HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-13, Page 4'�- 'I wi. ii••IRi 111yki 111Il 11 11ii 11.11i111 PIM ... . lir ... willoosvollevolosooliPsok A CLEARING SALE OF LADIES' TWEED COATS SPEWAL for FRIDAY and SATURDAY On account of the bun;kward weather, we are offering 'these at "reduced prices. lea gular $x7.00 and $17.50 for $1:.95 Ladies' Suits In Charmer*it, Fuelet ' 'xv111 a' d Tricotiue, in straight •tailored and mannish Sines, ranging in price from • Regular $30.00 for $19.50 to Regular •$35.00, for $2750 WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL SHOWING OF LADIES' BLACK SATIN and FAILLE COATS Also Fancy and 'Corded Silksin plain and fancy styles, with or without Capes, and Fur trimmed. A NEW LINE OF GEORGETTE DRESSES with fancy i'gured Crepe SIips; also figured Crepe Dresses; just in. We inuite you to look over our range of Suits for .summer wear. M N We ba%e good values to offer you, . t CORNFIELD PHONE 418 LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR "SHOP WHERE •YOU ARE INVITED TO SWOP' WEST SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH ONT.'' 1 - - � coflsidering it• is proiyebly ,their brat in oe h trAND VENLCEeFLORENCE t Charming. <-'• �.. . ORENCE A TREASURE HOUSE OF ART Spud -a- few bays -in S•Switzerland; . i .n . .��' 9e Arr v1 In • Paris May 2nd 'Tile following :graphic nceount of provided' with long -handled dusters Mise Tom's' sight teeing in ' Florenec I made '.of shavings, tach one ad- and Venice will be read 'with much vaned in tern, the Cardinal leading - interest by those who have been fol- the procession, and with much solent-. • lowiiirra'the narrative of -her trip its nit they poured oil !rem a silver The Star : ewer, then with their duster swished Florence, April 7, 1026. h across the' altar. .As there were .. One -glorious -day --ware espent'-at Ti over- •a -•hundred of them this was a mill; a mountain village twenteesi:t long drawn out performance. After miles from Rome. ,It is famous for this the relics were displayed. ,its ',beautiful fifteenth century villas Wo arrived in . Florence April 3rd and waterfalls. From one point we and on Easter Sunday attended high eouteted seventeen falls, the highest mass at the Duomo. the Cathedral of being 320 feet. At every turn �I I greatest note. The Florentine ebur-. found myself quoting Tennyson s ehee are much more beautiful than 1r otui.Eaters- . f those in Ronne,. being Gothic in style "A land of etreainal sortie, like a very simple: - and dignified.. After downward smoke, j lunch we took a walk through these Slow; dropping 'Veils• of thinnest, faseinatfng streets. If it were not r lawn, did go ; • I for the costumes and the street cars And some thro' wavering Tights' and' you could almost imagine your elf shadows broke, f hack in the .fourteenth cer0ry• Rolling a slumbrous sheet of foam,.Svch vests through old arches. ,court below." etc. ; yards with equisftely carved bell- At the Villa d't;st, with. its gong• -i: heads, wrought -iron lanterns over -sous-old Jtaliae_cypress, they --had eti• i quaint oak -paneled deers, You just lized this unfailing water supply toI eaten your breath and wave your install many fountains.and artificial; hands, words fail you; Ten days are lakes. • j merely a tantalizer in a town like We alas visited several old Bement this. -Temptes a at Tivoli. '1 a Temple of; Moodie- morning .ate, ;event by train , Vesta is in en excellent state of pie-, to a small viil ge called Signa, where )servation, beautiful old eorinthian' every Vaster Monday .they have a • eolunns. curious ceremony to celebrate the r Good Friday we went to the Capl.i death of a child saint, who perform- Itoline Hill in' the morning end enjoy-: ad mann' miracle of healing On ea the Mierm and Sicture gallery to' that day the churches In the `ser- the utmost, such treasures they have`rofndiq `country send oil 'for the them. I lamps dot` the church at Signa. Each At fire p.m. we' sow they` Altar, offering is brought on * richly be - Washing ceremony at St. Peter's." decked donkey, ridden by a very meat having been celebrated before.: small' child, dressed as an angel, hand. The music at St. Peter's is alp! They enter the church and advance ways glorious. The cardinal, bish• to, the altar while the nrlests and *pa and attendant priest were all choir sing. The donkeys behave well • There are two wonderful picture galleries in Florence, the .Pitti and the Uffizi. Moat of . the two collect- ions were gathered together by the Medici family. .Here you find'. the best works of Michelangelo, Raphael, del Santo,. ete. We are. taking four. ...lectures with an Italian professor Of Arts, that, in our'' brief tin* here we may, have a better ` appreciation of Y- Oat we see. One afternoon welspet►t`at Fresole; 'here there it an . interesting. „old twelfth century monastery, a • first eentrry . • amphitheatre • •and several t'ovely old "villas: It .was in `one of these that Princess Mary • spent her honeymoon. This is; such a delight., ful time to be in Italy, as�.the fruit trete, lilacs and wisteria are all in bloom. The countryside is'a thing cif, beauty, The: terraced viney`ards,' on the hillsides, the teams of white bullocks pulling the,plow and the many -towered medieval. villages make a picture x shall never forget.', Florence, April 8th—Yesterday in Rome some woman attempted to assasinate Mussolini. Today all the flags in all the towns are flying in thankegiving for his escape. We -'1 motored to 'Siena, by way,. of San Grivanni, and flags were fluttering. from every window in every hamlet. Siena is even more medieval in ap pearance than Florence,' beautiful old Renaissance palaces still in"use, some as museunms:and some as banks. The town hall is eery splendid, its bigh_toae!r, I_' an. erect' hae .inspired. some of our architects ti build as they have done today. Today we visited the old monastery at Certosa, built ht 1341, Carthusian order. The Monks live as hermits meeting only once a week in the re- fectory. The cloisters there are very beautiful. In the . centre of: the gar,. den is ,the famous well designed by Michelangelo. It' seems odd for the monks to have 'What they caul "The Pharmacy" where . they sell their famous • Chartruse in individual bot ties (every American was well lad- en), also Cologne, milk choeolate and honey, The Brothers do the selling and they'have a flourishing business. Florence is just one vast treasure house of art." All the churches,' ever. • i • 0 FOR VARIOUSBATOING NEED' j�'�NSTANTLY in touch with a wide variety of successful business • enterprises, the flank of &lona:est has developed* financial service to e_. !nett protnpdy and a aadequ ttely the needs of its large number and great variety of clients. , These facilities, offered through its offsets from the Mantic to the Pacific, mclude protection 3 .t &Ades, interest � � counsel, date, trade is �� �' r><�rx >t�ta,ation, travellers' funds, money orders, axl odes, vice iltt anyother branch of Banking. r:.; OF MONTREAL fst gNis 1 1 1117 Vow Aa,st, lea► 411101111s111.i' # lapcmooatoo. 1 1111 1 1 1111 111 1111 11 411 1 the smallest, have pafreleme fres. mei, «e-. ;r the cid aaeseeea. Wake, April 1+)1►+ J,sairali hors yesterday after** aMN p� the marl being as 4111 11 frecit blossoms sad gree* h was amusias la tab a gasdeo instead of a casrill to a* pesai•e. which is on the lager, a ahiaine stretch of Mae waters wbere ,the larger ocean liners anther. After dinner wo walked along the Grand Canal and were sttraeted hr three boats decorated with Chinese lant- erns. They were gnciwred near s private yacht and had on boerd what were evidently troops of paid 'invert and musicians. We were enchanted with the made. 'i hey had excellent voices and' in such a settipg. It was lovely beyond werig. Venice by day is charring, 'but W. night' it is , en- chanting. • - St. Marks *eeupied our . aptire meriting, and even then we felt we had not done justice to its many mo- saics and sculptures. We were for- tunate in seeing there a party of pilgrims from Czecho-Slovakle. Annie, lads from some .sevainary with their priest teachers. Six of them had violins. They all stood in front of the high altar and played and sant old hymns. St. Mark's Square is very large and the centre. of life in Venice. At the foot of the Cam- panile, the pigeons (the descenddnts of homing pigeons who centuries ago returned to Venice after a battle with news of victory) are fed. There nee now thousands of them, so tame they will sit on your arm and, eat out of your hand. The Doges' palace occupied us the following morning. 'Titian and The. toretto (16th century) have 'ditched the wells with their brirslies. We crossed over the Bridge of Sighs• to the prison." It seemed odd to us that the cella of the political pt33otters were much more dismaland darker than those of the criminals., The pointed' out the +cell in which Lord Byron stayed for one day that he might properly express the , etmo- ephere in his poem.. • The afternoon. we pent at Porto di Lido, now a fashionable watering I place. It was glorious to stretch out on the sand in -the sunshine and watch the gay little fishing' smacks sail byy, their sails spiapheti with brit- liana reds, and yellows, making the sea seem ppalescent,. alfa delightful riot of color. April I lth-We have tc seen today what Ruskin. terms the two most beautiful pictures In the. world, two Madonnas, by Giovanni Bellini, both painted as altar pieeee, ono' in St. Zaccaria and the other in the Frairy My expeeience..witli beautiful Pic- tures is rather -limited' but I am quite willing to agree; with' Ruskin, who. by` the way, wrote his "Stones of Venice" in the' house" next door to where .we are, One very interesting.*fterniion ryas spent on a neighboring island'vatch. in 'Ven reran ea bei made,' e'the g g ad s at , satire -prOec is;_ from :etart .oto. titlirfh The ylkili and ease,with which,they take -x molten 'fume of glass and turn it;; into an exquisite Vase or .cam pole is simply amazing.' Suds irk occupation, must be . very ' daziger4>ua to their health as they stand in front hof open furnaces all day long, The finished: article is like a 'petrified soup . bubble iridescent. The liven:- der iven- der tinted glass I thought'quite 'the prettiest. . Three times we ' have tak- en long gondola trips through the city by the. Rialto and under the Bridge of Sigh past :the.:old palace's, 'wise ter* hung.' It was'so easy to .1ma gine Anto4, ,Basaanio and • Shy Tomorrow, tndrnlng we Ieive or Lake Como, and will' spend two 'or three days. there, then on to Lugano, etc.,.• in' Switzerland, arteating in Paris on May 2nd, Have loxvM Italy above ; all other' countries. It is so beautifut and. the people are so charming. They 're- mind me very -much of the Irish some of them even in appearance; delightful sense of humor and always ready to laugh; +or fight. fihey -zvi11 eheat you every time they get a chance but they do ituo=prnttiiy'-You teeny don't • resent it, They , _ _ r� I II 111 11.11 11.1 I . I 0l3?TCAST 1r:LLIoTT.—Mr. Joke H. Xlliott, eel o died at his limo lir the Gaeta* apartmesta, taw*, on Wedrssaiay Apr. 21st, in his 71st year, was a nettee of the village of Bayfield helm a sea ed the late Mr. sad Mrs. Thos. Elliott. When a young man he went West and worked for the _ Great Northern Itailwaa' at Grert - Falls and Seattie. About live years ,ago lee was obilged through Slimes to, give up work and he carne td Gadarieh to live. He la survived by his widow and by one sister and one brother, Mrs. Jokes, Fraser and Mr. Thos. Elliott, both of Bayfeld• The funeral took place on Friday, April 23rd, to Beateld cemetery. Bev. C. F. Clarke conducted the services and the . pall -bearers were Messrs. M. Bates, D. Sproul, A. T. Knitting and A. McNevin. HAUI1ES.—Mr. John R, Holmes who posited to his reward on SundeY morning, May -2nd, was a lifelong resident of l:ioimesville,. a staunch Conseivative. in politics and an ad- herent of the , Hoimeeville United church, -and he will be much missed In the community' in which his long life of eighty-two years and six months was passed. He is survived interment was made in Maitland by a sister, Mrs. M. A. Howell, of a two nieces six . the burial service being - .,.rir1..�0,r THURSDAY, MAY kern, L$ KODAKS FILMS Developing, Printing and Enlarging H. C. DUNLOP The Rexall Drug Store - irdford Moth ;. �, cod 'ewaft Goderich,and by andcemetery nephews: Miss Estella 'Holmes and conducted by Rev. Mr. Hollinrake. Mrs. A. S. Watson, of Detroit; Dud- Four nephews of the deceased, Mr. ley' Holmen, K. i, of Whtgham; Dr: R. J. Acheson, of town, and Messrs, A. U . mimes of 'Detroit; Fred Ford, Jaa. Ford and Geo. Crooks Howell, of Cainsville, and M. AT_ of Clinton, acted as pallbearers. • The Howell, of Goderich, all of whom year, !were present at the funeral except t Mr. Holmes of Fort William. The funeral took place on Wednesday of ' list week from the deceased's resi- dence to Maitland cemetery, Rev, I. Kilpatrick conducting , the services. The pallbearers were the five neph- i ews who• were present and one grand. mere*, , Mr. D. E. 'Holmes, of Gode, - 'ric , Your Family and , Friends want oar', Photograph Make the appointment Today aaeed was in her .eighty-ninth R. R. SALLOWS 1 ACHESON... Mrs. John ,Acheson, whose death took piaee on Tuesday, April 20th, ,at her residence, 291 St. George street; Toronto, was for many years a highly esteemed real. dent of Goderich, moving to`'Torontp some time "after the death of her 'husband about twenty years ago. To deceased while in Goderich was an active member of North street Methodist church. • She 'leaves one son, John T. Acheson, of Winnipeg, and -five daughters: Mrs. (Rev) F. W leoliinralce, of Ifaniltone Ws.: R. N. Merritt, of Kitchener; Mrs.. Chasj Lane, ,of Detroit, and the Mis- ses Elizabeth. and Lan;ra, of Toronto. A sister,, Miss Jenaue Sneyd, of Win- nipeg, also survives. The body was. brought to Goderich by . the .noon C.N,R.train on ,Thursday, April 22nd! accompanied . by Mr. J. T Acheson,. Rev: F. W, nollinrake and hie son. Allan, and Mr. R. N. Merritt. The JOB' PRINTING AT THE prin. *DnouDceiUeu The Undersigned has Far, chased tie Gcderich Marble Works which has been under his man- agement for-fnony- years, and'• will; 'continue the businesd let. the same place. "There is at present on ,hand .'a targe stock . of !Scotch Granite, and other stones, and in.:order to reduce •thisstock' very favort able terms will be made to per- sons who desire a Monument at this time, • Cemetery work, inscriptions . •etc., will at all times be .given special and prompt attention. �. .: Robertson Harnilto>n^ St;, G' dere h P. O. BOX 247 • GODIE R3CftwOn+ Day Only FRIDAIINAY 21st Show Grounds, iflotorlat MIA STR. GREYHOUND A� R TCO. ANNUAI, LOW FARE EKCURSIO1s1 Goderich • to DE Tr R. 0 I, T and Return THE BIGTEEL STEADIER GREY'HOUN'D $4.O0:SAFE PEEDY,CODMF'ORTAELF $2.50 Round Try_ WILL LEAVE GOD RICH` One: Way Tuesday, Aloe 8th, at 9:30:4. len. Arriving Port: -Huron, 1 30 p.m., Detroit 15.341.:r n. - Returning ,leaves ' Detroit 1 pan:, Thursday; 'June, 10th • The �only.b'oat, trip from Goderich to Detroit.this season... Child' 'ren between 6 and 12, half fare. - Visit _ your Michigan friends and see big and :busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the: great interna. • tionel highway'4f lakes and rivers.. Don't miss at; . • .. - Last Trip Goderich to Detro'It, Friday,. -June lith, at .9.30,a.m..' Come and enjoy, the fun - - MOONLIGHT. OUT OF GO1 ERICH "„ MONDAY, JUNE 7th AT 8.30p.m. m. _ F'INZEL'S Orchestras -for dancing in steamer's _big new heli room Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 5Qc- Children' 25e. "This; David," he *would' have . told young Coppetheld,, "is the ideal place to wait for eennethitg4to turn up I "r Whether or n of you ate "wale. • ingfor something to turn up;.'. you'll appreciate the homey . restfulness oftheWestminster.• The solid cbmfoit Andy per- sonal attention of an old•time inn with all the modern con-. veniences ofa well•apppointed - fireproof hotel. Delightfully • event. - -•-_ -- ----- On apleasant residenaai stieet, dose to shops, theatres, "sights." Pivst-class •cuisine. Single.room with back, $2,50. Irbes.pivarrivrisTitnu. ask fora tt .lrxeCafeamd.uay,;•J'utaliklur" Orly NOMtit or its fiil canad�� 240-242 Jervis stn. 'Gu n o -1 4' 1 ., Rich, Soft Tomes Of A Brantford Root , Brantford Asphalt Slatesharmonize with any style of ll>tciti ticture, anti their rich, soft tones blend with their suiro sailings Int ail times of the, year. ' all ww►�t last for i years, art Are reetttent and give pertset pcetictise front 13 aniaillardliketilifiCaLimmemei Brantford, Ontario Stook Ceeariai, I ikira1aattrt Furnished and Sets lJee• on 3breatferd Reefing r•n lersel by W. M. McLean, Camiericie e• 1 ii