HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-20, Page 8R
+ 1,
11111 — IIs MI NI .w. NINNANNINI. ,1
C :r t' ia;:o]nv�',r .:11}.;. t'\.
Pe/t•xtla e;la t':4":":i non and Ripley for a flktas blarltuerite `xknts.s I.tt (leis. eaaltlsa y
()Wittman of the newly elected Tuesdayk for fraud rd, where she has t arteam sir lIt'rk car kh dr.d -
oldere will, be begs in Erskine +church Meet your friends et Union teuiskt ,+!Meds we slit NI e-
„it Sunday. Mier 30th, at J p.xaa. 1 (Thursday) and sea "Va11ey Tann" •' ?.r particulate ay* --
• tela. and Mrs. lkobert Davidson Bern ---Te Mr. and Mrs, Reginald
The *triton i.4e:ilfi'fi.:itii�ti, rich township an Saladay afteraov I daugher. fongratultions M S. N0RLR
Ur. fiummerfeldt arrived at the be- -hiss •Alma Johnston, of lgeppeserd- g rly g EXCHANGE BLOCK
inning ut the week mliet has eiaiaunaed ton, is he:
a couple of weeks
DUNGANNON beim rases 1A 1; , sossassr. 011nlit0. , a .. , , .... R .,
The palterers 'e'rr's 'is 4{,'+��r1Cjrfr t
Rev. C. H. and firs. IdeDoasM. of of deceas.d, lt«lerr..loss 1L a.m.,
I,u knew, gall.d on members of the ley, Jose William. Jelin A. sad
ce eregatiCn here oft Taettaaday. a Itpatemt
Mr. and Mrs. John Graham. of Ise."An ,,. C,U TOWNSHIP ei o,„,4 1"„,i[ir«eaela'n ria
trod, are 'ensiling friends at Dungan. a •►
few days. ou to eon -
7,►'iti DAY. MAY 1Ntb. ?SIM
luta o er
were guests with 1Wlatives in e- Puller, on Thursday, liay J$th 4
C :t t' 4 SsaririC�' S3f4
l►is duties on the Standard Sank stafid with her stater, Sire, Robs. Sowerby,
•sour ke}S. if they are lost Rev. E. 'Wes attended the meet. The Lader'+' Aid of Taylor.* Cern.
Tagg of the Synod of the Atiglicaii erg will hold their annual meeting ts,sr., and tame to ceases with icer
thev* are •returned without ` chi which wa. 1feld in London at "the church on Wednesday*, Ms), pexeaisae when fifteen loam of ale
2,6th, at 3 p.m. We .ask calk to att. The fatally lived first las 1Jsbri�i�t
tend tew,nehip and later in w; hitbY tewn-
first oar,+tititeseti.rr
W Graf !Allier 50c.
auk Cel $1.00.
eat wee
Mr. Paul Smeltxer ,has been the•
guest of hie daughter, tarn. Donald
cNevin, of Goderich, fer the past
Ilsrna-At vaeasilliors, Alberta, on
Saturday, :bI'S r 8th, to Mr. and Mrs.''
- Jack Andrew. a, deughteer. We ex.
3 tend eeni'ratulationa.
There hu been quite a movement'.
in of g ct the h.vi been
P0RTER s delivered to variou` bti ars.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Maaeneto and
Master Malcolm, enjoyed the week.
end at the 'home of Mr. McKenzie's
parents at Clinton, making' the trip
by motor.
Miss Mabel Brown wee * recent
guest with her sitter, Mrs. Vere Ceti.
On tea. Square hr Party Years
_...„ , nineteen. at Carlow, being' accomrrsn•
�I►J�li\ Md oer hLQr e return. Ile! nCp118M�,
Martex I,awronce Cunningham.an
ER Tl►e Mission Circle of the Bolted
A- church will serve afternoon tee on
s a i 'biose an Sat•
The evening aervlk`e was wit tltl hewn of MIr . J b t ,
drawn Iaat. Sunday, as Rev., E..t. ,are�t •,ftnrni'm' Mlaty 22nd. All art*
Pointer was somewhat indisposed. cordially invited to attend. For full
Special services are being :held. in particulars see neaterq.
Benmiller United church next Sun- ate. George 13roadfuat left this
slay. Rev. C.. P. Clarke, of North St. w este Gepity orge short veils to his home
United church, Godexieh, will preach et I'lensall prior to he's departure, on
at 11 o'clock In the morning and- I'.ev. Thursday, far his new position at
. R. Alp.:af Auburn. w,d1 preach eat Calgary, whither ho,.is followed by Caton are visiting their parents, Mr.
the •evening. •An Monday evenings the the. hest wishes . f, many friend* here. I end Mrs. Joseph McCann.
Ladles Aid 'are holding their annual number Froin !1►a eongrireRaitigit M S
The regular monthly meeting of fhia- The alae iaearirLed John
the W M.:f, o f [Inion United Church ertl "ssa „11tVeZ' in that vicinity wit; wag held at the icon►e'bf airs. Robert to Star., 4IT71, when anov.d tie
Davidson W.dnesdsY of ' lasts weak, the chit Wawa -
h t 1*tt Hiss nosh, wharc` za had suss reaid.d.
With *avant***
a e nce.. Neu haa.latnd asd.csstaaa.d her n.arlyr
The data of the la entitled, "'dal- 2f, years age.. 'Tisa late Mrs. T`lw mp- '
ley, Farm,'" which to blind put on at Nan was s inagb.r of Donnybrook
union, has been changed tram Fri- church duilnr hear resldsnee here.
day to the day preceding, Thursday, She Iiw'.d a . quiet, consistent Christ•
May 20th, in order that those desir- tan life and led in family worship up
ing to take in the circa at God+arich to the day before she died. Sh. had
may do so without Waist "Valley a kindly disposition and .even tem -
Perm.' peramant, was a loving wife and ee-
A tire at the straw atack on the voted mother, and a kind .neighbor
Orr farm en the ‘4th concession' last and friend. No one wawa more hon.
Saturday afternoon brought neigh- ored rand respected throughout the
hogs from the adjoining farms hut- community. There remain h. mourn
riedly to the scene. They aueceeded her lose, aur. daughter. Rebecca. at
in Quenching the flemee before Hauch home,. end two sons, W. J.. of Aub -
damage had been done and later mov. urn, end iiriah. of W. Wawanosh;
ed the reminder some distance from Pleven grandchildren and four great-
the barn.E
grandchildren, +lea three brothera's:
Cornelius Spencer, of Gooderham
�,Ialiburton..and ,Charles and Robert
. neneev. of Brooklyn. Ont.. who have
We are clad to be able to report the sincere sympaithy of a loge a
that Mrs. Ernest Girvin is much Im-
proved. number of friends and neighbors..
., .... _ .-.� .�,. 1
Mrs. lane.ell . • ie visitingh r
hl whin �, a !YI',..�"TF1EL'D
brother in Parry Sound, who is at on
ltir. ltiiirt Walsh was in London
present seriously ill. n Su ay '
The Misses Olive and Della... Me- Mrs. foltt. Johnston, has moved her
household . effects to Blyth.
Mr. D. C. Rodger w' s a London _
visitor one day last week. ...
Tube' farmers are ruehiiig' in the
`teas meeting. in the church sheds, of; Erskine Presbyterian church at; itis ylvia. duan has given tela
They are making full nrepaxatie>ns her poiotion near- $consider and as
both for the srpper end the ttrogrein f•,;nded the AnniVersaiy aei. iees n. staying at -homey for the Present+
Thitherto � with 1th a unrl'ral'e,1
gsWa• oe atusi 3' lair Gmele.,
Fre*Deaassaat'rstteat 1D4 Gliplai
t ,'
at d` G0O��
u .a . e.' ' r
Sse fofen sent►"s Patent Btruo.
ture•aviUs the new/tip1proof
Telephone 'htr .linig;tat nt'the
hotel for appoinntinent.,-
• ' w.::t Peaber Stores
» X�:I •�rilttce St . Toronto.
1. ueknow on Sunday, when Rev. Mr. tK
M 1,.:an, of 'Toronto, preached to.I. ,Master Aslan C ey,;,of Goderich
I*i gn congregations morning and * visited his aunt, elm. Andrew MU-
�' Ban. of Nile, last va eek -end. Allan
evening'. ' stili has a,' great love for the home
Rev. E. Hayes, rector St. pvez's ' town..
church, Dungannon, preachedY I Mies Jennie Marquis,
acceptably .in I)ungannan tin"" is, who has been
church on Sunday evening, the morn- attending The:Deaconess Training
ing;.iervtce being qonducted by .Mir, r School in Toronto, is at. home spend-
Campbell. representative of the M , and MvacatGeorgetRut edgxe;►rents,
Uri a Day Alliance,. l The Taxis Square recently • organ- {
Inspector; Standard from _the head `'teed in : connnection with Nile Vetted
°Mee'of•the Standard Barak, Toronto,
cop Goods..
During the coming months you will want new. Frocks of:
OR •
''(. OR ' CREPE * •
BOR,DERPD -'fi OI1�E +.
'We have all these materials by the yard, many of the patterns con-
tain only (1) Dress length. - So purchase your new Dress taterlaI try
We give free of chaise, your choice'of one McCall Pattern with every'
purchase of Dress Gods of ►; .t0 * r• 'more,
With . .
The --S. A
Thre..e .-terlte .
seeding while the. lire we'll.... leets. The W.M.S. of the. Matted ebureb
bussed Gladyys: and Delia °' ieDow• held a very well. attended meeting sat
mil were Windham .viaitore an Satur- Mr""ts, John McKen tie's on Thurada'y
.. afternaoli...
Ms Gen. W. Snail'ind Miss Minnie. Mir:. and Mrs. Roy Petrie motored
Snell wo*'e Goderich visitors one day to°Bluevale on" Sunday..They :were+
last week.. : accompanied home . by M•lxd. Robert
Mr, and Mrs. R. vinreet and !tire. ' Hoy, who had been spending some ,
Itobt. )3nehat'an were Goderieh' visit time with friends around there.
ors an. Saturday - Silver Jubilee •Celebration ---The
Mime 'Greet* Redmond ned Mary Ladies' Guild of Christ church, Port'
Seel. of Gtideriei, ;anent the week- Albert, purpose holding .thele silver
ng leery; ng end at their. bottle !tore.. -Jubilee at .the church on the .even net
1 ianich on Monday . aged uesdayr enter the Soft Bail League of Huron ..,, is being secured• Dont forget the
of the k t d bcolt srf+pr r.eta, a few weeks at
uald lhisi.. ennuel official visit. to the cmheuetings.re'The° boys ere intendin to ,
!alias Mary Ellis returned.home last .4f June:filth, .1926: 1'rxc,eltent talent
d week., He area assisted YPresbytery and vire II :sir}h them .,Couriri ht and Str#sehro skate, ' EvO one come and enjoy.,
Mr "Tench who is remembered 'by+ s ya u a n end t k{• A g be Y themselves. See
bit later,
nes s eces i a11 heir , n ►r a .-"erose vee. i et
ninny, n Anna annnn. )w being,myna-" !ng a.. number from here'attended . the
ger of the Sterling bank here as few ! May' 24th ie drawing; near find we funeral oonmThl sfl1 of at W ra h... E
ti ears a. it, Ishii Th y edig. f Wfe t , sr< itoa
-h: l'What O ?" ;orae bolting fer a large - attendanes► to a Mr, an MMrst : Alien and'.. roti• 9- . ` T71uek, eggs for hale at Crewe afore
i e play, 'what Doth It. ?mit?" hr;nr tiro amerced concert to- iven d , G a .
�, t lie g r Mrd. •Ben +Comfort a'nd ago, of G It.
Jiich wet tit he „even in : the.Parish ; },�, the fol following . artist; „n Lonb, doter: of. I ucknow 1 visited, the. !site s.
e , f i, .i visiting her'fdrmer home' here
;4lss •ar Tn r v Piga a'v ,., ...
Troll on Friday .ovening. - AIRY 2let :alo,t Il r" a#at.r ltfra W S coin on Sun! ' s i E1 H of
M la slatDungannon
lender the :auankee' . of tho 'United e day'. ss YR'•. d
ekureh. shat+ been uontnoned indefin- aery l�, Airs. Hoskin'=; niaat#attl Milos ; Zti r. l' 1wi 'T�w for and. Mr. un Mrs; visited 'at Will a.ty'a•'Sunday Iasi
Mary MtcGti n elocutionist; Aad Miiss i n y d
i e1 teeing an o o t i Aliiis s ' of *Clinton9une
t t ►a 't ,� h 'vent �t a M is e
y. apt c i er at Fra t ins i•r �;criita Medley, y sone+ >qlo' t Albert W#Ia ted he latter's
sited at: her home
� UB 1'i.�T
Mr.and 111ra • a: Drennan. lieu a k 'lamb ins n ,•Jn I7renn n of this
nd glee n l Mi
r1r. yn
ra , e , nos ?$ .
the rteu'bbgringt; t isrn mem the same •_ ,, ° father. Mr. B. `1�I. Taylor, of Goderieb, 11035 College;: vi
data; Announcement ordate will bei . on Friday o a • ' Isere on Emden last.
d mettle later.
One by one'the pioneers of our • Several from the village are .work- Esther Lyon. -and : era. Joe . Tarn. 9th .con., visited' Mr. and Mrs. Wil
r Car-. : blyni of Lendesboro, visited the' lit. fred' Dietitian Sunday laaet..
cttutttrryy.pess along to a "better coun- .•,.g:on the good reeds tows, d.
�,' which is stn heavenly, We x • low at tiressenh • teras .guitar,•,3,tr„aa. J. IJ. Campbell, on Mr., and Mrs. ,Boobs. Durnin,' of
ferred -briefly last: *eek. to the death I , The Ittis e Elsie and ` heln , .. Sundays s, •c. .. Goderiek. visited Mr. and. Mrs. Wm
#rt Elie+" Ann Spencer • beloved wife T " n T w"ek.en I f ,
lot, Cf London spent the week.end { Rev. Wilk• TaMrTgx of Moorefield Tltirn#gi !sett Suiulay
r#ch' of .t a 6th line and Mr. ft, H. Taylor, larinily, of ` the 9th con.,' visited a
of the late John Then: icon, of West 'under' the paternal roof. • - viae ae% his fssther, Mr. '1; Iii Taylor, Mr. and Mrs' Herb Cuxran and
W*wAnosh, and uecagid elder dau it
ter of.at family ' ten, of the late : rouetti+tte, spent the uncle -and with 'of Geierieln :'last. preek. If id .fattier the home. oi' Mr.. and :titre: John Men-.
Jahn and Sarah Spencer. I)q+ceAded: his father. cc�,nt �tnied'�ira cit his return -home ,»,+„��
f it of
h g Mer. K Dawson. of the Cade
wast horn November 20, 1839, in Hart- • , The Women's Institute Met reties . on •1'radtY... r
.ley Raw, Flap hire, En Iand. colic- . day afternoon at the horn" of'Mrs,i A most: serious accident: occurred.
irtgC by boat: direct : to itby, in Fred Plateer .on. the Meth rave : on Monday *bout 11.,:o'clock • a.m.,
June,a me:
after as � ou on t e
3 Y
Water laatin* for see" weeks..She Mr•. And, Mrs. (:>Civcr Clark, of ' gin an aw throw Whims;*-Footther•
as married to.her late huahand in SGoder,,ch. spent the week era) visit• .gilt front thgi•thran.nrenderingf him
tetnber. 1864, after which they ingat the latter a sister, lural, George: unconscious. .AfedicaI aid rasa 'called
1 d for four years near Oshawa. at Raithby.' 1 and itiswas faun. that five :ribs were
r {l.i.. .
Glen 'Major, its the township of 'tuft. The Eg. Circle ,Wade a change, this broken' aid other injuries sustained.
Chount Rosi&. Carnatiaoai8,:'Daf'a " I �.. s�►+c#dgpre, coming fo_ CVewt iV.awsranosh in leek. t?tkint; Ip the egexs ail Ti.eadays Latat4Intirilirt.hc.,,,,t,7:,.1,11
lehas ,not ier March.. 1871. For i r v t nn Fridai s. instead of ars . fortnert .t:. Alswa, si oft hand: n ne yeas ileo, d y Y s, nno•hope is
.aaoaesata +race Hew weeks re.ided on the farm et orient. owntee e;ne day in he week,
� ,� 8. a O
11 "hot "tic.* In 1880. maven to the farm, which villa+ e, arrived halve from Toronto (} ,
rattt#Hued to be' her, home until her loot k"ridwv everting after an extend-
."""'�"''' by a grandson John Thompson and Mi and Mx Ch a. Asquith: f th •" "•"�•'
!r *t How . weletinte the vain of Tuesday.
10s BT:EWART death. She is 'survived by two sons ed visit to relatives' there,. night W nead morning!
4.- t,o,, "10: rrt+rs tloalr and one ajsug'hter, Mr. Wm. Thema* 8 i arn nog .Tete
son, of Auburn: Mr. Ilrlmh Thome-* Mr. Archie Robertson returned seeding hr eittly , done here. .ink
home last Saturday from the 'Cede.' ready for rani and it 'ansa so "gently.
- .---.....-, ten... of West Wawanosb,' And Was rich hospital. where he had a serious! Mr k McGregor of Ashfield and
"'�+fe-'za ;Rebeccat At h•ame who has been he
t ti H be
eonstanti :