The Goderich Star, 1926-05-13, Page 1QTY SECOND Y "A*
�� ��i► oibcrkij
Dedicated to Goody Priming
The Star Wks ars dot . to
time tams of furni!s ,las mei*
of etiatcaetetaloo ararlakty.
•,.�,.- i, ,,.....,... , ., ,
Premier Ferguson Presented With Silver Candelabrum by Western Ontario Conservatives, E. R. Wigle, Centre Huron Makitg• the Address
...__.. .,..,, ..._111.0,.
Sun iifa AssuraNco Co. of .Canada
Ask__ yeeereit f the following questions :
I. Would your wife end ehil leen be ,able • to maintain their
present'st!ndanl of liviif you were cut off ?
It. Who would pro ' e food and clothing ler them ?..
3. 'Would the children have the advantage of higher education?
4. Would the home have to be ,sold.because of an unpaid mort.
5. Would your business have to be wound uh ?
Ii you cannot answer these questions to your own satisfaction
,;a consult us end we will give you the key to the solution.
TOWN�+ TOPICS l ilielt out Comientiat go to Gta.rge Cruickshank, Richmond M. McLean has been looking after Should any citizens care to leen
1/ At ti►e annual convention of the Hills and bliss Wflnifred Wood the distnbution of publicity matter their ears• to convey thent kindly ewe
klaitlaad• Golf !'lab Huron County Social ltervie. Coon- Newntatket fee the June excursions of the tify Capt. Kingdon. The band will
Ol+eaii.g May 24tli til to be held in North *vest Vetted milk Leaf Actiritks steamer Greyhound. return to Goderieh about 8 p.m.
ekurch;' Godarienr on Pr'y;ay, 3Lsy , Thu regular monthly meeting of Nr. and Mrs. Hugh piicC.ortkln, of Special meetings this week•ebiel ns
The &facial opening of Maitland 21st, an address will Le given by Me.,�,h� Map Loaf. Chapter, I.O.D.F,;:° Detroit, motored to Goderick and lelbws: Saturday, lltid, effete flit
Golf course for the season is set for ,Arthur Hawks*, chairmen of the •Oat- was <hald in the public library May were week�etad visitors of Mr. and a+.elittg an Square at 7 p.m.; casrtisRi
May 24th. !,trio Prohlittion Union Political lith t and Hiss Irene Sault*, vice•re• Mrs. R. R. Ryan, permits of Mrs. festival fine Citadel at a p.m, $ua.
._.:__ .•__-_.... ortthe -„►.a_ , '_►1cGoekin. They were accompanied day, May 23rd, open sirs in vstrleaa
Capt. et Jelly Mee West Hat eat presided« Further Arrange-
-. Cent. Finn of the JoIFy►.tnes want w •yv Z11e�, Educational Seclretaryco Detroit. Th 1 took a ft ing
vice at harbor park 3 p.m.; Salratiess
"The Politics of Prohibition.” Rev meats *eget made for the be It to by Mr. Raines and Mr. McLaughlin part* of town, 10 sera.; mutdeel Ng -
Thaw 119E ": Li. R. LANG, Nitric* Agent -
the winner of the hat presented rut• .ofAthe ~I'roh1bii:lon F tion of Can. he held next August. at the pavilion ? ey also 0o y service in Citadel, 7 p.m.; ommu
nually by a the mayor. on behalf of ads, Will *Peak ,oft thk failure o! the committees being chorea, • The vialt out to ;file, where Mrs. McCook• service, ckluart. 8,30 petty.+ hioni
in spent her childhood days, morning, only , it.3 to 11.30. fPror-
the town to the captain of tha,flrst p
Pro -
beat to arrive in port. The presen- Mr,al
hall Rutledge took a flying gram on Square. Don't fail to hear
Wien, was made last 'Thursday'after. visit to West Wwwanosh the. other this splendid band:
noon at the town !tell. day to see his brother, George, and • p
•found him out in the' field sitting on W STF I LD
seemed as natural to hint 'to handle Miss Reil Cook visited in •Goderieh
"Government Control." Reports of
the year.will he given add election of
onion will take piece. • 'The public
gross receipts from the recent rum-
mage sale were $100. A letter of
thanks is to be ant to Mr, Dean for
he use of his store. Correspondence
Reynold. Varna atter liltticealehl was read from trti7erovtnelsl Chap«
Garage 1iRV*rn ter, L,O.D.E,, relative to reaoluttons
A chatty be glow =e to be presented at the annual meet-
patently the work of • a *tours, was
perpetrated on.'" Saturd night . or
The official . ogonattg o . Sunday meriting when Bear's
The--Go'unctl of t1nY : Corrorution. o T•hur;day, June 3rd, is of -Irish descent and that accounts spent the county of ituron will unset an tht Ala a. nt•inbe'r of autom4 Y let tires and pe t the weekend with het sitter,
Council Chamber, (loderle:t, at 3 o lock - Repqrt of Bog Shipmate for- • accessories and about $ sash stop- f i for his strong constitution« lilt. Rut- 1►Irs. d. F:. Fllir.
in .the afternoon of • Tuesday, . the. ist • Week • Ending May 4,. 1926 en. An entrance was ' fleeted by p ledge also took a trip to Benmiller to Miss Gladys McDowell, of Holmes.
,lav of June It►4&.' All atcounts.against; try his luck in sucker fishing
the County must bre in .lens hands of McGaw- fiotal toga, 176; select Wringholes around thit•,.lack, which h 1 tog and ville, spent the week -end under the
the Clerk not later than Monday pro-- bacon, 44; thick smoetth, 88; heaviest, was 'removed«• .It is sli oaed that raptured 43. Beat that'i! you can.
-ceding the meeting of Council . he. ' p •- •parental roof.
Blue Water Golf Clue Opening
is invited.
the cultivator with three horses. It
Starting, yesterday ' mixed four-
MEt*.TiFlr. - souses are being payed on •Wednes-
.� d afternoons dt the 1
= , A Golf Club, also alternate .Saturda
bbterles, ap log in June at St, Johns, MR, re
moving picture houses, giving a
quota of 'British -made 61mr, the
apathy' of .the Canadian generalpub-
lic towards the militia and defence.
and realizingthe strong factor for
national success and peace, o is in.
valuable discipline, a strong recom-
mendation is made that the national
chapter use its Influence throughout
the Dominion in - order) that this
movement once again, may regain its.
foster popularity with the youth of
the lines as when a boY. He will be on Sunday. -
NOTICE. NOTICE O ay Blue Water g wi eighty three years old in July, but to Mother's Day service was einem*
1y'Q'TIC.Is. 'y�k.k.Tll,i, OP rlit.iiA:� • (,(ii ;�1Y Y all appearances at present he will in Weettleld United church an Sun*
afternoons Th f b live as Ion as his randfather who ' day
By arrangement tate Law Society
of (;gderich, •their ottices will be doted
"Wednesday . afternoons .during May,
June, July, August and September
(excepting weeks with a. holiday}
• and duringJuly and August at 4'
o'clock p.m. dally.
L. E. DANC1 Y.
D. E. 1101/MES.
10CRT ()Y' REV1SIO .
r- of eYi5 e' r the :Tfown-
AGourtR info h
ship of Goderieh wilt, be . held in
• II+)1mesvflle on Wednesday. May. 20th
at 10 a:m, All appeals against asaess-
znent or changes of ownerehep should
be mailed to *the clerk before that date
All dogs remaining on the roll will be
eharged In taxes.
11 G. T11 PRON. •
IL Ii, :', Clinton.
E31.- General : rarm. hand to
make himself o generally useful
on amen i arm •and rohard, Apply at
S'l'ash OFFICE for address . •
' ,*ANT D.Man w: o.'tan• soil. We
have •a proposition that wIfl
•,rake big money r someone in this
neighborhood. `.Zeo investment. This
is your opportunity to become .estab•
dltted in a very %%r'otlteilble, permanent
business•, State, ppast •exrrerlence and
, rererenses. Box' "0. S0, swat OFFICE.
UFAir�TED.--An Asatstant *5iatran• for
the Huron County' time at Clin-
ton. Ontario: Duties to commenee June
Ist' or air soon as rpn`slble" thereafter.,
Applications rreelved .ire .�thc under-
rntil' Max 26th. Pe s RINPIC '
�ec'�t`ar,_ri'in`aned` .'
LEARNA .711:�tDE. ,
1Ye -pay . en, •Hart thne While tenth.
lin r la'
Jag- Garage Work. and Hartbe
• .lactase* eswl N ! ewsiitC11'llftf
• trade. etitevttedlge is power. Ask ue
about our Plan. Call or. write IIEMP•-
IBt:L'S LTD.. 163 'King St. W., Toronto.
Arlt urs' an.•ut . Ott.• ; Heirdressfns• and
Beauty +Culture $01106le. •
C:uL"ACIL.t Y lived to the ripe olgrandfather,
a of 104.. 'Ho Miss R. Coventglokilks
---.-•�•. f•the course for the season will be et) gas station at Hruceffold was entered ego ry, of "lirin
25; extra" heavies, 2; shop hogs, e; the same gang operated et Epp'
AMONG THE CHtmeHES mtsa. Eva Cook retiisned homy ort
Counell,tit this meeting wilt appoint lights and feeders • 9 Auburn—To- (Carwige, Varna, and Werilake's gar-
li tit G g Sunday after spending aevexul weeks
valuators' to equalize • ..: oun•t
v. p•
I It• tad h 83' 1 t flue thick age, Bayfield which • were entered i
plica;dana made be made to Zn (It r ot3's, Ase ea on, 16 t c $ , , e n • The regular .meeting of ,the S.
yr any limber of Connell.. ' • 1 = •smooth, 46; heavies, 4; shop hogs, 16, u similar 'manse' the aart►b night, a
Fe '`!,' 110t.5IA�, . ; Huron County—Total hogs; .1642,, se- qusntit .ef goods being taken from 1 tI t i t thi the Auxiliary of Knox church held Little YCuthleen Elsley, of I.ondea-
tiouuty GiLrk. elect bacon, .►7Rt f.},ingr. i. on Tuesday aftern00n at 3,30 o'clock hero" spent. last weak with her cos-
Goderieh May f ith, tsde,
the land and their parents, also ro-
so u, one re postal rates within
Empire; re issuing a. booklet re the
�V,od with Auburn .friends. ,
each. ' 'The thieves made * dean etM Union lack for school chlWren. $10
away, leaving no clues to Work on.
Provincialn was voted towards the Building un
Godorleh is working 'on the ease of the University of Toronto Settle
Ladies' Night $ • men! House. Other requests were
Seaforth Expositor: Lila. Thum : Thugs• left over until the next meeting. It
was decided to leave the choosing of
`Lions Club dinner, held night
.the Com- the'library to the library committee
menial me .. sixty-five of the chapter. • Ten new names
guests, including Dr. Callow, the Rev, were proposed for membership.
c erlti an severs o era Tom Masonic District'Deputy Pays OID.ial
the ; Goderieh Lions Club sat down to Mas is District
• Lodge
a <sum l o s repast,daintilys .vec�to
b Mine Host Dune Tail' Twister Right Worshipful Bro, Di. T. D.
Frank Sills wait at his .beat, and•ke Orme, of toucan, D.D.G.m. for South
things moving all through'ehe even• Heron District, veld his official visit
smooth! •o41,, `g in the lecture room, sin, Miss Winnie Campbell.
vies 12• whop '
heavies, 92; extra heavies, ,
.k'.li,tl11ON SALES hogs, 78; lights and feeders, 15... " Constable Whltesides, of t d t d $ ild Fund Mother's Day last Sunday was hon- We are sorry to hear of the fitness
Goderieh Gnests at Seaforth .Lions + i 1 ored in most of the town churchea by of Mr. Maitland Henry; we hop* he
Lunt.' 1`' VON! STt141;
CGTIGY 1 li i .
tructe,l by Mrs. 11. J. Sallow; Since- the. • opening of navigation
'411 IMPLEMENTS. . - Many Grain • Cargoes
special iervices and in the afternoon will soon be able to resume hi;: duties.
the .annual Mother's Day service was • ]1 Mr, and Mrs.. Wm, Crosier and
1 am ins held in St. Patrick's uark, the speak, ";family, of .('rttwe, visited errs. C.rq-
to self by public* auction at the glene- the felidevmg cargoes of grain have day evening was 1 dies' ght t the pictures' for the children's room at ors being Rev, SVnt. Lowe, Rev, J, E. zier'e parents, Mn and ;spree W. IL
setu,aq Pnr)i !arm on• been •discharged at the Goderieh File• Ford, I , R. 1>;igle, b1,L.A., and, Mayor Campbell, on Sunday',
8' Tiellid 1T, MAY 15th • virtu: The Jolly Inez, 106,073 bush -
ial So Mac :wrin.
cammencing. at 1 o'clock sharp., els blas• 6th; the J. A. McKee 104 The United ch.reh, Victoria street Mr. and hire. Wm. McDowall spent
, 2 useful work horseee I driving 88t bushels,, May 8th; the' Senator, M D id e# 1 tli f and Union; pastor, The Rev. Selby Sunday at the lame of the Tatter's
home, in Rood condition (a good horst brother, Mr, Wesley Stackhouse, cif
1ears, x!18119 bushels Ma 9th•' the Ma le• Jefferson: 10 tem., Victoria St.,.be•
top a faintly): 1 Holstein cow, a , are,. A A ss , p ' • RSunday Brucei3old,
old, to freshen in may: 1 wagon ! • court, 146,1529 bushels, May 10th; the p u u er ginning mornin School; 11
Aeonrack; 1 erassov llarria mower.:; W. -C, Praez, 178,506 bushels, May y g y a.m., Victoria St., worahi - 7
G rut • 'ilagso+•itar'iis lav rake • Victoria P;� Pane The .Burnet Way to Save Money is
set ' Wain work harness and velars; 1 ll,th; the Negv Brundocr 182,000 pt , Union,
evening og eerviLe, 2 p.m. to pay a visit to "the little'shoe-
root punier; I set knee bobsleighs; I bushels, May 12th. The Laketon I Ln on, S ay sch ol, '3 pent„ Union, shop around the earner." Re-stock.
walkidle plow; I set of disc harmv?s: was. unloaded at the W.C.F.M. on ing. In a short speech, Dr..,Gallow to Maitland Lodge No, 33, A., F. and Communion. ed with odds and ends from our main
1' set of drag • harrows: 2 cutters. 1 Monday and. the . Glenrosa arrived congratulated the Seaforth •Lions on Aoki., on Tuesday evening. There' Services at Knox Presbyterian stem; gleed lower than +ever.
cream separator, praaeticali new, I A p
°� h h C Sunday will lie
islet evenin .for th mill. the work they had 'done and on what was a 'good attendance of the broth -
Tog ingarhain; i traits churn, , young 8 0 c urc nes conduct.. SIIARhIA:v'S,
_. .._. „ .._ . they proposed ,ited by the
legis: 8 stir pigs and other articles, == — p P d to do while`be atom era; a number of brothers came in Poster, Rev. R. C. bicDer.
T1rR5tS.--All imam of $10 and under. WARNING outlined thg endeavors of` his. �oaiat from Morning, Star Lodge, Carlow. mid, and wilt be as follows: 1] a.m.:�. :IITCAFI.I.. tt�,iCEB
cash; over l11•the amount, u months club in 'Goderieh: Rev. MAY • 241h
credo will be given on turdi� In a - _ . _ . AlcTrermid and there were several other visitors. Public Worship; subject,. "Many 2:16, 2:2"2 and -2:35 classes, 110[4
it 3 P L'NTl.LiS TAKE 1?tlr1ICL. No Hunt- also gave a short fiumosous idiac4urse • The second degree waa put On, and ;C ••• ;•.7 b ,kl,' i 2
- ptra -m . 1o1nG notes. A discount of 4 . era or dor allowed to trespassTowns, .. pan., subject, "Facing in
purses. Races at p.m. Bare-
h' h h ' ted; the 1). D.G. M.' paid very high coin- Handicaps.," • Sabbath School will be ball match at 10 aen, - llie La Salle
per cent,- straight allowed. for cash on_ on west half o Lot 1s► Concession i w tc was mac apprecia e
credit amounts. Gast wmvanosh. By : order of GEO..Board of 'Health pliment to the officers for the excel held, in the morning at 10 a.m. 111.1 Acrobats afternoon Street carnival-
. for ate tai, work. of the. evening.
The th k fY ri ti
1IRS. R. J. SA110.SeS. T. (;LN'DtiY, • S. stalk : • Dungannon, Ont
_. Pr'oovrietresa • Auctioneer. > 1
110USE11OLD. 1+`Lli?ilrl`LIRE. • r S_ present A letter from the town praise cheracterizin it as faultless
..Olt •iLkf.-tVashing 31ar ee room on Monday, Ms onnt LIf..:W'dvan►c
council, askpg the Board tet sec that Atter the close of the yerk;l thee:
• ,m, s, a esti e
a• n aceonnt s -advanced years.
lance of the work of the degree, in _stead of at.R dcl:ock-fa-the-ofternoou.tend--daltre-at-night: -
..,'.Chef . rip-bsae'd�►t-Fleetitb met om . .
LE Mondayafternoon . all themembers an offs ng meeting 1. ,
, for .which , he had only words of of the Arthur Circle will be held in :1111. 'ROBERTSON l'L'RCi1itSF..9
hiti'o and " g the ,1 tore o
t r e -
tYrn 1 t
n good rendition. o t• r il.,
Wringer, A
0 Ond f n.
3th `4
7 at ` 13 it '. S Sl and of t d
MRS. p ..,
O t h d
• •CI myna' R FR. .p.- ,.;lily•a1R`;t,�,..,St;,.tl_t1��k.'}t,..t3rock-�Et-�- dafay,_,pe�iaea a�.� c�9►t:k lod�'t idem,. adjournahcnt wadi •made :tors: Wen er �vi11 give the e k disposed or
«+ ,r ' »,gx^htir*-tturtiriiiy .it" fire' 1 being an 1 d in. tt g ;emote. .lir; Wm.. t amplxell has dt. pa.ed
ho e, worn 'vif Palmerston and Bag- s o R fi ALE:--Ovei!'lana ''Bluebird" �"'htch milk is b ng p;i to , are teethe banquet hall, .whets light re;: Miss Manson will give an',account.of the Goderieh Marble Werke to Mr, ,
IP, strecS.: iibderir +gin. .. .Tourin tJ+ir•"ood roomy 'car; In appcted jsetiodir ally! waa road• , It freshments lvore served; and sites.!: the rev to `tf i '+l • -�+ •
g g ' waa passed that the lnilkrnen be no -P inc i ince ng he d, recently John A, Robertson, who for MAI
SATL'cn mese 22r-1 first•teas:4 rendition. enity to C, all had enjoyed them fullyr a short in Toronto. All the memberii are
- ceinmencing at 1,30 o'clock 11. C.L1•RICE. Oiled to report quarterly to. the ;program of.•toasts was Riven, with years has been in pruetica►l charge*
+Doherty organ, i ddtboard, 1 r+xten _ :Board the names. of •all persons 'from 1Vor. Master A. J. MacKay Ail Wits urged to he present and bring their _of the business, Mr. Robertson will
:ion tabl , .4 dining. t'oom .'ohairs, 3 Cit t:1Lk:g. Barred ' .rock : eggs.
ggs for._ mite boxes. ,. 1 eontinre the business' at the 'same
reeking chairs. over 3a yards linoleum hatching, from birds• bred from whom they are getting milk, A let. ma ter The Kang. Was Honored by
2 bedroom suttee, gprinr.•t sn•e sun laying contest . winners, • SPttings . 4. ter from Messrs., Hays and Hays re- the singing of• the National Anthem Services at North _ St. United place, coiner of Hamilton and'St.
tr,',.ses, 1 bedstead, feather tick, x eats merest; $,3,50 per hundred. D. garding the nuisance of the town Then came the toast to the Grand church for Sunday, Mai 10th; Rev. Andrewl'ratrcet:r, end will as hereto•
small tables, clock, plrtutes; t ,i,u+ue.• C,. GAI,BA.tITTt, Bay Held, Ont. Tel stables was read and laid on the ta- Lodge, 'proposed by, Right Wor. Bro, C. F. Clarke, pastor. 10 a.m., Mis- i fore "give special attention to ceme-.
All kind., .for sale.
Several beautiful red. firlek houses,
including 2' bungalows, modern le
every respect:• 4 nice frame cottages.
nw dern, priced at 81300.4ll$00,. 62100 an
*2300; a numlbet-0! 7 aad 8+ -.roomed
- - droane `liauaes,- from '6(300 up. some
real good •bargains at the present time.
12 you ,attend buying come int and give,
me an4q,portunity of :showing you the
properties /shave .for•sale.
Beal 'Estate- .and Insurance.
phone u0,
• Life- (Sun Llfe1 ActIdent-And Auto-
' For Sale. --Farms and flosses quid
lots in Goderieh and rieinitr• -
A large number of properties listed
to select from, many of them very
eheap and easy terms .for payment,
'3, W. AnsveritON(3. • . ,
()Mee upstairs nett to - Gray R Co.
Store, Square. P 0. -Box 99, Godertch.
heater;. 1 conk stove 'Good Cheer),'1 i>t)£i r H, Cel �^ bye as. the Board dnderstanda the aloe Band, Fellowship Classes and legs work..Ills announcement in
square linoleum, 1 lctitchen • claire}, a H. C. Dunlop and responded to ' by ,
itch, inol s, •i' eon hie.': dishes, .ieal� .• public 'Works committee is taking -Right Wor. Bro. Orme, the D.D,G.M., Men'e Club.. Subject' for the Men's our advertising columns, page 4, will
k 2n barrels, garden'twee,o ks, STUDEBAlKER _ steps td abate the nuisance Art- to an eloquent address on the grin Club, "The Inspiration and Practical be . of interest to anyone who may
inion Centre: • . .
ere: re s, fin r : Cr e
• s. s. pans and other • eeticies..t sup= port-fromethe assistant sanitary in- riples of Masonry, which are the lose of the Psalms illustrated •by' an wish to procure a . monument at this
beard.-wash__tui►.-2--copper--43oi1Prr••L-•- ��u�� Cir specter for the month of April was •p;•;ncirles of right living, Other Analysis of the 73rd Faulty, ltd 1►,V time. •
• "k i
'VI 3 ; L d '
Idea oil stop •. a3 3 -burner and wringer, Rev. J. b:. Ford. Publk'.Worshin at
Coal oft stove. 8 burner perrrrt,o+r received and placed on fife � toasts were to the Craft. Oqr, VIsiC
era ,cap , lett r
1 pickles r els i" h1 Thai
itd's roc
Developing, • Printing, Enlarging; •
Fridays Musical Event ors andMorning Star ogee The •six hour service (Day), Satisfaction
and r -or arid. numerous_ +coHeliti'ob • The Stratford Male Chorus, which toast to the C aft was ,proposed by �.OQ, p.m. r
otta••r ! artletee. Eve:T:hirig mast be.guaranteed. CAMPBELL'S DRUG
seep, net „Tit's. Church is ailing gip. Four NewSetigi-l�alloon.T;.. will be hhard in North St. church on W. Bro. R. G McDermid, and was 'Baptist church, May 16th, Anni• 81.011E.
11 a,m, and 7 p.m. Sunday school at
q'i BMS. --+Each.
Friday' evening should be greeted'
t• TUI. IS YOUR IGATTUNi1Y a large attendance. There is aolna _stale The toast to Our Visitors Chancellor A. L. MvCrimmon, L.L.T.O. SPECIAL OP'1'1C.IL Vii:l'ER'
thing 'about male voices, either in m k1
ought responses fro. Bro, of McMaster University, will be the High grade. gold-filled spectacle3 and •
tai; AND (:C1N'TE:RI'ti, and 1)11IV• Mr;. J. W. VQf1aYlfeT of its own,and *hon well done never of Tnemone and ire, Stanley, of liver a lecture on Monday night on lenses, for enly.. $4:00. All Mheli •
Ph 2$2 Waterloo St fat
said without reserve thattho orgapi- Hugh Hill responded. • After singing and leader. Do not fail to hear him make:. of the best makers. Eyes
by responded to by Very W. Bro. Chry. . versary services May 30th. Ex -
-• t' I' lI BUILD, INC 5ti1:DS. la in its appeal, 'trudging a cher- Liman, and for Morning Star Lodge "His Royal Hignessl Man." Dr. Me. • styles of frames AM leaises at low-
ThP..Truitr'i• Board of Bethel Church.. eons us from various aspects, it can be W. Bro. Chas, Robertson and W. Bro: Crimmon is an outstanding preacher est prices. We handle only the •best
**miller circuit, wilt' sell by public
Kennedy,. o£ Toronto' W. Bro. Cline, preacher on that day and %will •de-
solo or chorus, that has a quality all eye glasses with best flaf spherical
tauri op apt the Ittemts, corner •of.. - "4:0R sit, of •RENT zation to be heard in Godtrich this At'id. Tang :lyse, the gathering Services next Sunday, morning, Mr
aaitland near on amp on. 1 E. It
C.o c i 4 examined by our well known specie.
brolce up about 1 o'clock R sung evening SL Fad li C iV1 Ii h el "" '
perience.. 'k ou are assured of the
week need not fear comparison -with ' ' ' • s , r. ug son, wi h 2t yearn: ex-
•1:N41%LOW FOIL SALE on Trefoil Everyone invited;
Colborne, on . •
OPLE WE 1 TOW Salvation Army Notes beat optical ; work to be obtained and
elurrh beetling, shoat teix3e. w, A, CHIaHOL1[, Trafalgar St. heard lit Toronto, while the'program Arrangements ^are about complete at moderate 'prices. Thersday end
+' • . ^ h, nhnnt 8x:7: i nv • nee i of un is of A varied character,..pessessing Revd $, C. McDermid . attended for the .coming of the London 1 ('Iia• I�riday, ;1IAy 20, 21. S311TFI S ART
• pipet : ! vargnn and artonl; 1 hoak•caar �Gg�lt .ALk.--A gaou .►u 1<ting. -,I Presbytery meeting in, Clinton yes• _ STORI , Goderieh.
:Ind .tale; 1 made:mare and stand.- . the east c ides. of Cameron. St.elements that _cannot fail to •pleas! tarda del Silver Bund, which visits Gude-
carpets and •coca matting; 23 seats: 12; second lot front Britannia ~road. AP-. all types 'of music lovers, .` Reserve y rich and Kincardine May 22, 2,1_ and
• TITT"Rgii 1Y MAY 27t1i �)
gar Street, Iced rug brick. oak the beat. Their quality, range and PLr
•^r•nimeneler at 2 O•eloek -twee: film with all modern cnneenience+ blending are egral to many things
•The' sea' horse is a member of t
chairs: 1 arm chair lamps.• ply,. to Stit a . Maci.T•Ntlh Cameron the date, Friday, May. 14. Tickets . Mrs Adam Thompson has return- 24. The band's last engagement was pipefish family. It is only a few
trrtvl � hells 'tn hp reed
c ea long._
n s 1 1 in three vtr, k •• _ •• 35 cents.' a ed to town after spending the ,inter in Detroit, where they participated in•h
'rt., each about 20x60 fret. floor and
. , Tac • an other articles. DESIRABLE' O : t tae
VRAIUi track d F PIt Pk 1 TY I. Ott 'ALE.Women 'a Inatitu4 Anal rte ti g•
Real Estatensdhisiriaie
1'rr1telS-•Siv months' +'re.I1t win be reamer of'►orbh'ami..N •lsbn tits.
in Toronto. • in a mantniiith 1nualcal evitlt' ewe 'ot-e
e n u e n :_Dr C. W.. G.; Fierier, of -Oshawa the best. American bands • and the • • BORN
•srl%en on •erirnishrit:s{- ;nparmetr. ta,fi•t`,tp;;ly to 1ti:.11.•JACKSON. • , The annual •meeting of the Code- was a week -end visitor at the home Dovercourt band of • Toronto. Many: lit•T4'1rE-4 Iv. to h,•cuiiel u1 stiff,
notes. A :discount of 1 per rent. at.
'Teta SAt.h-Special I;urRtin. 1 beak• rich Women's Institute was . held of Mr, and Mrs, W. R. finder. of the. bandsmen in adcl;'ion to play. "r"o' nn tt''''In,•sdes;o star tali. •1920.
tOW,'tl'fnr rtcta ing silver instruments, are string ins ' Th' - nd tits, tt. T. Itrte,hPs.,n. aka
r.'1tivl. J. �r�'yt)hlt, - T. 131'NiIAY:, .Pul red pr•'s;ard jsrirl. K ronnusl 7huraday, May • eth, at the home of 14Ir, and lyre. ('. F, (shaman. 04 , ISvw• Tiilpar,t . ,if illR4rood, ttu• srift at
• Ser'S Trustee.•, Board. Auctioneer tee •r, 3 vires Kalli and electric, Ricin Mrs. G. bL Elliott, After the rep. Wi h t th k d t strument:alists and will render items sol
Nk K k L s i linen r, v + in fan s e na eine MARiUED
unto, .., i,ut• Mies hiarjorid Clark of St
O. F' • CAREY� & SON Limited bit i 1' S ll ld 1 t t k with F. v � RI M Swanson; ec friends, the guest
.tee. and Toronto at. Apply J. '1' lar business of the meeting the an- ng am, seen a 'wee -en a
,at the musical festival in the Citadel •
•:-' ' nt, cera were elected for 1920.27 As fol• paon the 22nd at 8 p.m. The band will t f En!, : iittowe isis l,l tentnaaneet
s>�IIII>iG. Temple Building
'PHONE 236
• lows: Pres, Miss :1 . ace s r • Movie leave Godbrich at 1 p.m, on May 24th Hr";hit•'r,.kn c!ince'. Del Nit, on
• vice tires., Mrs. Chas. Youhg; 2nd sl thepastwee r .or Kincardine, where they will stage! r., nr..:.., . ,►r nib, hi the It•'�� Star•
of Miss Mary
tTle?: ill^ S'S11' len "1 t 1t
tG•cikI. •• of If fire tailoran, srft►tat, race preg„ rs, r wan , s r- a musical in the town hail at'3 p,m. li,i•.,Gi W 1; hi
i %Niers. n, learn ♦V, 1Itseenise t,t
ski uit the cornet' •,f Nei:• in stye, C:hureti treas., Mrs.- J. II. Marshall; branch row.
StrePt, In .splendid eendithm. All directors, Mrs. II. Black, 'Mrs. Me- Mr. George Downie, of the Mose-
rur,rlorn , om••alienr. s and up-to-date Connell, Mrs. J. F. Thompson; dis..c r n m e n t Iilgltvays, Department
"Mile lu,usr.Irt-, vt ry.' t Fur fur•. trict director, 31rs, J, f . .IaashaI1, Stratford, apcnt •. unday ars a guest
thor particulars apple to BAY'S it
•',h' Y'S. Barristers. ht.'.. 110dirielt, Yuri. pianists, Mrs. Beattie, Mrs. McCon- of Mr. A. Saunders:
► I' .t R'1 Yt1 N1' Tit -7 AI: �T.• -.soave nelt.Mrs. Wheeler; flower convener. Mr. W. R. Pinder has been. in Tor-
�= O'Brien • 5fe,at Market. .epl,ty Mrs - Swanson; Swanson, press ser., Mrs: J. IL onto, where he had. sty operation, and
LEX. $ - NDE:1t:.. Marshall; rerresentatives to the die- - will therefore. not be at his place t.f
f PA
Huron. Investments Limited
e"L.3111, - -- - - - ti•iet annual meeting. MiGs M. E. Sal' business for a time
Complete Wire.. Connections with AtLL Principal
Stock and Grain Exchsiingess.
We are in a give fast and'accurate
service in the execution of your orders, and to
secure reliable information on any listed stock
We buy and sell Osisko Lake Mines, Limited,
and recommend the purchase of this stock when
available, as a very attractive speculation.
We recommend the purchase of Noronda
Mines. Limited.
Change of Hours:
The New York Stock Exchange, the Grain
Exchanges and the Toronto Mining Exchange
now commence at 9 a. m. to 11:30 a. lit. and
rlr(►. RENT -II il,iuKi ui prupeity +nt keld !lyra, .% H. Marshall, :lira.. J.
Maitland unlet. 7 •eer.'.:mii ?:tune " Mr-. A. Saunder:c was It Hamilton
house. Apply to L. L. EX&►X, Town Salkeld, Mrs. M. Swanson, blra. A. D. last week attending the• annt•al meet -
Clerk. ; McLean, Mrs. C. Bisset, •ing of .the Ontario. branch of the Can.
inroletts To RENT.- etentrafl; locat• ):our Watsoss Wit Prizes in ndl an Manufacturers' Association.
of, 7 rooms and hate. modern, Toronto Star's Contest „ Mr. Donaldson, of Stratford, spent.
li n,P :ict neat d.•
M. W. Iii Vd'J. •. , The first -prize of $300• in The Tor- the week -end in (xodi'rlch and on his
onto Daily. Star's recent contest, "Do return was accompanied by his wife
• FOR SALE.—Two good comfortable mothers and daughters look alike?" and babe. who had been visiting
houses. bulls in a good Lrcatitati, conies to' Mr. Harty L. Watson, of airs. W. J. MeNevin. .
11-,k SO acres .,f ttatatur, land with Goderficly and 'the second . prize of Mrs..C, 1•'. Clarke, of. North street
abundance of water Giese to t;ode•
rich. !'erns to suit,a.ors. . $100, to his `sister, Miss M. J Wet. parsonage, will reetnve un Thursday
_ '1 t;t'tit1AY. son, white two others o!• the same May 20th, in the afternoon from 4 to
1 wu14 SALE Oil '1t► Ri.\r •ited brick fancily, Miss Manche Watson and 6 and in the evening from 8 to 1e.•
modern two -apartment house on Miss Vestd Watson, are among the Mr, Clarke will receive with Mrs.
Nelson street. hest. reshlentlat lucidity twenty prize winners who ' get $i Clarke in the evening.
in tloderie4:, can be used as one Nee e'arh. In announcing the .winners lira. ('. 1 ('larks. piles Clarke
'dunce 11th two t►aertnn?n,, a latae par.
The Toronto Star on Monday •said • a!rs. (Rev.) Hamilton, hiss larker
re'n for rel able Lenton �a iwnee leas,n� ,� o Watsona' success is in veer
; •
and Mrs. W. Naltel are in Landon
;.ernranentlys eddr'ss at, the Sts uf- .anee with the rules of the contest .today attending the meeting ;If Hui
tlj' or apply tkt D. E. IbileefE'�, barrier which said, 'As many members Of conferent a branch of the W.M.S. of
rr, t;urierirl►. one fancily as desire rias Compete.' the United' i hureh. o
FIIM roe one -./u task' T,•ree-h+eTp Different answers ver,' sent in by lir. and pigs. Gua S1cIead, of .lip -
of r.oderich ,on 1'rovluci.d til;h- the variolas members t.? the Watson
wen. 5 Mike; from ;io4'�rich end! 0 from family, one qualifying fiat' first' pi lar ley, were vi"sitota at the li ;:tie of lira
rrrrLenten, adiseent to rhur,:it and setae.' for second, and two With the ,arid Mrs. D. W. �turtta5 ote't Sunday.
haute.. Yarm resists +,f 'W (+rr,1' tet r Rev.
5. Ilsaidy att�'aideel
!loft sem t td well !91sT octen+•d. k mg t answer for the $.s prizes. Civ ;and
Rev.meetings of the Synod Attended Huron the
hgood a'r'inenf. bks. R i Toon! itnstrrr. hank ins to the peculiar iituatian es oro I.m.dona this wee lt,
em *00, drivinfr tense :cod ;wogs ther and elder, winning both the '
artm:rtr.'hard of ;,,i rre),,,l v. at 'r sit;,te principal prizes, The Star ie adding . Mr. ,' F. Mclean and Mrs. Me -
trees. Neter telling stab t• %ta o....
Far f.r 9i' p p.trlseninr±s aptri`• t,• to those %wards already promised Lean arrived front Uetteet on Y ao-
oewet.1s lat'h'e it, lc N,,, i, Teleskre: