The Goderich Star, 1926-05-27, Page 8UNI"" ERSIT OF WESTERN ONT O:' I SPECIAL COURSE POR Summer School TEACHERS COWIN! M rob" lidaatt, awn LW* 11•00401170 - S. Cour*" to vr.,.st. Crwwr..tUWh. JULY shit to AUGUST 14th 3. itwohw•Coun+intit Wow' Algoitut F.r holor,nett* w crreti the 1'tir..ter, Pr* t#'Aloir oth;ro. thoursoo it Antr�omot.»r. ` e . Xitt t,t., or Orr lnweY,IrWiy J rCuro X. P. R. N«NtSe.+Faw - illotiwoontkor awd A did s.Iiat and art.» Wit program throughout oho outlets wo.k.t. R.auttful slaw Vddwr•ity Etat! a R. A. 1•014 1141414414 VIP= ..f rou,radiaw. CHAPTER XIX. (Con' nued) swered his .every impulse. Never Were had she seemed so utterly and so completely to embody the spirit of pleasure. she' was ardent, alive, she pulsated ,with enjoyment; .her breath wee warm, her dark, fra- grant hair brushed Phillips' -cheek; her olive fare was alightly flushed; and her . eyes, uplifted to his, were !; lowin ;,4 They voiced adoration, abandon, surrender. The music ended with a crash; a i+hnut, a storm -of applause followed; ti.en' the dancers twarmed•.to the bar, bearing Pierce and his compan- ion with them. Lure was panting.. She clung fiercely, jealously, to Phil- lips' *arm. "Dance with me sgain. Again! 1 never knew what it was--" She trembled d vibrant ecstasy. mhie with h t a a t Drinks were set before them, The girl 'spurned hers, but absent-mind- sY+etem. Its sin;pic"r u;; halting down absent-mind- edly pocketed the pasteboard check a log. What?" si that went with It. While yet T'ierce's "Come to the good naves," I.auu�e throat wee warn from the spirits there began the opening measures of Urged. a languorous waltz and the crowd "Tilts little woman hates you, don't :;wept into motion again. There was "ahe?" Dee winked. "Just like site no refusing the invitation of that battle her right eye. You got her mucic. going, kid. Well, you can start work tater in the evening Phillips found tfltnorrowe," "Torn and Jerry; his color was deeper "Start work Where?" Pierce thin,.. usual, Itis eyes were unnatur- was bewildered. ally,' bright. • "flKiller'e looking for gold -weigh. "I'm obliged to you," he told them;. er. Well put ;von out in the saloon "but I've taken a. jobas weigher with proper." Miller d; cleat. Good tuck, and -I "Saloon proper:" Pierce shook hopeyou strike it rich." his :bead in good-natured refusal. 4.1 When he had gone Torn shook his dare say it's they fault of m5 brine- .; head. Its Encs was clouded with re- in[c-ell; but ---I don't think theres gret and, too, with a venue expres- tins .such thing. 1'tn an outdoor sion of surprise. person, I'm one of the rough -necks „ToU •.]lad," Ire .said, "I diidn't. who sults your, aluiee.boxes, I think think he was that kind:" I'd better stick to the hills, It's s"Sttrel"`terry sgreed. "S thought mighty nice of yrou, though, and I'ni hell' retake "rod:' much obliged. Y "Ar'e yougoing " oin to�,take tliat other C>3APTHR ." oft'er:" Inure inquired. When Pierce Morris teens new partner was a Itesit*ted she laid hold of Bis ether: square gambler, so called. People art. "I won't let you go," she cried. there were who sneered at this • "I "want you here-" eription ^and coneldered it' a contra- "Nonsenses': he protested. "I diction as absurd as a square circle ,van's do an 3 .thing for ycu. 1 have or an ellipttc#tl cube. .Ass elementary n��-,,, knowledge of •the principles of geom. *Have 1 ever asked you for any etry and of the retail liquor business ihieig':". she blazed •et him. "I can proved the non -existing of such a -take tare. of myself, but -I want eau. 'thing *s a straight crook, so they i eteeee't let you tree. maintained. Be that as it may, Ben' "Better think .it aver," Beat de-" Miller certainly differed, from the flexed."We Heed - rod ream" -- usual run of sporting -men, and he 0 "Yes!" name clultg 'Pierces , p rofreseed • peculiar ` ideas regarding to la *d, "Don't be in a hurry. Any- theeonduct of his trade, in ideas stayand dance with me while were almost puritanical in their na- ture. Proprietorship of recreation we talk about it, We've never ,had • dance loge#her, k'letrse►,,, centres similar to the Rialto had ero together. .the theater -vas bred ineMr. Miller a profound die ., p „ trust of women as a sex and of his in a genial mood. "Stick around, own ebonite sucteesfuily to' deal Ito seeond.ed. "Your credit -1 B with thein;. in consequence, be refus- erd'it won't -sorry ole none ti you ed to tolerate., their presenee in his nerves`' take up your tabs. Laura hike immediate - vicinity. That they were eget Mite right idea; play 'em safeend v°atuable, .1111).8+.ni!cessary, ingredients mare, and let the other feller do the in the success of an enterprise such work. Now we'll have *nether bot- as the present one he well knew - tie.". Miller wits, above all, a business ]flan The three of them were still' -but in making his Ileal with Best standing at the bar when the curt*ln he had insisted positively that none fell on the . last vaudeville set and of the latter's song -birds were ever the audience swarmed out into the to enter the front saloon. That gaiab1ing-xoom . of the main saloon: room, Miller maintained, was to be Hastily. noisily, the chairs were re- his own, and he proposed toexer- wsrred from the dance floor, then the den domloion over it. As for the orchestra began a't spirited two-step gambling -hell, that of -necessity: was and a raucotts-voiced railer broke in-, neutral territory and he reluctantly to loud exhortations. Ina tvw`.ink- consented to permit the girls to pat - ling the room had refilled, this time ronlxeit so long as they behaved with whirling couples, themselves. For his part, lie yielded Lame rained her arms,' she swayed p all responsibility over the theater, forward into Pierces embrace, 'and, and what went on therein, to Best. they' melted into the throng. The ; He agreed to stay •bet of it. girl droild dente; she seemed to float' This division of power worked ad. In cadence with the music; she be.l. mirably.- and Miller's prohibitions ea*te Otte with her partner and *n- were scrupulously- cbserved. He was es. M Fierce had not tweed lisyuer SibOS 'his last farcreel to Leure• Three worn" of herd wt,rk in the own air had *fretted a chemical change in his teeake»up, ;s puinfiegtion of his 13*5*es„ and as a result Beat's liqut.r mometed quickly to his head and watrusedt ,his blood. When he had enigtfed hie glues Laure saw that it was promptly refilled. "So you've cut out the stamped- ing," Morris continued. "Good! You've got. een.se, Let the - rough - Aedes do .it. This here Front Street is the best pay -streak,; in the Klee - dike and it won't pinch cut, Why `;, Because every miner e::tpties his poke' into it. The speaker nodded, and ' leaned more intimately against Phillips. "They brim; in their Bon- anza dust and their El Dorado nug trete end salt our sluices. That's the M�d.�ILLER' 1 O .. WD RS 1 metes'i'ilt watt* ill00i10 1100 OROtaaHt' ON SV Vitt Setesf*Cit 00 WOO* 1110 MUM 1111 OSLO TO NoiltMAI. NAM NO 11A1192T,C$ . PL.111 A$ANY T_TOSIERY'S A. dollar's iror Aliseartit Green Gras iii4Jeeg p0000c Best siese vet eil its "runs" pore The stir, She suers( ins Mer sat '"reiniercemesttm, every **west feeler-- yesell be cherished swills Mk anises weeds, Amt ~yids or ell Wher sais- Kait Heller valets fromlie k . At aril geed ate e. entered, thirteere, whets, th. s"arn- TM lois* Oporiesaa ing his rule was broken. At the ARS I taoneent he wast engaged ,'ged in weigh- rod liar in1C, Checking ur, and **eking his previous night's receipts, he looked ��sM'wort sid [!R' Olt CALalR up with a frown when a --:loan's •-- P041iVi4NT1OIi. 11 girl's-a-vaire interrupted him. Mri. Hears Career, Watehwter, N. xs Nt►t t'�etw+ttrwirttitM /104,e ik "Are you Bin Miller'?" the tres- ,g., writes: -"'I sen ire is test1 passer inquired. Yeo, ai wMlt att a"tkdess, trbathat I+Iilb,trx's Mt tt is +litwsNt miller nodded shortly. Ile cook] Heart. aid Nerve Pills have slosh for Serious Luitsee. ' be colder than a frog when ha chow. ***teoatributee br Gnein° rm meant of °len looking for week," explained • 141146"-74.311age P bad a Wil. Agriculture. reroute.) the visitor. Avon, 'duck worked ea the serves of IN "You t the ora deer," he faits] air head, sad let tits with aerrous Ws hear so much *bout tke dant ti's ng l hs tiarbq, sad ever')^ awe is sty Meal ger* to the busman from bovine or• her. "You want the dance -hall. Ws venni just pest to •erreep gad Brawl" Battle tuberculosis that we regard all Clan's *flow women in here." seat st tines I tkougkt I saintly could 1 "So I understand," swat live. -• 11 1 1 11 11111111 111 1 1 1 11111 ]111 1111 r TMUNIDAY. MAY ' 11111 t��td.�.� � 11 � •�" type*"is good E" TEA u dangerous. It la tadedld re- 7at Miller's frown opened. "Weil, • Tem, two years aro, I west through trashing to know that one type. the de then, avian or fowl tuberculools is not eon - beat le Saloons etre mama- two very *rime open/Sams Welk own- >ItIP(EItAL IIP�I+$CI#ZfYC-;ilsWi. line gender anti-." *ply Mattered. my *tome sad I be. sidered to be dangerous to the health .-K -�- "I'm not a dance -hall girl, Inn a mese nothing lout a *emus wreck, and of the human. In so fir as It Ms How Thieve Deficleiucisa In Moth Bolls ay heart berates aloe is $ bad state, knows► at present the only two mans- and .Front Animals gayfaaaily 1 Be Corrected. £ C Cc�u�gc Ott the other broke in. 'You're a what2>, Ben's jawphy ttdr I dlaidaT to call iter slur ire and Ira tele] axe that I lied mils that /WW1 tuberculosis affect"' dropped; he stared curiously at the notkisg aeriousty wrens with tate heart, are the rabbit and the mouse, So I During recent years,* great deal speaker, She was pretty,very prat» but that try nerves were so bad they why -worry about eating a chicken ty, in a still, dignified way; she had_ were pressing ea a heart an earring that is ndildiyc tubercularywr using' the a sine, inlollig.nt faee aid she nos; . *11 the troabie, mut aliened me to .u.e * eggs frogs 'a ttoe"k that ,bows .uch reseed a poise, a carriage, that than. *erne good heart rid nerve tonic. sriuptorus? The great loss comer. however, to many poultry-kee*era lenge(' attention. Not lour after that my husband twee "A dealer? Whitt the deuce can at tka stare sndl brought me homes through the lava"lo>x of thus "le*" Iwx of h[iMrutn'a lfeart road r'ertrs 'due to the reductfpq of the vitality Pale and. since that time I Lara taken and general lamina of the Clock. of it several boxer, as it 4een i to me that •ddlrss not destroy the birdfa It grad - they era the only thing I cis take that ually brings them to a state of weak - wards. oa m . ,nerveus trouble, rind I nests that puts theugi int the class ot o Cha unproductive, and they might as would not, for say saamdty, be without . well be dead: • ,, those in the house. Avian tuberoutosle is a chronic. in - I eannot praise them too highly, end fectioua .disease of birds caused by a would Orem any one suffering from bacillus .myaobacterlum eivlunt. In. any form of nerve trouble to give them ;action is generally introduced ' by a fair trial, as I know by my personal bringing in diseased birds from other experience that the results eta be roti- flocks, Pigeons that feed In a1I the ing but satisfactory." • hen yards and faros yards of Cha ,8, and N. Pills are pat p only by sett rat di.trlbuti n e, Tt a moa e fret- op t The T. Milburn Co.,Limits8, Torte. quant cause' is the purchase of sue - erne, . Pettedly healthy chickens and brine - Ing such home to mingle with the gal can size up a stank with her eyes flock. 'Another source or dancer is shut!" 1 the egg front a hen haelnr, t obereular Nothing could have more .deeply ovarian These- may Htuduce eggs you deal?" he managed to ask. "Anything -the bank, the wheel,. the tub, the cage-••" Disapproval returned to the man's countenance; there was an admoni,. tory sternnesa. to his voice when he said: "It ain't very nice to see !t kid like you in s, place like this. ' °I don't, know ;where yen learned that wise talk, but• --cut it out. Go home and • behave yourself, sister. If yott re 'Stoke, I'll stake you; soli anybody, for that matter. 'His visitor estirred oimpatientIy. "Let's stick to business. I don't want a loan. I'm . a dealer and I want work." Morris Best bustled out of the ad- joining room at the moment, and, theattention of these men' Coatalntng the !s!ei?i7ta. I[ so, and noting a feminine figure in this for.'intrigued esuch are" ueetl ftx inctsbatt 1 ° the r d bidden territory, he exclaimed, than the sight of a modest, quiet, eultlnar chick will be [elected. The "Hey, mist! Theater's in the wel!-behaved young wamap- exhibit- eggs that do net batch May contain rent, ing all the technic of a finished faro- the germ and if need for feeding Miller' summoned him witha dealer, It was contrary to their ex- chicks may Infect, them The drop- bitckward jerk of his head, ".tor- perience, to their ideas of fitness. 'pings of infected .birds contain the ris, this kid's' looking, for a job -is Nlutexy ,of the ganctmg'-tables re- bacillus, mo any earwelessriess fn feed- -dealer," said he. quires years of practice to acquire, ins, and neglecting of proper Rant-. Dealer?" Beat •halted abruptly. and not one of these prefeasionals ilio on df ®also thasys jg Ipe trot thie"That's funny." a entire u p "What is' funny about it?" de- inanded the girl. „"My father was a gambler. I'm' Roulette Kirby."' • "Are you Sant Kirby'segirl""' Mil- ler inquired, When Roulette nodded heremoved his hat, then he extended hie hand. - "Shake,". said he. "Now I've got you. You've had a hard time, havent you? We heard; about Sam and we thought you was dead. Step in here And set down." He motioned' to the tiny little office which wae curtained off from - gen- eral view. • Roulette.. declined with a smile. "I really want work as a dealer: That's. the only thing I can do well. I came here first because you have a°good reputation." ' . "Kirby's kid don't have to desT nothings She's good for any kind of a stake on his name." "Dad would be glad to hear that. He was a -great . man. He ran straight," Roulette's eyes bar] `ria.. coneemisty at Miller's indirect trib- ute to her father; nevertheless, she summoned ; a smile'and 'went on "lie n -r borrowed and neither Will but was . as roud of his own. dex- terttjr' as a fine pianist;. to behold a mere girl possessed of all the knaclo Dock, Symptoms. and tricks and manneristias of the The. disease is slow to develop, and craft" excited their keenest risibili- StYnnt 1e art not gine r o noticed until the bird tri over a year ord. They ties. In order the more thoroughly continue to teed welt, but become. to test her skill several of : the•n very thin. the tnuseles of the ldrrast bought stocks of anis and began to may become greatly re dttced•, and' the. play in earnest; they 'played their bird becomes a. handful of t"e tberie ,bet* open, they eoppered, they split, I +kin and tunes. Swrrsins of the Tag, 'they, strums them; and at ehe finish eta with lameness is nnmmon.. t Sometimes the weflinrg will buret •they called the turn. Roulette paid and dipcharge. the bird goes down and took: sho measured stacks of, unable to stand. Intestinal troubte counters• with unfailing facility, she. with diarrhoea, dullness and no -life overlooked no bets. ,She ran out the are coahfnnnly seen in tlsla diisease cards, upset the box, and' began tot hetnre death ; The horse'1*•en'itt�A rn oar,'" con - re -shuffle the cards Post-mortem. - sideration from the Ureter. In that s iv.or is placed bird will generally show, on .Deet- in such a way as to girt c•?nrfort. and ntprlem. yiptlowi*b -white . or . aravlah pt t'teptihrt .. 3Xejii '; 3 d ltsteek;hr endo-t'*`*ittered neer the liter and been made to dfq:f.*r' *''*itdtti c•l,ti}r K 7 t , n i ti nr des. -- . LL c j*,, r aan • a �•�nT� tJ111'' -and �-�I8 n else anti may be aalarge as a 'besot *Quay. when cut they resemble crumbly Extension ' . :k. • of eousideratlon has been given 10 the possible effects of tutnpiw1 deft- ciextaies, ` reduclug the vitality trod lowering the resistance of animals against abortion disease aad sterility. This SeeMs to be mare enpeetally the ease IA dairy herds which are kept at a high state of intik production, rimainink indoor" most oi'' the time on *size's ratter* deficient in min- eral elements, namely Iime and phos- phorous. Run dcv,rn and exhausted Pastures should therefore he re- $uvena,tee4; by a liberal .application of mineral - fertilizers In. order that grain*. forage and pasture containing A sufficient amount of minerals iday • be grown.for reed. - 2n all cases of nutritional efficiency. the nature 9f the deficiency should be - determined and corrected as'far as possible. ,In general amuse the de- ficiencies can usually'+be• corrected In a herd by liberal feeding bf a bal- anced ration, allowing sufficient exer- cise and as large a use of liguminout pastures so limonite: Where mineral deficiency its presumed to b&present, - direct benefit may he: derived front a mineral tonic to • the :feed, such as lime phosphate. salt, potassium iodide P n I Gl- and �sulPhat of iso C, D. b c ! xray^, l).C;.Se,. O ttarid Voterinare College, Guelph: •Shoet;i;r of the Horse. As shoeing dee certain fn:urioue Influences • it should be - guarded by the following practices: -- e. Removal or exeessive•Srowth. . 2. Fit taboo to foot and not foot to shoe..:.. - 3. Avoid wiping ,surfacer of the wall, ' 4. Leave the sole thick, - 6.' Do' not cut away the bar. 6. Don't trim the frog except to detach .Tooee portions: 7. Shoe sel•reted should be suitable 1 for the horse and nature of his work. 8. Rot fitting ie not injurious un. less foot is burned. 9. Nail . low •end use al : few naile as'podsible. 10. Don't hnnauter down clinches with violence. Many *tothers have reason to blase Mather Graves' WOrm Externiinater, because it has relieved the little ones of suffering and made them healthy. Every man shoul rise by his own efforts. There's no telling when site *tart clock' may »o wrong'. - �GOD CTC MARK) T4 Wheat, per bush•....$ 1.1515 to ti 140 Buckwheat, per bush. , 65 to 70 Bogs . .,.., '12.50 to 1.2.60 O*>, per bash . , 'p 40 to .. 40 Peas, per built.....: • 1.4Fa to • 1.60 Barleys, per bush.... 615" to 70 Cattle, ordinary, per cwt. fine to 6.25 Cattle, export , ... 7.00 to 7.50 (per cwt.) Cattle, choicer cwt.. 6.3110 to 0,75 I.smbs, per cwt.,... 12.00, to 12.00 Dairy Butter. , : 40 to 40 Eggs, per doz.... , . 215 to 30 Family flour, per cwt 2.90 to 4,00 Patent flour,'per cwt. 4.75 to 15.00 Bra�tt, per ton 12.00 to ,1.00. Shatrts. per. ton... , , e3.00 to 3.5.00 ditty, �. ton.. 10.00 to 12.00 Hides, , . i,.,,, 06 to 06 Potatoes,per b::a. , .. .2.50 to 2.60 everywhere. ' , the risibly tuberculiir effected the 'shot naU'd to his (To be continued) e -.- nr' . - - - !lpleen; These Rttots nr nodules wary, shoeing (:!• "1" "'1'ti•t; !74't'"l+ 3 (Copyright 1925 ,by" i ad 1 The Ullnlen ]nature Q : '• obeese or Mel 'be erftty. mnlarge - A"oalttery, M tient of both !leer and soled+n ie Coln-. Service) (! ratan in tuhercnlosis et Cowls teen- Qreen IPeed for f ,;....,,a -tions of the lungs are not so tree ' Naar that. the poultry are oft the anent, but oceaslonalty these organ* range and•n�m longer benefit the pick - No.' 24: The Condensers' Corddeased e'tow chernr yellow nr white areas; ing of freak green feed at liberty, a4 Iitt radia Smith has 'reached a' The Intestine Is :t common teat 4 -if substitute should be provided. Man- i i'r l ! l i t t els- )tate...:- abbe a snit r alma where it is necessary now and n .ct on.'a nee al Infectious me ter al 6 , c R b sp o again to put on the brakes. He I {lulu freouently 'Pvelnn either on, the very neoessary *gamines ,A and wants to got too deeply into the nr in, the lumen -et the bowel. These It: so es*d ftIal to proper nutrition.. A theory of things before becoming, resemble the nodule*` on the liver, little attention to a seemingly unite- familiar witlr their' practical appti-' Prevention and Condo]. portant tot frequently means the ` diger between sueeesa tend .fall- catton. Kill oft the flock and and ° coin:-. etre vrtth t?reedint; stacks At tI a On- ilr e 'pe sleet a liberala :wane,. a eve ro prom L If you can't put me to work 1111 try, somewhere else." "Hoy did you get down from White Herm?" Miller inquired, curiously. "Poleon Doret brought me." "I know Doret, He's aces." It reminds me of the way he onto clean u*+ Clouser Yards and edtuIO t rto Aa; tcultural College Poultry ""Gan. ycu• really ; deal?" Best fretted over -what automotu�e engin- went SNgbtlr 'diseased buds if In must puss by this route; T. Pt. no- .oats do very wig to simply in -Part A wry'. rail `;. `'" • Sew treasons bab ► Pail ' 'text that- peen as* le tows. 'i'hsys se+airnvisol►t�al- 3t llvalrhed ettd , Wive w ►vii, sett, -!]voted wit* �gu' a3* ut., .uii.Mtl • : Spelt. I00% sanitary. Cat slat this advesttseasnt. Show 3t is Ism' restart defier. Ile a ear * J heel lee. . Cott psi ` a►t1tbnr.iM�ls« P 11 i D A I.R . S. broke in. eers tail the "gyroscopic couple," on- rood 2e*h, may , be used for food. green feed or roughage eontalnit* • "Come. I'llprove that I can," l to observe' the front wheels of .Those in eimaetst.d condition and t(te Cita] el'amen.e le alazve sys'Inbt�' ■ . g`'i 114 y '+hnw[ng diseased lesions shquld be, 9 1 i Roulette started for the' ,gambling- ail't0seetabt•Id:g in tizoctiosr Coe, day and •htlrnak , star rats and. urine nut or' to the stock, -l.,, ktrve.„;enn:yl'tnt, r•r � �� room and the two' men followed. suddenly disd;over teat the high t bousrs• and a al n Extension; Et.,. A. 1 . t1, •,,.'1' ^ ntr • AweM0$ iiia:..Hil00id $Y YaFda, nd wny Best spoke to his partner •in, O,••leen sotigclipg, term mer?elyr' referred to: keepobirdw of 9Carious6 ages in erep-' the peculiar flywheel actio., of a ,rate flocks. Re sure of the flew When scrubbing Ileal tablet or • "• "A'*'*IE Yoke "Say, ten, if she can make a half- front wheel. • uioek, two* tbit it eomea.from un'- shelves, add half an ounce of powder- aikido* EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE way bluff at it 'she'll be a big' carder. The other day Smith was worried tnf;eted premises: Weed' out old ed borax to two gallons of water. The only ilarciw tee on 1 he Square Think of the play she'll get,,, over the real function of at caridiens- • MA* and .all speptieleus eases, Is:eep �� „ . _. _ r.,.4... re But Milder was dubious "She's er, seri le was necresaary to remind Clete y'reana Lou.t. 13e up to dlete sit nothing but a.kid," 'he protested. "A hint that he could not hope to grasp Exteneien: --•• ,College,. (AmDepbit. or „1�,,,,s .,,, dealer has got to have experi'enue,�-the-idea through explanation alone:1 F�><Eension` 0 -voiles;-, (#uEt)Sh: and, besides, she.ain't the kind that Certain things can be said about �._, belongs in a dump. Somebody'd get eond'ensers, however, that will serve • «mese by=pass, or bridging eondens- fresh and -I'd have to bust Mm." to clear up the mystery. So I era, of the fixed type are simply con- There was little activity .around launched right intra these in an effort. fleeted Across .the terminals, or sides, : d the tables at this hour ot the day, to at least condense that much of the or various,. pfecet of apparatus so- the occupants of the gambling-room'sithinet. that the highly oscillating current - were, for the most part, house -em- First, I replotted him that condens- n get through the low -frequency ployees'who were waiting for 1busi- ars are true storage spaces tor elec. v its," peas to begin. The majority of these tricity since one gets Back from a. "Can't• these .pie es of apparatus employee. were gathered about the cettdle1$er lust what one putts into it, be made to offer less resistance?"_ faro layout, where the cards ,were• ,'This, 2 explained, , differed from an Smith asked, being run in a perfunctory manner electric storage battery in that the est isn't the actual resistance of to an accompaniment of ;pest? ttrot latter does not return the .same cure ee apparatus or the wiring," I ex- reminiscence. The sight of ]Nati rent that is put unto It. The ingoing 'al'lamed. '"It is clue to a. sort of bask Miller in company with a girl evoked Current merely starts a chemical' act-, ,plained'e, or ioction," of the some wonder. This wonder inet'eas- lost. and whoa the battery isdrawn current. You'll be calling it imped-. ed to amazement when ]s(Wer order- upon, the current delivered is the re-' once some day:."' ed the dealer out of his seat; it be- kerne of the chemical action.A typical use of a by-pass con- tinue open-mouthed when thee, girt This, of course, was clear enough denser is the practice et piecing it took his place, then broke * new to Smith, but he did not see why a across earphone• sine*, ote eatneekiorte: 'deck of Bards, deftly shuftted them, condenser would be essential to the By "across," I mean, placing the core and slipped them into the box. At radio receiving set, for he had tweet 1 denser- in parallel with the phones. - this procedure the languid lookout, seen a condenser used as •a 'supply If Smith *nd I were electric unit* who had been comfortably resting of current., Here it- was necessary and were conneetee in parallel we'. upon his spine, uncurled his legs, to remind hint- that the aerial' and would face -each other incl ,jour our hoisted him*elf into an *U, ode of ground of a radio broadcasting stake, outstretched hands. • If we were eon - attention, and leaned forward with ,tion are the plates of a natural con- netted in series we would stretch a startled expression upon, hi* fate. denser, of which the air between is out our arms enol jut join two in - The gamblers crowded closer, ex -1 the non -conducting insulation, or di. stead of all four. changing expectant glances; Ben Mil- electric, as it railed. I f told him this mainly in prepare - ler And Morris Beast helped them- A big eondenuer like this, just like tion for something about variable *rives to chips and began to play; a miniature one, keeps ort storing condensers which Ie planned' to dis- These were queer doings; the cos. -E static pressure until it is fully charge' cuss with hint later. I want Smith.: hardened onlookers prepared to eti- ed. It discharges when the two to tet so acetestomed :to thinking. in joy * mildly entertaining treat.' plates are connected and will even term* of radio that he will not have Sorel grins began to appear; the discharge armee a gap if the con- to stop and think it out when he 1* men murmured, they nudged one en -armee nectiona, frown the plates are held told to connect something in parallel other, they •slapped one *Maher ext near each other. The condone -4r is orin omits. There was a time the back, tor what they saw ,sten- then immediately charged in the op- when he used to stop and figure out (shed and delighted them. The girl posite direction and then discharged the potation of the gears on his ear. dealt swiftly, merely; asst hansSed the Is *hu. It- does this at a surprisingly � .,gam yea haven't told Vie what's in psrapher*alia of ties fare -table with rapid rate, within, a traction of at One of these MU* fined eondenri.re,' the ear+eleas familiarity of 3e prat. second, until it is fatly dbieharged, he any .aid. tic.; hat' stranger still, aim *shy- fit. as a pendulum will swing slower . biased a pare, a eertaiti risme*and and slower until it skips aiogother.' ',Mat the' simplest part about feiwialaa digs ty width were totally! Smith could then see dot a ore- 3t,"" I atrlswns.1 "Various Binds ars i, .. 1 denser lits in with the whole l thee* hood, lout if Yvon just pietism as Wises, ydiiarist a passe, A. alsaeat- , of radio. which its a eillativn. 14 watcher of fiat metal sheets separat- rahsdedly shdkd a setas* et ehipse ]esus pictured the peatosere and sa*t- ed hit a non-candaetarr which can the Meeks KW permitted his Leel• nettle waves of raise as sus oarilidtt- even 1>s an air *pace, y'a'ws seen Olt hugs to get the better sf Ids. ! sag rireult, and *am ,titia brief de- whale w arks. IC ie ,t so ism.h west "Passe[ gee fes * lats'se-thief!" he seaiptiaa of the condemnor or he could a + "enter is as +shat ft rices. *Ak wird. "W1 v ns loess at that!" ase Oat it was a natural aid to the :ext W..k, bio. sal: Twlstirrg for :Js'w the Media Kis! was a rib eW oo!l_n unset circuit, d Ditala. ebsrweier, prota*ltlt wee a pert #y Ncw I see wb>r s%wy tag. their (t opyright Iq# by The Unman Mm. sad blasphemy eeabeiltehed Ids i,% Ze not *and toollo sirs is O0 Testate Service) caaaai speeh. The ssiiiwees of Isis teNtat) Plates in radio Ida" he said, esehuvistioa *hewed treat he was"'D»y br-Pose the 10101 -fl++' smelt dee* eeevedite emyttsseesd is tied crf -sett rte Haat #t raw OS tkrualth 0h s :ry sates *d mtritit tewdieriese. "I seers restos vt the apop*estae *shoot ler- * cheap -wee that ovoid deet a beak. Inn ail tier avaikbi* onsrggn: ` t ss� but she midget pay and take. This "!Fine`," 1 was brood to admit. c /�f► s T o rtt A " Wiwi i On& s,. Zie/tvd# TORONTO. �. , d,. , ......11.00 p,m. Daily 'Arrive WINNIPEG - toms a.Tn. Seto-nd Daffy 'Arrive CALGARY9.25 *am Thins Day Arrive :VANCOUVER . - 9.00 Lau Fo trtk Day (*TANDA Dli USW Sava* a business day to Wigg and W.sis1"n Points • C*r e Ga"p11eu.zamt ., � t Curs rfstistt upon top ohoorrs best mr* tan=C*nsiallsm Pacific: itodcise between Calory aunt l+arineib l sit thehosperbsehli meestehm �riheateNe ir, ressolled Par Allis sats ilerelter is Ytwestes* MAT To s MOD TOOK X