a number ee engegeThente eremove old structure and leave the for the period ending Mat, 31st lastl. ahead ef them. Irosid open. for traffic. • had been attained, probably exceeded. ltev. L. C.. White attended the con- ' . • R. G. THOMPSON, , --- le ference In Stratford last week. Mr, , THE JUNE BRIM e I Clerk. — • . — - . - . . A ' wants net .w wrung invitations and Leckie; who is a representative of the (Intended for lad week), Announcements neatly printed or en. Lord's Day •Alliance, conducted the ' Mr. Norman Relight spent the hell- ,, graved on high *Pulite* paper, totted -1 services on tbia cheep en Sunday, day week -end at his bore at Sea- Jim. , the , good taBtO With which sbe . itort,le, plan4 ' her whole arrangements for • . BINVIILIER Mine Myrtle Carnahan, of Acton, the great occasion. The Star makes Miss Merry Good -was rushed to the was a week -end visitor aerith her ala- a specialty of high-grade -wedding In- tvue 1 , is . eu at tee same thew to show their appre- lerskene ehurch. The gift is highly Goderich hciepital. and operated on ter, Mrs. Fred Bell. • vitationes, .annotmccreents, cards, cake =oaths* ° elation of the way in which both Mr, appreciated be the coneregatione for apperelieitie on Saturday hist.1 Mr., and Mrs, P. 11a.nre.and Mr. boxes, etc. Satisfaction assured. Miss •Alberti" Beekett, of the and Mrs. Cox bail proved themselves •- . Alexandra hospital, Goderich, spent to • be good neighbors. 'When ell had• .CARIOW She is doing as well as can be ex- and. MTh. Reg. Johnstone were among = * few dates lad week at her home. An arrived Mr. and Mrs. Cox and Mel- Mr. Tont Wilson shipned cattle on aturdey and hogs on Monday. "Rev. T. °Meer of Chesley, preach- following address read to them : bourne were called forward and the $ • • ed in Ads -field i'resbyterian church 1 Reeve, Robertson is attending the Deer,Air. and Mrs. yvoun Cox and • countcil in Goderich this week. riees en Sundae , • at both • morning and evening serei y. • It wits with felings a deep regret, Ittelbourne • • There was a telephone •meeting in the . The following. perm* from Dee. that we your friends and neiglibers hall on Tuesday piglet, ale°a erect spent their holiday in visiting 1 leavned of your intention to leave h°g meeting the Same night' e Mite 1 Methesen, Misaes Jessie A.Igood neighbor* to us all that the ef Maitland Block, visited witk M1. freemda tide vieenite, lie: Mr. and ear community. Tou have been- such Mt and Mrs. Lee and ion, Howard, and Katherine MacDonald, Mr. and thre ought oedlile departure came to and Mrs* Maeda on SundaY- 'Mrs. Prank Griffin, Mrs. J. T. Griffin, ,! us with something of a eteock. When Mrs T.. Anderson, of Goderich, and Mrs. D. MacKinnon, Mt, Frank Alael we remember how you always came her niece, Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, Lennon and eelr. J. Murdock and to our assistance in sickness or In called en frierda hero on. Friday. elected. !those who took in the races at alit- SADI)LE speak in the United cbierch here- - Goal Mounts can be hireffai the ' Mr. W. Sheen, of Toronto, will , on • I HORSES Sunday morning in the intereats of Al/LONG:THE CHURCHES i RED BARN • The Walkerton Aescciation of Bap- Elan St, COSMO! Ontario prohibition. Mr. Poulter ••••••*••••••04 will preach in the 'evening. • tilt churches' has been meeting in At the Sete end Resbeiteee • Your Family and Friendswant your Photograph Make the appointment Taday • R. R. SALLOWS Hamilton Sei eet Shoe Store Complete ltne �f ladies'. gentle- men's and children's shoes. • Come hi and compete our prices. I • Goderieh tbis week. • we 'win try to sunray' Yette'rfawl, in GOBERICH TOWNSHIP • all claws ot soweit and, In eoemeration with the mare • off • Baptist church,. June Oth! It is ex- Harness. ufacturer we are e ngfor bee home at ` tirdton Sunday. - -weem here aid • """reer•ee- • ' ten days a 'big shiliment of preach next Sunday., - Good Stotogo,for raw._ ..btrv*Weelel . Mise ithrotAlliitiltoti returned to )3 ted that the new assocuite pastor , Mr.,ThosesCea wastra guest at the Services morning and evening and at - or month. Ratite"' day,eenciwoeIc. home of Mt Geo.•Ceet while attend. Zion in the afternoon. Prayer e1.50.vionth. 111811111111 are od saddle elorsee' ere attendee ing .,n on Cenference at Stratford ing oh Wednesday at s.to:)..,twery-i re06°,0 new e nee aim, ,,.4. n July, first quality,' absolutely guar.- , the pant weekee, one invited. . i after trbir): date the hoiees will be anteed. A line asaerteneut of daughter, h*theruie 1 trouble we begin to realiZe how ninth Anniveteary services will be held , miss E. eiewerby and Mr. O. Sitter At the anniversary services of I Ireehla tonele. , ' Percolators,- Potato • Pots, Pre - There died melee* en Wednesday; we shall miss you, Ten never -spar- in the ehurcit here, on June 20th. "notated UP from Thedford and ware Clinton Presbyterian 'church on Sun.t Auto and Horse Livery . serving Kettles, Fry Pans, forenoon at the home of Mr. Albert ed aeue.selves. • • • if you thought You Rev. Ned Leckie well be the preachee. week -end aunts at the home of air. day. May. 23rd, Mr, Jack MeDermid, ' . Pood,Sals, and Zoe sago Bare n ound Roaster, Nary Pails, Beekett, Miss Ando elecane, 1 ,,, 1 mei help us and in doing thin you There will be special 'Mak ' by the and Mrs. Reg. J. Johnston. • of Goderich, was one of the soloists,' T Vt DUANIN ' Tea Kettles, etc, all at the one eased had been in her usual health ' have set us all an e_xumpieeof neigh- choir., .. . lilt Tuesday, "thee she complained of borly kindness mid Christian thought- Mr. and Mrs. D. Crawford -and. Mot feeling , quite well. On Wedriese fulness that we shalt not forget three children, . of Mint, Mich., also day morning she said she felt better Knewing all this, however, we Aid Miss Pearl Wilson and Mr Foreman, but passed away Alertly aftrwarde= not want to let you leave ne without came up and spent the week -end and without any warning. The funeral. showing you our appreelation in some holiday at the home of Mi and Mrs, which took place to Lechaish come. more practical WAY than just words. A. Wilson. , Mrs. Crawford and chile :tee on Friekiy wee very hirgele' at- I And so, therefore, we ask you to ac- . dren remained over to spend a few Mist Bessie Davidson left Monday and his :solo addetsinucb to the 'en- • • of last week for London en route to' joymene of the servicee. The ree Hamilton, where she will. visit rela- sponse to the appeal for a special -Lives before returning home. • . offering was most liberal, beyond the • highest expectations of the Beata of alr. Erset6Lithiefireee of the High- ways Department,' will address the Trestee5• - patrolmen and *there who may 'wish Bev. •Clarke was home fro • "th h 'to hear lum on Wednesday evening, .ceded. The• pallbearers were James: t ese gifts as a mai o our son, Duncan MaeXeneie, eeeeee met.: them to 1* the exeression of the BELFAST G. THOMPSON, Clerk. REA$UNS WHY wee -s wi er parents. and Duncan Cameron, Alm Fireey.1 genuine regard for eyeu. We want June Oth, at 8 o'clock, at Holmesville. `• • los Ike daughter of the late Ir have wore for Yourselves while living There were very fev."' II 0 R10 RECOMMEND t Immune and Jno. MaeRae. Deceased I esteem and .the efteeth11 that Y°13. Don't forget the Greyhound enure; eeCeileeneeilsieer en May 26th for Court Demean Iiiseitse, of reeetuese, and I in ti r Midstit is our sincere hope ion text Monday. . appeals. Mr. Rich. Band, Me. Mason' was much respected in the commen.,' that you will be spared to spend i , Mr Joe Alton, from near Gate- Stirling and. Mr. Albert Bond were . DEBENTURES ity and will be much missed ey „e I luny a quiet and happy hour togeth- rich. spent a day with ltir. John Mul- lowered eloo euelee while Mr. John 1 Jaren number of friends. Her sister 1.' "liked in these -chairs. and as you lin last week, Row tia.4 • . . , Mulholland was charged $100 addi- le . a , 3fies Margaret, of tuelenew, Rue do so MO there come to you fond Mr. and Mrs. Wee Baldwin, Mrs. denial for businees assessment Mr.!. Huron dz Erie books, securities Mrs. Renton. of Deltroit, and her I memories, of the days when you Bred Vint and Mary and Elsie, seed Sett- Geo. Fliwitt and Mr. Morris Switzer and aecords are subject to in Mrs. 'Williams. of D tro it, here and of the friehat tahthilm you madetaken ll e were day in 'Warnockliff LottGovernment • ere sire We PraY tCod may Mese you Miss MarPhillips of - was . Len McGee, C., nctica by .Dominion asked for reduetiona but. no action specter* at any time without . . eireeent at the funeral. Th •diliving two other sister*. with health. and strength and that vent e cy Toronto, ouple of week; with her - Robt. Smith, Geo. Sturdy, T. M. 1 Officials. be one -of reet and JO -V -41a peace. ' g their dog tags. These were ordered icameron, et eAdir.erok Ana_ xis the evening time ef your days blue' ier. Mrs. Thee. Fer %non Woods and ?eason Sterling returned 596 per alumni is payable May GCers vie' hest bleing be upon hfe. 'Sam Mitchell, of Goderich ---* eancelled from the toll. 'There Were half -143y :per $100 I you In our new halite and amid new ePPn, the last two weeks at John fierhaps. mores wroperty ehanges this (arra for , o years. At the eloee of the reading of the ler a treas.• . and arrange for a trustee in - had to 1* made also. Mr. .Pellatte vestment. • !s • urroundings, 'Mullin's skidding. logs. for. lett Breech.: lay- aitfe ••tterih your , savtngs • year than usual and those corrections C address lift. and Mrs. Cox were pre.,1 Mrs. sirneye from 'near .Fergns, the representetitte oil the Globe In- Bella* Kw*, Hauer* stilted with two beautiful chairs and spent a few days at the end of the demnity Co., addressed the council • NORMAN LEWIS Bosirats, Dahlias,•'Melbourne with * deshlight and a week visiting her COUsins, ?dr. Gilbert re assurance for protecting the inun- • Ramis awl lasucartee tire tester. Refreshments were then! Vint and Mrs. Win. Baldwin. • icipality In the event of accident for - - Perestalide, enc. . Robert Vint, of nc decided to insure sub- * Mem 122 Wtst fittest • I Geo arr Telephone 476 I tinted ane the remelt -leer of the Mr. an • d Mrs Wm Love of Marn. • which the township ielight be liable. e (*la he°416°.°4 Ire 501. 'WART Cox left enMonday for Flint( ham, and Mr., arid Mrs. Abe Vint mad Sect to cancellation rie the next meet - • TO GET -THAT SUIT OR GOAT CLEANED and PRESSE• D • IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW IP YOU GET 1T DONE AT 1HE Galeria Freak Dry Cleo* Works prompt "ma Expert &Tyke J. FL VROOMA?4 overtime was spent in a social way. °a and Mr Wing- The mu n • Wen, to visit her eon, Ralph. family, -of Stratfcird, spent the 24th ing in Jrly. :The following accounts , leinettelei at* eadialals On her return Mr. and Mrs. Cox will v.ith ,relatives were paid: J. A. McMillen, assessors New thipmestt of Artistic • 41111,1h4i1116, reside in Godetieh. They take with)" „Ives, Jae. Berbera, * every highly Sgh; 4. A. 1°1411414 P°Istsge• $4"60; NY R 1 L N • • thein the best wishes of the whole mipected lady, formerly of Belfast, Chas. Tyner, damage to plow. ati; eommunitee • ISant Emmerson, supt, $13.50. Coun- nowor 150e, 715e died at the home of her son, Henry, LUXOR POTTERY LAI4ES• til then adjourned to meet on Mon- aad $1.00 Oshawa, May 20th, at the age of day the eomecil made a tour of in- JardiMarss, from 50c up yeara. She leaves to mourn her day. July 6th, at 1.30 p.m. On Fri - Miss Myra MaeDOnald *pant the less, twelve children, nix sena arid six week -end at her home in Lucknow. daughters. The funeral wes held- emotion of all bridges and culverts to $2.50 Mr. Jas. Lane visited friends in from the United church, LizeknoW, Wall Flower Holders, 75c. Wingleam and leinlough lest week. on Friday, the 21st, to Greenhill tern- . ; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beckett and etery. family visited friends in Ripley last - . 1 Sunday. COLBORNE i Mies Mary Piellire repent the past•• (Intended for last week) .. weefe vitith her sister. aire. Thos. lir et Hall was a Sunday relator in' - ; )ergurou. •this burr. - e Mr. Walter Alton has been on the!moo G=t Treble. of, Goliatieh. him around soon mole. ; add list last week. We hello to set .i,perit hov - fir. Harold Ferguson and fatally, Mr. 8" 111/1* Win (1.1t*I", of Pet- • are rimelM htto Lucknow to the spent tlwe week -end with Irks& ' hoes, ortaPied lir Paul Smelt:or. Just. RECEIVEDglee Tillie Slterwood beis retneneel R•rr• Mr. °114 141"8. W. Mose 10.4 months 'with her sister. Mrs. Les. ht" tht h°1141011. Model* in the Latest Styles *Mil°. Mr. Was. Wolters. ot Croder, has Y rt home after speedier the pest sew on quite * altatiser of their friend*, - Nine and Unususit Solna Baby oarrlisiss foor summer wow we _ There was no weir, ht Harkett's Oleen *thine *et* few of Ms ad "" Vetted wed' last Soadoy, bat *sr. bete Ude hurS tido week. 17 '11:4---- • rice will 1st held as mood at part. 71...** Doweldner United Chord' tee am* 10:143 • amoday. swum was smite a sopreote. the saatase who! liave ors display. - Jugs, Vero, Pots - and Veraufla es come in and have a see. it - Costs nothing. Bring in your '- • visitors STORE OPEN MONDAY NIGHT • rrice. • 99cd. NA1101.11ButouroNrs FURNITURE EXCHANGE On the Broadway of Godorleh liNSURANCE The •Mutual Life 4 Assurance Company • of Canada sstamoihooio • rissu OrPxct WiLTEntoaof ONT. • D• MOONEY, Aged Purest: 230 EAST : GODERICit, Oft. - 'lliiitirs-Artast4;11Skie - I um*. 'Plato* lit •-'1111111011111110===.10=111P is Tow tog*•V)1.t; it boot Moods 'tits be r4:41 hey saylbirst you ma sirs *tut rear wrier as oortawro you ' MSS ht *Old• Exttiot roar PiratearnIPA owe carstriaos. kaappbta tor Ho other reassobamoes will sive took haopfaatos Ohms tat 3. T. PDX mr. swat mrs, Nam uminit see chisrele Woe over fa& although Wit. Mothors = rim ore* sordidly idesiesd my. Jac Norkett soar* at tae hew-steknose *ad throat teltablo owsood trejaa.gberiaGe i isympeet ear stow* of Mr. Hort, &others at Ditorsomoo ""ra ---a—.-* allmat• the — •6 amity last. Pellets* was reed and sajapere 1101011111se end M. R. MacVICAR Lank cher* jh" Iherimell* rilie.The Pref..'" asammiell "sat L rta:ELEI _ Dotrok. spout the wook-owd at XeSSO04‘10* tho hook of thole portals. Me. and: aldit are *IOW Mrs. $oo. Sherwood. Atm ibrherd law Rioderich. Poodles* PeitiMbil illbsosor Masillatoklawoot • 01 SUMMERff.-; find the Great Outdoors mut is the time to get your Outing Shoes, cool, Inr n light, and easy. We have them in great variety for • GOLF, TENNIS, BOWLING, ETC. THE: CELEBRATED "FLEET FOOT' is unsurpassed for quality and construction, and • best of all PRICES ARE LOWER $HARMAN'S Th g LEADING SHOE STOiltE flM 1111 •GOOESUCII 4 •• .t„ 4