HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-20, Page 6.
• itioviasirt OF WESTERN ONTARIO
aarse ALCOURSES FOR Summer School
L.C. ►. ar e+*. t�..rc ,.."t • JULY Acis to
1. Cetera t.. Freeewil. Gar.r.d•ee1 . AUGL T I4tle
,tromkre0.1411wisWok II•i«rlAeel ee " PO* Yafermae1�r w
••�•r orrrrr la AMrrwr•wi, ear J 4"."r,1ar
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e10 of ,assay rad r eramot.w.
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CHAPTER XIX` balanced themseiver, it was only nat.
ural that the exuberance of these•
Every new and Prosperous minim; new arrivals'"should prove infectious
ramp has an Arabian Nights atoaas-, and that a sort of general auto -in -
plum, characteristic, peculiar, bade- toxication should result. That is
etcribable, EapecislIy: noticeable was precisely what happened at Dawson.
this atmos here in the early Arctic' 'leen lost ail caution, ail common
times, Mane up as they were of men sense: they lived in a land of rosy
who knew little *bout mining, rather imaginings; herd.bought lessons of
lea about frontier ways, and next to experience wereforgotten; reality
not about the country in.which disappeared; fancy took . wing and
they found themselves, These hien left fact behind; expectations were
bed Mille fabulous hopes, they dwelt capitalized and no exaggeration wast'
in illusion, they put faith is the thin- too wild to elmilense acceptance. It
nest of shadows. Now the moat became a City.uf Frenzy.
practical miner is not a conservative It wan, all very fine for an a*dent
person; he is erratic, eredulous, and youth like Pierce. Phillipa; it set hirci
extravagant; reasonless optimism iaa ablaze, stirring a fever in his blood,
'sit once his blowing and his curse. ibis -lug won thus far he made the
Nevertheless, the "old=timers" of the natural mistake of believing that the
Yukon were moderate' indeed as raee was his, so he wasted little time
compered with the adventurous holt- in the town, but very soon took to the
day -Seekers vtho swarmed in upon hille,ethere tomake his foaitune..and
their track'. Being ` none „too well be done with it.
Here came . the awakeninii;.' Away
from .the delirium ,of the camp, in
• contact with cold reality, he began
' E to learn something of the serious;
nractical business of gold -mining.
411 1 Before he had leen long on the
rreeks he found that it was no.ehild's
a.play to wrest treaavre from the fros•
en bosons of a hostile wilderness,
1 and that, no matter bow rich or how
plentiful the treasure; " Mother Earth
guarded her secrete jealously. He
!-gran to realize that the obstacles he
had so Blithely overcome ingetting
t•, the Klondike were as nothing to
those in the way of his further suc-
cess. Of a sudden hie triumphal
nroa;•ress slowed down and he came
' to a pause; he began to ',Mark time
'1:b.re rias work la ytdeaty to k ' aeoaaey *111 be glade."
bad. but, like alit of t set aaeevi-corn- � "Du yea thiak I watt to go lying
scree, I e was apt satisfied to talcs flied over hill send dale, like a tun hLe.
wage*. They sacotned px'irt ibdeeaed �� a wee I deven't had warns lett bi
+:onapared with the drunken figure:" a week andel 'weep salt tears when I
t that were on every lip. In the pre*-
on a brad. Bet rat no Crewels; I've
1 cease of the uncertain he could net;
Woro so got to tamale. I think I've landed
I eeatant beseirit with a sure thing.l eomethirg finally." He toil of Taal
Nevertbeleu, he was soon forced to and Jerry's offer, but failed to int-
nereessity of resorting to it. for Tema; , , �, press hfs listener.
through the fog of his mfsappreken-:, Godfrey, --,t "if you go out to Hunker Creek
( It
signs, beneath the obescurity of bier'," initial—fit leas 1'11 ses:re:ely ever ecce you," said she.
ignorance, ee, hes began to eirwof the ,rich neer Mat sad aaeanai I WWI 11e* "That's the first objetetion. I've
true outline of tilnyts as t,• answer-' to flet tt! cite of bd acs* UN *kV nearly died thew last three weeks.
stand that 'hilt Wena were itage*etkal,1 asi i wine the bar, ads I wettkl take. But there are other objections, You
To begin with. *eery foot of ground ooh ha ssao witk couldn't get along with those old
in the 1 *oven district* was taken. end tiseetarR i men. Why. they can't get along with
even when he pushed out far afield I would think teat Seateadaselal 11 ' ,•ach other! Then there'* Jae bit- a
he found that the whole country was Ali die before 1 get aror them. CeaskeyA to think of. Why run into
• plastered with locations; rlveire. a trouble.
creeks end tributaries, bermes and; Ow taking two bons of "I've #hought of all that. But Big
hillsides, had been staked. For ananyi
Ler* is on the crest of his wave; he
• has the Midas touch: everything he t
lays his hands on turns to gold. He
believes in hunker,?,,,
"I'll find nut if he does," Laure
Heartrid Her?@ said trickly, '"%ie's drinking. Be'd !
R is tell rile anything, Wait!" t%tth a
miles in every direction blazed trees
and pencil notices greeted him—he
fotmd them in phicee where it seem-
ed ifo foot but his had ever trod. In
Dawson the bold Commisaloner's of -
flee Was besieged by daily.crowd* of
cleiraaants; it would, have taken yearn
of work on the part of a hundred
thousand men to even ptospect the
ground already recorded on the Woke.
Back and forth Phillius came and
went, he made trips with pack and
hand -sled, he slept out in spruce for-
ests, in prospectors' tents., in view,
cabins the sweaty green loge of whieh
were still dripping, and when he hied,
finished he was poorer by a good
many dollars and richer only ail the
possession of. a few recorder's re-
ceipts, the value of which he had al=
reedy begun to doubt.
Jflupnointed he was, but not dis-
emu:aged. It wan all too new and ex-
citing for that. Every visit to Bon...
anza or El Dorado inspired him, It
would have inspired a wooden man.
For miles those valleys were smoky
front the *inking fire, mid their clean
white carnets were spatted with rifles;
flaabing smile she was off.
t �Sl" returned with an air of tri-'
amnio, "You'll learn to listen to
me," shedeclared. '"He says Hunker
;s low suede. That's why he lets
1 Rat better and set ea welt eat lave on it instead of working it him-
aaas hearty ate star Z wtut self. tar* is a fox." .
"11'e said that?"
Now, I would redeemed 3[ilburtt'aa 'The bee; Mere is in it is wages. '/
Ilett sad Nese Pills to sail who are Those were bis very words. Would
haltered in any way with their lout._ po" nut up with Linton end Quirk
and the two blcCaskeya far wages'
or nerves, a tai l: octant sal too much 3t Of course not. I've something bet
their praise." ter fixed up for you." ,Without e't-t
..,a.�,.r •,,_ ,1111..-......'.:w:"." =
4.4•11..0 vOr
_ Protect Your Snakier Cottage hien FireI
Einta writent eve lower irsersane rates
ea muses* sott gen reediest with linuttreed
nuoiootSUMO sXsr.lirereaistattt
w r,r
.........� �-AN ANO r e
.r,etra,rrrwrra,ea, w.rr.reer�l .,
7 rwwarwr .�,.aear.Nawrwt mini a
1 in, r - .,rar,,,�,tar,eaaaatesreeerrerr weeewa
.� ..rw�tratrtsr,saraasrr.rrt
,eetrAIM/A MOWsoar's a m
!�ilnllj!!Jrimyi „fit
.r . D,rwr:
*1 lompooNe7 '14i1111111=1
Brame �:IOt tsa Hraantfoini,. eCln<a+etitrcisr
Stook Carried, Information Furnished and' Seseveme •
e► . on Brantford Roofing rendered by
W. M. McLeali<1, w ,s RP Go ` ,'
plaiaing, she led you."
to the bard' `• n_,
1[ilbetrn', Heart and Nerve Pills where Morris Beat was standing. should not be applied to the tied in The world may be getting better
have bee on tbeeaxsrket for the Pose Best was genuinely glad to see hist which rosea are to be planted at once., every day, but hew -about the' night
3 . ream; area Hutt yrou telt* does wheat . former employee, he warmly shook it should not toueh the roots. It i stuff, •
Pierces hand.. mayhave, a worse effect upon fall
you mit tor them. "I've got 'em, going, haven't I?" plated than upon ,print planted • The lady who used to put crimps•
Put up only by The T. Milburn, Co, he chuckled, ( ones. Considerable quantities of lig- '4°t the pie -crust. is now out putting
Limited, Toronto. Dat•
Laure broke out, imperiously: aid manure (urine) from it may set- crimps in the fender.
of raw ret dirt. By day they iechneii , ,� , us man,
• YLaosen hp, Morris, and lets all urate the soil and grove very harm.
have a drink on.the.house. You can to the roses which must remain,
to blow' of noes, the crush of falling ballot -box would look like a aottin' afford it. In it all througl; the winter while int
trees. the plaint ••et windlasses, the of pigeon eggs. Think it over and "Sure!" With ," hnpnv nrin the a dormant state. Newlylantetle {�
cries of freighters; by night they be- let ua knot+. We're leavin' tomor- x rnprietor ordered a• quart bottle • of- roses are incapable of sbaorbing'the i ae► a ti
came vast caldrons filled with flick- row. e. . food: axolutions until new feeding tootle.
ering fires.; trentendors +•ars. the vnp. A lease on hunker Creek sounded ' (To be continued) are :formed, and the p]aants becamb
errs from which wenn illuminete1 by good to Phillips. Big Lars Ander- - — --.---
re-established. A - good apps cation RUN.DOWN MEN
hideous furnaces. • Oms would have son lead bees one of the; first arrivals £leaf soul will of the soil be heavy,
thought that here *•old was being from • Circle City; . already he was 0
mode, not sought ---that this was to rated a millionaire, for luck had smi1-
region of volcanic hot , nr+egs, where ed upon him; his name was one to
every fissure and .vent -hole snouted conjure .with. Place wee, about to
steam. it was a strange, a marvel- accept the offer made when Jerry
ur Horticultural -- column - ilghten'it ,and •aid to. its fertility.a '
' (By Henry J, •Moore).
Try to kill time and you will fiend;
it has more lives than a eat.
ours' sight; it stirred the imaui„nation said : Soil,—.Tae best soil for Roses is a 'a et -. ,nen, leen, know that Cod Liver Extract is one of
to know that underfoot. locked in the "Who d'yon s'poae got the lay be- clay loam. A very heavy clay hoer-- the gfeatest flesh pradireers ire fife
flinty depths of the frozen gravel, low, ones.', That feller I1icCaskey ever, may be so improved- bythe ad.. t• p
was wealth unmeasured and imearn- and his brother," dition cif stable manure, leastet and
You're behind the times et you don't
ed, rich hoards of yelllow ;old that "11lCCaskey;" - n little sand, as to grow the shoat
yesterday were ownerless. - e "fleet, an old pal of Anderaon,s." beautiful flowers. a light sandy sail
` world.
'Alga 1 -mating Pi Because it contains more vitalizing:
(( vitamins than any rob you. can fret: •
A month of stampeding dulled the ""Does Big Lars know• he's a thief?" may also by incorporating a sufti I You'll be glad to 'know that Me -
keen edge of Pierce a enthusiasm, so Jerry shrugged, Lars mut the tient quantity .of clay loam,. or in the eD Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets„ come
he took a breathing -spell in which to kind that listenslo scandal and we a Have jyolll` Car 31rlt,et� in sugar casted. form nacei, ao• it'' You'
naso of extremely light sous, �
get his bearings. ain't the kind that carries it." tity of pure bron clay and o organic O really want• "to put 10 or 20' pounds of
The Yukon triad closed and the Pierce meditated briefly; then. he. matter, be rendered satisfactory. • with tae't3C"W Y,ae2 UerFin- •o
Y solid healthy flesh on your bones and
l 1 d d a• cotrt•
human flotsam and jetsam it had said, slowly,:"If your lay,turns out Clay teams are usually cool in 16if. All new Co ayes. -. feel eel an strong an have
borne thither was settling. Pieafce ,good so will�,efeCaskey's;"r ,!lis frown summer. This is ideal soil condition •
I that ie will Minikes -sulk
' could feel a metamorphic agency at deepened. Well. if there. s a law of ;for root growth of roses. They are a exion a people
' work in the town; already new flab- compensation, if thews such a thing also retentive of moisture this beingPn1'd es_ ,4�J.no ` any druggist for a box f McCoy's
its o were erYei a axing. among as retributive noetics --you a s tl I f th d o Iver x roc a
1 surface new. forma were in the -- "Ent there ain't any each thio ".fl°weriais.growth.,Dark colored hu ,Alsorurnitnrere-finished. d n't gain ounds•
,in �0.'days
pooY g mit soils aro during summer ental you o g r p
f lifet ll' ib have, C d L' E t t T blets
essential a or a production of strop �
its citizens; and beneath
itaa whirl- badpiece f round." p g '. Onl Fla) cents for 60 tablets and' if
$1111/1L 112XEL 11014111,110141
` a� s�"
Ca Only
Leat't TORONTO 1i,00 p.m. Deity .
'Arrive .WINNIPEG ..... ,11 11. » 10.45 it.n1. Secorul Day
Arrive CALGARY 1111...:: 9.25 Cm, Third Day
.00 a.m. Fourth Day
(ST4DA+i 4,1s)
Saves a &sine&day
to Winnipeg
• end Western Points
Dining Car Comp*rtmeittCars , a'
Standard Sleeping Cara Cotstpasrtntttnt Observation
Open"top observation cars through the Catnadie n pacific Wades
between Calgary and Revelstehe. Oil -burning locomotives in
the mountains.
important oaenmsrdal and toasrlat entree reached
at oe avoids tt hours. - '
hr thaws cad Ywththeer ierprreraeuis*
pItOT1?CTION against
. "r " is .. othi..i new. But
Monarch tripe gives
you &wile protection
ote er the
Geiroen stripe and nookiper'stop
runt" a tow inches Wow it.
Pure thrsod ikit -- for Awn;
£bre ilk Y.,(;'.., x --for
weed*. Byer, news* ahade. $1
—011moompla of the voisns itt
ail MolCniitHosiary dse
73oc oo %2.V0. At ailirrs.
making. It alarmed bion to realize • Tom quickly asserted. \"Anyhow, it and unsuited to the Rose They iib• i. Yoter druggist is authorized ;to bend'
that as yet his own affairs Were in don't wet* in mining -camps.. If it sorb and retain the sun's heat tqs u
l you' back the money you paid' for
• them.
':. It isn't anything unusual for a per.
son to gain 10 pounds iii 30' ddays;ndi
for old people. with feebleness over.-
taking than they work wondbrs,
suspense, and he asgued, with all the did work the saloons .would be read- greater extent than light colored cl
hot impatiencc of youth, ,that • t was ing-rooms .enol the, gamblers would limns. 'Roses will not.da' .well in a • Fred Seihrtook,
high bene he came to rest. Oppor- take in •waaihing. *Look at the-, lucky .t.° *hicld;;i.. light in weight or
tunities were on every side of him, men in this camp—bums, most. of coarsely1 porous in nature. Kingston Street
but he knew not where or :how to !em. George ,Cormack was a squaw-
Time to Fla
-lay hold of theltr.�to,.bie best..atdewis- wan, and be-made.the strike." mme Roses are -deeidu-
to More than ever he felt him -one shrubs and may be planted after 4nri
rte. °' i'ierce felt.no leas of Joo Mc- the leaves fall in sutunm or before :1r,
self to be the toy ; of circumstance Casket',, only dislike and a desire to "'
more' then ever he feared the falli( they in sprfngn In •mild winter
bility of hisjudgment and the cones- avoid, further contact with him. The localities late October - is a good Vine ,tea- 1 ' i
prospect of a long winter in close at which to. plant.. Spring' planting
quences of a mistake. He was in'a roximi isii�.tt` roven scoundrel' vias"'i
mood both dissatisfied and. irresolute reptig;►ant, "kala aced against this (April or early Mays is beat, hpa- ="""
when he encountered his, two trail was the magic of Big Larse"name. ever, in.• extremely cold localities.
friends. Tom Linton and Jerry Quirk. It was a problem; again indecision "
' ia'nder , �favoralrlq conditions' fall ,
Pierce had seen then* last at Linder; rose to trouble him, planting has some advantages.
„ , „ Where the spring seasons are short
man, engaged in prosecuting a slam- I 11 think. it over he said fi'n-
,•,lers" divorce: he was surprised to any. , end warm weather approaches reunited. them start into growth qui
find thequick.
Eaethe down the street Phillips. iedly,
} et . never dreamed you'd . get attention'was arrested by an an-' therefore, if late in planting the
I ebrnu..h." he told' them, when, greet- nouncement of the (penile; of the gr growth is checked. If;• however, the
bees hadpassed. '"Did tau conte in plants were in their positions in good
$Rialto Saloon and 'Theater, Miller do
one boat or in two?" * Beat, proprietors. Challenged by the they fall
or ey would renewtheir dorring ant life
Jerry grinned. We sawed up that name f' his former employer and
k outlaw four times.- We'd have split drawn by the. sounds of merriment .your Without a serious set back. As the
her end to end finally,- only we• run from witthin, Pierce entered. He young roots are formed they should
a out` of pitch to cork her up." head seen little of Laure since his ar- grow unrestricted, ' and undisturbed
"That boat.was about worn out • rival; he had all but banished her,'. plantedPositen. positions
s where not be
} with our bit kerii gs," Tom' declared. from. his thoughts; in feet; but he gois notn good ions theg drain-
"She ain't. over 'half the length she determined now to look her . tip, non - good. Wet and soggy soil
wris.-all the rest is sawdust. If the! . The l:ialto was the newest and the conditions,invariably a mean failuow
nall-holes in her was laid end to end most pretentious„, of Dawson's amuse-. Do not, therefore, plant them on low'.
they'd reach to Forty Mile. Weinept padares+'. It comnrised a 41111k* Lying portions of the garden, unless
were the last outfit in. as it was.. and ing-place with a spacious. gambling one these drainapositions e is satisfactory.
under Often the
wed of missed a landing if a feller room adjoining. In the rear of the forainaentioned condition, the soil will
hadn't run out on the shore lee and latter was the theate». a huge- loo become sour through 'non-aeration.
oonnpthe end of attown lariat.I ever entered antieX Rope I don't home of Bacchus and "Tepiachor?.the
' noses wish nut liveeplong ind such soils.
leave it the same evey." ' The front room was crowded ; Bioses welted be planted in a more
"Guess who drug us in," Jerry throneh en erchwav )nndinar to. th» or a less sheltered A po
sition and in ian
urged, srsmhlineeliall Crime rho noise of tante en from one.
hous or therCst ctu e
or pleutiteg of shrubs for instance
will be ideal if sheltered from the
north end east winds during winter
The roses require a cool atmosphere,
during summer as well as a cool 'soil
for the nerfect development of stems
and of flowers. Full exposure to at-
mospheric conditions during summer
is desirable except perhaps from
strong prevailing winds.
The proper distance apart for hy-
brid perpetual* is three feet and for
hybrid tea roses two feet. : The roots
should be -well spread out when plant-
ing and the plants be well firmed in
the soil. The point at which the
roses -are. budded (,union of stock and
scion) should be covered with two
inches of soil, therefore, plant the
bushes deeply enough to allow of
Preparing the Beds..*• -Prepare the
beds or borders during Fall whether
you intend planting the roses in
October or spring. If this was . not
done. de it during March or early
April. Ii the ground is new, trench
or dig it to a depth of eighteen in -
rhes, and work in a little rotted sta-.
ble manure, preferably cow manure.
Heavy applications of such manure
"I've no idea, '"said fierce. • ""r n'any voiceihsesti end over t:ngall the stra'ns
"Big Lare. Anderson.'"' '"
a "n "ra•n at e re epi .Ben
"Bib[ Lars of E1 Dorado?" • • of illo-. 'a far1nnn sporting charsct.'r
"He's the party. He was just WON husy weighing geld dant a'•*he
drunk enough to .risk breakin' thru'. r neelve seals near the door when
I When he found who we was—well, mares entered -
he gave us the,town; he made us a The theater, too, was packed. Hero
' 'present of Dawson and all points * second
to and, aS h,!irgon Y.thrivin
north, together with the lands, prem. every box in tial h^icon' averhsn^°-
lses; privileges, and hereditaments e ,, three sides of . ;+•• was or.'unied.
kinpd of Mat hang ver headache rr 1 Wafter+ were scurrying up and sown
Ravi fo take soda after my mems." 4-b-' wide .stair'wav: the theenernl'hnb-
} Lar' wes a shcepnian when we hub r+""s punctuated iny' soutxd of
knew hdni," Tom explainerd. "Jerry cxl°litditasr Corks s.s the Klondike
acrid 1 purloined him, front son 0in"Srnm- nen ?irifts advertised their prosper.
inent cow -gentlemen who had him itv in a hilarious c-nntest of prodi-
ta+ll decimated un ready to , hang. and a3ality, .
1 he -hasn't forgotten it. H," got eery-i Al! Dawson hind turned out for the
body full thenight we landed. and! oral of ,the K Pieorada kognnized soy -
wound up by bovine* all the fresh gs, among
eggs in ramp. Forty dozen. Wee them Big Lars Anderson.
lied 'ern fried. He's amince -ince witha These new-born magnates were as
Hist money."l thriftiest as locusts, and in the midst
• "}1 own- more property than any- of their bacchanalian revels Pierce
beide." said Pierer. felt very poor, very obscure. Hero
"Rierht! - And he two rat 'lay.' e was the roisterous spirit of • the
phnla'+s' vv' opened. "`A lav ? Northland at full playe it irked the,
On Fl Dorado;"' he queried, in frank young man intensely to feel thathe
au+++xeament. could *Hord no part in it. Tenure
""No. HunkerIle asys ft's 41, was not long in discovering him.
+"•.nnA ,•.•rick. W.e're Inokin' for She sped to him with the swiftness
psrdner." i of a *wallow; breathlessly she in.
"What kind of a partner?" gaited: TIi0Usl1ND5 OF
It was Linton who sensv°ered.1 "Where have you been so long `: THANKFUL n+lOr'HER.4
' "Well. son* nice. easymaintt. herd-` 'Why didn't you let nit know you
Working young feller. Jerry *nel i were; beck?" 1 ,
are pretty old to wind a windlass. here "I just got in. I've been every- Strongly ltee in blend Baby's Own
we can work underground where it" where," Hsi smiled down at her, and Tsbtets.ts Their Friends
warns.' 'dee clutched the lapel of his coat .
"Easy»from'; that's the word,'* tinea drew hien out of the crowd, '"I Once a mother hail. used Baby's
Jerry nodded. "Tom and rale get dropped in•�to see how you were get- Own Tw,belenothinghir littledo>es she
along with reach other like lin order tang *long.
f buekwheot raakea, but we're set in "Well, what do you think of the give such results that the inother has
our ways and we don't went anybody place?" nothladt but words of prairie frit them.
to come between „ j Miihy, it loolnts as if you'd all stet hr haribe thou ane of mashers
Hew "meld 1 do. pierce intuit- rich in a nig tt. T:sbiets is lilts. I)etvtcd pA praise the
tel. '*lth a Intik. 4 And yore. Have yoti dune any- New filasffow, N.S., who varAitea: 'i
Torr. anavw►redd promptly. °lf. your "thine' for •yyrrowr�retf 7 '�
name was pet to a vote I know ewe Pierre seems his head; in a few. have used Baby's Own Tabtet* for
of as that wouldn't btaekitall yam," words he recounted his Vetere and my children, rand from mi experience
"Burg!" cried his psrtner. "The his comings, bis etryeeta seed his fasil- I would root bet withoatt theta, 1 would
tares. Taints fellovn,d titer re -Ital mr:e every other mother a!' roang
-- --------,r•- with swift. birdlike noes of under- chLWrre, to keep a box of the Tablets
,standing;: her dark *yes were warat in the boas..
A T ' e ' n kla ag a apathy. llabr is Crown irtivrts acre It
rand laze
"Yea's gsiasR at it the wrong . thiroatlt laxastiva which rdaegtllats the
way." site motorboat wises be bad fin- bowels *ad sweeten the stomach
Pee bloods sot *shwa ieions. -Tim have brains; mak* serif', mit euastdpation and
�igiwoverso"s them work. Look at Beat, belt at tiolt; Bias& stye *sada mid simple ev-
biilier, hie new partner• they know ors sad make teething ILO. 'they*
bettor than to wane. Mintier is a aro seaeia by **di** dealers or by
dignators opt
bear*it �►. , ii ,er•e,ems _ goers rase.. Pty* a want tbhtg. mall at IS tents a box from :'Cita IYr.
Pierce. Stay here in bows ae ad lire 7Plittaxls' Heatiei ee Co.. Brockville
like a home* *nag; Iowa's whsrs tilt Oelt.
In 192
. .
HEVROLET had its Wit-
N est year. During that -11
literally thousands of testirnoi.
ial , letters were received. from
satisfied Chevrolet owners; --a -
tremendous avalanche e
dence that 'the public possesses,
a genuine appreciatiO3the fur
and its perfortnanct.. ,
In 1926
Chevrolet offers ertenter
values than before. With its
never -failing standard of eituaI ti
and the new LOWER paces.
Chevrolet is demonstrating to
the public, in greater degree than
ever, its policy of
Haran Motor .Sale
Greater Qu arlIr t Lew - Cost
We have just received a tarp e assortment of I)ressed in '
time for the holiday, which will be greatly reduced for
!'rices are the lowest p(rasibie and we invitee comparison
Royal LaLIes' Readymto*Wear Co.