The Goderich Star, 1926-05-27, Page 3TIM!HEArf►'!r', NU rihe1*
-� •.a,111ttr1yip1 q MI M rl Il t,Nrwippl Irrird,n
Omen sr faititheein
Mises WSW flay sr SHOO
Ressem„ sr snit diem as it is rarer
only tan, is ea• of tie tract ague*
Jog •t all akiu dial• se.
he intone berelag, %adage anti .
awartiag,are exp d t e Olt to beet,o Wit
tie poets *1--
auet aabesnbis sad tailed is greatly'
MT own *ta s toll msatiwt
rank we bow of is
• . 11 SII1IIE1I LI 111 1111 i ,Il . 111111111111111111111111111nu 1111111 P 1111111111 11 111 illi it I I
t r ...J,.......RR 1 Mt-
lieiissd was s most lenble teles. - ureas er soil. 'therefore. it remains
He was. gsgaightt inns mess tat all for the grower to sheens bulks which
r 1 mss. *ad is ere ebeeluiely healthy and fret from
iisrlRiott, wick a quiet sense Q' the disease and always to be on
humor and a kindly tolerance for th Guard to ase that no diseased encs
t ass of hansanity." eraish seo are ever plentod. '.the te►yc�elium
ricketFrom Our t 1 Ilea eche reinsert sad liking of ail (views) of the fungus tan live in the
with whom he tame in contact. H• soil for a number of eesrs, tkeref:.rt� t
I _1101.. 11Il1,l I
Peri ewolfatedelart later life had been spent in the cora- le curried by ax adopted daughter should it ever be evident that much
-- and Mrs. J. Stoddart, of Code- mwtlty• premed away twelve years ago. am sire to refrain from planting Gladwh
Miss Mabel, Mrs. Harland having disease e\iata it Wight be to advant-
rich towns! ip announce the mar- DreaLh of OW Witur eat Reil! leaf by the fallowing reephewtl and nieces on the same plot for a p.riod of four
rine of their daughter, Olive, to Flsther Virtue, °relict of the late W. J. Harland, of Guelph: A. T. Her rearsewhen the my.elium natty poo.
Mr..le: R. Perham, of Detroit. Mr. Report Breen, cue of'' to oldest land, Hrs. Ifeayan, bits. Pstge, Mrs sibly have pexished.
Nappies to New Zealand and and moat highly respected residents Grant and Idiot Iris Harland, rf i` Mere could be known *bout the
British Galeas of Wingham, passed away recently troit; Leonard J. Harland sled Misses life t f the Hard Rot disease of the
The Clinton Knitting Company in her lard veer. She was born in Marion and Amelia Harland, cit "au.. Gladioli. flow long can the fun is
uta their Hest shipment of hosiery Fermanagh, Ireland, Jan. 6th, 1833. onto. live in the soil' •Can it live upon
to New Zealand a couple of weeks She ice survived by six sons and three other bulbs, or tubera or upon any .
ago and last week received a large daughtextt, namely, W. J. end Mrs. other host`.' What is the percentage
ceder from George own! British Gui- saeJ. E. Fortune, of Palm Beach, Fla.: ' H1t1'h q �,@� of losses annually from the disteee'.'
b •h as Mrs. J. J. Johnston, Sault Ste. Marie; Of this we are certain there e two
A. wind Geo. He ' if Geoid Rapids, GLADIOLI % ltd the corm stage. a to
anal the South American
'rids piegaintiaa iwl beat, oe Lha -
'taA.ei pet 47 sad. wilt
ds Were els#m for it.'
�i or dodo tall, it, . Put n
ally by Tike T .wgwra 0o,, Lboites o
and elle event was a huge ouxesa 'menorah was a as the mentioned. ere arc Tee
and it behoove* %elm Provincial
MUSIC from every standpoint. Mr. Spence, Monday morning, May lith, about two stages of the Hard Rot disease, and Federal Departments to invest!
asst a Chas. A., of Milwaukee, Wms.; Thos. THE 31.1811 ROT DISEASE OF stages of the disease, the leaf stage
coming without solicitation. L. 111
C. N. Be Employes of "Oa" Miele; Re J., D. A.' and Mrs. W. A. H HenryJ Matesey of Cernell University should
(BY v Moore)d
Over 110 people sat "down to the pleat Wawsnailh Faraner I{illed VI'hen There are several diseases of the that these forms have a direct Ire-
si-m tuoua dinner prepared by the Horses luta Away Gladiolus, but none so destructive as lotion to each other.
the one known as hard Rot. Th bard t disease was imported
, Hold Banquet Mines, of Turnberry. be given the credit far the iscovery
1pdies for the C. N. R. Employee " ,s
Mr. Wm. otherafil, an esteemed a ro
banquet he In the Wiitf;ham town •�' Other diseases are dry rot and soft from Europe. L'itless control it ci-
• +resident of the township of Fast Wa-
'O+ hall on Tuesday a iiig, Delay ease
sot, but are not so serious a menace . ,teasel all plots will be infected.
h f tally wounded on h firsti ed Th
member f the, Brunswick quer- 11 o'clock when unleadtng stone. a corm stage a -
8 t t singing and Dr. R. C. ed for ease by Wallace during the period The culture of Gladioli has almost
finally thrown under the a Iaad when assumed the proportions of an in.
+ C. 11A�1ILTt� C-Urganist ,:ortli St, man and toastmaster. it upset and wag,•traiiled a distance. Wherever Gladioli are grown Hard drstry iflr Ontario and probably in
United Churc Concert' pia • f M J Sweet Exeter !tot may be found, and success in the other Provinces. Nowhere in the
a ion-
'PROF. W. 11. JACliSON-Ingtruetion a o arid a leaf stege. The gate the disease and tel take what
van in Voice Culture„• organ, tette, kept everything 'lively with His horses were frightened and balt1 name Hard Rot was given to the die- measures are recessere to control it.
Piano. ,�iolin, Guitar, Theo ., r o. community
freedom. 4r. Fothergill
Studio acid residence. North Street, Redmond was a motet capable chair- clung to them fora time but was 1909.18.
ger .Death o Mrs. as. He never regained consclowsness and
Ree deencee at lira, Calbomen , Stpeat• Mrs, James Sweet, one of thep rutted away about four o'clock on culture of the plant will in future de- world can the beautiful flowers be
nd more and
residence south of the village on Fri. is survived by his widow and three of vigilance exercised in the detect where can better corms be produced
McEwen's S
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 1 for list
A good teaspoon, King George design, ,Liven away with each
25c worth.
24 bars Soap, McEwen's special 31.00
6 cakes Palm Trees Toilet Sop for .23
3 lbs. loose toccja for .35
G lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable' for stock puiposes for .25
Just to hinda few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tea.
We will giye 1 lb. of this Tea, i lost bread, T,.;: lb. Biscuits
and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any packageTea.
Special price on large Flannelette Blankets
Special price on -Fancy Blankets
We are cutting the price on M.en's All Wool Underwear and
Men's Fleece -tined Underwear. �
Good Linen Roller Towelling 25c per- yd.
Good large Bath Towels 90e per pair
Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right
Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 1Oro off.
Frio del vary to an part of the Town.
' . 1. J. McEwen
PHOT E 4 A Selwstit Side Swore
rick'Street. eer residents of Exeter, died at her Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Fothergill m' more upon the amount gown to greater perfection, no- y ,. _. ”` - ./
f the disease anti in the appli- There are !:rowers of Gladioli who do not or will not for some reason
day, May 14th, in her 86th year. small children. Ile is a brother of .. 1" o '
She wee around as usual and heal r ra: D, Bell, Mr. A. E. Fothergill - cation cf measures of control. There -
VI. R. DARROW, and e f
of a hearty dinner and pile Arthur Fothergill, o ing- be f which are annually
o actual fl urea to show the
ham, 'lumbers o corms �1noest
''arrister, Solicitor, Notary I.l`c., few houra petard wast deceased ddwas - destroyed .by the ravages. of the dis-
a " oro in • The death took place on Sunday, money which is wasted by the plant -
Successor to J. L. Morn ly and
expire . e Death of Mr. Quinlan, of Egmondville _
Phone tel Mace, The Squatty a sults b thetownship of Hay and all ease or of the annual amount of
1�UDLE.Y R• H2OLal
Berristere Solicitor, Neterte
Pul)Ll0,. ;Conveyancer Eta.X
g . Id 16th at his home in Egmond in and care of diseased corms. It r
i4y g '� ►�.��.
C. IBS yiihe, of Mr. Jamea •Quieten, after =a ia, however, safe to say that were
lingeringillnerq extending over a the annual loss fairly;aeerrately esti.
Stomach Feel. Fine period of more than two years: 51r. mated the figures would stagger the
t,uinlan was horn in the County of reader. During 1925 cte plots in Ave
R, r. J. R. l'tiliSTl:li. _ Simple buckthorn bark, • gleceriue, ti'i'exford, Ireland, in March, 1841. different towns an examination of the
ate., as mixed in Adlerika,'often ]aQlps In MI5 the family carne to Canada, planta showed that the number of
Eye,; 1~4R, NOSE, THROAT. stomach trouble in TEN minutes by there being five girls and six boys, plants attacked varied between 6. per
tate Mese Surgeon tietv.'iorl:'Opli- removing GAS. Brings out a sur- of whom Mr. Quinlan was the young- cent. and 25 per cent.
thalmic and :lural 1 Ospatal, aseiatant at priSin$ amount of old waste Matter est and also the last survivor. They The Leaf Stage.—The leaf stage of
Moorefield's nye Hospital and Golden. settled at Woodstock, Ontario, nod the disease may be recognized by the
ere Threat llospltal, London, ale' you. never thought f was is your sing after a number 'of years moved to small brown discolored areas on the
,o waterloo -tit. 5.• Stratford. 'ccic- teed. Stops that full, happy•;bloatedfeeling-fleaves which appear in July and Aug-
ust. Yr,"I. ° and makes you and cheerful. the` fifth concession of Ribbert to
At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, do lheiExcellent for chronic constipation. the farm now owned by John Mc- asst. These areas deepen until late
evening of the third Monday of ascii' Adlerika works QUICK enol delight• Iver. `He lived there until his mar- fall when.they turn almost black,
;from 7 e'cioe1t till the f0110' 1. fully easy. CAMPBELL'S DRUG triage forty-five years ago to Miss The disease este its way throughthe
day, ituesdey, at i p:m •
STORE, Rosanna Carty of I•Iibbert, When he leaf until_ finally the brown or brown -
Registered Cbiropractor, Goderich
Oreille. Oresuit ant; Nervous bi,essos
Office hours --2 to a and 7'to'Ti p. m. -
end by appointment. eventing JToetiay
end Thursday afternoons and evenins5 ,
Office Ilours on these days 10 to 12 Wm..
Conner South .St. and Britannia ltd.
Ix. 'COLI;. R. O..
Won Street, Goderich.
Honor terminate of the Canadian Oph--
thalmic College of Toronto:
Eyes examine.! by the latest methods,
tndthe proper fitting of glassy, at mod-
erate prices.% Ontario Board of Exam- _
lners Certificate No. 875. -
't"rtHOelAS OUNDRY. -
1 4uctioneer,
• e ,
Lfi►e Stock and General
llaueittoe Staaet, Gnderieb
Saleamade everywhere and *II efforts -
vatic to give you satisfaction.,
Farmers' sale notes discounted.',
• IOlt.lined Auctioneer,
Iddon Street."Goder'ieb.
will conduct any ee*t iii tato Cutlets -of -
Huron. Forinfotttratrotr apply' to 1. J.
Ryan, itemitton 8t., o' "rners #eft with
trim will receive- promos *itent i.u.
'1: B.IILIF.:
NOT 1R3 ' 1'CBL:C
nencrat Gonvesarming done. •
Gond Companies Rraprex'ntei
Fmone No. 298. ` Goderich, (tint.
Bayfield, Ont. ,
lifcEILLOP s1UTUAI; FIlIS le set•
Value of property insured up to Jan-
uary, 1010 n3.019.975.00.
rime, Godericii; Jag. Evens. 1 ice -pt r Eir
let Beechwood; '1' k' Bays bee.
OCFIOER James Connolly, Presi-
Your ur -real
r`he - .day has' gone by`
-when any.merchant need
consider himself "a
small-town merchant."
Some surprisingly large
businesses are being con-
ducted - in the smaller
towns 'b- wide- awake
merchants who realize
that they can secure.
very wide distribution by
using Long Distance.
Distrbutibntis your' real
problem = not buying or
producing. If Long , Dis
tance will enable you to
materially increase your
sales practically bring
the distant customer into
your store . — as it will,
why' not. follow Henry
Ford's ° advice: " Don't
wait, telephone!" N
went to the farm now . owned by, ish red areas„ are visible on both
Montgomery "Patrick, In 1892 he sides, When the dead tissue of the
• moved to Egmcndville where he re- areas fall away as is sometimes the
sided until his death. His wife pre- case, , small holes are left in the
.f deceased him ,fifteen years. He is leaves which render, them unsightly,
survived by one eon, Mr. John Quite When the disease has been recog-
lan, of Egmondville, and by one n'zed the only thing to do with the
grandson ` plants is to remove and burn 'them,
• 1)prican Campbell , rood and alt, To allow them 'to re -
The death occurred- in Se;iforth an .main will but add to the danger of
•Thursday, May 13th, of Mr. Denman . infection of all the rlants which are
Campbell. who had suffered -a para- 'growing and may subsequently b:
is ase
ot. .The d e
lytic.'stroke a, short time previously, grown 'upon the p}
141 C bell ' his ei lit 'th`rd #ram thp,leaves may sooner or later ._
.01.42041 Jit
�•.' f,�Iv,
recognise the exietenee of the die-
- ease. The Scientists must show
them that it exists and what it will
ultimately mean.
The time may come when all pieta
of Gladioli will have to be inspeeted
by Government Inspectors to ascer-
tain whether the Gladioli disease. ex-
ists, just as in the case of the: in-
spection of fruit trees by the Pro-
vincial Inspectors, This will surely
come unless every grower trys to
control the disease on 'his cwn plot.
The incentive to control and the ad-
vice necessary will undoubtedly ac-
crue as a result of 'educational meth-
Mr: amp -was-•In i$.-Qig. y1 i ... ., ....
year and was born in Tuckersmitb infect the corms of other plants, It
township. After the death of has will be found that when the plants
mother, he went to •live ,in Grey town- are pulled out of the soil' that there
' Ship, where he was married'about 'are scareefy any live loots.
fifty years ago to Miss Jane McDon- The- Corm Stage.: The brownish
ald, who° : predeceased• him sixteen black colored spats on the corms
years: Fora number of years after with supken centres are the lesions
disposing of his farm in Grey .town- of the hard rot disease, As the dis-
ship, the, family lived in Egmond- ease extends the spots become larger
vale, where Mr, Campbell was care- and as' the tissues are killed the dis•
taker of Egmondvine church for eased areas sometimes become so
some time and he was also an em- hard that they cannot readily be cut
ployee of the CanadaFurniturefact- with a knife. The writer has seen
ory for 15 years. Twelve years ago cases in which the lesions have coal -
he came to Seafarth. He is survived coal-
esced to the extent that the. entire
l by one daughter, bliss Jennie Camp-
bell, and at home. totally lifeless mass. The disease is
Passing of W. S. Harland •
caused' °by -a fungus whose roots or
mycelium spread in the soil and ulti=
On Saturday'Morning, May 15th, mately,infect the. corms grown there- :•
one of Clinton's: oldest .ate, -•most in. Sometimes when lifted from the
highly esteemed citizens crossed the soil the' corms will hardly show any
Great Divide in - the" person of Mr. sign of the fungus, but when remove
William Smith. Harland, the last ed from storage during spring the -
member of a family which had been infected ones will possess hard and
• connected with the business and so- shrivelled areas. the lesions previous-
cial life of Clinton for over seventt• ly mentioned, These corms may not
• years. The late W. S. Harland was start into growth when. planted, or if
,born in Hamilton, where his family so the growths will have an unheal-=
resided for a short time, but they ?thy, sickly appearance. When the
came rp from Chingachousy seventy- corms are only partly infected the
two years ago, when Clinton was result will be apparent in the leaves
known as "attenbury's Corners." in the lack of vigor, though not
There was no railway then, the jour- necessarily in the brown discolored
ney . was made by horse team, areas mentioned under the "Leaf
There was a large family, with the Stage."
father - and mother, and at Clinton There is no effective treatment for
they made their bore and their chit-
�"eaforth.• •
DIREGTORSft. F'. MeGregor, Sea`
Terni, .1. G. 'Grieve, '4i'inthroe; Wm.
verin, Consumes: t;eorge M,s artney.
Tnckersinitli, Jobe Ferris Ilariock;
John Bennewise. liraadiiagan; eiurray
Ilibson, Ilrueefeed. -
AGi;tiT --J. W. Yeo, Coderich; Sandy
L,,iteh, Minton; Wm. Uheswy, Sna•
forth; R, llinchlry. Setiforth
Polley' pIL 11. s can pay their terieh After Evert
rne'nt4 at R. I1. (;ptts store,',aiericlt;
A. J. Mlorristt's Clothing $tore, Clinton;
ee J. II. Reids. Bay fletde
• Have it •attended to oy the _.
T WAWIWa0111 ilutW.t F*t NI$trANCE mil
Established •1818
Head Oak*: Dntags*oon, Ont.
Berry L. Salkeld. R. R. No. 2, God.
tricb, ores.; Wm. 3. Thompeon, Aub•
urn, vice pr.ta.; directors• •Wm. Mc.
Quillen, St,Helens; W. P. Reed, R. R.
No. 2, Lucknow; H 1.. Salkeld, 'phone
600r11, G«1irich; Alex. N:Cholson,
Locknow; Wm-. Watson; J*s. Girvin,
R. R. Np. 8, Croderkh; Wm. G Thomp-
sanR, Auburn; 'three Griffin, R. E. No.
7, Lucknow; Gimes. iiewitt, Kincer-
dine, Ont..,
Tress. Eeeratary.
1t doesn't take Mauch
to keep you in grim.
Nature only asks a
Buie help.,
Wrigley's, after every
meal, benefits teeth,
breath, appetite and
&Flavor for Every Taste
dren grew to manhood and woman -
hood. 'The:' subject of this '"sketch,
who was the eldest of the family,
was a lad of fourteen when the fam. IN
ily came to Clinton. On growing to -
young manhood he - apprenticed. him- - -
self, r r his .father did it, probably, as'That's going some -moot skinny
was the case in those dam;t, to the !nen,. women and children just can'tlate Mr. Frederick Itumball,' carriage help putting on good Healthy f}esh
maker, and he learned the trade and when they take. McC'oy's rod Liver
worked at it fol' a number of years. Extract Tablets.
He was probably the ,last of a large Chock full • of vitainine .the land
band of young men who put,'itt an ap- that are extracted from the iivera of
prenthesiiip with-Jr.leI:uin'Jail, !Jur- the cod—the kind that are a real help
ing the American War he wont to to - frailrundown, anaemia, shinny
the I ni#ed States and remained for hien and, women. ,,a short time but coming; over to , Try these sugar coate,1 test eles.3
-anada to celebrate the eonfedera-1 tablets for GO days --if they don't
Yoou•veTriev�lir seetranythinx,
like It -miles of vivid interest
v�ith glaciers alive and moving
f ^ myulc t totem 1 poles :'.
gorgeous; l impatient !towers that pushup through
If stood
ow .
i melts .the snow t dude
Great cold peaks lifiia�l dutir
shining faces against skies. so
blue thst it seems all the color.'
intim world weeepilled there
a'Ataska this year,'
aPtrlaassialtaw 1 P
The' rip is a joy and a Lottie w'
ourgdayskwotthward fro*'
neiies b'y Lite picture squelaner
Passasaggee,unfolding a panorame
of(colors in''restless variety.
Wonderful shore excursions.
8.e gold mines, traders, trap -
pen, sealeand
rap=pen,sealsand Mea Icons. Truly
a wonderful vacation for those
moo„ oye nature •t itswildest.
Wont * y, •, , ;,
'V Axoaj
:irip'Nr Mtoratsflio. .yrlr gal
star Casadlara Pad*: Aleut orwrite
W. PULTON. Dlatrlee ri'awelt«`
1414 111111~111110_ -
T. M1 KIDD, Town Agent
Ohildren tory
GAINED 10 POUNDS `�,''� ftt$
22 nn DAYS
tion of the Canadian Provinces in help greatly Ret your money buck.
. 1867. he and his brother, the late Mr.
John T, Harland, decided to go into One woman gaiiiedSteim pound . in
business. "They :formed a partner- twenty-two days. Sixty tabt,for 3 ix-
• ship • and s'tar'ted a tinsnmitbing and ty cents. Ask any druggist for 11x -
t hardware ba•siness, 0 partnership •C'oy s Cod Liver feetrace `1'iakletas.
1 alien Directions and formula on each hay.
S. withdrew from active participa-
which acs; inued until 191/, W._Di: Get McCoy's, the original anal
tion, although the business was car- geninne.
lied an under the old firm name of -- aest en_
Harland Bros., until after the death tegltOr-'""'-^-''o>attu"
Cif Mr. J. T. Harland in May of 1922. 0
- The late Mr. Harland, since his re-
tirement from business, had eontin- rte' eat a si:hst�ititial breakfast:,
ued,lo reside in Clinton and, as long Coal cooked it.
W5 rMe"L�AIM'fUise EXt RT
/D ilkE SRS EE' Tile
(" . -r
l 1, •.,,ti ever oto Lt- to think how
inane of yilir daily atctivities de.
pend un coat?
You wake in a warns, comfort.
able house.
''oal lteat2d it.
es he was table to do so he went down 1-
Ate Pati
Yrstf "tl. do • tt�ceit Uri ilia 5trei t
wn town daily and was always delighted! rdt ! car
+Less to meet and talk with old friends.
aseasea.. _ He !mad a most retentive memory and.
could recall vividly happenirrts o •
the early days in Clinton and eget-
• Wheeler
Funnel r and
elrich, Onf,Srio
All call* proniptly attended to
day or night.
neaten Inst•! 3*1; Howse View
cerning the people who th+_"n made
up its eitizenahip. 11e saw the town
grow from a cress roads to its pres-
ent size, took an active part in its
public life and knew intimately sly
most, everyone who contributed in
any way to its growth or prosperity
during over half a century of its life i
(rave your car painted 1, coal , nerrtted the p r' w t° r
with the new Lacgner' In-ov hrt,1i' i1- iv.,y
All slay loin;
isle. All new colors. o (:I pal wurks tier
Ford Car $25.00 it.
l,w are, :toad kelp !,uppiiei with
Al8ofurniture re -finished, CALI, THE---
, annum
Fred Sieabrook
1'.i Good Ciean Coall�
lb tIM
'MIS. MN OW311 67 ti - kiilgaws Stream 11 ' Js Be mUSTMID cor*nt
�r" :� vo ,���' � zoo oltxo ■ Phone � al Goderich
11 11 1111111 1 las 1 1u 1 1
Reduced- Prices
on Anthracite Coal
Chestnut ..(Anthracite) ... • ...$16.00
Stove (Anthracite) .. $16.50
Pea (Methasone) . .313.00
Pocahontas. , . •.. 314.00,
per too
Domestic Lump for your Grate and Range
$12.00 per ton
Our Cosi is weighed on Your Own Scales,tht Naeltet Soak
With Spring Hause Cleaning, you will require
We still have some Sherwin-Williams left that . we are sell-
ing at $ 1.00 per quart. Muresco and Alabastine at 5Oc per
package,. Liquid Veneer and Q'Cedar, small bottle, 23S
large bottle, 45c each
Special prices on Door locks and other Builder's H:ird-
Clothes Wringers and Garden Tools at Special Prices in
order to clear.
The Hardware at the wharf
Store 'Phone 22. • House 'Phone 112.
in your Dominion Store. This gives you a fine oppor-
tunity for you to replenish your fruit stocks at a -very
big saving.
SEEDLESS 15 oa, ppkt..2 t'Oii 2
or Thimpaon S.lnii•sa
Canned Fruit - • Fresh and Dried Fruit
PINEAPPLE "";,;:" 30c
.11,„"r' PINEAPPLE c,ssal.i 19c
79c lb.
73c lb.
D.S.L. Bulk
63c lb.
DATES EXCEU.ENcc slit. lOc
BULK DATES 211... 23c
Cooking FIGS 21111.. 2.5cPRL ES 4 , a1
Seg. LEMONS 23c Jsi.
ORANGES 45c sari 55c
Mother's Si.L
Cori Syrup
2m349cCOCOA 1
Clh. flOWNT1lErS
Lite« VsC
old .iJoidoadi"
25c % ilii. TIN
3 25+c 22c
Thos. Pats 1a ,gest for was week frees
to el
--------"- I l 11 111111 1 111 S 11 1 111 111 11 111111111 1111 111