The Goderich Star, 1926-05-27, Page 5organizer. Dir, MacGregor got his
Miss I.aundy was n) 1lingham for :tt. and lir... I. l.,ts;lt• Au ti 1isan temperance rhuit:=. ale,. e, and Miss Eagle, of Hamilton. were e
speech n early, in order to cutch g the holiday. , that they L,' plaerd in nuc
traits, and the balloting took so dmfs ,Miers Evelyn t"urrie, was a visitor gueatra at thr hnnte of Mee. Eagle's and Suttelac iitte(lss.
that the other - addresses were cut in Senforth. father, Mr. Wm. ( Eaagh' -1, *ver the This tomniit ha hue(• p:.:t s Ire• li'snappy
short. '►I R' 1 d f (•I holidsry urid D1rs. 1saglo t1S remain- rocar+lfrir: rise' tia:ir>k.,‘+rf till= +,+neolt• •
Redistribution Navin;; wiped out • lag ie oar icon Was up front ni- ing for the week. •
ot '(• o tEs • 16 . .T
t o the ],. lr o f c .( .
to on holiday.
• ,•'tura.
in St.. i
north rid-( t wasr
('entre Huron, making the rid -
Miss Dorothy :sir, ilattey uty fur tit.: dinner and Nu;i;rr }n„cidtd: Footweair
ing the same (or Dominion and pro y IlelI visited i1 \Vind' oar Dionday. ixin{g accompanied en anti ter th( thuroit otiitinlri Inc the us(
vincial purposes, it was proposed by Far over the week -aid, bis return by his wife and babe. Mr. ,)f the tditue11 to the atttnnistt for his
Morgan Dalton to merits the two Miss Florence Didbney was in Tar- and Mrs. Jilin ('utt, his parents, ay..' presence and serve e. WO also ex-
New Spring. otwear
riding organizations. Discussion unto during the week. , toinpanied him on his visit to St• prose our. hearty appreciation Inc the
was not completed for leek of time, et. Martie Salkeld was n visitor Marys. i! Att) retire in
organization far the eom4ng year. Prof. and Mrs. John Robertson and brought the ('om:Option by the 1:c•v. STYLE
• Curiously enough the organization.Mr Stuart Mille Toronto tray a son, Mr. Grant Iloberteon. of Tnron- W. W. Peck. A vote of thanks was•
s. which .is to 'carry on in the
s vowing et•ovinciat campaign Is the ' M. Lanai 1\. Ii. IL ,Ia'rtsx)ta and '"» (rvit a t'nurltrl of 1lurutr t'.luttty for
executive, of the North Huron Taber-
spent the holiday in town. DiiaFes Ruberte*at. the past too yews. alto to Mr. A. T.
a1 Assoeiatiiiu, as t•onstituted for Do- Dr, Mabee is out of town on a fish- Dir. Alex, Hume (ilia(' up from teener, who has been site'°rtury of
minion pur•po?e9, and of which (,or- ing trip in Northern Ontario. London Monday night and Tuesday ,this Association and ut tis eiy ewe*
dc,n Young is head. Marc curious Miss Ulive' Robertson waq hGtnc attended the Liberal convention in td in the prei+ltutiuu of tc mperauare
still, the 'federal orgtanlxcr, 1)untan 'broad Toronto fur the holiday. \Vin;,httm to report it for 'Phe Adccr• sentiment ,1f Haat quality throughout
''tsarshall, dropped in and took •tom. Mr: Scott McNally was) over from' titer and afterwards went r;n to the rsgnty,
i plete Charge of the proceedings, leav- , Flint, Mich., for the holiday. Stratford to report flat aesstc,tis: of • f 1n ” nautien of loco. t ". J. AIa,): f
While the voting was in progress, a from TGrontu for the Holiday. air. acid 'lints. Aiexander di'tche'd, .the :cepa of the tomaaittee, tel a.
d d '
holiday visitor yin town. r to, were .guests of i'rt.f. Robettsen s tendered by ,lir eQnlEnatinu to Mr. Q U'ALI T Y
forth- Dirs. John /lardy of Walkerton brothers and sisters.• the Messrs. A..,o , (,. ;lined, prt'..Ifient e,e the : t,,eal
and PRICE .
You are
invited to shop at
ing Nelson Parliament. Mr. hmtlair y Miss Margaret Strane was u•1 •the i.unden Conference. limo' anti the Rev. Mr. ;4heytpartl, •
lieutenant,the background
but the meeting eottillroniiaed on onesclear concise forceful ine::�age
at London lost weeks
motlt,n was submitted by Mr. Mor- Mr. Ernest Pritchard motored up of -Toronto, formerly of (.oder•ieh. whr,lc' ,dart adopted. The Square Photxr 43W, ton, of 1Vingham, that the eonven- 'from Woodstock for the week -end. (hit. announce the enfpagetut•tat of :1 Who, t•1
o, l^„a't c tr tic' r..2aor :: i :.
Hort pledge $.500- towarde- electron ex- 'Mies Hazel ltartaell • nae Lone their eldest daughtei, Lila Jeanette, will be t;ivc•l1 iac•i,t %t•ea. K
The nnnar dab the s►nriralled
The Trouble Wi l) WiyEs license fee, the payment of a .num- ped, and on a second ballot the Wing- Miss Hazel Raynard is visiting aat tending the meetings of the Lond•un them no to what srhouls taro faith. ir'potation or.ruitty- Ilse Goods,
(olticren(r m Stritfard thli tank
"Sherlock Sleuth"
afIttaR$j<i7,AY.*4Y firth. laid
Sample 'Sale
nut- whilst)* trait
7 ; ,.. •
�. ; -14111411111111411.414111114411p me,wrUUU
Woke iota s4t'_ia* in Rangy leewlersiid'i. said *avast
saetten X, re
lots in to he il#ieisd to tin wiirry fes Om
A. seetlsa IX; the plans event of his ssapeses• Alines Comas,
have 'been prepared accordingly, and Ming at Was treenent is t i rennin,
we reform tend that the plan he weeded the preronal aad Daataran
'adopted and lots offered for sale. Marskall gave it his Waging, but
We are raising each of the posts at leiter: the chairman called for a show
the cemetery entrance one foot, and es Landis none were visible in favor.
ere building two mote similar stone I Mr. Comma was the Liberal caatdi-
posts, (at each side of the entrance. date in 11128, polling about heif an
lere herewith submit sketch of a`inanY
votes es Sheldon Bekker, V.V.
'� Curbing 8z8 inrkes a1(1u»ti plot is O., and the latter 304 fewer titan
continues all this week (court House park eenteining tke i John Joynt. It was pointed out that
, Soldiers' Monument, sheaving a walk a t*rmer eandirtats would he likely
. to the monrment from the east side; i to garldsr more ballots in rural muni-
the rest of the plot enclosed would cipalities than a town resident, even
be tilted Ind as nice green brass! it he failed to damage the ('onetrva-
With every SoC imam R1' over lawn, frith two flower beds trade, tiro majority to urban conkers.
the Horticultural Society agreeing to The balloting eves to have been a
provide flowers; and we recommend
free-for-all, too, but somebody got up
MANY SPECIAL PRICES that the idea be carried out under and insisted on the delegate system.
the supervision of yOrr committee. whereupon the representatives were
Your committee has hada request seated by municipalities and their
from the Children's Horticultural
chairman handed out the ballots,
Society for assistance in providing 'The t ti
appointed as del-
Campbelrs Drug Store garden plot for children's work, and gates to a meeting of the provincial
executive in Toronto next Friday,
A I we recommend that this matter be Airs.
left in the hands of this committee Gordon and
Young, the candidate;
« Young and Mrs. 1:te candidate;
Phone 90 Code 'xch with .power to act. -
The special committee reported as ,t�SAEic L
t�rl follows : We recommend thet the
. . • . R A 1•\ billiard and pool room 'license of Mr. Mica Bessie Grant, of l,eeburn,
T . H. open THE TOWN iL
A Bag of Samples FREE -
Mood be renewed, the room was •home for' the. 24th. ,
to be o n to view from the street, Miss Anna MaeKenzie, of Toronto,
also that the bowling alley license spent the holiday a(her home •here.
ot M Wood ooa bo renewed. We are Mr. Harry West and Dias Isabel)
' asking for samples ° and prices on
and will report at Grant were home ord. the weekend.
Woe a Air. J. E. Tom visited our echoed,
B, No. 3, an Tuesday of this wee.: .1,
Regular a �,]�
Regular • Session fast Week W H lid neige uniforms a
Rain or Shine you will need an
We have purchased a new stock of black and colored Umbrella also
a few lines for the kiddies at exceptionally low prices`
You must see these to appreciate the valued -wa ars off.trine.
An Umbrella is always .a very ustf ul and ac: ptat)lc gift.
Are you taking advantage of our Wednesday, Morning Specials'?
neXi. motor.. ] l
on Thuisday . The public works committee re- n� � ` r
ported as follows; The dump We are pleased to welcome Mrs.•
DominionDay Celebration -to
ground has been cleaned and put in. A. T. Henderson again to our com- _.•_-
Committee condition,. and Mr. Buck has been en- utuntty: from Port Stanley far the weak al7d. } to Dir. Vaughan W. Pelt"
of De»' Improvement
• the balance. of rho year for the sum rho sights of the circus in Gaderteh f Ai J W. \,°natter the evening of June 8th tt Toronto. way
Plan fa
. now. a 111. bee.
The regular meeting of the 'town Anglesea street, ,frame with paroid comiitend that` the petitton be re-. •
Rev. Mr, 1Vhitham,. of Waterloo, • Ditss. Adelaide Nairn arrivad.hohte their sister, Mrs. ini, Pollock. On teiln,
g turned and if no further signatures last'nigitt from an extended visit in, .. ,++
council was• heli on Thursday last roofing. took charge -of the aervices-in Ash- their way they will visit Mrs. Reids I atter, Ilut figw can .1' mak,}
with all the ttlembers•present. , A regtost from the Lions Club for aro obtained', that another petition fioronta. two stns; Stanley and Wesley .Reid, them hrtntl•e rict•i•1' Y"
The tax collector reported the fol- p u of swings in Victoria' for the 'vest half of • the' block be .field church on Sunday,•
the putting ., p os- made out ' The U. F. W. 0, Music Club .met • Dir. Clarence Johnston; of Detroit, el Toronto.
lowing collections tom• AprilandHarbor Ills .gond 'I
gaged to look iter the promisee for Quite a number from here took in.• troit. The marriage to take place i "Do you still love me the same ok]
Aixa. eene, of Toronto, is the guest. g ,,,
r Crease Plot and Border* Around Soldiers' of 110. We find that the petition last Friday. ' c Mrs. "No, drag. I've got better ideas
Di Jos.Salkeld and Miss Martie Airs.. Russell Reid, •of Gotterieh,
Memorial, with Curbing: Approved ,� Mr y Boyd, Salkeld spent the holiday at 1 irk- an Mrs. 1
'is: not sufficiently signed, and
for sewer on Lighthouse street from
as 1 Bo d of Toronto is rs, e d i s Nelson Graham of Shep- new."
Wellington' street to Wellesley. street visiting her brother, Mr. Chas. 13oyd,
par on, leaf today (Thursday) for 1 'lard Stunt
we re of Amberley. btetlinl;r 1Iastin;,a county, to flail Iloeto.. ]Ail bitatlnng kills. ac
f 23rd H be Parks as sawn asp at the home of Mrs. Dave tewart ornnto, vas• . uut. �ruudi� . nnounre(•
to Aiay 7th: X923 taxes, $500; 1924 sible was referred to the cemetery The water, light and harbor coin. S the week end lit 1 } d ;,ht M J B } Tho Bey' ! o
tt recommended that the Water. on Wednesday of last wool. p y
at.'the breakfast t ib1 that he had
visited at the parental Moine over Sirs, John RutclitTe T
res 641.76; and arks committee. mi ee re ommen a e a er et her ar" or, Mrs. os. ra tc •
' taxes, $127.80; • 1925 taxes, $ , a p Mr. Donald. Uauglas spent flu'' rite' the holiday. She was aEt nui` tamely l • ily duna� }tis, 'i ,+ud trn' for tli
1924 Oil, .,$x1.19; 1925 oil, $3:46, dog p request from Air. David Mcll- and .Eight Commission be requested Miss ••Annie: MacDonald and Lain week -end, tat rho residence of ilev, l partied by her tan and daughter-in-
aughter in- e
res, $20; total, $1,194.25, --This wain for permission to install •a gas- to install a street the corner MacKenzie, of Stratford Normal and Airs. k'. C. Elliott. I law, Air, and Mrs. Wm. Rutclite and - dal." , +
d t k Newgate of Eldon and Bennett streets School spent the 24th with their par uu a t teem oar,, , t it tl►it . tttorn
was referred to the finan
ce commit- olive pump a ae on ' Mr. George Hart and Sera.. Hart, two children, and by• another son, '
tee: street in front of the National build• These reports were all adopted. oris here.. int;, grid ,lli. father.
a of Halifax,. were recent .guests at the Mx: Richard • 'Ratcliffe. Dir, Henry, +'()h, ULF.3 the •ply, . "but It
The Mayor' advised the council ing was referred to the pablic works Moved by the Reeve, seconded by, Air, and Mrs, Jno. Gowan and b1r, 'Victoria street parsonage. cf Toronto, also . was a guest with
Councillor Lee, ;that the street in.' and Airs. F. U. MacLennan and Mr.was ctuite (aUy. Old 311•• and lure.
that the committee. appointed had committee. . Dir. and lttrs..1. Walker, of lineal_ Mr. and Dirs. Brophey. , ,
interelewed Mr. Robe. McKay and A petition for a iencrete sidewalk, .specter collct $2 from Dir. IL Bates U A MacLennan attended the anni- +Smith were telt their way, to catch
Min y e
• ton, y guestswith
theofferon A,nglesea street from Victoria st. or paymentof town removing ashes versary services in the Presbyterian
were holida w t Mr.• the 7,45 •nh and the • were afraid
officially thanked him for ' and Mrs. E. T, Watson. , - Rev. A. Macfarlane' and Air, (:..Elliott they wuuld n7t•, s It, so f $12 000 towards the '•eonstruetion to North st. was presented and, .on p aced on ,Bruce street by Mr; Bates, eburcii in Wingham last Sunday. I?ungannon in (olliaiap at Clinton •
d I d i
1 let the bull- a .
o u ,
of new town hall motion of Councillor Lee, seconded, _Carried. Sir. Diervyn Cowan;• of Jersey City, Mr. and Mrs, R. N. Merritt; of ,dog ruse and they to rit.ed .at the
$ Clinton Nowa-Record: An • auto •
The following application for by the $eerie, was referred to the . Moved by the Reeve, seconded , by motored. to `leis old home hero last • Kitchener, were Bursts iaf Dr, and at Station •jt •er in.•tient;"
ermits were referred to Public Works Committee. + the beputy Reeve, that the' •matter p>inied by his MTs' J. M. Irteld an the holiday, eoriner;n oectncdthe (hzn olut;hwas ia -----
- ��~
:building permits
week, He was accom y . ' 'Worse and Worse '
idle fire commtttiee with power to act she following petitions for road of arranging far Dominaan Day cele- little daughter, who will remain with Miss Jeffrey Luxton, of Australia,. . cross, Huron and Albert streets, on
�' .. From. ,John -„Fell, oil wore referred to the •public bratron be. referred to the .special her grandparents for the summer ie visiting her cousins Mrs Wrn Tuesday morning, Mnv 11th, when Shindy aft,', Iii irtcii);ttarit neigh-
. intourgent rase_. conworks ' committee; - On - Newgate. Committee. Carried.- - g p
to li ngle south half of dwelling'
ftei \V: E. Stothers to reship le: on Britannia road, from south street des' by. Councillor McLean, that the •• into -the:• Rev. A. Macfarlane, Who and called her sail.
from 6 • • onLi _hthou e • street matter of securing sand, ordering : of;Mee hundred, of the friends and family, of Essex,• were guests of Mts. was driving north on Albert street._ . "William," she said, "11rs: Crabbe
garage lin 'smith side' le Trafalgar to isVate g s and applyingneighbors of the family :of Ex -Reeve Mallotte's parents, Mr; and Mrs. ft. Mr; 'Macfarlane had noticed the ear here: tells. ire that you -called . her an
street. with .cedar . shinglese front a: from Montreal to .Waterloos on Tra- reed rill and tatvia, be Prank Jphnaton met at $heir• hGme Clark. coming uj1. Heron.. street .and }ma
Whitten to reside dwelling on Eldon fidget street, from, Victoria to North referred to. the public works •corn -old foul, Did- +►
and on Britannia road from South mrttee tiv]th power• to act, Carried. to bid . them good-bye end spend: a • • Miaa Amnia Campbrll, frvtit the of- stopped, to allow im to cross. The „y,es,att. ,
street and to re -roof with .cedar pleasant social evening, The even- fico of the. Railwa and Municipal
al other rnan, rat expectin(,r hixtt. to do "'Well," ;sighed the distracted moth-
-shin leis' from"rTlios, -Pennington; to street. to: Waterloo street. ltioved by the` Reeve, .seconded by was spent in' tlsrncin^ . The
social Y p this, had decided to pass behind bion,
y A .communication from Mr. B. J. •Councrilor Sproul; 'that the mattex mg p Board, Toronto, was home over the with . the result : that he struck him er, = 1 ram ',clad tau• aro trdthful."
res 1On the eve of their departure from Tait and Miss Luxton Keays St.
on'Cambriaroad with cedar shingles; street, from Cambria to Albert stse Moved',by Councillor Bailie; sewn- Alin ld t 1 e in God p h upwards
d M d D1 s S Diallotte and
Air. C. Elliott, . of Dungannon, .who bey w'ou'an hall gone into the Brown
' 'as.:going east on Huron street, ran hr,ma, Mrs. -Brown came to the door•
•s 'e o iv eric u w r s rr an r
rebuild kitchen at dwelling on South of
arran in games which were 'en3oyed by Il
Saints laskrng for a; reduction in $ g for tourist camp holiday.
street .of frame: with cedar shin
gles; a 'During the evening hroadeide: Mr, - Miacfailane's car • And now she wonders why Mrs.
road oil charges a dinar his vacant grounds and putting grounds in g y London 'Free Press Air:; J D was considerably damaged and x u E Tran t ,peak to hrr.
from Miss Lily tVhttely, tat recover act s re w a read h b f d t h p b presented with the followings address Wilson, Huron street is* in :Goderieit Elliott's ear .sustained some .damage 1••
part f roof store K t property on E street a s 11 H h d 'tt i that •
o dhkl by CaEtneiillor Bailie was teat
sec. tided'b • Cou• it • . Family flit. duel ,its. ,Chapman, of Whig- tunately no one was hurt
4 y n1 for Turner, that It ' with feeling f ham, were at the home of Dirs: Chap- Ale concerned. A °hilctt. moiEnHto'
clition to dwelli on souths' Trusts Corporation, stating that the
t; ids of
the faultily was d d , lei -'Cr bb . di c
shape ere erre o r e u lie'work' '
of Councillor Turner, and parks xommittee with power to a p y°libiral.• purse of this, week;
cccon allied b -a
o r o on ore on rngta oft a, )licit with DS Mee-- ' well, c owever, a mi et a
stret, with rock -faced' patent toot; and, on motion •money. ' Th
,: `not: --Carr
• • Fav ', ,e was .in t e 'wrong and said he a use of Miller's Worm Powd-
• Donald. •
Magi • froom• B. -with
'Dole;, to `i'e=roof ra i ' ,To Dir* and bits --Frank Johnston and
Park s ' ith y , refea'red' to 'the' finance ' eomMittee. we's'
by Councillor' sCi,aigie
/loose' wi cedar • shinfflea, .
-from M. J • Reid, to make small ad -
would take good the damage, • Fore erg ,insures healthy children so •far
+t h
A letter' 'from the Toronto General
t, as t e oddments ttttributahlr to worntei
ea +► Anderson with a $10 rebate off the tions and to gather infer:m*0.'1' fi. m
the public works committesr look into is. A ee ing o deep regret ,
eh r of 3 r .cent. 'for handiin the matter fixing � _ painting and tli t orf 'end d, rhb •mans• father, Mr. A. Saunders, for '01rpecoate; gagm n) BY among children is ti omble to
a ge. pe Ralways
a wo, y u ra s qr nrtt ors the holiday. HURON PROHIIIITIONIS'TS w.orti1a: These Sal'+the seen th• of
- the ' 0. W. S. R•. funds,• wet; the tegu •decorating• house on garage property
learn of your. departyie from aur t f g
• lar charge' and was agreed „ upon in' with a view • to renting dwelling and
contmpnity. to live in Gaderich, Fou , ,
have always' proved o r lyes to be spending his vacs
bit. R. DI. Weekes of Toronto ig -w--- n ants so that •they ere unable tn•
tion with his par- 'The following oflkers neve elected maintain the battle for life and sue.
'919, was referred tci the finance raport.�-'t`a led.' . mei y µ se outs, Air. aril bits. \Vm. \Pi•ekas, at the prohibition .r lly held in cumb to weakness. This p eparation •
o e
•.;_._...:�.__ T.he council ta,p„ na;ru,.,,..a ghrs -of the eery highest type, - - ' ---- � _ _ .............�:_._ _.. ,. ,_. .. ..
A petition from the Bell Telephone REEV>r ROBERTSON IS that help with eheorfuliieas. In the Mr. and Mrs St: George 'Price and Hot'. President. tibVEltTI$ld .IN TIIIv 97' 1t.
Co., asking for permission to• erect- i capacity of councillor anti a cove, Mr, daughter, : • Diiss Laura, and ' son, ter; President, F.. Bender, Blyt•
h; ti ice ..
• a •number of poles iii various parts I�iBERAi. 11iOMINI:E
Johnston,_ you have showed your ere- Jack, were visitors in .Detroit, dun'
' Presidents, G. 1%1. Islifett, G,os'erich;
>!. S. S,aisage, bcaiorth, J. 11. :tic- ���•���eii �✓T
North Huron Liberals 13eId, Convene r
rred. to aha .public works •nient. The U,F;'.V..0.,, is losing in Mr:. and Mrs. E. A. Cox, of St: Lean; Nippon; Mrs, ' A." McGuire, I:OR .I~LETCHiER'$
• tion in \Vinghaln• oh Tua�day Brussels• -.n. '1', ('nu cr ('i'nle't; r
x. urtre ase . or paymen who will bo early inlssea b her • Mrs. A B. (earl, B yt , oung eo-
ta the G. +C. I. board of $2000 for There was. no great scramble for fellow members. 'In cominlr to your dei f oC th a fast or e s brother, -Mr. Al- p y • •; Blyth,
lE s becrRary 1) • Dtelnt rE
Jame 1st; payments.—Referred to e,. h • home it has always been err ha y rcprtsEntat»c s o 1 cmtia. e1
of 'the town and to shake changes
WEEK OF MAY 31 to ` JUNE 5
Monday and Tuesday •
with Mary Carr and Lew Cody,
in a wise and witty . tale of wo,
,man's most gorgeous folly. -
"A Slave of Fashion"
"The Sea Scamp"
Wednesday Thursday'
• entre. ability and good sound )ud1,. in6 the week y
was refs
edlttmittee 141rs. Johnstgn •a . 1aiuIy111e. worker Thomas were vrstterii over the .holt- C+ A �S T O R 1 A
M J'P H kdf � t ,. 1•hnT , �,,
th ;t a 2lberad nonunatron in North Hur- 1 • , f i 1• - ti; eth
' 'finance committee: • on at Cha convention .in 1Vinghant on Ieasure tc en ov the ha» fe lop - Tor. and,. Dirs. ('actor 'rued son, of uoe 011, ;. 13enroll, \\'in;;ttam; ' ,nth
A Ietter• from `8. B. Coon & Son,
Tuesday, rho .preliminary list was = $ ip and kind her italit of the ew- Brandon; :Bain., spent the week -end fiutk,n, i', Huevey,- L'xete ;urns., A.
enclosing their account for $700 for a free-foriol, which took in some tire family. We wish• you te'accept with Mr. <'aitcr's brother, South st„ }h: Ilob t`on, Gi�di ih; ecy, :Nits, P j 5v to
with the new town- hall proposition, aT a e as to,include Duncan Mar- _ rreriation of our devoted services, • Miss Doris; Jefferson, R.> ., of I'c• were else approvetl'as }icrtn,lis to re -
was. referred to the finance commit- shall, federsfl organizer, Dr. W, F'. in the past. and wee hop,. that this gift
tt idle, wets a guest with her parents. present the Political Action Commit•
tee. Callow, ex -mayor of Goderieh, allow- will recall fond memories of Ashfield Rev. Selby Jefferson and Mrs. Jeffer• tree 't*r :c,.rt•h anil South Huron.
The finance committee recommend- ed his name. to'stand, and Abner Cou. to you in your new home. . son, for the holiday week -end. The report oi' file resolution cunt --
ed the filing: cf the tat' collector's sons, of 1lmgham. find Reeve, Char- Signed on. behalf•of.your friends Sir. and :4lrs 'trictor nett rand tile,' niittee read es follows: Ie view of -
architectural services in connection ti 11 f th d t s gift as a slight token of our
en route to Montreal.
e cans o e par ty an went as hI p- A. - T. (bone'•, ('Tinton:' Nix .. names
J $SE i,. LASKY and txeasuier's statements, the gay- lQs .1. •e„eltsan. of ('o1�,nnrr town and neithbor•s.y Henry Williams, Of•Walkerton sient the ullpuuattne+t:.hy tlat�. tonventwn
mont of tr further sum of $300 to the
ship, left the matter rather mdefln-
the week -end with -their mc,ther, Mr -i, we 1'e(•(ttumend that 'tiic duti's of",tie
David Bell, Britannia Road, Young Tropic's ('ounty Secretary be -A,
•" - - t•., ferrel' fund with our Souris • I
presents , a great all star picture, ublic librar board on their nee ire; so the convention -balloted upon
which is the answer to ntoSt do- ' grant, the issuing of a license to ped- all three. Mr. Robertson led with 46 - LANES
mestic difficulties dla coal oil and gasoline to -Mr. T. J. votes; Dr. Gallaw had ,72 and Die t bouts turd 1 ouny I ruple s ota;apiru•
1' ord coU a Jeffersoil and Ui 1\ I3 ittie rue at -
Mr.: Bill Alton hes 'purchased a Ret..:tiesel:e, a e% t lark,.* .mi h. 1 r y
Cosens 31: The lower man was drop- p ' •
Friday •and Saturday . • ''
the human thunderbolt in 'a riot-
ous, thrilling howl of rnerril/tent,
with a shivery widrd plot
tape Tirrt4 f • . -
last meeting.
r of accounts, that U: iLlcIlwain ham man's supporters divided about \Valtex A]tons: , fully tarrying out: the temperance • Free betnonstra.tion• oncl,Displa,Y,
pay rent for part sof the National
evenly, --giving Robertson 02 and .Gal- . Mrs. Frank Irwin visited at Jos, •, Miss Bessie Cotter, elf. • Toronto,�re au,, ,r,e,nr•e a tf out ee.afe cele educe
building • on • Newgate street at the lose. 48•' ' The result was made initial- Smith's at St. Helens recently in town spending her vacation- with tli>1i [nil t+ Itrrr env fail to err cul it a at .Hotel . Redford,. GDQERICH
t •c•:r r.ttn•.t e,: nit .,.,1 . ..a..) to iiV-
- mous. Mr” Robertson farms 'use Mr. °'nil Mrs. 1Vm•. Weekes, Burr n•
• I •
rate of $fi.Gi6 per' moltth from Diay` ° j Our teacher, Myra MacDonald, R d •1. •'1
1st, 1926 in advance; •duel :reported south o8 Carlow and has served a •spent. the week=end with her fends on , bio tti, l lawn •to net -home ear up among our yeuter . people a
that the treasurer's nd fors $10,000 number of years - in the county coun- in Lucknow,
r -- short1y.
lspla•ndid. temperance so'r't.
had been renewed t'o est of may, cid. Last year he was warden, • • "Dr. and Mts. II. A. Colborne, of; A fu'1'revel't u; ,lir eeerie peolee t:
Those who withdrew their names Mr. and Mrs. Sam. 6 con.
visit- Blyth, were in town 4)11 Tuesday mein '.Itir:+ :timer 1i•..,p,r:nce lines fin
1921. were: W. 1f. Robertson, editor of ed friends on .the• 6th con. one 'day are leaving today. (T•huresdny) for la be ;•t•.:i+•a:ted et th'•'r nr••., celerity
The fire committee reported hay- last work.
ing granted building' permits for all The Signal, Goderlch; Gordon Young, Mires Lizzie Alt::n has spent the visit to Mrs. (•olborne's forms r home ' i,+,asl :.4.1* . ice t trill 4 1; 'r••1•. a
applii+a"tions referred to it t the of Colborne, p1•esident of the Riding in' Indianll. '\\'e re •omnla•nd that.' the 'iletiva of
mer Alton's.
n . • Associatio; Hugh Hill, of (Aherne; rasa three weeks at her brother's, 14,1-
Mr, Cleveland "Tirhbarni•, Walker. the' i'nlitirtal Ac•iort• r'r,nunittee for
-The remoter and•}iarke committee Morgan Dalton, of . Kingsbridge; ville, spent the week -end with ists+ Iluien (',.int} be tis wro that the pro.'
trlIse Bees Knees" too recommended that Air. Wm. J. Charles Stewart, of Ashfield; Are}i. A number of the people of this paaents, Anglesea st. He returned gram of the (ii vineial T,ntperan(r
"Path Review"
Johnston i., ,.fated ilislon.. ex-M.P.; Duncan Marshall o t
c n bun ty attended the funeral of by mot•)r on M(dulay, taking Ws 'inion be fully backed no and curried
j"`- -`� and John McN'ab, of Grey township. the late Dins• James Borland. The
tree from his plot in Diaitland reme-
Matinee: Saturday at 310()
Coining The Phantom - of
m` eery. as requested, and that the cent- Speakers of the day were Alex. Mac- vier was held from the United
the { Gregor, late' opponent of Sir Henry
mother with him.
nut in : mewing t•aitdidatc• , for the
church, Lueknow.
Dir. John 1Cn11ts • v.•aa home frotat munttipat, provintial and dominion.
etery sextons report be tiled and ' '
'reported as follows; ' We have had Drayton in West York; A. P. Mewhin- SEP
�,•}• t �r DIINa :clarion Tree and Me. I:i•Ilt':4t 1\e recommend that. this (•*nvett-
\V at Ellice; • Mrs, J. H.,
LE W 11rf �`1 tiro- >
Purdy, of Tot uta• Duncan Marshall Miss (oral ( roper was home from " " )laced in all tow public schools, b;- `-
and ,Nelson Parliament, provincial Varsity. u r and fain€1 proper authoriti,., the 4'a:,adiauiv+•,1 •
Toronto University, fol• the holiday. rtpreaentativee Inc Government.
Thursday, June : 3rd
!'irrf U.,n'nwea"1'•• P: 1 1)t tit rue-
t.n1'e W1111 '100 1,+•t, retail'. proof
1••t,1-.nt' •
'1'i 4e•i,ln,t'e M, h n'�,1.•, et the
hn•t•' 1.•.' anti, 1411111Nnt.
The W. T. Pemher Stares
1'J'a Y 'i -e tic ,
nay, Di,L.A., F I ee Tatontrr v°orf' hnl►dav vlt rt i tion ut.,t that t3tt pv b( taken •t+, UV( •
y •G 'with their parents. i '
will be held in the
Fiiday,May28th, 1926
at 8 o'clock p.m.
for the purpose of organizing a
Celebration Gomml .ee
Dominion Day
ID 1CH I t J. A. MiteEWAN, Maier
I I 1I111IIII 111 III I, IIIIII II, 11 I 1