HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-03, Page 4Ladies' Coats
We have a n•w range of Ladies' Black-Si11t Coats. There is only oue of
each style. These are being offered at a very attractive price.
We are offering our balance of Ladies' Cloth Coasts at a great reduction in
Sport Dresses
See our new Hue of T.Adii s' Georgette, Flat Crepe and Crepe-de•Chiue Sport •
New lines f i11c knit and Voice Underwear.
1len's Straw Hats
A wonderful showing of Men's Straw 1-Iats in a big ravage of correct styles.
fuel 'fMet 3Nttt 'lY
PROMMIIITION RAi.LT eat pincer on tke lemitbj prcg'ralt►.
The Reidy Eadyneff Fatally of trrma-
trians frogs Austria; the Bea >rahsua-
id Arabs from Arabia; the Your lox -
Inn Girls from England; fesorita
Pisdad Morales from Mexico; Mir
lioweGibes from Australia; Petite
Teta aa from Japan, and thr Eddys
front London are but a few of the
noted .acts. Clown alleys will have
a contingent of fifty fatuous fun
makers, boys who know the art of ex-
tracting chuckles and grins from
young and old. Silvers Johnston,
Jack }barrio, Abe Goldstein, George Dei eloping! Printing
Harmon, the Simmons Twins, Jack
Fenton, Joe O'Brien, and Joe Wilde e
*re but few of thefamous "Merry and Enlarging
Andrews." In orderr give
to give a com-
pletrr'eitrd perfect performance there
will be no atrret parade.
A Luse Itsime nitatiaa P!'a.aat at
(iatbla( is G.derieh—Aidesws
be elev. W. W. Peck
A large representation ut citiseaa
representing the Serial Service .and
Temperance ow*saiesUons of Huron
County assembled in the North. street
United thureh, Goderitb, on Friday,.
May 21st.
At the morning mission the ben.
ness of the executive cegnmlttee was
transacted mad Ittncheen was provid-
ed in the church by the ladies of the
At 2 p.m. the president, W. G.
Medd, of Exeter, celled the conven-
tion to order and asked Rev. I1f. M.
. Bennett, of Winsher% to lead in de-
votion'sl exercises. ,
After the opening remarks by the
president and the reading of the mine
° utes of the last Convention, the secre-
tary, A. T. Cooper, reviewed the
work of the organization since last
convention and congratulated the
delegates on the splendid position
held in the matter of temperance
There was discovered in Breasay,
Shetland Islamise in 1864, what is
known as the "Bressay Stene," which -
bears fn low relief the figure, of a
horse on which a human figure is
sentiment and attributed it to the As this monum
eat is admitte y
educational work done by the min. the a* thorities on the subject to be- .
biters, churctwejs And temperance or- long to a period before the Celtic Ethel—Sept, 24tb,
ganisist)ons 'throughout the county Christianity of the islands disappear-- Walton—Sept. 27th
during the hist decade. He quoted ed ender the shock of the Norwegian Goderich Tp.—Sept. 28th
figures to show that the temperance' mission, A.A., 872, it may be inferred Belgrave—Sept. 29th
sentiment was-stroipser in 1924 than that the animal was known and prob. • Dublin—Sept. 39th
it was in 1921, as shown by the vote' ably found in the, Islands at that Clinton --Oct. 3 and 4
these two years. In 1921 the dry period.
majority was 10795 and in 1924 11,-) According to historians the Sandi.
The Rexa11 Drug Store
Bedford Black - -
ble began. Last year there had been 945, and the wet vote of 1024 was 40 navian invaders introduced the foun-
several aikirmishes between Royalists lean than it was in 1919, the figures I dation :tock of Shetties' previous to
and Republicans P'aacisti and Com- being 5033 and 5073 respectively.' the fifteenth century.
mutilate, sq'the authorities had maple From May 1st, 1924, to May '1st, Buchanan's "History of .Scotland,"
T a "ling. that the ekowda could not 1925, there... had been 72 cases of and Brand, .who wrote, "A brief de-
i 1 t' f the'ption of Orkney Zetland etc
Miss F nd S Scenery M G std Th I 1'
Tont i t Witt ore ra an; Mn. gather n the square..
The public prosecution for v o a ion o Bert ' '
But Italy Very Picturesque and People Lovable - were irate They rushed the police O.T.A. and three persona served visited the. Islands about 1700, and
ib 1 a terms of from one to four months in say
- guard of soldiers with drawn bayou-• addition to tinea collected of ;5,008. then—but 9 others, 1 roves or an
eta. They slashed at the police with From May 1st, 1925, to May 1st, breadth high; but althaoygh so small
their canes and injured some so bad 1926, there were 90 O.T.A. cases they are full of vigor aiilt4fe ano-
ly that' it was necessary to remove prosecuted,. 10 served terms in jail sonde not so high as others often,
rove the strongest,'•
It! tit-- o11QCfl lot! Streets We ad box-fzeat on our a cony, i
four storeys' up. expenses of the Government officers the Shettie is, there is one thing ser
#a Cross to England May 18th or 19t1[. Paris is, to use a hackneyed ex- employed its enforcing the Act. twin, he has retained his •sire and
pression, a city of beautiful` vistas, While the County Association does general characteristics for some three
• Followin is smother ver inter- incredible that such a small volume especially th vista from the sr'uiler- not get any .part of the fines, they ' or four centuries. The Shetland, un.
g y I believe that it is necessary to assist like a number of other breeds of
eating letter from Miss Mabel Tom, of water could ya defile __ res teethe Arc de Triapppph. The city,
w'ho is now in England and is ex- Paris, May 2nd.—.Arrivedehe=e at tl 'uR'it'tt '-hear3"` =''ai e:' s..ds_the Goccrttmont and officials in every Ponies, does not lend itself to eras-
pected home early in July t ! 2:45 p.m. and it ,was quite thrilling Rome; teems with historical interest, way possible to have the law strictly sing, bet if f kept atxpurehwile epproducce
Montreux, April 30th, 1920. Ito get back to• Paris again. ' We are We spent: one morning .at Notre enforced and the fact that Huron g l'
Oht how often in these last few' staying. on the Rue du Pyranuds, ex- Dame and Sainte Chapelle. The lat• any scurfy in the province shows it could he possible to produce an
weeks have I wished y:ot: could be wetly across from the Regina, where ter is as perfect an example of Go- animal 17 hands high hurt produce
with us seeing this gorgeous eoun- I used to stay when I• was here dux- tbic architecture as one "could find. how eff hive have been the officers
try. Can nut decide which I like besting the Great War. In fact from our The walla, with the exception of a respcnsi•bte for this •work. Tlie loy- same lines as a Shetland pony 9
'.Italy or Switzerland. The latter le balcony .I can look hits the first room few aupporting.axehes, are all of the altyy of •the churches was referred to hands high, there would be no need
more grand but .the former. is so I had there; The Louvre is jest half 13th century stained glass, having and emphasiaplaced on theefact that formotor cars or steam often been said considerations. is has
icturesque the people so love. a block away. As soon as we wash been built in o
able. Switzerland is a much mere ed the dust of our journey off we Crusade fame. •Tet be in Sainte Cha ter of prohibition. Reference , .cuss draw or but how much will
egeoensive country, in which to live; went to Ruinpelmeyer's for tea. It Pelle en a, bright morning with the made to the fact that .4,4 beer)was the vehicle carry, The true Shetland
',Peet things cost twice as much and was just as crowded as in 1917, the sunshine streaming through that should not stand aver 44 inched at
' .tome three times as much as in Italy cakes as good and the people just as marvellous gisas is :lie being inside sold in 33 standard hotels in the
I4 the withers ,(shoulder), have an in-
n='That, an you might Imegine, would amusing. I. knew Asch- would have some lovely jewel. " The Cenciergerie, county and emphasized the fact that bolts eat head; small ears, prominent
• riirtuib my fugal soul. liked to be there too. He was with in which Marie Antoinette was im notwithstanding what the party poli. Ayes and wide apart, fair length of
• All the Swiss resorts have -what nie the last tune I. tead there. The prisoned, is also in the;: neighborhood. titian has acid to rho. contrail, any neck, short back and short legs. Na
they call a Kursaai and each hotel women all looked so; swanky. French- `o far we have spent dnly one after -
containing alcohol was is a very docile animal which makes
,guest is taxed for its support at a _ women are not as a race pretty, but noon in the Louvre, as the weather is harmful -and could .not he
approved him such a valuable pet for children,
paltry tate of ten cents a flay. They they do:achieve an affect which is too cold to tarry long fn'such vault- from the Christian standpoint. Edu- giving them. an amount of confidence
alb C e s that the size of the Shettie evert _
nes andwere stopped on y by0 ti d¢
them to hospitals' fir an ambulance and $5;090 collected in flaws, the fines P -
?°A City of Beautiful V' t C t' of St t Awful h k balcony, in each year more than paying the However, whatever the origin of
—Was •
my is getting the best results of for which it is so justly popular. f
,I' and bl kbe b ilt ” 1245 b L IX f rural pitiar o Was giving to the pro -
y, Louis
o vinte splendid leadership in the mat• dom given as to what the pony can
sire large beautiful buildings set -in
rptehdid gardens;' Contain as a rule,
tea room, opera house, dance hair and.
a Music ramie They give two -con-
to * day from 4 to 0° and 9 to 11, t mo to be so near England: for a :curs by now. •
quite stunning. -•like plata as European art galleries. cation and organization as well as to themselves which is most valuable
Today's Herald is most pessfmiatie They have a *splendid collection of . pudlfcity were urged by the seoretary to them in after life: '
about the coil .strike in land, It Chinese porce)*in Whleh -we enjoyed and a. ac ggestion made that political ^ Their anlender feet enable them to
would be a great ctiaalipointrneht' to _ immensely, feelita truura ttves minas- ton oipaoikttees be sppoinked 'fob' ave wt o feet
II riding sof t�
county to order #o travel th sit, beingshod with iron
And making them sure footed.
perieatilr excellent t►rcheptra, The 'second time and 'not be able' to gs;,t We took *dvantage of the only secure' the 'election of candidates for Bengre says km "They a� sprightly and
concert we went to this afternoon over. sunny day we have had 'to walk in all public :officer vs'ho would ieliYe iii
was held in the garden' of the piton- At the ogle* of Thos. Cook & Son the Basis de Baritone. It is quite the
treux Kursaal, entrance free., of 1 found awaiting me eleven nice fat loveliest park 1 'know, and, after so
course if you had tea you paid for lettere. Oh' how I did enjoy them, much rain, as green as the Emerald
• that, eighty cents for two very trice MAY Wee -It is truly pathetic to Isle, even the tree trunks are covered
teas with rakes (forty cents: would see the franc decline iso. I feel ft is with lichen. The rhododendrons and
have covered the same tees in Italy). bound to go the way the 'mark' went. 'horse chestnuts are in full bloom—
Opera is given several tinted during May ftth.---Yesterday Robin and do.
There is a rattier small zoo. Many
he season for .which a'charge is took a ride down The Champ d.. of the animals are pressed into ser -
made. Another ' orchestra plays i Mese° in .a flaere. Am sure we had vice for the'ami gement of the chit.
every morning from 11 to 12 en the the only horse extant in Paris. Our dren. We saw children riding camels
promenade. - lovely long ride cost us twenty cents and elephants, others disporting
One morning we took the railway in American money. a themselves in email carriages drawn
up one - f the mountains, .and when' • The congestion in Paris streets le by lamas or goats.
it reached its terminus we got out, siiuply awful and the traffic regula-1 The Latin rues' enjoyment of life
and climbed en up to the -snow-lino, i tions very poor. It is as much as is so much more apparent and naive
It ways curious to find so many flow ' yore life is worth to cross the street than ours. Lovers will wander along
` active- as terriers, ` 're footed as
sent the outstanding dry sentiment mules, ea patient as a: donkey 'with -
of the County, •out their atubbornees and with all
The report of the treasvrer, Mr'., they are intelligent and faithful to
A. M. Robertson, of Goderich, showed these who are kind to them, like all
that all acecunta bad been paid and balance on hand of 637o
there was :, intelligent animals they respond very
.reeditto kfndneas.
00. y
• Importation of Shetties to this,
A nominating cernmittee toneist- •; Country began about the middle of
ing of A. Lloyd, E. G. Courtice, • A. 'the last century 'and have been bred
M. Robertson, Mrs. McGuire, Rev. R. in very large quantities, but the gen
F. Irwin, and F. E. Cly=sdale, was, cal ebaracteristics of the original
appointed; 'tree a resolution commit. Shettie hag been maintained, the
tee an follows: S, Bennett, W. Bay- same docility when .once handled as
ley, L. Tebbutt, . J. Killough, Mr. they ever had, which is most import -
Lott, W. H.. Lobb, . and Revs. C. J. ant for children's pets. The Child
Moorehouse, E. Sheppard, and J. A. caringfor its own Shettie is sure te''
err in the meadows at that height.! Robin won't let me go out alone; even a crowded thoroughfare wfth their Ferguson. be knder and more considerate /f
They were gny with blue gention,a to post a letter. She is sure I would arms around each .other's waists,'. Rev. W. W. Peck, Educational Sec- others, and at the same time gain
cowslips, pink ansa evhbte daisies, but- never return. thecity fs laid out, blissfully unconscious of the passing'retary of the Prohibition Federation courage and character, quicl er and
tereupt, Queen Ann's Lace, forget- like Washington and six or more throng. Houaewlires wander home of Canada, 'was present and gave a with mere lasting effects than by any
me -lusts, ere., ete. The Lake seemed streets converge in a place. At such from the market with their .neighbors splendid addresa on .the effect of al- other means.
ao far off nod tae boats mere dots pointe you may have to spend ten or gesticulating vehemently with their carol on the human system and urged Some boy or gfrI rpt Goderich c$s•
upon it. Another afternoon we spent fifteen minutes. in an attempt to long loaves ` of bread. You buy the importance of increased effort to trio is gotng to win one of these'
at the Castle of Chilton, immortalizedcross. e bread by the yard here. "educate the rising generation as to ponies, free. -
by Byron's poem on the irepriaonment I At our.: table here we sit with a One night we went to a Revue at the real dangers of the use of alcohol SCHOOL FAIR DATES
of Francois Bonward, a Swiss patriot, charming English couple from South the Casino de Paris with the Sum- , as a beverage. Ile also urged the
by the Duke of SAfrica. avoy, -for six years' They have been on a trip -mers (our, South African friends). need for Political action and declared► The following are the dates of the
in the Castle of Chilton. Tim evil elf not only around the world, bet *11 Revue. ere not exactly elevating in that we should insist on retaining the school fairs to be held in the County
which he sp*eat these years ie below;over the world, including New Zeal= any country, but in Paris they are Ontario Temperance Act as a pro- tHuron this Se t
yg was an excel- teetive measure for the home. p 7th
the level of the crater and frightfully
s and and Australia. We have teat beyond. words. There Dashwood—Sept 8th
", rltlll, even t n a warns April after -a fun in comparing experiences. They lent. ballet, but the costumes werei At 6 o'clock the•deIegates sat down p
noon. It is amazing that he could go to Norway ana Sweden in June, quite the aketchlest 1 have even seen, to a ban,puet p>rovlded by the ladies C diton--Sept. 9th
Winchelsea—Sept. 10th
aurvire even -one winter there, much i May 110. --The weather here has' The late Anthony Comstock, who and many 1}right after-dinner speech-
Mas seven. It is * splendid example been what Mr, Mant lint would call used to guard the morals of New es followed and was presided over by.
of a medieval castle and is furnished • "demi, damp, moist, unpleasant wea- York. would haye had all of them in I Rev. M. M.•Bennett, of Wingham. A
hs the period of the thirteenth sen-; then." Sunday was an exciting jail after their first appearance, along' splendid address on Government
tar". he tower •dates from .800l morning in this vicinity. It was with the management. -- - I control (Sale) was given by Rev. W.
A.D., but the castle proper from ", Jeanne . d'Are Day and her statue in Am quite as pleased With the' W: Peek, at the evening meeting and.
:beet 1200 A.D. - 1 the Place de Rivoll ie at the end of French as with the Italians. They the delegates were convinced by Mr.
Have juet conte back from a walk our street, just a few yards front our are so kind and Courteous and win Peek's arguments and statistics that
up the Gorge dr Cauldron, and how door. As early as eight a.m. we walk a block or awe with you to *how "Government control would not solve
creep it is named, The river rostra heard the rumble of gt'n carriages( as you your way, or to help you in any the problem of how beat ta"' deal with
and bails down a• great ravine about ,. a regiment of artillery drove pant to difficulty, , Directions in Paris are the evils of the liquor traffic.
thirty fret wide and in moat places lay their offering of flowers at the - confuting, the streets like many mod -1, 103RD YEAR
rsngtitg from 1000 to 1600 feet in base of her statue. At intervals ern women, change their names at ` ROBINSON'S - CIRCUS}eight, sheer stiffs of granite cowered varicus.companfes arrived, played the frequent intervals, for instance the
i JOHN . wit.* lichen, I'inglish ivy and lovely i Marseillafse, placed their wreath and B'd des Capucines after a few blocks This Pioneer Show Will Exhibit at
flokrrs. Trete grew wherever theft 1 departed. At 10 representatives of becomes B'd des Itansn. We have nerrthhord, Jane rich
could find a foot-hcW. The air was +coheres, club.. political organizations invested in s nisp and consult it at "
moist with the *pray front the num.''gathered es near the status, as the every street earner.
emus waterfalls. It seemed almost police would permit. Then the trou We had cards for the opening of ", John RNbinson s Circus, pioneer
the new American Hospital at Neuii-i white topof the world, ie coming
SAWN built by subacri tfon to sommem-` to Stratford for afternoon and night
Prosperity Follows
the airy Cow
A(;RI('tiL1URAL surveys prove that
the farmer who banks a monthly milk
or errant cheek seen becomes inde-
p�ettdent of financial worries. The
Dairy Celt -the milk ehetk—the
bank arennnt farm art ;ndeetractible
chain width defka "hard thyme and
baeirsese deprs.eieers. Since 1572 the
Standard prank of Canada has cater -
e4 to the mid* of the dairy farmer,
rendering efficient service to Me bust.
O d1
C 4tek` eheee
ealebitelt - . 1i. *clef;, memo,
Otpie• :sM% 110040 snit 1rraewra I
orate the relief work Clone by" the ofd performances an Juna lith, and tir-
heapital during the tear. It was a ins forward with great interest to
very interesting rcremssny, with the appearance in this community of
bpeeams by the President of France, this fame
s*old show. For the 192434arshail Foch and Ambassador Her- tear, the l0irsd in the history of OM
rick of United States. The bantling tear, he 10, John hobinaon baa or-
is quite the last word in hospital. a m that is babbling
Tea was served on the lawn. Ail the over with featmree and extraterdheary
Americans in Paris were there, it attractions. Front the par East,
stented. )strep•, $oath ,Amenles and psoas.
H*ve not yyet been at V rseilise, � , every +araastry aid elks,, per•
asst one mesio ne rlenr asy and Lim- farmers and salamis hare Weft his.
hhine for that trip. 'lave you been p� Naar as slays John Robin -
having the ?same r tieing
hod war Nscth des► wiii wire tins heal etarrPsi perfunti
In America. After tiring iia orth arm that rams,► add broker can se -
0 China we feel cheated if wit do net si trio. Seek wnalsd to**Imre#tis.
have annrlke aeoleos
daily. arsrwwa as '1'bsaisae Multi.
TTh.triin .Britain Ia over, and >R,tb 7bso ieerewaostiC I+ae hark,
we M pe to max the Channel on the Bert Noreo, margswee T1suaeswe.
!lith me Lith of May' I Cad /rum dad Mew lPutI,r win
The l: rkwd of An Snstrerees.—Dr.) send chair lamb /UMW timwagh
moist' F,cltsvInk 0t1 1* a osis abl. reaverkabis nista des, Aaetbrr slue:'
remedy to all theme who ower pain.' fab sttraetiem win two Clarks Car -
It held* out hem: to ,reuse aged mom`s eoatisgoot s!' WW1 West
realirea it by milting sttlhrinat emery- Chasmaisas, iaetait eseebys., tem.
whore. It la 'ir nalnaewst aim bast Ma ghee *ad a tr u of Wag Wises
>llio slag et half a ambient. It la INI from *he Ptse priors r.ewietiesa b
vale and res be felted Raab Dsisee 5.SUtiar eireta fMle
wherever engnired fes. . w'ao and sae w11 stns hare presilme
cad lovers of this vicinity are look
Wroxeter --Sept. 13th
Gorrie—Sept. 14th
Biuevale---Sept. 15th
.Ashfield—Sept. 16th
St. Helens—dept. 17tb
Colborne --Sept. 18th
Hpndall--Sept. 20th
Zurich—Sept. 21st
Varna—Sept. 22nd
Blyth—Sept. 23rd
••Q --;"era yt, Yemen
Teacher --""What are the duties of of 1 -
the mayor?"
child —."He appoints and di*ap-
points city officials." w
When the FEDERAL BURGLAR ALARM is attached to„.
your chicken house your bens are safe—nobody can steal them.
Tee Federal is si very simple spring-st, el device that works
like n trap when a chicken thief opens any door or window to
wh'eh it is connected; the alarm makes a very loud report, scaring
"the thief and awakening your whole bonseholc. `
But in spite 'of tlie absolute protection FEDERAL affords, it
ie quite:liarinless; it cannot harm even the burglar; .but it thorough-
' tv . eves him, protects your chickens and aw t,kens you.
The Federal Cannot Fail, Absalutety Guaranteed
to'Last a Lifetime.
Ten Day Money Bach .Guarantee
The Federal Burglar A1,nrm is returnable, if after ten dale you
And the Federal: Burglar Alum 'unsatisfactory im.n:nyway. hnnply
nail the Federal Burglar Marin back to us aspect and your money
will be cheerfully refunded.
131 Vc
i t"oria, St., Toronto
Sirs: ---
Please send me postpaid one. Federal
'Burglar Alarm, for which I enclose My pos-
tal note for $1.65, on the understanding that
my money be refunded should I' find it un •
satisfactory. s, •
ddrest.. :.s
Goderich to D. El" R 01 T and Return.
Tuesday, . June 8th at 9:30 a. sin.
Arriving Port Huron -13e Pelle Detroit • 5.30 p.m.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday, , June .10th
The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Child-
ren between 6 and .12, half fare. Visit. your Michigan friends and
see big and busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great interna
tional highway 4f lakes and rivers. Don't mins it. , -
Last Trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June llth, at 0.30 a.m,
Come and enjoy the fan
MONDAY, JUNE 7th, AT 8,30 p.m.
FINZKL'S Orchestra for dancing in steamer's big new ball room
Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c. 'Children 25e.
'Ili ie AO
`t e.. .442,41k`s.
Qr Thursday, June 31:d
el! and for One Week
10 16x. Granulated I,:ar for 50c.
A hi Stiock of CSE FARY
ahrays i. had
Give Ur the Opptrrtw City to (Serve You
PSE 477