HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-13, Page 8Mr. Pointer be invited to become their pastor for a, year. 0 51e. A. C. Clark, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Peters, of Dungannon, attended the laying of the Corner steno of the new United church at Harrington, Mr, Clark's old borne church, and was delighted to be there • and meet so inany oln friends. .. . • ' A CASE OF MURDER • Itis.tnothing less ethan tenedetete your car when you can't get it greas- ed right. Bill Bill Isunbr has purchesede _.a,..gun width haltekeen pounditpres- suriejend will guarantee to push , the grea where it is needed; in Your e car.' Alio has free crank case ser- vice, 'tepalring, car waribiree and pellshing. * • K!NGSTON ST. GARAGE. ',..004...adoo00000•441•••00.0•00 111,1 I I 01, _ • Car and T Supplies Golf Balls, Clubs and Bags, Tennis Balis Rackets and Presses. The famous "SPALD- ING" brand, ever y - where seknomiedged as Best in the line of sport - big goods. Ask us for a Spalding Catalogue giVing prices PORTER 'S BOOK STORE , Owtiwo Square for forty Years AJTBVRN Respetal Auxiliary will heed mew, The Rev. Mr. lase Mrs. Mains. Jag rd. Mare* lead' 14- Corbett were visitor* in the Inhale waTbilirs4"1 Mk. at 2.110 pea. A good stiond- last week. ance is requested. . MIAs Made Anderson is the 'newt Mother's Day wu fittlegly rely. --1-e of her aunt, Mrs. Strangiunt, at prebrawl at union teems, the ewer., Gas Dotlar PPR IS COO. tent. itutiort Joining with the *hal" tram* POW Irma sr beadred Last Saturday evening Ws had a school in a special service. Among aettsesie idea ere saa sia I. visit from the Salvation Army of the urge congregation present were ritieuisse Par pantleolore limb? - Goderich. . several visitors, who we hope win be- ea Dr. and Mrs. Weir and family cdme regular attentiaats. Mrs. Geo. spent the week -end visiting friends Melte:air. rendered an effective sole, et Strathroy. Rive Mr. Jefferson delivered a spleen Mr. Andrews, of Goderieh, was re. di **tress, Imitable to the °cession. !MCMAHON 1114.C- IU rowing old acquaintance* in the vil- The Benrailler Circuit Club pro- s'etaiseeas • e. ••• ewez • kl Ian feet week. vided an enjoyeble evening's enter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, of the Sae taininent at Bthel, when they pre. hall en Sunday attornooe, for vrisielt Mich., are visiting the parents'of the witted their play, "The Village, invitselons keel been Oven b weed former at present, 'wryer," toa welhdilled house last of nessek. *ad a goodly ainolier were Miss Janet Leidlave of Myth, wee YridaY evening. Rev. Mr. Kennedy present. A orbiter* ellesial a the the guest of her brother, the was the chairman of the evening. Klan to "Kling • " we fellers is the • former part of thie week. Mimic was provided between sets. tern* by 'riga they are °Meeting James, e The players deserve much praise for known),from Toronto, tieing preseat Mr. Cooper, of curaen, .yrxx in the else creditable manner in which they to adelrese the meetlag, A level village lied week. Re alta trying tc ae,,t their branch of the Klan has,been omen's- arriinge matters with regard to tem- ed here, vrith a, memberehip of twen- perance. The W.M.S. of the PeesbDUNOANNON irterian tyeeiglit. At 1. recent meeting of the Wool - church met this week merhureday Dr. Bruce, of Stratfore, f _ at the home of Mrs. McLeod on the friends in Dungannon overathe weekenni Institute the ollowing Mincers - base line, end. Several from the village were in Miss Ila Brown, of Stratford Nor. Clinton on Tuesday attending the *al MAO, Spent the week -end at meeting of Presbytery of the Prop. her home here, byterian church. Mr. J. E. Tom, LP.S., paid. his 5Irs. Vanstone, of Toronto, who semi-annual visit to . Dungannon has been visiting Mende in7the vit. sane' on ThuredaY. 4 lege, returned to her home thh lat. We extend congratulations to 4r. PORT ALBERT and 5irs. Frank Jonee on the birth ter part of ink week. The entertainment in the Forest- of a seri on EridaY. May 7th. George Ashton, of (Watch. spent era" Mill was a decided suceees, The Mr. and Mrs. F. Rasa and Master Sunday under the parental roof. attendance was wed and the pro,. Donald were week -end geode with. The ileriners are busseeding. It eeeds amounted to. over en friends in the north of Ashfield. its almost a mouth later etbau last Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, of . 'Miss GeOrge Allen, who has been rear. Ilrussels, after a Alert . visit to the guest of her Meter, Mrs.. Davie, • Mr. Walter Tigert- has returned friends in the village, returned home of Stratford, returned to her home were elected for the ensuing yen: President, riere. McIntyre; let vice prese Mrs. C. C. Brown; 2nd vice pros., Mrs. T. eleothers; seeetrese.- 0441114111104.41144404011044. THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1,101 44111/14414111414441/444•4414144 .1011040. ===="101414441014-441 ray's Spring Sale READY-TO-WEAR House Dresses Street Dresses Crepe Dresses Blouses Silk Dresses 4 .4 O. • * Imo 4 - All Me.. will bit specially priced daring the cooling weeks. Some of Me yahoo will be Silk Blouses, Vs regular price 511 New Silk Dresses (on approval) I Broadcloth Gingham Howie Dresses Dainty Porch Frocks .40.95 clearing or #8.75 and $10.95 - $1.25 6 Only Silk Dresses, (suitable for al- - $1.95 tering) 95c each ....,millugvezcrlitl. noilytinr,etr: . : 44SPRING COATS Reduced. to Clearing Prize's: ' G. M. McKenzie; district director. . , Mrs. T. Stothers; pianist, Miss Laura Savage. Delegates to district „meet. ing nt Winghani on June 2nd Mrs. New Skiiirnerst of Silk Lingerie ' Mr. George nroadfoot, who ba* • .1 . . been on the staff of the Dungannon Silk Vests . some time, has 'beert transferred to 1 Step'Ins CalgarY, and leaves on Thursday. ' • McIntyre end Mrs. It, Davidson. • Silk -Bloomers breech of. the Standsrd Bank •for Sik S I May 20th, for that chg. His many SilkCamisolc Cambinations 'tome after spzeding some months in the former part of this week, on Sunday. e. friends here,eewhite glad . to know. of. • Silk Princess Slips his „promotion, are *ferry to see him Detroit. Mr. Chate Armstrong, a She'. Mr, Alan Pentland, of Goderich • leaving Dungannon, his quiet but' - • • The play on Friday evening was burne, after short visit with rola. Collegiate' Institute, WaS a we -en courtepurt manner having won for A complete new stock of ,these §fik lingerie garments arrivecl. this i. qmo uite .4 *staking s, all their parte Hew. in the village, returned home guest at the home of her parents. • L him tee respect of Weweek. The price s little more than the cotton garmentiWe have all wish•hinsl 'well: The proceeds amounted to $41 the latter part of last week._ and Mo: A. B. Perdiand. succesa. Mr, Surnmerfeldt, of Till. • , • /fuel Green is home at preeent. Last Sabbath elother's Day was Mr. Charles Elliottfleft on Tues.. tsonburg, la being transferred to this leaving spent some time in Gederieh duly eelebrated the various cher- day, by motar• for a short visit with. branch to take Mr. Broadfoot's place. . with her grandparenta. cher d the village, the mothers friends in Toronto. He expects to 'Previous her departure. for her The Young people of the Auglieau forming ettureli are preetisine reay, which enurehes.the choirs, in the differeut return this week. • new home, Mrs, Jack Cbleholm (nee Buying o. shades. k ASK TO SEE. THEM. • ray bizoolim GODERICH I LISITOWEL- Afternoon tea, v1/111 be served bY ;Mies Mary MeCourt) was made the • they wili present during the sum- Ne'e are glad to he able to state the, 'Anatole Circle of the United recipient of a handsome jardiniere, - Connection e. • that Mrs. Series, who has been ser- church on Saturday. May .2nd, 00 a gift troll the local branch of the with ,• The cf St Andrew's United let181Y ill, is • improving et present,- the lawn of Mrs. John Moss. MI ere women% enetitute, of which Mrs. *. •T h thumb en meeting. this. eteesday although slight hopes of her revile- invited. - Chisholm was one of the charter rae Large Dry Gvoda Stares 111110111 afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jno. ery are entertained. _ Mr.John Savage has disposed of members and acted as see.etreas. of ' I. Robertson were busy intuiting sten of Ashfieid, the purchaser being sorry to lose MrseChiehohn from, our MeKenzie. Mr, Elmer Robertson and Mr, Jim, his -100-acre farm on pe 6th comes- the hrangli for two years, We are • / es • • . , trees the latter part of last week. Mr, 3, W. petrie, who gets possession Institute, as she was a willing .and SundaY They each received one thhusand in the fall. e , , . "Faith -of our Mothers," in * very school orchestra played, credit to I from the government, helPful worker, end the best wishes JeweLef Colboi•ne, who has ily metered up from Stratford on lioine in Colborne township, where Mr. and Mrs. It kartis and lam- of Its member.. follow her tq her new Plea'sing 4111:en:Etrs, tod,oivirng their teether, the pastor. VIS, a 0" Scat,. of the village, returned to her at the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, community. dils, etc. alivairs on hand. bon* the former part of this k T G All wee . . . en. • . With the return of faverable wea. Romono aud McKenzie Tretheway ar n e • -The service in 'Erskine Presbyter- ther dnring the pest`week, the farm,- ate visiting With their WeeldinO itoi;t1uste end Floral W tc Iler father accompa led grandparente Choice Bete* Cat•nati ff iven visiting her father, Mr. Robert Sunday and were guests at the home her presence will be an •asset to the The WeManes Inatitute will meet ion chureh is beteg withdrawn next era giro busily engaged in agriculture 14- anti 2'1". Vareeer o • th 1 ltiothe irfine " • at Port • on short notice. I • of Mrs.„FeextPlateee on needay, owing to the anniversary el pursuits, Ang seedtnir operations The Young people oi Carlow gave , at the! borne • - 0.100o 140.,* • aoesooteis •• „ • • ' ,(4 . 4 R 7 Tumedit.4. May 'lath,. et 2.15 p.m. This aarifices, Nelda are being held en are wel ender way in a etr c . . • . I will ene the -annual, business meeting' tileknowe Presbyterian church. . The "' coot • weather" e with ., frosts at Albeit United Chili.* hist Fridati' to 'of the Soddy. All Members are re- me. and eerie G. M. McKenzie and. night, has, retarded the growth of the a lull house and wilrgive it in the fpr 'n xt ear's program. liottesses to seenele, Varna, eteeeeeeid and "hien been -turned on. gratis. as --Yet: day of Ws week. - yPastures, so that ' very. few cattle Dungannon parish, hell on tVednese ouestet to have Weittepeteggeetione see, 'Malcolm, d. emotored. n _Saturday are Miss - Margaret king. Mrs. • Nei. . :the . As the scareityeof hay hu been quite Rev. W. 11. 411)1)re:idled to a large soul/in and e!isa pelemi4 Lockhart. wCleionlgie.eny,t,a wheretheyenjoyed end- relatives, A Pr°1*Hatifik*ttli nuinle a rated Congregation' on ." Sunday. It being The slogan of pistrict Re- keening with -tile day, lir, Alp took went a isuccessful operation in Gude- .1)3r all" Presentative Sele. Stothers to "Grow for his text, let Core. Mb chapter, Mr. .and Mrie Hugh leicGookin, of ricb: hospital a fortnight age, was Mere Alfalfse"is a very, apt One and last chute of the leth verise,."But. Detroit,- were week -ed visitors in able to' return to 'Dungannon on Stine • 141441411114444441414444•414144- 6 tuitialia NUN AND ERIE -DEBENTURES Reiss k I e;bo under.. growth of gripes would be weleemed Mother's Day the setviee was. in Mrs. Cecil Treleaven should be heeded by all vitro have the greatest of these is charity " ' day, and is noire convalescent at the The Mother's Day *melees in .the °M0 0 er Paten § ' abundant crop. • in the church on Monday night wee our community.. . land suitable 'for this nsufni: az14 The congregational 7ineeting held TheY are authorized by lenv Nile charge last Sunday were well Samuel Roach- 1 - well attended.% After a good deel of ' as an investment for estates attendee and thoroughly enjoyed by The ;Cheat board'have engaged the • nitnint013 Street SI•icoei Store Complete line a lecliesi.' gentle. men's and children's silocee ; Come leant') eompare-otir prieee., • et. • , 4•444.; ' ‘4. ktRItilorAt 7' 1 1 " I I% \ totiparation with the mane nfactueer we ere :offering fee ten dayse,si big sbipmene af ami rue! funds, COLBORN'E 41SC:1001011 a Irate was taken and ear Cate per antiiim is paya.blis 0‘.0 halleyeariv upon $100 or more heel, 2. 0, 4 or 6 years. Why not arrange for en in, vestment with this 62-yeareold fineecial institutioil ? NORMAN:' LEWIS poiluit Insuispe• Telephone 163 14110,GIN AVICNVIC -all. eervices of Mr. Geqrge • ltivett mr vta iv t" ried that the congregation of Smith's Mrs, caretaker of the ocbool for eth'e b reed aadan. "We are sorry to report that Hill -church be united with lienMiller Ernest Giivin is still confined tO her artce of the year! to take the piece of home by is distreseing illness and r. ans . , vi d' Mr. Ernest Mitchell sports a: hew United coligrekatioir end that Rev, Oldsmobil e ch blutual lie - -; The ----e does not seehi to be much improved Posed of his property ere, nibve to e C as yet. Goderich on Monday. Mr. Nelson Pearson shipped a car PROHIBITION RALLY ailment ware first quality, altsolutely guar- anteed. A line assortment of Percolators. 'Pots, Pre- serving Kettlee, Fre Pans, Round Roaster, Dairy Palle; Tea Kettleg, etc, all et the one price. 0 •• Bennaer Nurseriei Ikssurance Company 99c* • artists with "'Master Tommy Hoskin" Week. Mr. and Mrs4 Alden Allen spent e Anyone intending planting any ate such good things as will be offer - M. "The Nile" lately, but the biggest inle# Potatoes. say Naas and garden ed and -the program by the London Stealers, having delivered them last week. • s• pEnxenkiLeas ort Miter 24th. *TheY saY You never of the schools in this • Mr. John '1"r 1 , Orw lv to BEDDLVG PLANTS, A NUALS, efe;en °nun We're/two. ONT "shine" of the seasou will he here seed*, hes been raade),to the pupile Sundae' under tete parettal roof. • VEGETABLE PLANTS, David Andrew, assistant to Mr. S. 11'.' shipped out hot dots arid Poo 'oat also a limited number of hatch- of fat eattle one Saturday test. Mies Viola Alitn, of Goderich, spent e We have a fine 'aesortinent"of - of Canada s , • ' fl eemeeee' 240 ro. lioostY, Agent IIAROLO BLAOKSTONES will be superb. The death acchrred quite suddenlY Sunday afternoon, with friend in of the shove should be able to from heart failure on Tuesdity morn- Kincardine. seleet from our stock the Plants Rees, ST. : : GoDonicn, GODERICII TOWNSHIP ing, May llth, a mrs. Thompsore, Mrs: A.. Ilenaereon 'spent a few theY require. • - . • STEWART BROS. ;miss D. Harrison, Porter's - f t e sixth -concession of Weat 7% days with her *niece, Mrs. Chas. Robe' - • "Stars" are shining all the time at The distribution of eggs for, P.. 0 1.1 .0.00 • astahliolvsnallsil• , district `Mr visited her friend; miss 'ma Bait wanosh, at the advanced age o ertson. hest week; Moe Carlsw 235 1. 1. 41. GODEitlen on Sunday. • ' year*. Further reference will 'be air. Will. Long and family spent -.: made next week. po um , . IEveryone will have an op rt 'te Senday afternocei at or0, AT -ofinspecting "Valley Fenn," at Uri- • Extonat e improvements are ie ng Chas. Stewart, Site. -------------------- • len, Friday, lilay «let. made to the manse of Erskine Pres- Mr, and Mrs. Robert McMillian and 1 I...1...1.... t hurch A, new cliimney is ants, Mr. and 5irs. Jas. Feagan, 'on Y Sks an the interior will be painted and GODERICH Afternoon and Even- ing .Sessions *Under the. auspices of Buron County Social .ervice W„ G. MEW EXETER • PRE5101)11% 4. T. COOPER, CLINTON, eCtsTat, I"Valley Farm " a domestic drama ee er ti c . 1 of twelve characters in Union church Mother's Day. , re,deeorated. 'nen completed, this will be one of tbe most deeirelele re - Mies 1, et, (Bessie) Davidson, who sidentha Prallertles in Dungannon. supply of milk to the C. N. R. gradated from Victoria liespital, ram mg cut fie "Oh well it is dl a e ine among - her ."<vaa- given hY the *aunt people of _ ,frieeds here. ittle son visited•with the lady's par. in four acts, will be put on b a c t built train the beeement up. Friday.. May 21. Be sure to see it. • • The' MeGavr dairymen haul their London, 'Wednesday of last week, is The "lay, "Mother Mine," which tie!! now, "114 t the -C. .r" latlY spen tier s e ti Carlow in the parieh hell on Wed - •C>, 43 r, • 44, TO( the early bird that tete the worm "- - • needay evening under 'the autspices so tliey say. •• • • • , Arbor Day Was duly observetl at of the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's church:. Do not forget the tea meeting ilenion school list Friday. The sifter- was much en' d b th nt 'which is being held at &miller Un' noon was -spent in the 'woods, where the several chamfers- taking their ited there on the evening of May the chikiren were treated to nuts and parts well, • good talent front Bayfield, candy by their teacher, Miss Graham 24th. A good program is expected. • • 51r. - Reid, who has ; 'performed the God I h d C 1 th Be MILLINERY • in styles find priccs. to suit all. We invite you to can -and-see our stock. • ,.•41 On the Broadway of Goolorielt They say they can't make the old Town Hall into a new Town Hall, but CO.A L! Car 4 6r, Lump Pacohooto,e • $13.00 per Tim also a car of Biquittioi 1 .1 Universal Millinery °Id Hydro Stand N., of Square 404441 e 411 co,v,t a e The Goderieli. Township Women's duties of jienitor in-• the United miller orchestra. • • • Millinery New and Artistic Models nt Hats of the LATEST STYLES • Nee, e , a SO e atom ure h*U-' leenitillier United church was filled e and various other „Pieces, has -shown to tlre door on' Mother's Day. A himself. to be ,particularly fitted for splendid sermon .was preached--hy-the this kind of work, and we tan highly mister, 'Rev B. .A. Pouiter, everyone recommend him for similar duties in feeling it was vied to be at church, the county town, where we wish him in memory of their mothers, many every !success. of whom have paned on before. The Mr.. and Mrs. B. 3, Crawford are preparing their new home for occu- pancy in, the near future. Mr. Jae. Crawford, of Port Albert,'Is here to. ',assist in the tutting of an arehway end other improvements.. The house will be thoroughly renovated and re. '.decorated, interior and exterior and. ' when this done, it will be a most attractive home. -Mr. and Mrs. R. MeWhinney, Mrs. J. Bennett, Miss Mary %Menge, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. G. M. McKenzie and the Misses Irene Carr - Edna Park and Mary Murray at- tended the Presbyterial of the Prete byterian thumb which met at Brute oils on Tueedey of this week. Th* monthly meeting of the Dan- gaanon branch of the Women's Usti - tete will be hold ott Theradity of meet week. May Ilkh, Instaad of May Mit the regular fliay a *.sting, at the home of Mrs. A. Mcreasis, at p.m. A paper win be give* * Mrs. McIntyre en "The Danger a lax - wry in Modem Life." UR Cane - Paying of fees. The Xu XI** Mall lova Durigataneri. ?he seeensi W a aerie, , meetings was hoht Os pada the New *Asia Straw, Silk sad Riau conelanations of colior, which are nese end interwar* ARK COVIDIALlef INVITED TO ISPPECT OER eiTOCK Miss Mac Vicar Klopieew Serest 0 orstagellP ` ' ••• 4 .11ill oliNv 1 • Baby (*Magas :iv! as sialbarato we pi* a* rear Saute • or onebetkoret are to be mew Wee 1st eaenter et AC*, will ma& awl IAA sari eawitora as ' *atter wt eandoto 'Yee Pitk . wt. lanithees Amid isaaciatistizt sew_ elowegGe. CtoPeo tot wk *IV nialise We lopplet fee loth weber aid lnseg. Are right if we make them. We have a better ehoice of Mouldings than lots" of the • city stores The only dare e Orme between ours and the city framing is our prices, which are much cheaper. i3ring your Pictures here to be framcd. and be convine. Splendid. assortment e Mother's Day Cards. - Saida Artuieftkire 1041 -411111WiltAlle , 0440•004.04 R best friends can buy anything you. can girt, them Dew reser Photograph Ne °Ow lotituhcantie will give such happluoie J.11 J. T. rionompo . • Weighed Matiot , L. FUCK Phone 178 " 4440 We Can Make Your Old Suit Look Like New ..TRY •US- Galeria creock Dry Ciesiog Works - prompt sadBoort Service ' J. It. VROOMAN Phone 122 Weld Street TAKE A pEEP at our window, -and see the beautiful models of the newest in Footwear. Not only are they beautiful, they are of ex- .„ cellent ciaulity and workmanship, the products of the best Canadian factories, and the prices are very reasonable. " May we have the opportunity to fit you with your • NEW SPRING SHOES 0 HARMAN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE snook in Oatmeal tl tio d•