HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-20, Page 2misammell
Its superb flavour satisfies.
. worm.
4 jei Valliant Jennings Bityee win netl
At laviceis mar •vitable mid hackneyed =deletion
• I revealed by till tan C thread warty every tem mot
be *Mewed bv thematireaseticiarnt , amp mama into the key of the doraimene—iatee.
f, nub by Hen. James W. outcome, Gerrard,
!United &AM Ambassador to Ger- Nor swath ceamht to Thom who allUelk u11,1111,Stie an
ansphs Thole wood by tbe us. loar-twkIer. TW. is not the care, ea
atisny dewing the Great Wsr. Mr, - Dr. .riah rigs. • a rule, with the older gospel hymns,
Gerard said that his visits to prison ssiasssuch as those written by Bliss. Me -
(Ups during *hit* he personally". Grandma, Sankey. Doane. Root. etc.
2,:ivestigated living conditions at the Dr. Williams Pink Pil are _ho- These riven had a really wonderful
reeueet of allied countries, were atr„,engtlte,nlate 11010c„lne• $urein_.'nen gift of nithorlY, much superior to
I prohibited by Bryten, then Secretary enectivilY t "Ha up the Pwact, /nany of the 'metre' leymns of a
tate, "for fear of irritatin
of y' invigorate the appetite, tone ep the more reettat date. Timer is more
Sg the
Germans." • digestion, give brightness to the era "soul" in then- insusle—not so much
Reveled**. he Paiute
color to the cheeks and lips, •aref of the "hurriih boys, let's get at it"
quickness to the step. Than. pills sort of tune. What Citify Smith
hate direct *Wen ma the Wei, Utah- often referred 'ter u "that classic
Poland has
ing it a iseeltie•bearing *trams; thus word---hrept—seeiris to be the thing
just experienced. a - no pert of the body can escape their for in many very modern
volutionary movement led by Mee- benedeini set.
ion. ea inen
shat Piloudsici, who has gained COn3' W and hymn tunes. Animation and cheer.
worsen, boys and girls, linen new fulness certainly We desirable fiber.
p1ete control of the pend.rand
-health yid strength throne% the UAW aeteristie in hymns for ytting Roo.
cabinet ministers and as restored
of this world-renowned blood builder. pl., but a certain amount of musical
calm to the country Petulant the ew• e- Mr. N. H. Langville, C.N.R. agent at merit ahould be sought fog to'
tion of a new preeident. " New Genneny saysti'lle Nov- wink, , 'Tame to the Saviour's—
far $ azee• l'mrds and reale bes c. aoot, b
The neneber of S. motor hear- t rear a *trimly at Dr. pommies the important thingrea
hits visiting Canada hes Plat doubled Willimas' Pink Pillo• and derived cheerful, rhythmic, and original mel.
- in three years, according. to !Sirens great benefit from them. My. Anne- ody, and simple end natural harmony.
recently issued. In 1925, 1,946,036 tate improved, and a. gain in weight It does not even need the customary
ears came into Canada for one day; 'alga is now normal X owe to the modulation to the key a the domin.
in 1924,this figure wax 1584,885, and use of these pine, can therefore ant, to "tickle" the ear, as an WW-
wiiMotor Thin 'Detilokel • b le Ireit ia a . ven-dinvir 'splendid hyiste fethSunday school. It
in 1928, 9041,499. For one month's reeoramend Dr. Williams Pink Pine
• stay, 481,161 motor tourists were as a See tonic."
ivpermits in 1925; 3412,30 in TrY Den Williams' rink Pills for ,
T1s Great Strike Bee* • h Baldwin rilitchlithlee Beth 814..dne 1gen924, and 273,444 in 192S. Tourieta anaemia. rheumatism, neuralgia,. ner.i
atifrri nine days, the greatest in. When the men f4tered back to desiring to stay *lx months totalled YOUSWiS. ,.Pralpe them as a tonic if
tontest in history has end. their various branches of the diger. - 2.948 in 1925; 1,344 in 1924, and 1,- You arenot In the ifirrextphyroiceal eon-
954 i 192$ dation akeendpeuyoult
tvwAteell aid strong..
• a beg from the nearest, drug. store or
.%by.obIt, nraonil t.
at. 50 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams • Medicine Co., Beock.
„ —
Spitzbergen to Teller in Alaska by
the airship. Norge, with Amundsen
in eorrimand. The Norge Was three '
days lout from Spitsbergen before
the world knew its fate, The ilret
part of Its journey was safely ac-
complisked -and every step was com-
.• municated to the outside world by •
radio. -Then came • an appalling .811-
'enee which enwrapped the giant dir-
• igible for two days. -After being
, sighted at Point Barrow, on its way 'el,
to Nome, the ship's propeller formed
a, masts of ice,
which' broke off and.
damaged the bag, thereby allowing
the escape of a great amount of gas,
Arouniden was- then forced to make
a deseennat Tener, one of the officers
dropping to earth and directing the
- -*eerie a the inhabitants of that dis-
tant little Settlements. When the
airship was safely tethered, the bag
was deflated arid Ainundsen and three
of his- officers we by meter boat to
Nome. He reported that he was .sta-
tie bound, and. While able to hear the
comMunications of the outside world
was melte. unable to send out any re.
pert of Inc doings...
iendnitritish working- men nee gra. ganized industiy, they were met in
- —
tf*ditlitting then -wen -es to the hundreds of eases by employers who
wadievielit they abandoteril, in a were determined to re -admit them . . s
iutij» whieh ' except for the anise- only on new centred' whieh involv.
•nrntarecinems on the part of the ed herder working conditions and
might have plunged lower *Ages. Premier Baldwin;
440 Britain into anarchy and lit thereupon commenced a little disci.
th4 flees of revolution in mote than 'inning of both sides. He demanded
VS* Emmen country. Instead, the that the employer* live up to the
eeethentent nes been effected without implied conditions of the surrender
iseenag the legacy of hat which by accepting their workmen upon the
might have been "expected and the stettis quo. On- the other hand, he
rraill/t° of °AY Pereira's of deMended OW the General Council of -
edeatrY has been wiped out for years the Medea Unpin Congress admit
- to tome. The power of dm Trades that the strike was illegal and that
Wen congress, whieh wan in dan. the contention of Sir John Simon that
get of being entirely overpowered by the employere had the right to prooe.
communistic labor leaders, has been outsfor breach et contract was cor.
definifdy broken and the Labor rect. These two demands of his have
party bas Wired a MEOW* Which keen complied. with. At the sante
deciareg that their Aims mot be se. time he took in hand the disciplining
tared by. edneitional and political of the unruly inclined to push the crier
the strike niethod. SIS to n sensational climax. Having.
made everybody behave, and having,
*dittoed the almost miraculous feat
Baldwin Supreme of bringing the nye opposing schools
"The Englishman is made for A of thought in the British Tetra within
tiree of crisis and emergency," said apeaking distance of each other, he
Premier Baldwin, riot long ago, and is now setting to work to, better the
it ie perfectly evideot that at no conditions of the miner's and remove
000 440 the qualities which mark the dissatisfaction which was the
the citizens of the United King. root of ail 'the treuble. Having ise. HON. WILLIAM E. PERDUE.'
doin show to greater advantage than cured an admission from Labor that Chief Justiee of Manitoba,is ha be
riming *rituations similar to that the Principle of the general strike is. honored by Toronto' Ueiversity at the\
Which has just been overcome. Prom wrong, he is now in a position to annual Convocation on June 8, when
thnienerel strike the one figure that alte.ierlini to the miners without be- tho honorary degree of Doctor of
hail emerged with incomparable lute in teproaehed with knuckling under Tams will be conferred upon hire.
tee Is that of Premien Baldwin him- 'to the radlein Labor element, What
He Is the strongest . in he propoSes to" do is to suggest cer- Merchant, Marine Shows ,Profit
Europe. today. heretofore be has tain remedies Read
his real power untriedng w toboth sides.. rnirkezo
'been. regarded es• somewhnt of a and owners, and if they refute to co- The Canadian 'Merchant Marine Is
and miteeted and there was ii
(livid. made coal dctator with power to ene showing a decided improvement and
ezle, with operate, theEarl of ie
04 elietort about hie real place force- any conditions that May
I-- h --lin the firm four months 04hint year
t oop$05p1:r,000atingurintsos,
the hall of twine Today there is It Imposed. ,Thtt, report of the -renal surplus pies,
national edretration and respectefor coal0111410131M which ,,the basis i
repovt‘ SaY no men of the oettIemett; reeelninendh—tbe Olt--;711ire Alberta -
Britain hap nenntred "eh power eationtilization of fhe mine:4 either
•• ;airier the dans of the -Ettri of Chat. bY purchase or declaration state With a .eingle well producing on
.4zem, ovinnenhip and the establishment of of exeeptiorrally high quality „ot , A
a, national committee to eensolidate rate of 140,000 barrels a Yee/ 1(he
$ ' • M::' Ilt''.4Win* ,ftttm the, b.cginning imiustries rallied' with mining, and to velue of the oil.resources of Bauth-
i • eh' the ehhd-h. (lee ered the. lie would, _develop eleetrie power extensively, . ern Alberta teems about to oe es -
tier rege -tee while .the strike MI* Other reforms recormnended include tablished. This well is the biggest
fiftirrerl. re 'tuc'k by that deelarit• n eye day week comprising as many producer in caned'',
lion hot In'. firmness was never con.
i hones as in the present six day week
-.nee- 0 vion eneheeeit end when the
unions • eventuallyv did call be the. and improved living conditions for 1 Direlgmlboleot Npei:tautriaestql North oPft/to
the miners and their families.
ortAt-ft, they dM so upon gentle.
utiireft agreement, for Mr. . Bida,san Canadian- Stopeel respect for thmemory Aid to Prisoners week has been the:trip made from
did not put biz name to paper.
Gift for Lady kiln
The worner, of Camila' are prober.
ing to make a farewell gift to Lady
Byng, who proved herself popular
with the pee* in every •province.
She ban interested herself „throne -h-
oot her etay, in the collection of Can-
adian flora and has explored field.
fleadtw and mountain nil along the
80.000 miles she has travelled in Can -
Ada. *One of the baggage ears of the
GovernoreGeiterens_ train is usually
known as "Her ExcelleneyerGterden,"
because of the number of specimene
she collects for the Rideau Hall
green houses. and her English gar-
den. 1, • " • • t
More Leans for Berm*
Frame, Belgium and Italy are
seeking cieditie totalling a billion dol-
lars to re.establish their national
evedite. British and 'United States
financiers are eonsidering the• loan
, and in return- will expect to maintain
, , _ ___,, ____ ,..._........—.
a certain mestsr re of control over the
,. I • .
Canadian Nation Oil 'Sec
tric Cars. :. budget schemes of the debtor. natiene.
.. . •
• A
• . Sheep !heathers &Me to Canada
. ' Several sheep raisers from the
reilroloAlmirrarrAi. rrourarre. United States have receritiv made
. ureemiesu'll"..' terosive urchsees of lend in the
, , inteeier of Bestish Colum ,S. Sheep
, raising on a large scale will be con-
, — •
thicted in. territory previously con-
sidered suitable only to the cattle
New German Chancellor . .
nr. Luther. former German chime
cellor, has suffered a personal- defeat
in the Reichetee oven his ntoposal
he fie the old German imperial intr.
chart. flag tt1on with the flag of the
senublie on embaesies and consulates
abroad. Do. Luther and the cabinet
were forced to resien. Dr. Marx has
ben sobstitined for Dr. Luther ars
Chancellor and will 'retain the old
cabinet and pursue the same reliciee
as Dr. Luther. . ,
Goofiest Natioaal Ragwort -
harapet isktettervisepallbOW
team amok aro bow* Sifloolitt
awe earl te.a at
et ho•••t.... -
Tem eines el mite have beta heat. ears ie islet heel Nan the perisentamice
ilia lextEler atijoeleital VP* *MI a saial .1 the wad ter %tenet a tett trip ft**
tr.& The eelet pitemerepli shows the Teta** to Meowed Th. atileftio
allot,'" 4,60016Itialt et tws Walt 11044WIMMI them plasm 1;334 *ilea The
or three losewheel trials*. the Nal estativaletiett of she saw/ ear a tie
_ of tiws ewe lietilea heist. attothatl trip oat 0.50 *ea kelbeieellietoi 44
*Abe main boa ia oak a way.* a amok se a owl hot omit s4 $3& To
taltitaitt5 to abbe the peeseener sorry* espeeitn. arm with
p:tethalrelise rest as. it hint opeetaiiii a lomat troia of *Aar
Milt. owl sea
The ear it weal hook of the eiteimo=tYPo of lowiwooths.
.ie 126 a feel ant of -at
la tire hove left lewd hest Sikii. The aliffity .1 thole taro
Plumeertillirlit of owe sail of tits est pedal* bated whoa roptiroi woe
feel ell eagerie. ea thine Owe. 00 deleellalibialld okay 04 tort flea of tie
Mat Wm FL Sollsorde of lave Sae boa Mesita to Ottawa. The
h 044# 11114141 with Mr trio was awake is two Ware sail Meat
a. hforeivo Noss of rebutes .0441 reiwitar twee or as itai
tie Cambia* Natieuw,1 ItoiStraye, ea the airway rate ef iii tease par hear. .
1 of the Aret trial motel the bah east alellell * bee photegreph
Z•tter item fibratatel le °taros, aro mow ill bream The leave ter is ia
le a pirseepook ef tie 11411011 ore hoof soirioo 4ta Camellia Natiesal limes
hat a petwaarer estioeyia. combo - eat el tint Tama Teripleitlastra
ef 56. Betio oars have rostity hapeope Mestrial sail Ottawa. The
1. 15 keel tarebe howirat limiter* ael3
MUM' ef dee posasisa el thwe Gasipik. Omar*
tie ear.
'an '
The Music Oub
I by H. C. HAMILtQl4*.
I Oreenee Ncr:h St, Uaited Church
.. ' By H. C. Hamilton
The 'gift pf originality in composil
. tion is, in my cpinien, as said prev-
ious., the highest test of a,..niusical
' mind, and the arranging,' or giving
any musical idea a new or effective
"'otting," also requires in no low de-
gree certain. musical gifts. The corn-
. worth while,ginai mind, also a considerable por-
ineer, if he produces anything really
needs VI well as an ori-
p tion of the "technique" of hie art.
A person might have gifts in draw-
ing. Yet his perspectives • might be
poor -or he might not .have ab•lity to
do even simple thing correctly—even
to the drawing of a straight line.
'No matter. how much promise his
iwork held, it, could never rise above
the crude state, until he has master-
ed tome of the "technique" of draw.
ing. This crude workmanship is
abundantly evident in many musical
offerings of today. There are hymns
sung in minty elanday schools that
are poorly harmonized, with gime •
*retable' Ambling of certain parts, a
"torn -tem" base that rarely rims.
above its "grceemi levet," and the\ fa-
Treat any cut, the tune typifies,
that the *pin. it is set to proelaims hand, any composition which iaosses-
Turning front the"gosp• el hymns th inintiviitni,g014tog_,egtheer4ileoadohnoonlyre mhoenlodic.!=
and ingeniously original— ses a number of independent narte.
_bruise itching theme of arother type.' the most
SPOt etjor sore -
those of Rey. J. B. Dyires. A verY ten by Dykes are more or -less pot -
phonic, and for this reason present
many -voiced. All of the tunes writ -
an harmony as well as melody—are
/mend in the simple harmonies of The
teh- Ate asw.,
I. ,
'11 TiSLIZSDAY. MAY 90ein 198n
.1 II 1.1.1 •
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love_if not hurried, and "I am so glad Traitor to anyone who has become,
• that Tea
- are heard together, there is a "weld- •
tional feature. "W.oriderfuWords l
liveliest little bits of rnel- 1 writing.
ing" as it wern, and a fullneis im-
ssible to describe, but perfectly fa-
of Life." is another beautiful melody possible
Teams love me." is one of themiliwith this style
! fe,ar
is a perfect little Jaya% dance, arid ' of vote -
,•• transformededmireble. ' into anA composition with a single mel -
we heve in hyrnn-tune form. It
, op • • "echerzee" or conmosition 04 a 'Way.,
called a monophonic compoisition.
*do and accompanied by chords, . is
. os an instrumental piece, can be
• • -.. fill nature. In short—the gfiniriess —or single voiced.: On the °thee
Root, ete„ may be celled. nionephoote
All the tunes of Bliss, Sankey, Doane,
with Zain-Buk.
It soothes pain, .
allays inflam-
mation & soon
grows new skin
itmetN• SCALP SOINEL---Mrs. E.
Webster, 519. Seigneurs St., Montreal,
says :--" We feared my little girl mould
lose to3heorkbeoautetidfulhellsea. d ,:,haeir;teacinitityr
persevered with this splendid halm it
remoted all trace of the dre!,dful sores."
Crniderf. Car 5w. ri ji s E.
tittle boy cat off his finger end and
it seemed a case for the doctor, For-
-Innately, Lintrrabox•of
it soon ended the ,pitin;,and- lz141tygy. ,
and haled perfectly in -a tele dayst."'
nvires' and one ritten by Bliss difficulties to alto, tenor and bass not
. mnrked difference will be quickly
noted between anz hymn tune of
gift 04 oefasnirylodreye,ogannidzedmealonddv
lethaarntedig. .,..gberitu:ia4.11:::::tgliiv°110;11fdeaCtI 12.41 rgihUinA°:78iVriet8reielillat°f: nekind—astreinS'St. htrhieinaTSen:Vh.d.eveegiiey:Ilen:vgleanceruddanlifilsi:fil-villY;
Root, Doane or Sankey. These int -
f 0" vemposerk had the urideniable
Bet an examination of the. 1
harmenY. dual feels he or shoehrgeanbLmuPteikelanol
eel' shevo that they were content 1'01 P:Pgoto°4fireull'a.r°terrette wtork, vocal or in -
make +he sot:wenn or melody tart the
ii,i,,,,,..1,,ino,nfe:tIro.,,,,s.si,,b4,1ed. 4,4,,,,iistivig.,j,:ve., ,s,tfruzentttlel.: isratrthee_ileetoentdheentynaertfuereet
feint. ef conrse. inol for ninny , pee.
-ews the- eimpler the harmony thae
better. as there is nothiee to puzzle tnt eowtrrineoil 1 11.1,e \ten:, menraPonric*Pi rnacrtn fine
le I pi texhitri ilf u Ir ;re's:0 uinno f".
—especially men who attempt te sine work. where two melodies nem be
her, or +Ante. 'with en tnewiedee of heard neing at once, between instre-
rotten,. It is- e Int diffieult for a- beet' eceorenn.tertupsiovintbe. nohtetaorod Trffieguoltodtob•adire4-
or confine. those who "sing be ear"
rs`. terior to fellew many. even of the is in tnhfe A$At:111611;117)Titin:roehhea4SrtarePt,,erh.olorit,.:
, better wisp:1 nyinn tunes by wee
en Dykee. eed he will 1-0."ell et see.", secierp.o.Rtid tillTeci::::n"tinieueeddchnir in *Rue let eireh an mei try to sirte the oratorio chorine. that ootiatorpoint. or
heee tn. tetiC4. TVan't 'Of Airrint,Rnirtunr, maresevoited effeets. heve the„ largest,
Tile real difference is that Dykes west
',river centent to tinantm Make a nial-
edv. end Aen "nil in" hie narte. Re eoPtut"heingetriiheftieesntndwIacyAttobpinahltPen4,11t1r
a41e alto, tenov and bass •reints-
15•1R0 ti' iders. '4t greener. neeree I ends meat,' •
that Bach and Handel had—that of
Meiene, hie different 'mei molodio,ue
his times as far as pomible, contra -1
change their ways before they die.
,reen aro born equal but lot
i• •
in thereeelves—in ehort, he trwriting,
b.x ot, zool.nok fsm" or,,4•0 r'"70f.R./TV ?ett Vni6r. tielv110Pery co
riiriittalornlfq:f normel man is who. help
gothfahoalae`shrdiel,"„117,7•414,0n,,' oVerllnPrralone, t'anuldWelln‘dvePherthe four parts stubborn fruit jar for his wife.
Vnintheent when he opens a
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