HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-06-03, Page 3THURSDAY. JUNE ltd. PEWS .VIII III . ,ml I. VIII 111 I II 11111 11111 1 1110111.IIIIIIIIII 1 ur1/11111INI+frrMMlw Wt t Weak IOdd lioys Siseuld Use A 1Ee wotasa en be etros.g sad keel* maims hecWag" see well, sad *sae Kaes oat of in the kidneys Bare to _ blame for tke weak, lame and "cities, bask from which eke eatfexo so latch. • When you and your hinny' y' out of order, when your back aches sad pains Ase Rivets you *edam *eery, all you. have to do is take e. few boxes of ha' -*bale, end yoe will I.ttd that *11 the awl was wilt vaamak„ sad make exte healthy and happy (noel male to eery life to fire utt*oet. AU druggists sled deaiers Imitate thew; put up only by The T. Iatilbern e . Co, Limited, Tomato.. tall(. MUST C ImaiartwOlawa- News ets PickedFrem�urEx w ellser•Dwromeeatt years or so, and had reached St. Jsnteis' Square united church, I nt ei*hty-three Years- • Toronto, 'was the scene of a happy t A Boys' Work Beard for H t (*nutty MIMIII ■N 1 ,III I , 1 I j 111111 1 1 1 1 11 II PAM Vail M 11 MINIM= um sow AI._c , s THE music CLU 3 .► . CliMoa. Tb sad *r<+ow wen (Continued front petite at)sittseeded • Dangles Mies Violet , brotherLagoon out Ow ti,.ns introduce earetctive axle parts lido:Ewen rr: Specials mad _groom Atter a Art heiseyatuoa for cornet, trombone. euphonium. Mr. dike trip the young omen will reside is eti•„ and these interesting bits. eon- I,o ' treated with quiet shading and mate voop Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to jtattd:.....3 for 2517 Death. •f J. 1�tarsii Etggl* siv+t climaxes, oft*n Aare "'it '1'1- . i*, A ,good teaspoon, King George design, given cert' with each 2Sc worth. •a ''Taw death took place at Byron tee eat Sanitarium on 8mturday morning, It is really in music of this kind 1 tds,y glad. of Jain Harold Bitten, that the Army are at their best, As *XI* JQU* **t son og. the late Thomas far ss known, they do not claim to b.' Riggin and of Airs. IL A. Gorier, of "artistic" in the sena* understood by i event on Saturday, May 15th. at !1 o'clock, when Kiss Marguerette Eva' On Thursday' evening, Iday 13th. r moan. The late ]wire Berton bad a symphony orchestra, or a choir I detesohn Choir. So tNotional 1 Ch'k'ao I Af Dt:romesau, of Toronto, became the meeting Blyth, for the purpose of or- umeeting was held in the United not been in good health for some such as the at onit b n en , Ibride of Mr. John Ross W aiker,um,, indeed, not sincetea return me even affect to se ungest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.1 Ranising a boys- work board for this - from the Great War, and his death despise the "artistic" and consider Walker, of Seaforth• The ceremony: county. Rev. J: Finlay, field *etre- was not unexpected. Although aw that anything "done in the spirit" is was perforated by P.ev. D. M. Minden, tart' for this department, gave a long after the return of peace he as acceptable as the work of an art. in the presence of the immediate re-' short address. He explained that . might be described sae a war cos. 1st. Tet there are brnd•masters who latives and a few friends of the con- r the aim is "To interpret the Christ ualty. He was with the Sterling chair* more artistic results than the trading parties, life in terms that the bay can under- Bank in Toronto at the outbreak of majority of the players are capable heath of r. under - boards one for North and este for he enlisted with the land flithlandere - risen of musical vis on and refine. Following a short attack of beast South Huron. Rev. Mr. Telford, of in that city, going to France the fol- meet, who give their service gratis. trouble Mr, Montgomery Davis, of Blyth, waft aappointed president of lowing summer. He was woundt'd t No one in an Army bend—not the Seaforth, passers away at denly on' the nerthexn division. The immts• on three different oceasiona, always bandmaster even --get* paid. There stand." It was decided to form the the war and during the eau of 1915 of either conceiving or rendering -- M Montgomery Davis 1 A Friday afternoon, May 21s • 1ie had 1 diate business of the board wall to returning to the front latex, and dur- been about town on Friday tnurning; mike arrangements for a camp for, ing the last drive in 1018 was severe. Apparently in his usual health. In'the boys of Huron this eumrner, and ly gassed and was unable to return the afternoon he returned from a trip a committee was chosen to inquire again. He carne home atter .the Ar. to the country quite ill and he expir int* the matter. Among those pres. rnistke partially restored to health ed shortly before 3 o'clock. He' was ent was Mr, Pentland, of Di Bannon, but never -comae /AY well, although FROIL .w. H. J:IGit'SON—Instruction horn 55 years alto on the homestead who is the representative of this rid- :for a time he took up his work again given in Nolen' Collate, • Organ.- att.Htltbert, aeon of the late Mr. and ing at the Boys' Parliament in Tor- He was a patient at Byron for the fano. violin. (.,utter, Theo.ei ,•tc, Mrs. Wm. Davis, end'his hex Studio and reale( u \ Y trot Sir'et : c.• • , ` exacta '. six months before h e clung to though there was - some difficulty. and Teacher.' United Church. Concert player five sisters stvvive, Mr. hones Davis, doeeph Brian Scott, eld• est son of lite and hoped to be restored: He is :He wee a marticutar4, fine player, Residence at Mrs, Colborneas, St, list, of Seal o ah; bar. Vim. Davis ono h Teter and braes. Scott, of Brussels( survived by his wife, his, mother, Mrs. and it wnh kdhendng"God n Save, rick �Stieet. h me a , M won Hogg ,rho has been special agent of tits IL A. (levier, i f torn and one.broth• Player once ea render ex er, Wilfred B g n, cf Goderich tp. the King" on his cornet, without touching a valve. He laid the in- strument before him on a desk, and cal note• of definite itch; They are produced all the tones by means of compor=itiou where the brass tune is the lips only. Of course, it' was any- played In pairs» -ane being the key- not - good, and the clarinet. effect - is thing but clear, but sufficiently so to recognise .the tune. Certainly clever. Another, a drummer from .Toronto, I heard give a description of the ale-. pasture. of �a train, The control he had of the roll of his drum was re markable, especially the soft, ilmost inaudible, dying away of sound.' ;When speaking to him afterwards in appreciation of his drum solo, he, an "Ittykesa bit E is a n hman replied, p , o" dein " It certain y -must- The kettle -drum` and. snare -drum have a technic of their own, and some never master the "roll." - - Speaking of druid it is to be re- gretted that in e-grettedthat.in the case of the -bass 4rnmee se ne_peret._in_. ssteik pg,- the parchment a direct blow, resulting in a .dull thud - of `sound. It is some- thing like pounding piano keys, over - blowing a brass instrument—in fact 'e- overdoing - it . A' light glancing im- pact give. s -a much better result, and is gennerally•loud enough for general purposes. Army drummers, how- ever, often go at their instrument with more spirit than understanding, - though they' are. not the duly siniieess•• of" v tkettle-drummer I ha a heard. the the Toronto Symphony Orchestra "over -beat" his instruments on differ- ent occasions. The kettle -drum „ is y Well Deserved Promotion for known that h1p recovery was not to rues. was eventually arra< g , H. G. llemu.T0N-orb-artist North Bt. sides Mrs: Davis, two brothers and Brussels Bou be expected, although are some very strict rules about this. Also, it is true, if the rule still is in force, that no Army* bandsmen can play in any other band. If he dose, he loses his commission.' Once, in Lindsay, I asked a trom- bone player from the Teterboro band they died to play at an organ reeltal of thine, bi(((ts. -. peat year and a half .and it was not being aware of some of these im, Be- _ . 1 It n ed LEGAL CARDS - L,. R. DARItGW. and Mrs. William Dols, of Tucker 1 . smith, and Misses Annie and Maggie; O•N`R•. with headquarters at London, Davie, of Hibbert, and Miss Elizabeth has been notified of a well deserved Davis, who is a lawyer in Toronto= promotion. Beginning on June -1st h will Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public, 14e,: One brother, David Davis, 'was. killed a ill be a staff inspector with headquarters at Montreal 'and his Successor to J. T:. Einemoyeraeas. territory will include the entire m - Phone 97 Office, The nttuare« t: rlerich _ Ford Picnic at Bayfield tem from coast to con t. sya s Mr. Scott DUDLEY E. HOLei - Wednesday, July 7tb, has been se has been in the service. of the corn - Barrister. Sollottoi'- Nola" Intel as the date of the annual Ford pany over 20 years, and according to PHONE 27 • HAMILTON STK: 'I' Uonceyancer, Pi:c. picnic at Bayiieldaand the'same coin -1 oicials, has alwaysenjoyedthe con - Pea mittee as last year, with Mr. A. E., fideneo of his superiors.. Hits:. old SPECIALIST . 1. J. R. -Fo1l TER. I EYE, EMI, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York (iett-. . -. thatmtc and :lural Hospital, assistant at Moorefieldfs Eye hospital and Golden Square Throat - hospital, London, frig. 53 Waterloo St. 8,-, 4tratford: `Cele - At Mite X`1 Erwin as chairman and Mr. E. He 'Brussels friends are glad tp hear of Johns es secretary -treasurer, was aP-' his promotion, appointed tq- make .arrangements. District Meeting Death of VI ell•iiiiown Baylis Id Huron District Lodge, L0.0,F., Resident . met in Brussels Wednesday after. One of the. eldest turd most highly noon, lifay 18th, Walter •Vanwyck, respected residents of Bayfield in.the of 'Wingham, was elected D,D.0 M, person of Fredrika Dunlop (nacre for the next year, and W. IXechnie, familiarly known by all us Rielsev). th• Bedford, Tele - Phone ford, floderich, on. the :passed4way to her heavenly, home -on -4— ,was appointed Grand Warden,; ood"retyort>s were presented evening. of .the third Monday" or emit Friday, May 21ett• at tbe home .of McCracken„ the retiringD,D.G•M., Month, from 7 o'clocis till the Movie! Mrs; John Toms, where she has been day, Tuesday, at 1 pansl living for the past 'few years. t)e_ was in charge of the session arid en - CHIROPRACTIC • Hl1it7Pii,44TOlt. ' DR. A. N. AT#KINSON, Registered Chiropractor, Goderleh Chronic, °rtaanic and Nervous Ini.easeses Office !tours •:,2 'ta •a and 1 to 8-p. m.' • and by appointment; excepting anseilay and Thursday afternoons and evenings; adlee moors on these days 10 to 12 elm.. eel . Y 1 ni Corner South St. and ]sr loan a Rd. • OPTOMETRY cp��,: a,_ OPTOMETRIST. \1FTOPTICIAN, .RtST. 0 West 'Sircet,;Garteuc! t Honor Graduate of the Canadian Qph" thalnrie College of Toronto. a - ,..,. Byes :examineri.try the listen methods, tad the proper fitting or glasses at mod- *rate prices. Ontario Board of Exam- iners Certificate No. 875. AUCTIONEERING .THOMAS CiLINDRY. . Lire Stook and General Auctioneer, ; Ilanilton Street, Goderielt- - Sales inade, everywhere and ;tit efforts a made to give :you gatis.a lir , it. Verniers' sale notes diseounted,; ROBERT ROBERTSON. Oitstlacd Auctioneer,-' Eidoq, Street. - Coderieh, will conduct ant *sloe 'at toe 'County of Hum. For Information aplyir t with [Wan, 'Hamilton .t., o- r hint will receivepromptatteritteu. NOTAttY PVIILIC, ire.. - Wm. I3.1TLl1:. • t,o ARY 1'[`Il1,ir General Conveyaneine done Geed Companies, itepre.srnte-i Phone: No, 208. uodericii, Ont. EORGb' la. (IIte.E:\SLlltt;. CONVEYANCING ANi) NOr f'' , Bayfleld, Ont. „se" INSURANCEw e seeesesM cKILT41P d1 trAt. mho 1Nt~l'tt• ASCE COMPANY. terta.neti title gete.after. ceased was born . in SagaGer- meeting,' gates the Many, and had lived in Ike:field, since Married Xn Stratford childhood, She, was twice 'married; An interesting event took Inc her second husband predeceasing her Paul's place Sat - some: 18 yeara ago. The only re, St. rectory, Stratford, en Sat maining . member of the family is onlay afternoon, May 22nd, when. Chrystal Dressier, of the - village. Alias . Myrtle E. Shackleton,.- only Rickey vias beloved by all and was daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Shac- for many years; a devoted metuber of St. Andrew's' Presbyterian church, faithful in attendance.. vi at .ser ces as long' es it was possible for'ner. to go, and when her sight failed kind .friends a Corani d her to church . Sheivasgencrousin her givinfs to help and missionary work, was a hard Worker, and always cheer - Tut . even in her illness, and .appre. elated :the .tkindness of her friends. FARMAND ISOLATED TOWN P,}i(rl' 4; FRTY INSURED. ('"Value l;f prurrerty insured up to Jan- nary, 1910, '13.0IS.01 enfi. , OFFICERS --James Uonnoll)4 Preen dent, Goileriart; Jan.' Evans, Vie, --1't esi- dent, Beechwood; T..1,. -lays, »ccs Treas.. Seaforth. DIRECTORS—D. 1•'. McGregor, Sea- forth; .1. O. Grief.' Winthrop; Wm. ettrin, t:nfstanee George ylca;ar the,y•. 'Puckersmitlt; Ju1rn , Ferries heat tack; y John llc'niietttise. 13roadliagan; Merray i:lbson, ilruceileld. AGENT .t. 1V. Yeo, Underfelt: Sandy. tenet', r)lnton; Wm. '- Chesney, Sea - forth: 1t. llinciitey. S"afortti. Policy Holders. tem pay ,(hair aasea:s- menta at R. 11. mutt's store; 'rtoderteh; oA. 11. Ht.ide i,Bt t 31 eldStore. Cit.ton; _ 1F1lit1C 1NSURANCLG Alive it attended to by the SEAT WAWAI NN MUTUAL FIM ISlIURANC6 CO Established 1878 . Head Ofiee': Dungannon, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, It. Re No. 2, God- erich, pres.; 1' 'tn. ,T, Thompson, Aub• urn, vice pres.; directors—Wm. Mc- a aillan, St.Heleas; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; $ L. Salkeld, 'phone 600r11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson, Ltacknow; Wm. Watson; Jas. Girvim. R. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wm. T. Thome. son, Auburn; Tim Gratin, It. It. No. 7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Khmer. dine, Ont. THOS. STOT1•IERS, T. G. ALLEN, Treas. Secrotary. kieton, :af Wingbam, war united in. marriage to Mr. James R. Aiiseiier. on ofIr. n ' It. andMrs.J H. Miseof Stratford: Rev. H. W. Snell per- formed the ceremony. - . The, ,ate_.Roland ,Beattie A former resident of .,Win ha m hishomein passed away atAlliston on May 21st, in the person of Mr. Roland Beattie, Deeeased•waie in his '65th meth year andwad- born in Tucker. -She had been blind for the past three smith, near Worth,. In company with his bre>r, Robert, he conduct ed a livery and bus business in Wingham for "about fourteen years, and for the pelt twenty years he has. conducted a large coal and wood business in Alliston, - Death of Morris Township Resident „A Sear.i.ar for That delicious, flavor of fresh* its. ' mint gives anew tzlT1 a to every bite. f " 3Ire. F. Faulkner*` of Seaforth, - isa Ifileigleytte is good daughter. - 1 The sudden death of Margaretyr- Call, wife of ,Mr. Jose h Be of p .°she lith line of Morris township; on Sunday night. May 23rd,' was quite a shock to residents pf the community. Besides her ' husband she is survived by three small children! George A. McCall and Thomas C:;. of Brussels Alex. L, of Chatham; Samuel, of, Toronto, and Simpson, of Ltlorris township, are brothers. Death . of Sirs. Margaret Lambert, • Seaforth Mrs. Margaret Lambert, a native di. Enniskillen/ Ireland, where 1• she `was born 76 years ago, died in See - forth me Frida +,' May 21st. Her hos. band predeceased heir 29 yearsago. Boys' Work rd Is Organized At a meeting of the South Huron Boys' Work Board, held recently in the Taxis rooms,. Seaforth, the fol- lowing officers were ',elected: Chair. man, Al, Ross Savauge, Seaforth; vice chairman; Rev, W. D. McDonald, Egmondville; see. -trees., Lance Nor- ris, Bruce -field. This board pill have general supervision of the Texts work in• South Huron. The board unanimously expressed. approval- of the suggested summer camp for Hur. on county at which the Tuxis pro. gram - would be carried :out, The pretor of the three Tuxis Squares.' in the district later crew up the follow- ing softball schedule: May 25th, Seaforth at Egmondville; May 28th, Egmondville at Brucefield; Juno 1st, Bri oliel t—Seafo'rtite=Jan ltle- Egmondville at Seaforth; June Sth, Brucefield at .Egmondville,• June'' llth, .Seaforth at Brucefield. The **Bow- leg evening most of the board mem bers motored up to Blyth, where a joint meeting was held with the North Huron board, A committee from South .Huron was appointed to meet°with`North Huron committee to arrange .for.the stunner camp. 'The South Huron committee .eonsistd of E. Crawford . eaforth 3,Mein- twit, S tosh Brucefield, and Rev. W: D. Me- Donald; Egmondville.. A splendid address on Leadership in Boy's Work vas': given by Rev. M. Finley,. of Sec- retary, Ontario ,Field . Klu Klux K1aft Initiate Candidates Beneath. Flaming Cros's Bright i(oung Lady Dies at Rt1teJ%Oa7a iOr'Y n ' Gravenhurtst It was with deep regret, says The Winghani Advance -Times, that the MoGoy's Cod Liver • Extract Tablets Fine For Thin UnderdevelopedKi • • people of the . community learned of the death...of_. Miss Mary IticQuillin, second daughter of Mr. and - Mrs. W. McQuillin,. at Gravenhurst on Wed- - nesday, May 12th. After attending high( :school at. Winghann and Lucke now, Mary taught. in Northern On- The Exeter fair grounds on Sun- day, May 23rd,'Zvas the 'scene of a spectacle never- before witnessed in the district when . the • Klu Klux Klan of X{anada. celebrated • the first : anni versary of theorganization in West- ern Ontario. In the evening by the light of two limping crosses, and in the presence - of several thousand s ectators aboutcandidates ne forty were s initiated into the - order. An open-air meeting was held in the afternoon when clansmen'from Lon- don; Woodstock, Wipdsor, Sarnia and. other points in Western Ontario gath- ered in large numbers, - Visitors were welcomed andaltogether there was a 'large gatheering. .Knights of the hooded Order, which includes sten and women, paraded in their white robee and several were on horse back.. 'Several addresses 'setting, forth the aims of the organization were deliv- ered by two clergymen and several: leading clansmen. The speakers claimed the order to be a christian organization that stood for suprem. aey of the white races; the protection of the womanhood of Canada; one language; free speech .end a free press. The real ceremony took place in,;the evening, : when the candidates were initiated-. About six " hundred clansmen formed re square 'on the grounds end closely surrounding them were hrndreds of autos and speeta- tr.ra. ."$y the .eery ;light of a flaming cross the initiatory ceremony' was performed by -the Knight Kleagle and others. , The candidates marched into 24 bars Soap, McEwen's special 6 cakes Paint Tree Toilet Soap for 3 lbs. loose Cocoa for 6 lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real goad Black Tax. 1 We will give 1 1h. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, ?;i lb. Biscuits I and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package. I Tea. Special price on large Flannelette Blankets - Special price on Fancy Blankets We are cutting the price on Men's Ail Wool Underwear and Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. $1.0ar ........... •.35 I.: .25 stock purposes for .25 l Good Linen Roller Towelling25e per yd. Good large Bath Towels 9oc per pair • Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right prices. , - Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 1o% off. Free deliver to any part of the Town. PHONE 46 J. J. McEwen South Sat Sonar really a "musical" instrument.. Its have heard. I heard one of them give parchment 14 dralvtt to a tension the hallelujah Chorus • with." tine et. whereby it produces a distinct muss- feet though there are section* of this note and the other often the fifth up. rowed, The bass and snare drum possess no The visiting band from London, definite pitch,, ' heard in Goderich recently, rase in - I heard an Army ofieer one* de -1 eluded this in their open air program. -scribing the advent of Ong of their . Their nunider were hardly sufficient beetle, It was in the early days, and •unfortunately;, though any band is to the amen had only received their in., be commended for upholding good • struments. The .next evening they. ttu;sie rby at least making a study of . were out "performing -ow, when the'',great masters. It gives an op - it is realized that -for sozib days, a!ortunit to graspthe thou hta of beginner's - efforts on. a brass horn the classic composrs Aiming high 'more resemble a cow in distress than is good, and keeping .in view the day anything else, the effort; rt of t.is when ambitionon will hart hero.( an band may be better imagined than achievement, - described. The atafr band and Tetnp',o banil of 'y hil l C r en O Toronto.. and a visiting :bund from fFlint, , Michigan, are �among the .,p.beet . FOR - FLETCHER'S._�I.. •,.,Ma'est -.,r,y wN V,M,K, hit d7, i fit 1t �_ 4.1K-1 ; w 1 A Children Love Them Because They tarso laid later in Eastern Ontario , the square and, headed by the flout - Are Sugar Coated and ns Bixby to abound .Peterborv, always near her ing cross, paraded between two lines Take as Candy friend, Miss Margaret. Miller. A: of elanstnenlistened to it charge year ago last October - while teaching . fruin the Knight Kleagle and its they It's your duty, Mother, to see that at Tweed, she was forced tlhrough. 111 proceeded around the square several the frail, peaked, sickly youngster health to give tip herr schen- and go other char;,et were given. They as - grows up to be street( in body, keen to the. Sanitarium at Gr*venhurst. sembled in the eentre and took the in mind and robust in health. She apparently was improving until solemn oath which admitted them to Extracted from the livers' of the about Christmas when she started lowly codfish are the health,weight undergoing the gas treatment. This and strength producing vitamines that affected, her heart and her condition At"e found in McCoys Cod., Liver Bee gradually became - more* serious. BroDliOU. Bros. GODMRICH Leadion roast D rid ars Orders oarefally attended the alk all hmrs-elks or day. nremberelup. Ltd by the band sev- eral hymns were sung. Following . tbe ceremony a huge flaming Bross lit upthe darkness a Mss of the evening tracts Tablets, which are sold by phar. 'Wednesday morning a message came and brought the celebration to a tnacists• all over North end South stating; that she was worse, but be close. Lunch was served in the ervs- Arnerica, fore her,father eogid reach the hospi- tal palace on the fair grounds. A Doctor's know about theta and iso tai she had Passed peacefully to the large auto bus brought a load of does any druggists and if your ehil. Great Beyond., To mourn her loss clansmen from Sarnia, During the Whether you're a (betray- i,:d dren need building up ask for these besides her parents, she leaves two afternoon one of the clansmen was (')r a married person of -Jars' l tablets today if you Want to give your sisters and four brothers, Eeatrice, thrown from a horse and the animal standin' loved onee a good t,iipetite and put who teaches school et S. S. No, a",; ran down. Andrew street. Several even if }ttu're not •tat rriwti at pounds of good healthy flesh on their Williitn, who a few weeks ago had celebrations will be held et ha ,tai,,,-„ bones. But be sure and get McCoy's. come for a visit from Qu Appelle, Western Ontario in the near future, 'You now taint some HMS' the They are not expensive .-60i tablets Sisk., to see his sister; Reber(, of Witte and experienced mothers kitcl'lelt earl ,C gets so t>[ttltrult --8d cents and if you are not pleased the bank ,staff. Chatham, and George, know when their children are thee- "i'11itt y[ ,.0 Eatt't c [svk a thing,, tit with the improvement after thirty Charles and Mildred, at home. t,. days -•your money hack. Eaaitatteatent Amounted led with worms and leery no time in tit eat on i,. A very sickly child, aged O. (fritted Mr. and Mrs. W. A. tJodden, Clio. applying Miller's Worm Powders, a it's very probably the fault of 12 pounds „fit seven months and is ton, announce the engagement of most effective "vermifuge. It is abiro- tile. fu vou're using. lute in clearing the system of worms trongl and healthy. their daughter, Grace Emmeline, to -and restoring those healthy coedit- i.et the Fie:lt Folks furnish yell( 110.06004-100404,0044•4110040 -- -Joseph Herman Crich. sen of 1tir, ions without, which there can be no with the proper diet for :,our and Mra. Joseph G. ('rich, Tucker• comfort for the child, or hope of r®• range. T smith, the marriage to take place in bust creel--. It is i most trtstwor• i'ltctl watch yttttr cooking atlt- W r R. Wise er June. th Fleeting Carter Funeral Director and p THE- - � Lod M 2trth h M• "Cf "Well, friend CM!TfiW'fi1" WHEN FEET HURT Yost take your 'shoes off and the 'pot those weary, shoe -crinkled, eche ing, burning, corn -pestered, bunion. tortured feet of yours an a iz' bath. Your toes will wriggle with joy; they'll look .up at you and ale take an. 0 11c and hen they'll ori s to t t other dive in that "Tit" bath. When your feet feet' like lumps of lead—All tired out—just try"Tiz." It's grand—it's glorious, Your feet will dance with joy; also you will find ali pain gone from Corns, .cat• louses and bunions. There's nothing like "Tiz." It's the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous . exudations which puff up your feet and cause foot torture. • A few cents, bur a box of-'•'Tiz" at any drug or department store—don't wait. Ali!. how glad your feet get; how comfortable your shoes feel. THE GODERICH sHe p "BI iTER 1.E105 ua INC1. tt;OO161NC. ISOON SHE POESN'T", Holl8Y mu. hE EATING. AT THE CLOS I131 lar Reduced Prices I� on Anthracite Coal 1 ietl,.tlner Goderi+ h, Ontario Ali rolls promptly attender-' to day or night. Pboaee: Store SSA; Hones ati5W' A quiet wedding was solemnitted at ' y worm exterminator. •11t (In One London an May , when Miss Clare at leas have one! ems Mae Fleming, of Watford. was who has never looked me up in Brad. united in marriage to Williani Thom• streets."' • as Ceder. of London, son of Ids. and "Who is that"." Fot Gond Clean Coal prove.. --'CALL H -- 041011111441:631t2416 ° tk flithe tie fit �au'a1Mlsrt "My dog." OM That the wearing of a jade„ neck. J. B. MUSTARD corp , hue was a'sure cure for kidney troll• phgesse gA _._. eodetrierb . - baa was at one time tt seamier belief. } C ._ _ es ut'" (Anithra cite)a ... . $116.00 V • Stove thea Att Ci 1` C 6.50 'Pees ,` :yin +y� tltt;att�ite • 1.'4'.' . , . �,, . • •, Coke •. , . , . ..• . $�ts.oq per tOli I POC�ltO � nt , .. ,'« « .........$14.09, .S 1 Domestic. Lunip for your Grate and Ranee $12.04 per toan Our Coal is weighed on Your Own Scales,tjie IIarkbt Seats With Spring. gHouse Cleaning., you will require. A �', rugtl r«. E INT. We still have some • Sherwin-Williams Left that we area sell- ing at 15 Loo per quart. Muresco and: AIat,astine at Soc per package.. Liquid Veneer and O'Cedar, small- bottle, 2C large bottle, 45c each Special prices on toor Locks and other Builder's Clothes Wringers and ;Garden Tools at Special. Prices. in order to clear. CHIS►•. C. LE The Hrrdware at the wharf I«111P CHANDLER PLUMBING and H*ATINO s Store 'Phone 22.. House 'Phone 112. R'tiI-.ail. QUALIFY r*iI'S SPECIAL JAM WEEK - STARTLING REDUCTIONS (far this *Wethek's selling 41b. TIN 53,, RASPBERRY OAKVILLE or OLD CITY STRAWBERRY AMBER3 Ili, Glass Jar SF RY BA STRAWBERRY 43` Also a large Aa sortment cif other varied** at a *aving. CHEZ SE �r w. MAYFiELD *RANO BACON 43%. Deialue FRY'S T l it 61425c Breakfast - 1Nilrjeit COCOA 3 "4125d. QUALITY 31: 2COFFEE_ E RICHMELLO 79w_ mow,. tits, Blend 119i SELECT 731 BAKING le..m • D.S.L.IULE 631n►., POWDER 234 issued 5 1lCtiaaXLag:gy� iC - G11Sw� m . r r• m e i 2'tw` 35c �i1 C 3 fg�wes Uwe frits la .teat for ea* week from date *4 We pep.. taTC