The Goderich Star, 1926-05-27, Page 211111 II - 1 1 I I 1 • . I 111 ,1111.....■ ,IIIA. n.. - -V■ 1 1 IMAMS ?WS When You Can B Wit:, EA T -'A ?n0 Why be content with itrsfeltrior tea. • Is .Canada Over -governed it does seem, when we atop. to think abort it, that Canadians are uaduiy taxed for the support of governmental institutions, and peri• ;Mica) appeals for unity and recur- rent protests again .tax bills make it• apparent that some sfmplificstion of administrative services le the on- ly' alternative to at whcieaale immi- oration movement. Either we, must hirer more Canadians to Moire our entities or we shall have to make the expenses leant. With •ene feder- al government and nine dietinct pro- vineial governments, each with a viceroy and a government house estafC„ a premier and cabinet, and leitislature. and various government departmental• fully staffed,Canada is isupporting: an average of ono corn- ;plete administrative system for every nine 1n ndred thousand people. Forty-five .million people lit Great ',Britain are, looked after by a single governmental system, .On the basis of our figures, the United Kingdom would be divided into fifty provinces* each self-governing, and London would have nine governments, t ,One pian in every thousand of the population of this Dominion is a legislator.. We have more than nine hundred • fleeted representatives in' the ten Cnnedisn ',tenements and representatives appointed for life in the Senate, snit the legislative coun- eils of Quebec and Nava Scotia. Coal Dictator for Drittitt Great Britain hes preen so relieved alt the termination of the general strike that the original struggle which le still going on between the miners and the operators, has sunk into n second prance in public opin- ion. Nevertheless the situstion ie still extremely serial s. Both sides have rejected Premier Baldwin'* sol- ution. The men refuse to accept a cut, and it said their women folk sire more siitermined than *the, men about this,and the owners reject the seggestion:fer reorganization of the Industry. Public sympathy on be- half of the miners is not as warm as it once was and union men in other trades are beginning to suffer be- cause industryishampered by lack of coal. When parliament meets on June 1, it le said the Earl of Reading is s a ject nag been, at Ieaat, ins)efinitely. lie works and perks .committees. will bo mane coal dictator,; a neutral age of her advice and experience. postponed. The people, by a sum.. Moved by Councill' Lee, seconded s power with authority to fix wages, if The new ruler is Nowsb Zada Hs mi tient majority, have recorded the fact by. Reeve gunning that whereas Petitions for road oil from Bayfield niineirs and owners fail to agree in dulls, who has been carefully trained that they have little faith in the fu - ways Qritario Deputtmozit of high: road residents, GlouColbcester street reel - "L meantime. s, • . . a in statescraft,by his mother and was tore of our town. ' ways h called for 'tenders fpr the 'danta and Gloucester Terlacc rest - representatives a .i iemlier of the Prince. of wales ambition of those in favor of construction of a concrete roadway dents'.were °reterretl to the public' +"L G" F tri Lebo Part ? t ff during his tear of India. The on the Huron road between Goderlch works committee. have a eSm rehen- Check That Coltish At 'Once . It You Wn't Yee Witty $eSony _.�_;Too:aresk ire s eann9t;bI plseed oa Ther fart that on the lint Riga"; of a Omsk er eold it should bo gotten rid isstn.distelr, has tenure to- do so atili ea* /Min of "uttering from swine � a hiig trouble. t i • you'dont oke' las nay be sorry ! inti a ale* aad`get rid of your mug): car � 1►y isttt►t • Dr* W11i M's Nenvey S This p lost at tMe,. iratiwi 1M 1 37.ran 'std Se . eelratei , by all them who lime casted tt,�bs the Wet msdieinta' u7 sea assetere for the relief of timer amok aaa grids. r !1w drn't .spsristsnt whin Jolt buy at, sot b. suit pit the gerialasi thatt ie pet op by The iiburi► ()r► Lbsd'led. Totems. Ost. • .'�,ee f for � Rheuinatice • 7 WIWINetes wee atilt 11,'+14 babies were hams in C;nada, THE Toe� outside of Reeser, for which me re - is are mailable. and this number is :64 less than that in the *arse Passes Resolution Asking for Paving of High -1 way frora Goderick to Clinton With Cement This Year ! •,.,,aymr �UNCIL 1 month of the preceding year., Dur- ing list November 118 baits of twins were born. Mayor Makes Comments on Bylaw Vote I New Lind at Cemetery to Be Secure, Surveys! ed and Trees Set Out, as Available Lots Will Probably Be Used This,Year., That fallowing report of the town former mayor and a ,eraser council council incoming of May 7th., which that his proposed gift was transfer - Wan crowded out at the time le now red towards the cost of a new muni• published. .v � efpal building. Now that the mat - The tax collector reported the fol- ter is closed it is only fitting that be lowing collections Between April 29th should be officially thanked for a very and May 2nd: 1923 taxes, 6500; splendid otter which 'sit has been 191"4 taxes $127.36; 1825 tames • found impossible to accept. 1541 .75, 1024road il, $119, 1825! A result of thisto it would tread oil, $3.46; dog taxes, $2i d;. total. i appear that your council have keen $1,194.215. -4 -Referred to the finance asked toexercisethevutin icon - committee. . ' *my in all public business and T ear - AGAIN GERMAN CHANCELLOR The cemetery sexton reported six would therefore *sic you to see that Dr. Wilhelm Marx has accepted the burials and 2 lots selected in April-- : those instructions are carefully ear- s; Chancellorship from the hands of Referred to cemetery and parks tied gut. - d committee. No doubt some bi erncaa has been President Von Hindenburg, retain. The treasurer's statement of re- engendered during the course of the - inpc both the Luther Cabinet and ceipts and expenditures far the campaign and we would like to ask Luther policies. • THURSDAY, **T nth. 1ws 101.1.......--.-.- -.- _..-.,-_.. Men Who dear Black's Clothes Whether." it is a Business Suit or a Golf Suit, know that they are getting the right tut and style,'the finest Tailoring and dependable ma- terfals. , R NECKWEAR The°latest creations in shower spots, coin spots, checks and stripes, in all the shades of the rainbow. . UNDERWEAR for the warmer weather, in all styles THE H=GKOCK BELTI - A new and - popular Belt for sport and summer wear, and all the lat- est novelties in en's Wear. - lr K AT YOUR HAT, everybody else does. We handle the celebrated Horton, -, W>l) lis3iusen and Brock CHAS. B .:ACK s■ "The 'Mali's' and Boys' Store . Worth While" North Side Square • a month of April was referred to, the the council and all citizens to allow • finance committee. harmony and good wilt again to pre - Phone 219 Begata Abdicates A request from the chilef of police nail. forgetting the past, and con- - A period of eighty years of femin- woe for uniforms and caps for Sergi. signing all hard feelings and unkind on •south aide of Agin avenue, erect - rule an end in 1lhapal thoughts t the limbo of forgotten ine comes to ' Ross and htmseif.---Referred to eye. oug o ..m orgo en the most enlightened of the Indian clap committee. things. s of firame, also to erect gar - stat by the bdkation of the Area- Th clerk d his rt of theIt was left with the mayor t age, estimated cost of work $1000. ea, e c er ma . e a repo a r o An application from Mr. Thos. Ane end Begum who, . at the age of sixty- voting on the town hall bylaw and name•a committee • to thank Mr. Mac. Marson for renewal of coal oil license, eight, rine scoured the ronMent of the mayor mi►de a row comments Hay, and he named Councillors Lee, Mac - with dement usual rebate of $10 to him:• Xing George to the placing upon the H. •g 'A `f t Millie and Craigie and at thean t racer is �F"orship sat evr home s , re- wasved and referred to commit - throne of her yatinger Man, over the may not be out of place in connect• quoit .sora the eport,. rep, . . • The Begum, her son, and, he a or t A letter from miss A. .M.„`'wib of. hisdson, fsu , the p posed new . building. s?1 y ileo made a :stEatraent' : to �g ave been in London �° in cohneotion with the a i ` o from to ,rgnwvl:reet f,'t _;back hia. Change in oth hfor the It pill now be generally admitted, i p v ng f the from Newgate street if the council several months arranging Be. I think, that the council exoreised h ghway between Goderlch and Clio would assist was referred to the fire change in the suee salon. The n wise judgment in giving the people ton and in order. to press for 'the committee. gum succeeding a ts .ante to vote again. ren oat de_ f h h •Ate objects to a minor au E th in o t e w ole stretch between her and int anxious to sec her heir o oaed to the ro oaition will now Goderich and . Clinton this year and A request from ee inion .for established on the throne white she fly concede this because the pro to' have the read of concrete, too dol the removal of a trey in the. way of 11 ble to give him the advent- lowing resolution was adopted • his garage was referred to the pub - For a arY...,, sa, An aftermath o the atrt e a the site municipal building et epos re re that Lloyd -George will throw ' Itcd Leis '� � � P towns' irr Chia -noun• posed to do this work in two sectfona;� for rZhitoval of a tree on`C�ayley at.. and whereas the Town of Goderlch was refer d to the tree on •Coyle and • in. his weight' with. the Tabor party. The first Iced ,Lake tragedy. in- to those .of l the various town enter- . the bylaw was to h e P h f k i i and Clinton; and whereas it is pre t A request from Mr. J. W. Priddle. e e e is saidseeking' a basiso vo ve where 1 a o inittees. consolidated >i town to lie b "it thin year; be le ,eesolved corner of Elgin: avenue and .Bennett 1' " t e •ra Will appear. , • He agatna . t Red Lakebc= hall.' that+the I'r:e meial Deportment - of•,:s-eet aegis referre4,to the water and Q F 1 k thet'From t o editorial' The Toronto. P on of the streamHighways be titioned to I t the light committee, and >i petition f:or;;.:lnerey or: K ski -to.-clear..at:. den and Lord Oxford over their fare the con�itti l Pe e L to be ki f 1 d the death of t+vo youthful tY and ad- tn`iends to old a Centennial Celebra Park c n' he I rises would be ion for street tight at t i . em ted. ption in 19 an Bair A etit uSer Coats union and renew party naive in which English 'Writers, .'who• attempted, � a No mere villdgo 2� d desires this new road P h word Labe 1 ill ' t the advice of all around diem ministered. has broken witib`Bari Grey of al a- to uta e 'p into status of -the town hall proloesTon was received and (Akita intimation (Continued on Page 7) • ck File Rel Vert only •mime by removing. the cause—bad circulation.in the 'love bowel,'' - Nothing ' but ari internal remedy me bring quick, and sure re- lief. They* . why ointrrsents end operations fail: 'Dr... Leonhardt's HEM -RAID banishes piles by •re- moving the cause. Money refunded if not satisfied by, H. C. Dunlop and druggists everywhere. ottaa . ' +neo. ,tis O p,. f 2 Dozen Men s. h ' or experienced .Globe which, contributed very urge y tenders for 'a concrete road to a sewer on Lighthouse atreet.Yree re, manifestoeis in connection with the made it safe .oven f P to the defeat of the bylaw, :we can wa5�, acl extrk Sxvilt atrika.• _, canoe men. •They' were Sydney have the work 'commenced at once (erred to the public works commit» g $ • Stebliin e. aged : 23, and. . Stanley quite readily understand the attitude and to complete the concrete road- tee. t 11 inn ed 20. •of�the Queen City. Toronto is out why, between Goderlch and Clinton A request for the removal of a tree Coats that have been old o ag , to Real the trade and the industry Chia Year.the cemetery was .sent to the_ si Aecept- Soviet -1loney� - The news that the Miners Feder- ation ha staccepted. a gift of $1,260,+ 000 from Moscow has- not improved theirpositionwiththe bpi t u c s rp large. Floe War in South .Africa South Africa is divided into two. camps just: now over the introduc- tion of 'a -new flag which is said to resemble the old republican flag of the Boers. The Union Jack dpes not appear upon it,,though it was Pro- posed to, fly the two flags side 'by aide. The controversy is: the most of'every small° tolyl in the•• -province - . front for $3•$° n t in Near Under the Sun Toamayor' aard•:it -Arai estimated- �srmetery-cemeteryand , ow clearing 'at lea h !< 1 d r Medical science was known and in anxious. to contro an .:secure the department would sane . f ro,000 a request '#or paymeCit of 300 to the .D - - Modern as 'ble•f om ev to ancient Egyptians, according to -all the business poser r err byhaving the whole' work done' in library -on 1926 asse*smeEt':Wad richt • Our h t records recently unearthed. Therthe one season. • .: to the finance committee with power is reaeon to i�elieyc: that ,they were .aro- getting Chief Tait of the fire brigade was -A letter ,frotn ; Mesairs, Nays 'arid s familiar with the localization' of portion of the buainesas. whieh the present on: request and the council 'Hays objected, on behalf of Smith's • • brain functions,, tomething which has'have * right to expect front' our town went intosome mattdre of practice Art Store, to the condition of the only recently been re -discovered by and from the- surrounding dusted— at fires with him. all sizes the medical world. and all on account of the competjtion ' The following applications for they stable*, and stated fret unless ' they were moved within a resiMonable j( Jt1 t tri tri' f the car., $t 4 St e if an s e -section of Onterio. ^ mere only a veryemail pro - from Toxemia„�rhick le . opeitiy out to building permits were referred to. the time, they would be oblige, to enter q life- of small • To Rear Maritime Rights suck the• a boil every fire committee with power to set in action against the town as a nuts. In June'.the members of the Royal town, and if The Globe can paralyze urgent canes and to report back the 'ante.: Referred to publics works com- C4rttniisaion appointed. to inquire into and deaden the public spirit and the uisposition of each case: From mittee, Maritime rights will begin to. fume- boniness enterpriase of Goderlch an Farrow, to take summer kitchen A request from Messrs. S. B. Coon h It serious South Africa has had to dead tion. The -place of the firs with for several ' years. General ,has' not' yet been announced. Smuts is leading the stack on the t meeting other communities. nuc as ours,from house, ‘MOve to east aide. of lot. ak . 'Boit for 'information as to the le considered to be' work well done making garage• from Thos Sturdy bill to introduce the flag and . Labor, . Salmon's Long Trip. to whose support the, Itertzog ov. ' A salmon recently caught by a rrnment maintains. office, thritens British. Columbia fisherman near to break its *Mince with the gots. Vancouver, bore. a tag which, it is erument .on the issue. Wit does, the alleged, was placed upon young sal- government will.fall, And a new poli. mon liberated in the Atlantic ocean tical crisis will•have to he heed. by the b`ederal Fisheries department --•- �»�-.r in an effort to trace the migratory iiattation of .lrmantents travels of salmon. The commission to discuss the ^--- limitation sof armaments now at Gen- Less l'olidaya • Inca) Dreggiite Sell' Rheums on ova will have some extremely,, deli•, Quebee school children ado depriv- Moiety -Back Plan • cite gbestions to deal with. Apgar- ed ' of holidays on Empire: Day and entry Britain *rid the. United States Kings Birthday because they al- If You moiler from torturing rhea- are the only powers sincerely seek. ready have too many holidays, se- matic pilins, swollen, twisted joints, ins disarmament, The test of the cording to reports from that pro - and ;suffer intensely because your , European states are' ,jealously watch- vince. While Empire Day is cele- system is full of that dangerous 'poi- _ ?ng each, other. However, a crucial • brated in the schools of Great Bri- time if some basis son that makes thousands helpless of disarmstinent arrived,has and 'arrived at, and kills thousands years before their, time, then you need Rheum% end! need it now. etsrt taking it today. Rheutne acts at once on kidneys, liver, stole- seri and blood, and you can sincerely} Gr,rman delegate to the Geneva C`d n- exclaims: , "Good riddatnee . to had rubbish ” ferenee. *suggested that Europe could 11any people, the most sskeptiiaal of soon disarm by applying the terms skeptics right in this city and In the of the Versailles •Treaty to them - country hereabouts. Mese the day *elves. when H. C. Dunlop and n')'er drug. rtiat;e offered 'Rheum* to the afiticted Birth Rate Drops at a small price and maitranteed; The Canadian birth rate, at leant Germany will ask to be relieved of 4he eonditione of the Treaty of Ver- sailles on the ground- that her neigh - hors tieelifa to put a halt to military preparations. Count Bernatorf, the money refunded -if not pntieeedi, Ifi.that of the English speaking Citi you . have rheumatism freta .bottle of lens, continue/at to decline, seeordin • Rheums today. to the records. in November last . 11•...110 ...R.r..r I 3 na itf' Roofing It Rolls. Tale stwtac t 1g1 t Weight • . - 35 lbs. for Toronto, but it las surely rather a to erect garage on south side of shameful interierenca, in local affairs Brock street; from Mrs. F. Bowra. st for a great national newspaper. to. tear down present.barn and build One /peculiar feature in connection a smaller barn - nearer rear of lot; with' the •bylaw was tate fit that from Oswald Ginn,'to erect frame some prominent people whose names garage on • south' side of Nelsen st..;' titi hu bl •wore on the first. pe an m Y frim John McDonald,. to make addi- praying that your. council. again nub- tits to verandah on present dwelling- mit .Loo question to a rote were. out nn north side of Park street; from actively opposing the very bylaw ' B,-McMath, ,to re -roof dwelling on which they sled your council again north • side of East street; from the to submit, and one rennet help won- O'Loughlin•• Estate, to re -roof dwel- dering why people flout and dishon- -ling on Napier street, and make oth- er - their - own signatures. in this way, er repairs, bath and closet„ front it only goes to show the difficulties . Chas. Nobbs, to re -roof wood shed of ,our Council in deciding just what and paint house, on Victoria street; the people really want. 'from A. W. Redden, to erect garage One good purpose- will be served'at on' St. Andrew's street; from. Miss any rate and, that is that the -town's . Whitely, to erect frame garage with lain, it is not a holiday, as it is in finasnces have been assailed and at- cement foundation; from Mrs. Alex - Canada, tacked front every quarter and again Davidson, to re -roof dwelling on fol they bave been exadnined and croata borne street; from Max Clairmont Battle of the Franc examined and; eritized and acrutiniz- to re -roof dwelling 'on south side of . eo The government of France -is con- ed from every mile and no one can lighthouselighthousest.; and from P.Geo ducting a "battle 'of the franc" anddeny, either those for .or against the Gould. to remodel present Gwe, has declared its intention of throw-: bylaw, that the town's finances and - - - I, reserves into an the town's credit are in better condi. na the whole of its effort to restore something of its tion than they have been for many value. In three days of the "bat- yens, e tie" the pound sterling has lost twen- Whether we are proud or ashamed ty-eight points. in the market. 'The of our shabby public buildings and effort strikes the casual observer as our meagre municipal smarmed*. rather tardily tinted, and might have tion the people have decided that come with better effect before the they are "good enough for Gode- franc, was robbed of ma mttoh of its rich." If the poor old town shows , prestige. any sign of ambition, it is sternly Y and rudely frowned down and all our pro - Novelty Even in Strikes little petty personal considerations Something new its strikes has are marshalled out to defeat a rome to Paris, the city of novelties. ,feet for the general good of all the where the barbers are "out" to people. show that they have no ill -feeling . You will remember in my remarks toward the nubile they are providing et our inaugrral meeting after the shaves and haircuts in the cafes and defeat of tht bylaw at the municipal boulevards, without charge. They elections when we thought the ques- are not *verse to accepting tips, lion was definitely settled and dis- however. i posed of. your council was asked to i name a committee to thank 61r. Mac ' Tariff C'ha*ites Ray, formally. for his very generous Changes, in the new tariff en. offer. Mr. MeeXay's original idea nouneed by iron, J. A, Robb, include was to provide a community build the admission into Canada without Ing 'there the your sten of the town might 'congregate to comfort , and where they Might have wholesome reading and entertainment, and it. was only by the special request of a� duty of certain artso parts not man. COMPETITIVE �, . Mattered here. It Is specified that ALITYQU, the 20 per rent. tarif on are ender $1,200 will appty c,nly to new cars. Medium Weight 45 lbs. FINE QUALITY Heavy Weight .» �"_ 55 lbs. ,'iltA nm QUALST Y Extrst HeavyWeight 65 lbs. stout FINE Guam . n StrailltrdIlkaisealii ehai arstistlt wdr awes Ne•I' rwwir.kdrd greys" Your Heave Meilen* •c'ke t.— , Among the standard- household remedies thatshould slwayia be oa Nand in your" hawmerlirine chest, rem. is motet important than Dr. Themes" F.cketrie 011. its manifold neeftsineee in rriieving paints and heating Meknes* is knee* by many tkowssds tlrewugh...t the land. Al- ways car I. 'Ilioinsa' Eclectric Oil ter ,relier'iitg rheumatic and reeiatk pain*, treating rare threat* and ebeete. rs nen. bursts scald', tats. bruise* end sprains. CASTOR°Anndrea Ury rik mum CA O RIA, 4,1 oat M. ROBINS a THAT str is • Against in fon if t e fiizA' i est cut or scratch is neglected! THAT blood -poison means pain— .disablement—loss of work. THAT am-Bukkills and excludes . - poisonous .disease germs: THAT, besides being highly antiseptic, Zam-gripe can always be depended upon . to soothe pain and 'grew new skin. THAT no fatty or mineral ointment can ever equal Zeal -1313k for skim troubles. CompIet mazcular relaxation essential for healthful sleep s a "fvle if Vases t" At "rising time- comcs the test as to whether' your night's sleep has given you the renewed vigor and vitality so necessary to the busy activities of this/ modern age. If certain musillcs of the body- re- main tense for lack of resting support no amount of sleep will renew their energy. For instance—if the muscles enclosing the vital abdominal organs are allotted to sag and assume unnat- ural positions due to unproper mattress support, they are under it strain, and cannot relax. Sleep therefore, doesn't rest this part of the body as well or healthfully as it would if proper support relieved the strain and allowed the tense muscles to relax. .- • The Marshall miring Mattress, built with stony hundreds of highly resilient, indepcnd-• *ntly working springs, fits the 'natural contour of the body, giving even, gentle support to every muscle. This kind of body support ensures true muscular relaxation and health -building sleep. It is this Marshall principal of new steeping comfort that is changing the sleeping . habits of generations. .end far our' free iocJrki, "Perfect SSW MAA. w.t: Vlefirat.amo t MUS.00A LAMM 1011014113. GfTARIO