HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-13, Page 7TIVARIMIAY, MAY MU. 1.06
Hotel T er
8k1 Reins - &OD Wks
$2•50 Per Daratil lit
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic Grill
Tea Room
C. C.. SCHANii
&Sunday Afternoon
ISABEL NAlitZTON; asiorirk. OA&
-Let Christian faith and hope dispel
The fears of guilt and woe;
The Lord Almighty is our Friend,
And who can prove a foe ?
Let troubles rise end terrors frown,
And cloys of darkness fall;
Though Hine all darter* wilt defy.
And more than conquer all.
Anon. ,
We thank Time 0 God that Them
art ever near to defend AM comfort
those who put their trust ix Thee
Help tie ever to fight the good fight
cf faith arid be more than conquer-
ors through him that loved us, even
Jesus Christ err Lord." Amen.
O. S. LESSON FOR MAY 33rd, 1026
Lewin Titheeelsitoe and His Wells.
*Ltiestitdriteriage-Cen. ta:13-23.
Gleam Teeter -Prey.' 15:1.
Some writers think -that Isaac was
one of,, those men of the Bible, like
the elder brother, who never receives
justice from readers and studenta of
the sacred book. In mama he was
El 11E0 FEET seemed bia janttbelritio8 Tegerenhissl,uvefesoir:16:ieuirIrawmtl
day'a lemon be appears as a lover of
peace. -
After Abraham's death there wee
a famine like to the rine that had
sent him into Egypt for sustenance
for himself and didgendenes. , Isaac
thought - to follow his father's exam-
ple and set out for Egypt, but God
met him and repeated the covenant
he had made with Abraham and sad:
"I will perform the oath which )1,
4%14*. /214:•Abrithain • thY.father'."
Ile told him not to go to Egypt but
to sojourn where he eras. This was
in the land of Gerar where the Phil-
istines were living. Isaac settled
down to till the soil and in time 113
prbspered, so that of him too it could
be said, as it was of his father, he
was rich in seats and tattle, iv
eater and in gold. His neighbors
took notice of his prosperity end be.
eamo jealous of him and, .although
they had no use for certain wells
Can Be Ripikivid By they spitefully 'Stepped them up ect
that lease's Servants could not use
Dr. infoodrs• them. That was contrary to a con-
• venue of friendship Abinielech, king
tildWINEY of .th4h- Philistines, had hada With
D"Abraham' when he was sojourning in
"Gerar. The agreement ' was that
Syrup there should be standing friendship
0 y the mother knows how keel it
Ur takes* tee children from catching
add*. They will run out of doors not
p ly dad, or have on too Touch
; pier too'bard and get over-
heated ad 000l off too suddenly; get
their feet wet; kiek off the bed elothes
at night and do 4 hundred tkinge the
surer, eimet_oreviesta441..).:._aw144
withs*t .any. firealand itte promptness
amid effeetiveness in loosening the
b1sgro Awl the lemoseaud
tuborie slab that the trouble
checked before any *emus runt
trouble c43% posibly atm**.
• mar now& *unlit Or dealer
Ilkand/re it; put up ••only by The To
MIbwa 09., Limited. UMW/ 00.
T. SWART'S' \ •
Planed' hiverg
Hack Stables, Etc.
"Ter sakes sore, burning, tired
feetlairly dance with delight. Away
go the aches and pains, the corns,
callouses, blisters and bunions.
'Tie draws out the acids and poi.
eon that pieff up your feet. No
ratter how hard you worls, how long
yea *nee, how far you walk, or
bow long you remain on your feet,
*To" beings • rraful foot comfort.
°Tie is wonderful for tired, - adv.
i.aataftitaid. eelarlaw cant,. Your.
feet Just tines tor Joy; shoes never -
Imre or seem tight.
Get a box of "Tiz" now from any
drug or department store. End
foot torture forever --wear smaller
shoes, keep ,your feet fresh, sweet
and happy.
laididren''s Coughs
and Cold*
• 11110Intrinki Street
•juin off the Square
'lessees Meet all Trains and
• Passenger Boat.
• Passengers called for In any
Dart of the town for all
trefoil' at 471. T. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt Service and
• Careful Attendance.
Our Livery and flack Service
• *111 be found op•t04late
in every ritipect.a
•. gri*
Your Patronage Solicited
Phone 107 Montreal Street'
okosini".0.00.60.plow. _ _
The Nolte, Power
between the two families which was
not on any "lenient to be violated.
Abraham made one* atiputation and
that was that well* he had digged
should be, his. This was the well
which afterwards was filled in with
earth to. prevent Isaac's servants
getting the use of it. Instead ef
cialieg- to -Abimeierh's enied the co-
venant, he: on being requested 4,
leave that part of the country, quia.
ly_snbmittedeand moved to another
par't. Cif *the valley. Here he resuire
ed his occupation of tilling the land
and earing, for his flocks. Here he
found other "mai his father had used
and these he cleaned out and out of
respect to his father's memory,
led there by the names his father had
given them. Ile did more than -re-
open wells. His servants wire:set
to' work to search for springs of
water. In this they met with op-
Bathe in 14Ibtard's and
warm water, rubbing
the solution idto the
• aching parts with the
• finger tips.
Minard's is also splen.
did for sprains, bruises
and strained ligaments et
ReaallArs, MenartrtLetter.
Her Experience May Help
Chatham, Ontario.- "I want to tell
vou how much good your medicine
• -"ee'e• has done nae. Be-
fore my baby
come I felt so
weak and run-
down that could
hardly do my
work. My head
ached continually
and I WAS SO dis-
couraged that
could cry from
had another
baby justoneyear
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
' hoc' by.Electricity, 44 a It Karen** let tO
do. So t t avould era Ladia
CONVENIENT, CLEAN, E. Pinkhands egetable Compound,
QUICK as I had read so moth about it in the
• little books. 1 found a difference right
• Cheaper than coal or wood
• An Electric 4acutpu Cleaner _
Teill0VeS the dust; a Minim just
moves the dust.
We guarantee. all Hydro Lamps
• for 150o hours.
- Walk in and &.e iiSplay at
The Hydro Store
away as my- head was relieved tuul
my tired feinge gone. My sister
had been doing my irivehing and she
continued doing It, _as she said it
nught *et me harcli started to do
it aain. It fart did help me and
hod taken just twbottles when my
baby tam. Heis a ftne big boy.
now nearly five mouths old. 1 am
taking your Inedieine again and 1am
able to do my work all hy myielf now.
1 allays recommend the Vegetable
Compound to women, and especially
to expectant mothers, as I believe
they need hejp at thou times.". -
Mee. OLIValt MithARD, 64 Center St.,
Chatham, (Mrie.
position, for no sooner WAS one good
spring found than neighboring
herdsmen claimed it. He Std not re.
erst hu• tailed it "Enke" meanine
"contention" and reeved *wee to seek
another. On finding it -contention
*rue again and this well he named
hush' *sung "hatred." He
avoided strife but still others strove
with him and AgAllt he movedaway.
This Trued to be a quieter settle-
ment, for on digging a third well no
claim was laid to it so Isaac named
it °Rehoboth." meaning "enlarge-
ment." He studied ever to be quiet.
so God graciously appeared to him
when no doubt hie spirit was dise
turbed by the experienee* to which
be had been subjected. He had
leeched a. place called Beer-shebin
and hese God -appeered unto him and
gime him the comforting aseuratice
that "I am the God of Abraham thy
father; fear net, jor I am wth thee
and wilt bless thee, and multiply thy
seed for Amy servant Abraham's
sake." In 111 hi* contests 'kith his
neighbors Iesac was true ,to the re-
IhIV,111:n belief
il ehtitH1 ntrril:writ 1,"adf t taugetl
had assured him his wanderings
were over, he built an altar and eel4
led upon the name • of the Lord.
Soon after A deputation tame to him
courting his fever, for "when a man's
wars please the Lord, he makes even
his enemies to be at peace with him."
Abinielech and his primo ministers
paid him a friendly visit and urged
him to enter into a league of peace.
Ile made them a feast and next
meaning • they deported, having
cosienanteil to keep the peace That
mane day his servants returned and
reported the findings of another
spring of water and he called it
"Sheheh," meaning "an oath." .
the cot nty town. To make the ob.
longbl Fe
ers,* couple of metal blocks or elms
ware borrowed from the Godezieb
Organ Comporiy- 'there were plenty
of ballot* spoiled in the printing and
thole were ail supposed to be counted
and turned in with the good ones, u
they are today, but there was also a
substantial overrun..0. A. Curie,
now of Toronto, but at the time a
member of The Signal mechanics
of the North street print shop. He
fstili , acceilled burning, the aurpIs
lat Ms, et the foreruns order, b*ek
remember* the late "Jim" Wilson,
druggist, coming out of his bark door
triwoeisitg, the proceedings with some
Hon, Mr. 'Gamow did drop out of
ter this election, act The Star mg-
geated arid when the general election
of May, 1002, came around -the last
in which the Ross Government wee
sestahtecn-Malcolni-Graeree Cameren
(afterwards judge) AV:as the Liberal
eendidate, against James Mitchel)
editor of The Star. This was •also a
lively battle, as the vote was 2,458
for Cameron and 2,437 for Mitchell
In 1006, when the Ross Government
finally went out, Mr. Cameron de.
forted Dudley Holmes, of Goderich
by three votes. re
After the Whitney Government
came in, Major Beck was appointed
postmaster at the Parliament build.
rugs. He went back to Goderich at
Thanksgiving, 1906,. to pack up his
belongings, and his friends • in the
county town hurriedly arranged the
.bangret already referred to. Mayor
Tilt presided, and Dr. Cue, ef Dun-
gannov, was vice-chairman. Speake
er• o e evening, •among n om
A. Christian Japanese *Farmer
Mr. Koniehi, who has a fruit farm
in a OW Japanese village' eight
miles front the railroad, is. a ,gre-
duato of the Imperial• Agrieultural
College ,at Tokyo, and in the years
following his graduation he taught
in agricultural , schools," at one of
which he became orincipal. At
length, gowever, he determined to
become a practical farmer himself.
Mr. Konishi, his wife,- and his oldest
bet' had 'become Christians and act-
ive members of the church .some
.years before. Faithful to 'this pro-
fession thole would not by any Means
-permit the farm to absorb theft; in-
terest. At once aft Zenith( took a
line of bald leadership. fot the social
• and moral regeneration of the tome
ty in wee*/ he bad settled. .-A "so.
cial department" was organized for
the countrnePd. becaole
its chairman. In that capacity he
now goes from village to village
,holding meetings.. to talk of social
subjects into which he always. puts
the moral emphasis cif Christianity
In Mr. Konishits own village he has
dealt • organized g men's temperance
society, and has aecured the signa-
tures of 136 adults to a pledge a to-
tal abstinence frdm all intoxicants.
This in nractleally every man in the
little community. •
New'? front Many Lands.
(Continued from 2)
25, the same paper defended the ma-
jor against an accusation by The
• Seoforth Expositor that he had. fail-
ed to discuss public issues in the
• 11. 0.'s Deciding Vote
• Op March 26, at •Osgoode Hall Mr
Justice. Osler dealt with an appeal on
behalf of Mr. Garrow. Ile counted
out a ballot marked "Joe." Ile also
rejected the torn ballot and. made
other changes which left the:vote in•
West Huron a -tie at 2,464-2,464.
As soon as official- notice wan re-•
eeived Goderich Returning Offieer
Gibson promptly cast the deciding
vote in favor of Mr. Garrow. Then
;The Signal ran a cut of its "mongrel
• rooster with 'wean mutts," and the
list of members of the .Legislatiye
Assembly published at the beginning'
of 1809 showee under West Huron,
"James T. Oarrooe_ majority 1,."
The Tories had. another shot in
their,. locker,. howeeete senderretested
the election on the ground of irregio
!antics. The court found evidenee in
eurport Me charges, eind voided
the election. In the following bee
Mr. Garrow-now minister without
• portfolio in the Ross Cabinet -de-
feated Major Beek by 45. This elec..
tion rase was protested, and Justices
Osier and Rue ordered the election
voided' and the seat declared .vacant
Hon. Garrow apac„aled, and Chief
Justice Armee, with Justice Mac-
Lennan, Marc, tester and Maeltialion
sitting as court of appeal, upheld
the original finding. The judgment
said "the findings fact as to brib•
ery and agency were amply justified
by the evidence," and disinisted the.
appeal with costs.
The Godericho Star commented ire
follows: "The appeal is declared to
have been unjustifiable, and if the
electors of West Huron feel that the
riding should have been represented
in the Legislature during the past
two riessions, they ears only place the
.blame on Hon. I. T. Gino% minister
'Without portfolio and without seat
And the Government to whom be has
been -well, not a tower of strength
'Nice isas MOP& Bede titeedefeeted
by freed and raireality; and twirl.
have the electors of West Huron
been depraved of the right and privi-
lege of talent who shall repreeent
them in the tagbilature. Mr. Gar -
row. should have the deveney to drop
nut of polities for a while and let the
Governmeig bear alone the oiium of
this disgraceful one diercrutaiele
businere. 1
Not so many ssfeguards tree? 1'
thermal eleim the handling ef
tion bellote in tease itse.a. Needlcee
to may, those for the %Wet Huron
elation ti en peieted b:- the Nerve;
Dati propelator of The
Signal then and now Lititz -al own in
were some prominent Liberals, nete
as follows: V. B. Gunn, M. P.; M
G. Cameron., 111.L.A... James Mitchell •
G. F. Blair, Willian Lane,
• Attorney Seeger, Magistrate Hum-
ber,. William Proudfoot (afterware
senator), Dr: Taylor, Dr, Macklin,
F. Weleoty, W. T. Murney, W.A. Mr -
Mtn, lealliem CnipbeU, RobertieleIce
-Leap; ex-elay-or. -John -Butler.- -and
William Lee. 111r. Todd, of The' Star
taff t d Id' d d'
eanee which the local paper renting -
ed the public was "purchased through
our -popular jeweler, W. E. Kelly.'
The latter is new. Childrer's. Aid sup-
erinteddent in London. Dining the
evening the assemblage was enliven'.
edby. songs from Harry Sturdy
Lionel. Parsons and Harold- Black -
atone. The Free Press published a -
column or, more. about the affele and
• "Joe" Beck. is getting pretty old:
•Ife could qualify for the Octegenare
-tans Club, and is naturally not as
sprY as he used -tohe, but itagele-
cliried superannuation and is still r
familiar figure about the Parliament
brildings. The post office used to be
a regular ;pen of cell for - Huron
County visitors in Toronto and some
old -friends still seek out the Deafer
there. . He and his good wife, who is
a member of the well-known Keritig•
hart -family of Huron Comity, reside
at 14.?owlet* avenue, not a great
distance froni Queen's Park, rand Mrs
Beek , walks doom with her husband
when• he goes to the office-whith ir
not every day. The House post of -
flee has a staff cf five; quite capable
of handling the blueness, ever? dur-
ing the sessional n ste •
When the major visits the gallery
of the 'Assembly he listens to mem-
bers who never had a recount a nte
test -'or an. election trial -mere am-
teurs as peiltirianseee-He rag sere •
the seat to which he was elected 28
--years ago, but never' entatepiedeetife
rredent member foe Center. Kuno» 1111111.
it Wit*, Whe bedew .pinagetv •
three The -one
Sears ago of 724, and on the
same side of the House Major Alex
. Lewis and • Russell Nesbitt compare-
th•ely youthful members from Tor-
onto ridings with more than 10,000
votes each to snare. Most menthere
no doubt recall dimly the "Wert
'Hurou , election ease," but most of
them probably do •not know Major
Beck to see him. A generation has
arisen which knows not Joeeph.
But that 'is not serprising-most of
the members of the nreseht House
fail to recognize . Sir William Hearst
when he drops in, and he was prime
minister only seven years ago.
Powerful Medichit-The healing
propetties • in six essential oils are
toneentrated in every bottle of Dr.
Thomas' Electric Oil, forming:one of
the most beneficial liniments. ever of-
fered to the use of roan. Many. van
testify as to Its power in allaying
rain, and many more can certify thnt
they owe their health to it. Its
wonderful power is not expressed by
the email -psiteeett which in
ememeee - -• See
S • presented e a ge ..res ebony
the reporter of that day was the
writer of this article. •
•••••••••••••111.11111111111,111)91 I
womb was DP MID gri
Itelaark Out of Order and *sterol
Rua Dona
e/ suffered from etomach trouble;
for several years." sees Mee. Mar ••
Crouse. of Nineveh. X.S. "I would
have severe pain after rating, and ae
a result 1 ate sparsely, and so rim
down in general health. 1 grew pale
and weak, was cavil,- tired, and
would wake up in the morning an
tired as when I went to bell. Thu
sleep easily disturbed. Naturally 1
My nerves began to give cut, and mei
was being treated for the trouble but
it did not help me; indeed I was
growing worse and Sorld not walk to
the ncareet nehthbor's without stop-
ping te rest It was at this stage
that, as the result of an advertise-
ment I read, that ileeideel to try
• Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. had talc- •
P*1118 sti
A vestful night on Lake Erie
s 0,00:411141: Ilika 41.111&0100 itadautemuswasmome.stidaraitek
WWI Mk yeler=Oty isipsa Mem It MOO.
,• isrookiter sha wasasiag.
Itteewere 41111=1;4737rit to latliarilambeelor-"Olttalf WOMIAlt.
rz=nricz1 asAsWe
Clewihwire IOW
IUse hell Woo le
Nodes OWelloweerel
Fare $15.90
*".111141111r-1 1131111e-i---
en the pills far several week* before
A man is trafe a* long ite a wenn*
I could notice any improvement in A HEALTH ITEM OF INTEREST
me conditiere then I vented to have only largh* at him -when she bights
e better appetite, trod lest! difficulty It will be good news to our readers to smile she is dangerous.
a-fter rating, this encouraged me that they now have available' a moat - ---- ------------ - a ---- to continue taking the Pine until 1 effective mane of promoting healtha,
had used * dozen boxes, by which in tee home by eliminating the dies Tong viife Afro
etinnljoey Itteoumbly eitttetnearahithaerutTthmehaltd1 ainind. _ elms that are trarientItted by files
and mosquitos. FLIT, the. remark -
efts -Phan ha„ a wee „mare • e have nee feeted by the Standard Oil Company "1 was afraid to at because 1 al -
d any return at the trouble. of N. 3, is now obtainable in Canada I ways had stomach trouble tiftervetrifes.
:I.:cdomtinettilthittDr.1 4 eats eat stud
to other weak and elan
‘evienllisteirntsh„ rtionnkfidenee at almost IOW Drug Store, Hardware' aim tet ing ,Adlerik I
pme Store .or Grocery Store.
Sprayed into cracks and crevices
roved so much that felt 1, wee Ole instant& which hes been per.
To Eat Anything
(lived) rtirs. A. Howard
For indigestion: or one' or the where insects hide and breed, FLIT and often brine:surprising relief Se
g Peolde." F, spoonfu dleri it removes GAS
ire blood, Dr, Williams" wet- destroys both the inflects and their the rtomeale Store that futiehloatied •
numerors troubles due to thin,
are strongly reeommendellInSokldribil-:: egg& An ridded adventitge is thitt feeling. Removes old wtiste matter
FLIT will not stain the mut deliente -trent intestines and makee you feet
six. minseudle:c5:etetr ia obor xl Tbeheseit fabrics. This has been prated hr happy and hungry. Excellent for
extensive tests.
Williams alectielne Co, Vroekville. -e--- - -o b etinete conetipation, C• A el P-
' GODERICII KAItliETS ---4---- -- - ----r-- ---=----
If Stomach. Hurts wh...t,., bush.....$ 1.35 to E 1-40
Buckwheet, per bush. ' 45 to 70 CANADIAN NATIONAL RY.
• • Drink Hot Water Oats, Per busb . aO to , 40 TRAIMEIVItttet.INTO
.• Hogs . . . . ..... 12.60 te ...12.50
- P.cam per bush. ..... 4.45 ta. e 1.50
Noutralize Stomach Acidity. Prevent
Barleey, per bush.... ti'e. to ,;() t,„io, tentleirieh 0 00 a 91. 2.a0 p.m.
... -
Indigestion ' Cstticew' t."dinit*\ °‘?1. 05 to . d ee :;: • SoiClitIt'lr't'lt .ltrt:'; :it, init. 32..54 iell'Inn3:-
. rood Fermentation, Stop
' "11 those ' Cattle export 7 00 to 7.rie 1 Mitchell 7.01 seen. 3.12 p.m.
(per ewta•
...... . • • . . ..... .... ..., i
.• Arr. Stratim a 7.80 a an. 4.10 p.m. ,
R •
tion. tale wind, or flatuleeee? stomach Lninbs, per ewte.... 1100 to 12.00 " Guelph 8.413 a m. 5.50 pen.
. . . • I • 1
heartbi rn, etc., would take a tea.
1.sr°°°f°1 of pure BistiratO Magnesla rEagingsilyPileorurd,opser cwt . 3.00 to 4.00
in half a glass of hot water imme-
. . /1.1" s°11.. roan "'aria:tale -Cattle, choice, cwt.. 0.50 to 0.40
• 25 t° 3P Retie niog-Levo Toronto 0.-15 A.01.0
s00' -
- - • 'I Toronto 10.10 0 in. 7.40 0 nt
1eiteliener el.a.0 it.m. 5.20 pen.
acidity or soutvesm, gastric catarrh?' Dairy -Butter... ...... , 40 to, * 40
diately after eating they would soon Bram, per ton, • . • Moo to 3300 irsoari:or incIklie:„„':rItird?,13e:,a,.15rai Eintroirte
foiget they were ever afflicted with Patent flour, per. cwt. 4.75 to
stornigh treuble, and doceore would. 115.00 to doderich,(1.0e p. no train. . •
have to look elsewhere for patients." mem ,,, „„ e , • •• • 06 to 00
Hay, per toile ....... , .. 10.00 to 12.00 - Through coach Goderich to Toronto.
Shorts, per aon... .. eal.00 te
In explanation of these words a well- P. F. LAWRENCE & BONS
that most foeuts of stomach tro Potatoes, per bug,. . 2 50 to 2,50 amen rias,,,,tor Iknil l'Ichtto afrelitts .
41)10S L 3"
Ont. • .
known New York peysician Stated • Thom. W.
are -due to stomach acidity and ferm-
entation .of the food contents of the
stomach combined with an insufficient •
blood supply to the stomach. Hot
water ihereases the blooil supply -and _
Bisurated Magnesia, which can be
readily obtained at any reliable drug •
store, in either tablets or powder, in-
etantly neutralizes • the excessive _
esat6timonasehtbee.ideosmilbdinintiroan-fo°f°d-thfeentltwerio;• •
therefore, being.marvelously-euceess-
ful and decidedly preferable to the
use of artificial digestants, etimu-
lents or medicines for indigestion.
Speculation is what' yciu indult.*
in if your ronseience want let you
calIit gambling.
Auto Painting 11
1,1 Have your car painted
ith the new Lacquer Fin.
All new colors. . n 9
r f • S
Pord.Car $25.00
. •
The security afforded by the Province Of Ontatio Savings
Office, together with the facilities extended by every Post .
Office in Canada and, other countries, make it possible for
everyone. to deposit .their savhigs in tltis 13ank. interest is
• allowed, compounded half.yearly, with full checking privileges.
• The eontidence the rural communities have shown in•this
i Bank, is. indicated the large increase in deposits, which are
now over $21,000,000.
All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the
• Province of Ontario:-
'• Remittances should be made by- Post Clilice money order,
•..exprgss order or registered letter, and should be addressed to
your nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention.
rovince o Ontario Savings Office
1 Head Office : 15 Queen's Park, Toronto
Toronto Branch Offices
AISOfilrniture re-finihed. I on, Bay and Adelaide Ste. Cot lenieersity andliundimpSts.
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..-.. _.. ..e. .. . e . .- 0 1 ;
Fred Seabrook, *•
Hamilton, At. Catharines, St Ma 4;* -,... Pembroke,
Other ,Branches at '
Bra nt ford, W oodstock, Owe Sound, (Maw*
• Kingston Street
00 Seaforth eve le won Neu market sind Aryl in e r.
. . ..............- .... --
e -
elheaerTSArt£144 IN tiaING 1,411Nlwor'S NZW"
,L• ada.2.11
fa moo rio .soeemere. we.
ILWOO MOM* 101OTAVore Outcooif
01111.HOMat MO Sits? "WWI* OP
4•04 INK JaftMelby ?NAT Mas HA".
Asssmosos or gourooso•
best way! Langley's Now Return Your Dress
or Suit in a New Patented
• Each year there are
• more people you can
The fittest kind of intro..
• duction to these- new
comers is to call t1
on the telephone bv
• Local or Long Distance
as the case may require.
Many merchants alwayn
call up a new customer
• by Long Distance before
sending a salesman to
see him. Think
muelt difference it
makes in the kind of re-
ception t h e salesman
• All around you, in outly-
ing towns, are custom..
• ers who will be as glad
te,have yzu.caU.,tholn by
telephone as you will be
to sell them. Don't over-
look the one best way of
winning an d holding
their friendship - the
Langicy'epow - •
•.(M' Pateflted
unt:limn. that
• ittuine the iresh
iinnh 'Without
• Container
• Art M T . ( urtaire, • Itraperiee, etre
eitipeed by mail ream Lanyeey's yea -h .•
. you Just as free)] and beautiful in finieli
• as if they were delivered 1,er/ritually by our
drivers in the city.
emit an indiention of the reireginr melee given
by Langley's! , •
There ure homes all over Onterio velech verse -
. ue ues, dresse,. cute und other perSolui
apparel to la eta .4. titere. repaired .or
(toyed to styli.. • o our lit' aleteria shape -
moulding" poceee. re we bave buisdretie of
inieomere 'elite sin() us much items ae rugs,
earpets. dreperiese etc.
We Pay Return' Shipping Charges
und charge only our Torento wirer. Simply
eend your parcel to Mr. Geo. S. Latieley and
.. egt() ei lottur CaYing• What v0"4 have sent and
tat yeti tvant dorie. ' Ilea glee Year Order - '' - e•
1de persons! suereisin.
raf rine reeret. Weimer Aprod sAdt iiiteethed
et n ke Soo -t srset
Head °&e: 249 Spadini' Road TORONTO