The Goderich Star, 1926-05-13, Page 6E
Orange Lily is ai
pertain relief fair all
disorders of women.
It is applied Inealiy
and is absorbed into
the 4itffering ti4suee.
The dead waste *tat-
ter in rthe congested
region is expelled,
awr—r.�"- •. -_. giving immediate men-
tai and pbysieal re-
lief; the blood vessels and nerves are toned anti strengthened,
azid the eiri'uiatiot> is rendered to normal eg this treatment is
baared a>it ntrietl, eeientitle principles and Maw alt the-atetnai
Iueaation o the disease", it Punk help hat do good in all forme
of female troubles, iltrlutlirtg delayed and painful naenstruaa»
ileait, leueorrheea, falling of the womb, growths, and ovarian
troubles. rte. Priv: 102.00 per box, whirls is sufficient for one
srmotath'ii treatment.. i free Trial 'treatment, enough, for 10
days, worth 7;k'. will be :tent FItEE to any guttering woman
wwha will send nae her addre ee. Eneloae three stamps and ad-
dress; Mrs. Lydian W. Ladd. Dept. 10 Windsor, Ontario.
Said By Leading Druggists Everywhere
never permitted her tweeter a meas.
_t,l,er� 71 ill r
NMI A•.I,,iIII , MIS wq .I, II
est of trepidation as to heaaself• Nu
Her first commies*, feeling, anew that
she recalled k, had been one of int•
elicit, wirearsning faint in hint
That confidence had incresteed with
every hour; dieanas, deepazr,::.the wish
to die had given piece to resignation
then to hope, and sow to a brace
self-confidence. Roulette knew that
her dellverance had been miraculous
and that this span, this total etran
ger, out of the goodness of his heart
had given her back her life. She
Wt over i lt#isa. J'� abetter aerial?" as
par motionless +I PA writ,* te-day to WI "Nix!" he replied. "I wouldn't * r4441/911 T"" i
t iar a encase about what ]dilM►rzn s Heart get up '_ . _ .
money. Besides, why fool with the m T
these fellow* him. "The—filer 'end' Dints away
red, it is neeessary to' II** the from the direction in whish you esu
halves exactly equal, because other- get best reception, You si+oaki
wise there can be no sharp tuning of point the free end toward your loess
the set. The shorter end will be try station if you want to cut it out and
ing to vibrate 'at a higher frequency get diistane.." '
than the other. This ramtaaually ' in-,
To solve .Smith's • problem, eend' to
tiimfsres Stith' the practice et splitting p t Wm 'PA .*tiler tweeters of
•interfering stations and armY ec' long distance reception it was nests -
count for' the failure to get distaaftt a only for bins to take the lead-in
points when other's do it with ease. from the aptxaeitC end tat;
tYze atrial.
lie found the L aerial the most smith had singly gntt us mongol
prevalent ,type. This is an aerial ,swipes twiistesd,
with the eimd-in taken front one end. 1Vertt W"e,aa3c„ tits. g#: g7ra a gmdorywrtr
Thin should, oo course, be tics_ lower • Cortdaaise,i:
end if the aekia1 is not levels Ian hi i ('Copyright 192d Iiyr The tlllman
observations, however, Smith: found Feature Service)
some of hi* neighbor* bringing Town :
two lead-ins, one from each end of Spare the children from suffering
the fiat top of the aerial, and he asks from wormax by usher mows. Worzn
ed whether this wasn't the answer Powder:, a most effective vermifuge
to long distance reception. • with which to combat these., insidious
"Keep away from the double leads foes of the young• anti'helpleas• it is
- to radio Hoyle, and, you had better and
y when its qualities become known in
-not dispute it until yea know more , a household no other will be used.
about the subject, Then You'll pro- The, medicine acts by itself, requir-
bably agree. The People with; aer- :ing no purgative to assist it, and so
oasts like this are probably getting, on- !thoror:ghiy. that nothing more is de -
'W total, or near -by atations, and: do sired.
net appreciate haw limited they ars!
t crisis close tel .' '7 .
some people 'keep he a HERB JUICE
Nota WM Day
For Two Years
Hurt ail Nem
Vier. SO Bad
111 11
- •o •n Smith and His
(Corr isl t 1429 hr ,$die '
The Unseat Feneent 1
' 5ecvi.e)
Ne. 2t: Adding fewer to Aerial
"I've got to get a better set,"
Smith declared the other der',
"Everybody seems to be gettinc
WEAR but me.'
"Wouldn't it be cheaper to rig up
comb and brush in band, when "Pole , eton the roof again for love or
• eon seines into the ten r from her ab. Sieve Pills have este ns,s»
*traction. aroused
hedistily completed her It same >row treeaty •ttmraem ears ef! seri DX d use tiny outride wiring
toilette, and was sitting curled up on sued have lied thaw ehildres, east I've it all:'
her bed when the aroma of boiling hardly west * well day! for the lid I auggestrd that maybe he would-
coffee, and the sound of frying *teak. stars roam n't have to get upon the oroof. A lot
brought her to her feet. With a» - of trouble i due to the layout of the
noisy clatter she enthusiastically ar. 7[y heart but
nese molt
of tri u wh#ch is a part a nue efithe
rtsi►ged lr s breakfast dishes, _ IC ; .alt I wades. aot.:!dime fer..title'mes�l i, ' so far as interceptiazg , the radio
"' "Harr. war r.akilu. ` it 1 to have emu _ - fie .i wed* net 'Waren to aianr; each waves. is emwerned.
appetite, in the morning!" said she:! _, net stead the least *Nice, fir the chis• This - proved • to be the answer to
then: "This is the last time You're dress eryleg, 1* feet I could set. as his problem. Before he knew it he
going to cook. You may shop t ► di sy hiss that was st.rrdy Rid alters was on the roof sand studying the el -
Sheneared ponder! t. iltlagerifie, tom.,1?" I ked
She was now sotto
THURSDAY, 1aa1.4Y hili. 2!M
14 t/tCa0-44
wood and build the fire*, but 1 slid ,° taction throughout. The discoveries
attend to the rest I'm quite M. " alhawableday,.I would gd to bee ani he made are we1T . worth passing
his get a 11tt�ia net, last eould isAt sleeZa
{"Bienl" The pilot smiles salongf.
agreement. '!Everybody mus' work seal: a The first thing he did was to note
to be happy --even dose dog. W'at ' that the ground wire ran. too class to
you t'ink? Dey loaf so long day be- After I started. to .eke MilbuXae 4 the lead-in from the aerial. The'
gin light, sus" lak" >aebPle." Else heart and Nig. fills I asesoed to wires not only ran close together; but
chuckled. "PrettSr queeck we, hick have more atabitiois to weals, and my exactly Parallel. Snaith had had
her up de sled an' go fly to Dyea. Mart and tierrne are •a lot better i* , enough experience with condensers
�,,• ,• ,,, , . ��...._ - You goon' henjoy stat, ma scour, etery ways, so Z will glgdlr r,►eozaiffe*d to know that when the wiree for the
lliebbe wk inset dose eheeckaka' tom• tineas, to all thecae who are sufteriAi, two opposed currents run so close
chyli Howsant e t'hoPern Dawson?* an as I did, frost their heart or nerve*•" together there is. a capacity action.
we say: 'Nutt We don' care 'bout p 1! y
t nmthem. Much of .the energy
ut u only by The T. Millie= Case picked 'up over the aerial lead-in
awson a goon home.'" , M
Roulette paused • n omen• >laasfted, Toronto. pat, passes directly to the ground without
tardy in her task. so mucic as coming in to the set.
Sures Now• -•-venal treakfere • "I have no house,," she gravely told. In other words, he wet wa*ting as
much reception as if he had several
shdr'e servo in de baggage -ear." With hi "But•' your people -»-stay gobs' be Poor eonneetiona slang the line. In
CHAPTER Kvrrr. - (Continued) portion to each animas. The morsels a fl
ourish he poured the coffee, say- „ . putting up the aerial' 'o 1tia'!ty be
Soon the tent strips were drawn a vanished with a simile gulp, with one _ ing, '"Let's : `dee if you sa hungry Zak a>;l avaoe nyon?"
o aoplr, either, You load taken. great ,pains to see that
� h, r.
and the rianien pushed through the wolfish click of share white tent you pretend,er rf ;gnu gonna b,ee r you „ � y sec, we lived. a queer life,, father and the lead-in did not touch the build.
•door, his arms full of dry spruce "'No, I give you noon, in bed some more.. Ing or rub against a cornice, Yet
down a ' For no reason whateter the speak- : Roulette's appetite was sIr -•yes,, I, I wait an he had, autasde of poor
wood. He steed main v t d laughter; thou, to P Danny" Royal, anti. he—was all I had. here he had one all these mwnnihs
the Awe framed snug1y in tine fox er broke into lou ug
more—than she had declared it to be. Demo was where we happened to m,, with *.'very serious fornn of energy
far" then sae sero d is burden and further relieve his bubbling Joyous- The liberality with which she helped loss right close to the set.
nest before he atto m' in a moment nest,. he began to hum a song. As •herself to oatmeal, her lavish use of.He. said everything to come North; He became' interested to a .point
k t he worked his song grew louder, un+ the sugaar•spoon, and her determined he cut all ties and risked everything where he began to experiment *sit-
Mere acme it promising crackle, fel til its words were audible to the girl attack anon the can of "Carnation„ on a amgle throws That was• his tle with the flat top of the across it -
whichquickly by an egreeabie flutter iar the•ne.xt tent• Satisfied any.lingering doubts in Dor- way, our way—all fir nothing.. self. Here he. found #t of value to
which grew into a roan as the stove] b -- d quibeen thinking lately' i ve asked my -
began to drew.
"'oh, la voix du eau Nord
et's mind., }ler predatory interest we down , the avenue see
tn'appelle,thepp t' ids contents. f thefree self what he would have wished me h iii eighb their ' 1
in a e izi eon en a o , ' how a n ora Tan air sepia $.
ht with curiosityand an ono- ria y greedy "So? "Polson was .puzzled..- There were all lines and varieties;
lion far more anattriat •"'li'hero in Et desormaisdar.taut, peine cruelle. hopefulness of a healthy urchin—
rchin ,
Fairs levant mon elicit d'amour I nr .not going; outside, i m. go, and just about es many errors. One
Id-••`'" f also was eloquent of a complete re tw u <B a thoroughbred. of the most noticeable and /one that
"Caribou l"" Roulette's eyes were . to ria, and .Ice made uP my mend.
Pour ben avec lei le your, in .• n --shoe :ed it. with the reed •
Z) armour, d'amouz:' ing o Dawson. e
• '" me lrinjun Bunter mak' been „ eovery and brought a thrill •of !!ride Don't 'weaken'... That's what . he al- is a' constant `trouble -sicker, ryas the
t Oh f h North is a
a Sam i 4 ow the aerial.
Tial I got more s'prlsc es stat too
the voice o t o o t - to�her benefactor. ways said. 'Kirby'f ll . ed h imperfect �.'a-
calling me, Gatoil I mak' bad nurse for hos" frontier and he made `' his mane : In a true T aerial he lead-in is
Bye golly. Die . sole its regular To join in the praise of the clay, pital" he grinned, ""Yount him , y t
Christmas for ;au.' - •- . So whatever the fate t at s lie fait o t of use a ' lot fl lshe there. Well I h' i hisblood th t flat
u ho n He n d
h f 11 ,. ere. £ , m. is gip , oto taken off -from a center of.the
ialauletta'atirred. There, was stub• is in me m go
. r ing through:' wire,,or wires, eonstituting the aerial
born defiance in her tone viten' she. tie" " •' . his meal, :their looked on until- .Rau 'I'oittorn's" bow was fdrrowed in proper If this is the type prefer -
gr ll tiros every sorrtlw away. • lefts- leaned• heel+; with regretful sat
,sal , m going•to a,et n l and in ,sway,. away.") isfaett•onthereupon he br
1 h
deep • thought :. it cleared slowly. -
-�5oinp�—outdoara---cat es or . •na he u o "'stove was• re -hot now, +,oke o r3 "Dawson she's bad ,sty, •but you're T Y k n dl Wal,. i got more s prise for you. brave Ii'l gal and badtieas in here," . i'
elethes. i'11 wrap the robe around sand llpuletta I:irby's .tent avast warm.. "You—you •can't surprise a toad.
me and play . I m . a squaw. She ebe seated herself before a homely - and.—
nd : I fees just like one. Isn't food he tipped Shia •chest with .ai huge fore.
•.checked . oleon's protest, Oh, I, in i little dresser fashioned' from two' ., >,. ting fir. "Se long de'heart she's puce.
perfectly well, mei the •.clothes I heti egridto-lease, and . began to ayi'rsnean coast' *tattle ;,rain'' touch you." Ile padded
Wow Itoulottpi had learned much
are thick enough." her hear Curiously :the examined , ire better •agreement. with Roulette's
•about this hi woodsman s peculiar!• ,•.
ties• 'among other things else had dose decssion• "Mebbe ' so You're right
-F?"I c�very gad d �for�i
I cautioned• "It isn't according; an excellent worm destroyer,
in receiving; It's just like the way a CONT1Nl1ta PRAISE FOR
the roof because they have been told' .,I suffered severely from aonstpa'.
that the farther up they go the more,
static they get. They du not realize m time and
indigestion and was rapid.
that the higher they go thee,` bettor!1Y
losing weight. L was nervous and
they can recelve,"static or no statist;; could net siren." stated Mee. John
And- you. •know that static is -often. Bardsley of 200 Eine etvei,, Wii1d'tmor:
absent." '"I had tried so.many> remedies veith
"Another thing I notice,"
Smith oat relief tlrati I vent t,+etting dos-
concluded, "is that most people pointcouraged. 1 ,finally tried ,HERB
their aerials in the direction of sr JUICE. The results, were astound -
tions they want to hear most, just as ing. - how, I feel li:.e -a new persons
a ad. 1 splendidlyand h ve
t. n sa
-Ido, It's funny, though, that I don t i e eel?'
get the results I want"' • 1 gained ai7tteen pounds in weight in
ere wasn't anything funnyabout I two months. My hi *band is also en -
There thusiastic: over HERB JUICE. lie
it when ire discovered that he really 1
didn't know which end of an L aeries suffered
sonic at t11i ?roam same
thdi'°' I and
does' the • pointing Y
'"I thought the free anal of the wonderfully quick relief. It is •: now
aerial should point. toward the desir= our family 'medicine."
ed station,,, ho admitted • 'For sale by Campbell e -Drug Store,
g' "You''•thought wrong, ".I informed.and.-,leading druggists E"verywhere'
Price $1.011...
"Look out you don; froze yourse'f the combanis brush. They were, or
Dat pretty dress -you got- is•give you had—been;"- *Poleonrs' ao 'sass --tits
chillablain in neua*ust. he *pea#t- pod:ket.mirror ` hanging by a; safety
er blew aspen Ilia fingers and sat back pin to the cawntras .l eell above. 'tau -
upon his heels, his oyes twinkling ids letta recalled with a: smile the flour -
brown fare `wreathed in smiles. • ash of pride with . which. he had pTe-
Then I can do it?You'll let rife rented ;to her this ludicrous bureau-
• "`1Ve'll talk 'bout' stat bunchy,. a fellow as„this Moret? Wes there
First ting we aloin' have beep pot- ever a heart . so big, so kind? • A
latch, oak Siwash rveddin'.” stranger, it seemed to . the girl • that
""Goody! New run away OW 1 she had known him . always, There
get up,'" had been days, days interminable--
' the man. shook his ,heed, when he had seemed to be some
"Den' be epoch . hurry. Die tent, dream figure; all indistinct, unreal
warm slow. 'Las' night de reever is. being at once familiar and unfami-
froze solid so far you look.. Pretty liar, friendly and forbidding; then
gaeeek people comTC" i other days during ;which he had grad -
"Do you . think , they'll have extra unlly assumed substance and actual-
Clothes --something warm that I ran ity and during which she had -come
'weal"?, - to know him. Following her return
"Sure! I six. all stat:"" Still snail- to sanity, Roulette lead experienced'
• ing, Volvos rose and ,went stooping periods of uneertainta• and of terror.
out of the.tent, tying the flaps be- then hours of embarrassment the
Wad him. A few rods distant was mere memory of which +,caused her
'another shelter which he. had pitched to m' shrink, and to . hide her head,
for birmrelf; in front of it, on al�ale ,Those: were times of which, even' yet.
provision.cache, were two quarters she could not bear to think. hers
of frozen • caribou meat, and seated had been a slow recover'y and a pain
semfortably in the snow beneath . ful, nay a tragic, awakening, but, as
queried. tit, without ansrvrr�naa .a t ,
eyes fixed upon• the prize, were ser she had gained the strength and the , Wlt� Biccause I stake him,
eras "husky" dogs of unusual size• ability to understand and to suffer. Polson roto and left 'the feint; -le _ 'Poleon • laughed heartily. "Dose
At 'Poleon's appearance they began 'Polson, with a tuct,and .a thoughtful- was back a moment later with a sun- claimvl stake dey never has so much
to caper: and to fawn upon him. nese unexpected In. •ono of, his sort, din" in itis hands. 'I bis bundle' he un- gold sou can toe wit' your eye. Not
"IIo, you oh: Viet: l" he riled, had dropped the character of nurse rolhal hooudd o£ ynwhich was fr n p4: fine far low a one, an' I stake t'ousan'. •�S1e, I hear
sternly. , "'You lak steal dose meat and assumed the. role of friend anddose man talk bout million dollar;
I; laet' Well, ell, I eat you 'live,' protector. That had began Roulette's a deep fox-ta;Y facing, this skirt and /en drinkin' heavy. so I .'ink I .he
ost tryingsleeves of i
e a elaborate c
n e rhe er•
Stye h'
tc n #
o tiptoe h
e ere most
of the a rters andk bore it int his time for both feth m, is faet, not. board pattern of multicolored skins. sober ag'us an' lay money She's gone_
tent, The „dogs gathered just outside ane man in ten thousand could have r*l squirrel -tail streamers depended I'm resale'ss . feller; T den' °`atop long
the door; cautiously they nosed the carried off such an awkward situa. from its shotilderas es further ono- no Place,"
workesinvas wltsde:, an t mid n set to tion
feelings,ata_Itoat to low to a woman'
:m mentation; Altogether it was a "What makes You think it's a poor
splendid specimen of Indian needle- Asim:'"
g••k apeas, of rourate, the. very • •.
leol'k' mid Roulette gasped with ':de m
their bpi ht _on followed his eeerv' awkwardness of that situation, - to Poleon shrugged. "All my claim
"Wye. „---ge lies""with_ 'x'oleon'a•-ralre-eourag sigh �vorideriul"` sole- cri "� _ is ,poor. Me, I'm onlueky. Mebbe
eons he e,celaimed, with a fere. eous .method of facing it, that had2:136*--,„,, ed' so I don't eare enough for been'
glens :frown, "You don't get so given his patient the strength to far me. �t. , retch, Wast I'll qda wit' pile of
touch as ti's spiels. You t'#rtk ma med1: him haglf..r>ry and that had The ” pilot `nodded, Sure t ing. moneys eh? brink him up? Gam-
aaaeur gain' hongr to feed loafer' lak, made her • .coma:lesienee ' anything De rurI est one ever I see. But : bids Y Ian's fun for while. Every
you? Busby gray" tails began to less than a torture, t look, Ile called her attention to a spring i sell my ,fur an' have berg
stir, the tirade came farther forrwrrd. And the manner in which" he hind beaver rap, *:Pair of beaded moose» tam' two weeks I'nr ' drunk. but—
there was ti most unmannerly licking allowed her to learn the truth about. bide mittens, and a pair of small far. dot's ;plenty. Any* feller dot's chunk
of chops. '"I3y Gari lou strand ink' herself—bit by bit as her resistanee ;bots that trent with the larger gars more 'n two seeks is bum. Na!"
miner men eatin' soup. Wet 'for . Krdfrv" >liis .syntpathr, his repression. mems :sltagetlnrr dz�' coittpiete outfit Ile stook his head and exposed his
weekyou *speet n ne."�zCPolee ngrub?
ia how far�nte go;ehehad
h d spared Sher-udose ek." unfur rhunter. I hl'uthhinr im from
utwhitoffe kfor poor
eth in a flman. - 1 isak' ashing smile. Beth
layer of far, divided it, and tossed a every possible heartache, he bed quR c 1` soceess of stat."
'" ,e, ,,m- �;, a.,
„ „, , covered. the sae ok extravagant de-
light in so-called '"s'prises.' t'inkt.mybird is gain' spread her
They were many"and varied, now awing: an'fly away south lak all de :I
titbit to tom t herpalate,.ora stn;: e. ;rest, tk:t sowvblc tt rut satisfy 1,
p $ "'Ora go•to Dawson."
native doll which needed a Complete "Yoour work fa here," the girl pro-
try?"' Roulette was all eagcriless rind sets fit.#n s. Was there eras airaeh outfit of meccas/As; cap, hand parka, tested: can't tale: you away from
and which he insisted .he had met on zt"
the trail, very numb from the cold; "j:'onnv ting 'bout .work," '!'ascan
again a, pair of rabbit -fur steeping.; said, with *'grin. "'Plenty taro try
socks for herself. That. crude east to run away from him, but alway$
ser, which' he had r ipapleied without he catch up wit' me."'
her suspecting him, was another. ""You're a poor man. I can't let
Alwayss he was making or doing Sou s u rifice too :nisch,"
something to amuse or to occupy her. .,Peer?" The pilot opened 'his
attention. and, although his gifts eyes in amazement. '"Moir Dieu!
were poor, sometimes absurdly sir= ,m retch feller. Anybody is reech
Tile, he had, nevertheless, the power -n lunar he's well sin' happy, Mebbe
of investing them with importance. I seil my claim.'
Being vitally interested in all, things,. ."Your claim? have you a claim?,
big or little, ho . stimulated ethers to At I?awson?"
share in that interest. Life was an: The' man nodded indifferently. ••"1'
enjoyable, game, ianenimate objects stake him- las' whiter. nets pretty
talked to him, every enterprise was - claim to look at—plenty snow, Wise
tinted. imaginary colors, and be de- tree. for cabin, dry wood, everyt'ing
lighted in pretense—welcome traits but gold: Mebbe I sell him for beeg.
to Roulette, whose childhood , hasd price
been altered. • b x'Why doesn't it have any . gold?"
""What is my never s'priee`?" she- Roeletta was genuinely curious.
B „
W1HE► i you get doable
VY protcctian against
"•ru:ss"-••-ancl tit letting
beiiuty of pure thread silk—
and the Jong es'eer of fibre
bilk `'reinforcement" —anti
still pay only $1, -•titre*- yuu'il
have the equal of this hos-
ier� l'aat try :taxi met
saisisle .f' Moaarcr Green
caarrAll good dealers
y�Mortara: Hosiery.
•YOe 11~1111•.4100.
;:. - . : _ .. , .. :_.i. w,,,...,,;..,e,. � .fir.. , _ ®•, -,,,,
�,. Row
este slipped into the ;'arks : Rouiette studied the speaker »
'Falcon was in raptures.
she donned rap and mittens; and Indy for a moment. ''I knows" She
nodded her complete understanding
"By golly: Dees beautiful!" he.of his type. "Well, I'm not going to
declared. Now you tin for surc..let you do that any more."
No matter how col" she enure, ,roue "I don' hurt nobody.' he protested
"y'1 toes Bain' be warm, you don' froZa "I zing plenty song an fight WI bit.
• your nose—.' A man rate ,, .,
"'you're meal and truc.�•and--," " an 'ilt got aerie fun,
Iteulett:A faltered. then added, ferv- ,,,, yon, prtlrrrisc •for my
ently, "I• shall Morays thank God for ' "'" 'eon gave in after some hr±eita-
kmtowinNowaboa all thing;, beset dread. bion! rMMIos' ainythinge 1 aero mise "for -
ed his ""sister's" serious moods or spin"
any expression of her gratitude; he mightyapoor rtripu fork me.s S'pose
wayrd her words aside with an airy mrbbe °I forgetdose promise?"
gesture and began in a hearty tone: fTn �, rnntiarse+l) ...
't'"`iVe toner Step tfis'plxre ns"Tiowgrr:
'Tomorrow we start for Deese • Vat
,•ou rink of dist, rh t . Pretty queeek - 'Women and Asthma.—Women are .
you be 'home." *(A; hen his hearer dia. -numbered among the aufferere from
played n,w great animation at the asthrn* by the countless thousands
prt,spret las exclaimed. in perplexity:- in every climate they will be found
"lido tunny gal. Ain't you rare!" helpless in the grip ,of this relentkr,
dimeee mile* the:• have availed
iheitreelres of the proper remedy.
CASTO IA. e ` has broaarhte she ed i111*r e
sotmany ruck. Testiaraniale. sent en.
Yet bloats Wares tirele. without eetieitatiore *how the
lhe Per *Oltolars *normers benefit it hes wrought
*mow women everywitere.
Mears boa* ®„dM
rlNaipeaenre e! ,ems tit MI ITAL
THAT- reg- A. SALE
liaz•We are going,zo maks-this the Scraper-Value.Giving event, of ourcareer,,with 4
'. au arr'ay'ofvalues the like of which you have never seen. We waut every thrifty
and economical buyer to "come and see with the! own eyes the marvc-tons price "
reductions we have placed upon our merebandi forr this sale... •
There are over 1t;0 Dtesses_in stock, many of which have never been
shown here before. Tee styles are the smartest of the season, adapting the newest
ideas and touches that go to make the individual frocks.! `
Rayon Silk Dresses, striped and
plain, neatly trimmed,sizes from S6
to 44, prices . $3.50 to $4.95
Canton Crepe, flat Crepe and satin
printed, .flowered and plain , self or
combinations trimmed, and smartly
styled, all sizes, priced from $5.95 up
Tricotlne, poiret Twills, and
Ls, specially priced.
A Complete new shipment of
Coats of poiret Twills, Tweeds
and sport materials, in dressy sport
and tailored styles, reduced prices of
$7.95, $12.50, $14.50 and 516.50
Range pf �pu "e:_ wool pleated
gkilrts,sand,grey and black, to clear
at $2.75
There are just a few shopping days left till the 24th.' Do your
shopping early to insure good choice.
Royal LadiesReady-to-Wear Co.