HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-20, Page 7•
1.10111111114T. NAY !iiia, �M
04.4,4.., •
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic Grill •
Tea lam
Ge+aersl sti i •r.
.)Good sere feet, ,burning feet,
sreeillen at, sweaty feet, smelling
`sect, 'fired lett.
(Good=bye ,owns, callouses, bunions
*nil taw epees. No more shoe tight•
•masa, no more limping with pain or
dt wing -up your face in agony.
•"T.ii" is magical, acts right off.
•°Tiz'" draws out all the poisonous
emendations which puff up the;.feet.
Use "Tiz"'and forget your• foot.Met-
.nry .,Alit how comfortable your feet
•foe!. Get :a box of " "Tiz" now at
or department store.
'DDoon t �er. Have . good feet, glad
•fleet, feet that never swell, never
'hurt, never get.tired. A year's foot.
•oonifort :guara!rteed for a few cents.'
Get Rid Of The
Srmday Alternoon
9y TSS HA sail' L T ON, Goads*, Oat
aimaamaa MSHMltIMfalusss itiaia*al%Flus*aa.Ms,. ,
O 6041 of lgsthsl, by "Whose hand, escape his lips, which were repartee
Thy people bent are fed : to hes mother. "The days of iuoura-
't'r'ho through this wit ry pilgrimage iter for my father are at hand; then
Hist all oar fathers led ! will I slay soy brother Jacob." Thee
0 'mead Thy covering winds around, she .planned to thwart such- a eataasl7
Till all our waiuierings cease, ity by sending Jacob away until his
And at our Father's loved abode brother's anger would have died
Our souls arrive in peace. stway. Thus did she reap the harvest
Philip Daddridgee of her own foolish seed-sowiug is
PRAYER being separated in spirit from Esau
and in person from Jacob. Jacob
tie thank Thee our Fetter, for had fraudulently obtained a blessing
Thy gracious leading through each in which God was milted to give him
perplexing path of • life. and w e pray "of the dew of heaven, and the fat -
for the continence of Thy, care all peas of the earth, and plentlr of
the way. Amen. , ' corn aati wine," yet lbw had to leave
il. ;I. LESSON PR MAY MOtlrs,''11 it all behind and go out to be a see-
s L 1e --Jacob at Hetj+a�. 1 vent, In the previdsuee of God thir
Lessee "Tit became le real blotting for bit( ehar-
Lessee Penance -Gen. 28:10.22. I mer was changed and'from being a
Golden Text --Gen. 28:15. 1 "supplanter," he became "a thoeen
In the. 25th chapter.we read of the one'' .In today's lemon we see Jerob
early boyhood lifof the two broth-' on his long journey to his uncle's
era, Jacob and Esau. We read that homein
shad �ppa�n�edon
y no
the boyo and °patio s. made i company but hie unhappy self. It
sethems choice
o of ocsom thng Esau • was not so that he was absolutely
were to have hadfsomething of the alone. for the Father was with him.
daring s f i a
r t of bis grandfather. i e. journey developed along ii Hut first clays journey from Weer-
different line. He was one who shebe to Bethel was a • long one.
chase the life of the open, roving about forty miles, so he would br
over mountain and plain deer hunt-
• weatry in body: as +cell as disqulieted
h he ht b the
ing. Coming home with his vension in mind when There snug rest y
and his tales of adventure, he rescan- wayside.. was nothing in his
sited his aged father, whose favoritehe rest arbut, or one t to ttiea bust night's
ph become. hying
is described as a sleep he ever had in his life." He ,
plain. man, liing in wteand one far hada moat wonderful dream in which
free .110 thoughtl of wandering fah he heard the words of God, and saw
fromthehis birth -place andBsheepfold.
wrath the visions of the Almighty. • • The
alife around the sheepfold, Hlsl vision was a ladder which reached
nature was to bortan with, mean and
ii ugh That 'Sticks '
Soate�oalds.and congbs eeeam,hard to
shake off; stick right to you in spite
sof swatything you do to get rid of '
idlest, )tut .esxuwt.
kind that are - nu
ere bbas m tdanger-
« the kind that weaken the lungs
*ekind tbsttllow eerioes lung troubles
to get•ea foothold in your system.
!(aa eke 'lest appearance of a cough
ermsoid you -Omuta procure a bottle of
-I'. Wood's•
szicyoa will find: that after •takingeis
loss.hour 'eorgh or noidi alai! -Iii}..
IlNegation has lata# o1Vt40•
asaarket Sae the peat 37 years, so mien
you bat it ,you *ate not experimenting
crit' some two and- untried remedy, . '
bat see 'that veu get "Dr. 1'iroad's" -
when .;you ask .for it.
Put up only by'The• T..'Milbern t7lry.,
Limited, 4iaaonto, eat. •
' was so peeled el his handiwork them
be went aim* heeetaiag toady that
am nae emote PSMt eat a suede e•e-
fert. Whoa hi* atteiteko was direct -
e+1 to the fact that he had (mutter* to
plate a saddle -girth around the
he er he Wee- out his brain.
Tetley ('haring ('rues is the unit del;
(entre of Greater London, and all
distances in the metropolis are reek -j
°lied as being within. a certain radius'
frost the memorial erose, while thrmemorial
*pot on which the statwe of t'harlee
I lids, th towel of th igi
ata a moa a or nos ,
truss, W-aise of the most famous and
important intersections in London
It is the junction of reveres! of Old
Lendon's most historic streets. To;,
the west is Pall Mali with its rem-
iniscences of tituart days, when the
courtiers of Merry Monarch played
the game of mill. maille, from which
• the street derives its name, on the
lawn* now covered by the palatial
homes of the great po itieal and tier -
vire clubs. To to est stretches the
Sienna, the reveal higkwayr of the . t, w •
Middle Agus, *hen it vats math _ _.,_..., •,_ ...n _ _, . _ . _ .... �., . _.. _ . • �.
The FaatNy Phpsieioa,-•'The ,good
doctor is aiwsys worth, his fee. But
it is not alwayii possible to get a doc-
tor just when you want hits. In such
eases, (-oriel-me some suggests the
°lie of reliable home remedies, such
as Dr. Thomas' ls'.clettric Oil, which
is wonderfully effective in easing in-
ftamntatory pains and healing cuts
scratches, bruises and sprains. The
presence a thin remedy n ant-
ily medicine chese saver manya tee, t
•., _ u. _ .
the Imo of the greet twble
reheat ger stretched damn to the
Ocean Hesse Was Meted i strand of he river Themes. It is
One of the greatest changes among new nate of the mein arteries of trait -
the many caused by the building of fie between the West End and the
the C. P. R. to Godesrieh Is the .mov- Citv and the home of many of Loa..
ing of the Ocean House front its posi- detest Mime ,theatres and hotels. To
tion at the foot of the Harbor Hill to the earth and south respeeotively are
the position it now oceuPies 300 feet Trafalgar Rewire and Whitehall
t e n
whoseani n
stories here P -
of i atldn, whichbeen told in form -
is cold leed
still leave It at the foot of Har- er eetlelee in th'a series.
bor Hill when the railway bridge and The distract tf Charing Cross is
into fere* en Wedaeeday last. p'm `
new rood are built crowded with iiterary rentiniseences
t h' ithef
With all the work the sun as eeont-
plashes it doesn't make a bit of noise
about it.
Some women marry off their
daughters and others permit theist
tu,make their own mistakes.
When duty calls many men got -
in the opposite direction.
kat it (s delle hats• ... with the FOR FLETCHER'S
or f !stench Dickens. the The JQB PRINTING AT'PHE tITAR 0 A S 7 0 A
(From The Goderieh Star of April ,;"iewav stntien attends on the mite tf �
27th, 1606) 1 n"""^r•feeil 'Market, .where stood the - ,• Il.-._._ _._u. _ ._.__ _._...� .._- _ _-. ._.. _rt_ u.
MF0 C. C. Lee Henget Out Mr. ht. W. blacking, eiletnr,• in which the great a i
. -
The Csodericl Star's
Howell . (. needier lettered; when a boy. and
.C'. C. Lee has purchased the 'where !tie miserable exreeleneet pro
of Mr. M'. W. 'Howell and an ebled Mtn wsth mnterissl whish hr
aY will be cos; between the two tnrned to etieh rind r•eennet in hie
for •the convenience 'of pat.. "tore of "David Cnpnsefleld. It was
in Craven street. where the great
Imnnt+tntn �`vs"1illn, tinct
je.h ,.d that Dick^ u a►qw tike t -lige! el
+..+,',.t. his aftn„n•,,..,1a d. er.kbeAdt ltt"''i'hlt
1stnl"n Cnrnl" w`•. t..oso ,. t ahs`'
deer «' 7`,bnnexn.. 1. ro t"•nta house
•vel''4 tnrnr4 tntn tau; faro* of
T 'rah tt'rn 4 .e when rein et.i otic^+`
lit.,e..m ilia t•r., hi +he !lick lir +he Aie.
of herd o,•` whit.1 ttt!R'•,pt. In Atte nll-
4••n • T'orl•-•-•t•Jip ern".‘„ 4444;nt4 naeax
this his••-.. e♦' Irrt-v (:wnt,r,. Y!n.hpa,
., lir ll*•s"s� , 4+•� n 1.... n'�t,.r.• +'t r, rnr
,t,,., t., ..tett. rh••-,htelrt'na^, end where
Q est 'p..;.., 4.t,,. e..•.. .... ,r.,. • . ..
+-,t Ar'ien,n. "tnnet the ponce witie'it Tile
i' desn'ihed by Tlieken" as the beeh-
eeh- .1•
et: :e:lit'N‘e4e:lisic4 riot tle:iat: tPtverd'et"tie:10. lirroo:int "nh mi het un ,11:11 ir
i rise• te,leittes . of Deeid •C'nnnet'fietit, l 114
gwen to deceit, but the experiencestram earth to 'gar en, the angels Bone. y
of after life, spent fax from his twiny ascending and descending upon s Mr. Jonathan Miller Sold Out Trivet
it, , ,
home, developed` in him finer features and 'God himself at the bead of it'late rn>ords he heard from God were Mr. Jonathan Miller, of the East
and he hebecBig one of„the early Iter- full of promise' and protection; he street livery, •who has been in poor
toe of the Bible• lie was bis moth -would never leave him nor forsake health for' some• time,:has sold out
.airs . favorite•. and the family feud' him until the covenant made witli his interest in that business to Mr.
which drove him from the home was Abraham and with ,Isaae would be L• B. Augustine, who will conduct
tool. fault,
one( whose
ear esu a ob' wee
fulfilled. "I will not leave thee; un- ; the business with Mr« Walker.'
foolish •favoritism of'the '' tiI I have done that which I have The Horton, Was Lunched 1
Widened the breach between >be two spoken to thee of." 1, Yesterday the new tug built by
heathers and was the little rift with- On . waking from his sleep his Marlton, for the Dredging rop-
in tho,ldte,!itlast making the music dream -was very vivid` to his mind ped into. the lake, and "The Co.,Horton"
mute . of what might have been a and he was filled with awe and he is added to the list of Marlton built
happy Aoliie." said. "How dreadful is this place , 1 vessels, The new boat was easily
this is none other but the house of launched, having slipped down her
'In the 24th chapter we read how Gbd,- and this is the gate of heaven." wave like a charm and she looks as
red over Jost grew
cunning in deprive v- So e there erected an altar and cal- pretty a hull as tan. be. (seen• around
led it "Bethel,"meaning "the house this part . e 'Ontario. She is a little
Mg •Esau of both his birthright and of God," and he moreover made a longer than the 'old. Huron.
Ms blessing. ! solemn vow, .saying, "If God will be May
Esau gave expression to his meted• with me, -and will keep me, in this (From The Goder 90 Star of
feelings against his brother, saying tray. that Igo, and will give me 3rd, 1001) ,
in his heart and allowingwords to Those Bleyclleg Scorchers
bread to eat, and raiment to put an; " Will wheels men remember that it
. so that I come again to my father's ,
Weis' house i peace. tis neither kept nor entlem l to
ps n pea e, ben sisal! the Lord , g g an y
es More u be my God, amid of all that thou shalt scorch round the Square, on even -
;PO particularly, when iso many of
Thousands Bless Dr. Leonhardt, the unto thee." Even here . is to be seenthe. gentler 'sex use that thorough-
Physician Who ,Discovered This• Jacob's bargaining is Crit but it shows fare for cycling. <• ,
Common Settee Remedy •. ' • the changethat 'rude come to him .al-
-^-^- ready, for it is a sincere 'expression
If you think that the surgeon's: of gratitude for present experiences
knife is -the only method of escape 1 and hope for the future. In this
from the misery of piles, it's because. vision is clearly shown the nearness
you haven't hoard'' of the nervi treat-laf heaven and earth and the willing..
meet -known as Dr. Leonhardt'a ness of the Pother to help and bless.
' I S.
'his -1 experimenting
trewtmefo ' is -interne, • Boas for Bandits# : `
ale. Ry: experimenting for years he'' '
discovered the exact cause of piles! When bandits in China held up a
,arid then went . further and tom- train last summer and carried many*
iein+'ieyr .there v1;oulet re_ tracelers.0 ): triton)* mountains, Mixes
move the •cause. Mary E. Wood, of Boone Library, a
Dr..Leonhardt wants every: suffer- part of the American Episcopal Mite
give me I will surely give the tenth
The Star and London Free Press-. ... . .....• .$6.75
The Stat rind' London Advertiser t).75
The Star and The Toronto t. lO )e... , :.6.75
The Star and The Mail and Empire 0.75
The Star and The Toroq-,;,a, Stttr 675
Star and The Farmers'.Sun341) -
Star and The I-unily 1•i,'rald and WeeklyStar. 1.I1O
Star ant Saturday sight .. ............... . S.50, •
Star and The Catholic Record 3.75
Star. and Mcl,ean's N ; e :Mille .153.75
The Star and Rod and Gun .. ... . . . 3.90
The Star and, Montreal Witness.. • .... renewal 3.85
new. 3.50
The Star. and World Wide renewal 4.25
new... 3.85
••he.• pit'-' imnte..',nd where be tire
riad+t 'the ecauaintance of Alfred
• s;•1ntr.
n -h
+his w,ypthv
nest (.seetteme,e from the fists of an
infurnted ralv1river.
(Copyrighted), •
teeny enothere t...e.* renono to • bless,
Mother C,rnvep' Worm Exteemittator
1!encea �4tarted to Gotoe Do Fn his"nu">• it hass relieved the little ones
,'Chas Tweedy, St..David's street. of sutrdrtn and made 1them hral1hy,
- Special Clababttn ileitis lath .otheiPeriodicals
ads l
the iirgt citizen, we believe," to may be had on application
adopt : an ripen lawn. Others . are
abut to follow'the example ea they GODERTCti MARKETS
ran remove .their fences with safety Wheat, per bush.....e 1.86 to5 1.40. Cell it elle Stili' Office or 'Phone fe et .f(Or any itlf(trli'tafi(`.�1.
if the cows are not allowed to run ai ; Buckwhept, per bush.. 05 ta 70 , +-
large. Hogs 12.50 to 12.50 " -... .
. Bowling-..•Season'O p , w
'Opened- mitts er-int(slr -40-to- ---40 _ � � . � :.�. ,...
The bowling' season opened on Peas, per bush • 1.45 to. 1.50
Monday Monday afternoon, when a fere mem Barley, per bush.., : u5 to id '
,hers of , the newlyorganized club Cattle, ordinary. per . '
prayed a friendly game. The ground cwt, 0.25 to 0.26.
was rather rough but the new roller Cattle, export 7.00 to 7.50 .
bought by the bowlers should soon (per cwt.•
level : alt in equalities if properly Cattle; choice, . cwt 0,50 to 0.75.
jhandled. The Goderfch Bowling Club, 1a bs, _per cwt.::, 12.00 to 12.00
1 starts the season,of 1901 with the
largest • membership in its history. Dairy Bubter40 to 40
Eggs, per dos ,, 25 to 30
mply flour, ,per cwt 3.90 to 4.00
er to benefit by hie di cove+• and sosion in;Wucheng, promptly dispateh-
that there *Al be no doubtirig or .de- ed a box of books,;to the leader ofthe
lay, IL C. Dunlop and all druggists bandits, writing 'him that she knew
are authorized to sell HEM-ROm .he must be very loner so far up in
with guarantee that it will' 'd6 as the mountains and she hoped lie
stated or money back. , .. might find time to read the ' books
On that honorable basis every sof- sent to bine The honks she sent in.. Fa
Har i s E- ID` o i
Leon , d H M RO today. sh P.. A Life �of•Washfngtoni a Lift - $Itr1118
Aid to the ; injured," and'"Sir Gala -1
Hud'" •26-
.Charing Cross
# The district in Centxal London
fere* should secure a package of Dr.
eluded Bryce's ''Training for Citizen f . • t
f Rn Ging
ry so Brta s
Flavin i�[ir of 1
r�}� � "W" � Y Gad ton .
!tl ��� � s e Silas b ar r
i lie Ftrs
Hack Stables, Etc:
Montreal! Street
Just off the Square %''`..�.� INDAYS OF AOR
'Busses Meet ail Traina and
Passenger Boats
passengers tailed for Inany
part of the town for alt
trains at O.1. -R. or C. P. R
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance,
Our Livery .and Hack Service
wilt be out . up -to- w e
Missionary Review.
known as Charing Cross derives its
name from the mottument erected
there in, 1292 by King ,Edward I to
the memory of his first wife, Eleanor
. of Castile. The queen died while she
TWENTY-FIVE YEARSeAGO t was on a visit to a remote -part of
(From The-Giid'erich Star of April veyed in greae state up to London
2Gth, 1901) for burial in Westminster Abbey. At
Rev. Jas. Hamilton Appointed to . ; every place where the, coffin rested
•'t;uiols. and Leeburn• for the night during the journey
•At a meeting • which occupied twelve days, the king
ofthe Presbytery .of erected a beautiful memorial. cross
Huron on the 23rd fist the resigata- and in the little village. of Charing
tion of Rev, ;1Mr. Acheson, of Kippea, where the cortege Halted for the
was accepted.' He has accepted a night prior to the funeral in the Ab -
call to Pembina, N:.Dak. It rvas•alsy.
decided to. induct the Rev. •James twelve crosses, and the .spot was
d t
in every respect._
Your Patronage Solid}ted •
T. .V�i�AR T`S
Phone 100 mei-areal Street
The People's Power
the country, and her •body was con -
The•forerunnerof coide
and gripper
!-dent tried inhale Min-
ard's and rub it on the
throat and chest. ,
The great preventive. et
bey. Edward placed the last. of the
Hamtiton into the pastoral •charge of henceforth k Ch ' Cross
Patent !flour, per cwt. 4.75 to 5.00 The a rit afforded lw the Province of Ontarkt S;,via s
Bran, per ton ;200 ta• sa.00 S@,Ci y d
Shorts,'per ton:... ., moo to 35.00 Office, together with tate facilities extended by ..very Post
Hay, per ton , .. 10.00 to 12.00 Ot
tbce in Canada, and other countries; stake it possible for
Hide,s..... . . 06 to 06 everyone to deposit theirsavings in this Bank. Interest is
Potatoes, Per bag2 50 to 2.50 I allowed, chtnpounded half -yearly, with full checking; privileges.
everywhere. "'-y
Banking by Mail
CANADiANr, NATIONAL `RY t,ow t„ s.r aw'p;t'ic cl,(l(tt .
RAIN SERVICE t0 TAPAHTD 4111.'(•l:itir/;:its • are gu►ai'atite.ed .h *elle: ;gov't:rnme,nt, l;It.
Daily Except •,•Sunday
Lve. Godericlt 600 a m. •2.20 pin.' • lig ntitt:'nces elft sttlli ley r:1ade'. try Pt t t xrs'i,:. llli'1r2 order, ..
' (;Ilttton fi n.) a.11t. 2.%);i p.fit. ,' . t'.t(r't6sv :Ili'.leor 1:..^,f>tl')�tl late); and `1 r•ttt:1•l•E ii ;alit SScd 1;(J
" Seaford) 6,41: a.m. 3,1`2 p.m.l ., teniae nearest Memel), where re they will tet.:he i''i, ipt attention.
•"" llitehelt .7 04 11 lit. :3 �l2 ti tis. t : '
The confidence the rural communities -'have shown ill this
Bank, is indicated by the iaroe increase ii, depibits, which are
l'ri,vincs� lir (Jntarie.
Arts 5tintlot t1. 7.;i0 u in. 4.10 pen, 'r fl Mario )vin s Office
1 evince of Qn g - e
Kitchener fi;3t1 at.ui. , •i `?O p.m.'
4" . Guelph 14 •l.l tt in. • 5.:s() p.tet. (: Heed Office I! 15 Queen's Park, Toronto
4.4 Tertian 101.1(1 a M. 7.:30 is re,"
sown as arm•*. �,
eb an
antv. e Unolin cltcNeil to the The Cross e was erected at the juac• p;ettittiing--T.eavo'!`oroutn ti •t:� a.m., -, , e• `Toronto Branch 'Offices ;
elf Bayfield and Bethany. tion 'of the tett thoroughfare:;. now 12.:�a pan. and (i.(f%�, i m p Cur. Bay Adelaide Sts, •(.'or. I,•nitertity and Derides Ste.
knoten as the Strand and Whitehall 1
Death of Mrs. Afosety which then• formed:. the riverside Parlor Cafe car, (jos:•*rich to 'Tor- c
On Sunday last Mrs. 'John :closely. highway between the cities; of Lon-. into, on morning train. and Toronto •()tater Brandies at
an old nand well-known resident of don 'and Westminster, and there it to <roderich 4' 0 i p int train
i. 1{ eaten St t �tharmnet; St ltarvtt 1 t aubrokr
519 Danforth Arenue _ 1
Geist -kb, died at the good old age Stood for two and a half centuries Through roach Codtrich to (genie nest } e �- +
of''SJ years hat•Mg fosome ye rs „put soon after the'establiehment of F. H. LAWRENCE & SONS Brantford, . eVeodstoek, Owen Sound, (ittaea
Nenlitaret and Aylmer...
been so'frail in -hearth• that -her de- • the- Commonwealth . Government /it fawn Passenger end I tame tstent., + Seafarth. V ili.crtrtn
cease was not unexpected. Her was destroyed by the fanatteal.•Puri. • .4. - '!'hone M - • . itr
_ husband pre -deceased. ber some tans, and it was not until 1865 that. -
years ago, and she leaves two the. present monument, known as
daughters -Mrs. 'Joseph Williams Eleanor's Cross, was erected in the
-_ and Mrs. (Cal,) Varcoe-and one . rour'tyard • of ("haring Cress Raitw. e
Mother of Eleven Children
Praises Lydia E. Pinlchatn's
Vregetahle Compound •
Her Interesting Experience
Buckingham, Quebec. --•"I am the
mother of eleven living children,
and my baby is
five months old,
• I am only 38yeare
Id and I have
ken Lydia E.
inkham a Vege-
table Compound
for weakness and
a frommy
mater, Dame Ed.
ouord Bellefeuille
of Ranwayville.
or five years I
was in misery • was always ready
to cry. Now I ant so happy to him
good health. My daogldter, Who is
18 Item old, hart )bio taken it and
wilt be happy to recommend it to all
yourggirhsel Dame WILUA1t PAR -
gist, Box 414. Buckingbatn, Quebec.
• Why* suffer for years with bock -
ache, nervousness and other aiiiewnta
common to women from early life to
middle age when Lydia.E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Colnpotind'tell give you
In s°recent countryt.wide ranvarul
of purehaaeraof Lydia E. Pinkham'tt
Vegetable Compound, over 2r,0.01k4
replies were reetived. and 96 out of
every* illi) reported they were bane.
Med try its lac v
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity '
Iron by Electricity
Camper than coal or wood
An Electric isaieuuul Cleaner
racnloveS the dust; a broom just
moves the dust.
We guarantee all Hydro [,amps
for 1 Sou hours.
Walk 111 and tea, display at
Tie hydro :Store
son, Mr. John Mosely. 1 Station. This cross is not, as is
Enlarging at Knitting Factory I generally believed,, a replica of the
The (ioderich Knitting Co. are original memorial. nor does it stand
on the same spot as the monrinent .
making preparations to . enlarge the erected by Edward 2. The site ref
present b doing east. - a late the original 'cross is now. occupied te i'•e
torehouse to the an equestrian statue of Charles I '
(From The Goderich Star of slay which overponkn the i:ntt ,n wh;e1
4th, 1900)he was executed outside the palet:'
A Large Hose ' of Whitehall.
On Saturday last Clem. Newton, The: statue of the ill -fisted num-
of Porter's Hill, brought in a hog, arch has iifin interesting history. It
which weighed 752 pounds, the lam'. vas
telt len l,t ncl iteaueettcas statueeats a ale
en t hog ever weighed on t{rlite
e scales ry
here: Of course it was sent to Ter. tinle of tale klm• and erectnd lav
onto, the Earl of Portland in his eserden at
Roehampton. About the same' time
.4 Business Change . ' that the ('cmmonwealth G'ivernment
• Mr. J. 11. Hawkins has disposed of destroyed Eleanor's Cross if was de -
Hs hardware stock and 'business to tided thnt the statue of Miele( I
Mr. E. P. Paulin. of Dashwood, who !should be demolished. and it . was
takes possession on the :let'of' June, sold to n brazier named John ltivett
Baptist Church Foundation Was [.aid on the distinct understanding that it
The forndation of the new Baptist j `a soldtee . n s old metaltt and mime fad e
church, to be erected opposite the '*,illy hetet thR should be done, and
faith -
Public Libwy, will he ready Joe the he • sttbseouently nroduecd at great
joists next week. The church will be MAPS of broken bronze, which lie
brick and will andoMarketathc lot is corn- .,fated renrer•ented the destroyed sta•
er of Montreal strrtta a rue, and• from which he farnir lied -
one time belonging - to the virion ntutrier,us email n"'irin,R. tsueh as
estate. knife handles and inkstands. These
Mr. t1 flnfatt Resigned were eagerly -Purchased .bv ltovaliste -
. Mr. T. W. Wilmott, who has been who treasured them as rnevrnirs of '
organist and choir leader of Knox their martyred hint, and from the '
ehgreh for come month.", has resign- nate of them Rivett amsesed a ton-
ed that position and accepted a sir stdereble fc,rtune. Ineteid of, dee
der one in St. Paul's Episcopal stroying the statr-e as he had agreed
, church, Dunnville. f'eerier'bunied seare
Price of Drinks Went Up and intact ti the ground. where it
•the ..:,,mcra:4•.:etty ':.!,tris tiTM•il tkrit l>_ertr��rxtly •
A nen tariff for drinks was adopt- tion of the Monnrehv. Ile then dust'
:eft by the hotels of tcwn and went
it up and preaentcd it is eh -c.11 c 71
who rev meed him very han,lenniete•
Children, vx'y ' ts tin olttwrneee in outwitting the
CAS S "`:-` C l 4 A Frenchman teamed La Soeur, the
t't,,ttmnnwealth (Mverianeent.
• The statue was the work of a t
111.101 Ile i
- - ♦ 4.r. A..•.•+•
a ry,♦4 .u. tts::rM <r..M of tl;v �.•�•�
-Ever itiuscle..14'e
st!revenly and 0ear tl . su an d
The Marshall Mattress• has shtluldt:m hips and •lege: : • the ie
revolutionized sleeping comfort. M,:!'' hall Spring >.lattet'•b, built
It is a mattress scientifically built with many hundreds of melte iduni
togive real body support for c t.ry • highly;' rcGilient.spprnng unitsgentlt
weary muscle of the sleeper. Only and evenly supports the natural
when every muscle of the liet:ly its contour' «►f •:the hid . 1-!:‘ try •
completely relaxed can true hcaaith. mucic Of tile brt;.le' tt'; ng conifi irte.
lul,•+s1Ccl.) he <a it:y;cd. .OrJfriitr, ale :• rad , properly, supported
stuped nattntt-sees give suit(srt :m.iii'4 true inu';eu1:ir reitteiutic 41
only to parts of the Jody-- tate isr,1 rete -0l 1ecaltlz-t uiit?telg OE'ep.
i fe.tt ,fr r,:.! fete t,•k •. "Pere. :: 'e''
4J,',Lntit.Ara, 1anfliY'i!1_.!. C •.L9~2iI..L. 'r.:'. t17 • Y+it..<t:9
;.y4RfNrL, FOR
..,Sprhutattreg'. MARK TRADE
esionismoa .wommi r -fir.
L_+..•. .[v