The Goderich Star, 1926-05-20, Page 3r ■,h,p_i_404 ,.r, • KAT M., 1-1011 News MdFrern�irEx 0.04 111114.1400.11 * ingifilleetle &ma Yes,IlateesawMN bow tela o sr be idea wits km c amehow hem wry einem hie Seed is this wast w aviesobis .1 au salter. Sawa tee lase ht ears etas OMNI asela t riots,, sad is digested se OW* it ins kM1te 'Moat OA iyspeptis riser is arias swat tedei fah Fe ars lt rraasaaaaasoa.; - - • Deetk of liateeseed Tsr*Mrre Reeitleat Another of this very highly .ateem-1 ed sass of Tttrnbarry kae parried tae tiro Ovsadt IM y+aad W tereset Mr. Rob rt Stead Masa, of tee mete who died on Sunday, May lits. in his tend year. Deceased had beast 3n ill-leteith for some tiara sunt had been confined to his bed for a week. - Surviving are his. widow, one depth - jar and tour sons, Mrs. T. Wallace, Wingham: George and Peter in. Cki- e*to; Robert, Detroit, and Norman at borne. 'The funeral was held frons kis late residence on Thursday after. moon of Inst week. Died In Winslow Heapital-"" Pauling Ionia Vltripht, belovod wife of Mr. Wm. J. Finlay. Pleasant Vat• ley, passed away in Wingham Hospi- tal on Saturday, May 8th. where she had umiergone a critical operation some days_ _previous. Deceased was a most highly esteemed lady and eras Id wr - in her 40th year. Besides her hug- ' bend W.Ii, JACXw; N- IrnstructtGn bend ebb is survived by two children given ie Voice ultnre, Orill, Charlie and Minerva, also her aged ...___ ta+her. ir1o1n Cuttr. Thrr�'« re, ti .,, utile anteresidenee. North Street. I H. G. HAMIi.' ON -e -Organist North ;et. „ad t?nMed Chur4h.. Concert player Reside,tre at Mee. Colborne s,. Ste Pat- rice[ Street, LEGAL CARDS 11, DARRO\F Darrietee, Solleetar, Notary Public. etc., Successor to i. L. 1:111e1ran Some 07 •Office, The 3aruare, Getter -telt • UDLI Y E. )HOLMEtS I3arrieter, Solicitor.- Neter.' Public, Conveyancer, F,te.. PHONE el HAMILTON STREET SPECLALIST DR. F.., R. FORSTER, EU, EAR, NOSE,,. THROAT. :.ate Ilouse Surgeon New Noel: Oplir orefleld Aural ) e 1 }1osplia1 and God n 5gtaaxe Throve, hospital. Londou•, Eng. r. •.Waterloo St S. etratford:.Tele- *one 262. At Betel Redford, Goderich, on the • evening of the third Monday of caul, Month, from 'I o'clock till the follow•urg day. Tuesday, et I p.ni. CBIROPRACTIC C1il'ntOPi1ACTOit. DR. A. ATKINSON, registered 'Chiropractor. Goderieh Chronic, Oaepaale and Alervtrs tllietases. • ngham 7Couae a.atdy ura+laate Mitts Marie Piton, of Wingbam Are you e► e. building e. Shall`you be building this year'? If so, profit by the experierlcp of those who save money when build- ing. Even on S small job you'll probably be sur prised to find how using Long Distance .enables ;' you to get lowest prices. 7"We'bought all the mate- rial for a'$7.5,000 build- ing. by Long Distance - it is the cheapestwiv'*-- Writes. a contractor in a indium -sired town. ave use ` Long Distance to get prices on mateeiala. bp9;axe ?Y►.ukin�: estimates •. , 'or eorttractst' wr tors - other. The leaders in ever branch of industry leasee ur. They've proved at, as you • 0 Ottlee hours --e a end -1 to 9 p rn:. • anhitanateno"• and Taeslyernons a d evenings; ' O Hours on theft .flees se to *erne • only. testier South St. n 'lr1rit to s 4W. , OPTOMETRY I:: COLE, R - •OPTOMETRIST. OPTICIAN: • Wean Street. Goderieh. Honor Graduate ofthe Cainadiap Oph-. thsiriric Collet* of Toronto. Eyes examined by the latest methods, end the proper fitting of glasses at mod • - etete eriree... Ontario Board of 'Exam- ineers 'Certificate No. MI r ' £heti NEEIUNG as As GU NDRY. Line Stork and tenets! Auctioneer, Hamilton Street, Goderieh Sales made ev.'ryivherc and ail efforts made to -give eou satiefoetioa. • - :i•'artners! sale notes diseoteateel: Rt)i, 0ERT ltiatiERTSON. Qnatlllcd Auctioneer. i:idop:•: tirtrtrVedcrTTl. will conduct eine nefe ..n" the Courter of ituron. For information apply to "ie. ,.1. Ryan, llvrniltou st., o- -renters left with him will receive promet_en enriar. NOTARY PtVBLIC, - ETC., . W1I. BAILIE. Nti1'.a11e 11.1ILIC General Comte:inciter ,ion' Good Companies Itenrteent.'4 Phone .tio. 29$t. Goderrcli, Ont. e GEOliGt ' E. tiREEN"SL ADE. CON'VE' t' C1NGG 4N1) NOTAIia, Hayfield, Ont. . kifeKILLDP MUTUAL FIRE !Neta!: ASCE COMPANY. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW:4- P1iOt'' ERTY INSURED. Value of property insured up to &m- u , ie10, !3,048,975.00.; OtF1C."N:ltfe-!antes- --ConttollY. --Pan`ei a dent, Goderieh; Jas„ Evans, Vice-i'rjesi- dent, Beteehwood; T. E. flays, See.- Treas.. Sea forte., DIRECTORS --O. P. ' McGregor. Sea - forth; J. O. Grieve, Winthrop' WVnr. Wain, Constance; George McCartney, mu'oker► niith; . John Ferris, • liarluck; ;Rohn Bennewise. Hroadhagan; Murray , • r t1r d Il r .i , aib>wn, u e A43ENTS---J. W. Yeti, Coderkth Sanely Leitch, Clinton: Wm. Chiesn.y, Sea* - forttl: 11. Irineh ey, Seaforth. Policy holders can pay their assess - meets at R. 1t. Cutt's store, .'.oderic]a; A J Morr,siite Clothing Store. Clinton; or J. It. Rears. s. Da.y field. nut INSURANCE h, y Have it attended to oy the Wall WAWMO4II MUTUAL FI* iSIICU Ct fpr Established 1878 Heald Odie : Dung Ont. Barry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God-- erick, pres.; Win. J. Tho peon, Auto- urn, uburs, vice pres.; directors -Wm. Mc- <,laiWtn, St.Helens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; It L. Salkeld, 'phone 400r11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson, L*dcnoM; Watt. Without Jas. Garvin. R. lt. No. d, Goderich; Wm. I. Thornier eon, Auburn* Tim Griffin, R• R. No. '7, Loeknow; Chas. f3'ewitt, Kincar. diem Out. "MOS. STOTIIERS, T. G. ALLEN, Treas. Secretary. CAN "` E. Weldorf ,trainer, W. Fulford.. fatal butchera'.nearness to supply or. • 1 • "'i •Tr11`1111111111111111111IMMO1 n1 11. Lai r• , 1 • iii - U lnl^+■ui_!1•11.g_11 err mum )1 ,. 11111111111. - AMMO PIM Fes" TREES ROB MAY= t'aleefeti- Bow TV *SaMT ATTACK* tileI Lala at 11tur A .'attaPLi'lax. MICR Ana glial balers IN Wii'> EX - es trtut a seseseera 'a. ejetesesee.-ip+sad Malidtatr Paper, tialvaxlaed Reran le ire awl 1t'o ua iteesontatsodetl-- !'.neer Harre.t ••- aelaarketlag t1e. 1 Poa.*W trop tt aatribetee be Ontario Departrasat Asrgenitor*. 'rsroatea,e Pr*veativtt treatsteut *Pelted 1* November to the orchard trees. rests berry patch and ornawentat shrub. aeries to offset the usually very ere emotive work ot mkea sated talents during the wt ter nonths will saes YOU diuPpofat4'n( some Mbar aaua;, was one of a clam of thirty -alae toe et P'r'y *Paas* -- Weer ant, teraduate at Sc. Mirkael's hospital j *took Ag ,mem.-Tei lwttc)ssr rare Tormeto. winning the Corbett -Cowley ( Amor sat i]g►.s'lratt,stP• She has helm sleeted *real. the int Jaltadoe Ahuart s St.: teeatrtl.atsil b ootparia f-ssl.retaaeat at Firif rt's trait school, whiek has ntrraeaa t+aer. Throes* a membership of 200 mars,! for 19110,1 Tito markettag autehinery that hes Seafarer lds,wl.rs i helm list rp to basal, roti disponi of Seaforth Rowkra will open the sea- the Ontario teitosets" Isrgeet conk son on the 24th of May with a local revenue uat-e-Uva stook -4s Use tourasasat, and on Dominion Day a result 0t three ata leleaarattvely meat major tonins* will be staged" open eroaoss$e tismla eats; (a) the to the world. Scotch doubles, three irewth of relatively largo urban tea - events, Free Press trophy, new Say. tree whose pleat supply can no longer aunt. cap and a spee?iul consolation be wholly suppited trent Waal,vont. . sources; (hi the rapid strldea made wingkattt 140 Bowlers Orgaaiate dealing rucet.t ceps in iaprargtnrr tke The les of Winatham have or- cure dant tliand 4tlnn of heals and lid coast meats, and leo) the economi00 ft a bowline chi* for 1916 with effected by large scale. control** of the the following osie:ers:' Hon. Frere the bustnees of neat 'killing, curing W. H. Willis; pros., hire. W. J. Greer: rend *toting. ic., M; W. Iii ,s; 2nd • Hoer: Cvrtdttiatts tilay.l'ltaaa vicelitvOrase.,pevaMiw. W. J. Boyce; WilleSrd vie, Iter. pres., Mrs. J. A. McLean; secreterv.1 .Previotsa to fifty yoara mo the Mrs. T. 1d. Smith; trema„. Mrs. C. F. Population of the province was hap - Chapman. ly rural. The meat auPplY of theme' 1)r. Dreirenontl Periosteo at Seaforth actually on fermi waaa autotnatreally Ano , -found, while that of the urns* dwell- ' Ewe D- R. Druntusand, IJ. D., of ars to the vllleges and smelt town* or that tar w IiarnMon. +'vas the nrteaeeher both ire provid,ed by direct eoa- mornintr and (evening. last !Sunday at tact 'Mtnean the Producer and can* the *nnivaereary aervieea oaf-Seaforth wtner. In the few larger towel or reties, ossa. there was au Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. Larkip mtelent d.- taking Dr. Drummond'a putpit • fox' maid, the meat supply In addttton to the de y' by the focal butcherwho periorrtted Promotion for Seaforth Girl . two general fuucttortar, . (a) providing Miss Kathleen Burrows, daughter fresh naeat at retail' in all seasons; of Dr. and• Mrs. F. J. Burrows, of (1» acting ate middleman between Seaforth. who has been an the staff producer and eonsuner whota the of the London Technical School for population of the centre became targe the past year, has been promoted to for the immediate loeatly produced thepoaritkut of, household silence supply, or for proper contact for best teacher m vacant 'by the resign;- service between producer and cop: tion of Miss F. A. Twist. I sumer. These loos►1 butchers become. Old Huronite Dies so to totemic, butchers and drovers. The death occurred in Toronto Tito centres to which they consigned General Hospital 'early Sunday morn. this surplus stock were naturally the ing, May 9th, of Matthew Bloody,re- , larger ones', growing aid: detained to tired pioneer lumberman of wnirn,t. { oontinue"to grope because of natural Wiry. and brother of Edward Ploody, adianta*taw as dlstrlbuttva . centres. of the Canadian Preventive Service " Consurnation of neat was large. formerly of Clinton. Mr. Moody Local. dlreet producer -to -consumer who was 63 years of, age had gone aupply in the carcass was Matted, to' Toronto, td undergo a surgical therefore the abattoirs and ,!laughter operation, but war suddenly stricken. houses were relatively large. end died almost immediately. Born Abattotas v4.100,1 'Butchers. In Cartwright township, Durham .';,onnty. the tete Mr, Floods* lived for l These large absttolrs had fourin1- sr Hallett. and in 1870. before Portant °Deratine' advantages over time in the railway wee built, moved to Rail - smaller lace' butcher businesses In the eybury, where he was engaged in' the smaller centres: a) larger volume of lumber business. Since the big Bre buaiitessmeaning smelter unit oper• he. has been living refired. He is sting Masts; (b) a more varied con- servived by his wide*, formerly Misa, sumer demand, for all parts of the. 011ie Crueler, of: Exeter; one daugh- animal; (e) *emitter opportunity to ter, . Miers. Lily,, mathemateical teacher develop' rises and eiiarkets tar more in the Wingham Collegiate Institute. edible by-products; (d) volume sufli= and three brothers, :Edward, of Tor- cleat to And and develop distant and onto' David. of Blyth, and William, foreign rearkets. of Albany, N.Y. Spread of the. Preatent Syatena. Claire. W11I,ita(ve Team iii Lacrosse 'There advantage, gradually creat- - Association ed a new direction to the flow ot live Clinton Lacrosse Club has reorgan- stock fromfarm Co coneumer, Iteieity, •ieede fate the, eeasot+ and vtill'el ter' ;teethe reedjustmente were 00 follow*: tenni in the 0. 'A, L. A; ..The follow. The larger abattoirs and packing in officers heave been apppinted :: plants began to supply meet .products Hon. Fres., J. L. Heard; pres., W. S. to outer cities and towns previously ,_ ' R. Holmes: vice. Dr. J, W.awe Sh supplied •ley • local butchers become* sec.-treas.. W. N. Counter; commit- their loweroperating costs and obit - tee: R. Manning, Rev. A. ltiacFar- fty:, ._appyay the...exaaet products -.tee ..I.,rv.rmope.-, D. "Robert n, qutred for consumption In .those R',. rinses. A. J. Morrish; n,anannw pieces °Yet -mute, the advantage et the _ this above methoc, was taupplertrented CarrY 1)t'ath, 9f Mr. Tho riga Healey?. • Blyth , lff� Thomas. H'ealev reseed aaeviry at his home in Blyth on Satur!.e'v. May Sth, after a short illhess. the funeral 'taking . place, from St. Mich- ael's'.church°on Monday morning fob lowing. Rev, Father Gaffney conduct- ing the services. Interment was '. made in the It. C. cemetery, Morris. - Bissett -Luther Nuptials' A quiet' but pretty wedding took nerve in teeter on Saturday after '.'nn.' Marv,-Rtht when Mis., Pearl Lu - liter, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. 'Henry Luther, and ' Mr. Herbert Brown Bis. sett, son of Mr. Thos. Bissett, all of • I/.borne, were united in marriage by - Rev. E. Sheppard. The young eau- nese were attended by , Mrs. Harvey Hill. of London, !sinter of the.groom end Mr. Milton Luther,. brother of ! the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Bissett left t t on the evening'' train • for ' a .short honeymoon to Windsor. They have taken un . their residence on the groan's farm on the 2nd con.. of Vis- balrne. • ' Keeps teeth ctestln, breath sweet, appetite keen and digestion good. Great after' smoltieg • ManuPerm, Manure PH Neede▪ d on Every Per. In a ton of cow manure the liquid part is equal to 61 per rent. of the total value. Ontario with her thou- sands of cows experiences a tremen- dous waste each year, Partly through - neglect and .partly because it. is sh human to un alt things considered ,, 'raw materials, These larger abat- toirs coned also .h*ndie moat emcient� ly all atagee of alatightering, process- tug and disposal of byproducts, there- fore, the increasing surplus animals ' began to flow -to these larger centres tan: hoof ether than as dressed car- casses. This also neeebes1tateetthe etstabllahineht ot central live stock markets where producers and millers, of live .stock .could assemble and grade their offerings and meet - the buyers on conrnton-competing ground. (ether Live Stoelr, agencies. • Titus we and the origin, of succi live stook agencies as the railway, the metket, . the live stock comeefiatoa - nratt.a01-'tbe packer buyer :all ren- dering e;meuti?al service in disposing of the farmers' live stock. Since riiany of the above ageneses act an behalf of A large number of small, Isolated and distant producers, iu- divtdlrslly lacking influence . and acquaintance with this complex mar- -ket mechanism, much distrust and simpleton, largely unwarranted, has arisen making it necessary for the Gr,vernanent to step in as an addi- tional marketing agency, on the one: hend,to enforce such regulations oh the, other agencies es are deemed necessary to create public assurance of honest business praettetts, and on the -other band to net as an educe- 'tire medium, through Sts supply, ---- - t 1 it IC e : ti h'ot irY t n trading, and- price eervtee, to assist sunt, motlfey. ButWieg papier coating one ce ret. Placed around the trunk at the tree for which, you paid the, nursery utast 21.6♦ will give protection at a cost that serum remittable. If your tree 1a ten years old - it is worth litany times $1.80. The east of protectloa la *0 low that no tree -owner cap 'afford to feed ,nice and rabbits. How to are Bwtldiag !'aper. The building paper protector earl be easliy prepared :runt a roll oe tar paper. With an ordinary sew out the roll into ten inch lengths, handy to work with. Wrap once around the tree trunk and ties securely. the* mound a little soil up around the lower end to bold it In plane over winter,- Remove when. enitly*t1nt; 14 the spring. The expended- ntetat protector oath be used: it will teat for years le taiten mire of. There cite be purchased from supply bowies. They are may to immly and colt about $8.00 Per hundred tor small sixes. C eleauleed Mesh Chicken Wire. The gelvaulzeel mesh ehlc ken wire is very 'etticleut said durable. The wire can be purchased la. roils o: a suite ble width and out Into lengths to Butt the trees, It la more expensive to buy than the expanieet motel protector. The traneitina. of . the now around 4-ho'tree, go that it well`create a hard area thrangh white. thethou*, can» not'readlly penetrate. la a mane of 'giving some protection et a very heir boat. • l"se Poison Carefully. !rodent poison applied to bread or grain and enelosed iu a, container in. to which :nice alone can eater is au offeetive way cif protecting berry patches aped shrubberies. PoLsou pieced for rabbits must be watched, or at least placed, where it . is safe front: farm animate. During Periods of deep snow a close watch should be kept on all trees, and shrub*. with the view or ehecking !teenage et the . initial stage. Atrthe A.A.C: we.use t'Ifs wire Drotectera. tramp the now [and use the shotgun on rabbits wheel neees$ary.-L. .Stevenson, Dept. ot, .Extension, 0:A.(,,, Guelph. yt."••e•' taken to save this liquid, its well as e neteete the solids. Fermentation or rotten, egeire ,t"r"`rtrrt` `. poem on rapidly,,in dry looselyy oilesd manure. -Fermentation oe thither h'veryMCal. goes on. meddle in dry loosely plied - Manure. Nitrogen escapes In the form of atnmoele, and the potash and Phosphorous are wide soluble, °nee in gaseous or soluble eondltion threw valuable elements get away thronnb a 1 n . t i - h rains n. , teaching or tin t n v v >r >r evaporation. Returning to from whence they name. not .weitine for the neglectful. The losses tine ►o the elianges mowed by ferrnteura+tens end eveathorfng are so eoinmonpiare with many. farm people tliat they eontiuue the practice area matter of emrge: Concrete doom and ;:utters in tee *tables and.feed y'ertl:a, together with au eement Manure pit in whirs- ma- nure may he stored, t. the ogt,lnrnh'nt neeesssry to preeent lose, and Insure the proper staking of.mnntrre. A teen mew herd requires a pit 18 x 18 by four feet de,np. The Manure from a twenty cow herd ean he taken rare of in a pit 24 x so by four feet deep. A smell..tank man. -be arrenged.att,.one epd, into which the unabsorbed ilguld miry, run. This van be need act it is, or pumped back over the pile to pre- vent herding. The pit aliould be roe- eted .by a suitable root. This will keep out the rain, support the ma- nure- carrier track and provide steel - ter for the driveway. Many of the disease rondttions momnntte 16 leve. *tock are harbored in the manure and for this redson atone et pays well to keep the stork away from tbe manure elle. flan gad build to prevent waste of tortility. Unsanitary condition* and for the maintenance of the heea;ttt of the farm live stork.-1.,:4te,l"ereton. Inept. of Extension, O. 4. Colk.e•. t,ut>".iswi> Great Rejoicing by J Rheumatic Cripples • If So Crjppled You Can't Use Arnim _` or Legs, ttheurna Will Help You or Nothing to Pay - Get a bottle Of Rheuma today and wear a satisfied smile on your face tomorrow. ' It's a remedy that is astonishing the. _wifole country, and it's just ea gotfd for gout, sciatica and lunibago as for rheaunatism It drives the poisonouswastefrom. the joints and muscles -that's ' the secret of Rheuma'e success. But we don't ask you to take our word for it; go to II. C. Dunlop or any druggist and get a bottle of Rheums today; if it doesn't do as the promise get your money beck. It will be there waiting' far you. t1Of* IICH Mit Waft rent Men and MOWN% mal earstullv aitsneei tM *it heere-121011 ter day. I., £. Wheeler Funeral Director and ' Embalmer Goderich, Ontario MI calla promptly attended to' dtty..or night. Phoa.s; Store e3$; Monte 85$W It's funny. The most trying men. nfe show Mehr► won't trywukom_ ire -tee. 'J/eROWS lath' producer to more accurately and rnpidiy interpret .that,consurneerlde viand, on a knowledge of which de- pends ultimate suewees In production. The local butcher Welty, town and village. buying and killing ills own animals, has not been entirely dis- Placed by :the neat retailers buying from central packing -houses, The Witt still automatically supelles the moot Of the eetcommittedtimed b Yfarm families, also a pereeyitag.?' of thh do. eland in mealier centres in tae win- ter months. it is not n. matter. of wonder., therefore, with the large rural and small to -vu' population of Ontario ' that toelae somewhat less than dine -half ties animals raised for :neat find 'thiel, :vis' to inarket through the large m ark, fe•aetl pack - lug houses. ---A. Lieteh, Dem. Pa. n I:conolnle3, 0.A.t'., Guelph. Spree equset:trd, Iron sulphate' eau be surcessenily used to destroy metstard in statiding Oen without injury to this crap. Cale a 20 pyor cent. solution, dla.eoiviii 813 pounds of iron aulph*'e in 41 ,rate one of wuater. or 10 pounei' tapper 3111 • phitp to 40 eedons of wali,r. iSttain into the spray tank all apt: no a ,aim day. Just as soon ai the. first few planta in the f etal,show femme, • ,'re*2„ tone for tk,t :'ie. :ar't'ist. Renee 11.le*tattcns utay cans• In - di„ •ettun. Give the horse a chanes; hep hien to be comtorteble Uv re- wiring the too numaeroua bot'ify lar• van trout bis atom.ee'it, Fest the horse t,.,•'nty.four hoard and give three cap. - 1,'s of earban bi- sulphide, to be give n one at a time, et three hour Weis -ale. The !area* generally •paw's frost the utooaaack la June; go into the soil for six weeks and then re-sppear fo start their drrtlish work over soda. Teton, of atetteasioa, O.A.G.. aitsailtk, . Att.f xis wog. ,. Acids Irl Stomach ration Causes rete � S L'reate-batt.;: Bo.r-nese: sural Pain - Sow T Treat Medical. authorities state that r nearly nine -tenths of the eases of stomach : trouble, indigestion, sour- nese, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, ela,:.are.due to an excess of.hydro- chloric :acid in the stomach and not as some believeto a lack of digest- ive juices, The delicate stomach. lin"►g is irrttated, digestion is delay- ed, and food sours, causing the dis- agreeable symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial digestents: aro not need. ed in such cases and may do rear harm. Try laying aside all digest- ive aids and instead get from any druggist: a..few ounces of Mounted Magnesia and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after eating: This sweetens the stomach Prevents ' the formation of excess acid end there is no sourness, gas or pain. - Bisurated Magnesia (in powd- er or tablet form) . never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach,' in- expensive to take and: is the most .efficient form of magnesia for stom- ach purposes, It is used by thou- sands of people who enjoy 'their meals with no more fear of indiges- tion. 1l!iIOR1111111111 McEwen's Specials Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25•• A good teaspoon, King George design, !given away with each 23c worth. 24 baa Soap, McEwea's special 6 cakes Palm Tree Toitat" Soap for• $1. 3 lbs. loose Cocoa for . _. to"lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .25 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tea. We will give 1 Ib. of this Tot.1 loaf Bread, ' Ib. Biscuits and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package _•Tea. • Special price on large Flannelette Blankets Special price en Fancy Blankets We are cutting the price on Metes All Wool Underwear and Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. Good Linen Roller Towelling 25e, per yd. Good large Bath Towels 90c per pair Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right prices. Now Is the time to buy a set of dishes 1 Olt off. Free dalbeeryr to ars* part aE the Town. A J. J. Mawen PHONE 46 - R.e'teves .Asthma at Littie. Expense Thousands of dollars have beer vainly spent upon remedies for asth• ma and seldom. if ever, with any re. lief, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, despite its assurance of ben- efit. costs -so. little: that It is within reae;t of all. It is the national rem. the claasof doubtful anremoved experlmen tat preparations. Your dexter can supply it. A fairly mart man, who - knows how tokeep, his own counset, is pretty hard to handle. ADVRETJSE IN -THE STAR C o i l de a /�FO�R+ FLET/C�OE�Wr�.$� I 0ar'A.STO1 ---A. • THE DERICH• AI ttlett South ',feeds Now* 1edticed iPrites., Afithricite .Ii . _.. n Coal StoChestnut (Anthracite) .. , $16,0O' ' `• ere. aci`_ r (AAth.rnnite) �e.'s,, • }-!~,fes...-3.s:# � I _. Pocahontas .. :. , .0 , . $111000:1 Domestic :Lump' for your Grate 'and Range $12.00 per totes . Our Coal is weighed on Your QwnStatles.th. NatItet tear*' With Spring House Cleaning, you will require PAINT. We -still have some Sherwin-W'illialns left that- we are sell- ing at $1.t0n• Per quart. ..Muresco°and Al?abastine at 50c per package.. - Liquid Veneer and OiCedar, small • bottle, 23c large bottle, 45c each *. Special prices onDoor Locks and other Builder's Hard - Clothes Wringers and Garden Tools at Special Pasco* in order to cleat: r CHAS. .fir art L iE E. The Hardware at the . wharf SHIP CHANDLER • PLUMBING and HEATING 'Store 'Phone 22. " Rouge 'Phone .112. an WAYS 10 SAV& >:ePUT�tlIE Coµ-r3tN U?4OER AN EA5,LY 4CcU5l aM :M'1SNT 1N$NL tipirA 'wfI Ya LIVERIES wru.13 t IEAPER 2, BP 'TOE BIN FILLED WITH Ili a eo K A 5 COAL HERE ARE TWO ,Vhen your coal -bin is placed in 1-,rW�rilVCn{b1t# pos{tikii---e Directly under a window. And near the street, - Coal deliveries can 11e triad, more cheaply.. - Whets you keep your Nn ;those with . t -{cat Folks coal - Von •- Von can be sure of gettin); mai- , muni heat i11 your hr.use at a !;mini- 011101 of expense. '1'wu ways to save! It..i;ts';,. "Think then! over. Then ilift in !:our littler. --CALI. THE _- , -S ktl '►'Y P+ti Fos Good Clean Coat Ja B. MUSTARD cSAALNY Phone 66, - Goderieh 1,111'11. leas �1.I14' e • l..n et ill in QUALIFY* Y nitre IS EMPIRE DAY, MAY 24th Gut y.vr ohmic rogsiromattts at the aatarest Dorafaiou Store. We n have* fall lino of, your aoeelt.ties at a very We saving. AYL MER BEANS i 1 PORK ter, �9C SALMON VIII! pl i,ES JAM Gla ase Rei C.Ita. Garter at.tet* 40 ox.,Jar 1 Ib. tFjg� 3wI.t Iitr.ri. OLD CITY tin / alerts . 50c While lILRRX i J.,bt+ 17C Sour.Mixed 40c . Ia.tt. 45c Mies Ssolni PICNIC 1d b. PEANUT !'ail BUTTER Libb 's Prepared 10 Chat nu LOAF CHFISE 05w. Piratic Suggestions COOKED HAM 69e lb. POTTED MEATS 3 tiers 3Sc VEAL LOAF 23c CORNED BEE 2 WAXED PAPER 3 rolls elk H'Y-G TABLE . NAPKINS pkg. bo% UNIort1 "A STORES RICHMELLU 7.0c lb. - stay!' 13e ler. !).i.l.. tate elele IL Kipper Sucks 2 tins 13c JUTLAND SARDINES 3 tins .23c Faso Qndty Shrimps 23c H ySP++AGra�,�� 150.sJ 20c L.Uti OLIVES HOUSE g.ss.3 osis 2 he 2rs gam !nista rat. )SI.W4 tees1 ?a..iwalien 1i oat. MASON JAIE aft YA1talE1'Y t.All� PACKAGE BISCUITS 2 for 15c r Thom, iris.s 1114 tett for .o. wren Ir.* data e/2. Meister owe 12JC 0