HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-13, Page 5r T!UtilINDAY, MAY sak VW - r 1 +a�.u,r....war....,,..i Toilet Articles of including well known firms. Both Imported and Domestic Toilet articles, whose fil'm's reputa- tion are behind their merchandise, Hougiaant Bourjois, Richard Hudnut, Pivers, Gay Pare, Armand, Boncilla, Garden Court, aitd many, others. Let us show you these quality goods. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. PHONE 90 GODERICH elea....�r++esleo.t.�.at,trirvri�tr CONCERT BY STRATFORD- 11fALE CHORUS In North Street United Church, GODEAICA FRIDAY, MAY 14th, 1926 AT 8:15 P. M. t�.r.r un EBEN E Arbor Day was observed ea leri- ,iey last at the local schools. Roy Rutledge is asaistiag Jean Reid with his seeding. Some from hero took in Mother', Day service et Auburn United citvttrb I on Sunday hist. Seeding is swing at present and if weather continues firm will _ see moat of the seed in the ground at the end of the wuk. Some from here took in the play at Auburn on Friday night last and report a good play and very amus- ing. • Next thing we know some of our amateurs will be applying at Hollywood for a place on the films. BELFAST Mr. Ed. Buehler, of Goderich, vim ,„ along the 10th con. Sundai'. Mr. Bert Agnew, of (Goderich, cal- led on Mr. John Mullin Sunday. The farmers have been busy on the 'land and some have grain sovkn Mr. and Mrs. Ray Irwin spent Sun- day in Fordyce with Mr. V. Jamieson, Miss Tillie Hackett is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ir- win, Luckknow. Mr, and Mrs. Adapt Johnstone and faniiry called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sherwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will' Love, of Marn- oek, spent a day recently with rela- tives on the 6th con. Mr. John Townsend, of Porter's Hill, spent Saturday night and Sun- day with his cousin, Mrs. Gilbert Vint. Mrs. John Dfualfns has returned home after spending two weeks with her brother, Robert Nelsen, of Cour- ey's Corners,•who has beon seriously i11 with plureo pneumonia, following the' flu. He is recovering. Miss) Jean Watts; nurse, of victoria Hos- and will render solos and choruses in the following . , pital, London, .is attending him: L 0 0 • Under the auspices ,of the Korth St. UNITED CHURCH CHOIR ' ° REV. C. F. CLARKE, Chairmen P. WILSON, Conductor, •MISS PEQUEONAT, Accompanist.: 'knit. Chorus will be assisted by Mr. Henry A. Clark, Violinist, g PROGRAMME (Subject to slight change) ' 1,. Chorus --"Comrades.' Song of Hope".......:. . • , , ......Adam, w 2. Violin Solo -Adagio from Suite 3. • ...,.,..,Franz Ries „ . Mr. Clark A ' 3 ''l Part Song—"Annie Laurie" arra Glebe! U es 4. Selo --"Davy Jones' Locker" Petrie Q : Mr. Vk for Manned ' 5. Chorus—„ 'Tia Morn"::::::.. . , ......:-...-.•• •,..-,-.<Glebt~1__. ti. Violin. Solo—(a) Melody by has. G. Dawes • (b) Ave Maria Mr. Clark • - 7. .Solo with ti`oeal Accompaniment --"Mollie 8. Solo—e" I -'Love a Little Cottage" Mr, Swanson 2. Prat Song --Soldiers' (m"onus from "Faust" 10:, 'Bert Song ---"In .Vocal .Combat" . 11. S4leeted.-' 12. kart Song 'John Peel". t. , . , , , . .j .I$. Solo.—Selected. 11 • 1 e Ii •�� Russell .......:..Schubert Darling" . • .. Eleteher II Genf.. O'Hara Q . , . Gounod .. Buck «,,.Andrews 1.4. Anthem -"Lead, Kindly Light" Buck 161: Violin. Soto-'-Ronaan in E Flat,— Mr. Clark 16. Chorus—'•Rog pet Wild Bells" ..: 1 GOD- StafTHE;1 JNG O=o- Agreed "P,eorde don'tget "No; We haVe a radio, leo, nights, Rubenstein Pletcher 0 O 0 .esa'Z01 enough steep G.C.I. CADETS INSPECTED . Last Friday afternoon the annual inspection of , the .Collegiate Cadets took place at Victoria Park, with it. Col: Gillespie, D.C.O., of District No. l� the inspeeting officer. The com- Pany's. officers ,were: Douglas Nairn. commander; A. Macfie and E. Elliott. platoon commander's,' and. A..Sturdy, B. Webster, M. Baker and C. Walker station commanders. R. Hethering- ton. had charge of the signallers and Jack MeDermid the first aid team About severity boys were on parade and .went, through their , nranoeuvers in tins .style. The drill consisted of company and squad drill, Strathcona physical exercises and two new feat- ures were signalling and first-aid. An interesting' fehtdre was an attach on an imaginary enemy on the conn elusion 'of wbich the Cadets gave a yef.6ignificanit of .victory. ''On the conclusion . of the drill sev- eral addresses were given. Princi. pal Hume .of the Collegiate called on Lt. Col. Gillespie,* who stated that this inspection was the; best in years and that the Cadets were maintain* ing the -high standards of last year "I have no criticisms to make, noth- ing .but praise, for the work was done in a very creditable way," - said Lt: Col. Gillespie. ; "With '-the, :exception 'of b few minor errors" which were oak/ aotitMliM IW ei/ oeldbrs. root• i alts could be improved upon." The speaker compared the Collegiate' owlet* very favorably with thou toe, Sera*, bat palatial eat the lack of a band which. he acid. would aid the boys greatly in the various man -1 oswnrs. The *Beer made mention'. of the Cadet camp which he was not! as yet sure would be held this year Reference was alta nada to peoples potting forth - the argutrsent that; Cadet training taught militarism,i which, he said, was nut true, but that this training was for the better.i;'h:t of the health of the boys. L:. Col Gillespie also congratulated Mn Rob- ertson and the "bright young Dote eers," as he put in, ou their efforts put forth in making' this inspection' a success. On conclusion of his ad- dress three rousing cheers for the Lt. Col. were given by the boys. . Mayor MacEwen, next called upon offered his rongrstulations to . the boys and stated that the citizens of the town were proud of the splendid showing made. Lt. -Col. Dunlop alio • spoke in .high terms of eongrlatula tion•and•said that to easke. the guar1 showing the had as ,k company, the boys individually mulf!I have been 'doing their best. • R Rev. C. F. Clarke alr;o congratu- lated the Cade., and also the town on its splendid educational institu- tion, the Collegiate, where such great advantages are given - the pupils to, receive a' proper education to fit: themselves for their life work. HA also' spoke of Cedot'training' as a medium of cultivating self control and promptness. Mr. • Runic eoneluded by highly praising the boys and stated that in his estimation the Cadres had made a better showing' than last year. He also thanked the citizens for their in- terest in the Cadets shown by corn- ing to the inspection. The Cadets then marched back to the school, where was served ice cream. . YES, THERE WILL BE A PARADE' When Lee Bros. Wild Animal Show; visits Goderich on Friday, May 21st. .There will rositively be a street par- ade at 11:00 o'clock in the morning. It •is a parade .that is different and will not be in any wise similar to parades of the. past. With the ad- vantage of Many years spent in the ,Or .10•,•,Pfeitt ?r..ij.rt..d..' ree......_. 'ublic Lecture' • A Free Public Lecture of especial value 'to everyone interested in Automobiles w'iIl be given in the Huron Motor Sales Garage, South St., Goderich, on._ Monday Evening, May 17th, 'at 8 o'clock The lecture will be given by a member - of the General ' Motors, 4fechnical Division, and will deal with the mechanical 'features and° general qualities of the improve(• Chevrolet Car. - C, ,away parts will be on display to demonstrate the str eng h .7cl smooth vorking qualities of. this popular snake of car. As an Added Attraction A prize consisting of a Spare Tire and Tube will be presented to the holder of the lucky ticket. - Huron Mato Sales • South Street, Goderich ' 1 11111 I I II I I Model Theatre WEEK OF MAY 17 to MAY 22 Monday and Tuesday TOM MOORE. •ZASC PITTS, LILYAN TASHMAN: and ANN PENNTNGTON with.* wonderful beauty' chorus in Monte Bell's great picture of show life • "Pretty tt Ladies" e a s sr Y WALTER ITIERS, in , eat+ but -Willing' Wednesday and Thursday - 1. lam the jazz of ancient Egypt torzi thejazzo := nieilca • e todal hat's'-" rN 'THETEN LOIANANDMENTS'. greatest -- Qaramount ?icture'- .Aw,•..ar AOut„i 2 .,u. u, rt! OUAt.r This is a return showing of Cecil B. De alille's biggest hit. Only once in a decade is such a picture produced so the management is proud to offer this attraction again to those who :have 'seen itas well atw those who haven't. u u1 I. Irl, •mac We have Just Received Our First Shipment of mported Cut -Work Linen This work is hand done on a splendid quality of Irish Linen. If you appreciate good Linen in your home, we would like to s&tv you this new line. SPECIAL NOTICE STARTING VVEDNESDAY, MAY Sth This. Store will -Close -every Wednesday at. -12a o=_ - excepting weeks in which there is a PubliRtt: Holiday. F. E. HIBBERT THE CASH STORE PHONE $11 QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT MODERATE PRICES. AMMMMWARMAMMANIMWOMMIAMMMAR tented show business, Lee Tiros.•have constantly been gathering material to be used in this year's street pag- eant. Agents have ransacked remote ravage lands, 'artists and designers from studios the world over, mech- anics and property builders have been working constantly for year exc cuting the new ideas presented." • - Everything ,is new and more gor- geous by far than -anything of its kind displayed !tithe past and the ef- fect is dazzling. As this parade ex. eels, . so - sloes . its performance,' and more trained animtils ore tthuwn tuuu has heretofore been seen -under nee, tent. Animals are made to do seem. ingly impossible tricks and do things that are really, astonishing when tak- en -into consid'e'ration that most of them are from•rthe wild. forests: and there is also a big selection of dom. mastic. animals.. Dogs, 'ponies, goats. horses and others in some clever per, formances, There is no question as to the dif- ference in the quality and. uniqueness. of this. show, Many heretofore un- heard of animals are exhibited and one of the most sterendous-and edu• .eational spectacles ever seen will. be a feature. It is called "America, the Land of Peace." It is gorgeousand original and one that will treat( I Much enthusiasm and at the same time prove educational. . Tworfor aneere are:given—rains Pe m r 'or shines -end there is little doubt•as to the attendance of this wonderful animal entertainment: "The Ten Commanlments" AN OLD-TIME AD; • , (Reproduced -Irani The Goderich 'Stat of Janie -16th, 1888,,38 yearsngo) June Market Bulletin ' of . • . BR.O.PHY the. - - LEADING FURNITURE DEALER i West St. - Barley keeps about the same, r: ' There is a change in the price of wheat; The price of Furniture • is low:, At Brophy's on West Street: Butter is still. upon the rise, Eggs ,are scarce and, small ; . Bet Brophy on his furn urs' - Still makes. the • prices fall. •Aiicf so the market fluctuates: Prices eometinice up then down ; But Brophy keeps the :-acne all thtoug`ti.L•.. The ebeapest'man in -towel. No matter • how the markets.go Brophy keens his prices: down. • And can sell you. everything yen.. ed, . ehcapnefn the furniture line. Well -Assorted' Steel, of PICTURE MOULDINGS Rlade.Cp • on the Shortest Notice. and nt Ion Prices. With .Mouldfntrs from -Half. Inch to' Six Inches in Width. . PATHE COMEDY "Royal - Four Flush" Matinee Thurs. at 4.15 at regular prices. Friday and Saturday EVELYN BRENT in a story of the deep water sailors, rum runners, cutthroats and the law. You will experienze the tang of the eta by seeing "Forbidden Ciargo" FRO COMEDY "The Square Sex" leerily REVIEW" Matinees—Thurs. at 4:15 p.m. Sat. at 3.00 tern. -' Extra : 'tetra : Nest Week --Harold IJoId in 'The Freehntan" LION .. and TIGER WITH LEE BROS 4 RING WiLD ANIMAL,,SHOWS SCHOOL REPORTS BRIEF TOWN TOFics S. S. No, 7, Colborne The following is the report of S. S. No. - 1, Colliorne, .for April; "4.•-# *Carman Stevens. Jr. IV.—V. Lee, 70; 4D. Hutchins, Sr. Ili,—Melford Durst, 71; R, .Fisher, 75. -. Jr. 111, N. Durst, 66; R,.Lcc, 56: J: Ilute:hinst 4). Sr. IL—W. Bolton 71; E. Thirst t 631.B.. Hutchins, 49.,. :fir, Le -E. Fish-) er, D. Fisher, .V. Flute/tine. Jr. .L--• Harold Stevens, Re Young, N. Lee:! Jr; Pel—Ruth Durst. Missed ex- l aminatioris. - - Perfect attendance, N. Durst, J. Hutchins, R. Hutchins, 1;. Durst, De Fisher, V. Hutchins, H, 9 Stevens, It, Young. Number ,on roll 18,- Average attendance 15. - IRENE, JEFFERSON, Teacher The Only One i "Well; I at feast have one friend' who has never looked me up in Brad.' street." "Who is that?" "My dog." : • The regular monthly meeting of Ahmeck t'l'N4rtgtter, I.C),I),I,,, will be' held in the Publle 'Library on Mon- • day, May 17th, at 4 o'clock, TOWN y TO'l'� N of GODERICIl • WARNING-. Riding bicycles on • the . Sidewalks is strictly • pirohibited by' By -Law Offenders :rill be pro. S.eclited. 1)atad,thie 5th Day of Mae, 1926 Il: C. POS'1'LE I'fl RITE, Chief of Poilee .Piles Go Quick . •ilithaulRalves or ('ttttink.- Thuusantls oho •havepiles have -pert` lei:l ne d filet etuich and. permanent re icer ctau enlv h1•<ace ampiislttd,wit'.i i int rein. -anedicine. Neitho•r tutting; our uty. amount'.ot treatment with eint Heine, 8101 8ut1 a iLD;i G v.ilI 1•o/ 'no\e the c to r. - lei 0, aPPty ootwear . Our New Spring Footwear Is Attractive in und she ulatinn valises pi lee ' �+c 'tile ,• ' 1 • (seaplete stagnation .,,' ` - aT YLE., Tile• d ;n t;u' lower is evel and.* vdirpk- i • t'ir!' of th,+ par'". 1)r.... ti. 1.e"n.1 herds was fit'st to find the remedy and fulled . hie: nrescripuitet }Mid ROIL .Dr )r 1e,tuih iuit :tried . it in Me, eases with the In,irv'elnes.rccorel.i ?Gest are of. s.ucte.sr: lir tell pier cent. and -then; invited to shop'at d,- n1ed it should he soh! by thus-' gistse•vei'yyh!'1'e under. a 'rigid° r •••y��e money -back - 'ttrante e. •- _ HERN'S .Don't wage :try saw., ,.il, 0.`c t • j, .QUALITY and PRICE • - : I WON'T' 131: CiNiwn ;()l,li outcidt �ipldie t ii `C'µt q ill• 1 Ily= any Dealer on Ton of the E;,rtli - tud•ty. lt111,1 :riven - -- 1•t' tine^ '1"jr ra... , •. tt--f c z ��. . t� of fii::ll-R()Il) from 11. 1'.. Ilunl,n - • ,[ : V - . relief to thous.nrl� see Witl. da th:• a square Phone 43W Io•atra 4 I,1,.' +,cft,tt a' t r its t ',y iattn , h":ante etre ,L'ein. cv •t1 t 1;t d % slay to all mato, r, ;441 anethil r: that ern, be dor• to rettiove t.bstaclts anti supply 1r ' uesesttlalst. should lie dont. Out •+r the great sh. tach:. to :-tat ic' sful 'ioni1 a- hrla- bandry Is tilt fpr trioti it Int. stinal parasltt-s. 'rile so <reat'.r•a !loutish Afton the idrd'. winter or summer. taking; their toll tins. en aril incept e - 11v • erf 'acuities' conditions Tiny aro worse than po a:a beefless-. which 'are hottest enaui.i, to do Ilu-tr tri eltiet In blain view, and not.h .Ni!4 eight haunt: a slay for but six :sects or tli year, The intestinal-par.^riga si hafts: - Ina p-,ultr5 haven Innen ode of their owa. "24 bonen per de; and 1G", days per year. vet ' all you ran, why worry a11oltr tits poultry-kespe-r'ts pro- fits." At the O.,A.('. the tr)t:ettnti parasite's fnfesttnt ,tht' po iltry llo l:s Yve"et banish, d • for good and tat' %rt. eighteen months ago. . How was it done? The Metho6. -- A nation of a n,tx- fure of wheat staid slats, to which 19 added a sewn tr-;ibpoonful of cone, n•• tented lyv, In , oo7sed slowly for trio hours and allows d to cool. l'hv I,itds are pliven their ordinary feed orf, morning and tie s nothings elite WW1 rtlie, next lucrnt:is. when they .are givEn as meth of the I .' titlxtlle, RA they will vitt, with ,ycrt:ty t:t Wats!. 'I'hti' is done two or taste. tfna.'s dur- .Ing the swoon at Internals of one month. The large, round wore,* hire 56111' poultry-i,1ac be ss short as ono WO,. . and thte talcum worm nnly , Des*, , Iteriths of at inch. and one .of tape* worms isnly one.-f1ftfe-ttr of an mete long. Very sissy to reverlonk...-L Stevenson, U A.('., Guelph. Lest thou is heCes towel, 1 ? DO YOU -KNOWS.THAT 50,000 people, litany des- titute and-h()ln(lt!1•-•, are sheltered - by the Sal ';i - tion' Army nightly. f 1 5,000 more policemen would be needed in Lon- don, Englaritit� if t 11 e Salvation Ariiy disap- peered from ithe' Beene of taction. (Chief of Policestatement.) • i (i different kinds' of work in m counties and colonies is carried on by` the /Salvation. Ainr. ti as Help Along tie Walk Il 'tens of thousand: o the world's horst 'har aeters heave been Made good' citizens through .the efforts of the Salva- tion Araby, • . 1,0(ll) S.lvtitit)nits look- ed :tfte1' the needs of the soldier boys. in the war zone dueler";. the. Great War. .4, veteran. 'I'h(' Salvatlt)., ha$ played all Il.'pol't- aant part in t?,e tri, es of Di-. Campbell Moa g• 1, Dr. T'Iillpot, D,r, \"t' i 1 - son,' Dr. Jowett. Culls;' Smith, I')1. Botlllington, and Dr. 1 Earnado, a;ul other eminent preach- ers. • - ln Goderieli •al �ttciaal Work is carried on, d(►z- '('DS of (?.tISCes of mow ('les seriptiOf$ come under the cure of the Salvation A nay. . ► Giyi ' it tin Sd f Deihl Egli _ • . a !.ttaraaralasa�a�_ ».i --- ?' --- -