HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-20, Page 4TR. G REYH O U N DrlAV STAR Co. Kali, ANNUAL LOW FARE EXCURSION Goderich to DETROIT and Return THE BIG STEL STEAMER GREYHOUND $44.00 SAPIi;,, RPI b'i'', COMFOR'TABLE • slue - R' ound Trip WILL LEAVE Got» RICH One Way Tuesday, ay, Jun 8th, at 9:30 Vii. in. Arrivime Parr Owe* 1 Se Pan., Detroit 5.2fe p.m. lleturithur leeitvo-•*emit 1 p.m.. T areday, hum Mk The only boat trip from Goderith to Detroit this season. Child. ren be4*een 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and ere big and boesk Ilett it. A delightfsi trip over the great interna. Monet highway -0 Bikes and riven. Don't antes it, Last Trip Grndcrk4t 1tJ'13e it, Friday. Jane 11th, at :r.30 a.rn. fort and enjoy the fart M0014v OUT OF 'GODERICH t4T MONDAY, JINX 7ti, AT 1190 p.m. ' VINZe!:i.'R Otrhestra foe tatters ib steamer's big twit bell .morn t ,. Tine boars en beautiful Lake Hasa for 60e. children /be. t STAR THURSDAY. MAY 200s, 111414 r New .Summer ARE ARRIVING oO ►$ AY -THE YARD , . hew lines of . Rayon Crepes, Printed Crepes, . Fuge Silks, Striped Broadcloth, Oinxhams and Voiles. " s w�1 New ,Georgette Dresses Printedand bordered a eortet Dresses for afternoon and evening wear, In all the latest. designs and shades. You will be de- lighted' with 'those, and we invite 'you to come in and look them over. { k'p •,` KNEW SPORT• DRESSES Printed and bordered Crepe -de -Chine Sport Dresses in the latest materials and shades. We also have a full line of Broad- ;, cloth, Pini Silk and Willow Suiting Dresses. LADIES' COATS t.a We are Making a special showing of Ladies' Black Satinand Faille Coats; also fancy and corded Silks, in•plain and fancy p styles,, with or without capes, and . fur• trim- med. We also have a few Charmeen„ Tri-. eotine, Poiret Twill and Tweed Coats left. These are being offered at reasonably low prices. MEN'S SUIT A full line of Men's and Young Men's Summer Suits. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY 0 CORNFIELD PHONE 418 LAMES' ES' and MEN'S WEAR. "5110? WHERE YOJ ARE 1NVIT1 D TO 3110r- WEST' SIDE OP $(1 ,' ' GODERICII ;OtIT. . a. An Essential of Modern Life BltNKTNt�i tierviee is time . f the ee ntinlh of iii�ern life. It a'sietti in% the production of evert: article and in the traneportse tifn of eterry oaiimodity. Without it distribiitron would he impossible. Yet, Drinking functions so smoothly that we are seareely aware of our dependence apart it, By talking Bank- ing Service for grantee: we 'ratty our groate're tritauta to it* illicienes. Inch year in increasing Anther of deposittoraa and clfettisa suffered avid. once of character o4 Service: atrarrdc.t by the $tunder+d Disk of Centlsds. 114* STANDARD BANK . OOP CANADA. ,161,01=4.44. :a1,1 rt . ,.11144, MnL Mul Uger *t Mlh,rweiawuai GARS L.Ot,7ii' itli ' acseetin(C at the Cleateaw nae Jame 21st �.1iNC D and 22n4. Hope the meatier will be me* when year open +tp nest i me* • tiva Xou's. moo or Lenaaeae to *owl month and I em sending the hook - Ionia eC Frena Two bleeties to Iets to two fricaida wbo may be in- terested, •Utte Year is C'oalleesaeat Yours sincerely, i Tae searel of the gamyxubbexies ALSLrfT ( RANXIN. of a week alto %today night at Bays Gen. . DominionsDominionCredit F:xchan e field, Bruce/field ami Verne, carne in Toronto, May 8th, 1926. g a court trial before Magistrate Reid Dear C'•harlie,=-I ant pleased to ae- on Monday murni»g last, 'e'hs :men knowledge receipt of err a of the expect of the five young men ? splendid b given as foils vs in Saturday's Lon- folder, advertiatiitt~ the "Hotel Sun. /don Free Press: set at Gyerkh. 1. suppose if 1 d ud t ''"P r o vi n tial Constable Albert an oppertdfrity or tenni to spend a u will 'hitesides. License Inspector W. T.s see thek at l Tet two tliraYfiruieatrt ouutoin the How and D+ttur Sheriff Thomann house. If it is not patens* for me :riNirY, all t f ituron County, visited to arrange to• nioke art engagement ndoit yeeterday' And escorted to for a ,short vacattiop with ou, fch live neon whom detectives Y ypu arrested, bare T'huriedsy- in connection can: be assured that 1 will.not miss with burglaries of garages in Baty aatdiatottseuiam to d ' resomt st d field, Bxtitwlteld and Verne, And tete yerr splendid Hotel for a summer theft of automobile tires and money, i v*carttan to Anyone I, should happen The prisoners, ell Londoners; were to meet here' in Toronto. Trusting Bryce barer, Gordon Itarve0. FAN ycurseIf ` and family are enjoying ward Harvey, Robert Dade and hoof- good health, end that business is aid nodda. They were taken into good with you, I am, "' custoddy by i alik ives !terry Thomas Bolt-, Yours very truly. on, Elmer elsh and Herry Hewn. A. E. CONOLLY, Pole say the' the t confessed tel • Trade Eloise mgt. Perticipattion in the robberies, except Shore/In StOiilis/ear leo. Davie, who is stud to have,rents ted - Mr. Lee has this year i rated in an robile outside the gaieties tee in his booklet some interesting his - while the others entered.• • tsuoe somlciaut'Thelooevetoiltresstng uelipubicitybofaincluded automobile tires number of tulles, batteries and A s: h dericchn a s a is something hk i a conaeidG which quantity of candy. The cash alleged benefit. We beliea�'e thin: year's ;book- to have been stolen amounted to ap- . rrrooimateloY $70. T`he combined va- • let e tinng the .mLeeost attractive and dtenn wit iue .of e11 oir the loot ig estimated al and consldexable care and attention about ,4250.; hail been given to the preparation of "The robberies ;,r`ere .committedthe matter for it. Aa a sample of earmen le • ftat the 'city late on Sa i)rdayr he hinhpplaner*' It ristthe product of on night in a car said to be 'owned- by ;Star pressen. one of the Harvey brothers, Police here were 'notified of the thefts through the . general 'province notification Seer" BALL on County a.uthorities. ' Opentug Games.. on Tumidity Next '• "An attempt, polite say, One et the , •Schedele to He Completed by • -two of the tire* hetre,at st price which • created •seopkieft led to the arrests The ,1026 Ooderich Soft Bail Lea. and the recover.y: of the loot. When kite got. its businese .under way at a Ifarveiy wait aueshioned, abottt the. 'meeting held in Dr. j...A. Graham'e tires be eonfeeeed toiparticipation•-lis .office on Thersday laid. Prospects •ers..! All liee were 'oaken into•cuetedy ally' bright,• and ender the guidance et „their „YesPedtive ,places of employ. of. S. .D. Croft sis proside-nt. and' W, mint and in their. working clothes. 'G. McMillan, .a* secrethey.treastirer, was notified. of the arrest a the men retaiping the popularitY and interest late Thuesday by detectives,,,here, a's that was obtained' last Aar.. r. result.. of which he and hie •aeso- ' The hardships ear Whiter have been dates -game te Louden to escort the toe much tot - two' of:, last season's '.stable Whiteidd returned to Gode., ties having, relinquished their lean; prieonerit basec 'etti ficii- trial. .CQII. teams, .tbe Lions Cluti and the Bank. rich in an autemobite leaned with the. chises, but thie actiorein the oriinion loot eridoee ',"of .the men, *idle In. of maily, will only serve to make a. /vector P'elloW - Mid Deputy Sheriff stronger and' more eveniy.roatched Gundry, traveled by train with the league, the •remaining she aggrega. hi h tither four. J. 51:McEvoy, X. C.,.has tions, having already- signed up tae .. .E.INITORIAti -COMMENT It ng to. t e summer 'visitors who I ...Why not•fitiep. the 'vacant ream up.' Peen rettl.inetr,hy:the tletetise of Laver sin!' 'members of these two- teims• stairs in the town hall which the late nrla -Paym- sod SI' 4: Donahue will a.... double . sehedule •• • games will ,,,.. - 1.111r. Stratton occupied for yeare. and .,tiefend !Odder; ., • • , . • . is bring -the chasing% gan f tbe battle • .A: eireMI, a., teMilevb4et meeting merchants and ally who heriefit ft-0MA sehipe Wsr rerentedt• esed When.ite ' .., ,..Dniftvile ttaAjletee be liras , at a . for the honors ebout,t e end of July, and Atte regular meeting of the town, the tourists' who genie to Gotleriell' wv'a-87-i; -n--..i-s-b.----..---- -- 'plan at i the. .othear M:navicalredVrt'.. li.aindrn. II: teftarrrwiralilnage4eds..a.rijeYlit" Pne:.Yeti7oeng:fliei 41)62115 touncti, . all scheduled for: •Friday tem show their appreciation of what '"•WhYwpaeyebig rents 'Ori the qou- s eight.", We bet the Vircus will have Mr. Lee le doing, for the town as:veheri; this office is .svaiishic?„.`" wh;•1 &glared, he' 'did- not. know, *here he found filrseoth, should all thiapirtiality Iles' was goalg Untir00 IlliffY bad driven, *unseasonable. weather; ant, guidedeltir the biggest attendance. , Well eve- hisiaself, lit •to come forward • • • shown he, favor af the 'Water. end; :sieveraL.,miles into..the-'couvitry.- , He this ',experience, the: 'executive have ght ,Coninission ? • • I oiled that he.' had.. nattichested 'in dceided on the eerlY /losing date ' Th§.. letter, froni a• corresperidetit the lune* of the Blue Water High- • . Ad the ;stoves). and . who °-regns himself "Common .Senite,"' way. AsseelettcM,.. tit Which, 'IV, the eq,uipment, which ther*Seil In' a year. Li ,. LI, *MeV' appeure• elsewhere in thiti is. way, 11r., Le* *leo is a large,•bontri.: heotegligable. and. more or less of• a '..w" en 'W. "re, Pse• . to. '..••• . . floe, ,ie. expressed 'in vigoidue.- lan,:butai.; • and thos do , their-ithere to, .. Mini /6.tg 21, pleeded -rtiliy. to`the ' !Ontario :Siift.liall Assooation it •will galegett but ie worthy 'of ,thetight. boost the tourist busInciss to 4lie interfere io iMei00141 vellichAtratel0 •ifin•rl'Ini"a: 41:" ' * M' !InT°Y.•' ' . . . * • • . C.., be necessary under that. eode to • use „_,„••..t.1. It* aree.re on : 'like '4"18,ineit•intewn. sea* ball. A live. liveleiet from this charige ,and :without - The .r6Port of the town auditors for town. . - •„ ,;: .1aelofigs ,te ,our havdtrare niarehentst,- cOMM014 AENSE +4e 'tewn's Intere8t ',4it' ten PrViroltVvouter Mete Crown Attorney Sear, k between sellttig priee and toist of the ',hie store rental, with nothing to vriemin woe only sulacient ta pawl come,e in, in the pay.' Bye," may be, ,,it will 'Iowa • it new Young ,reen bed, et brace and 'bit etittrtiltiettlsear.ttlie fit: III!! ‘..) 'her Pain 'change in the ton. :store amounted ,te only about 4500. To.the Edittr of The Star. the tort •hall bylaw let Olen Immo- X. C. '.,eiintluttee _the: ,,proxecut . n. : What eiuerchnnt could operate if Iiie Deer Sir,---W)(en Goderichtl- ehl • 6 diattly_ stop. this waste and *powder., The to k 68'o sipnotta:Ilve the, renew ' items which go to tnakei,beat ti; rs . . light rates, *c .e.9•*". *.f.v.a.. Ito r,t Davie oand Ronald Rodda. two' out the crowd. Money obtained. in sp ttlel.:rest. of 'the overhesid of •the! Some of err 'retired 'farmers and are being oomewhat humbugged? 1$ rl.onTna m me eonlmon jail; on' .13rtree , Mit Manlier alOng with the $30 re. Laver, . thre‘ieopths•in the. commot, ,ceiVed he entrance fees front the six teams sheold, be auffiefent, to toyer the 'town Rump' a bigger institutioe •_, 4 '1.1.1Sinotlgr' As a mereaotile proposee some .of our /dodgy merchante who than the city ball? • • •• • Jab; and on Goyim', Harvey arid Ed- taink of self first, last, ends all the 11 'the • ex enses.'of ',the; le , the cently and did their best to put °ode. eonuniosionese have the geed ;sense - . • , g*. 6"- CbairrnAn and other water and light , o lit, e ormatorY.- . - •P ;rent dell too high tests. to be in: - • viding :ot Ai new'. lea_ for, eaeb , genie. . (this IS 11° to ,see that ell this nonsense does riot. . Evo Niko- . . $4f 'let w get together* fellows, ari , make' thee, League a "rest entecees. .relleetion- on . •the villages of this fool the People all the time. . • . 1 . Put Mr. Kelly -back in" the toven air.' 'Lee. Is (*letting Everything In . . Oeing bY Abe remit on the town . Most neonie know wh these br the old town will have And everybodY 4 ave: hall with the rest et the town's oill.• Pirse.Chiee Shape t th •s sew :Meowing% leant•Published in part else - y u o not itink -dabs and thug. save the town the best • Hotel •for,,(Mening °Day. Jun 7th ' heing•stvasted . ennually through ine that the motiyee' •of these citizens t pert of one thousand -dollars pet; Year • In rent mid fuel. . - • The stiminek hotel is undergoing- . Tuesday eight 01'0.30 'sharp 'will entekik. noplianees, enough to earn were .utterly selfish. _Collet' them Tom% •trubl.' • _ ... . the 'usual overlituding. cloning and- find Victoria Ps& the battl_..0 ecen Underline interest on the •capital rel. one hy one. Let aloe pries ini . COMMON Sir.:SesE. . renovating. preparatory to -the onen. ear . sour of " the tea Th' "e Met iteuld, be needed to inetal et& a public' spirited men in the whole . Me of the. seeson on. Manday. June .eopeuing Day!! and two goirited tort_ eta marhinery, The modern Rase. lot ; • • IINCREASED RENTAL ASKED, - Ith, the dey et- the •arrivel of the -St. testi are billed. The Square will line driven ninepin machinery OM We eannot blame °Ur, sons..and: be° steitid eP on precticelly * mom- 'ilitughters who have lead to go to the : ,,, FOR THE, HYDRO STORE r •••••••••••• . . Si id1:11.02; stattten/fEewt.uit. ansnuseuearirpowt: 11;iaZiabertticSehahr$,IS eb:et,rnstang. - de./iWr:jbtsen I United States for work for thi, nki Mii •or Puts 11600oot Down on Pro. And at the • ent's naticeand in a very few seconds' that the home 'folk 4 ti h d ) I t P h th Buildi- s are poet' s an . posa Q arc,•ase e . ng will be spich and -seen- for the .open. other end °of the grounds hist year's •• is opereting under full iced, and thel hack numbers. east for fuel when net in operation' At the, very first meeting of our At the riteeting of the Water and i'inni., „„ „ „ ous kee r,• e 5. D. Keene f C lboree Rifle Aseociation," will start is en. And a gazoline anaillarY ot ;Water and Light COMMiSSIOlf after 'light Commtssion on Thursday of B,. if ,1" of ea •7' •!.... e 14: ° aft At wi . en e • :se o • f' oo their march to smother pennant, the. defeat of the bylaw, behold! oste loot week, Mr. J. 'VV. Craigle otopear.! iii i ' 4 ed' whenever needed to keep up A , 1 ppe oh e as ng or an nerease in rentali fet•wersth. of 'neer:toll. ono a horned least thev eleint• they see an'othkert --•el waits. on this august body with the. of' the premises oecupied by the Hy. t d ' 1 Ch' t b t et I t h t t t Neater „pressure and keep down thespropositIon that they be tilted to dr° Store of 4100 (which would.makel nil Ilsistro Peek. Iri „.thwna and cities: nurebese the . Bank ofe illemilton the reetal $590,), or the. perchese, 4t -lie••-M-7-tins---hotel ' foe • the - months • of ---•••• Andif• you -don't -see•thesatwo -bat.- we/eh hoe gasonno.driean - pumping building for tweak their offices; ef;ttlife 'Ilititdiiirt. 11111."Iii- did-fte the ,, July and August and will take 'ties •there is a dandy lined up for niachleery, thie ili the inunediate re. In Aim everit of their not beyitig the t. agent of' Mr., EleMing, and, u ding. he, streighttysty, litres yet. own account, as the owner of the 411 ms cheetree of the ogee/. for *hose monthe:. Thursday, when -the Canoe Chtb. who s6TP when itri extra water supply ix 15 " A,* vsOpl Iirr .1„,o. has %meet n li praCticall . ice that their rent will be raised $100:: fixtures he asked the corninisaion to V taken over the Lions large /sum in tifth000r.0 :8%01 efirtnlunoti4t7fip2lin'edtei td11.., needed,. even where other forms •of per gem% aeotts.•' lalheovelruloott:l 4071.7: the spted with whieh gasoline driven b power are maintained, on aceount of .utAi:tniteteahtivrivo4elweralltiteittiat new toweel he lies had nome•Yery rotoelimenterv are going to win Oy so be on hand to ievilielf111:teg)41t. emluilti iiiirolgertisi:tnIn; Xe°uRenknis 11 ittry: , mnehinery iesponda. nor awe eirreies1 e o the peo. idea of purchase end mud .he would! eoe.mente e" the snlemild booklet see which outfit need a new ealcula. ple's opinion •on lleng • day,' why !not to, be * party to any such deed. iehould we provide fancy equipment; The following sippliceitions for ne oil* words elf irimeople/ion Itte, Lee - - The amount of advertietng which fir the Water and Light Commission' water services were paissed arid the to repelaing ............... , we quote the following- •NOTES Mr. r. r. Lee dote tor the town Of and pay IL big rent for !slices, alto. engineer was inetrueted to order the nava. -- - • °eat:rich iri eitinectloo with the pub. gether unneeessery ? , • suneica arid install: Geo. P. Gould. ---re.a... Betty of' the liotel.Sunett is * very ' They 410 not take in halt at Misehi to dwelling on Eight' avenue; Mid 1 Rte. -We thank Voti,ter emir The Transportation team Made a money as Harry Fedwards does over Britieh American Oil Co., to ware= ebe, etoklot *boot voiir hotel end *boot ten.strike when they Ifteded "Rill" lallt* site*. This sdVertising Nets!: hie "five foot shelf" or epunter in h ; coital:greed tig: Itiiiilleirfi sometimea .0evluee on Meitiand Itoad. The fol. Town of Goderieh. The! should,' Rodowwl: the town teething mid La of benellt.the assessor's stateroom, I log application* tor electric light heir, both yourself and the Town to ."Itilin to every esereherit who sells ettly."-called en office. services were rsesed: Norman Loa, mtre brainesif. entd leo heartily wish twirler of the leagre in 1925and no you a nrostieroue 1920 season. • doubt he vvill turn in many vietories ,4i t U n••its KS FILMS Developing, Pr and ,,larg int�ng a 0 ung The Rexali Drug Store gee. ford Wock • M - Goderic:h y i �„�,a.r.,�►' \ F , ohm' - . .. June 8th Colborne Rifle Association coke plant forenun; Mr. W. B. Bal' H. . DUNLOP M A.E... • ,G. ,C. I. •Gillespie, Mr, and Mrs. C. It, • ' June 10th -»Transportation vs. Square ards; Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown; John June 16th--Sefeatre vs. 51.V.G. Col- Hillocks and family; ,Mr. and Mrs. liifle' A i ti s Purr W Patterson; Mr. and• Mrs. Barbet- vs. M.C.C. and Transportation vs. lock, Detroit; Mr. and re. Rae borne .sac a on v and family, Pontiac; Mr. and :vlrs. ity �� a 17th , . _. rte; . e � e � i Association.. LtJB ' PENING .• Jun --GCI C lborn R fle D G Manning, Windsor. June "22nd ;s=Purity Flout vs. Square. MMTI'AND GOLF C • G. C.I. vs. M. C. C. ' June 24th --•Purity Flour vs, •Trans» portation Interesting Program of Events for dune'29th--Transpertntion vs.' Purity the Opening Day, Nest Monday, ' Flour. M. C. C. vs. G.. C 1. I May 24th .Tuly ] ate ... pee vs. ,Purity: `lour. July fltb--Colborne Rifle Aaitocitition The annual opening of the :Bait- vs. G. C. T. M, C. C. tr'e. Siivare. land Golf -Club will be held oft Mon- ' ,July soh• -.•Purity blow: vs. Colborne day. MaV 24th, 1920. Rifle Association, 'fhe directors of t!ie Maitland Golf July lath Square vs. Transportation Club extend. a cardiae •`invitatticu ,to vs, Colborne Rifle Ass'n. all local players. Arrangements aro ,Tuly i5th-G.(.I. vs. Transportntion. ruder 'way for an Inter -Club match July 20th -Purity Flour. vs. G C.I.in the morning, 'Blue Water Goh and Traansncrtation vs. M. C.,C. .' Club versus Maitland Golf. Club. July 22e4 --Colborne Rifle 4,ssociation The following program• has been vs. Square; •arranged for. the ay : July 27th --Purity Flour vs, M C. C. 9.00 a m. --ladies' Club Match. 18 .. 'Transportntion. i e. Colborne Rifle Hole Match Play . Aseociatiion 9.00 a m 'Gentlemen's Clpb Match, .Tiny 29th -G. C. 1. vs. Square. • .� 18 Hola Match °Play. • 1.00: p m -Ladies'. Driving Conrpe- • LATEST F'S'. OM OTTAlrA tition. 1.00 p ni..-•Gontiemen'a Driving HERB JUICE was placed on the Competition market in Ottawa only a few weeks 2.00 p.ni. 2 Ball Mixed' Foursome« ' ago and • 11'iiss Jeannine Labelle,. a The ladies of the Club will ' serve young lady'•resicling at 202 Queen St.. afternoon tea from# 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 Ottawa, was one: of the first in that p.m. Bridge ' and Math Jongg for ° city to take .it. . She• derived so much t*se not participating in the out. benefit that elm gladly volunteered door gamess, the. following statement: "I was Dancing in the• Club• House in the • badly run down. bad stomach• trouble, . evening.. indigestion.' and gag ,pains. 1 could Suitable prizes will be awarded for. not rest well, was nervous .and weir each event tied` about• my health. Nothing gave Lunch will be available in- the Club lite . any relief until I tried. HERB House,: _ - . JUICE 'oft' `•'cannot imagine my �vriethor the corn be of old ai'nsar liaptriness •after my `condition° began row:th it must yield to Holloway's to improve, Now, I eat three ,good , , repeals a day, sleep well, nervnr�sness Corn. Remover. has disapppeared and I never felt, bet; , ter in iiiy life. .There is. no reason �a u b en«.,.nvone suffering, .now that.IIERB 13as1,'ga ,ag r Opt .ItIICE: • ebutinAblaK'" For pale by: C,a�ripbeli's Drug Store ' Nervous nd • Ra sIIe$t''' ke And, leading• ;•d �" t'uggista , everyervh .x':a • .. Gas; , pre`ssere ". iii the 'abdomen B ere. •,a • 1''r`r Si.00. causes: a restless, nervous .feeling and b AR ' prevents .sleep. Adlerikx remorveis -A.�°irc of a Sault fins inTEFF rizinutes and ilirin ttfj" ELL. r con sue gs o paper makes the ;Following reference surprising amounts . of ,old waste to the •death nd funerer of the late matter you never thought pts in Mr.: David 0.Eell, where death was your. system. This excellent intest-. mentioned tui Tlie Star of .the time: inal ewalcuant • is .wonderful for eons 'The funeral of avid 0.. Hell, who sti anon or allied ston►ac t trouble. died suddenlyr at .Pontiac, Mich., on. p, Aril 20;, ryas held from the residence Dont waste time with pilin or tatb- q hie son, 14I7r. W. Heft, X41 North let: but got REAL Adlerika action ! street, thin city, Friday, April 22nd. CAMPBELL'S' DRUG STORE. ` at 4 p.m, and waas largely attended. ... •.. ,,,,..,..„;,.•,,,,,r The Rev. m. `B. Maarelr of Sault, Mich.; • Baptist church, conducted the ger; vice. The : pallbearers were .Messrs. J; Blair, J. Merian, W. Baldwin, J. Cousins. J. Mciiee ank Alex. Mcin- tt'. e. Interment.; was in Greenwood tacit k A Sure ' $Ign Of Kidney Trouble T4ben the kidne s get . ill the base rives out. But the batik is not to •. cemetery. ,Deceased.: wbo was 59 blame; the.aaebe wwines. from .tbe kid• years . of age; wap born • in Goderieh nays which lie under the email of the township and came tb this city 30 b�' years agcl, v>kng •axe un t our e m is ate • Ii h til f Therefore dull pain i tt b k or years ago, when the family moved .harp, quick twinget, •are warnings of to •Pontiac. His death was a shock sick kidneys-� uairiii�ga of kidusy to •a large number• of friends, and trouble was due to heart failure. He was P]aretere .arird liaimerits will sip ,the found dead in bed. He leaves t'o �rsck no goon]; for trey cannot rearb mourn his toss, bis wfte, two sons. the kidneys whicli'cause the trouble. • Clarence. of Detroit; and William. of the 'Sault: three sisters, MTs, Tom tolinston. •litre: Jack Johnston and liars. Robert Johnston; three broth .. ers. Elmer. •Robert and Jack. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Johnston °'and Mr Robert Bell. of . Goderich, attended' the 'funeral. Floral '•tributes were 1 received from the following : Wreaths, .his wife,:• brothers and sisters. Ooderich; Mr. and -Mrs. W. 0. Hell and family: • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell and family. Detroit ; Messrs. l.. Vara, F. Dental',. .1. Fere B.• Devetl, J. Denardi. sprays: spray; s Mr. M. Lowery and Mr. M. Johnston• I Toronto; Mr.. and Mrs. O. Evans, The de Mris. Adam, Trafalgar at. R. at.; c-M W. S. „, ,e,„rm�rvt our midst was noolittle 1ossFto spore %ahon; Waterloo at.; •C:`ha�. A.: Vie" chtlrnrnn IIOSMd Mt I.ttenge. roar circles in our town. The Purity Clarke, Stanley at.; Mrs. A. Straugh• i f`onimiaaio'era foe. t)aitaa•ioFlour team will ir�ise him most, as 'an, East at.; C. E. West, Lighthouse! '"r C h:� lie:. -.'luno g+ilerdid1100;k..ha held down the shortstop position net., Geo. Drapperr, 1\:••:tete at.; God• let of the Sunset received end ap- iror them in great stylar last year. • { trey Jamin, Lighthouse st. An *sp- pretested. ,Piet beat wtahes. • Doug. Nairn coed "Tiny" 'Elliott plicattion front J. B. Swaffield , for Yours aincerel v, have migrated across the river and ekttrie range strait* to his regia GPI B" i►iYi:lt` . • , will be found on the roster of the dente on Elgin ave. wits pa*sed. and Nt'zv 'Eroli, May 17th, 1.928.Rifle Assochttion. the engineer was instructed to in. : iAirll4Mver is an old Goderieh boy The following persons were ap- atall the service. with the New York World). A letter from the Hydro asked the: Dear Clarke, ---I am in receipt of pointed to act EuntDean, 8. A. t eomrnianaion to ,he represented at the Yon circular relative to the hotel, Smith. W. W. Barlow, Jas. Wiggins, rooting to 1* held is Stratford May end with to congratulate you ort the :no. Wieglns, A. R. Spafford, P. lath reyiarding **fete applienees. i wary it has been *wk. up. It is tor. Turner, Dr. Graham. ('has. Black, W. This wee leftwith the engineer to talnly well dome, and I idiwerely hope Risset. R. Bisset,, M. Sanders** and attend. i will bring you * fine of guests for w. weeiir. It was deefded to purchase water...the coming summer. With best Now folks kindly do net get -eireit- i rkas ?OA* sentare from the M wisbea. ed because s eoltertion far to be taken • James Morrlaen Drees Manufactae- I arra, yours :tial�r up. A flvie-cent rontribaatiiewrt from ing Co., Ltd.`W. R. LA MONY} evervbodr et the games will finance A report from the General Aref.i Toronto, Kay later. lib4. *Maim nicely. The leisure hate to 1 dent Asauranre Co. on the water.:)ear Mr. Ike.--•'!d'aay thanks for pay for the prink:.„ of •playt t, ata works boilers was referred to the your %eiders fato the Hotel **rely the rest of its can do our bit. engineer. 'i Sa+s*t received �raerninap Let ;SCHEDULE 1011 1926 An emu* ter arrerrra of eleoyrk i ono ti, oar the very line thergr. against R. J. P. Walter'neat atilt hilithlet. so easRglete. May ,lith - re vs. O. C. 1. Col - of Colborne. was referred to theepru.: in every detail. cod �its tbe hope horse Rifle Association vi. soviet ro'+imiesinn for rollertion. ' that rot will hap aaaaeR Trecaspcwtatlaan. The relkrtnr wars instructed toU trent your.lnvrat ent Our = call• 117:1►•--lt.C.C. vs. Parity Flo'. :vender the C. I , R. *emend ter water taw decided to go to Ottawa thin year. Jane "b"."b".li e era per enniraet. and a list of arrears a� the Milk of our members are for A� U. Y. C. C. vs. Tree*. for water service* wits itseplipd M lien Msstsori mid lett and is lissome. fe►inYM. reitketet fen eelliaelMt. noted well wM ouc llith mu og Jrnre and -•-ti. C. 1. Set ltd. hew. reach the kidneys themselves, se they are a special remedy.-fyr tionlailecysr .. and the kidneys only. They banish the-patins mid aches by malting' the kidneys fete:. out all the potions frons., the ,system. Your druggist or dealer sells; theory , pat up only by The T. Milburn Coo 5 Limited. Torontea. -Ont.,